• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 3,914 Views, 198 Comments

How I Became An Alicorn... - ShadowBolt94

A look into the humanized world of Equestria, and into the life of our favorite little scholar Twilight Sparkle, years after finding her daughter Nyx in the Everfree Forest Nyx comes to ask the question of how exactly Twilight became who she is today

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Chapter 4.2

Chapter 4 Pt. 2

Twilight Sparkle stood there for a good few minutes just in her stunned state. The other students went about their lunch like normal but Twilight’s friends quickly recovered and rushed forward to try and comfort Twilight.

“Twi, Twi, can ya here me sugarcube…? Ah think she’s lost it gals.” AJ announced after waving her hand in front of the bookworm’s eyes for a few seconds and even shaking her for good measure. Rainbow didn’t buy it though.

“No way, move over, let me try.” She ordered shoving the cowgirl out of the way and snapping in front of her face a few times before she rubbed her chin in thought and then went right next to Twilight’s ear and let out a very realistic, and very loud roar that reminded them all of a dinosaur. But Twilight didn’t bat an eyelash. “Okay, I give, your turn Flutters.” She announced and promptly shoved her friend in front of the metaphorical bus.

Fluttershy let out a small squeak before she noticed the distant look in her eyes and saw the terror behind them as well. “I-I think she’s in shock… in order for her to snap out of it… y-you’d have to shock her again…” Fluttershy reasoned. Rainbow Dash perked at that and quickly flew a few feet off the ground.

“If it’s shocking you need I could whip up a storm cloud real quick and-“

“NO!!! I-I mean… an emotional shock Rainbow, not a lightning bolt…” Fluttershy explained. Dash made an O with her lips before landing. Rarity stepped forward next and Spike looked at her with concern in his eyes, too worried about Twilight to be love struck. She gave him a smile before she cleared her throat and in what seemed to be a completely out of character motion, proceeded to grill Twilight with a full drill instructor’s impression.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU PATHETIC SHIT EATING MAGGOT, JUST STANDING THERE LIKE A GOD DAMN DAISY IN THE WIND, YOU GET YOUR LOLLIGAGGING HEAD OUT OF THOSE GOD DAMNED CLOUDS BEFORE I ROUND HOUSE KICK YOUR SORRY ASS BACK DOWN TO EARTH, DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?!” She screamed her blue eyes like ice ready to stab through her in an instant. But again, Twilight didn’t respond, like she was deaf and blind. Well, she might have actually been deaf after Rainbow and Rarity’s loud voices in direct blast zone of her hearing, but that clearly wasn’t the issue here. Rarity’s calm and gentle air of regality came back and she sighed turning to her friends. “I’m afraid that if THAT didn’t get her out of it nothing will… what are you all staring at…?” she asked with an eyebrow raised at her friend’s shocked and slightly horrified faces. Actually Fluttershy had fainted and Rainbow was supporting her friend but her wings were at full attention for some reason and Applejack looked like she was caught in between being scared out of her wits and laughing her ass off. Pinkie was nowhere to be seen. “What…? My father likes watching old military shows on TV and I learned to mimic them from a young age…” she explained blushing ever so slightly.

There was a pink blur behind her and Rarity turned just in time to see Pinkie whispering into Twilight’s ear. Whatever she said, it worked. Twilight screamed loudly and she was off like a race horse in seconds with Spike being dragged along still holding onto her arm for dear life.

“Darling… what did you say to her to make her snap out of that horrid state…?” Rarity asked the pink haired girl who was skipping back towards them victoriously.

“Oh, that if she kept Princess Celestia waiting any longer she might get even madder than she already is~!” Pinkie responded with a giggle. The others seemed to nod in approval before the realization of what she’d said hit them like a boulder.

“THAT WAS THE PRINCESS?!?!?!” they all exclaimed in unison, even Fluttershy who had just begin to wake up.

“Well yeah duh, who ELSE could scare Twilight like that I mean-“ But she was already being dragged off by her friends who were running after Twilight like cheetah’s.

Meanwhile on the fifth floor of the dormitories:

Twilight burst from the elevator and ran down the hall with Spike hot on her heels. She fumbled with her ID but eventually put it through the scanner and the door clicked open before she grabbed the handle with trembling hands and slowly turned it terrified of what might lay beyond. The door swung open slowly to reveal the pink haired Celestia sitting on the couch in the living room holding a tissue to her sister’s bleeding nose. Luna was conscious now and seemed to be talking to her sister; but when they heard the door open they stopped and turned to look at Twilight and Spike in the door way. Spike was kneeled over trying to catch his breath but Twilight had tears rimming her terrified lavender eyes.

Celestia saw the tears and quickly stood her own eyes not filled with hate or disappointment like Twilight had expected but understanding and compassion instead. “Twilight, I apologize if my appearance earlier gave you the wrong impression. Luna has explained your reasoning behind what happened and I don’t blame you. If someone had shot Luna out of a cannon prototype as a test dummy I’d be mortified and angry too…”

Those words made Twilight jolt. “Wait… she… she shot my baby brother out of a cannon as a TEST?!?!?!” Celestia blinked in surprise.

