• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 6,344 Views, 142 Comments

Pony Never Cry - Gypsy

Dante, Trish, and Lady end up in Equestria after a freak accident with cultist.

  • ...

Act IV

"How in Hell's domain did our bodies turn into these shit horse forms?!" A cloaked pony had directed to nine other cloaked ponies.

"Better question is where the fuck are we?" One of them had said.

"Quiet you two, what matters above all is the summon."

"But we cant! We do not have the items let alone the knowledge seeing as our other brothers that we have lost had most of the information on the ritual. It's impossible now to summon Khorne."

"Then let us start all over with another. This...place must have a few demon-gods we can summon. Anyone object?" The nine ponies said nothing as they didn't have anything else to come up with.

"Then it is settled. But before we do anything I believe it would be most wise to gather information and the castle on the mountain seems a good place to get all this. And one more thing, do not do anything to give us away." The ponies nodded and all walked out of the cave and headed towards the castle in the distance.

"So what kind of name is Dante? Does it mean something?" Rainbow Dash asked as the group of eight trotted to Ponyville.

"Rainbow you don't ask that kind of question!" Twilight told Dash with a stern look

"Nah it's cool, what was it, Twilight? My old man named me after a man by the name of Dante Alighieri."

"The famous poet? You got to be kidding me, kinda ironic that you're the least poetic person I know." Lady chuckled, Dante being named after a poet.

"Say what you want Lady, For a human to traverse the very bowls of Hell and come out even wiser than going insane is a OK guy in my book."

"You telling me that was true?!"

"Oh yeah, my dad even met him him on his journey, said he was an inspiration and other junk."

"Oh Dante I can't restrain myself any longer!" Everypony looked at Rarity.

"I MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE WEARING! That coat is simply divine!"

"What I'm wearing? Just something I whipped up." Rarity's eyes were gleaming with fascination.

"You never mention you were a fashion enthusiast."

"Fashion enthusiast? Hardly, that get up is the only thing he wears, I don't even know if he washes his cloths." Lady said.

"HEY! I have you know I wash my cloths daily! If I didn't I'd reek of demon blood." Dante shot back.

"As if you already don't." Lady rolled her eyes.

Applejack's ears perked up at the mention of blood. "What in tarnations do you mean blood?" Applejack stopped walking and looked at Dante and Lady.

"Oh well uh you see...We're demon hunters." Lady didn't want to start a conversation like this with a bunch of innocent cute ponies.

"Demon hunters?"

"Ah we hunt these creatures that do bad things ."

"And what about them good demons hm?" Applejack was in defensive mode.

"Good demons? Well depends if they aren't doing good things."

"And you just go right up and kill'em is that it? No second chances or nothin'?"

Lady was put off by these questions, she never really thought about this. To her all demons were pretty much the same, well with the expecting of Dante and his father. Were there other demons like them or that had the capacity to?

"Applejack that's enough."

"No Twi, I'm not gonna stand here and wait for these shady ponies to right up stab us in the back when we ain't lookin'. You heard'em they don't have mercy."

"Put it to ya straight Applejack the demons we right up and kill have killed innocents or were about to." Dante said as he stood there with a bored look on his face.

"See Applejack they wouldn't hurt us."

"Unless you're all demons plotting to rule the world and devour the souls of other horses." Dante threw in.

"No we aren't so that settles it then. Applejack we can trust them."

"OK Twilight but I'm keepin' my eyes on them until they can earn my trust."

"Alright then, Let's move out ponies."

Dante walked over to Lady and whispered in her ear. "She said ponies, you got to be shitting me, we aren't even horses, we're midgets. And look they have tattoos on their asses."

"Why are you looking at their asses huh?" Lady smirked.

"Dante was taken aback at the question. "Shut the hell up it's not you didn't notice too!"

"Only until you pointed it out, I always thought you were a pervert Dante but checking out another species?"

"Gah, I don't want to hear this, you disgust me Lady."

The group had finally arrived in Ponyville, the streets bustling with life. Vendors, children playing, Pegasi flying around, it was peaceful.

"Welcome to Ponyville!
I'llberightbackimgoingtogogetyour'welcometoponyvilledanteandlady'partyreadykaythanksbye!" And with that Pinkie Pie jumped into the air and dashed forward.

"What the fu-"

"Dante language!"

"That's our Pinkie, don't worry Dante she just went to get your's and Lady's party ready." Twilight explained.

"Ah! That reminds me I must attend to my business, I'll see you fine ladies and Dante later on."

"Oh and my animals must be hungry I have to go feed them!"

"Yeah I gotta go too, clearing up the clouds and stuff, see you guys later."

"I gotta go as well, I left Big Mac to buck all them apple trees alone. I'll be seeing y'all."

"Well I just guess that leaves us three...and Miss Sleepy over here. I think we should drop her off at my home and get you guys a comfy place to stay. I think we can figure out where you three can be staying when the girls get back seeing as I don't really have any space at my house."

"Let's hurry it up I'm starving for some pizza." Dante hadn't eaten for quite some time.

"I agree with Dante I'm hungry as well and I believe Trish will be too when she gets up."

"Alrighty then, let's drop her off at my place, my assistant will make sure she's safe, and then we can go get some food."


Sorry for the late update but fuck I'm getting ready to goto Florida on the 27 of this month plus I just paid $400 for a peeling treatment on my face and it burns like that of a thousand suns. Plus reading the constant fanfic's you guys write makes it hard to have time and as I may have mentioned before I've been reading non-pony stories, namely House MD crossovers which I might add most suck -_-

Anyways I don't know when the next update is gunna be.

Also what would Dante's Trish's and Lady's cutie marks be?

As always Comment and Rate and I might give you one of my tears and tell you your future.