• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 3,914 Views, 198 Comments

How I Became An Alicorn... - ShadowBolt94

A look into the humanized world of Equestria, and into the life of our favorite little scholar Twilight Sparkle, years after finding her daughter Nyx in the Everfree Forest Nyx comes to ask the question of how exactly Twilight became who she is today

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Chapter 15.1

HIBAA 15.1: The Nightmare Begins

***Twilight Sparkle paused in her story telling knowing full well that she needed to warn her daughter about what was coming next. "Now... this next part is one you're all too familiar with I'm afraid, the Nightmare Moon incident, our initial one at least was as you know the turning point of my life. But you were sort... there so, if you want me to skip over it I can-"

"Noooo way, I'm long over that Mom. It isn't like when I was little anymore. Besides, you've never really ever told me it from your perspective. You just kind of avoid talking about it, which I appreciate, but I'd still love to hear about it from you and your friend's eyes." Nyx explained a happy smile taking over her features. Twilight smiled and hugged her daughter tightly to her chest.

"Oh Nyx, sometimes I think I raised you to love stories a little too much. Alright, if you're okay with it I'll tell it. But please keep in mind that this was a completely different person from who you are today. It's not you, it's like your past life."

"I know Mom, now stop stalling and get on with the story!" she laughed grinning at her mother's careful nature. Twilight sighed before continuing her narration.***

Everyone in the room was dead silent, no one moved. Not even the teacher was breathing as they all stared at the one thing that both their biggest enemy and hero in one, the clock. It was exactly 3:59 and everyone was watching the final minute tick down their anticipation growing more and more with every little tick of the red hand that made its way around the numbered face. When it got down to the last ten seconds everyone started to chant in unison, even the ever studious Twilight Sparkle and the Night princess herself joined in.












The final bell of the school year rang loud and clear in their ears and cheers echoed through the school as papers flew into the air, into the halls, out windows, and into the face of many a cheering student. Not that they cared, they were all too busy running around like wild animals shouting their heads off in their excitement. Luna ran down the hall grinning as she was joined by her friends.

“Is this how it is EVERY year?!” She shouted to Rainbow who flew beside where they ran.

“Pretty much! Except this is usually when the seniors-“

Just then the sprinklers all went off soaking everyone with ice cold water and making the screams of joy turn into screams of panic. Luna stopped where she stood and looked around as everyone ran out of the building. Rainbow, now thoroughly soaked along with everyone else grunted as she landed beside her.

“Pull their senior prank. Seriously? Ice water in the sprinklers? I could have thought of a better prank in my sleep!” She snarled. Just then she felt the ground start to shake and beside her Applejack, being the only earthbound present at the moment, was quick to locate its epicenter. She ran to the window and whistled.

“Ya’ll may wanna retract that statement RD. Look.” She said pointing into the courtyard where everyone had ran after trying to escape the sprinklers inside the building. Rising out of the ground in a blaze of glory with fireworks shooting off in every direction was an amphitheater with a large group of seniors standing on top of it. One stepped forward to the mike and Twilight recognized her as the class president and current captain of the Junior Speedsters Fleetfoot.

Her white hair that was pretty much forever windswept bounced a little as she grabbed the mike her green eyes alight with a spark that could only be from her last day on campus. “How are you liking the class of 2008’s class project huh?! We worked our cans off getting this thing together and hiding it from the teachers! Can I get a round of applause for that?!” She called out to the crowd who immediately burst into a huge uproar of applause and cheers. Somehow a beach ball and a few breath blown balloons had managed to get into the crowd and were currently being bounced around the crowd.

“Now THAT’S some appreciation! But sneaking around was only half this project! The other half was having the time, resources, and dedication to pull it off. And while all the seniors were involved with this these guys and girls right here were the driving forces behind this swank looking stage; give it up for our Construction leader Level Head!” there was a roar of applause a tall and thick built guy with deep brown hair and an already impressive beard stepped forward grinning.

“Our Technical Manager Spark Plug!” Level Head’s mirror opposite stepped forward his thin body looking like it’d snap in half from Fleetfoot’s overwhelmingly amplified voice and his bright yellow spikey hair looking like a living lightning bolt. He too earned a round of applause.

“Our ever enthusiastic Theatrical Director Standing Ovation!” she called as a girl with even twice the glamor and make-up as Rarity stepped forward her flawlessly manicured hair being tossed over her shoulder as she smiled at the crowd and cat calls joined the roar of applause.

“And last but not least the brains behind this crazy idea of mine, my best friend and our senior class VP, Written Script! Get out here and take a bow you workaholic!” she called back stage. A unicorn male, the first one on stage actually, with short cut spikey purple hair, blue eyes and a visible cutiemark of a script with fancy writing on it on his right hand was pushed onto the stage from the small half sphere in the center of the stage that was probably the entrance to the under stage where everything was run. He scratched the back of his head nervously knocking the headset he was wearing around his neck as he hugged his clipboard to his chest and walked forward to the mike where Fleetfoot stood grinning. The audience clapped and hooted for him too and Fleetfoot said something to him that the mike couldn’t catch. He nodded and lowered his clipboard to his side taking the mike for himself making everyone in the crowd turn their cheers down so they could hear him.

“Hey there everyone. As you can obviously tell by the mike set and the clipboard I wasn’t supposed to be out here tonight. But as my partner in crime will have it she wanted me to take a bow. But before I or anyone else does just that…” a wicked smile crossed his face and for the first time people saw Fleetfoot get nervous. “I have some pretty exciting news about our wonderful little captain and president here that I think you all are gonna wanna hear!” Fleetfoot’s green eyes widened and her wings spread as she tried to tackle him away from the mike. He caught her in his purple glowing magic before she could prevent him from saying what he needed to.

“An announcement that’s got Fleet’s that worked up?! Loony, think you can get us front row seats for this?!” Rainbow asked the lunar Princess.

“I’ll do you one better.” Luna stated before their group disappeared in a blue flash and reappeared in the front row making a few people jump out of the way as they stood there now with buckets of popcorn in their hands.

“Oh sweet!” Rainbow exclaimed digging into her buttery snack eagerly while watching Script with hungry magenta eyes.

“It would seem,” Script began still grinning and giving his distressed and embarrassed friend a side glance. “That a certain celebrity sports team has taken an interest in our captain, Ladies and gentlemen with this letter of acceptance she got this morning I give you the newest rookie in the Wonderbolts official ranks Fleetfoot!” He declared as he projects a letter with the official Wonderbolts insignia on it with his magic so everyone could see it. There was a moment of absolute silence while Script let Fleetfoot go and she landed on the stage with a gentle tap her sky blue wings folding behind her right as the crowd erupted in an ear shattering applause for her. Now it was Fleetfoot’s turn to blush and scratch the back of her head as Script’s grin turned to a gentle smile and he motioned to the mike for her. She carefully stepped forward as the crowd began to lower its volume once again with only a few rounds of applause and a few more scattered cat calls in the air.

