• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 3,914 Views, 198 Comments

How I Became An Alicorn... - ShadowBolt94

A look into the humanized world of Equestria, and into the life of our favorite little scholar Twilight Sparkle, years after finding her daughter Nyx in the Everfree Forest Nyx comes to ask the question of how exactly Twilight became who she is today

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Chapter 10

How I Became an Alicorn…

Chapter 10: It’s Best Not to Question Pinkie

“Pinkie…” Twilight started as she watched the girl zip from place to place in the kitchen after having kicked the cooks out. “Are you sure about this…?”

“Of course I am Twilight…! Have I ever been wrong before…?” she asked as she pulled fully frosted cupcakes out from the oven.


“Don’t answer that.” Pinkie interrupted before Twilight could continue. In the corner of the kitchen Luna was watching the scene with mild amusement.

“I can see where she’s coming from Pinkie… your idea seems a bit… farfetched.” Luna put in. Pinkie sighed and rolled her eyes while she shook her head.

“You two… Look, making people happy is MY thing. If it wasn’t I wouldn’t have this.” She said pointing to the back of her left hand at the mark that was her everything.

“I thought that was for throwing parties.” Twilight asked cocking an eyebrow at her. Pinkie shook her head making her curls fly everywhere.

“Not JUST parties Twilight! Parties are just what I use to do it most of the time! My real talent is making people happy. Seeing people smile is the only thing that makes me happy. Well, sweets comes pretty close but it isn’t the same.” She said popping one of the fresh cupcakes into her mouth. “So trust me, I know what I’m doing.” She giggled with a wink. Twilight sighed and gave in.

After the beach the group had retired to the house around dinner time and currently the four in question were in a high level gaming match online in the computer room on the second floor. Spike made an excellent distraction.

“So is there anything you need help with until then…?” Twilight asked the pink haired girl as she was popping several cake tins into the ovens. Pinkie shut the door and turned back to face her looking up in thought.

“Oh! Yeah totally! Twi, will you and Luna go look for this stuff?” she asked pulling out a list from the pocket of her denim short shorts. Twilight had no idea how it fit in there since the list was quite long and therefore quite hard to fit in such small pockets. Luna glanced over Twilight’s shoulder her teal eyes scanning the paper.

“Pinkie… why do you need 16 gallons of hard apple cider, an SUV sized rubber chicken, and a mechanical bull…?” she asked the party planner. Pinkie’s hair stood on end and she quickly snatched the list back.

“Whoopsies, wrong list! Here’s YOUR list.” She said quickly handing them a shorter list with only five or six items on it. Twilight glanced from Pinkie, to the list, and back.

“Okay… but what was that-“

Celestia’s words of wisdom rang in her ears: “Twilight Sparkle, You may seek many truths in your time but remember these words above all: DON’T ASK QUESTIONS YOU DON’T WANT ANSWERED.”

Twilight looked around in confusion. “Princess…? How are you doing that…?”

“Magic my faithful student… and I’m temporarily using Luna’s body as a channel.” She replied. The student turned to see Luna’s eyes had turned the same pink as her teacher’s and she have and smiled happily and waved before the eyes flickered back to teal like a broken light bulb and Luna scowled.

“Damn it Tia! I told you not to do that!!!” she roared to the air. They both swore they heard an evil chuckle and their eyes slid over to Pinkie Pie who was holding her phone in her hand.

“What…? I have to use that soundboard I installed on here SOMEHOW.” She explained with a dramatic roll of her eyes. “Now GO!!! And don’t come back until you find everything on that list!” she ordered shoving them both out the door of the kitchen and shutting it behind them. Luna slowly let her gaze go sideways to Twilight beside her.

“Your friends are freaks… no offense.” She commented.

“I know they are, it’s probably why we get along so well.” Twilight hummed as she looked down at the list. “Hmmm… Luna, where are we going to find a professional grade karaoke machine with a built in surround sound system…?” she asked.

“Third floor in the back. There’s also a mixing board and a bunch of recording equipment in there too. Oh, and the room is sound proof.” She replied with a half yawn. Twilight checked that off the list.

“Okay… what about a… what in your sister’s name is Gak…?” she asked. Luna’s eyes widened and she snatched the list from Twilights hand to read the list for herself.

“Oh for the love of… give me that pen.” She ordered. Twilight handed it to her and Luna quickly crossed the offending word out of existence. “There much better. Okay, onto more normal business. Let’s see… Ah, there’s an air hockey table down in storage, and we… whaaaaat??? Why does she want us to get grease and why the hell is it capitalized?” she asked looking to Twilight for answers. She thought for a moment before she teleported an encyclopedia in front of her and scanned through it.

“Ohhhhh, not cooking grease! She means the movie musical!” she explained as she read further. “From the eighties by the look of it… apparently it was really popular with teenage girls at the time.”

Luna groaned and rubbed her head holding the list in her magic. “Okay, we’ll look in the archives for that one… next is a suitable room that we can do everything in… Oh that’s going to be tough… hmm… well, the recording room is connected to a pretty large empty room, we used to use that for storage but then we built in a basement so now it’s just empty… I guess we could put it there…” Luna reasoned. Twilight nodded in agreement until they were both interrupted by a call though the house.

“LUNAAAAAAAA!!! WE’RE BEING HACKED FROM AN OUTSIDE SOURCE AND IT ISN’T GIVING ME ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE INTIALS SS15!!!!!!” Spike called. Luna’s eyes widened in shock and she dropped the list and ran already using her magic to connect to log in on her laptop.

“THOU SHALT NOT WIN TODAY VILE VERMIN STARRY, FOR I HAVE PREPARED A BACK UP PLAN!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!” She called in the royal Canterlot voice that shook the house to its foundation. Twilight groaned and picked up the list resigning herself to finding the last few items that were un accounted for so far.

They weren’t so hard to find, and she even got Oliver’s help bringing them all into the room they had chosen. He also had it set up so that a long winding couch was brought up and a movie theater sized TV was put on the wall in front of it. Twilight brought in smaller additions, like a coffee table, a few arcade games from the arcade below, the air hockey table fit nicely in the corner, and she even brought in a buffet table for the food Pinkie was working on. Satisfied with her work she and Oliver walked back down to the kitchen where they saw a group of worried looking cooks with their ears pressed to the door.

