• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 1,749 Views, 25 Comments

The Magic Mishap - Bluebirdd065

Trixie attempts a little trick to aid her on her quest for revenge on a certain lavender mare, but she proceeds to look towards a certain planet of ours. (In short, it's an HiE fic.)

  • ...

The Magic Duel

I woke up on a cold, grey floor which was home to a dark room. A small blue light whirred behind me as I stood up, hearing the clang of my backpack's zipper and meeting face to face with 'The Great and Powerful' Trixie, who I knew was NOT there when I looked up. She simply stared into my eyes with a dark grin.

"Hello, my servant. I am The Great and Powerful Trixie, your master from now on." she said coldly, just as the whirring blue light faded behind me.

Despite how serious she looked, I smiled, because she barely made it up to my waist, and looked so adorable.

She flipped her silver mane back, it shining slightly as the moonlight brushed past it. She looked up at me once more and noticed my grin.

"What are you smiling at, you fool!?" she stomped her hoof angrily, while a lightning bolt from outside flashed for dramatic effect.

I opened my mouth to speak, then saw her eyes glow red, causing me to pause and close my mouth.

"I thought so." she snorted as she began pacing slowly around me.

"You know, I've been observing your species for quite some time now." she continued pacing, inspecting me as she did so.

"You beings obviously weren't the most superior, but from what I've seen, your kind seems easy to control, and quite intelligent for the most part. And surprisingly enough, we share the same language. Sure, you're twice my size and contain more strength than us ponies do, but you know what you DON'T have?" she stopped pacing and faced me. Her horn flickered a bit as she finished her sentence.

"Magic. And therefore, I expect you to do as I say, when I say it; unless you like being turned inside-out?"

The image hit my mind, causing me to clench my stomach with a disgusted look.

"Exactly." she nodded slowly as she began pacing around me once more.

"Now, you will be staying by my side until I say otherwise, got it?"

I nodded slowly as I stared at her pendant.

"Good, now follow me." she said, walking about in the darkness.

I followed her out into the cold night, crunching the soft snow below me until we came across a small shed. She creaked the door open to reveal a small pillow and blanket lying on a hay-covered ground.

"You, will be staying here." she pointed a hoof briefly at the floor before walking a few feet away.

"Oh, and just so you don't get any funny ideas," Her horn flickered a dark red color as a bubble formed around the shed.

She stared at me for a few seconds before leaving inside.

I sighed and took off my backpack and set it down as I fluffed the pillow I was given. I shivered a bit as I gazed at my backpack.

"So much for school..."

I set my hands behind my head as I inspected the shed. It rocked back and forth as a small gust of wind breezed by. Staring at the ceiling, I started to actually process what just happened. I knew I was in Equestria, that much was certain, but it's kind of hard for me to be happy knowing I'm a slave to one who just happens to be going through Episode 5 at the moment. I sighed again at the thought and turned to my right, trying to go to sleep.

This was not going to be a fun experience.


I woke up to the sound of something being hit. I sat up quickly from my bed and crouched over to the shed's door. I creaked it open and saw two stallions wearing police gear by Trixie's door.

"We know you're in there, Ms. Trixie! Just come out slowly, so this won't get any worse than it needs to!"

After hearing that, a red flash appeared right behind me. It was Trixie again, and she was already planning her escape.

"And we'll go to Manehattan, change our names, work as local restaurant owners,-"

"Trixie." I said flatly.

She paused and looked at me.

"What? What do you want?!"

"What did you do?"

"That's none of your concern!" she snapped.

I rolled my eyes and opened the shed door a bit, seeing the ponies trotting towards our shed. I closed it quickly and grabbed my backpack.

"Trixie, unless you want to get arrested, I suggest you teleport. NOW." I rushed. I did NOT want to see what would happen to an extraterrestrial here.

And she did exactly that; without me.

"I mean't with me, too!" I growled.

I heard the galloping of the police getting closer every second. I spotted a small, crooked plank hanging on the side of the wall. I jumped over to it and started kicking.



I smiled as I darted out through the wall, hearing the shed door burst open.

"Freeze! Wha? She's not here!"

I looked back and saw the other one staring at me as I ran.

"There's a runner here! It might be affiliated with Trixie's crimes!"

"Well quit staring at it and go!"

And so he did, and he was catching up pretty quickly, too. It wasn't like I was a huge track and field guy.

