• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 1,752 Views, 25 Comments

The Magic Mishap - Bluebirdd065

Trixie attempts a little trick to aid her on her quest for revenge on a certain lavender mare, but she proceeds to look towards a certain planet of ours. (In short, it's an HiE fic.)

  • ...

"The Great and Apologetic" Trixie

It actually didn't take too long to come up with an answer, and when I did, it seemed like the most logical one, especially because of Rainbow Dash.

I turned to Twilight.

"So sorry Twilight, because even though I just LOVE being beaten half to death and nearly killed by a psychotic blue Pegasus, I think I belong here with Trixie, where it's safe, so GOOD DAY, MA'M." I knew I used too much sarcasm, but it felt right, even if it wasn't Twilight who tormented me.

Her ears drooped down as she stared at the floor, most likely from a loss of potential 'research'.

"O-okay. If that's what you want." she turned around and started walking away.

We mimicked her movements in the opposite direction as I started up a random conversation.

"So how'd you get the Alicorn Amulet?" I played stupid.

"I bought it at a market."

"Just like that? How much was it?"

"Two hundred forty-five Bits."

"You spent all that hard-earned money on that amulet, just for it to be taken away!?"

She lowered her head a bit.

"....Not all of it was 'hard-earned'."

"What? What do you mean?"

She sighed.

"I took a little more from a rock farm than I should of. That's why I was a fugitive."

"Was? You're not anymore?"

"Well, not n-"

"-Not in the slightest." A lower pitched voice sounded.

We looked around and saw police all around us, some holding riot shields. Me and Trixie backed up against each other slowly.

"Oooh, you two are in so much trouble."


We both sat in an interrogation room as he paced around us, throwing files on the table as he listed our crimes.

"Disturbing the peace, assault, theft, resisting arrest, terrorism,-" he went on.

"I think we get the point." I snapped.

He paused, dropped the files and stared at me.

"Don't test me, you stupid alien."


"I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!" he slammed his hooves onto the table.

Another pony entered and completely ignored us and the broken table.

"These uh, 'ponies' need to get to their cells." he said quickly before closing the door behind himself.

The angry one gave me a glare and took his hooves off of the table.

"Follow me...." he grumbled. We followed the grumpy police pony to a lonely cell in the corner, where he proceeded to literally throw us in there.

Trixie caught her balance before she hit the ground, but I was not so lucky. I face planted on the cold, concrete floor. I got up and brushed myself off, then walked over and clung to the iron bars. Before I could see anything, I heard another voice.

"LIGHTS OUT!" then suddenly, the lights went out, excluding the small window on the wall.

I stood there a bit in complete silence, then sighed.

"Out of the frying pan, and into the fire......." I whispered.

I walked over to the concrete corner of the cell and sat down, where I heard the noise of my backpack rubbing against the wall. I pulled it off and inspected it; everything was there. Well, aside from the two bullets Pinkie threw.

The one thing that caught my eye was my laser pointer. I didn't know why, but it just, DID. I picked it up and started playing with it, having it zoom around the cells, until I heard a whisper.

"Hey, do you see that? What's that?"

"I, I dunno."

Then I saw the two ponies slowly creeping towards the laser like cats. I shot it closer to them and made them jump back. They circled around it before one of them pounced it.

"Hey, it's on your head!" one whispered loudly.

The other stopped and stood still.

"Well get it off, get it off!"

The second nodded and crouched over again, where he tried to 'grab' the laser and hit the other guy on the head.

Trixie, who was actually watching the whole thing, snickered.

"The thing's laughing at us!"

"Get it!"

They stood up and started running after it, and I spun it around them, which got them dizzy and had them fall down, both hitting their heads against the iron bars of our cell. I waited a bit, then realized they didn't even move a bit. I hadn't thought of anything while I was having fun with the laser, but now, I realized this could be our means of escape!

I crouched and snuck over quickly towards one of the officers. I looked at their belt and took the keys.

"Good thinking." Trixie whispered as she moved up close to me.

I opened the door and got out quickly, mostly due to the station being so small. Trixie followed, and we ran into the night.

