• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 3,914 Views, 198 Comments

How I Became An Alicorn... - ShadowBolt94

A look into the humanized world of Equestria, and into the life of our favorite little scholar Twilight Sparkle, years after finding her daughter Nyx in the Everfree Forest Nyx comes to ask the question of how exactly Twilight became who she is today

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Chapter 8

How I Became An Alicorn…

Chapter 8: Confusing Times.

“Nyx, do you remember when you turned 13…?” Twilight asked her daughter as she took a small break from storytelling to sip her tea and sooth her throat.

“Yeah, and Pinkie threw this huge party and invited all of Ponyville, Appleoosa, most of Canterlot, and half of Manhattan…?” she asked having Spike pour her more tea. Twilight nodded as she set her cup down.

“Yes, but do you remember when I took you aside to talk to you about the changes that were going to be happening to you soon…?” she prompted, it resulted in her daughter and her brother both shuttering in displeasure, Spike having been given ‘The Talk’ only a few years ago.

“Yeah, and I also remember being traumatized for a week after that and locking myself in the old castle refusing to come out, even for school.” Nyx replied her cat like green eyes narrowing at the memory.

“Well, around that time, after we’d all gotten back from our holiday break and had our big New Year’s party, which by the way almost got us suspended but I’ll tell that story a bit later, I started to notice a lot of changes in my friends. Not just physical ones either, because I knew the biology behind that well enough and my parents were personally a bit too conserved to give me the full details but I eventually figured them out all on my own. But what I noticed was an emotional shift in them. It was small at first, like a little sprout that had formed over the break.

“Fluttershy seemed even quieter believe it or not, she still talked but whenever she was with us she’d only whisper and it seemed like she was scared of something. Rarity was beyond over dramatic about even the littlest things. I used to think it was because she was in theater but she proved me wrong after the plays let out and she didn’t have a reason to be so melodramatic all the time. Pinkie’s was hard to spot but she slowly got more and more clingy to the five of us and she often got upset if we skipped out on her parties a few times in a row, which was pretty easy since she threw them almost every day. Rainbow Dash’s was the easiest to see but it was defiantly the biggest problem, she got more aggressive and seemed pretty snappy when anyone was too emotional over something. Or worst of all if she saw any happy couples hanging around. Before she would have just gagged at it and moved on but it irritated her more and more each time she saw it. There was a big incident on Valentine’s Day that landed her in detention for a month but the details I have on that are foggy at best so I won’t go into it. Applejack was always pretty paranoid and got nervous really easily when we were in a group together. She always looked like she was waiting for someone to jump her and beat her up. Well, they would have tried but getting in a fight with someone in advanced MMA is a pretty bad idea.” Twilight explained carefully. Nyx nodded remembering seeing her fight off three Timberwolves all by herself when she was 11. Applejack was NOT a force to be messed with.

“Well, Twilight started to get worried. Really worried. Like we’re talking the Smarty Pants incident all over again worried.” Spike continued for her. Twilight cringed at the reference. “So she turned to the only source of wisdom she could find about the condition of five hormonal teenagers, Princess Luna.” He went on. Twilight nodded and took back over having finished the cup of tea.

“I gave her the story I just told you and she laughed in my face. I was of course, as you can imagine, shocked and a bit offended.”

*********************Resume 3rd person Flashback style*********************

Luna had been rolling on the ground for two minutes now and Twilight was beginning to feel a vein throb from irritation. Spike noticed this and cleared his throat.

“Luna, I think Twilight is about to blow, you’d better reel it in.” he announced. Luna did so and her breathing was wheezy and she had streaks down her face from where her makeup had run with tears but she was still smiling.

“Wooooo, I needed that laugh. Okay,” she said breathing in once more and dabbing at her eyes with a tissue to erase the make-up streaks. “I apologize for my rudeness Twilight but that was un avoidable in your oblivious state.” She explained with a small smile. Twilight blew a strand of dark purple bangs out of her face and frowned crossing her arms.

“So I take it that means you know what’s wrong with them then…?” she asked the lunar princess.

“Oh I think I have a pretty good guess, but you’re not going to like it.” she explained her teal eyes twinkling with amusement. “Spike, go get on your game, there’s going to be hellfire in a few minutes and you don’t want to hear it.” Luna ordered. Spike saluted her and quickly jumped of the couch using his short legs to run into his room and bolt it shut. Luna waited until she could hear the tell-tale start up music of his game before she continued to an uneasy looking Twilight Sparkle. “You say your friends only act weird when you’re all together right…?” she asked the student of her sister. Twilight nodded.

“Yeah, except Dash who’s just agitated all the time now, but it’s only brought on after she sees a couple together somewhere. But around here that’s pretty often. And right after a lot of those fits she and Applejack will spar. It’s something to get her mind of the anger.” She replied tapping her chin a bit in thought.

“Well that’s actually your biggest hint right there. Tell me, are you aware of something called Catharsis…?” she asked.

“Yes, it’s a psychological term for when teenagers use physical activity like sports to release sexual tensions that build in their social… circles… oh no.” Twilight’s eyes widened in realization and she quickly covered her mouth. Luna smirked a bit at her reaction.

“I told you, you wouldn’t like the answer.” She countered as Twilight’s hair started to stand up on end. “Now, come on, there’s no need to over react about this. Besides, it’s a very small case and it’s having different effects on each of your friends. Rainbow Dash and Applejack both have the classic reaction of anger and nervous breakdowns coupled with their athletic outlets. Rarity is getting stressed out by it and it’s making her overreact easily, couple that with her dramatic nature you get her fainting on the couch when she’s a gem short on a dress. Fluttershy is caving inwards instead of outwards like Rainbow Dash. She’s afraid to talk because if she does she’ll say something out of line and it’ll cause even more stress. So she bottles it up inside her and says little to nothing ever to make sure it doesn’t get out. Pinkie Pie’s is… well she isn’t exactly suffering from sexual tension, I think hers is deeper, she’s always the one to patch things up when you guys fight right? So she’s the glue in the circle. But the stress is making her crack, she’s trying to fix what’s falling apart by roping all of you into frequent events in hopes you’ll just stick together on your own again. But it’s having the opposite effect since the entire REASON behind the stress is being close in the first place. You’re suffering from the same thing she is but you did the smarter thing and asked someone for help.” Luna explained carefully.

