• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 1,752 Views, 25 Comments

The Magic Mishap - Bluebirdd065

Trixie attempts a little trick to aid her on her quest for revenge on a certain lavender mare, but she proceeds to look towards a certain planet of ours. (In short, it's an HiE fic.)

  • ...

The Alicorn Amulet

So eventually, we said all our goodbyes and left to our respective parties, Lyra now being part of ours. We took the train to Ponyville as planned, and the whole way there I tried to avoid eye contact with Lyra, because I knew that Bon Bon and Trixie were the only ones stopping her from doing whatever she wanted with me. The thought always made me shiver, and just that single look in her eye told me what she had in store...and it wasn't very pretty.

But finally, the journey ended once again, and we were in the hellhole called Ponyville once again.

The reason I now hated Ponyville was mostly because I seemed to be shunned from at least half of the Mane Six, whom of which I wanted to meet the most. It hurt the most how I was seen as a burden in their eyes. But nonetheless, I had an amulet to recover.

The four of us walked back into Ponyville, me and Trixie being shot glares every inch of the way. We began walking towards Twilight's home for whatever reason.

"So how are we going to do this?" I asked.

"Well, we can either get it stealthily and chance not getting caught, or befriend those six ponies and tell them our dilemma. Who knows, they might even have a better idea than ours." She pointed. "Either way, interaction, whether verbally or physically, will most likely occur."

"Ooh, look at you, acting all sophisticated!" Lyra chuckled.

"Not really. It's just talking. Unless that's sophisticated for you?"

The two started mouthing insults to each other, and I saw the six talking in Twilight's library, laughing and what not, until I saw Rainbow Dash look my way.

I started freaking out, and jumped into a bush. The other two remained in a heated argument while Bon Bon tried her best to break them up. I didn't bother to tell them anything, because I was sure Rainbow Dash could hear mice talk from miles away. I started breathing a bit heavier, remembering my near death experience from when we last met. I tried to keep calm, thinking she could smell fear. I assured myself everything would be alright.

"Don't worry, you're fine. She didn't see you, she didn't see you, she didn't-"

"Yeah I did."

I yelled as she poked her head in the bush, making me jump out. I landed sitting down with my hands behind me, slowly scooting away. She just crossed her arms as she flew, a frown across her face. The other five arrived shortly after, and the three were still arguing. Rainbow Dash landed on the ground and began walking towards me.

She continued until she was right above me, blocking the sunlight from hitting me.

"Why are YOU here?" she spat.

"It's none of your business!" I retorted with as much dignity as I could muster.

"If it involves me or my friends, then yeah, it is my business."

See. Mice.

"Fuck you." I spat out also, gaining more courage.

She seemed unmoved once again from most likely not understanding my insult.

She didn't respond.

"Now get off of me." I glared at her.


"Fine then."

I pretended to try and push her with my hands, and when she believed she had the upper hand, I kicked her off. She landed on her back and got up immediately, charging a few feet before being caught by Twilight's magic. She snarled and struggled to break free.

"LET GO OF ME!! TWILIGHT, LET ME GO!!" She turned to me. "YOU STUPID THING! I'M GOING TO DRAG YOU DOWN TO THE LOWEST LEVELS OF TARTARUS ONCE I'M FREE!!" She yelled at me with nothing but pure fury.
"Yeah, go ahead and try it, Gay Pride!" I smirked.

With that remark, she just seemed to become worse. Screw glaring daggers, her eyes were like mini guns, each barrel aiming for my soul. We both stared at each other, the only noise being her heavy breathing and the three's argument which was STILL going on.

"Nu-uh, milk chocolate's the best! White chocolate is just stupid! All it does is sit around and say, 'Oh, look at me, I'm white! Buy me!'"

"Okay, you two, calm down! You're both not like this! Well, Rainbow Dash isn't like this, anyways. Are you usually like this?" Twilight spoke.