“Gentleman, what are you all out here…?” Oliver asked. The head chef, a French native by the name of Gaston, answered the head butlers question.

“Monsieur Oliver! It is terrible…! The pink demon will not allow us to enter our own kitchen and she has baked more in the last hour than we could have in an entire week! She is not human…!" He exclaimed. Oliver sighed and rubbed his forehead with his fingers.

“Twilight dear, go in and help your friend, I’ll settle out these gentlemen myself.” Oliver instructed as he nudged her towards the door.

Twilight walked through the door and found Pinkie putting the finishing touches on a cake that was twice as tall as her and had ten layers to it, one styled for each of the house’s occupants, meaning Twilight and her friends plus Luna and Spike, a layer of all the servants and crew members, and at the very top of the cake was a collective group of miniature statues in the likeness of everyone. And I do mean everyone, the six girls, Spike, the royal sisters, a group of royal guard and Twilight’s brother who for some reason had Cadence at his side, their respective families, all the servants and crew members, and a lot of the girls from the school as well as the teachers, including Starshine who was Characteristically arguing with Luna.

Twilight repressed a shocked gasp when she saw the cake and Pinkie beamed from ear to ear. “You like it? it took me FOREVER to get those little guys right. But it worked. And they’re the only thing on the cake that isn’t edible! Because it would be rude to eat your friends.” She explained with her overly happy smile present.

“Pinkie that’s… amazing. Oh, and here. We got everything on the list and the room’s all set up… except for whatever that Gak stuff is, Luna said it was a monstrosity and needed to be burned off the face of the earth.” Twilight explained as she circled the cake looking it up and down as she did so. Pinkie shrugged and the list exploded into confetti.

“That’s cool, I kind of put it there just to mess with her anyways. Now! We just need to get all this food into the room, where is it…?” she asked Twilight as she walked a bit towards the door.

“Top floor, at the end of the hall across from the karaoke lounge… Pinkie…?” she asked when she noticed the girl was already gone. She walked towards the door and opened it sticking her head out to see if the girl was anywhere out it. Of course she wasn’t so she sighed and went back inside the kitchen. “She even left the- oh for the love of!” Twilight shouted when she saw that the kitchen was now devoid of even a single crumb. “HOW IN FAUST’S NAME DOES SHE DO THAT?!?!?!” Twilight called to the air in frustration. Pinkie popped out of the sink giggling.

“It’s a secret silly! Now come on! Everyone’s waiting on you!” she explained as she grabbed Twilight by the collar and dragged her into the sink with her. Twilight screamed and shut her eyes but when she opened them she found herself in the party room her fading scream still slipping out of her throat as everyone stared at her funny.

“B-but I was just…! A-and you were in the sink…! And now we’re…! Oh forget it… Princess would you be against it if I took a glass of your strongest liquor to erase my mind of today completely…?” the magic user asked as she sat down on the couch beside Luna who was typing away furiously on her computer.

“Your parents and my sister would find a way to kill me if I did, so yes. But you can have some of that rainbow juice. It’s potent enough to burn your mind straight out of your head.” She said pointing to a multicolored liquid that was inside a special glass bottle without even looking up. Twilight walked over to the table while everyone was talking with each other and poured a glass of punch before splashing it with the juice and chugging it back. The effect was immediate, strong, and very, very, hot. Twilight breathed differently hued flames and ran out of the room screaming. Spike watched her and Pinkie laughed nudging him a bit with her elbow.

“NOW I see the family resemblance!” she joked causing everyone in the room to burst out in laughs as well, except Luna who only chuckled a bit as her eyes were focused on her screen. Pinkie jumped up on the coffee table and cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, with that to start us off I’d like to welcome you all to the First Night Party…! Celebrating our first full day here at the island, so far it’s been filled with revelations, near death experiences, a volleyball game that would make the gods jealous, and Twilight unleashing her inner dragon for our amusement.” She announced as Twilight rejoined them and sat down at the end of the couch giving Pinkie a sharp glare as she did so. Pinkie grinned and gave her a playful wink as she pulled out a remote from her poofy hair. “So now, after all that excitement I say let’s wind down a bit with something only moderately crazy, I give you our chosen movie of the night! It has pulled on the heart strings of girls our age for over twenty years now, it was the inspiration to hundreds of musicals we know and love today, I present to you the one, the only, Grease!” she exclaimed as she hit a button on her remote and the title screen of the movie came up on the large TV.

Rainbow effectively facepalmed and groaned and Applejack lowered her hat to cover her face. Rarity and Fluttershy’s eyes lit up and the beamed at each other. Pinkie noted their reactions with a slight smirk.

“Annnnnnnd, judging by your reactions I’d say you all know the movie PRETTY well, so this makes my next rules all the better.” She giggled clicking the remote again and the screen popped with stars and sparkles as more words came to be underneath the title. ‘Sing Along Edition’ was displayed in colorful bold font. Rainbow was the first to stand up in protest.

“I AM NOT SINGING TO A CHEESY MUSICAL FROM THE 70’s!!” She roared clenching her fists at her sides so as to stop them from punching a hole through the wall. Applejack nodded quickly in agreement.

“Ah’m in agreement with Dash, mah singin’ ain’t so hot anyways.” AJ explained while she scratched the back of her head.

“Bull Shit.”

Everyone’s heads quickly turned to the source of the outburst, which in this case to their great and shocked faces was Princess Celestia herself, with the minor detail of her hair being solid pink and looking the same age as Luna now.

“Now I KNOW your father taught you better than to lie Abigail, especially to your friends.” The princess chuckled as she walked over to Pinkie who was beaming from ear to ear while the rest, save Luna, all stared at her dumbfounded not only by the fact that she was there, but that she had called Applejack out on her lie in such a crass tone, Twilight was especially stunned since she had only ever heard her mentor curse once and had apologized for it moments later. Applejack looked down at her booted feet in shame.

