• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 6,344 Views, 142 Comments

Pony Never Cry - Gypsy

Dante, Trish, and Lady end up in Equestria after a freak accident with cultist.

  • ...


"What does the horse know?"


"Exscuse me?"

"They're actually ponies, not horses. Given their stature I feel stupid I didn't realize that. Three feet tall is hardly considered a horse."

"Are you done? Can you just tell us what he knows so we can get this shit out of the way."

"Yeah, yeah. Well it seems there's a certain book the pony has heard about. This book contains spells and rituals very taboo in society and most importantly does contain summonings, though what it summons is unknown to the pony."

"Does the pony know a location to this book? Let alone a name?"

"Presumably it's contained in a secure tower library in the castle of the princesses and no, the book doesn't have an actual name but for some reason a picture of the book showed up in his memories without reason."

"No reason? What do you mean?"

"It just showed up. As I was digging through a conversation the pony had with a colleague , after they changed subjects the image appeared but only for a few seconds. It was weird, they weren't even in a library and it was the first time the pony had heard about it."

"Wait...Did you say princesses?"

"Yeah get this, this land is ruled by two Alicorns, Alicorn meaning they have both a horn and wings, and not only that, they're immortal and control the sun and the moon."

"The hell?! Well that sure does seem like rather huge freaking road block in our plans!"

"Well if what the pony has heard about the book, these princesses don't pose that much of a problem, surely the book would have something useful."

"This book sounds very interesting indeed. Oh kay then, dispose of the body and let's pay a visit to this library."

The ten cultist suddenly stood frozen in place; their eyes wide open.

"Did...Did I just see the book?"

"What the hell?"

" My mind didn't even feel as of it's defenses were broken."

"It's as if it slipped past the mental barrier and implanted itself to me."

"This book. Is very interesting."

Dante, Trish, and Lady were left in the treehouse by Twilight who had to go get scrolls and quills with Spike.

"So how do we know those cultist didn't come here with us? For all we know they're here in this world killing innocent ponies for the sake of summoning some half-ass god. How do we go about this?" Trish really didn't want to see blood be spilled in such a peaceful and beautiful land moreso the blood coming from adorable ponies.

"Maybe they aren't, if they were we would have been hearing about brutal murders or missing ponies." Lady suggested.

"Or they could be hiding in plain sight, how do we know if they were also turned into ponies?" Trish wasn't really happy about the situation.

"This is just makin' my head hurt, when the time comes we'll deal with it, for right now let's just find out how to get home. Being a pony sucks. Can't even handle my babies." Dante began nuzzling Ebony & Ivory.

"Hey this is a serious problem we got here. If you bothered to give a shit on what Twilight said you would've learned that this place is ruled under two immortal princesses that control the sun and the moon. We absolutely don't need to make an enemy out of them."

"Uhg whatever."

"I'm back everypony!" Twilight and Spike strolled through the door. Spike carrying a large bag of quills and scrolls.

"I'll go fix us some dinner Twilight, I'll just leave these right here." Spike left the four to themselves as he disappeared into the kitchen.

"Sup Sparks."

"Dante for hundredth time, it's Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle."

"Again, good to know Sparks." Suddenly the large bag of quills and scrolls were poured onto Dante while he lied on the couch.

"Ha-Ha, very funny."

"Like calling me Sparks funny ya know since you feel so adamant on shortening my name I might as well do the same, seems
fair right Date?" Twilight smirked gesturing towards Dante.

"Woah, woah, woah! Date? You just took out the N in my name!"

"Thus shortening it Date." Twilight was suppressing a grin knowing this could very make Dante call her by her proper name.

"Date is too girly for a macho guy like me, I won't have it. Calling me 'D.' on the other hand, hoof sounds much better and definitely shorter than Date." Dante was on the verge of sweating, his masculinity cannot withstand every single pony he will be introduced to as Date.

"Nah, Date sounds much prettier and it kinda makes you sound sensitive, and with that white hair and peach coat it almost seems that you were destined to be feminine in nature." Twilight was laying it down hard on Dante, attacking his looks and his name hoping he'll learn.

Lady and Trish couldn't hold it any longer they busted into laughter.

"Oh Dante, OOPS! I mean Date!"

"AWWW! How cute, wittle Date is so sensitive."

"So are you going to call me, maybe, by my actual name or are you going to continue so I can call you Date?"

"Fine...Twilight." Dante stood there with one eye twitching.

"Thank you, hopefully this serves as an important lesson in respecting others." Twilight one, Dante zero.

"Don't worry bout it Dante these girls don't know what we stallions are made of." Dante took a glance Spike and saw he was wearing an apron with hearts printed all over. Dante went further into depression.

"I need to get out of this world." Dante muttered.

"Is dinner ready Spike?"

"Yup! Everypony c'mon."

The two royal sisters had flown through an open window in their throne room and were greeted by a slew of pony, most which were advisors.

"Princesses, we have urgent news." One them said.

"Uhg do we always have urgent news? We just came back from Zebrica. What is so urgent?" Celestia, if one thing she hated in her life it would be politics.