"Nnope, because I usually don't have a crazy damn pegasus trying to kill me!"


Twilight sighed and illuminated her horn, zapping us with something. Rainbow Dash fell asleep, and I walked a few feet towards the three. I felt a bit dizzy as I spoke.

"You guys suck."

Boom, out like a light.


I opened my eyes lazily to a pinkish orb covering me, I was lying on a couch and ironically, Rainbow Dash was rested beside me.

"Hey! Mr. Sleepypants is awake! Pinkie said, causing the others to gather around. I stood up and put my hands on the orb. On the other side was Twilight.

"Seriously? A force field? Do you WANT me to die?" I questioned.

"You're going to stay in there until you two make out- er, I mean, make up!" She blushed slightly.

"Geez, what's going on in YOUR mind?" I asked.

Applejack snickered as Twilight walked away.

I heard Rainbow Dash toss and turn a bit until she woke up. She sat up and walked over to my side.

"Why we in here?" she yawned. She probably needed time to wake up.

"She wants us to make out, apparently." I said calmly.

Applejack started laughing louder as Twilight yelled, "DID NOT!"

Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack as she spoke.

"Oh, cool." she nodded. She stood like that until the gears in her head started turning.

She gasped and tackled me into a wall. I figured it would hurt, but it tickled, mostly. I started laughing.

"What!? What are you laughing at!?!" Rainbow snarled.

"I-i-it tickles!!"

She punched me in the face, which tickled even more.

"What?! How does that work!?!"

"Like this!" I punched her in the face.

She moved back a bit and smiled.

"What the hay?"

She ran over to me and tackled me again, punching me repeatedly as me and Applejack laughed. Pinkie was giggling, and Rarity was...unsure what was going on.

It lasted for about a minute, until Rainbow Dash realized this wasn't going anywhere. She huffed, crossed her arms and sat down. Even though I wasn't on very good terms with her, she was still adorable, like all ponies, and I couldn't just let her stay all mopey like that.

I sat by her, and she growled.

"Geez, why all the hostility?"

She opened her mouth, but I cut her off.

"Why don't we start over?" I asked calmly, despite how nervous I was.

"No. Not after what you did to my friends."

"And what exactly DID I do to your friends?"

"You sided with Trixie."

"But did I ever DO anything to either one of you? I didn't break your ribs now, did I?" I joked a bit.


"Y'know, I didn't ask for any of this. Do you really think I wanted to be dragged out of MY world against my own will? I had friends too, you know. Best friends. Ones I could count on and trust. And just to be ripped away from them and into here..it's just... it's stupid, feeling so helpless and lost like this." I sighed. "Look, I don't expect you to care how horrible my life has been so far or show any sympathy for me, because I know that's not going to happen, but all I want you to know is, I'm sorry for anything that I've done to you or your friends."

I turned away and scooted farther away from Rainbow.

"God, I hate emotional moments.." I mumbled.

We sat a bit in silence, Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack now waiting anxiously for something to happen. I looked up and saw Twilight walking down the stairs, wearing an exaggerated serious look.

"Did they-?"

"No, we still haven't made out yet." I smirked.

Rarity giggled a bit and Twilight huffed.

"Enough with that, okay! It was a simple mistake!"

"Uhhhh-huuuuuh." I chuckled.

Twilight growled, and I heard a soft laugh from Rainbow Dash.

I spoke, "So anyways, can we get out of here now?"


"What? What about food?"

"I'll give it to you in the morning."

I groaned and sat on the couch. I looked at Rainbow Dash, who was still hanging her head in thought.

I sighed again, "Nice.."


So after about an hour, everyone disbanded, besides me and RD, obviously, and left Twilight to read books over by her fireplace. Another two hours left by, and Twilight had just finished a Harry Potter-sized book from beginning to end. She waved her goodbyes and good nights, and made her way up the stairs, leaving RD still sitting in the same spot with me.