“Thank you all, I’m actually still getting used to the idea myself. I mean, the WONDERBOLTS. Even in a mostly earthbound populated town like this they’re a huge deal! It’s… it’s an honor I never even imagined getting. But now it’s really happening! And right out of high school too! Guys, for these last few years of my life you’ve all been amazing friends to me, showing up and supporting my team even when it was pouring rain outside! That kind of dedication to us is what cheered us on to go undefeated ALL YEAR LONG! A feat not even Spitfire had when she was captain ten years ago! It was YOUR spirit, and YOUR cheers that kept me going, so from me to you guys Thank You. Thank every single one of you for making this possible for me.” She announced her eyes already watering as her voice cracked. There was muffled sniffles and a few blown noses all around as Script and everyone else on stage gathered around in a huge group hug. There was a collective ‘Aww’ from the crowd before a rainbow blue streak rushed up from the crowd and onto the stage.

“Give it up for the best captain the Junior Speedster’s ever had! And give it for her amazing class too!” Dash shouted before everyone roared their approval cheering, clapping, stomping their feet, and making the entire school as well as most of the town shake with a minor earthquake. While the crowd cheered Rainbow quickly turned to face her captain and her group of friends wiping a small tear from her eye as the older girl came up to her smiling.

“Are you crying Private?” Fleetfoot asked her junior.

Dash quickly saluted her standing at attention and sniffling a little as she did so and her voice cracking more than usual. “No more than you were ma’am!”

Fleetfoot through her head back and laughed at the rainbow haired girl’s witty response. “Nice comeback kid, now stop saluting me. I’m not your captain anymore.” She ordered.

“With all due respect ma’am if you’re not my captain anymore then I don’t have to listen to your orders and I’ll keep saluting you ma’am!” she rattled off quickly.

“Huh, fair point. I like that attitude Dashington. Which gives what I’m about to do more meaning.” She snickered before walking up to the mike again and motioning for the crowd to tone it down. “Alright, settle down! I’ve got one more thing to say before I get to the real reason I’m standing up here tonight and it’s a biggie so everyone hold onto your pants, hats, socks, or anything else that might get knocked off after I say this. Now, as you all know I’m the captain of the Junior Speedsters here at school, but more recently I was offered a position as captain of Ponyville’s weather team.” There was a small uproar of applause but she quickly motioned for it to die down. “Yeah, big deal I know. But not as big as being a Wonderbolt. Now I love weather as much as the next pegasus but I think the weather team’s going to understand if I not only decline their offer to join the Wonderbolts, but make my replacement someone who can not only handle being both captain’s but thrive at it too. So, I Fleetfoot, with the permission of our coach and the weather team, declare Rainbow Dashington my replacement as both as Junior Speedster Captain and my would-be Weather Captain status.” She announced with a grin that almost split her face in two.

Rainbow’s salute dropped to her side and her jaw hung uselessly as her eyes turned to the size of dinner plates. The crowd was cheering and whistling their approval but Dash heard nothing. All she could hear was the gears turning in her head as she tried to process what Fleetfoot had just said. Slowly the crowd’s noise faded into her hearing once again as her new situation became clear and her eyes turned to the white haired girl beside her who was clapping with the crowd.

“Y-you mean it…? I’m… I’m the Captain?” she asked the older girl still not believing it even when she said it.

“Yup, talked to coach this morning and she couldn’t have agreed with me more. And the weather team did back flips when I told them I wanted them to take you instead. Apparently you impressed them when you helped them out those few times they had a rouge storm wander in from the forest. Besides, I know you’ll do great things someday Rainbow. And if this is something that’s going to help you get there I’m more than willing to help you out. Hopefully the next time you and I stand together on a stage it’s in the Wonderbolt’s Winner’s stage.” She mused clapping Rainbow on the back and grinning. Rainbow looked from the newest Wonderbolt and then out at the crowd that was cheering for her. She was the new Captain of both the Weather team and the Junior Speedsters which were rumored to be a gateway to the Wonderbolts. What she didn’t know at the time was that she was also the youngest captain ever for both teams, breaking Spitfire’s record by a whole year. A grin slowly made its way across her face as she saw her classmates and her best friends, Rarity, Pinkie, and even Fluttershy had made their way to the front of the crowd where Twilight and Luna stood with Spike on Luna’s shoulders so he could see. They were all cheering for her. Her wings started to vibrate before she shot off the ground and into the air high above the school where puffy white clouds started to gravitate towards her like magnets. The resulting massive dark cloud started to spark as it blocked out the sun and others had to squint until it lowered closer to the ground and they could see the cloud clearer. The electricity that was visibly coursing through it was either a color of the rainbow or had combined streaks of three or more colors. Applejack’s eyes widened as she saw the signs of the same move she had used in the arena to take out Cas.

“Holy Sweet Aunty Applesauce EVERYONE DUCK!!!!” Applejack shouted in her best impression of the Royal Canterlot voice. The crowd all stood low just as the cloud gave a mighty clap of thunder and released a bolt of multicolored lightning that came down straight towards the stage but then did the most bizarre thing anyone had ever seen, it turned 90 degrees and shot over the ducking heads over the crowd before shooting back INTO the cloud it came from making it explode in a burst of color. When everyone dared look up they saw that where the cloud had been there was now just a glowing set of initials and a very familiar Cutiemark painted in the sky in multicolored lightning. A streak of pure Rainbow came back down to earth shortly after making the ground tremor a bit as the after effects of the lightning danced around her wings and her wild hair. The sky writing burst and vanished and it seemed to snap everyone out of their trance as they turned their attention back to the girl now standing on stage who was out of breath but still grinning as she shrugged at their shocked stares.

“What, I got excited.” She offered as an explanation. From in the crowd she heard someone start clapping and she looked for the source. Fluttershy was smiling joyfully and even adding in barely audible woots of excitement for her friend as she clapped. Slowly her other friends joined in and then the rest of the crowd both on and off stage as well. Rainbow grinned before she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Fleetfoot smiling at her.

“Always have to steal the show don’t you Dashington?” she laughed. Rainbow scratched the back of her head and smiled nervously.

“Sorry Cap- I-I mean, Fleetfoot. It’s just kinda my thing.” She admitted with a tap of her ankle where the proof was marked clear as day.

“Its fine Dashington, now get back down in the pit. This next bit of news involves all of Ponyville, but it has specific instructions for a select few citizens.” She explained as she produced a scroll that looked oddly familiar to Dash from her pocket. Dash shrugged it off and flew back to where her friends stood receiving hugs and congratulations from all of them. Their group reunion was broken apart by a cough from Fleetfoot. “Alright, now I’m not too good at this ‘Official Documentation’ thing but lucky for me I’ve got a good buddy who’s special talent REVOLVES around this stuff so I’m going to hand the mike off to Script again so he can read it instead. Take it away egg head.” She stated tossing the scroll in the air carelessly only to have him scramble to catch it in his magic.