“Princess, no disrespect on any level what so ever, but what the hell are you doing here and how in Discord’s name could you possibly know something like that…?” Rainbow asked the solar princess once she had recovered from her initial shock. Celestia laughed at that startling everyone even more, except Luna who had stood up and walked up beside her sister leaning on shoulder as she laughed.

Celestia eventually recovered and addressed the girls and Spike wiping a tear from her eye. “I’m sorry my little ones, but that was all too reminiscent for me… First off, if any of you call me ‘Princess’ again while I’m here I’m banishing you to the moon for the remainder of the week, it’s just Celestia or Tia, am I clear?” she asked looking around at them all with a serious face. The rushed nods that followed showed they had gotten the message. “Good, secondly Pinkie here invited me and when I heard there was going to be a sing along involved I couldn’t resist so I finished my court session and warped over here after adjusting myself accordingly. I left a projection in my private quarters in case anyone decided to actually bother me tonight. Ah, and thirdly, I’m a very old friend of Granny Smith so I’ve been keeping tabs on the Apple family for just under a century now. As a result I’ve known little AJ here since she was born and I know for a FACT she’s got the voice of an angel inside her.” Celestia responded calmly. The varying degree’s of shock displayed on the faces in front of her were amusing to say the least, but not nearly as amusing as the look of pure embarrassment on Applejack’s face.

“T-Tia…! Ah thought we discussed this the last time Ah talked to ya…! Ah don’t like ya embarrasin’ me in front of mah friends…!” AJ protested with a slight whine. Celestia giggled and smiled down at the blonde.

“And I thought I made it quite clear that in Smithy’s place it was my JOB to embarrass you at all possible opportunity’s.” she countered. Twilight looked like she was about to faint as she was fanning herself with the nearest pillow and Rarity was in much the same condition While Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were just trying to process the fact that the farmer was arguing with the solar princess like she was a corny old Aunt.

“Oh for Faust’s sake are you STILL on that?! Pa always warned me about your antic’s but Ah never believed him until now… What was that title ya gave her Luna…? Trollestia? It’s mighty fittin’ if ya ask me.” Applejack huffed as she crossed her arms. Celestia cringed at the name and quickly lowered herself to whisper in her ear.

“Mention that name again and I’ll tell all of them all about your first family reunion in full gruesome detail.” Celestia breathed with a small bite to her voice. Applejack stood up straight her green eyes as wide as dinner plates.

“Fine! Ah’ve got a decent set of pipes on me but that don’t mean Ah’m gonna participate in some silly-“ Celestia bent down and whispered something else in her ear that was inaudible to even Pinkie and Applejack stiffened even more. “Y-ya wouldn’t…!” she stuttered looking up at the princess in shock. She smirked deviously.

“Try me.” She returned. Applejack swallowed hard and turned back to face her friends who had recovered and were now staring at them curiously.

“Who wants to sing some corny musical songs?!” she called grabbing a mike from a nearby stand. There were seven cheers and one loud NO. Applejack grabbed Dash by the collar and hissed in her ear. “If ya don’t get on this damn stage and sing with a smile on yer face Ah’m gonna send those pictures Ah have of ya singin’ ta the radio in nothin’ but yer Wonderbolt panties to the Equestria Daily.” She snarled. Dash quickly grabbed the mike from her and turned back to face them all beaming.

“Who’s ready to rock like a greaser?!” she shouted. There were cheers all around in response and Pinkie took the mike back and grinned.

“It’s awesome that you’re both super-duper into it and all but you’ll have to wait until a song comes up and if the die rolls on you THEN you can get up here and sing!” Pinkie giggled.

“Die…? What Die…?” Applejack asked confused by the usual nonsense Pinkie spurted.

Pinkie blinked then bonked her head with the heel of her hand. “Silly me! I forgot to explain the rules! Tia, Lulu, go take your seat!” she ordered. The sisters both complied and Spike looked over at Twilight mouthing the name ‘Lulu’ questioningly. “Okay! Here’s the rules! When a song is about to come up this symbol will appear in the corner.” She announced pointing to a treble clef that was in the corner of the screen. “And when that comes up I’ll pause the movie and then we’ll roll this baby!” she continued pulling out a six sided cube that was as big as her head, hair and all. It was blank on all sides and had a small tele-screen on each of the sides where the symbols should be. “It’s my Party Cube, patent pending, I programmed it with all of your marks and when you roll it it’ll shuffle them at random and pick who will be singing by putting your marks on whatever screen it lands on. If it’s a duet we’ll roll it twice, three, thrice, four- well you get the picture. You’re allowed one pass where you can pass off your turn to someone else of your choosing. The cube will score you based on your singing performance and add it to your overall score. At the end of the movie the one with the highest score wins! And I have TONS of prizes you can pick from too! Everything from a barrel of monkey’s to season tickets to the Wonderbolts~!” she sang happily. Dash instantly sat up and raised her hand. Pinkie pointed at her still beaming. “Yes Dashie…?”

“Do you really have season tickets to the Wonderbolts…?” she asked her magenta eyes widened in curiosity.

“Oh yeah, totally. VIP one’s too! Coach Rapidfire lost a bet with me and I won them as a result. Annnnnnd, since my personal whirly bird won’t be ready for another year or so and the season is about to start I figured I’d just offer them up as prizes. But that’s not even the best one either! Tickets to the annual Fashion parade in Canterlot, a championship belt from some big rodeo thirty years ago, a golden pass to the local pet shop that gets you 75% off everything, and this suuuuuuper heavy old book titled ‘Old Equestrian Myth’s and Legend’s, the Missing Volume 7’ . . . whatever that means. ” She said pulling out just said items from her hair as they were listed and laid them out on the coffee table for them to inspect.

Rainbow confirmed that they were in fact legit season passes for the upcoming season, and the VIP stamps were authentic. Rarity examined just said tickets and confirmed that they WERE for the up-coming spring Fashion Parade, and they were amazing seats as well. Applejack inspected the belt finding it to be none other than the championship belt of the former champion who had risen from the sticks just like herself and made himself a legend in rodeo history in just one rodeo. He was her idol and this was his first championship belt. She had to have it. Fluttershy meekly glanced at the golden card thinking of all the supplies she could get with it. Twilight was the most ravenous, next to Rainbow of course. The book was real. The supposed lost book of Legend… what secrets it contained, what knowledge it could feed her. It made her mouth water at the prospect. She would win this competition if it killed her.