“You mean Spike didn’t explain…?” she asked bewildered by the revelation of just how little Twilight knew about what had occurred before she had broken Luna’s nose. Spike grew a sudden fascination with the carpeting as all eyes turned to him. He looked up and held his hands up in defeat.

“Okay I give! I didn’t tell her but to be fair I didn’t really have time to! She was in full rage mode before I could get a word out of my mouth! But then Luna flew in and admitted that she had caused my crash landing and Twilight kinda… acted on instinct I guess.” He explained. Twilight groaned at her own mistake and rubbed her temples to try and ease her returning headache.

“Princess I’m really sorry for not thinking like that it just-“

“Caught you off guard, I know Twilight, I’ve done the same thing countless times in the past. We all make mistakes and Luna is also at fault here. She should have known better then to use a live test subject for her research. Yet alone one of her roommates…” Celestia added with a slight glare behind her to wear Luna was standing beside the couch holding the tissues to her nose shifting nervously from foot to foot. “But anyways, I’m writing this off as an accident. But should another incident like this occur punishment will be severe, do I make myself clear you three…?” she asked with a glance at all three of them. They all nodded and she allowed herself a smile. “Good, now that that’s settled let’s get back to Lunch shall we-“ she said as she walked towards the slightly ajar door. But it opened with a slam and effectively imbedded her into the wall behind it as five panicked girls rushed into the room.

“DON’T SEND TWILIGHT TO THE MOON!!!!!!!” they cried as they rushed in. When all they saw was Luna, Spike, and Twilight standing there looking at them in pure unfiltered horror they looked around in confusion.

“Where’s the other princess Twi, we thought that was her we saw back in the food court!” Rainbow asked zooming up to her.

“Just look at your faces my dears! Whatever did she do to make you so scared?!” Rarity asked sweeping Spike and Twilight into comforting hugs while Fluttershy stood beside her nodding in confirmation. Applejack and Pinkie walked in shutting the door behind them as they did. They heard a groan from behind them and they all turned to see the princess of the sun imbedded into the wall behind the door they’d slammed open to get in there. Applejack looked over at Twilight nervously as the princess slumped onto the floor.

“W-we did that didn’t we…?” she asked taking off her hat slowly.

The three that owned the room nodded slowly.

“S-so… we should probably start running…?” Rarity asked in the same tone as the princess began to heave herself up from the ground. The three nodded again and after a second’s hesitation they were all bolting down the hallway just as a wave of golden energy bust the door from its hinges and an enraged solar princess flew after them her hair now made of solar flares and her eyes pure glowing white.

One hilarious chase scene later the group was all gathered back under the tree in the food court eating their new lunches like nothing had happened, except for the addition of the solar princess incognito that had joined them.

“S-so… your highness…” Rarity started. But the princess interrupted her by holding up a hand to pause her sentence.

“In this form I’m not the solar princess, I’m actually not even technically here. This is just a construct of my magic. The real me is back in the palace overseeing the day court right now. I go by the alias SunnySkies when I’m like this so just Sunny will do.” She explained taking a bite out of her banana.

“B-but… Sunny, it isn’t much of an alias if you clearly bear both wings and a magical crest… only royalty has both of those.” Twilight reasoned with a confused look on her face. The taller pink haired girl just smiled.

“Twilight Sparkle… all those lessons I’ve given you on disguise magic and you still can’t recognize an illusion spell when you see one…? Look closely at my wings.” She mused moving one of the white appendages towards the girl. Only up close did Twilight notice the faint shimmering that surrounded the wings on Sunny’s back.

“You’re keeping them hidden using StarSwril’s method of basic ocular evasion spell…! So you can allow certain people to see it but they remain hidden from everyone else! That’s ingenious prin- I mean Sunny!” she corrected quickly as the taller of the two retracted her wing.

“Well you don’t live as long as I have without finding SOME way to walk around the streets without everyone swooning over you. Which reminds me Twilight, you’ve yet to properly introduce me to your friends here; I can guess names based on your former description of them but I’d really like to hear it for myself.” Sunny stated with a glance at the five other girls at the large table. Of course Rainbow Dash was front and center in the blink of an eye.

“Rainbow Dash fastest flier in Equestria at your service Princess, sorry about smashing you into the wall earlier by the way, but you’re amazingly fast! I didn’t think you’d get a lot of time to keep in shape in that castle of yours!” she laughed holding out her hand for Sunny to shake. She did with a polite smile ignoring the half insult.

“Pleasure, Twilight tells me you pride yourself in your athletic ability and aerial acrobatics. There’s a program that coach Rapidfire runs here called the Junior Speedsters, if you want I could put in a good word for you.” She offered. Rainbow almost drooled at that. The Junior Speedsters were the high school equivalent of the Wonderbolts. Almost no freshman had EVER been accepted into it, none other than a certain flame headed current captain of the Wonderbolts herself that is.