“For the last time Fleet I’m not an ‘Egghead’ and you can’t just throw these things in-“ he then noticed that his lecture had a larger audience than intended and quickly amended himself by straightening up and opening the letter up with his magic and clearing his throat before speaking again and this time with a tone that seemed very practiced. “From the desk of Princess Celestia of Equestria, In accordance to the annual tradition of selecting a different town or city to visit each year of the celebration, the town of Ponyville has here by been selected to host the Princess for the 1,000th annual Summer Sun Celebration and will be responsible for preparing a proper festival for the Princess before her arrival at dawn. The preparations for which will be evenly distributed among the community. Also, her majesty has already selected six tasks for six people she has had the pleasure of getting to know personally. Miss Rainbow Dash will be in charge of clearing the skies for the event. Miss Rarity Belle will be in charge of the decorating committee. Miss Pinkie Pie will be in charge of the party planning. Miss Fluttershy is asked to provide a songbird choir for the event. Miss Applejack Apple and her family have been asked to cater the event. And last but not least she asks that her personal student Twilight Sparkle, and her younger brother Spike, check over the progress of the preparations as they go.” He concluded before rolling the scroll up and giving his best winning smile at the crowd.

“My mother, the Mayor as most of you already know, was the first to receive this letter very early this morning. She asked me if I could rally the school to help out in these last minute preparations and as a Ponyville citizen born and raised, as well as a Ponyville Academy Pony at heart I couldn’t say no. So I ask of you all, not as your graduating Class’ VP but as Written Script Ponyville citizen to PLEASE help out with these preparations and show your school spirit by doing so.” He explained with a heartfelt plea. After an awkward second of silence Fleetfoot stepped in front of the mike.

“Also there’s a free buffet for the volunteer’s in the Town Square.” She added. Like magic the entire school erupted into a mighty cheer as they chanted the Ponyville name as they all herded like cattle out of the school and into the streets of Ponyville. Fleetfoot grinned turning to the teenager beside her. “And THAT my dear friend is how you win over a crowd of potential volunteer’s. With free food.” She chuckled clapping him on his back while he grumbled to himself. The seniors all laughed before jumping off the stage and joining their classmates in the effort of turning Ponyville into a festival in less than a few hours. Meanwhile the 6 girls as well as the Lunar princess and Spike stood where they had been before, but this time with the girls frozen and Spike and Luna watching worriedly from beside them.

“How long do you think before they all snap…?” Spike asked down to Luna who’s shoulders he was still perched upon.

“Ten more seconds tops. Look, Twilight’s already starting to twitch.” She pointed out as she saw Twilight’s eye begin to show the signs of her breakdown. It happened in a burst of motion, both pegisai took to the air rocketing in separate directions, Rainbow towards town and Fluttershy towards the forest. Pinkie Pie and Applejack disappeared in a blur of motion only leaving a trail of dust in their wake as they rushed to make haste in their own preparations. Rarity produced a gem from the bag around her shoulder and slammed it to the ground disappearing in a flash of light and Twilight quickly activated her magic screaming as she grabbed Spike and then for the first time ever teleported away. Luna stood there for a few seconds blinking in surprise at the reaction of all the girls before she smiled ever so slightly and gazed up at the sun. “Your sense of humor is as cruel as ever sister… I suppose this means I have my own preparations to make for the celebration…” with that Luna materialized a thick volume book with her mother’s likeness engraved on its cover. She looked down at it with a tired smile. “I only hope you can help her mother, for she and her friends are going to need every ounce of your help if this world is to survive this night.” She lamented before she disappeared in her own teleportation.


Twilight appeared in the town center her hair, clothing, and body singed from her first attempt at a teleportation spell. Spike’s clothes were blackened as well and even the tips of his hair a little. He shuddered as he started to wipe the black singe marks off him and he cast a glare at his sister who had just cast her own spell to clear herself of the residue.

“Didn’t Celestia specifically say NOT to try teleporting unless you were with her at the castle…?” Spike grumbled as he tried fruitlessly to remove the black substance from his clothes. Twilight didn’t hear him apparently as she quickly started pacing back and forth.

“We’re going to need a checklist of everything the festival needs, but what does it need? How do you even PREPARE for a festival?! I’ve never even considered such a thing… I suppose we’d have to know a bit about the history of past festivals to know what to do here. All I can remember from the one I went to when I was little was all the carnival rides and Celestia raising the sun… Surely Ponyville isn’t big enough to throw an all-out carnival so what do we do instead…? Ooooooh, I wish the school library wasn’t closed! I could really use some reference material right now!” Twilight exclaimed tugging on her hair in exasperation. Spike looked at her funny.

“Why not just go to the public library then?” he asked innocently. A little light bulb went off in Twilight’s brain when she heard the comment and she quickly scooped her brother up in her magic and twirled him around in excitement.

“The PUBLIC library! You’re a genius Spike! We’ll just go there, check out a book or two on the history of Equestrian festivals and then use them as a reference guide while we help the town prepare for the festival! It’s perfect! To the Library!” she shouted to seemingly no where pointing her finger to the air in her declaration. Spike, who was now floating upside down in his sister’s magic crossed his arms blowing the stray hoodie string that smacked him in his face out of the way.

“And where IS the library Twilight…?” He asked with a sigh. Twilight’s pose faltered and her magic did to landing Spike face flat in the dirt.

“I-I don’t know… I’ve actually never even heard of there being a public Library in Ponyville…” she admitted nervously scratching the back of her head.

“You mean the Golden Oaks Library?” asked a cheery energetic voice from behind Twilight. She turned sharply to see Pinkie wheeling a cart with various party instruments down the street.

“Pinkie? What’s with the cart?” Spike asked finally pulling himself up from the dirt.

“Party supplies I just got from storage, I’m pulling out all the stops tonight! Anyways, the library’s been closed since right before you got here. The old caretaker moved away and the town hasn’t really replaced him yet. But if you really need a book then I guess it’d be alright if you snuck in. You ARE the Princess’ protégé, I’m pretty sure that gives you a get out of jail free card. The Library’s in this big hallowed out tree in the center of town. You can’t miss it.” She stated pointing further into the part of town that Twilight rarely visited. That explained why she had never seen it, if it was out of commission and in a part of town she never went to there was little chance she would have noticed it. Twilight quickly hugged Pinkie Pie grinning.

“Thanks Pinkie, you’re a real life saver! Good luck doing… whatever it is you’re doing. Come on Spike!” she called over her shoulder before she ran for the sanctity of the Golden Oaks Library. Pinkie waved goodbye as she watched her friend run off.

