• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 1,752 Views, 25 Comments

The Magic Mishap - Bluebirdd065

Trixie attempts a little trick to aid her on her quest for revenge on a certain lavender mare, but she proceeds to look towards a certain planet of ours. (In short, it's an HiE fic.)

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This is it! After half-assing many chapters and growing bored of my own story, I finally had inspiration to continue! THANKS COMMENTERS!


"GAAH!" I woke up breathing heavily.

I looked around at my surroundings. Trixie popped her head out and ran to me.

"What happened?"

"I-I had a bad dream, is all. Please, tell me, what's happening now?"

In short, you got hit in the head, and now the Alicorn Amulet is in Canterlot.

I groaned.

"Where are we?!"

"Pink force field."

I sat up and felt a soreness in my head. We were still in Twilight's library. I face palmed.

"How? What happened?"

"Well, I had gotten free from Applejack's grip and was able to heal you, and I ripped the amulet off so the six would leave me alone to make sure you were alright. When I fixed you up, the portal closed and Twilight trapped us here."

"Oh. How wonderful."

"Yep." Trixie agreed sarcastically.

"Ahh! You two are awake! Good!" I heard Twilight say. She appeared before us seconds later.

"Now." She pulled up a chair. "You two have some EXPLAINING to do."

"I'm not explaining ANYTHING to you!" Trixie snapped.

So much for befriending them.

"Oh, so THAT'S how it's gonna be, huh?" Twilight glared at us and flung the chair. "That's fine. I got all day."


It actually didn't take long for Twilight to fall asleep, and when she did, she was out cold. So was Trixie. I seemed to be the only one awake at that time.

Or so I thought.

The door creaked open slightly and a yellow figure moved in. It got closer to me and took it's necklace off, then shoved it into the force field and broke it.

It was Fluttershy, wearing her element.


"The Alicorn Amulet is locked up somewhere in the castle's gardens and is heavily guarded. I would go along, but Twilight and the others need me." She handed me two slips of paper. Train tickets. "Your train to Canterlot is going to disembark in about an hour or so. Go catch it."

"Why are you helping me?"

"I know about your dilemma, but the others are too stubborn to accept it. I would only hope if something like this happened to me someone would be there to help."

"Wow. Thanks Fluttershy. You have all my gratitude."

"It's fine." She flashed me a smile and left. I slipped the tickets into my pocket and nudged Trixie awake.


I covered her mouth and looked at Twilight. She turned a bit and snored.

I moved my hand and got her up.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here!"

Trixie nodded lazily, too tired to ask questions. We walked out and towards the train station, where the questions finally started.

"How'd you break the force field?"

"I didn't. Fluttershy walked in and broke it with her Element of Harmony. She told me the amulet was stored in the castle gardens and was heavily guarded. She also gave us two train tickets to Canterlot, which we're walking to the train station for. She said she was helping us because she knew our dilemma and what we were going through."

Trixie smiled at the thought.

"Wow. Remind me to thank her in person when we're done with this."

I nodded, and we continued to the train station. It was completely empty. We boarded the train after going up to the half-asleep mare handling the tickets.

"Thank you for boarding....-whatever.."

We got on board and took seats next to each other in the back. It was kinda cool that nobody was there on the trains. I checked my phone: 3AM. I was only awake these times during the summer. So we rode up until 7AM and made it to Canterlot. But missed our stop.

I opened my eyes and woke Trixie up as the train stopped. Just in time, right?

So we thanked the conductor for the ride and got off.

It wasn't Canterlot. It was the CRYSTAL KINGDOM.

Trixie just stared at the giant palace in awe, and I cursed myself. It wasn't until we started walking to the ticket booth did we get stopped.

By the Elements of Harmony.

Fluttershy hid in the back, and Rainbow Dash tackled me.


"NOTHING'S STOPPING YOU BUT ME, YOU BRUTE!" Trixie cried, pushing her off.

I ran to go help her, but was pulled back by Twilight.

"Oh no you don't! Not this time!"

She picked both of us up and cuffed us with her magic.

I struggled, then just accepted my defeat. A traveling show pony and a human didn't stand a chance against the Elements of Harmony.


Twilight jumped and let us go with a thud on the ground. Fluttershy walked in front of us and stood her ground. The other five were baffled.


"I DON'T CARE WHAT HE HAS TO SAY! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" Rainbow Dash snarled, breathing heavily.

We were attracting a crowd.

Fluttershy then growled and gave Rainbow Dash THE STARE.

I couldn't actually see it, but the way Rainbow Dash started backing away told it all. After Fluttershy made her stance clear as the alpha pony, she helped us up.

"I can't believe you, Fluttershy! How could you side with...them?!" Twilight said.

"Because I KNOW what something they're going through! But you two are too incompetent to SEE that something!"