He kept getting closer and closer, and just as I thought I was going to get tackled, Trixie came back for a split second and immediately teleported with me in tow luckily. We landed in a forest by some rocks atop a hill. I was panting as I laid down.

"Thank-you, Trixie."

"That's Great and Powerful Trixie to you!" she snapped.

"Okay! Sorry." I was starting to get annoyed of her bad attitude.

There was a long string of silence, until I broke it.

"Do you know where we are?"

She sighed, "The Everfree Forest."

I heard a growl after her sentence.

"We should get out of here."


I looked around and spotted a small cave in the distance.

"There." I pointed to it.

She looked at it and shook her head.

"Nononononno! The Great and Powerful Trixie will NOT be taking refuge inside of a stupid cave!"

Another growl.

She jumped a bit.

"Okay, fine! But just for today!"

We walked over to the cave and entered it. It was very dark, and you could hear the soft dripping noise of water from the ceiling. We barely walked in a few feet and sat down, both of us not wanting to see what was inside of the thing. It didn't take long before I heard another soft growl. I looked around and saw nothing, so I ignored it. I heard another soft growl and felt hot air hit my back.

I stood up and looked back while holding my neck.

"What the......."

My face grew pale as I looked up, seeing a GIANT. URSA. MAJOR.

"What are you staring a....." Trixie turned around aswell, matching the same expression I had and standing completely still.

Trixie fainted and plopped on the ground, causing the Ursa to break the silence with a blood curdling growl.

I yelled. Loudly.


I grabbed Trixie from the ground and darted out of the cave, screaming like a girl. I didn't look back, because I was already scared half to death as it is. That thing was so dang huge, I couldn't help it; I started crying.

"I DON'T WANNA DIIIIIIIIE!!!" I cried loudly.

I started Hyperventilating while I ran, and I stumbled a bit, forcing another screech from the Ursa Major. Every single step threw me almost ten feet into the air because of it being like half the size of the Moon.

I stared at Trixie as I thought of leaving her, but that would just be cruel, even with all that she's done. I ran and ran, trying to avoid all the roots and rocks in front of me in order to survive. I just. Ran. I couldn't tell how far I went, but a few minutes later I heard a loud whimper from behind me. I didn't look back or anything, I just continued to run until I stopped hearing the Earth shake. I ended up running out of the Everfree Forest, then looked back, seeing the huge galactic bear returning to its cave. I stared at the damage as I sat on the ground, Trixie still in tow. My legs ached as if I ran two marathons back to back. The adrenaline left my body as my breathing started slowing down. As the rush of energy left my body, I felt exhausted, and noticed it was already dark out. I picked Trixie up again and sat by a large rock.

I saw Trixie shiver a bit, so I reached into my backpack and took out a blanket that was part of my 'apocalypse pack' for 12/21/12. I gently laid the blanket on her, and she cuddled it, snuggling into it slowly. She smiled as she stopped shivering, which brought a smile to my face. I stared at the moon and set down my backpack next to me, closing my eyes slowly as the exhaustion hit me harder, and harder....


I opened my eyes lazily and started swallowing to relieve my dry throat. I rubbed my eyes and thought about getting up, until I saw Trixie lying her head on my shoulder, snoring lightly. I sighed and sat down, picking up my backpack. I slowly unzipped it and found a yellow shirt, medkit, laser pointer, socks, screwdriver, my laptop, phone, ibuprofen, and.. two 10mm rounds? I seriously had no idea why I had bullets in my backpack, but I guessed it would come in handy.

Before I could explore further, I heard Trixie take in a large breath and sit up. I threw all my stuff back into my backpack and looked at her. She stretched and followed my movements, by swallowing multiple times and smacking her lips. After settling, she took off the blanket and looked at me, confused.

"What happened to the Ursa!?"

I pointed towards the huge line of toppled trees in the forest.

"Went back."

She just seemed more confused.

"How did we get here?"

"I, uh, carried you here while running from the Ursa."

She stood up and brushed herself off.

"Huh, well maybe you're not such a worthless being after all."

Well it was a start.


With that, Trixie pulled out a map out of thin air and began reading it. I zipped up my back pack and stood by her, inspecting the map as well. As soon as I peeked at the map, she rolled it up and, I don't know, blew it up or something. But it disappeared into thin air like a firework.

"I am uncertain of where we are." she said without any emotion.

I looked around and saw nothing familiar; no Canterlot, no Cloudsdale, no nothing. I stared off into the distance until-

"Railroad!" Trixie pointed.