“Omaigosh that’d be so AWESOME!!!!!! You’re totally my favorite princess now! No offense Luna.” She added quickly with a glance back at the teal haired princess who merely gave her a wave as she ate her triple loaded cheeseburger.

Applejack quickly took the hand of the princess in disguise next shaking it enthusiastically. “Applejack Apple your grace, proud member of the apple family and co-owner of Sweet Apple Acres apple orchard and ranch down yonder, you might recognize us from our famous cider.” The farmer stated all the while keeping a firm grip on the hand and shaking it so much it was probably breaking Sunny’s shoulder blade.

But she didn’t seem to mind all that much. “Ah yes, my sister and I are quite fond of it, and your famous Zap Apple jam as well! Luna, did you hear that, this is the girl who’s responsible for that jam you gorged yourself on for six months straight before you had to be put under rehabilitation for your addiction to it!” Teal eyes narrowed at her pink haired sister as she bit in harder to her burger causing grease and juice to fly out of it a bit. Fluttershy looked queasy at the sight of it and hid her gaze inside her hair in attempt to block out the image of one of her precious animals being brutally mauled by the lunar princess’ mouth.

Pinkie Pie was next and Sunny nearly fell off the bench in surprise when two blue eyes were suddenly only inches away from her own pink ones. The curly pink haired girl took in a deep breath that sounded a lot like a gasp before she let out a paragraph that was mashed together in one long winded sentence.

“OhmaigoshYou’rereallyprincessCelstiarightThatssocoolmyDadawayssaidthatyouweresomekindofgodesstofarmerslikeusbutIneverreallybelievedhimbutnowIcanseewhathemeantbecauseyou’reallsuperpowerfulandstuffbutthenyoualsojustlooklikearegulargirllikeallofussothatmademethink’wellheywhyshouldItreatheranydiffrentlythennormal’sonowhereIamtalkingtoyouHeydoyoulikesweetsIlovethemwhatsyourfavoritekindofcakeOHisittruethatyoucanorderanythingyouwanttoeatinthepalacebecauseI’dtotallyeatnothingbutsweetsalldayifIcoulddoyouhaveanypetsIdontyetbutIfoundalittleeggnearapondbymyhousealittlewhileagoandI’mgonnaraisewhatevercomesoutofitasmypetIhopeitssomethingsototallycoollikeababyliopleurodonorsomethingelsetotallyincrediblelikethatI’mPinkiePiebytheway!!!!!!!!!!!!” She cheered. Celestia smiled not even hesitating a second after that language dump.

“Yes I am, although worship of me isn’t something I generally approve of I thank you for treating me just like anyone else. I do like sweets actually, I actually LOVE cakes of all kinds but I’m willing to try just about anything once, and yes the cooks will prepare anything I ask for within reason. They’d put me on a royal diet if I ate as many sweets I wanted all the time! And those diets are scary strict… I do have a pet, she’s a phoenix named Philomena and she’s just celebrated her 300th birthday last month. I haven’t seen anything like a liopleurodon around for a few hundred thousand millennia but I suppose anything’s possible with enough magic, and I’m sure you’ll love whatever comes out of that sweet little egg with all your candy covered heart. Oh, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She chimed happily. The other’s all had stopped eating and were staring in awe at the princesses ability to breakdown that slur of complete mush into something actually understandable AND have a response to it all. Pinkie just beamed and bounced right back into her seat. Rarity then stepped forward and offered her hand politely and shook with the princess.

“I’m Rarity Belle, and my timid roommate over there is Fluttershy. Please do forgive her if she takes a while to warm up to you. As for myself it is a great honor to be in the presence of such an elegant figurehead. But I do have one question posed towards a decision you’ve recently made regarding this school… WHAT IN THE CREATORS NAME WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU MADE THESE RIDICULOUS LOOKING UNIFORMS?!?!?!?!” She exclaimed. Sunny didn’t even get a chance to recoil from the sudden change in demeanor before she continued. “Plaid I’m never against in school uniforms but your choice of color is repulsive at best, especially given that it is the norm for people around here to have naturally pastel colored hair and believe me pastel colors look just simply awful with this color scheme, no offense Fluttershy dear.” She added with a small glance back at the girl. She mumbled something but Sunny didn’t hear it because Rarity kept going. “And these abominations you call socks could practically be leg warmers they’re so high! I won’t even begin to criticize whoever chose the exact material it is made of because I had to use almost a gallon of fabric softener just to get the starchy itchy feeling out of it, I mean really, brown wool as an over shirt…? Simply dreadful… I count myself lucky you allow us our own choice in footwear it’s the only way I could make this outfit work on me. Fall colors do clash with my luxurious hair like night and day… again no offense to either of you.” She addressed the two princesses who were indeed night and day themselves. She finally finished her long winded criticisms and the pink haired girl’s response was enough to make her nearly keel over.