"Hundreds of ponies from Canterlot report seeing a massive rune over to the west. This rune shot out, as eyewitnesses report, about what looked like from afar as fourteen large bolts of lightning and once the twelve bolts shot out the tune disappeared."

"Any casualties?"

"None princess."

"To the west you say, do we have an exact location as to where exactly it appeared?"

"Analysis seem to indicate right above the Everfree Forest near the town of Ponyville. Here's one of many photos taken by one resident of Ponyville."

Celestia stared at the picture in shock causing Celestia to teleport to her room. Once there she levitated a quill and scroll and began to write.

"And she said oatmeal?! Are you crazy!" Spike recalled a joke Pinkie Pie had told from a whiles back.

"I don't get it?" Dante said.

"Don't ponies eat oatmeal?" Trish asked, also not getting the joke.

"It's a pony thing." Spike answered

The three all let out an "Oh."

"Can you tell us the joke one more time?"

"Yeah sure. So-" Spike suddenly let loose a small torrent of green flame that contained a scroll.

"THE PRINCESSES ARE BACK!" Twilight rushed over to the scroll and opened it.

Dear My Most Faithful Student,

It has come to my attention that a certain large rune appeared in the Everfree Forest. I would like you to come over here to tell me what has happened personally, I've sent a carriage to pick you up and with the rest of the elements of harmony.

~Princess Celestia

"There, hopefully this gets to her. What could have caused this and more importantly what came out of it."

"Sister what is it?" Luna emerged from the shadows.

"Luna...We may have a problem on our hooves. No doubt you've heard of this mysterious rune above Everfree?"

"Yes, it's odd to say the least but why would that bother you so much?"

"Did you forget your studies sister? A rune, not some small rune of simple design, it was abnormally big and overly complicated, take a look." Celestia handed her a picture given to her by her advisor.

Luna didn't like this one bit. "The amount of power needed! THAT?! That was there for over thirty seconds, do you realized what could have possibly kept such a spell open for that long?! Massive amounts of magic must been literally poured into it! By looks of it it must've been casted by over fifty unicorns, no, no this isn't right at all! What else did you hear?"

"That it shot out fourteen lightning bolts before disappearing. But the biggest problem with all this is something I wish never existed. This was a summoning rune by looks of it, though it looks unfamiliar I can read small amounts, and not only that but casted by ritualistic means. This rune was a caused by the death or multiple deaths of ponies."

"So what does it say?" Lady asked.

"How would you three like to meet the princesses?"


So here's this chapter.

Been real busy, busy is good, busy isn't fun though.

Anyways Comment & Rate

Next update will be... Infinity Pony

Comments ( 29 )

Nicely done. How's your marriage going?:unsuresweetie:


Wedding is July 11, been busy buying things for the wedding, suits, dresses, pretty much everything from decorations to drinks. Also work, need money. Once everything is done and done I believe I'll be churning out chapters for my stories like crazy...if I don't end up staying in room all day :ajsmug:

"Dear My Most Faithful Student" does not read well at all, I would put "Dear Twilight Sparkle" or maybe just "My Most Faithful Student" instead.
Anyways, nice chapter! :twilightsmile:



825263 Awesome :rainbowkiss:. I might get married a year or so after I get out of college.

825328 *That
I kid, I kid. Don't die, though, please. That would really put a damper on story progress :raritywink:

something like "===" or "---" to endicate a scene change would be nice. otherwise, seems pretty goodd.


I she willing? Lulznnot that that im implying your a stalkernor anything :twilightblush


God forbid i die cause few people loke my story :ajbemused: :P


How bout i use gore images instead? Since you seem so anal about it...nah im playing lul, but no, seriously, i wont put any of those

829026 I'm jut saying I'm not going to think about getting married till after college.:yay:


Thats pretty much the mindset of norma people. Can i come to thw wedding? On second thought nevermind i dont wanna steal the spotlight off you and your wife :rainbowlaugh:


Lul its true though, i dress too awesome for my own good. Anyways why doesnt anyone critisize my fics anymore?

831422 There's not much to criticize....


Huh i thought as much...

829026 meh. not my story, so do what ever you want gypsy.



832659 ... somehow, I think :raritycry: this emote fits you right now. anyway, it is a good story, and I hope you write more. :twilightsmile:


OK FINE....bitch

really date twilight just called dante her date :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof: anyway keep it up and when will dante devil trigger :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:


SOON, but I'll never tell :ajsmug:

"Three feet tall is highly considered a horse."
I believe you meant hardly


I believe I was hardly highly high high hi bye


the ten demons, Dante, trish, lady, and their weapons

about what looked like from afar as fourteen large bolts of lightning and once the twelve bolts shot out the tune disappeared."

I take it you've abandoned this one?


None of my stories are, its just that ive been busy. Sounds half-assed i know but the struggle is real lol

That I can understand. Though, it's been nearly three years! Sorry if I'm being rude, btw.

Wonder if the story might continue?
Pretty curious on what you got in store for Spike there.

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