“Huh, come to think of it I never did throw Twilight and Spike a welcome to Ponyville party…” she gasped loudly as she jumped a few feet in the air before she ran off dragging the cart behind her dropping a few balloons and streamers as she went.

Twilight arrived at the Library just as Pinkie had said she would. She started to wonder how she could have missed the thing from anywhere in town. It was pretty tall in comparison to the few trees that dotted the cobblestone streets of the small town, and as she approached it she could sense powerful magic spells weaved in its bark.

“Hm, anti-lightning rod spell, a powerful growth spell that keeps the tree alive, a few minor fire resistance spells, and… some form of magic I can’t identify… it’s like, nature magic but more powerful.” Twilight explained as she closed her eyes and held her hand to the enchanted bark of the tree. “Either way all the enchantments are weaved into the tree itself, a feat only a few creatures are capable of. It’s no wonder I never sensed its presence before now. Truly if the building itself is this fascinating I’m sure the books inside are going to be amazing! Come on Spike, it looks like they never bothered to lock the door!” Twilight giggled happily as she pushed open the door and made her into the tree. Spike followed after knowing full well he didn’t have much of a say in the matter, even though he’d much rather be helping Rarity with the decorating. “Spiiiiiiike!” Twilight called to her brother from the ladder she was currently climbing. “Pay attention Spike, we don’t have time to waste with your daydreaming. Go find the catalog card for this place, it’ll help with finding a book about Equestrian festivals.” She ordered quickly getting into her bossy librarian mode.

Spike sighed and went about looking for where the former tenant might have kept the card with all the book’s listings on it. Seriously, why didn’t everyone just use a computer instead? It’d be way easier than writing everything down and filing it away. He went to the center desk where stacks of books and papers were scattered everywhere like no one had ever bothered cleaning the place. “Sheesh… how am I supposed to find anything in this mess? Spike sighed in defeat as he started to go through the papers in search of the card. After searching for a little bit he gave up on the desk and decided to look elsewhere in the room for the card. It was then that he noticed a podium standing a little ways away from the desk. This wouldn’t have been weird normally, but in the near year the place had been abandoned everything had collects a fine layer of dust on it, everything except for the book that sat on the podium. He walked over to it and realized he was actually too short to reach it, he grumbled and jumped up a little bit quickly snatching the book off the podium and then regretting it when he realized exactly how heavy it was. It slammed to the ground with an audible thud that echoed through the tree. Twilight stuck her head out from a separate room she had been investigating.

“Spike? What was that noise?! You didn’t break anything did you?” she called.

“I’m fine thanks for asking! This dumb book only nearly crushed me to death.” He grumbled as he knelt down to pick it up and paused when he saw the title. “Equestria’s Myth’s and Legends and How they Affect Society Today…?” he read curious about the abnormally long title.

“Oooooh! Perfect! Nice find Spike!” Twilight praised as she used her magic to levitate the book towards her and open it to the table of contents.

“Thanks…?” He offered as he tried to see the book that Twilight was reading despite his short height. He grumbled until he saw a stack of books and pushed them towards where Twilight was now using the podium. Just as he climbed up beside her she found what she was looking for, oddly it was marked with a bookmark that hadn’t shown from the outside, she stored in her pocket to replace when she was done. “Here we are! The Summer Sun Celebration! Let’s see,
‘The Summer Sun celebration was first celebrated to rejoice in the return of daylight after the three straight days they had been plagued with eternal night during Nightmare Moon’s rule. For more information see The Maiden in the Moon pg. 604’

“Maiden in the moon…? Why does that sound so familiar?” Twilight asked a loud as she started to flip through the pages to the directed section.

‘Maiden in the Moon, AKA Nightmare Moon. Long ago there were two regal sisters that ruled over the blessed land of Equestria, descended from the Goddess herself the older sister brought forth the day that the people needed for their very lives, while the younger brought forth the beautiful night and watched over the people as they slept peacefully in their beds. But over time the younger sister grew envious of her sister, while people laughed and played and thrived in her day, people slept and were terrified to walk outside during her beautiful night. When she confronted her sister about the feelings growing inside her, her sister, while concerned for her sister’s well being, did nothing to change the le people’s minds about the night. So the cycle continued, with the younger sister growing more bitter and resentful every night she watched her subjects waste her beautiful nights.

‘Until one night she heard a voice in her head, the voice was her own but not. It spoke her deepest inner thoughts, thoughts that were never meant to be known but somehow this voice knew of them. It told her that if people would not willingly enjoy her night then perhaps she should SHOW them just how beautiful it could be. With that idea planted in her mind a dark seed took root in her mind, one that once watered grew like a weed until it consumed her entirely. The next morning the younger sister refused to lower her moon to make way for her sister’s day. It was something that opened the elder sister’s eyes for the first time and she saw what had become of the once innocent sister she had loved. Consumed by the darkness her sister had been transformed into a being of darkest night. When the elder sister noticed this change she quickly tried to speak reason with her sister but she was already too far gone. The younger sister lashed out and an epic battle between the day and night began. The citizens of Equestria were terrified of the battle the two goddesses were forging in the sky. Never had the two fought, or even argued. And with the eternal night cast over them like a haze their minds too began to grow corrupt. They turned on each other and began to argue and fight just like the sisters were. The normally peaceful nation broke out into civil war in less than 24 hours.

‘For three days the sisters dueled it out in the heavens above while on the ground their citizens became more and more corrupted by the monster the younger sister had become. When the elder sister grew tired and weary from her endless battle the younger sister still stood tall, drawing her power from the eternal night while her sister’s sun was forced to stay away where it could not give her power. Exhausted and near defeat the elder sister stood on her last legs and summoned six ancient relics that the Goddess had left behind on the earth after her passing. These six relics were the Elements of Harmony, the very embodiments of Harmony itself that when brought together could restore the balance no matter the foe it fought. Harnessing the element’s powers the elder sister did the last thing she could to save the sister she knew still lived in the heart of the beast, she banished her to the moon. With the banishment of her sister the six elements also vanished promising that with their return, so too should her sister be returned to her once more. But on the thousandth year of her banishment so too would the Nightmare return. It would then be in the elements hands to forever rid the world of her existence.’

The story ended there but Twilight was more confused than she had been before. This was nothing like the story of Luna that had been told for generations. They said that the night only lasted a few hours longer than it should have, and there was never anything about the monster brainwashing citizens with the night. And those… Elements of Harmony, she was sure she had heard the name before but never anything to that detail. Twilight’s thoughts halted at another important piece of information.

‘But on the thousandth year of her banishment so too would the Nightmare return.’

‘…the town of Ponyville has here by been selected to host the Princess for the 1,000th annual Summer Sun Celebration and will be responsible for preparing a proper festival for the Princess before her arrival at dawn.’