“As much as I would simply LOVE to take the blame for the blunt of your fashionista melt down I believe it would be who of you to know that I just approved the look, the one who put it out for the board of directors was none other than the head of the fashion department herself Madame Photofinish. Of course it really wouldn’t have mattered if I had tried to decline the suggestion because I was the only one on the board who disliked the look. So I just gave in and let it go.” Celestia explained a single pink eyebrow rising slightly as she let her chin rest on her hands. Rarity looked shell shocked. She could not believe that her IDOL had made the single outfit she detested with her every fiber. Fluttershy had to gently ease her back into her seat so she wouldn’t fall over and in an instant Spike was at her side fanning her with a luxurious looked feathered fan. Sunny finished the last of her Banana and stood from her seat. “Well, as much as I would love to stay and talk with you all a little more your lunch period is drawing to a close and my subjects are starting to notice my disinterest in their pitiful attempts at actual law making… did you know they want me to approve a law that would mandate that anyone below the title of lord or lady must be required to vacate the castle grounds unless they’re a servant…? All that because we had an incident with tourists getting out of hand in the garden last week…” she sighed shaking her head. “And they’ve also given me their suggestions on taxes… basically they want to take what little bit the poor have left and put it into their pockets simply because they think they deserve it more.” She added. That got disgusted looks all around the table.

“Ah’m not really one for violence ma’am, but might Ah make a suggestion outta personally stompin over to the palace and kickin their fat behinds all the way to the artic circle…?” Applejack asked her green eyes like daggers.

“If they make one more comment to their supposed righteous status I shall consider that Applejack. But for now I bid you all adieu.” She hummed with a smile on her features and a slight bow before she teleported away leaving seven of the eight staring at where she had once been. But Luna was too busy stuffing her face to really care. They all finished what remained of their lunches just as the bell rang signaling for them to head to their own classes. Twilight went over her mental schedule.

“So… I’ve got astrology next, Luna, you’ve got that class next too right…?” she asked looking over at the teal haired girl who was just throwing away her trash.

“That is correct… and after I have something called… Home economics. Sounds rather dreadful.” She commented with a slight frown on her features. A chortle in Twilight’s throat caught her attention. “What…? Is it a silly class or something…?” Luna asked curious as to what would cause the girl to crack up.

“Oh no… it’s quite… practical. But… to make an assumption I’m guessing the princess picked out your courses…?” she asked her purple eyes filled with amusement.

Luna nodded slightly worried about her classmate’s expression. “Okay, you’re starting to scare me, just tell me, what is this Home Economics…?” she pleaded her teal eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety. Twilight waved her hand ever so slightly.

“Oh it isn’t anything too bad… just a cooking and sewing class all rolled into one… with a bit of housekeeping too.” She explained as they walked into the building that led up to the tallest tower on the campus, and the only one with an observatory at the very top. Luna almost tripped on the first stair when Twilight said that. She caught herself though and then stared at the girl in disbelief.

“There’s a class that teaches you how to be a HOUSEWIFE?!” she exclaimed in disbelief.

“Well, that’s one way to look at it yes… I suppose the princess thought your skills in that particular regard needed to be sharpened… I agree… I do find myself still unable to eat a moonpie…” Twilight shuddered. Luna made a face.

“Okay, first off I already apologized for that about a thousand times… I had no idea that when it said it called for flour it didn’t mean the potted plant… or that I was supposed to add sugar to the bakers chocolate so it doesn’t taste like vomit… or that baking it at 1000 for five minutes instead of 375 for an hour would cause the royal kitchens to combust into a fiery blaze… or that by making a seven year old taste test it would cause her to be hospitalized for a week... But I’m better now! I can make toast AND use the microwave without anything exploding!” she exclaimed with genuine excitement in her eyes.

“Luna, you have destroyed over three hundred toasters, sixty four microwaves and a few dozen stoves just this summer alone. If we did the math to estimate how many kitchen appliances you’ve destroyed while I’ve been living at the castle it would be… around 273,821 appliances… give or take a few hundred of the ones you managed to hide and replace before anyone noticed.” She stated flatly. Luna wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

“Okay, I get it, I’m a terrible cook, but why do I need housekeeping skills…? Isn’t that what servants are for?” the princess countered.

“I believe that has something to do with the princess wanting you to be able to take care of yourself should servants ever be taken out of the equation. But you’d have to ask her for her actual thoughts on the matter… which reminds me… if these classes are supposed to be teaching you about things you lack why are you taking an astrology class…?” Twilight inquired cocking an eyebrow at the teal haired lunar princess.

“Ah, I actually picked this class myself. I wanted something of a funny class. And there’s nothing funnier than watching some crack job trying to teach ME about my precious stars.” She replied with a snicker. Twilight gave her a dead panned look.