Twilight’s mind was a hive of activity as she let it all soak in. The analysis fit perfectly. All of their reactions matched up with their individual personalities to the T. But the only question left was how to fix it. They wouldn’t talk with one another so that was out, and completely ignoring the others would result in the acidic melt down of their friendships. Pinkie Pie would probably go suicidal if that happened. Twilight’s mind was working up a good steam but just like before Luna had an answer. She tapped Twilight gently on the shoulder.

“If I may, I might have a plausible solution to your problem.” She offered. Twilight perked up quickly and nodded urging her to go on. “Well, the core problem is stress, if they could get away long enough to release the stress they might work out the issues on their own and things will go back to the way they were before if not slightly better. Tell me Twilight, what is next week…?” she asked the bookworm with a small devilish smirk on her face. Twilight looked confused for a minute before she glanced over at the calendar that hung on the fridge.

“It’s Spring Break, but I don’t see how that’ll help since the only place we could go during that time would be home.” Twilight responded her purple eyes thoroughly confused by the Moon Princess’ behavior.

“So you’re saying if you had somewhere to go they’d be all for it…?” Luna questioned further. Twilight thought for a second before giving a causal shrug.

“I suppose so… what did you have in mind…?” She asked. Luna smirked and leaned down to whisper into her ear. Twilight’s eyes widened in a combination of shock, excitement, and pure horror.

That Sunday:

Bags were all packed and the six friends and Spike were gathered in Twilight’s dorm living room waiting for the lunar princess to make her appearance. Dash was pacing back and forth behind the long couch and Pinkie Pie had her head tilted back on it watching her friend upside down. Applejack sat with her ankle resting on her knee and her booted foot was tapping in the air out of nervous habit. She bit her lip and her eyes kept darting to the clock that hung on the wall above the TV. Rarity was fussing over Fluttershy’s shirt which had long white cat hairs all over it because her kitten, Opalescence as she had named her, had decided it would make a wonderful bed. Fluttershy sat there letting her friend fuss over her shirt in silence her ears listening intently while Rainbow Dash paced behind her Spike and Twilight watched this all with shared worried expressions.

Finally after exactly 15 minutes and exactly 37 seconds of waiting, Applejack had counted, they saw a flash of blue light on the balcony and Luna walked in her form changed to that of an older teen now. Rainbow was the first to say something.

“It’s about time! I was dying from boredom!” she snapped halting in her steps. Luna brushed off her reaction and addressed the rest of them unbuckling a small messenger bag that hung at her side.

“Alright, everything’s in order now. Here you all are.” She said passing out small blue booklets with the golden crest of Equestria stamped into it.

“Are these… passports…?” Rarity asked after she was handed hers.

“Yes, they are. You’ll be needing them to get through airport security.” Luna responded as she handed the last two to Spike and Twilight. Applejack raised her hand and Luna pointed to her. “Yes AJ…?” she asked calmly.

“Ah thought ya’ll said we were driving down to the coast and staying in one of yer summer homes for the week…?” she questioned her green eyes narrowing when she said that.

“Well yes, that was the cover story we went with, but fortunately for you all that is only a half truth.” Luna snickered.

“We WILL be staying in one of the royal summer houses on a beach. But not the local coast. That’s far too crowded anyways.” Twilight said standing up and walking over to them with a sly smile on her face. Rainbow lost all the agitation she’d had and now shared the look of moderate horror the other four clueless ones had on their faces.

“So… where ARE we going…?” Rainbow asked carefully like she was defusing a bomb.

“The Royal private island located just off the coast of France. We just had it renovated last year but haven’t had the chance to use it yet. And my sister and I both agreed it would be a wonderful opportunity for you all to get away from it all.” Luna announced casually as she examined her painted nails. Three jaws hit the floor, two girls fainted, and the three that were in on the plan were smirking and exchanging high fives at their handy work.

Rarity and Fluttershy, the two that had fainted, woke up with a start and Rarity quickly began to protest loudly saying she was drastically under packed for France, despite the fact she had three of the largest bags two smaller suitcases, and a large carry on tote. Pinkie Pie was stunned speechless for once, Rainbow looked like she had just been told she’d won a private training lesson with the Wonderbolts, Fluttershy and Applejack were both trying to for coherent words but were getting nowhere fast.

Luna clapped her hands and grinned. “Now then, the car is going to be here any minute and the flight leaves in an hour. Let’s go then. Oh and yes Fluttershy, all of your guardians WERE made aware of the true nature of the trip and agreed wholeheartedly that you all needed a good vacation.” She added when the pink haired girl had finally come up with a valid excuse to get out of it. Her mouth closed quickly and she made a tiny squeak as Rainbow came up behind her dragging her off the couch.

“This is awesome Flutter’s! I was bummed about missing the camping trip this year but this is SOOOOOOOO much better!” she beamed. Fluttershy was blushing furiously and trying to form coherent words as they gathered walked towards the door Luna haven teleported the luggage ahead of them already.

Applejack followed behind them wordlessly and Rarity was watching her back as Pinkie bounced beside her eagerly ranting about something she wasn’t paying attention to. Twilight and Spike laughed and when they were locking the door behind them Spike leaned up to Twilight to whisper to her.

“Do you really think this is going to help them all relax…?” he asked. She had told him the core reason behind their behavior that they were all too stressed out, but not what had initially caused the stress. He just assumed it was school related and left it at that. Twilight smiled and nodded.

“I do. My studies showed that teenagers are ten times more relaxed in an environment like the one we’re going to, secluded but not too far from a city where they could visit if they wanted, with plenty to do otherwise, and above all where they can relax and mend their bonds with one another.” Twilight told him as they walked towards the elevator. Spike smiled, pleased with her analysis and pushed the button on the elevator to take them to the ground floor. Twilight observed her friends placement in the spacious elevator. Rainbow Dash had gotten ahold of Applejack now and the two were discussing what sports activities they could get into on the island, Luna provided them with details on what they had on the island. Rarity talked with Fluttershy about the natural effects the sea air had on one’s skin and attitude, and Pinkie stood off to the side watching them all with a grin on her face. Her and Spike walked over her and Twilight leaned in to whisper to her. “You played a very convincing role back there you know…?” she giggled. Pinkie smiled turned into a small smirk and her eyes slanted towards Twilight.