I looked in the direction of her hoof and noticed the railroad also, along with the soft 'woo woo' of a train's whistle.

"Do you hear that train?" I asked.

Trixie shook her head.

"Follow me!" I started jogging towards the railroad. She followed and noticed the train coming by.

"I see it!" she said.

"Alright, get ready to jump on it!" I said.

"What?! Are you crazy?!"

"Would you rather walk forever?" I deadpanned. It's a good thing I like to plan ahead.

"True, but how would we survive jumping on a train moving at more than a hundred miles an hour?"

I didn't plan THAT far ahead.

Then I got it.

"With you being so powerful, wouldn't you have like a time spell or something?"

Trixie nodded and stared at the train.

It got closer and closer, the whistle blaring louder and louder until I was right in front of us.

Trixie took the opportunity and shot the train with a bolt of red colored magic, stopping it almost immediately. A red mist covered it as it slowly started regaining its speed. Trixie bolted first and jumped in the train. I followed and set my hand on the door for the boxcar. Immediately as I did so, I felt a sharp pain in my left wrist. I jumped on the train still holding my wrist and inspected it, wincing as the pain shot around my body. I moved my wrist slowly with my right hand and saw a BONE sticking out.

I've never broken a bone or gotten anything dislocated before, and I'm glad, because this hurt like HELL.

I started to see blood gushing from my wrist as I stared at the door responsible. Trixie followed my eyes towards the door.

"Wait, did you touch it!?" she asked.

I nodded, unable to speak.

"Why would you do that?! Are you an idiot?!"

I shook my head. I didn't know why holding a door handle was so stupid.

She sighed and walked over to me. Her horn illuminated and my wrist became engulfed in red magic. She talked as she did so.

"Whenever a time spell is set on something, the only thing that slows down is the object itself, not the force, so touching that door handle is the equivalent to trying the same thing while it's moving."

If only I was given a warning..

She finished her sentence and spell within the same time, and she walked over to the wall of the boxcar to sit down. I clenched my wrist again, moving it around to make sure there was no more pain left over.


She looked up from her thoughts.

"You've been a good asset; it's the least I could do."

With that, I actually started thinking Trixie trusts me now. It felt good to be praised sort of, by someone like Trixie.

Trixie pulled out another map as I delve into my thoughts. I could hear the crumbling noise of the map as she spoke up.

"Okay, right now, we're on the train ride to Ponyville!"

I was going to ask why she was so excited, but her 'attire' jogged my memory.

This wasn't going to end well.

It didn't take long till I noticed familiar geographic structures from that of the show, but when I did, I told Trixie.

"How do you know what Ponyville looks like?" she tilted her head in confusion.

"Errr, hey look, we're here!" I pointed to the train station.

Trixie lit up as she noticed it as well, and jumped off the train. Instead of going through th station, we went through the side and into the bushes. She went through them and motioned me to stay here.

"If I get in trouble, I'll need your help." An evil grin was smeared on her face. "Doubt The Great and Powerful Trixie will need it, though."

I nodded uneasily and kneeled in the bush, trying to ignore all the branches stabbing me.

Trixie started babbling some stuff and a crowd gathered, the events of "The Magic Duel" playing out. I saw Trixie pretty much torment the other ponies with magic; I was just glad she didn't do that to me. I saw Spike crushed into a sphere and scored with, Pinkie's mouth 'recycled' and the magic duel. I felt bad for the Mane Six, but the last thing I wanted was to end up like them. In short, I was a coward. I saw as the enormous glass dome covered the town and left Twilight outside. I stared in awe as the whole scene was executed. After I saw the ponies disperse, Trixie paced over to me with a triumphant grin.

"Did you see how I showed that nasty Twilight Sparkle?" she asked with a giddy tone.

I nodded and forced a smile.

"I'm going to go conquer Ponyville. You can come if you want." she smiled.

"No thanks. I'm going to familiarize myself with the town, find some weak points or places worth conquering."

She nodded and walked away. Remembering how badly she treated everyone finally led me to realize she DOES respect me, even though it didn't seem like it. It was a certainly big difference, though.

With that, I slowly stepped out of the bushes, looking to my sides to make sure the coast was clear. Once it felt safe, I stepped out and was immediately tackled.

"I GOT IT!" my attacker yelled.

I looked up and got a better look as the attacker flipped its hair. And it was none other than Rainbow Dash. I heard galloping and sat up a bit to see the commotion, but was slammed to the ground by her hoof in my chest.

"You're not going anywhere!" she growled.