“You have a cruel sense of humor princess…” she muttered as they came to the top of the stairs. Luna skipped a bit happily into the room only to be stopped dead when she was greeted with a sight she did not expect to see. Standing at the front of the class was a man who had long since passed in her mind. Yet there in front of the class was his spitting image, given a great deal younger he lacked the starry garbs and hat… and the signature beard as well.

“S-Star Swirl…?” she whispered her teal eyes wide in shock. The young man turned to her, his white hair in disarray just like his had always been and the light blue streaks that ran through them exactly how she remembered them. The seraphim, or magical crest as modern day people called it now, in the center of his head was just barely visible beneath his mop of hair. But the eyes… his eyes are what stunned her into silence. They were as silver as the stars themselves and they even twinkled when he saw her. But despite the uncanny resemblance she couldn’t help but feel something was different about him.

“Ah, when they told me I’d have the princess of the night herself in my first class I didn’t believe them… but here you are!” he chuckled. Oh Mother help her he even sounded just like him… “My name is Starshine Lulamoon, I just took over this position after my predecessor retired after many years of teaching here… I hope that despite my young appearance you do not mistake me for some amateur, I had every constellation memorized and mapped out in my head before I even turned ten. And nine years later here I am teaching about the very thing I always dreamed about. Um… excuse me princess, are you alright?” he asked noticing her hazy expression. She snapped out of it and shook her head quickly bringing her hand up to her forehead to make sure she wasn’t overheating. She was but she couldn’t worry about that now.

*** “Wait, wait, wait… are you telling me that the princess my former self used to possess was hitting on her own TEACHER?!” Nyx asked with an astonished face. Twilight laughed and nodded. “Oh believe me she didn’t sleep for WEEKS after that just because she couldn’t get that little guilty thought out of her mind. I was there you know. But let’s get on with the story again shall we…?” she laughed.***

“I apologize sir… you just… your resemblance reminds me of someone I once knew long… LONG ago…” she explained trying to avert her gaze. She tried to catch Twilight’s eye but the girl seemed occupied with her own thoughts at the moment.

“Lulamoon… Lulamoon… where have I heard that name…?” the girl muttered to herself.

“Oh, you would probably recognize the name from the history books Miss Sparkle, form my ancestor Star Swirl Lulamoon. Although he was more commonly known just as Star Swirl the Bearded.” He explained with a bit of pride in his voice. Luna nearly died on the spot.

‘Oh Mother… why are you so cruel to me?!’ she shouted to the heavens in her mind. She swore she heard a snicker in response.

“Ah! That explains it! It’s an honor to be taught by a member of the Lulamoon family.” Twilight said with a slight curtsey. She then noticed the look in Luna’s pained eyes for the first time.

“Luna…? What’s the matter, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” she cried as the girl’s pale face was growing even paler. Starshine let the puzzle pieces align together in his mind and realization hit him again.

“Oh! You thought you were seeing Star Swirls ghost teaching the class didn’t you…? Yeah, my parents always said I was his spitting image but since YOU personally knew him I guess it’s true. I’m sorry if I startled you princess. But here, I can prove I’m not him. He said un buttoning his shirt ever so slightly and moving it to show a mark just below and to the right of his breast bone that was shaped like a compass star but had a swirling mass of stars behind it. He was right, no two cutie marks were the same and Star Swirl’s according to legend was litterally as his name depicted, a group of stars swirling into a vortex shape. He re did the two buttons and that seemed to snap Luna out of her state.

“Y-yes… I apologize… Star Swirl and I were very close so seeing someone who is in every ways his spitting image after over a thousand years was… astonishing to say the least. But I do not doubt your skill as a teacher. Hell young Twilight here could give most of the scholars at the university a run for their money so age isn’t exactly a factor of ability to me.” She explained with a motion to the shorter purple haired magic user. That got a chuckle out of him and his smile confirmed her thoughts… he had ten times the charm Star Swirl had… wonderful. Now she was hitting on a boy who was no more than a fetus in comparison to her age. Why oh why did she have to live forever…? The tardy bell ringing snapped her out of her wandering thoughts.

“Ah, there’s the bell, why don’t you two go take a seat while I get class started. Also, princess, if ever you hear something you feel the need to correct me on please feel free. You are still the master of the stars after all.” He added with a whisper to her. She couldn’t suppress a giggle at that and she nodded before walking over to where Twilight was sitting down at the front section of the bleacher like desks that formed a partial circle in the tower all facing the chalk board which had charts of all kinds rolled up at the top of it waiting to be pulled down for visual reference.

The class seemed to pass by in a haze for them, by the end of it Luna hadn’t even realized she was walking to her next class, she remembered saying a faint goodbye to Twilight and sitting through her Home economics class that was taught by Mrs. Cake herself. She also vaguely remembered getting a few papers to take back to her room later but it wasn’t until that period ended and she was in her last period of the day, which by default was her club activities.