Twilight’s eyes widened at the discovery. “It’s tonight…” she whispered.

Spike looked at her confused. “The party? Yeah, it is tonight. But I’m pretty sure Pinkie won’t go TOO overboard with the-“

“NO! Spike! Tonight marks the thousandth year Nightmare Moon will have been imprisoned! The legend said on the night of thousandth year of her imprisonment she would be released and only the Elements of Harmony could stop her! Do you know what that means?!” she cried in panic grabbing Spike by his hoodie and shaking him a little.

“Thaaaat you’re going to stop reading too much into an old fairytale and kick back and have fun with your friends at the single biggest party of the year?” he asked hopefully.

“Now’s not the time for jokes Spike! We need to send a letter to the princess ASAP to warn her about this!” she exclaimed as she grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill from the table and shoved them in Spike’s hands. “I’ll talk, you write.” She ordered. Spike sighed knowing not to fight her when she got like this and walked over to the desk to dip the quill in ink. “Dear Princess Celestia, while I was researching the festival you asked me to oversee today I came across a legend depicting an important story behind the festival. It says that on the thousandth year of the festival, which is this year, the Nightmare will once again be released from her imprisonment and only six artifacts known as the elements of harmony, which you used to imprison her in the first place, could defeat her once again. The legend also said that Luna herself would be freed when all six elements returned to earth. Because Luna has in fact been returned I know the elements have as well and therefore you can utilize them as you did before. I ask that you please harness these relics again so that the oncoming threat can be avoided as swiftly as possible. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” She finished with a firm nod. Spike rolled the scroll up and tied it with some ribbon that was lying on the desk. Twilight smiled at him and motioned with her hand. “Well send it already! This is important business Spike!”

Spike bit his lip looking at the watch on his wrist. “Well, it’s just that… Celestia should be in the middle of day court right now. Don’t you think interrupting her right now would be a really bad idea?” he asked cautiously.

“Spike! This is a matter of national security! Celestia would be ashamed if we thought to put something like court ahead of the entire nation’s safety! She’ll want to respond as swiftly as possible I’m telling you! Send. The. Letter.” She ordered staring down her little brother in her best imitation of Celestia’s over bearing stare.

“Okay, okay sheesh. You don’t need to go Tyrantlestia on me.” He muttered before inhaling and then releasing a plume of fire that consumed the scroll and turned it into a puff of smoke that flew out a nearby open window.

“Good, now while we wait for her to respond let’s see what we can do about this mess in here. It’s depressing to see such beautiful books covered under all this dust and scattered everywhere with no sense of organization. Oh! And look, here’s the catalog card! I thought you looked over here already.” She noted holding up a large thick sheet of paper with a long list of small printed numbers on it. Spike blew out a small stream of flames from his nose in irritation.

“I did…” he muttered in irritation. He and Twilight set about their task but only a few seconds into it Spike felt his stomach gurgle and with a loud belch of flames he produced a scroll that Twilight quickly caught in her magic.

“See? I told you she’d want to respond quickly! Here, you read it aloud.” She said handing the letter to him. Spike sighed and opened it up clearing his throat.

“My Dearest and most Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle, you know I value your opinion and that you have my most honest and un-doubtful trust…” Twilight nodded proudly smiling as she did so. “… But you really shouldn’t be wasting your time reading into these dusty old fairy tales. I would advise that you focus on spending your time on more productive activities like supervising the festival preparations and spending time with your loving friends. Your concerned Teacher, Princess Celestia.” Twilight’s expression had done a complete 180 as she stared shocked at her brother. She quickly snatched the letter from him to read it and make sure he wasn’t just pulling her leg. He wasn’t, the princess had really written that. She groaned and facepalmed.

“See Twilight? Even the Princess thinks you need to relax and hang out with your friends! It’s the entire reason she sent you here to Ponyville in the first place! And it’s the last day before we go back to Canterlot, so can you PLEASE just not have one of your nerd fits today…?” he begged giving her his signature puppy dog expressions. She didn’t fall for it. She moved him aside from where he stood in front of the door and opened it up to walk outside.

“No, Spike. I’m her student and I’ll do my royal duty by watching over the preparations. But the fate of Equestria does not rest on me hanging out with my friends. The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. I’ll check out each of the divisions personally as quickly as possible and then get back here to the library to find out more about those elements. I know they’re out there, and if the Princess isn’t going to listen to reason then I’m just going to have to take matters into my own hands.” She declared as she made her way through the town still holding the letter which also had a task list attached to it. “First stop is Sweet Apple Acres. AJ’s probably got her entire family working on over drive to get the food ready.” She chuckled as she halted a carriage that was just passing by. She gave the driver the destination and he set the horses along their path.

They arrived half an hour later at the gates of Sweet Apple Acres and to Twilight’s great astonishment she had been more correct in her assumptions than she would have liked. Running around the farm in all different directions of outdoor cooking and baking stations that were scattered all across the front lawn were hundreds of people all with an Apple themed cutiemark visible for all too see. The familiar freckled face of Applejack spotted her and rushed over grinning as she carried a fresh steaming tray filled with apple pies.

“Howdy there Twilight, ya’ll here ta check on the grub fer the festival?” she asked setting the tray on a cooling rack that was nearby and already had trays lined with other Apple confections piled high.

“Um, yes… Applejack who’re are all these people running around your farm?” Twilight asked watching as the people ran from ovens and stoves with trays of food or batter in their hands, some had baskets of apples and were handing them out to each station.

“Oh, this here’s mah family Twilight! We have a big ol’ Apple family reunion every three years on the week of the Summer Sun celebration. Granny heard about how we’re supposed ta be in charge of the grub and rallied them all into doing what Apple’s do best, makin’ and bakin’ apple treats that no-one in Equestria can compete with! We’re about half way done with it all. Ya’ll wanna sample some?” she asked the pair.

Twilight looked down at Spike who was eying everything with hungry eyes. It did all smell really good. “Well… As long as it doesn’t take too long…” she affirmed with a nod. Applejack grinned and rang a triangle that was hanging on the edge of the tent that covered the cooling racks and a few picnic tables.

“Sooooooups on everybody!” she called. Everyone on the farm stopped what they were doing and rushed towards the tent Twilight and Spike were now standing under.

‘Oh sweet mother of Celestia what have I done…’ Twilight thought in horror before Applejack went through the painful process of not only introducing every single member of her family by name but force feeding her a single bite of every single confection that they specialized in making. Seriously, if Twilight ever ate another apple again it would be too soon.

Two hours later Twilight Sparkle was waddling into town with Spike beside her as happy as can be as he read off the next thing on the list. “Okay, next up is Rainbow Dash with the weather…” He looked up to the sky to see it dotted with fluffy white clouds. Twilight saw it too and frowned at it.

“Well it looks like she’s doing a terrible job as weather captain already…” she grumbled in her fully bellied irritation.