I felt like I was in a movie scene or something.


I couldn't tell how long we had actually walked away from the station, but the sun was going up, so there was that. I didn't even think either of us knew where we were going, but we started passing snow. I didn't even know what season it was, because they seemed to contradict each other.

I couldn't help but stare at the snow as I walked. It was so, soothing, and I loved the noise of snow crunching under me as I walked. I remembered the holidays, and all the snow days when I was a kid. I used to throw snowballs at passing cars. Yeah, those days were fun, and that was the day I learned what the middle finger meant. I wondered if my life was still going on back on Earth, if I was copied, or if the world stopped while I'm here. My family, my friends, Christmas. All gone, all of it. No spiked egg nog, no christmas movies, pumpkin pie, or tamales. Just, nothing..

I couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness wash over me, as I thought of my parents, probably going through hell right now at the loss of a son. All alone... My thoughts got the better of me as I sniffed. I tried to fight back the urge of crying like a baby in front of Trixie. But it was no use. I felt a tear fall from my face and onto the snow, and could feel her staring at me. I kept back the sniffs as we walked, but the more I tried to regain my composure, the more I felt worse. I couldn't help it, I broke down emotionally and fell on the ground.

I felt Trixie putting her hooves on my shoulder as she asked what was wrong. I didn't care, I COULDN'T care, I just, the world didn't seem to matter. Nothing mattered. I just wanted to be back home, with my family, not stuck here, in this hellhole! I never wanted to be here, I never wanted to go through all this...

I never wanted to feel so lost and alone.

"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

"I never wanted this life.."

"What do you mean?"

I pulled my hands from my head and looked at her.


She stepped back a bit, and I felt a strong wind brush by me.

"What? I-I-"

"I HAD A LIFE! FAMILY, FRIENDS, A FUTURE! AND YOU PULLED ME AWAY FROM IT!" I stood up and started walking towards Trixie.


I saw a tear fall from her face as more wind surrounded us. It looked like the start of a blizzard.

"No, I don't know what it feels to be torn from family, but how about everyone you lay eyes on hating you?! SHUNNING YOU?! LEAVING YOU ALONE WITHOUT A SINGLE SHRED OF DECENCY OR REGRET? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE?! HUH?!"

She waited a bit before opening her mouth to speak again, but I was pushed back by a wind. I fell on my hands and looked around, unable to see anything in the now raging blizzard. I couldn't even hear my own voice under all the howling wind.


No answer. I started shivering uncontrollably, and I had to make the tough decision of leaving without her. Unable to see anything, I simply tried to run in the direction I was facing. I couldn't even tell if I was going anywhere, and the cold was unbearable. I quickly unzipped my backpack and took out my med kit. I pulled out two hand warmers and started rubbing them all over me. As soon as I felt a shred better, I continued running out into the snow, until I caught a trail of hoof marks on the ground. I started running in that direction until I surprisingly started to see less and less snow. I felt numb as I got out of the snow and into a forest, shivering uncontrollably. I was just damn glad frostbite didn't come my way. The further I ventured into the forest, the less consistent the prints on the ground looked, leaving me eventually lost in a completely random forest.

I hated how all this seemed like a movie, where nothing would go well for the protagonist after a certain period of time. I felt like I was actually in an episode of the show, or being controlled by something similar. Whatever the case might've been, it felt VERY weird, and I had a feeling I could've been doing better with the Mane Six. But this was the road I chose, and there was no way I was leaving this place without Trixie.

I walked around the forest, unsure of where to even begin looking for Trixie. The more I walked, the worse I felt for snapping at her like that. Sure, she took me away from my world, but it was mostly that Alicorn Amulet's fault. She said it herself that she had no control of what she was doing, and with THAT much power, the possibilities were endless...

Then it hit me. The way to go back home.

"THE ALICORN AMULET!" I said a little too loudly.

I saw a bunch of birds fly away as I said that.

I looked at the birds a quick second before I felt a brush or something hit my back.

"Git, you ugly creature!"

I turned and got a mouth full of broom. I held my hands in front of my face as I kept getting hit.