“So, with that settled let the movie begin~!” Pinkie said her voice carrying as she clicked a button on her remote.

Rarity leaned over to Fluttershy as she saw the look of determination in Rainbow’s eyes blaze like fire. “Fluttershy dear… what is Rainbow’s singing voice like anyways…?” she asked the pinkette. Fluttershy shrugged a bit.

“Even I don’t know… she’s never sung in front of anyone as far as I know. I’ve tried to get her to countless times but she says it’s for girly girls each time so I let it go… I’m actually really excited to see her sing.” Fluttershy responded with a small smile. Rarity was now watching with a new enthusiasm hoping Rainbow would get rolled quickly.

The opening song passed and it wasn’t until she knew that the first big song was coming up that Pinkie paused the movie and grinned as she picked up the cube. “Okay girls… and Spike.” She added quickly when she saw the drake glare at her. “The song we’re about to hear is called Summer Nights, it has two main singers and the rest are backups that the movie will provide. So, our first singer for the night, singing Danny’s part is…” she tossed the cube into the air and it landed on a side and the screen showed three bright red apples on its screen. “Applejack!” she announced with a giggle. The farmer got up and walked onto the stage beside Pinkie who handed her a mike. “Annnnnnd, singing Sandy’s part is…” Rainbow seriously didn’t want to sing the known goodie two shoe’s role but if she was going to get her points she needed to sing as frequently as possible. She crossed her fingers. The die moved in slow motion for her as it rolled through the air then landed slowly and three blear blue gemstones appeared on its screen.

“FFFFFFFFFFFFFF-!!!!!” Rainbow started before Twilight levitated a pillow in her face to stop the obscenity in its tracks. Rarity giggled a bit as she walked up to the platform and took a mike from Pinkie who quickly bounced over to her seat next to Dash who had since removed the pillow and was grumbling to herself.

“Don’t worry Dashie! The cube’s programmed to give everyone a fair chance! You’ll get your time on stage.” She hummed as she patted the taller girls head and clicked the ‘Play’ button on her remote.

Rarity looked up at the screen for a moment so she could get into character but she already knew the movie well enough that she didn’t really have to. She gave a small smirk at Applejack who was just setting her hat on the empty mike stand. Her line came first and she flashed Rarity a look she couldn’t identify before she sang in a voice that was deeper than she would have imagined and lacking the signature accent. (Song >HERE<)

“Summer Lovin’ had me a blast…”

Rarity quickly joined in her own voice soft but adapted to the character well swooning a bit as she did so.

R :“Summer lovin’ happened so fast…”

AJ:“I met a girl crazy for meeee,”

R:“Met a boy, cute as can beeee,”

Both: “Summer days driftin’ away to, uh oh, those summer nights.”

Rainbow looked honestly impressed as she nodded a bit. “Not bad so far… for a hay seed and a premadona…” she whispered to Pinkie who giggled as the movie singers filled in the gap in the background voices for the song until it started again with AJ who smirked a bit knowing the next line.

AJ: “She swam by me, she got a cramp,”

R: “He ran by me, got my suit damp”

Rarity gave the bigger girl a wink but Applejack’s next line was made to counter it.

AJ: “I saved her life, she nearly drowned!”

R: “He showed off, splashin’ around,”

Both: “Summer sun, something’s begun, but uh oh, those summer nights…”

One single thought went through all of the watcher’s minds when they saw the way the two were behaving while they sang with the backups in the movie:

‘Are they flirting on stage…?’

AJ: “Took her bowling, in the arcade.”

R: “We went strolling, drank lemonade.”

AJ: “We made out, under the dock”

R: “We stayed out, ‘til ten o’clock”

Both were getting very physical in their singing and all but Spike, who was just very confused by it all, knew that they had their answer.

‘Yes, yes they are.’

Both: “Summer Fling, don’t mean a thing, but uh oh those summer nights…”

Both of them did the same sideways foot shuffle the cast was doing in the movie and Pinkie was beaming and whistling at their performance now and the other girls seemed to be enjoying it as well, even Dash who was thoroughly encouraging the advances Applejack was making on her crush. Even if it was just an act it would get them SOMEWHERE.

R: “He got friendly, holding my hand,”

AJ: “Well, she got friendly, down in the sand!”

R: “He was sweet, just turned eighteen…!”

AJ: “She was good, you know what I mean!”

Both: “Summer heat, boy and girl meet, but uh oh those summer nights…”

The mood of the song shifted and slowed and they both seemed to snap out of their acts a bit.

R: “It got colder, that’s where it ends…”

AJ: “So I told her, we’d still be friends…”

R: “Then we made our true love vow…”

AJ: “Wonder what she’s doing now,”

Both: “Summer dreams ripped at the seams, bu-ut oh… those su-ummer nights…!”

Their voices harmonized beautifully at the end and they caught each other’s eyes as the music stopped. Pinkie had to remind herself to pause the movie she was so caught up in their voices harmonizing. Applejack was the first to move taking her hat off the mike stand and putting the device back where it belonged. Rarity did the same pretending like their little tango had never happened. Pinkie quickly shot up grabbing the cube off the floor by her feet.

“Ah ah ah! Not yet you two! First we have to see the results!” she announced stopping them both before they could walk off the small platform. Pinkie pressed in one of the sides of the cube and the side visible to the rest of them displayed a score sheet using their marks as their names. “Now, the highest score you can get on one song is 100, so the closer to it you get the better you did!” she explained. Two scores showed up, Rarity with an 80 and AJ with a 90.

“Ha! Beat ya dolly!” the farmer snickered. Rarity made a face and opened her mouth to snap back a remark but Pinkie interrupted her.

“Uh uh, wait. There’s a 15 point bonus for Rarity since she knew all the dance moves to it too and used them. So that puts her at 95.” Pinkie sang happily. Applejack’s jaw dropped to the floor and her hat fell off her head as Rarity smirked and caught it with one hand putting it on her own head like a trophy.