“LOOK OUT BELOW!!!” came a warning seconds before a rainbow streak crashed right into Twilight sending her face first into a mud puddle along with her prismatic haired friend.

Twilight sat up looking like a swamp monster with lavender eyes that glared right at Rainbow who had somehow already shaken off every speck of mud. “Rainbow Dash…” she growled through grit muddy teeth.

“Whoops… sorry there Twi. Here, let me just…” she flew up into the sky quickly and dragged down a cloud condensing it into a raincloud that hovered right over Twilight. She jumped on it a few times like it was a trampoline and the result was a cascading shower that left Twilight mudless, but soaking wet. Rainbow peeked over the cloud below at Twilight and grinned sheepishly. Twilight glared back. “Okay, okay, hold your horses. I’ve got a move that’ll dry you off in an instant.” She flew down and started doing fast circles around Twilight until a mini tornado had formed around her. When Rainbow slowed back down and landed in front of her friend she couldn’t help but g and burst into laughter at the sight of Twilight’s new fro. Spike joined her in a fit of laughter and Twilight sighed satisfied with just being dry once again.

“Rainbow Dash, aren’t you supposed to be clearing the skies for the festival?” she asked crossing her arms and tapping her foot. Dash wiped a tear from her eye and sat up sitting cross legged as she hovered in the air.

“Chillax Twi, I’ve got like all day to clear the skies! And with my speed it’d only take ten seconds flat to knock out all those little bitty clouds.” She mused as she changed her position to laying on her back in the air like she was relaxing on an air hammock.

“Really? Ten seconds flat? You’re good Rainbow, but I think that’s exaggerating a bit.” Twilight mused playfully knowing the best way to get her friend to do her work was tom make it a competition. It worked.

Rainbow sat up and stared down at Twilight. “You think my wings are talking faster than they can fly egghead?” she asked back.

Twilight shrugged her shoulders and smiled a little. “I’m just saying that if you think you can do it the only way to know for sure, is. To. Prove. It.” Twilight replied with a satisfied smirk. Rainbow was off faster than Twilight could blink zipping across the sky fast enough to cause a pretty big ripple of wind every time she passed them. Twilight had been counting in her head and on ten seconds exactly Rainbow landed back in front of her grinning.

“Told ya, Ten. Seconds. Flat.” She chided as Twilight stood with her mouth hung open in shock. She had just wanted to goad Rainbow into clearing the skies, she didn’t actually expect her to do what normally took an entire weather team an hour of work in only ten seconds! “Haha, you should see your face. You’re a riot Twilight Sparkle. I’ll catch you later, the Wonderbolts are performing tonight and I’M gonna strut my stuff for them when they do. Who knows, maybe I’ll get the same deal Fleet did. Catch ya later Twilight!” she called before disappearing into the sky once more. Twilight sighed shook her head making her curls that resembled Pinkie Pie’s own wild mane look tame in contrast. Spike snickered as he messed with one of the curls. Twilight rolled her eyes and took the list from him marching towards city hall.

“Aw come on Twilight! It’s kinda pretty once you get used to it!” he called as he ran after her. They came into the town hall main room where all Ponyville events were held. Twilight smiled as she walked in and saw that the decorating was going along perfectly.

“Well, it certainly seems that this is going well, I’ll be back at the library before sun down at this rate! These decorations are turning out really…”

“Beautiful…” Spike mused beside her dreamily.

“Yes, exactly what I was thinking.” Twilight affirmed with a nod.

“Not the decor, Rarity…” he trailed off pointing at Rarity who was levitating ribbon swatches all around her trying to decide on a color for the balcony. She had dressed herself in a fine evening gown and seemed to have done something with her hair that made it literally gleam in the bright lighting of the ball room. Twilight rolled her eyes and Rarity seemed to hear her approach but didn’t look up from her task.

“Give me a moment Twilight dear, I’m just finishing the final touches on this elegant tapestry that I’m going to hang on the balcony.” she explained as she weaved the golden ribbon into the banner she was using her magic to make out of a long piece of fabric. When she was finished she hung it in place on the balcony and placed her hands on her hips satisfied with her work. She then turned to face Twilight. “Now, as you can see the decor is coming along quite swimmingly and- OH MY DEAR SWEET CELESTIA WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!” She shouted upon seeing the state Twilight was in. Twilight was confused as to what she meant before she remembered the new hairdo Rainbow had given her.

“Oh this? It’s nothing, just something that happened after Rainbow bumped into me a minute ago. So, if the decorating is all done I’m going to check that off the list and go check on how Fluttershy is doing with the-“

“Oh nononono!!! Darling I simply cannot allow you to step foot out there looking like THAT! Come on, in the back we go. Spike, would you get my bag from over there and bring it with us?” she asked pointing to her pristine white purse that was really more like a bag with how large it was. Spike swiftly grabbed it and followed after Rarity hovering using his air magic with hearts in his eyes like he had been shot through the heart by Cupid’s arrow.

Another half hour later Twilight Sparkle made her escape from the prison that Rarity had made the dressing room in the back with her hair more perfectly groomed than when her mother was dressing her up for her first day as Celestia’s student. You’d think a royal script would know nothing about hair care but her mother had proven her dead wrong when she pulled out a beauty kit that was bigger than she was at the time. She still had nightmares about pretty pink bows.

Dismissing her childhood trauma Twilight sauntered on through the town and made her way to the edge of the Everfree forest where she knew Fluttershy usually met her animal friends. She came to a small clearing and her ears picked up the beautiful melody that only a well-trained song bird choir could have orchestrated. But as she got closer and could see her shy long haired friend with a conductors wand standing in front of a tree where the choir was perched she could hear one very off key bird in the mix. Fluttershy stopped the choir for a moment.

“Oh… my.” She mumbled quietly as she hovered up to a blue jay in the top row. “I’m sorry Mr. Jay but you were singing just the teeniest bit off key, and we’re performing for the Princess so we need to be just perfect, do you think you could try again? Um… if you want to that is…” she added quickly as she partially hid behind her hair. The blue jay nodded and she went back down to her conductors stand and rapped the wand against it in a beat before she brought it up to level and then was interrupted by a thrilled squeal from behind her. She jumped about ten feet in the air and her birds flew off in all directions. When Fluttershy landed back on the ground she curled up hiding behind the tree from whatever had made the noise.