Rainbow Dash and Twilight just glared at her, while Pinkie Pie and Rarity just sat in the back, unsure who's side to choose. Applejack seemed neutral... for the most part.

"Okay okay! What's going on here!?" A few guards broke through the crowd, followed by Shining Armor.


"Twilight? What's going on here? What is this thing?" Shining asked.

"Hey! I'm a GUY, not a thing!" I said.

"These two want to steal the Alicorn Amulet! And Fluttershy's HELPING them!" Twilight blurted.

"These two have a good purpose!" Fluttershy defended.

"We two have no idea what's going on!?" Pinkie Pie yelled.

Shining Armor turned to us.

"Stealing the Alicorn Amulet huh? For what?!"

Of course he sided with Twilight.

"Shining, I assure you these two have good intentions!"

"Good intentions? With an evil amulet?!"


"How is could anything GOOD come from that?!"


"And WHY should I trust you?!-"

"SHUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUUP!!!!" a random pony yelled.

Everyone grew silent.

Shining nodded finally.


I took in a deep breath.

"I live in this world called Earth, most likely part of a different universe. Well this universe, is filled with my species and I had actually had a family there. I had friends. I had brothers. And I had parents. Well-"

Trixie cut me off. "-during that time, I had obtained the Alicorn Amulet and pulled him away from his family via portal with intentions of him becoming my servant, but-"

Fluttershy continued. "-the more time the two spent together, they became friends, and after Twilight got ahold of the amulet again,-"

"-I had figured the amulet would have the power to send me back home if it brought me here, so,-"

"-with the help of Lyra and Bon Bon, I got hold of the amulet again and opened a portal to Earth, which the two jumped through, leaving me and James here to try and get it back to retry sending him back." Trixis finished.

There was a long string of silence.

"Oooooh! So THAT'S what's going on!" Pinkie yelled.

Shining Armor gave us an odd look.

"....I believe you guys."

The crowd cheered.

Twilight snarled.


Her big brother turned to her.

"Sis, calm down."


I flipped her off. She didn't even know what that meant.

"HEY! F**K YOU TOO!" She cried.

Okay, maybe she did.

Shining muttered to himself.

"Celestia I can't believe I'm saying this- GUARDS! Escort Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash off the premises!"

"Right away sir!"

Some crystal guards showed up and moved Twilight and Rainbow Dash away.

"HEY! GET OFF ME! I CAN WALK MYSELF!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

After the two were escorted, the crowd cheered again.

This story came to a weird twist. You usually don't see the 'heroes' become the bad guys. hopefully though, this story was almost over. Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack, unsure of where to go, just joined us.

Shining walked up to us.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what's gotten into Twilight; I'm sure you two are good though. Winning the Element of Kindness proves that."

Fluttershy smiled, and we were sent back on a train to Canterlot, Shining by us the whole time.

We got many looks the way there, and the guards thought Shining was turning us in.

Eventually, we appeared before the Princesses, whom of which I figured I would have seen earlier. Nonetheless, we were there, and Shining Armor presented our dilemma to the princesses. Once they proved out story to be true, they actually gave us the go ahead to use the Amulet.

So we made our way to the gardens and Trixie gave the amulet a look. She then turned to me and hugged me. I hugged back, knowing this was it.

"Y'know, even after the way I treated you, I thought it was odd how you still stood by my side. I had insulted you, pulled you from your world and treated you like dirt. Yet you stayed by me. You helped me in more ways than one, and became my one and only true friend. I used to think power was the only thing I desired, but after I met you, after you saved me, I realized a good friend was the only thing bringing me down, and what you gave to me, was something only a true friend such as yourself could give me." Trixie was tearing up.

I hugged her tightly.

"I don't know what to say.-"

"You don't need to. Just know that you showed a lonely show pony what friendship actually feels like, and that you created a big impact on her life."

I smiled, tearing up as well.

Eventually, we broke the hug, and Trixie took the amulet out of it's glass casing. She looked at it and took a deep breath. From there, she put it on and immediately focused her energy on a portal. The blue oval finally appeared in it's fullest form, and I walked by it. Before I entered it, I looked back at Fluttershy.

"Thank you, Fluttershy, for all that you've done. We would have never made it here if it weren't for you."

She smiled and I turned back. I saw my room. I waved back, then slowly descended into the portal.


A bright and blue light flashed my eyes for about a quick second, then I ended up on my bedroom floor. I looked back and noticed nothing behind me but my curtains. I sighed. After all that, I was finally back home. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Then I noticed something in the corner of my eye. I looked to my right and saw two blobs. They froze, and I turned on the light.

Then a certain mint colored unicorn smiled at me.


The End.

Comments ( 3 )



I didn't think about that yet.

2855543 You just ended in a way to make people think that:rainbowlaugh:

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