“And THAT girls, is how you effectively stun an Apple speechless. Take note.” She giggled as she walked back to her seat. Applejack snapped out of it when she reached up for her hat only to realize it was now on the head of the fashionista. She quickly went over and snatched it off her head before taking her seat again and frowning slightly as Pinkie and the rest were all laughing at them now. Eventually the movie was resumed. Soon, after a short fight song by the school a bigger number came up, but with this one Twilight flushed a bit and quickly used a blinding spell on Spike as well as a deafening one.

“Please for the love of the regal sisters tell me we’re not singing to that one.” Twilight muttered to Pinkie as the little clef came up in the corner. Pinkie shook her head spraying her pink curls about.

“Nuh uh, I won’t sing to anything we can’t all listen to.” She replied back. Her eyes slanted towards Fluttershy who was tilting her head curiously at the song. It was one her older sister had always fast forwarded through but now she could hear it in its full glory and her entire face was flushing deeper and deeper red by the second and Rainbow was laughing her ass off just watching her expression change from curious, to startled, to embarrassed, and then mortified. Rarity had a pretty decent blush on her and Twilight was starting to wish she had used the deafening spell on herself as her tanned face was growing the same color as the streaks in her hair. Celestia was enjoying the sight of the easily embarrassed girls getting worse and worse through the short song.

After that passed there was another short song that passed, sung by the greaser boys, but when Pinkie noticed the treble clef in the corner once again a short while later she smirked knowing what was next. She paused the movie and leapt up on the stage in a pink blur.

“Okay gals and pals, this next song coming up takes us down a sentimental road and I deem it worthy of acknowledgement. Now it’s a solo so there’s only one singer, Sandy, which means only one of you will be getting a chance to take the stage.” She giggled as she grabbed one of the mikes and balanced the cube flat on her hand in the other. Dash leaned forward in her seat, she knew the song well, it was one of Flutter’s favorites. She didn’t like the sappy crap but at this point she just wanted to get on the board with some points. “So, who will it be Cuby~?!” she sang as she tossed the device in the air and let it roll. Rainbow watched it like a hawk leaning more and more forward as it came closer to stopping and the image started to appear. Three pink butterflies glowed on the screen and she face planted into the coffee table with a groan.

Fluttershy smiled a bit as she patted Rainbow on the back. “Don’t worry Dashie, your song is up next remember…?” she soothed. Dash perked straight up grinning.

“Oh yeah! Totally! Okay, go knock ‘em dead Shy.” Rainbow laughed with a wink. Fluttershy gave a small giggle in response as she walked up to the stage and suddenly felt her stage freight catch up to her. She froze and Pinkie hesitated as she was sitting back in her seat. Dash thought quickly and motioned to get Fluttershy’s attention. When sea green eyes met hers she smiled and mouthed for her to sing to her and only her. It was what they had always done in the past and aside from her family and animal friends Fluttershy rarely had the courage to sing in front of others. But Dash knew these were their friends. They wouldn’t mind, but ‘Shy was still shy and needed something to focus on if she was going to have a chance. And Dashie was the perfect target. Pinkie pressed play on the remote and the movie resumed. Fluttershy closed her eyes and tucked her hair behind her ear before she took a deep breath and listened to the steady sound of the music fading in. A smile crossed her face as she met what would have been Sandy singing perfectly her soft voice beautiful in the song.

"Guess mine is not the first heart broken,

My eyes are not the first to cry

I'm not the first to know,

There's just no gettin' over you

"I'm just a fool who's willing

To sit around and wait for you

But baby can't you see,

There's nothin' else for me to do

I'm hopelessly devoted to you

"But now there's nowhere to hide,

Since you pushed my love aside

I'm not in my head,

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you,

Hopelessly devoted to you"

The girls were all stunned, even Rarity who had had the divine pleasure of hearing the girl sing in the shower often enough was stunned by her natural connection with the song. Rainbow however took it in stride her eyes never leaving Fluttershy’s.

“My head is saying "fool, forget him"

My heart is saying "don't let go"

Hold on to the end, that's what I intend to do

I'm hopelessly devoted to you

“But now there's nowhere to hide

Since you pushed my love aside

I'm not in my head

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you”

The song ended and Fluttershy let her hair fall back in front of her eye and the mike hung in her hand as Pinkie managed to pause the film in her slack jawed form. Even Celestia and Luna were stunned silent ad wide eyed. But Dash was grinning as she put two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly and clapped as well.

“Way to nail it Flutter’s that was awesome!” she cheered. Fluttershy looked away slightly as she rubbed her arm a bit and a light blush peppered her cheeks. The others soon joined in with their own claps and Fluttershy managed a small curtsey in return as she deposited the mike back in its stand and Pinkie bounced up with the cube.

“Well, if it doesn’t give you AT LEAST 90 I’m going to need to recalibrate it!” she laughed as she pressed in one of the sides. The screen flashed yellow for a few seconds before Fluttershy’s mark appeared and then a proud score of 100 right under it. Rainbow was grinning from ear to ear and whistled even louder than before and Fluttershy now looked thoroughly embarrassed as the full scoreboard showed her at the top now.

“Oh… my… Pinkie there must be some kind of mistake… I can’t have possible performed that well…” she breathed retracting deeper into her hair which acted as her shell.

“Hmm… you gals have any complaints about her score…?” Pinkie asked her audience.



“Certainly not.”

“What she said.”

“I am in agreement.”

Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, and Twilight all responded in turn. Celestia and Luna also nodded their approval and Fluttershy squeaked in response while Pinkie hummed happily and beamed like a second sun.

“Alright then! Let’s move on, if I remember right the next song isn’t too far off so don’t expect a big break. Actually I’ll just stay up here for now.” She giggled as she pushed Fluttershy back towards her seat and moved the cube under her arm while she looked back to the screen and hit play. Sure enough only a minute or so later she hit pause again when the glowing clef note appeared and she held up the cube.

“Alright, now I’m going to roll for the song Greased Lightning. It has Danny as the lead singer and his crew as the backups, so again this will be a solo this round.” Pinkie announced as she raised the cube high up in the air she caught Rainbow looking her way eagerly and giggled a little. “Wanna blow on the die for luck Dashie…?” she offered. Dash thought for a moment before she flew over and used her wings to create a powerful wing that not only blew on the die, but blew it right out of her hand and rolling on the floor. They watched as it came to a tilting halt and a white cloud with a prismatic lightning bolt shined clearly on its face.