All the lights turned off and I laid back on the couch, crossing my arms for comfort as I closed my eyes, then immediately felt something soft wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and saw Rainbow hugging me. This led me to wonder if I was dreaming already. I felt my shoulder getting wet as she started sniffing.

*WHAT THE HELL.* I mouthed to myself.

"I'm so sorry, too."

I couldn't respond because she was pretty much crushing me with her legs.

"I actually thought what it would be like in your position, with losing everypony you knew and loved. I-I wouldn't know what to do..."

"Can't, breathe.." I wheezed.

"Sorry." she squeaked and removed her four legs quickly.

She sat back down on the couch and waited.

"Wh-why? Why now?" I asked, confused.

"I don't want anypony else to see me like this." she said simply.

Confusion was flying all around me.

"I couldn't forgive myself if I hadn't apologized correctly, and I don't want to seem weak around my friends." she explained.

"Weak? That's the last word I'd use to describe you."

Rainbow Dash smiled, and she laid down on the couch. I did the same, but on the floor. She closed her eyes, and I followed, but not before I could realize what the hell just happened.

And I fell asleep.

I woke up a bit later to a light tap. There, in front of the orb was Trixie, Bon Bon and Lyra.

"Ya miss us?" Lyra smirked.

I walked over to the walls and looked back to make sure RD was asleep.

"Where were you guys yesterday!? Did you not see how much trouble I was in?!"

"Oh, I did, but that wouldn't be good for our plan! It was to be on good terms with those six, remember? And even through we actually didn't pick the plan, it sorta happened on its own. Well anyways, with those six occupied with you, we were able to get directions as to where the amulet is stored, and our plan is to strike tonight!" Trixie whispered.

"Oh, and she also got us up to date on your situation as of right now, and I'm here to say, I'm with you one hundred percent!" Lyra cheered.

"Alright! Good! So let's go!" I smiled.

"Oooh, right.. That. Well, we haven't really figured out how to get you out. Magic ain't that simple, y'know?"

I groaned and hit my head on the orb.

"Don't worry, though, we'll get that amulet soon enough, okay?" Trixie assured.

I nodded and saw them teleport out. With that, I laid back down and closed my eyes again.

"Stupid orb."


I woke up once again without a good sleep to the loud noise of snoring and the smell of burnt grass in the air.

Wait...burnt grass?

I opened my eyes and felt something on top of me. It was Rainbow Dash, of course. She had a hoof over my shoulder and a loud snore to accompany it. I looked around and found the grass to be pony food....of course. Cooking it was Spike, who was dressed up in a frilly apron and dancing around.

I placed Rainbow Dash gently on the couch and got up. I walked over to the end of the orb.

"Hey, Spike." I called.

He turned around.

"Huh? Who are you?"

"That's not the point; anyways, why are you cooking plants?"

He snorted and took the pan from the stove and tilted it a bit so I could see what he was cooking.


"....Seriously? Aren't you a dragon? Where's the meat?"

He looked at me with a shocked look.

"Are you insane?!"

I figured I'd get that response.

"No, I'm not insane, I'm hungry! And if I don't get some meat soon..." I pointed towards Rainbow Dash, "I'ma have a pony sandwich.

The look he gave me was priceless; he was so shocked, he just stood there, trembling slightly and wanting to say something.

I waved a hand dismissively. "Ah'm just kidding! I don't even eat pony meat. Only uh, let's see, chicken, turkey, beef, pork, pretty much any type of fish, never tried alligator or crocodile before....pretty much, a lot."

He stared at me a bit before laughing nervously.

"Heheh, good one! You really got me there, heheh.-"

"I'm serious."

Another priceless look. I snickered a bit before speaking up again.

"Naw, but seriously, any meaty stuff around? I gotsta get my protein!"

He shook his head nervously.

"Aw, come on! At least I don't eat ponies! Or dragons, for that matter."