Her eyes finally lost their cloudy look and became filled with pure joy at the prospect of finally meeting people she could relate too! She had even found out a few nights beforehand that a few of her online friends went here and were in the club too! She looked forward to finally meeting them face to face instead of just talking with them over the in-game call system. She practically ran for the wing reserved for club rooms and with a spring in her step leapt up the stairs up to the second floor and skidded to a halt in front of the door labeled with the number 210, the number however was covered partially by the gaming and anime posters that covered almost the entire door. She was DEFINETLY in the right place. She collected herself before she opened the door with purpose in her bright eyes.

What she found however caught her off guard. The room was filled with the warm buzz of computers, and at the dozen or so desks with the computers on them a male of varying dorky or nerdy levels were gaming away their eyes never leaving the screen once. At the other side of the room a large TV with a surround sound system and five different gaming systems and shelf after shelf of DVD’s and games surrounding it on its position on the wall. Dotted around it were a few more guys in beanbag chairs each with a headset on and heavily engaged in a first person shooter game. There was a table in the back that four more guys sat around playing some kind of trading card game in bizarre outfits. The entire room had various snacks and empty cans of energy drinks laying everywhere and all together smelled like what she could only describe as Gamer. To but it simply, she had found Heaven. A door that she thought led to some kind of storage closet was open and out of it came another male that she couldn’t really see the identity of but he was carrying several boxes in his arms and they were starting to topple over. She rushed forward and pushed them into position before taking a few of them in her magic. There was a sigh of a familiar voice as it thanked her.

“Hey thanks for that I- oh holy crap…” he exclaimed dropping the boxes anyways as he saw the girl before him and Luna did the same backing away in shock. Both she and Starshine pointed at each other and spoke in unison their eyes wide with shock.

“Why are YOU here?! I asked you first! No I did! Stop doing that!” they cried at once. They each took a breath before something else crossed their minds. They both recognized their voices from somewhere else entirely from just when Starshine had watched her on TV or heard her over the radio; or from Luna's distant memories of Star Swirl coming back and slapping her in the face. No, the memories were far more recent than that, spread out over three years and even just last night...

“Y-you’re MoonaGal101?!” Starshine asked in astonishment.

“YOU’RE SirStars_15?!” Luna countered.

*** “Wait, hold up… not only is this Starshine guy distantly related to her old flame but he was also one of her gamer friends too?! Did I miss a royal wedding or something because she HAD to have married this guy.” Nyx asked her eyes filled with astonishment. Spike was laughing and rolling on the floor choking slightly on a gem he had been eating and Twilight just sighed and shook her head. “Can I continue…? We’ll get to what happened between them later but for right now just stop interrupting me please.” Twilight sighed. Nyx clamped her jaw shut and Spike regained his composure allowing Twilight to continue. She cleared her throat and began again.***

By now most of the gamers in the room had paused their games and were staring at them. Starshine noticed and composed himself. “L-let me try that again… Hello, I’m Starshine Lulamoon, student here in the university, teacher of Astronomy in the high school, and founder and president of the Gaming Otaku club here. I’m also apparently the guy who repeatedly gets his sorry ass handed to him every time we play Mortal Kombat, WoW, or COD together…” he explained holding out a hand to her. That earned a round of astonished whispers from the members that filled the room. Luna let a small smirk cross her features as she reached out and shook his hand.

“Luna Equestria, Ruler of the Night, and the girl taught you the meaning of the word defeat for the last three years. Pleasure to finally meet you in person Stars.” She said firmly gripping his hand as an air of rivalry filled the air between them.

“Same Moona…” he sneered his silver eyes like electricity with their competitive spirit.

*** “Ohhhhh, I get it now…” Nyx exclaimed but Spike quickly shushed her before Twilight could. ***

“You up for a duel little Starry Knight…?” Luna asked with a smirk plastered on her features. He didn’t need to be asked twice he went back inside the closet and came back with two laptops in hand and handed one to her. The match was set and it would go down in history that for the first time in her three years of gaming with him, Luna lost her duel; mostly because she was distracted by the pair of silver eyes that kept staring at her over the top of the laptop but still. When she came home that night neither of her roommates would even see her, she was too busy kicking ass online to even leave the confines of her room.

Meanwhile at the time Luna was heading towards her club activities:

Dash and Applejack were in the gym with a large group of girls listening coach Rapidfire list off the exercises they’d be doing for the first round of the try outs. But just like everything else in the academy things were done a bit differently from normal standards. This was an all-around try out. Meaning you went through each of the stages set up, weaved through all the obstacle courses in front of you, collected all the flags, or shot as many balls into the goals as possible, and the coaches would all watch and record your individual results then place you in a sports team that fit. They created this method after they realized they had so many sports teams that scheduling try outs for each of them individually was too big of a pain. So instead they just did all of it in one day in different sections of the sports fields and Gymnasiums. And as always there were A LOT of contenders for the teams.