Twilight approached the tree slowly with Spike beside her. “Fluttershy, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I’ve just never seen anything like that before! Those are all wild birds and they were all reading your movements and singing along to them like a real trained singing group! I never knew you could do something like that!” Twilight exclaimed excitedly resembling Pinkie Pie for a few moments. Fluttershy peeked her head out from the tree still shaken from scare. Her birds however, seeing there was no real danger, returned to the tree lining the branches with their ranks. “Oh, look. Your song birds are back. Well I can see you’ve got the music down to a pat so I’ll just be moving along now.” Twilight mused as she checked off the last item on her list and rolled it up satisfied with herself. She walked back to Spike who had reverted into his scaled form and was using some of his magic to remove the scorched burns on it restoring the fabric to its original purple that matched his scales almost perfectly. Fluttershy’s eyes lit up as she bolted past Twilight sending her tumbling into the bushes as she cooed over Spike.

“Spike that’s amazing! How are you doing that with just elemental dragon magic? I’ve never read anything about dragons being able to restore textiles!” she exclaimed in awe as Spike looked from where Twilight had disappeared to Fluttershy who was the first person in his life, besides Twilight, who was genuinely eager to learn something about him.

“Well, it’s uh… only because they were singed by magic. You see when Twilight hatched me she embedded me with a spark of her own magic so now when she does things like scorch my clothes with a misfired spell I can reverse the damage by creating a negative of the magic she used… Uhhh… anything else?” he asked hopefully.

“Oh yes, I’ve always wondered why your scales come out when you’re using your magic.” She asked examining the scales that were visible across his arms.

“Oh, well that’s really easy. Okay, so Twilight says that my dragon magic is what influences most of my appearance. I normally have the exterior of a human but when the dragon magic flows through me it turns my skin into scales and-“

He talked like that, all the way back to the library. Fluttershy all the while prompting him further wanting to know more and more about the little hybrid. Twilight tried her best to ignore them and focus on trying to figure out how she’d find the elements but their voices were a lot harder to ignore than she originally thought. When they got to the library entrance Twilight quickly interrupted during a brief pause in their conversation and she scooped Spike up in her magic sealing his mouth shut.

“Wellllll, I’d hate to break up this little escapade but Spike here is just so exhausted from running around today that he needs to take a little nap if he’s going to be staying up all night to enjoy the festival.” Twilight reasoned. Spike waved his arms around to protest and she quickly hit him with a whack on the back of his head that knocked him unconscious instantly. “Oh look at the poor little guy already falling asleep. Better get him in bed stat.” Twilight cooed in a mock tone.

“Oh my! I had no idea he was so tired! I’ll just tuck him in and-“

“Nooooooo, that’s entirely unnecessary. I’ll just tuck him in myself and wake him up right before the celebration starts. You should go back to practicing with your song bird choir. I’m sure they’ll be missing your company by now. By now Fluttershy!” Twilight added quickly before slamming the door to the library quickly and relishing the darkness of the room. “Alone at last… Now where was that light switch…?” she muttered to herself. “Wait… I left the lights on when I-“

“SUUUUUUURPRISE!!!!!!!” came the overwhelming shout as the lights came on and confetti, streamers, and evidently Twilight’s scream of shock filled the air. The noise woke Spike up and also brought Fluttershy in through the door to see what the commotion was. Pinkie Pie bounced over to Twilight who was still wide eyed and breathing erratically while she clutched her heart. “Did I surprise you Twilight?! DidIdidIdidIdidI?!?!” she squealed as she hopped around her fallen friend blowing a party favor and strapping a party hat that matched her own onto her friend’s purple and pink streaked hair.

“What-do you… think?!” Twilight shouted back through her panicked breaths. Spike, who had already figured out what had happened more or less produced a paper bag from his hoodie and handed it to Twilight. She quickly started to breath into it until she regained her composure and then she stood up to see that the room was in fact filled with the townsfolk and classmates she had grown close to over the school year. Above their heads was a large banner that had Pinkie’s bubbly handwriting on it spelling out: ‘Welcome to Ponyville Twilight & Spike’. “You… threw a welcoming party for us nine months after we got here…?” Twilight asked the girl incredulously. Pinkie nodded still grinning having never faltered in her cheer.

“Yupperoonii~! I figure later’s better than never so I dedicated the entire pre-party to you and Spike! So you two can stay up ALLLLLLL night long celebrating with us!” Pinkie declared blowing the party favor right in Twilight’s ear. Spike looked thrilled at the prospect, the only party’s anyone had ever thrown for him and Twilight were the birthday party’s their parents through. Oh, and Twilight’s cutecenera but he was just hatched back then and didn’t remember any of it.

“Well that’s… really nice of you Pinkie. I don’t think anyone’s ever-“ Twilight’s sentence was halted when she spotted the very book she had come to study closed and being used as a coaster on the coffee table. She quickly screamed and with a speed that made Rainbow Dash whistle swooped over and saved it from its misuse before climbing up to the second floor of the library where the bedroom loft was and locked herself away in the room. Pinkie blinked in surprise. “Wow, never seen Twilight freak out like THAT before!” She noted rubbing her chin in a quizzical manner.

“Hey, anybody else think Twilight’s been acting funny all day?” Rainbow asked as she walked over to the group with a drink of lemonade in her hand.

“Now that ya’ll mention it when she came over to mah farm to check up on things she did seem like she was in a mighty big hurry ta get out of there.” Applejack observed as she took a thoughtful sip of her orange juice (What, you thought it would be something apple related? YOU WERE WRONG).

“Hm, it could stand to mention that when she visited me she seemed quite agitated while I was fixing her hair which YOU messed up Rainbow Dash.” Rarity added with a quick glare while she took a snack from a passing tray and delicately nibbled on it.

Ignoring Rarity’s comment Dash turned to Fluttershy. “What about you ‘Shy, did you notice anything weird about her?”

Fluttershy tilted her head curiously as she thought back to her trip here with Twilight and Spike. “Well… she was awfully quiet. Which is weird considering she’d normally be really talkative when we’re talking about Spike’s biology. Next to magic it’s her favorite subject.” Fluttershy pointed out quietly. She then turned to ask Spike his opinion but noticed that the boy had vanished. “Spike…? Girls did you see where-“ But her friends weren’t paying attention to her anymore as their eyes had wandered to the center of the library floor where a projector and two DDR mats had been set up and both Spike AND Pinkie were dueling it out in a showdown to be remembered for the decade. “Oh… my.”


In the bedroom upstairs Twilight was shoving a pillow over her ears as she tried to study the book’s entire contents about the elements. Apparently not much was known about the artifacts themselves, the basic premises was that they represents the basic components that made up harmony itself, honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, and loyalty. The sixth and final element was elusive; so elusive that neither its name nor its whereabouts have ever been known. Only that a spark from each of the other five could summon it. Meaning that somehow she would have to figure out where the others were hidden first. Her trail of thoughts were interrupted by the door to the room being opened and Spike walking in with a tilted lamp shade on his head.

“Twilight! What are you doing up here by yourself? You missed the entire party and now everyone’s going down to town hall for the sun raising ceremony!” Spike lectured with his arms crossed. Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked out the window to see how far the moon had sunken in the sky. The ghostly outline of the maiden was still present. Had she really been reading for that long?