“YESSS!!!!” Dash cheered putting a fist in the air. The rest of the group chuckled in amusement at both the victory dance Dash was now doing and the way the wind she had created made Pinkie’s hair even more poofy than usual.

“You know Dashie, when I said blow, I meant with your lungs. Not your gale force wings.” Pinkie sighed shaking her head with a smile as she smoothed down the curls to their normal chaotic levels. “Anyways, have at it!” she giggled as she left the die facing the stage and she bounced happily back to her seat producing popcorn from almost nowhere. Dash watched her press the button and closed her eyes listening to the movie for a second before she felt the cue and her eyes snapped open her voice filling in where Danny’s had left off.(See it HERE)

“Well, this car could be systematic,



“Why couldn't it be Greased Lightnin'!

We'll get some overhead lifters and some four barrel quads, oh yeah

“Keep talkin', whoah keep talkin'!

Fuel injection cut off and chrome plated rods, oh yeah

I'll get her ready, I need to get her ready!

“With a four-speed on the floor, they'll be waitin' at the door

You know that ain't shit when we'll be gettin' lots of tit

Greased Lightnin'

To say that the girls were astonished by the fact that Rainbow not only had the lyrics memorized, but the entire performance down to a T, AND was performing it just as well as the original actors, was a severe insult to what they were watching. Dash had changed her voice to a deeper pitch to match Danny’s and being as agile and springy as she was had zero issue what so ever copying his movements on the screen exactly as he did them. It was mimicry at its finest and it was stunning to say the least.

“Go, Greased Lightnin'

You're burnin' up the quarter mile

Greased Lightnin', go Greased Lightnin'

Go Greased Lightnin'

You're coasting through the heat lap trails

Greased Lightnin', go Greased Lightnin'

You are supreme

The chicks'll cream

For Greased Lightnin'

Go go go go go go go go

“We'll get some purple pitched tail lights and thirty inch fins, oh yeah

A palomina dashboard and duel-muffler twins, oh yeah

With new boosters, plates and shocks

I can get off my rocks

You know that I ain't braggin', she's a real pussy wagon

Greased Lightnin'

“Go, Greased Lightnin'

You're burnin' up the quarter mile

Greased Lightnin', go Greased Lightnin'

“Go grease lighting you're coasting through the heat lap trials

You are supreme the chicks'll cream for grease lightning

“Go, Greased Lightnin'

You're burnin' up the quarter mile

Greased Lightnin', go Greased Lightnin'

“Go grease lighting you're coasting through the heat lap trials

You are supreme the chicks'll cream for grease lightning

“Lightning, lightning, lightning

Lightning, lightning, lightning


“Come on guys , lets go to work !


Fluttershy was floating gently in the air and smiling as she cheered ever so softly. “You rock Dash, woo-hoo.” She cheered barely above a whisper. The couch was over backwards and seven pairs of feet hung over it paralyzed in their shock.

“S-she even did all the backup singing too… how many times has she seen this movie?!” Rarity asked in a shocked quiet hiss.

“Ah have no idea… Ah’ve lived with the gal for almost eight months now an Ah ain’t ever seen her do THAT before.” AJ replied still trying to piece together how her roommate who hated anything to do with corny musicals like this could have such a thing memorized down to the last pelvic thrust. Twilight just sat there frozen as a statue made to model the utter confusion she was in with her hair fraying in different directions, her eyes starting to twitch, and her mind reeling with the astounding performance. The Princess had blank looks on their faces but their minds were a mess that looked something like this: >(Enjoy~)<

Fluttershy gasped as she saw them all. “Did my cheering do that…?” she asked bringing a hand up to her mouth in surprise.

“Nah, I think it was my awesome. Pinkie!” she called. There was a pink blur and the sugar demon was next to her in a heartbeat. “Check your cube for my score! I wanna know if I beat Flutters!” she urged picking up the device and handing it to the girl.

“Yeah, sure Dashie…” she said still a little scatterbrained from the performance. She pushed in the side and the cube’s face glowed blue for a second before it showed a picture of her mark and then a list beneath it, singing score 95, Dancing bonus 20 points, enthusiasm bonus 5 points, and lyrical master bonus: 10 points. The total was 130 points… for one round. Dash would have shot through the roof had it not been made of marble and was built into the side of a cliff so it would be rock for at least thirty feet. So instead she just settled for loudly cheering and grabbing Pinkie and Fluttershy and twirling them around in circles like they were flimsy rag dolls.

The rest of the group all righted the couch back to its normal position and watched the scene with bemused smiles. Applejack tilted her hat as she watched her roommate spin around like a kid in a candy shop.

“Whoa there partner, didn’t know ya got so excited over somethin’ as simple as singin songs.” She laughed. The prismatic haired athlete quickly dropped the two girls she had in a death grip and her cheeks were much the same color Fluttershy’s hair.

“I-I’m not... I’m just psyched to be that much closer to getting my Wonderbolts passes.” Rainbow announced with a firm grunt. Celestia and Luna both exchanged knowing glances and they giggled as did the others making Dash all that more embarrassed. “Wh-whatever...! Just get on with the movie already...!” she exclaimed as she threw her hands up and walked back to her seat. Pinkie obliged eagerly as she and the others all settled back into their seats.

After the musical number the scene came to pass where Danny tried his hand at different sports to impress Sandy. Rainbow and Applejack of course had a good laugh at his miserable attempts. They whispered their comments to each other as it continued.

“Look at that idiot, he can’t even dribble right! And what the hell is with the short shorts? Are they playing for the girl’s team or something?” Rainbow snickered. Applejack chuckled a bit as well.

“Ah think that was just the style back then. Right Rare…?” AJ asked the girl who wore a soft white hoodie currently.

“Shhhhh!” she hissed in return. AJ and Dash sank into their seats a little bit until the wrestling attempt came up. In which AJ couldn’t help but groan.