“I’ve been practicing it all week, I didn’t think they’d buy into it so easy but I guess they were too occupied with their own shock to notice.” She whispered back glancing around to make sure no one was listening to them. They weren’t.

Pinkie had been made aware of the situation soon after Twilight discovered what was wrong. She seemed relieved to know the cause of it and had been more than happy to go along with whatever Twilight had planned. But it was her idea to hide the truth from the others until they absolutely needed to tell them. Otherwise they would have found ways to squirm out of it. Twilight backed her idea by getting their parents involved with the help of Luna and Celestia. The arrangements had been made swiftly and with the stage set operation ROFLMAO (Repair Our Friends Love, Magic, And Order) was officially under way.

The drive to the airport was uneventful, as was the boarding of the plane, unless you count Fluttershy fainting and Rainbow Dash having to rush to catch her when they say the jet liner they’d be flying in. Dash sighed and carried her friend on board and set her in a seat away from the windows since she knew she hated flying, and decided to check out the full perks of the plane. It was definitely made for royalty that was for sure. There were twelve seats total, three groups of four that faced each other in sections, each section with a gracious window. There was a Jacuzzi in one of the rooms down the hall, a lounge that had a huge flat screen and of course games and movies galore, but her favorite part was the mini gym she found that had a treadmill, stationary bike, a punching bag, and even some weights that were tied down firmly. Even her parent’s jet wasn’t this big or luxurious. And being a ten hour straight flight from here to Marseille she knew she’d have time to try it all. There were even two cabins in the back with beds and private bathrooms.

The flight staff announced that they should take their seats and the eight all took what seats they fancied and buckled in. Fluttershy decided to take that moment to wake up but to her great surprise, and relief, Dash had chosen the seat next to her closest to the window. She sighed in relief and she let a small smile cross her face. Unknown to her Twilight saw this and smiled as well. She opened her book and pretended like she was reading while she nudged Pinkie beside her. The bubblegum pink haired girl took out one of her ear buds and Twilight motioned towards Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

“I think those two are already falling into place… can you see how Rarity and AJ are doing…? She whispered not looking up from her book. Pinkie, having the outside seat peered over at the two who were actually chatting normally with Spike sitting beside Rarity and Applejack across from her. She glanced back down at her music player but spoke to Twilight.

“Them too, Oh Twilight, I swear of this works I’m throwing you the biggest part EVER~!” She squealed in joy. Twilight giggled a bit and turned her attention to the book as Luna took a seat across from them and buckled in just as the captain came on over the intercom.

“Good morning Ladies and young Spike, we’ll be running a few last minute checks and then we’ll be off on our adventure to the beautiful Marseille, the estimated flight time is 10 hours and 15 minutes on the dot, once we reach our cruising height I’ll flip off the seatbelt sign above your heads and come back on this intercom to tell you you’re free to move about the cabin. I’m Captain Skyline, my Co-Pilot is Miss Jetstreak, and our two lovely flight attendants are Miss Sunshine in the yellow dress, and Miss Lovingtouch in the pink. We hope you enjoy your flight here with us on the Royal Skies and we wish you a pleasant day.” A man’s voice announced. Fluttershy smiled at Dash.

“He sounds nice…” she commented. Rainbow shrugged.

“Eh, I just wanna know what it takes to get to be the captain of a plane like this!” she said motioning to the enormous jet they sat in. Fluttershy laughed and Dash grinned. ‘Good, she’s smiling and talking now, keep it cool Dash. It’s just ‘Shy, you know how to make her laugh.’ She thought as she took a breath and stared out the window watching the orange vested guys scurry into the golf cart after they’d loaded the bags into the cargo hold. A few minutes went by and they felt the plane start to move backwards. They creeped out of their assigned spot and drove over to the take-off strip and came to a halt. The plane lurched and Fluttershy felt her insides tense up and Dash grinned knowing what came next. They shot forward and Fluttershy shut her eyes and bit her tongue to stop from screaming. She didn’t even notice she had grabbed Dash’s hand for a good minute or so. Spike was watching eagerly out the window as they lifted off the ground and climbed higher and higher into the sky. Pinkie Pie was squealing in joy, this being her very first flight ever and she leaned over Twilight eagerly watching the ground shrink under them. Twilight didn’t seem to notice anything as she was now deeply engrossed into the book.

Ten minutes later Skyline came back on the intercom and announced that they were free to move about the cabin. Rainbow shifted but noticed for the first time that Fluttershy was holding her hand tightly and shaking like a leaf. Her eyes softened and she touched Fluttershy gently on the shoulder. The girl flinched away but her green blue eyes noticed their contact and she quickly released her hand’s hold and blushed furiously her hair covering most of her face.

“S-sorry!!!” she squeaked. Dash chuckled and shook her head.

“It’s fine ‘Shy, you hold my hands all the time remember? I don’t mind.” Rainbow assured her. Fluttershy seemed to accept it as a validate excuse and with that Rainbow walked over behind AJ and snatched the hat off her head dawning it herself as the farmer quickly looked up at her in surprise. “Come on, you, me, the gym. I saw a bag in there I know you’ll wanna take a crack at.” Dash sneered when the emerald eyes glared at her. AJ unbuckled from her seat and stood just a bit taller than Dash now.

“Yer on partner, but if ya ever touch mah hat again Ah’ll be removing it along with your hands.” She added with a playful snarl thrown in for effect. She snatched the hat off her friends head and handed it to Rarity. “Watch that for me, Ah don’t need it gettin’ lost in here.” She said before she walked off with Dash.

“No fair, how come Rarity gets to touch your hat but I can’t?!” Dash whined.

“Because she’s not gonna wear it in nothin’ but ‘er underwear and run around the locker room usin’ an imitation of mah accent.” She responded flatly. Dash’s face had never been redder. And Fluttershy and Rarity, who had both heard were blushing at that image as well.

“You said you’d never tell anyone about that!!!” she hissed.