"AH SAID *WHAP* GIT!" an old pony yelled.

"Quit hitting me! I'm friendly, I'm friendly!"

The hitting stopped.

I looked up at him; he was a scraggly old pony with a grey mane and brown coat. He was an Earth Pony, and he had dark green eyes, with a Cutie Mark of a... chair?

"Ah don't care if you're friendly or not, just git off mah property!" he slurred.

His little cabin was nearby the hoof prints, so obviously, it was a good idea to ask about Trixie.

"I'll get off your property if you answer one question." I said calmly.

He moved his eyes curiously around me, before replying, "Shoot."

"Have you happened to see a light blue unicorn with a silver mane come by at any time?"

He looked up at the sky with a hoof on his chin a while before talking.

"Why, yes. The young lady came by, said she was lookin' for a friend or som'thin'. I offered to be her friend, but she didn't seem too approving of that idea."

"She still here?"

He stopped.

"You said ONE question."

"Please, it's important!"

".....Alright. No, she's not here."

"Did she say where she's going? Which way?"

"Naw, didn't say where, but she just started walkin' that-a-way." he pointed a hoof.

I nodded.


I ran off into that direction.


It didn't take long to find out I was completely lost, and when I did, I knew I was, in fact, lost. I couldn't even tell which direction I came from. I was completely surrounded by trees. No water, no caves, no ANIMALS, just, trees. Worst part was, I started to hear crickets, meaning I needed to find some sort of shelter. I walked and walked, but found nothing. I walked miles ahead in one direction, but found absolutely nothing. Not soon after, I saw a bear nearby. I didn't know if it saw me or not, but I jumped on a tree and started climbing, 'cause there was no way I was ending up food for a bear in the middle of nowhere.

I climbed quickly, ignoring the discomfort of having tree sap all over you, and reached the top. Nothing but trees, spread across an open span of land that just seemed to never end. I sighed and felt sadness wash over me again, remembering how I yelled at Trixie. I'd die never telling her how sorry I was..

I came down from the tree and just continued walking after the coast was clear. I came across a river and sat by it, staring at the moon and being reminded of Ponyville.

I could've been in a town, meeting the Mane Six and most likely the princesses. I could've gotten a job, a house, a life... But instead, I was stuck here, stranded in a forest.

I sighed again, before lying down and feeling the all too familiar feeling of exhaustion engulfing me.


I woke up to the sound of a loud, continuous roar and realized once again, I was most likely in trouble...


At this point, I really didn't care about what it possibly was, mostly due to the fact of already being met with killer snowstorms, giant space bears, a crazy killer rainbow maned pegasus with major issues, and whelp, this world. Hell, not even a live ticking atom bomb would've surprised me.

However, I did feel surprised as I saw five ponies in construction gear chopping down trees. I looked around and spotted the roar being the engine to an industrial sized wood chipper.

One looks up and sees me, his brown eyes obviously showing signs of confusion and curiosity. His mouth moved, but no audible sounds emitted. He walked up to me, eyes never leaving me. The other workers' eyes soon followed. The pony kept walking up to me until his chin was literally rested on my chest, just staring at me. Seconds later, his helmet fell off to reveal a HER. Oh, but not just any HER. No, it was HER.

It was Lyra.

My eyes widened as I began backing away, having Lyra almost literally glued to me the entire time.

"Err, can I have some help here?" I looked at the workers expectantly.

Lyra gasped.

"It talks..."

"Yes," I pushed Lyra back a bit. "I do."

She just glued to me again.

I sighed and pushed her again.


I sighed very loudly and picked Lyra up.

It was like carrying a dog; just have the dog being really furry and gawking at you the entire time.

I didn't make eye contact with Lyra as I walked over to the workers.

"You're so strong..." she whispered.

"You're so heavy." I deadpanned.

I stopped in front of one of the stallions and gave Lyra to him, just to see 'he' also was not a stallion.

Bon Bon.. Of course.

"Geez, Lyra, you really ARE heavy.-"

"Hey, uh, thing?" another worker called.