He still just stared at me, then I realized he wasn't staring AT me. I turned around and saw Fluttershy with the scariest fucking look I've ever seen in my entire fucking life. I turned to look away as if it were Slenderman behind me.


That look scared me so bad I didn't even dare to move, but I had to find some way to avoid having my soul smashed up into tiny pieces and sent to hell.

Then I settled for my favorite tactic: confusion.

I didn't really know why I did, but I just, did.

And thank god when I thought of that idea, my phone alarm went off, featuring none other than, Fluttershy.


"Huh-er?!" Rainbow Dash sat up quickly. She turned and stared at me.

With that excellent distraction, I turned around and saw Fluttershy holding a derpy look. I used my best poker face as she went through a complete mindfuck session.

"Is that, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash cocked her head slightly.


Then thankfully, Twilight started walking down the stairs just as my phone stopped. As soon as she stepped off the stairs, the doors burst open.

It was Lyra, Bon Bon and Trixie.

"Hey! We stole that uh, amulet thingy from that crazy zebra!" Lyra yelled.

Everyone stopped and stared at Lyra in silence, the only noise being the sizzling noise of extra crispy 'Grasscakes'.

"Uh....I shouldn't have er...said that, huh?" Lyra grinned innocently.

And before you knew it, the three were stuck in this orb too.

I groaned and facepalmed.

"Great. Just...great."

Lyra noticed my obvious dissapointment and whimpered a bit.

I just sat down as the five, now including RD, who got out, glared at us.

"I can't believe I accepted your apology, Trixie!" Twilight said loudly.

Trixie's ears fell.

I stood up and got as close as I could to her eyes.

"She did it with good intentions! If anything, YOU should be the one apologizing!"

Twilight shook up with rage and levitated the Alicorn Amulet...

Before throwing it at a wall.

I saw it glide through the air slowly, each inch it moved having me think that I'm screwed more and more.

Then just when it was going to hit the wall, a bubble of light blue magic encased it and stopped it in its tracks.

Trixie pulled it to her and whipped it on in an instant. Everything still seemed to move in slow motion as she lit her horn and opened a blue Portal-looking portal. After she did so, Applejack tackled her, and I ran slowly towards the portal as Twilight tried to pull me back with her magic. I saw inside the portal and saw my neighborhood inside it. I ran faster and dolphin-dived for it, just to be pushed by Lyra, who jumped in with a grin. I flew feet away from the portal and smashed into the wall. I tried to breathe after having the wind knocked out of me. Bon Bon looked at me wearily, then jumped in also.


I pushed myself up and felt a bit dizzy. I held a hand to my head and felt my legs buckle. I stumbled back and fell back against the wall. Still feeling dizzy, I pushed myself up once more, before falling on my knees. I tried climbing furniture to help me up, but couldn't. Out of options, I crawled slowly to Trixie, who was still struggling under Applejack's rope.

I didn't make it far before I fell on my stomach. I continued crawling as I felt extremely sleepy.

I knew what that mean't.

You'd figure after all that I'd gone through, being killed by a human-crazed unicorn would be the least likely way to go.

Yeah. You'd figure.

I continued inching closer until Trixie spotted me.

My vision seemed blurry, and a small ring was heard in my ears. Fluttershy ran over to me and started freaking out.

Trixie started struggling wildly, kicking and yelling like I've never seen before.

The others had no idea what was going on apparently, and Applejack kept an iron grip on Trixie. Guess I wasn't getting out of this one. Trixie kept trying to use her magic, but Applejack kept stopping her. I stopped crawling and stopped. I looked up again and saw all the commotion at its peak, unable to hear anything.

I felt calm and warm. Odd feelings in a predicament like this, but for some reason, I felt so at peace. Perfect resting conditions. It was rather late as well.

Just. A perfect time, to just,

go to sleep.

The end.

Author's Note:

Sorry 'bout the long wait, but Black Ops 2 is so damn addicting!

BTW, I own with the MTAR and the TAC 45.