Soon after, the rest of the gang followed, excluding Twilight, obviously.

I didn't know whether to squee or feel afraid, so I just laid silently as they watched over me. Applejack immediately ripped of my backpack without a warning.

"HE-mmph!" Rainbow Dash covered my mouth with her hoof.

"What should we do with it?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"MPHN MM! MPHN MM!" Pinkie tried to say.

"What in the hay is THIS?" Applejack asked.

Everyone, including me, turned their heads to see Applejack holding the shirt. MY yellow shirt. WITH APPLEJACK ON THE BACK.

"What? T-that's you! How did it get a picture of YOU? And as a filly?" Rarity asked.

"....Ah don't know." Applejack began walking to me. "But it's got a lotta explainin' to do!"

"Mmmph mph?" Pinkie held up my phone, which immediately went off for no reason. WITH A FLUTTERSHY RINGTONE!!

I just kept digging myself a deeper grave.


Fluttershy jumped back.

"Th-th-that's me!"

After a while, the ringtone died down, leaving an Applejack wallpaper.


"RMPH? ARMPH FUMPHIN SRIUH?!" I tried yelling.

"THIS THING'S A CREEP!" Rainbow blurted out.

I heard more stuff being pushed around, till it stopped and heard a metal clack.

"Mpm mphm?" Pinkie shrugged and threw the bullets behind her, both landing on the concrete and popping loudly.

Everyone's ears twitched, and I covered mine.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Rarity yelled.

Rainbow looked at me and pressed harder on my chest, throwing out the air.


Pinkie still searched through my backpack, pulling out the ibuprofen.

She threw it behind her without warning.


I reached out and grabbed Rainbow's hoof, trying to push it off my chest. It was no use, she just started crushing my chest. I still kept at it, feeling the pressure intensify. It began to hurt, so I struggled more, before hearing a small crack, then a snap.

"MPHMMHMMM!" I cried. I started tearing up as Rainbow let her hoof up. I clutched my chest in shear agony as I turned to my side. I started yelling, tears everywhere as I spotted my pills in the distance. I began crawling to it using my right arm, paying no attention to the speechless ponies. I finished the last few feet and popped the bottle open, taking one of the tablets. The pain didn't let up, so I reached over and took another one. Nothing. My hand started shaking as I reached for another tablet. I popped it in my mouth, and sat on my back, still clutching my chest. I looked at the five, none sure of what to do. I stared at them as I continued crying, eventually turning to my side and vomiting up some blood.

"OH GOD!" I wheezed.

The pain, oh, the pain. So, horrible, so instense. So........


I opened my eyes lazily, feeling a bit woozy with a bit of pain left over. I noticed the Moon was still out, and I was still outside.

I felt slightly numb in my chest, and I actually felt the broken ribs sticking out.

I whimpered, and heard a gasp. Later, the same five ponies followed. They looked over at me again with worried looks.

"We gotta take it to get help." Applejack spoke.

"NOT SO FAST!" Rainbow yelled.

The others backed up as Rainbow glared at me.

"WE WANT ANSWERS!" she spat.

"Rainbow Dash! It's injured! We can't-" Fluttershy was cut off.

"WE HAVE TO!" Rainbow yelled again, slamming her hoof into my ribcage again.

I yelled extremely loud, feeling a rib puncture an organ.

Not soon after, Trixie came running over to me, pretty much throwing the five as she knelt to me. Her horn glowed as she covered me with a red mist.

Time spell.

I started to feel nothing as I my body slowed. I saw Trixie about to use her magic again, when she was tackled by Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy ran over to me and inspected my body for a second, before running over to Rainbow. I couldn't see anything, but I heard Fluttershy yelling at Rainbow Dash.


Then it went silent, leaving Trixie to run over to me.

"It's gonna be okay! It's fine, don't worry!" she started sobbing.

She moved over to me and lit her horn up again. Every time she re-lit her horn, she got more and more frightened.

It took a while till she spoke up again.

"Please, please don't die!" she started crying.

She dug her hooves into the ground and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes, and a yellow swirl emitted from her horn and encased me. I felt a slight warmth as I levitated slightly from the ground. I could feel my bones returning to their original places. I felt a slight sizzling noise, and I fell back to the ground. I placed a hand on my chest and sighed with relief.

"Thank you, Deus Ex Machina." I whispered to myself.

I sat up and saw Trixie on the ground, panting heavily. I saw the five of the Mane Six enclosed in ice, which was melting rather quickly.