“An’ you said ya’d stay away from mah hat, now we’re even.” AJ snickered as she walked into the mini gym. Rainbow followed yelling something that was cut off to the rest of them by the door closing. Fluttershy was still bushing furiously when Rarity came over hat in hand and sat beside her.

“So Fluttershy, what would you like to do to pass the time…?” she asked her roommate. Fluttershy composed herself enough to respond.

“I-if we weren’t three thousand feet in the air I’d sleep, but with how nervous I get on flights I’m not sure that’s really possible…” she muttered still shaking a bit. Rarity patted leg gently and smiled at her.

“Well then it sounds like you need something to relax you. How about we go for a dip in the hot tub…?” Rarity offered with a smile. Fluttershy blinked in surprise and tilted her head slightly.

“But… my swim suits are down in my bag, what would we wear…?” she asked curiously.

Rarity was smiling a pearly white smile that reminded Fluttershy of her mother. “No worries Fluttershy dear, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about traveling it’s to ALWAYS be prepared. And when I heard we would be taking this particular jet I made a quick addition to my carry on.” She said as she levitated the large stylish white bag towards her and pulled out two sets of swim suits, a yellow tankini and a white two piece bikini. “Rarity Belle is a girl who is always prepared for fashion emergencies!” she declared and Fluttershy giggled taking the yellow one from her and unbuckling her seat belt and standing. She was now much taller than most of her friends but it didn’t really bother her. Both her parents were very tall people after all.

“Let’s go change then.” She giggled in her soft voice. Rarity nodded and pulled out two more swim suits with her magic.

“Pinkie, Twilight, would you like to join us…?” she asked. Twilight glanced up from her book and mumbled something that sounded like a no and Pinkie shook her head spraying her pink curls everywhere. Rarity shrugged and walked down the hall bag over her shoulder as she took the left room and Fluttershy the right to change.

Next door in the sound proof walls of the gym Applejack was pounding against the punching bag while Rainbow held it steady for her… and gave a healthy dose of constructive criticism in the form of imitating coach Rapidfire.

“COME ON APPLE, IS THAT THE BEST YOU’VE GOT?! YOU PUNCH LIKE MY NEPHEW AND HE’S FOUR MONTHS OLD!!!!!” she roared. Applejack increased her strength behind her punches but didn’t give one punch all her power, that was a stupid move and often resulted in pulling her arm muscles and generally ripping bags off their chains and sending them though the wall. Being on a jet 3000 feet in the air that sounded like a really bad idea. Still Rainbow egged her on just like her coach would when they were practicing for a tournament. Rainbow had tied her shoulder length prismatic hair back so it wouldn’t get in the way of their fun, she had also removed her favorite cyan jacket that had all her Wonderbolts patches sewed into it and set it on the bench press in the corner leaving her in a white tank top and her cargo shorts. Applejack had long since abandoned her over shirt and was now just in an orange tank top and a pair of her better jeans… but they still had holes in the knees.

When Applejack had had her fill of the punching bag she lowered her fists and stood back in her normal stance panting a bit. “Woo, that was a good warm up, your turn road runner, hop on the treadmill fer a bit.” She ordered nodding towards the machine. Rainbow grinned and hopped on it checking the speed settings for it. She turned it on medium to start. The two went on like this for a while, trying out each of the machines and each taking a crack at the barbells. Applejack of course excelled at that and RD rolled her eyes when she was lifting 200 like it was a puppy.

“Show off…” she muttered as Applejack finished her set and sat up panting hard but grinning all the same.

“Like you don’t flaunt your speed…” she snapped back as Rainbow handed her a cold water bottle from the mini fridge that sat beside a large expensive looking stereo system.

“Of course I do, I’m just saying that even for an earth bound you’re freakishly strong.” She explained while AJ drained the bottle. She opened one emerald eye at her and set the empty bottle in the trash can.

“An’ fer a winged show off you’re awfully agile.” She replied back in the same half-insult fashion. RD snickered her wings spreading from her back as she did so.

“It comes with the territory, Fluttershy’s freakishly flexible when you get her off the ground.” She said with a casual shrug. Applejack saw her opening.

“Speakin’ of ‘Shy Ah’ve been meanin’ ta ask ya somethin’…” Applejack started as Rainbow sat down on the bench with her own bottle half way to her lips.

“Hm…? About Shy…? Ask away.” She said waving her hand and taking a drink.

Applejack scratched the back of her head wishing she had her hat so she had something to play with. “A-are you two… like… a thing…?” she asked. Rainbow choked on her water and she pounded her chest until it went down and then she gasped for air. “A-Ah’m sorry if ye ain’t it was just… ya know you two are always so close an’ everythin’ so Ah just assumed that-!” she was cut off by Rainbow holding up a finger and looking around for a minute to see if there were any hidden cameras. Seeing nothing she quickly went to the door and peeked out into the hall to see if there was anyone listening. There was no one so she shut the door and turned back to face Applejack who looked very confused.

Dash’s magenta eyes narrowed and darkened. “What I’m about to say does NOT leave this room am I clear…?” she asked without a single hint of joking in her voice. Applejack nodded and held up her right hand.

“Ah promise.”

“Pinkie Promise…?” Dash countered. Applejack gasped a bit at the question. Pinkie Promises were not something to be made lightly, and Pinkie made that obvious when she informed them of it. Her words echoed in her mind. ‘If you break a Pinkie promise you lose your friend… FOREVER…!!!’

“FOREVER!!!!!” Pinkie shouted as she popped her head into the room and gave her the eye before she slowly slipped out the door and it clicked shut behind her. Applejack swallowed hard and performed the motions as she spoke.

“Cross mah heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in mah eye.” She looked around carefully to see if the pink haired girl would reappear but she didn’t and she relaxed a little and looked over at Dash who was trying to compose herself and work up the courage to say it.

“I-I think I like Fluttershy…!” she half shouted after a few deep breaths and then shut her eyes tightly waiting for the explosion. But one didn’t come and she opened her eyes to see Applejack smiling at her gently.

“Why are you wincin’ Dash…? Ah’m not gonna hit ya, and Ah sure as hell can’t tell anyone after makin’ that promise…” she shuddered thinking about what Pinkie would do if she ever broke the promise.