Applejack and Rainbow each received their numbers and were told to report to the open field behind the gyms where Rapidfire would be their group’s judge. AJ was helping Dash pin her number onto her back as they started their stretches.

“Ah don’ know sugar cube… coach is lookin at us like we’re steaks… are ya sure we shouldn’t ask for a different judge…?” she whispered to the prismatic haired flyer.

“Nah, it’ll be fine. Just be cool. Maybe she liked out moves earlier and just wants to see how awesome we can REALLY be when we’re not being held back by all those girls watching us in the gym. Not that I really mind, I AM totally awesome to watch in action after all…!” she boasted with a small thumb of her chest and that cocky grin plastered on her face.

“Yeah… it had nothin to do with the fact ya had your sorry behind handed to you by a hayseed from the sticks.” Applejack retorted with a roll of her eyes as she tied back her hair tighter with her red hair tie. Rainbow grimaced and was about to snap something back to her when Rapidfire blew her whistle.

“Dashington, Ass, start line, NOW!” She called with the hungry look in her eye suppressed for the moment.

“Whoops, that’s me, gotta dash!” she called with a two fingered salute at the cowgirl before she spread her cyan wings and took off into the air landing at the start line of the course. She of course went through it just like AJ thought she would, with speed and grace well beyond her years. But there was also power behind it as well. Not as much as Applejack’s brute force but it was still pretty shocking when she got to the punching bag and a swift round house kick sent the thing flying off its chain. AJ made a mental note that if for whatever reason she ever pissed Dash off to tie her legs together first. She sped back to the finish line and Rapidfire stopped her stop watch.

“Whoa… under a minute Dashington. That’s an Academy record…! Go sit down and get some water.” She ordered scribbling something down on her clipboard. When she finished she looked back up. “Okay Apple, when the assistants finish replacing that bag you’re free to start.” She stated with a wave of her hand. Two assistant coaches were attaching a new punching bag to the chain and when they ran off the field Applejack launched forward. She didn’t have the same amount of grace Dash had but she did have speed and power. And a surprising flexibility as her earlier stunt at the end of class proved. She leapt over the hurtles without really much of a thought, she vaulted over the wall pretty easy too, the swimming obstacle was passed easy enough though it was obvious she wasn’t a fish like Dash had been in the water, when she leapt out from the water she threw herself into a crawl under the barbwire and came out muddy as hell but she moved on through the stages until at last she came to the same to the punching bag. She delivered several blows to it in points that would have been devastating were it a human before she kissed her fist and delivered a final punch to it that not only knocked it off its chain but sent it flying through the fence fifty yards away. With a slight smirk at the stunned looks the coaches and the other girls in their group had on their faces she completed the course by jumping through a few hoops and then sprinting down the last stretch. Coach stopped the timer and Dash was the first to snap out of the state and she handed a cup of water to her friend as she caught her breath.

“Dude, I think our combined awesome broke coach.” She commented eyeing the coach whose yellow eyes were feverishly following writing down the results. Applejack chugged the water then laughed.

“Sure seems that way don’ it Dash…? Come on, Ah wanna sit in the sun to dry off…” she said moving to the benches that had strong sunlight filtering down on them. They watched the others all run the course. None of them had the extreme skills of the duo but there were still some really good ones in the bunch. They all finished in about an hour and were told to go change and shower if they wanted then they’d receive their results. Dash was ready in ten seconds flat but Applejack took her time much to her roommate’s disapproval.

“Ughhhhh… I don’t know how someone who’s so fast can get dressed so slow…!” Dash groaned standing just on the other side of the lockers AJ was getting dressed behind. The cowgirl stuck her head around the corner as she was buttoning up her shirt.

“Well sorry for bein’ a might reserved with mah abilities.” She commented with a flat tone. “Just be patient all I need is mah boots and mah hat and we can head on over to the coach to get our results…” she explained pulling on the boots as she did so. She stood and grabbed her hat from the locker and then slammed it shut placing the hat on her head. “There, done now we can g-!!!” she was cut off by Dash grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her back out to the gym where they had first gathered. The coach was standing with her clipboard by her office writing a few things down. Dash grinned when she realized they were still the first ones out. Coach looked up and pointed at the bleachers.

“Take a seat girls I’ll be announcing the results soon as everyone gets back out here.” She ordered going back to her writing. Dash repressed a whine and AJ chuckled knowing her impatience was growing. She hopped up to the very top row and leaned against the wall with her hat tilted down shading her eyes deciding to take a small cat nap until everyone rejoined them. Dash however was pacing. Midair. In the rafters. In what felt like days to Dash and only a few minutes to the more sensible Applejack the girls were all in the bleachers and the coach was addressing them. “Okay, now then I’ll be listing them off in reverse order, meaning those who went last get their results first.” She explained to which Dash’s inner mind officially went nuclear and AJ swore she saw a little mushroom cloud in her eyes and smoke come out of her ears.