"What?" I could only guess he was talking to me.

"A-are you going to eat us?"

I slouched a bit and gave him a "are you serious?" look.

I then felt something nudge me. I looked down to my right and saw Lyra smiling up at me.

"Can you pick me up again?" she asked cutely.

I raised an eyebrow, and she pulled off an adorable puppy dog look.

I sighed. "Fine." I picked her up again.

And as soon as I was about to answer the worker, Lyra nudged my chest.

"Now pet me."

I stopped and lowered my head slowly to meet her eyes.


"Oh, come on, please?"

I looked up at the workers and noticed their shrugs.

"Uh, okay?" I started petting her. I expected to hear a purr as I spoke.

"No, I'm not here to eat you. I just got lost and split apart from my friend."
"Ooooh, yeah, that's it."

The worker nodded,"Huh. How?"
*sigh* "I-I-I love this."

"I dunno. Some blizzard came out of nowhere and separated us."
"This feeeeeels soooooo nice."

"A blizzard? Completely out of nowhere?" he asked.
"Mmmhmm, mhm, mmmmmmmmmhmmmmmm.."

"Yup, completely out of nowhere. We were just walking and the snowstorm started getting worse."
"Oh, yeeeeeeeeeeeeaah!"

"Okay. And what does this 'friend' of yours look like?"

"Well, she's a light blue unicorn, with a silver mane and what looks like a communist Cutie Mark."


Another worker spoke up.

"Yeah, we've seen her."

"Really? Where!?" I nearly shouted.

"Well, she came up to us and asked if we've seen a tall monkey looking thing... I'm guessing that's you, right?"

I nodded.

"Well, she said she was going to Manehattan for some help."

I nodded again.


I started walking away before being stopped again.



"Ride with us?"

"What? Really? You mean it?"


"You'd be doing us a favor; Lyra would be devastated to know you left so soon." Bon Bon interrupted.

I looked at her, curled up and snuggled into my arms. It was so adorable!

"D'awww! She's so cuute!" I cooed.

"Alright, so it's settled, then." The worker walked up to me and extended a hoof, "Welcome aboard."

"Alright, everyone, pack your stuff and we'll move on out for Manehattan! I'm pretty sure we've done a good enough job here."

They all nodded and began picking up tool boxes and machinery. I followed them when ordered to, and we actually piled up into some sort or car.

"You have cars?!"

"Well, yeah, of course. How else did you expect us to get here?"

'Well, I dunno. A cart or something?"

"A cart? You realize how LONG that would take us?!"

When I couldn't come up with a response, he just shook his head as if to tell me I was an idiot and jumped into the drivers' seat. We all piled up into the back and began our long journey.


Eventually, all of us fell asleep after some small conversation, leaving only the driver awake. It was morning by the time we woke up.

"Alright! Everyone up! We gotta refuel right now, 'cause the next stop ain't gonna be for another three hundred miles!" He yawned.

All of us lazily woke up and sat up, staring blankly at one another. The back doors opened, and the pony yawned again.

"Com'on, com'on!"

We all got out of the van and walked into this retro looking diner. Lyra, still nestled in my arms, stretched her legs and hopped out of my grip. I opened the doors and heard the waitress greet us.

"Why, good mornin' to you all! What could I get for you fellas?"

The greeting caused the few ponies around us to curiously look at us, one of them being Trixie.

I gasped, "Trixie?!"

She dropped her cup and started running towards me; I did the same.

However, Trixie probably didn't have the same idea as I did, and she tackled me to the ground.

Then she hugged me super tightly.

"How'd you find me?!" she asked, having me still pinned.

I pointed to the workers.

"Those guys.-"

"Er, excuse me, but is that a talking alien?" a sitting pony asked.

I got up from Trixie's hold and brushed myself off.

"Yes, yes it i- OOF!" Lyra tackled me from behind.


".....Lyra, pleeease, get off? I can't breathe."

"Fiiine." she pouted before getting up.


"So, Trixie, I think I might've found a way to help me get back home. You know, that amulet? If you had the power to bring me here, you can put me back, right?"