“B-but I thought your family was like, over the top traditional and stuff…?! Shouldn’t you like, hate gays or something…?” she asked in disbelief. Applejack frowned and crossed her arms in frustration.

“Why in tarnation does everyone think that just because Ah’m from an old as time farmin’ family Ah’ve gotta be some kinda religious nut that’s too caught up in faith to see the truth in the world?! No, Dash! Ah don’t hate gays, AH don’t think you’re gonna burn in hell for if ya like rock and roll or ya don’t believe the same things Ah do…! Everyone has there own damn sets of beliefs and Ah personally couldn’t give a flyin’ horseapple about who ya fall in love with. Ya wanna marry a horse, marry a damn horse! Ya wanna date your cousin? Sure! Ya fall head over heels for someone of the same sex, who cares?! Love’s love no matter what form it comes in.” she ranted throwing her hands up in the air to emphasize her point. She crossed them again and huffed. “ ‘sides, Granny’s one of them free spirited ol’ gals anyways, and she’d tan mah hide if Ah was judgin’ folks on somethin’ as stupid as that.” She added quickly. Rainbow Dash made a mental note to have Spike write to Celestia about judging a book by its cover. Not that she read, that was for egg heads like Twilight.

“Well then I’m glad you feel that way because this is driving ME up the wall.” She said as she leaned against the wall and sat down running a hand through her hair.

“What’s the matter…? Can’t stand the fact that you’re gay…?” the farmer asked sitting down next to her.

“Nah, it isn’t that. I already knocked that one out like a month after I realized it. I’ve been gay my entire life, the only guy I ever even kind of looked at with admiration was the Wonderbolts and I didn’t want them, just wanted to BE them. I’m more worried about the fact that I’m crushing hard on someone who’s more delicate than a cloud whisp and twice as sensitive! Not to mention the fact she’s been like my sister since we were six! How can I just jump from her being my sister to my crush like that?! It’s sick…” she groaned burying her head in her hands. Applejack looked at her distressed friend and her eyes darted around the room. She quickly got up and walked over to the bench press and started pushing it towards the door. Rainbow looked up slightly concerned. “Uhhh, Applejack, what are you doing…?”

“Barricadin’ the door…” she muttered through grit teeth as she got the equipment in front of it and then walked over and started piling the weights on top of it as well. She looked around and spotted the mini fridge. She unplugged it and put it on top of the bench door facing the door so it couldn’t open. She looked around for anything else she could pop out of but found nothing.

“Okay… now are you going to tell me why you barricaded that door…?” Rainbow asked standing up slowly and nervously.

“Because Ah need you to make me the same promise… and if a certain Pink haired girl hear it she’ll pop in from Faust knows where and if she hears what Ah have to say then Ah’ll have to worry about somethin’ a lot stronger than me comin’ through that door.” she explained her eyes wide with fear.

“Okaaaaaay, Cross my heart and hope to Fly, stick a cupcake in my eye…” they both waited for a few seconds after she’d finished the motions and listened. They heard the door knob rattle for a second and they both stood on end. When it stopped they just heard a small ‘Foreverrrrrr. . .’ come from it and then it was gone. They waited a bit longer before Applejack sighed in relief. And RD still looked confused. “Whoa wait, back up, if Pinkie’s only half the reason you barricaded the door what’s the other half…? Who’s stronger than YOU…? Besides your brother and the princess’ I mean.” She asked concerned.

Applejack shuddered and she looked down at the ground in horror. “Rarity… Rarity is scary strong when she wants to be… And… and if she tried ta hurt me… Ah wouldn’t be able ta fight back.” She replied. RD laughed a bit at that.

“You’re kidding me right…? Rarity? We are talking about the unicorn that is currently on this plane with us and is obsessed with fashion and the like right…?” she chuckled. “SHE’s supposedly stronger than you…?” she asked again to confirm it. Applejack groaned and shook her head.

“You’re not seein’ mah point here Dash…! Ah’m not talking physically, sure when she snaps she’d probably tear through an army like it was melted butter, but if she DID choose ta pick a fight with me Ah couldn’t fight back…! Ah… Ah don’t wanna do anythin’ ta hurt her…” she trailed off getting quieter as she did so. Dash’s eyes widened in realization and her wings blazed out in shock and surprise.

“YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH RAR-?!?!?!” Dash was cut off by Applejack tackling her to the ground and slapping a hand over her mouth quickly. She listened intently to see if anyone had heard. This room was only mildly sound proof. Someone would have heard Dash just now if they had been at the door. Luckily the silence continued and Applejack sighed in relief and rolled off Dash who looked more than displeased at the sudden reaction.

“Do ya not understand the meanin’ of the word subtlety?!” Applejack hissed through her teeth.

“As a matter of fact, I DO, I just don’t use it all that often!” she snapped back her magenta eyes narrowing. They bother realized they were about to start fighting again and quickly felt it dissolve. Rainbow sighed and ran her fingers through her messy hair. “What are these two doing to us…? We never fought like this before…! And I haven’t been able to look at a couple in months without wanting to put a bullet in their heads…” she groaned.

AJ chuckled a bit at that. “Ah know the feeling… Ah’ve been jumpier than a cat since Ah figured it out. Not to mention Ah can’t even look her direction any more without breakin’ inta a sweat… it’s terrible.” The farmer sighed as she loosened her ponytail to let her hair fall around her. Dash did the same and effectively messed it up into her normal style and then leaning her head against the wall with a sigh as she stared up at the ceiling and listened to the sounds of the jet engines for a little while.

“What are we going to do AJ…?” she asked after a bit her voice cracking as it always had when she talked quietly.

“Ah don’t know Dash… but Ah do know that ignorin’ them isn’t goin’ ta help anythin’, Ah didn’t want to say anything but… have you noticed how much quieter Shy’s been since you started having those temper tantrums…?” she asked, Rainbow looked to the ground in shame and dug her nails into her palm.