AJ just listened to the results for each girl on the teams they could get accepted into should they want it or could fit it into their schedules. The most they ever heard under one name was three sports and that was to a particularly odd looking grey Pegasus with grey wings and golden wall eyed expression. She seemed to be in deep thought regarding the situation. Dash remembered her, she had been in her flight classes back in Cloudsdale and had flown the entire course upside down and backwards. That took some skill although Dash wasn’t too sure if it was skill or if the girl just didn’t know her ups from her downs.

When at last Dash knew that she and Applejack were next the coach dismissed the rest of the group telling them to think about their choices and have them in by next week. Rainbow and Applejack exchanged a look and coach beckoned them with a single finger curl.

“Now you two obviously are special cases… quite honestly I think you could both go into any sport you wanted and make captain without much of an effort on your parts. But that’s why I have a special offer for both of you. I’d first like to place you both in Track seeing as your wide verity of skills would be put to good use there, secondly for you Apple I’m offering a position on our varsity MMA team, with your agile movements and that wicked strength of yours we’d bring home first place trophies in wheel barrels with you on the team.” The fiery haired coach said patting the blonde firmly on the back. Her green eyes lit up like a pyro that was just handed a flamethrower for Christmas. The coach was satisfied with her response and then turned to Rainbow Dash. “And as for you you beautiful little shit I got a call from someone today, someone VERY important I might add, suggesting I consider you for a position in my Junior Speedsters team… I personally thought she was crazy but after seeing you out there it just brought back all kinds of flashbacks from seeing my own daughter in her youth. But, more colorful. As such I think you’d make a wonderful addition to the team if you want that i-“ she was cut off by the girl shooting up like a rocket into the air and straight through the roof leaving a roundish hole where she had been.

“YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed so that from every corner of the campus and the adjoining town could hear her. back down in the gym Applejack and Rapidfire slowly removed their hands from their ears and both chuckled as the rainbow haired girl was doing a victory dance in the skies. AJ smiled turning to the coach with her hand held out.

“Ah also accept on both counts, Ah’ve been watching MMA fights with mah family fer years and mah brother and Ah taught each other how to fight using them as a reference. So Ah’d be happy to join the team. And Track can just be like a warm up fer me.” She added with a wink. Rapidfire laughed at that throwing her head back as her orange wings flared out with her laughter.

“I like you kid… you and your energetic friend up there.” Rapidfire chuckled clapping her on the back and pointing up where the rainbow streak in the sky was still doing backflips. “Oh yeah… she’ll definitely be Wonderbolt material in a few years…” she commented with a whistle.

Meanwhile at Sugar Cube Corner:

Pinkie looked up from pulling a fully iced cake out of the oven when she heard a distant cry of victory. She burst out in a fit of giggles as she set the cake down and began to write on it in icing.

“Looks like Dashie and AJ got into the teams they wanted~! And Luna’s found a cute guy to crush on already~ Twilight made it through her first day without spontaneously combusting and Fluttershy and Rarity have kindled the fire to their ever growing friendship~! And what have I accomplished…? Why I’ve been planning with the author about the next chapter DUH.” She said rolling her eyes like it was obvious. Mrs. Cake walked in to get the order from her.

“Pinkie Dear who are you talking to…?” she asked as she took the cake from her apprentice.

“The readers duh! I swear you guys always act like you can’t see them I mean they’re RIGHT THERE.” She said pointing at the screen. But to Mrs. Cake she was just pointing to the pantry.

“Pinkie dear… that’s just the pantry… do you need to talk with Dr. House again…?” the woman asked a concerned look in her eyes.

“Nope~! I’m good, besides he didn’t ever even really talk… he just kept eating tic-tacs the entire time… weird colored ones too… must be tropical flavors~!” Pinkie sang happily. She turned back to face the screen again. “That was a House reference for any of you that missed it, if you don’t know who that is just feel free to look him up~!” she cheered. Mrs. Cake gave up on trying to reason with the girl and just shook her head and went to package up the cake. In its incubator the lightly speckled egg wiggled. “What’s that Eggy…? You say you want to know what’s up with Zecora…? Well I don’t even know the answer to that one… Shadow do you know…?”

No Pinkie… and you aren’t even supposed to be talking to me… Twilight’s the one telling the story not me…

“Oh yeah… HIIIIIIIIIIIIII future Twilight and Nyxie…! Auntie Pinkie is ready for your party…!!!” she called.

Somewhere in another universe Shadow just shook her head and sighed.

Author's Note:

Okay, I got this up with barley any time to spare. These posts are starting to catch up to me fast since I haven't exactly had time write lately. But I still have a few left in my reserves so until this is all over I'll just have to carefully plan out when I publish my chapters... On another note, due to frequent comments about my dire need for an editor I'd like to ask anyone interested to message me. In the mean time I'll be fighting the blasted beast known as my up coming Calculus test... anyone else despise Math...?