She nodded nervously, "Yeah..." And I noticed it.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go through all that again. With the evil and everything."

"You won't need to, because I'll hopefully be there the whole time."

"Yes, 'hopefully'."

"Alright, everyone ready for another three hundred?" a worker called.

"Yeah!" the four responded.

"Alright, then, toooo the caaar!" he smiled, doing a fake march through the doors. I followed along with Trixie as we piled into the car again, noticing her worried looks.

"Roadtrip!" Lyra smiled.

And we started moving on to Manehattan.


Three hundred miles later, I could not WAIT to get out of that bus. I never had many good memories with road trips as it is, and being cramped up with five ponies in the back, one snoring uncontrollably every night.. It was hell.

Luckily, I spotted a train station nearby the entrance towards the city, so I knew where to go later on. Then we stopped by a local restaurant oh so cleverishly named 'Out-and-In Sandwiches'.

Unsure of what to get, Trixie ordered me a hay sandwich, saying it was 'heaven on a bun', and was what she would always get when she had the chance. I still needed to apologize to her correctly, and I was sure she had stuff to say to me as well, just somewhere less..populated. We all gathered around a table and waited.

One of the workers looked towards me.

"Y'know, Ah never did get your name, Mr..."

I never did like my name that much, so I figured I'd have my chance to change it now. I started to think up of names.

Hmm. Shepard, Lee, Alan, Chief, Andrew, Atlas, Frank, Chuck, Mason, Lasky, Steve, Kenny.....My god, too many names to choose from.

I sighed, "James."

"James, huh?"


Trixie spoke up, "I can't believe after all this time, I never knew your name."

"You never asked." I replied in a calm, friendly tone.

So after some silence later, another worker spoke up, looking at me.

"So what's the plan for you two?"

"Well, we're gonna go to Ponyville to get me back home."

"Which is?"

"Well, I'm sure you've already noticed I'm not from around here."

He chuckled, "Ya think?"

"Well I'm from a planet called Earth, probably billions of miles away from here."

He nodded, showing no signs of curiosity or shock like I thought he would.

"Huh, well ain't that nice. So how'd you get here?"


"...And that small little town has the power to take you back?"

Lyra tapped her hoof on the table.

"That small little town is where we were born, Hardy!"

"I know, Lyra. So anyways, that's the plan then, eh?"

"Best one I got."

He got up and extended a hoof.

"Whelp, I wish you two good luck, and I hope you get where you want to."

I stood and shook his hoof, seeing the others standing as well.

"Thanks, for all you've done for me. Your assistance is greatly appreciated." I responded.

He threw some bits on the table and walked out with his group, except for Lyra, who stood by the door way.

Once we got close to her, she began walking by my side and nudged my hand.

"Do you think I could go with you guys?"

I stopped and looked at her.

"Okay, first the petting, now THIS? Come on, now."

"Pleeeease? Look how adorable I am!"

She WAS adorable.

"But you have a job and everything here! Why would you just want to leave like that?"

"What? Me and Bon always job jump!"

"Job jump?"

"Yeeees. Now can we go?"

"What will Bon Bon say?"

"Oh, don't worry about her. You're not the only one who thinks I'm adorable."

I felt defeated in a very odd way. "Uhhh. Y-yeah, sure, I guess that's alright then?"

Lyra squeaked with a large smile and ran over to Bon Bon. Trixie slowed down and matched my speed.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"Lyra's coming with us to Ponyville."

"Err, why?"

I looked at her staring at Bon Bon with another adorable look.

"No idea."

Author's Note:

Even though I've written stories, I don't know a lot of little things, so help me out here; how did this chapter get views while unpublished?

Also, If you can guess the games of where those names come from, you get to have something you want, happen in this story. You only get one shot to answer, and I'll give a few hints: There could be more than one name to a game, and some are from sequels of the same series.

RESTRICTIONS: No cloppy or gory scenes. It's listed under 'Everyone' for a reason.

P.S James is not part of this contest thingy.

Goooooood Luck!

P.S.S I believe the next chapter will be better than this one!