“Yeah… yeah I did… it’s what she does when she’s scared. She just sits there… and stays quiet. She went an entire year without talking when we were 11…” she stated as the memory hit her like a dark wave. She shuddered and Applejack took notice and placed a caring hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t be too upset RD… Ah think Ah’ve been upsetin’ Rare too… she’s been a lot more emotional since Ah stopped really talkin’ ta her… and she blows up at the littlest thing now… or she breaks down. Ah hate it when that happens… Ah’d much have her pissed like a bull seein’ red than broken and weepin’ on her couch… it’s… not the nicest feelin’ on mah heart.” She explained tapping her chest a bit. “So… Ah propose a compromise. Fer the duration of this here vacation we’ll try and be normal again. There ain’t no lovey dovey couples ou ‘ere ta set you off and Ah have a feelin’ Ah’ll feel less guilty if Rare is relaxin’ and smilin’. So no more out bursts or ignorin’ them… deal?” she asked spitting into her palm and holding it out to Dash. The speedster looked at it for a second before she mimicked the action and shook her hand.

“Deal. Whoa… Suddenly I feel a lot lighter… do you feel that too…?”

“As a matter of fact Ah do… it feels nice. And… whew…! Okay, new deal, both of us move that equipment back ta wear it was and then we go in and take quick showers ta get this reek offa us.” She said wrinkling her nose. Dash raised an eyebrow for a second before she smelt it too and quickly nodded in agreement.

“So deal. I hate smelling like week old gym sock.” She replied pinching her nose for a second making her voice sound funny. The pair got the equipment back where it belonged and plugged the mini fridge back into its outlet before they grabbed their jacket and shirt off the ground where they had fallen and walked towards the rooms to shower. Applejack took the left room and Rainbow took the right.

Inside the hot tub a just after the sporty friends had started their routine:

Rarity sighed as she lowered herself into the tub her hair tied up so it wouldn’t get wet and she’d have to re-do it. Fluttershy was in a similar position her face content as she let her long pink hair pool around her in the tub not having to worry about styling it since she never did anything but brush it every day anyways.

“This is simply magnificent… I wonder what they put in this water to make it so serene…” Rarity pondered aloud as she let her head rest on the side of the tub and sank the rest of her body under the surface. Fluttershy smelt the water and closed her eyes bringing Zecora’s lessons on the plants they used in natural bath houses to the front of her mind.

“Horse Radish and Lavender oil… it’s a common but common treatment for people who are under daily stress and it’s a famous muscle relaxant.” She explained quietly. Rarity smiled and opened one eye to look at her friend.

“Well I see Zecora’s lessons have left you quite the expert my dear… Perhaps I should take her class next year.” She giggled as she breathed in the sweet scent of lavender. Fluttershy blushed a bit at the compliment and closed her own eyes for a bit to let the full effects of the bath take her in. She was almost drifting off when she heard Rarity shift in the water and sigh. It wasn’t a content sigh either. Fluttershy sat up a bit and moved her wet hair from her face so she could see properly.

“Rarity…? Are you okay…? You sound worried.” She asked softly. Rarity’s eyes widened when she realized she’d let that sigh escape and Fluttershy had heard it.

“Me…? Oh it’s nothing dear. I was just worried about how Opal was getting along at my parent’s house while I’m away.” She lied quickly. Fluttershy may have been timid and kind hearted but she was not ignorant or blind. She knew Rarity was lying.

“That’s sweet Rarity, but you don’t have to lie to me.” She assured her friend. Rarity’s eyes widened and she bit her lip knowing she wouldn’t be able to get out of this now that Fluttershy knew she’d lied once. Rarity sighed and bowed her head.

“It’s just… Applejack. I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not but she’s been acting very strange lately and it’s driving me up the wall…! She’s avoiding me and when we are around one another she doesn’t speak a word to me. I can’t help but think it’s something I did, and with that at the forefront of my mind like… like a parasite I keep finding myself worse and worse every day…!” she confessed her blue eyes filled with pools of conflicting emotions. Fluttershy registered them in the back of her mind but couldn’t put a specific word to it. But for now she reached over and gently hugged Rarity.

“It’s alright Rarity… I’m sure Applejack has something else on her mind. After all, you’ve done nothing to her, right…?” she asked looking down at her and smiling. Rarity nodded and sighed feeling another wave of emotion coming on but she bit it back knowing that now was not the time or the place for such things. She had lost the self-control she had been praised for highly until now and she refused to let it remain lost any longer. There was something bigger she had to address anyways. Something involving the very farmer that so often brought her to tears. There was more to it, she knew it. Fluttershy could see it, and she was reaching out to her. Rarity put forth every ounce of her self-control and addressed her friend with a serious face.

“Fluttershy… Hypothetically speaking, if one of our friends fell in love with another girl what would you do…?” she asked. The question hit Fluttershy like a dagger. She was not normally one to jump to conclusions but that single question had a deeper meaning for her. But she had an answer that had always been engraved into her morals, even from a young child.

“Love is love, no matter who it comes from or who it is for. It isn’t something you should ever be ashamed of and people who say otherwise are just big meanies anyways.” She said her eyes firm when she stated it. It faded in an instant as she retook her nature again. “Why do you ask…?” Rarity accepted her response and lowered her gaze back to the bubbling surface of the water.

“Well it’s… you see darling I… oh Faust help me… I’m in love with one of our friends Fluttershy.” She admitted after a few failed attempts. Her pale skin was flushed, either from the heat of the bath or from emotion alone. Fluttershy blinked in surprise and her eyes widened as her thoughts raced.

‘Oh no… please whatever happens don’t let it be Dash…! I couldn’t live with that choice if she did!’ she prayed silently before she managed to choke out a verbal response. “W-who is it…?” she asked quietly. Rarity took a few seconds to work up her courage again.


“Oh thank Faust…” Fluttershy breathed aloud.

“What was that…?”

“Nothing…!” she squeaked before she corrected herself quickly. “Oh, um… I mean, that’s good.” Rarity looked confused for a second.

“Okay… you look far too relieved to hear that.” Rarity observed. Fluttershy flinching confirmed it. Rarity smiled a bit and giggled. “Looks like I’m not the only one with a secret, go on darling, which one of them was it? Twilight…? Pinkie…?” she asked and Fluttershy quickly shook her head her face the same color as her hair and darkening every second.

“N-no!!! I-I don’t like either of them…!” she exclaimed her face almost rose red. Rarity couldn’t help but smile knowing there was only one left after that.