I ran to my backpack, took my phone, shirt and ibuprofen, then shoved it into my backpack and picked Trixie up. I ran away into the city.

It didn't take long to find City Hall, and I sighed a breath of relief. I entered and set her down on her 'throne', telling all the ponies inside to get out. I sat and saw Trixie fall asleep immediately.


The next morning, I catered to her every need. I no longer saw Trixie as anything other than a friend in need as I helped her in any way I could. I was rewarded with a small conversation or a smile whenever she woke up, and I was glad she had been getting better. There was no sign of the five anywhere, and I wanted to keep it that way for Trixie's sake.

Two days later is when she started to start feeling back to good help, and it was a big relief for me. When she finally felt ready, we started walking around the outer edge of the town. The ponies looked like they had started to relive their normal lives, and the return of Trixie frightened them. We walked around the edge of the town multiple times until a certain purple mare returned. Upon seeing the mare in the distance, I got closer to Trixie.

Again, the scene played out.

"I guess you'll never see the totally awesome magic from beyond the Everfree Forest!"

"Trixie, it's a trap! Don't-" before I could finish my sentence, Trixie teleported outside and destroyed the barrier covering Ponyville.

"Okay, okay, you're on. A second duel.."

With that, Trixie and Twilight went their separate ways, and we made it back to City Hall. While there, all she did was prep herself for the duel, saying stuff like, 'You've got this, Trixie, you've got this!' and stuff along those lines.

Eventually the time came, and it was time for the duel. I followed her to meet Twilight, who was wearing an angry scowl alongside her friends.

Rainbow Dash growled at the sight of me.

"Let's start with a simple age spell, shall we?"


"Snips, Snails!"

The two fillies stood in front of Trixie, and without warning reduced them to fillies.

"An oldie but a goodie. Now let's see what your little charm can do."

I started spacing out as I watched the scene, noticing Rainbow Dash glaring at me every few seconds. I knew what was going to happen, but I was stuck on whether I should tell Trixie about Twilight's trick. Because even though Trixie saved my life and all, Twilight was considered a 'good guy', and I wouldn't want to betray Trixie or spin the world into dictatorship.

I never got to make my decision, though, because I spaced out once again through the whole scene.


Everyone stopped and stared at me. Except for Rainbow Dash's, whose eyes were already trying to destroy my soul.

Then, I saw Trixie back away slowly with her head down. She walked slowly through the streets, and I followed, being stopped by her almost immediately.

"Please. I need to be alone.." she said before walking away.

I didn't want to disturb her, so I sat by a wall and just tried to let my mind roam free, until it was stopped by Fluttershy.

She hid behind her mane as she spoke.

"A-are you alright?"

She was talking about the incident.

"Er, yeah, sort of. I mean, Trixie helped me out pretty good."

"Oh, well that's goo-"

"Why are you talking to THIS thing?" Rainbow Dash appeared.

"I'm not a 'thing', I'm a 'he', you bitch." I snapped. I couldn't take anymore of her.

Rainbow jumped back, but was a bit confused as to what my insult meant.

"I'm not a dog!" she snarled.

Twilight then joined the party.

"Princess Celestia's almost here, we should get going."

Rainbow's eyes never left me.

"Alright, then...." she turned around and began following Twilight.

After they left, Trixie came back, dressed up in her old stage clothes.

"I uh, need to settle something. You can come along if you want."

I nodded and followed her to the show.

It was already on by the time we got there, and Trixie began lighting up the sky with fireworks.

Twilight turned and looked at her.


"It's the least I could do. I treated you and your friends so horribly when I was wearing that Alicorn Amulet. I just couldn't control myself! You can forgive me, can't you?" she finished her sentence off with the most adorable face I've ever seen.


"Oh, good. Don't you think The Great and APOLOGETIC Trixie is the most magnificent humble pony you've ever seen?"

Twilight shook her head with a smile.

Trixie looked back to me.

"So, what are YOU going to do? I could always use a good friend to travel with." she asked.

Twilight hopped off the stage and walked over to me as well.

"Yeah, what are you going to do? You could always stay here in Ponyville with me and my friends. Oo, and I would love to study you! I don't think I've ever seen a creature like you before!" Twilight cooed.

The two unicorns smiled at me, awaiting an answer.



Since I don't know which side to choose, either, I'll have two comments posted up with either Trixie or Twilight. Just vote up on the comments, and obviously, the one with the most likes will be chosen.