• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 6,344 Views, 142 Comments

Pony Never Cry - Gypsy

Dante, Trish, and Lady end up in Equestria after a freak accident with cultist.

  • ...

Act VI

"And this is where I live." Twilight gave the three a polite stare and awaited their response to her literal treehouse.

"You live in a tree?" Dante asked unsure what to make of it.

"Technically a treehouse, but yes, it also doubles as a library." Twilight saw Lady and Dante's faces a bit scrunch as if wondering. "What's the problem?"

"It's a tree." Dante plainly said. Dante didn't take her for the hippy type.

"What if there's a fire? Biggest fire hazard I've ever seen." Lady asked

"Yeah, fire..." Trish whispered to herself.

Twilight was not expecting to have her treehouse ridiculed. "Um well I coated the entire building with a coat of anti-fire protection spell."

Dante seemed somewhat intrigued by her simplistic use of magic . Anti-fire coating would work wonders in fights"Pretty useful spell there Sparks."

Twilight lightly blushed at the compliment. "Thank you Dante, and my last name is Sparkle, not Sparks."

"Good to know Sparks, now if you don't mind I'd really like to sit down. I'm beat." Dante walked up to the door and casually stood beside it prompting Twilight to come and open it.

"And does it protect against lightning?" Trish somewhat nervously asked.

"I don't think so, that's another spell. Why ask?" Twilight looked at Trish oddly.

"No...reason." Trish muttered.

Lady upon realizing why she asked that glared at her as if saying "You didnt?!" and Trish gave off a weak smile.

"AHEM. Door. Sparks."

Twilight looked at Lady and Trish. "Is he always this rude?"

"Honey, he's always is." Trish told her

Twilight looked towards Lady hoping Trish would be wrong. "It's true." Twilight finding no confidence in Dante, she simply went over to the door.

Just as Twilight put her hoof on the handle had the door collapsed backwards revealing books thrown about, burnt pages, scorched furniture, and an unconscious baby dragon.

"OH NO SPIKE!" Twilight rushed over to her number one assistant. "Spike! Are you alright?!"

Spike slightly opened his eyes. "The..The mare...She's crazy." And with that he closed his eyes and began snoring.

All eyes were on Trish. "Hey, I woke up somewhere I wasn't when I knocked out and saw a little lizard demon thing and then noticed my beautiful body along with my very expensive clothes had disappeared, how can I have not done this."

Dante and Lady placed their hands firmly on their faces.

After everything was cleaned and reorganized; Spike put to sleep comfortably in his basket upstairs in Twilights room, the four ponies sat down.

"So let me get this straight, this place, Equestria, is run by two princesses who control the sun and moon? How does that even work? I've never heard of magic so powerful! " Lady was dumbfounded on the idea of someone able to control the the incredibly large astral bodies. "And not only that but one of them is your mentor?"

"Princess Celestia, yes." Twilight stated proudly. Few years of service under one of the princesses do give you some sort of achievement.

"Pretty interesting pony you are Sparks. How powerful would you say you are?" Dante had asked out of curiosity and the fact that hearing she was being taught by a seemingly god-like entity that rules the lands. Surely she can give Dante a run for his money right?

"I'm not one for bragging but I'd consider myself fourth in terms of magic prowess, as they say, knowledge is power." Talking about this was really boosting her already above normal confidence.

"Really now? How bout we go for a spar? Just me and you." Dante was itching for a hard fight. None ever compared to his brother, no one, not even Mundus. If only he shared Dante's ideals the two would have been an absolute unstoppable duo and including Trish and Lady, the four would have been neigh impossible to beat, a force to be reckoned with. Alas, that is something only appearing to Dante in his dreams.

Twilight went wide-eyed upon hearing Dante wanting to fight her. Fight her! What kind of pony would want to fight their friends?! "Spar? As in Fight?! Oh no, no, no, no! My magic isn't for fighting, only helping others! How can you suggest such a thing?"

"Whoa, calm down there Sparks, I didn't say to beat each other senselessly. I only asked to show me what you got. But if you don't want to, I won't force ya girl."

"Now look at what you did you got the pony mad, Dante surely you have no soul." Trish quipped

He smirked. "Whatever Trish."

"Enough you two I'm trying to freaking study these stupid books!" Lady said from the far side of the room.

Twilight heard her and eagerly dashed to her side in hopes of having an intellectual conversation she desperately wanted right now. "What are you studying if you don't mind me asking?"

"Uh...." Lady closed shut the book and looked at Twilight. "I can't understand anything in all the books."

"How is that? I mean we speak the same language, shouldn't you also know how to read it?" Twilight was thoroughly confused.

"Hm must be the race differences. That's all I can come up with." Lady said.

"Oh we'll how about I give you three a history lesson?"

Lady and Trish had agreed but Dante being Dante doesn't really care. The past is the past after all and he's more of a here and now type of guy.

"I can't read any of these."

"Neither can I."

"What is this shit?!"

"What in hell are we going to do now if we can't read a single book?!"

"Anyone up for a possession?"

"Hm that might work, but then again where are we going to find a pony suitible for us to use?"

"The librarian here would do the trick, surely he must hold more knowledge than a common."

"Yes...Yes that will do the trick."

"The real trick is getting him alone."

"Leave that to me. Every race, no matter what, is always attracted to the opposite sex."

"Look at us now...We're going to seduce a pony. What have I been doing with my damned life."


Sorry for the really long wait guys but damn life's doesn't give a single fuck who you are. Atleast one thing that I don't regret taking up my time is my wife. Wedding is this month over in the less than wondrous Tiajuana, Mexico. Also I can't invite any you guys sorry, it'd fucking bomb if I could, much love guys.

Also I'm definitely starting a new story involving the main characters of Skyrim, Dragon Age: Origins, Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning, and probably the best game I've played this year, Dragons Dogma. (these games all have something in common plot wise) ending up in Equestria to fight what is literally THE MOST HARDCORE OVER-THE-TOP-NO-HOLDS-BAR-THROUGH-THE-ROOF *censor* of all time. I will assure you, it will be somewhat good!

Anyways Comment & Rate