“Darling… have you fallen for the biggest featherbrain of us all…?” she asked gently but with enough of a teasing tone to make Fluttershy sink under the water to try and drown herself in shame. Rarity giggled and pulled her back up by the top of her head. “Oh no darling, you’re not getting away that easily, I’ll make you a deal, I tell you about Applejack if you talk about Dash.” She offered. Fluttershy parted her hair enough so she could see out of one eye and nodded slowly. Rarity smiled but then it faltered and she was again looking back down at the water. “Well its… rather complicated… I don’t even know how it happened. Or when for that matter. But… after the holidays it all just… clicked. Perhaps it was the way she spoke to me when there was no one else around. Or how she seemed like a completely different person when she was in her element like that… She was always smiling. Always. When she on that farm she never frowned, or looked sad, or doubted herself… it all came naturally to her. Lifting bales of hay twice her size, tending to all those horses and cows and who knows what else with just her family to help her…? It was something that threw me for a loop. I thought having important clientele’s dresses ready in crunch time was hard, her work was much more stressful than mine but she did it with a smile and had fun with it too. I liked that about her. And her honest nature… those two pulled me in. Or rather, they planted themselves like her apple seeds in my brain. And now it’s growing fast and I simply don’t know what to do with it anymore.

“But she… then something changed…” Rarity’s eyes darkened as she continued staring at her reflection in the pool. “She stopped talking to me. And then she’d avoid me at every turn. Did you know she even skipped history class for a week just so she wouldn’t have to see me? Dash eventually found her wandering around and dragged her back to class making her promise to go to class from then on. And she did, but she still didn’t talk to me. I started to think back through everything I’d done to her since the break and wondered if something had set her off. But there was nothing. I did nothing. I KNEW I did nothing and yet I still blamed myself. I let that false guilt sit inside me and rot. It made me snappy, and when I wasn’t snapping at someone I’d be crying. You know, you saw it all. How many times have you come home in the last few months to find me curled on my bed sobbing…?” she asked the taller girl.

“At least twice a week…” ‘Shy responded with a soft look at her friend.

“Exactly. It hurt. All of it hurt. Anything that reminded me of her hurt. I’d see someone bring an apple into class and cry my eyes out for the rest of the period, I saw someone with blonde hair who even remotely resembles her holding hands with someone else and blew my top off. Little things like that. And… and now this vacation pops up and suddenly she’s talking to me again. She looked me in the eyes like nothing happened and spoke to me. I felt like I was dreaming, if it weren’t for me pinching myself constantly while we spoke I probably would have believed it was a dream too.” Rarity explained with a small laugh to herself. Fluttershy giggled as well but Rarity had more to say. “So now I’m… at a loss. I’ve no idea what made her change her behavior so quickly but it’s driving me completely insane trying to sort through it all…” she sighed lowering herself back into the jets of the tub and letting them clear away her stress.

“That sounds terrible Rarity…” she realized her fault when Rarity looked up at her surprised. “Oh! N-not that you like her! I meant the way it’s affecting you… it’s… saddening. I don’t like seeing my friends like this… all of you have been so… oh, what’s that word…? I can never think of it…”she murmured barely above a whisper.

“Crazy, haywire, complete and utter shells of our former selves…?” Rarity offered without looking over at her. Fluttershy squeaked and quickly shook her head.

“N-No…! I wouldn’t put it quite like that… I… I think the phrase ‘out of sorts’ is better suited. Especially Dashie…” she added quiet enough that she hoped Rarity wouldn’t hear her. But alas, her friend had an ear sharper than a dog’s.

“Oh yes, I’d almost forgotten about that, how ever did you end up falling for our hot headed dare devil in the group…?” she asked a slight smile on her face. Fluttershy mentally cursed and bit her lip as she sank a little further into the water.

“W-well… it’s… a… very VERY long story but… do you remember those old fairy tales about the princess that would always get herself into trouble and at the last minute some brave knight would ride in a gallant horse and save her…?” Fluttershy asked her face blushing furiously as she did so.

“Of course, they were my favorite kind of stories when I was a little girl! Perhaps that’s where I originally got my fascination with princes… Oh, but sorry, do continue.” Rarity urged after she realized she’d been talking too much again.

“W-well… in a way that was us. I-I can’t remember it a lot but… a few years ago, just after I turned 11 my sister was trying to help me with my flying. I’ve never been good with flying and I got teased every day because of it. A girl that age who hadn’t been marked yet and couldn’t fly…? It was down-right embarrassing. But… Dashie stood up to them. The three biggest meanies in the whole school and she stood up to them… for me. She openly challenged them to a race to defend me. I thought she was crazy because she was so much smaller than all of them! I tried talking her out of it but you know Dash, she doesn’t see reason very well… I watched them line up at the starting line. I still didn’t want her to go through with it for me but she glanced over at me as she was crouched in position and smiled. I waved the flag and they were off like rockets. But there was a problem. I fell off the cloud I’d been standing on and plummeted for the surface. I’d heard about people’s lives flashing before their eyes when they’re about to die, but until that moment I didn’t really think anything about it. I closed my eyes and for the ground to take me but… it never came. Instead I felt like I was floating on air, without my wings. When I opened my eyes it was beautiful. There were thousands of beautiful pink butterflies all around me, and they’d caught me like a giant net! I touched down on the ground for the first time in my life and felt the connection instantly. It was all so beautiful, there was NOTHING like it in the clouds, not even my father’s garden could compare… then all at once I felt it over whelm me and I started singing! I don’t remember why really other than that I felt so happy… but my voice, it brought all kinds of little creatures from their homes. They flocked to me and listened so I sang to them.