She leapt off the loft and grabbed Spike by the hood and dragged him downstairs knocking the lampshade off as she did so. “Come on Spike! We don’t have any time to waste! We need to get to town hall and stop the nightmare before she comes back!” Twilight shouted as she ran out of the now empty library and towards the town hall where the last stragglers were just filing in. Pushing her way to the front of the crowd just in time to hear the royal entry song sung by the birds Twilight watched as the Mayor addressed the town that was gathered in the hall.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the official start of the Summer Sun celebration!” She called out her practiced smile warming the hearts of her citizens.

Twilight bit her lip nervously as she looked out the tall windows that lined the ceiling, one of them had a perfect view of the moon and she watched in stunned horror as the collective stars that surrounded it met the moon’s edge and the image of the maiden vanished from its surface. “Oh no…” she breathed.

“And here to raise the sun for us as she does every day of the year, is our eternally regal Princess Celestia of Equestria!” the mayor announced and the curtain pulled back to reveal… nothing.

Quickly shocked gasps and mutters began to stir in the crowd and the mayor quickly tried to calm everyone down but Rarity, who was up on the balcony working the curtains, quickly made the panic worse by shouting out to the crowd.

“She’s gone!”

Panic quickly broke out amongst the town and within the panic Twilight felt a cold stone drop in her stomach as she saw the moon rising high in the sky. Distressed cries pulled her attention back to the balcony where she saw shimmering mist that resembled the starry sky outside congregating and forming a tall form on top of the balcony. When it dispersed the crowd gasped as a figure that could not be mistaken stood tall and proud grinning maniacally over the populace.

“Princess Luna?!” Rarity gasped in shock from her new position on the ground floor with her friends.

The draconic eyes of the taller, more intimidating, black armored woman slid towards the one who had shouted the name. When she spoke her voice was like Luna’s but clearly different in the sense it sounded like it was hallow and echoed a little. “Afraid not, but you’re welcome to try again. I am just as legendary after all. Or have all of you long since forgotten me?” she asked as she disappeared and reappeared randomly around the room scaring the people of the town more and more as she did so. “Did none of you see the signs?! Does no one remember the legend?! Or did you think your so called ‘goddess’ had really defeated me and that your pathetic little moon princess was all better after her time out?” she demanded hissing and bearing a sharp set of fangs at the on lookers.

Twilight had had enough of her rant and stepped forward glaring at the dark incarnation. “I know who you are! You’re Nightmare Moon, the maiden in the moon!”

Gasps of shock spread through the crowd once more and her friends looked at her in horror. The monster eyed Twilight with a look of pleased satisfaction before it was replaced with irritation. “Oh, it’s you. Celestia’s little toy. Go away infant, while I applaud your knowledge of my existence it hardly makes a difference when it seems that the people have forgotten the important lesson I taught them so many centuries ago. And now, with Celestia out of the way and my rightful body re-claimed the night will last FOREVER!!!” She yelled to the heavens before once again disappearing into a starry mist and floating out the open windows into the now dark night sky. As soon as she was gone panic once more took over as people began to run and hide through the town.

Twilight wasted no time in running back to the library with Spike at her side. She slammed open the door and quickly set to her work. “Spike! We need to find a book specifically on the subject on the Elements of Harmony! The legends book only scraped the surface of them and we need more details if we’re going to-“ her words were cut off by the door rocketing off its hinges and a prismatic blur slamming into her and pinning her to the wooden wall of the library. Narrowed magenta eyes glared at her as her throat was held threateningly by her friend’s forearm.

“Rainbow what’re you-?!”

“Quiet you fake! Who the hell are you and where’s the real Twilight?!” She roared cutting Twilight off just as her other friends came in with similar looks of distrust written across their faces. “Are you some kind of SPY that Nightmare freak sent after us?!” she continued pushing her forearm harder against Twilight’s throat making it harder for her to breath.

“Wh-what?! Dash that’s ridiculous I’m not a spy! I’m nerdy, quirky, and clumsy! Me being a spy would be like Fluttershy being an MMA fighter!” Twilight hissed through clenched teeth.

“Prove it! Say something only the REAL Twilight Sparkle would know about!” Rainbow roared back intensifying her glare.

Twilight’s struggle stopped and she looked Dash straight in the eyes. “Daring Do.”

Rainbow’s anger faltered and instead her cheeks lit up and her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as behind her her friends all got confused looks on their faces. Rainbow quickly let Twilight down the mage rubbing her bruised throat as Rainbow scratched the back of her head.

“She’s the real deal guys… trust me… and ignore that comment. But still, Twilight what’s gotten into you?! How’d you know about that Nightmare character in the first place?!” Dash asked still not knowing the reason behind her friend’s strange behavior. The other’s all nodded their heads in agreement and Twilight sighed glancing sideways at Spike. The boy nodded at her and sped off and up to the bedroom that Twilight had locked herself in all night. He came back seconds later holding the thick tome.

Twilight opened it up explaining about how she had stumbled upon it when she was trying to research the festival and then read them the story in it. “After I read that I knew that this was the year, the thousandth year of the festival, the night she’d be freed and would try and take over again. I tried to warn the Princess so she could gather and use the Elements again but she dismissed it as a silly old legend. I need to find a book about the elements. With Celestia gone and Luna… out of commission I’m the only one who knows about what they can do. If I can find those elements and use them against her before history repeats itself I can bring Celestia back and finally rid this world of Nightmare Moon forever!” Twilight explained stomping the ground fiercely as she slammed the book shut.

Her five friends looked at one another for a second before they all nodded in confirmation and Applejack stepped forward. “How can we help sugarcube?” she asked placing a hand on her shoulder. Twilight smiled not only at her farming friend but at the other four who stood behind her all sharing the same smile of support that she had needed. Spike was smirking at her with the look of ‘I told you so’ clearly directed at her. Twilight smiled as well and then her fierce look of determination returned.

“Well right now I could really use a book on the Elements of Harmony. The book of Legends only skims on it and if I’m going to find them I need more detail than that.” Twilight explained looking around at her friends. Pinkie perked up quickly.

“A book about the elements? Onnnnne sec!” she declared before zooming off and coming back in an instant holding a book in her hand which she tossed at Twilight who quickly caught it reading the title aloud.

“The Elements of Harmony, a Reference Guide… How did you find this?” She asked her poofy pink haired friend.

“It was under Eeeee~!” Pinkie sang happily bouncing away.

Twilight blushed slightly scratching the back of her head. “Oh.” She quickly opened the book as her friends gathered around her. “Okay, let’s see… Six elements, five known, yes… Oh! Here we go, the last know whereabouts of the elements was in the ancient castle of the royal sisters, or as it is known today…” Twilight swallowed hard and they all repeated what the text read.

“The Everfree Forest!”