“But… just as I finished singing there was this huge explosion and they all ran. I looked to the sky where it had come from and saw the colors all sweeping across the sky. It was amazing but the little creatures were all scared away so I couldn’t share it with them. That’s when I first realized how well I could communicate with them all, they listened to me and soon I had them all relaxing around me. I didn’t realize until later that night when I was getting dressed that the mark had appeared…” she said her fingers going to the mark that peeked out a bit from the top of her breast. But then her eyes darkened and her smile faded. “But… I had to go back. My family would have searched to the ends of the world for me if I just vanished like that. And Dash… Dash would have been left all alone after that. She’d never admit it but neither of us ever had many friends. Just each other. But we liked it that way so it was enough for us. I gathered my courage and took off to the skies with the goal of telling Dash about my new found connection with the animals of the surface. But… it all went wrong. I got so close, it was only a few more feet. I could see Dash at the finish line that she had just crossed and she saw me. In that instant I saw her smile and then it was gone when I began to fall. I don’t know what happened to make my wings stop like that, but they were glued to my back and I dropped like a rock. All I remember after that was seeing the ground rush at me. I knew there wouldn’t be any butterflies to catch me this time. It was too much to ask for a miracle twice in the same day. So I looked back to the sky and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was Rainbow reaching out to me… she had the sun behind her and to me it looked like she was my guardian angel.

“I woke up a month later in a hospital bed. Dash had saved me from the ground but the trauma had put me in a coma. Ivy said she didn’t leave that entire month. Her parents had temporarily taken her out of school after she insisted on staying near me until I woke up. She was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. And I did the only thing I could at the time, I cried. I honestly thought I was dead and I was in heaven. But I was plenty alive, the doctors told me that well enough. I was released not long after that and I was closer to Dash than ever. I never flew after that though. I didn’t even speak. I didn’t need to. Words couldn’t describe how mortified I was, or how happy I was that it was Dash who saved me. It was like that for an entire year. I didn’t talk, but I was more than happy that Dash had gotten her mark that same day I did. I let her see mine but only once to prove that I had it. And… she tried to help me fly again. Of anyone that could get me to do it, it would have been her. But the most I ever amounted to was hovering for a few minutes only a foot off the ground. Since then I’ve gotten better, a lot better. I can fly fully by myself for an hour or so straight, which is normal, but if I get any high than fifty feet I relapse and fall. But so far Dash keeps catching me. I don’t know how, but she seems to just KNOW when I need her most. If I’m falling she catches me, if I’m crying she finds me and makes me stop, and when I need someone to just BE there she’s there... grinning that ridiculous grin…” she laughed quietly small tears forming in her eyes as she spoke and falling into the water below her. “But then… then after Hearth’s warming it just… stopped. She was so angry at everything. I couldn’t help it. I reverted back to not talking, but I think that just made her angrier… I love her Rarity, I really really do… more than just a sister. She’s my goofy knight in shining armor on a steed of her own. But she’s just…” Fluttershy’s words died in her throat and a sob choked her a bit. Rarity was quickly beside her and holding her tightly and soothing her gently.

“Fluttershy… please don’t cry… we’re all getting older now. Something’s are bound to change, but for better or for worse I know Dash is still loyal to you. She isn’t mad at you, or any of us. She’s more than likely just going through a bad case of biology gone wrong. This get away is exactly what she needs. What we all need. Once she gets all that frustration out of her and we replace it with a healthy dose of R&R I’m more than sure she’ll go back to normal. So please don’t cry darling.” Rarity insisted reaching over and wiping the tears from her friend’s eyes. Fluttershy’s sobs stopped and she managed a smile.

“I suppose… that you two are alike like that… both of you know just what to say to get me to stop crying and smile again…” Fluttershy whispered just loud enough for rarity to still hear her.

“Well of course darling, you can ask Pinkie, making friends smile is one of the best parts of friendship. Especially when they’re sad. Now then, I think I’ve had quite enough of this tub, I’m starting to prune any ways. What say we go rinse off and then rejoin everyone in the main cabin…?” Rarity said standing from the tub and grabbing two fluffy white towels off a rack close by. Fluttershy stood as well the skirt of her bottoms clinging to her as she did so.

“Yes… that does sound nice… I wonder what kind of movies they have to watch…” she thought aloud.

Rarity paused for a moment. “Just… one more thing dear. What we’ve said to each other in here… is between just us right…?” she asked her blue eyes slightly worried. Fluttershy giggled and beamed at her as she wrapped the towel around her body tightly.

“Of course it is, I don’t think I’d be able live with myself if Dashie ever found out about this…” she responded in her normal half whispering voice.

“Well, you’ll have to tell her eventually darling, but I do agree this is probably not the best time for either of us. So until we’re ready neither of us breaths a word about it… deal?” she asked holding out her hand. Fluttershy smiled and shook it.

“Deal…” she shuddered when she felt the draft. “Oh my… perhaps we should go rinse off and get dressed quickly…?” Fluttershy asked pulling the towel closer around hers body as she did so. Rarity noted it was pretty drafty out here and nodded. The two exited the hot tub room and went back into the rooms they had originally changed in.

Rainbow and Applejack walked into the rooms a few minutes later neither of them hearing the shower already running, or seeing the clothes that lay on the beds. They quickly locked the doors and undressed tossing their clothes over on the bed so they could put them back on when they were done. The shower had stopped but neither of them noticed and both put their hands on the doorknobs that lead into the bathroom.

Back outside in the main cabin Pinkie’s hair stood on end, her leg and three of her toes twitched and lastly her chest got a sharp pain. Hey eyes widened and she quickly stood alerting the others. Twilight shut her book standing with her.

“Pinkie! What’s wrong?!” she asked quickly having seen the girl behave like this before and knowing it was usually related to something bad.

“Showers! And-and steam and horribly cheesy cliff hangers…!!!!!” she shouted as she shook Twilight by her shoulders in her panic. Spike groaned having been woken up from his nap.

“What is Pinkie freaking out about this time…?” he asked standing on his seat so he could look back at them.

“I have no idea…! She’s screaming something about showers!” Twilight replied her face full of confusion.

“There’s no time…!” Pinkie wailed. Her hair stood on end just as four screams filled the cabin.

Back inside the rooms: Dash and Applejack seemed to move in sync despite being completely different rooms. The door swung open and when they walked into the steam filled rooms they were confused as they walked forward and slammed straight into something. They both groaned as they partially lifted themselves off whatever they had crashed into. It felt… warm. And squishy. And… wet? They opened their eyes to find a wide eyed and stark naked Fluttershy/Rarity beneath them and they both tensed and their own eyes widened after they realized they were just as naked, and on top of them.

They all screamed at once and Pinkie groaned face palming. “I told you! Cheesy cliff hangers!” she snapped at Twilight who was still just as confused as before.

Author's Note:

I am evil. That is all.