“He looks like some kind of pheasant strutting around like that! And Ah’ve seen my Granny put up more of a fight than him…!” she complained. Rainbow snickered and Twilight was quick to shush them like the true librarian she was. They both complied until the greaser himself tried out the famous Equestrian game of Baseball. This time though it was both the sports obsessed and their dignified rulers that yelled at the screen.

“DON’T FALL FOR THOSE HALF ASSED TAUNTS…! HIT THE DAMN BALL!!!” They all roared. The movie was paused as everyone in the room turned to the four in question, but mostly Luna and Celestia. Celestia composed herself running her hand through her long pink hair that still flowed a bit in an unseen wind.

“We uh… are very vocal when it comes to Baseball… it is our national sport after all.” Celestia explained. Applejack and Rainbow both grinned and nodded their own outbursts dignified by their princess. Twilight and the other’s gazes slowly turned back to the TV and Pinkie pressed play once more.

The four sat back down and continued watching. Rainbow continued her commentary on it but quieter and just to Applejack. “Well at least he can’t screw up on track… but his chicken legs look like they’d be better for hopping fences than hurtles.” She mused. Applejack agreed and they watched the scene play out. Rainbow smirked a little. “Hehe… he’s pretty smart for a greaser… girls always go for guys who do sports. Helps if they’re smart too.”

Fluttershy heard this comment as she was just on Dash’s other side and she had to bite her tongue so that she wouldn’t confirm that with her own experience. Even if it wasn’t a boy. Rarity however had no such luck, as her gossip prone mouth had removed the clasp long ago.

“Oh yes… I could certainly see why girls go for boys like that… especially that wrestling team…” she giggled before she realized what she had said and slapped a hand to her mouth. Applejack’s ears perked and her green eyes slowly slid sideways at the fashion lover.

“Rare… have you been spying on my team while we practice…?” she asked. The others made no motion of it but they were all listening intensely. Well except Spike who was eating gem stones out of a bucket like popcorn. Fluttershy was shaking her head back and forth behind Applejack and was making a cutting motion to her neck.

“N-no of course not…! Why would I ever do such a thing! It isn’t as if I have an eye out for one of your team mates or anything…!” she quickly exclaimed. She was digging her hole further and further and everyone knew it. Fluttershy effectively facepalmed and buried her face in her hands not able to watch the unfolding scene on the couch. She carefully peeked out between her fingers when her curiosity got the better of her.

“Mhhhhhm… Ah’m not buyin’ it sugar cube, so which one of my boys caught your eye then…? Is it Snow…? That muscle bound idiot can barely formulate a sentence. Or was it that new transfer we just got, Brulee…?” she interrogated her harsh green eyes obviously threatened by the thought of her crush liking someone else. This however was looked over by Rarity who was just trying to come up with a good cover story. The familiar ding and the appearance of a clef note on the bottom of the screen however was her savior.

Pinkie paused the movie and bounced up to the platform beaming. “Okay gals! For this one we’re going to be doing something a bit different! Now the song that’s coming up is called Beauty School Dropout. And unlike previous turns where the cube would decide who’s going to sing, this time we’re going to roll out to find out who DOESN’T sing. As the base of the song is a choir of girls we can ALL participate. Except of course whoever the cube rolls who will be the focus of the song but not say a word. Acting though will earn you points so let’s roll to find out who will be Frenchy…!” she sang as she tossed the cube up in the air. It landed and rolled around for a bit before the screen stopped and three balloons identical to the ones on the hand that threw it.

“There we go! Now Rarity if you’ll just take the- WHAT?! CUBY WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!” Pinkie yelled as she sank to her knees and yelled at the heavens. The girls all filled onto the stage and patted her shoulder as they walked by. She sniffled looking down at the cube. “Betrayed by my own creation… now I know how that Franky guy felt…” She muttered.

“You mean Dr. Frankenstein…?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah…! Him! Oh well… now we just have to roll to find out who’s singing the angel’s part.” She sighed as she tossed the cube in the air again. It landed and the screen flashed several cutiemarks before it settled on the unmistakable image of the bright sun.

Celestia grinned as she walked up and took the mike off its stand. Luna rolled her eyes. “How predictable…” she muttered.

“Hush and watch how a master does it Lulu.” The older sister scorned as Pinkie placed the cube and took her seat on the couch. She waited until everyone had taken their places and then she rolled the film with the press of a button. Celestia, being Celestia, used her magic to her advantage and in a flash of white light they were all in a room almost identical to the one in the movie, dressed in the same white dresses as well, she had however spared them the humiliation of those tinfoil towers that covered their heads. The goddess in question was at the top of the tall stairs smiling down at Pinkie as the spotlight shone down on her. (Song)

“Your story sad to tell,

A teenage ne'er do well,

Most mixed up non-delinquent on the block!

Your future's so unclear now,

What's left of your career now?

Can't even get a trade in on your smile!”

Girls: (La lalala lalala lalala...)

Celestia slowly descended down the white marble steps while the girls all found themselves surrounded by clones of themselves who all sang in unison with them. They didn’t break character though, they kept singing.

“Beauty school dropout,

No graduation day for you.

Beauty school dropout,

Missed your midterms and flunked shampoo!

Well at least you could have taken time, to wash and clean

your clothes up,

After spending all that dough to have the doctor fix your nose


Baby get moving (Baby get movin),

Why keep your feeble hopes alive?

What are you proving (What are you provin)?

You've got the dream but not the drive.

If you go for your diploma, you could join a steno pool.

Turn in your teasin comb and go back to high school!

Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout),

Hanging around the corner store.

Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout),

It's about time you knew the score.

Well they couldn't teach you anything,

You think you're such a looker,

But no customer would go to you unless she was a hooker!"

Spike winced at that. “Oooooh, burn man…” he muttered under his breath as he shoveled more gems into his mouth.

“Baby don't sweat it (Don't sweat it),

You're not cut out to hold a job.

Better forget it (Forget it),

Who wants their hair done by a slob?

“Now your bangs are curled, your lashes whirled, but still the

world is cruel.

Wipe off that angel face and go back to high school!

“Baby don't blow it,

Don't put my good advice to shame.

Baby you know it,

Even Dear Abby'd say the same!

“Now I've called the shot, get off the block, I really gotta


Gotta be going to that, malt shop, in the sky!

“Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout)

Go back to high school

Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout)

Go back to high school

Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout)

Go back to high school”

As Celestia sang the last note Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew in from the sides while Luna hovered in the center as the lights faded. When they came back on they were all back in the party room And Pinkie was giving a standing ovation.

“That was totally awesome guys…! Tia even set the mood perfectly with her cool voice and that awesome show! And all of you had those totally cool clones to complete the choir! And then you three at the end were flying just like the guys in the movie!” Pinkie squealed as she hopped around them all in joy. “Buuuuut, as always it isn’t up to me! Take it away Cuby~!” she sang as she motioned to the cube. It beeped and buzzed and then a projector came out of one of its sides and beamed a screen on the wall that showed the full scoreboard. Rainbow was now ahead, but only just barley as Celestia and Twilight were tied in second now and Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Luna, and Pinkie were all behind them.

A fiery aura of determination surrounded Twilight and Rainbow now as they were both completely bent on getting their prize. They both thought the same thing:

‘I will NOT lose.’

“Okay group! If you don’t like your score so far, or you just wanna get ahead don’t worry, your chance will come! And not too far off either, because the next song, isn’t going to be based around singing at all~” Pinkie giggled her bright blue eyes sparkling mischievously at the confused looks on her friends faces and the bewildered look on the regal sister’s as well. “You’ll see!” she giggled as they all walked back to the couch and she collected her cube and sat with it giggling like the little sprite she was.

The group watched her carefully just in case she snapped on them, she did seem like the most likely to be a serial killer… next to Twilight of course. The movie resumed playing and they watched the scene switch in between quickly, they were all trying to remember what happened next so that they could get an idea of what Pinkie was planning. Celestia, having been to the play and seen the movie countless times, was the first to remember and make her guess. She whispered it in Pinkie’s ear and the curly haired girl giggled and nodded in confirmation. Celestia was now grinning and her sister’s teal eyes narrowed in concern. When Tia was grinning, the room was about to start spinning.

When the news casters were setting up and the other girls were all reminded of the dance looks of realization swept across them quickly. They still didn’t know what Pinkie had planned, but if it wasn’t singing surely it involved dancing. When the actual dance itself came up Pinkie paused it and sauntered up to the platform to address the others. Okay girls, and Spike, this is the deal. As you’ll all remember from the movie this is no ordinary high school dance, it poses a significant part in the movie and has some of the most important characters all in the same place. So, in light of the importance, and lack of actual singing here, I’m issuing a challenge to all of you.” She beamed her eyes glinting as she did so. All eyes were on her, some filled with curiosity, and most filled with the fire of competition. “We’re going to have a dance off our selves! The wining pair will receive a special bonus of their choice and a doubled score as well!” Pinkie hummed excitedly. They all nodded but Applejack was the one to notice the catch there.

“Pinkie… did you just say pair…?” she asked her green eyes slightly hesitant to ask.

“Nice catch on that AJ!” She grinned. She pulled a gold star sticker from her hair and threw it so that it landed right on her shirt. “You get the gold star for paying attention!” she giggled. Twilight, the ever eager student gave the farmer a glare. Gold stars were HER thing. “AJ’s right, one of, and probably the biggest rule here, is that you’ll be paired up into partners by the cube~! You’ll have to cooperate and coordinate with your partner in order to get a perfect score, the one who impresses the cube most between dance moves, team work, and your overall style will win this round! Of course we’ll all get points but winning this is pretty much a free ticket into winning the whole shebang!” she giggled. “Unless I plan something even bigger for one of the final songs that is~! We’ll see!” she added with even more laughter. The others all looked concerned and Twilight of course posed the next question.

“So uh… what are the rules…?”

“Oh! Silly me I did it again didn’t I…? Okay, rules are: 1. We don’t want any of that nasty stuff on our dance floor. I’m looking at you RD.” She added with a slight glare at the Rainbow haired girl in question, she’d seen her dance at parties before. It could get… out of hand. Rainbow grunted in acknowledgement. “2. Is that you have to adjust to whatever is song is playing within five seconds of it switching. And it will. Frequently.” She emphasized. “Numero Tres is that if you trip up, or screw up you’re automatically out. And the cube will know. If you screw up you’ll hear a buzz and you and your partner are to leave the dance floor and watch from the sidelines. And the final rule is to, of course, have fun with it!” she giggled pumping a fist in the air. The others all laughed at that and nodded in agreement. “Okie Dokie Loki! Then let’s get to the pairing part of this match~!”

*** “WHOA WHOA WHOA, WAIT.” Nyx interrupted before her mother could continue. “So… let me get this straight, this entire competition could be won before it’s even finished…? How is that even fair…?!” she asked in disbelief. Her mother laughed as did her uncle and they both beamed at her.

“Don’t you worry dear, if there’s one thing Pinkie knows how to do it’s how to make games fair. She would never make something like that without making up for it later. Just be patient…” Twilight mused her lavender eyes filled with laughter. Nyx huffed as she crossed her arms her dark purple hair falling over her shoulder onto her black night shirt. She had left the glasses upstairs since she didn’t really need them and her headband had been abandoned in a trunk up stairs years ago. Her mother smiled at her, she had grown up very well and soon she wouldn’t need her anymore. She would have to enjoy these last few precious moments while she could. “As I was saying before…” ***

The cube was tossed and the screens on it blinked a few times before it projected the results of its shuffle on the wall again. Smiles faded and nervousness settled in instead. Even Pinkie faltered slightly.


Fluttershy and Applejack

Rainbow Dash and Rarity

Luna and Pinkie

Celestia and Twilight

“What… the… f-(BUY SOME APPLES)” Rainbow Dash’s swear was cut off buy a censor job done by Pinkie herself who had a portable soundboard on her phone. Magenta eyes glared at her and she quickly tucked the phone away. “I’m NOT dancing with her.” Rainbow insisted with a slight glare at the fashion lover in question.

Just said girl was rolling her eyes. “Oh like it’ll be a joy ride for me to be dancing with the brute…” she snarled back. Rainbow growled at her but Fluttershy came between them both of them and placed a hand on their shoulders.

“Will both of you please not fight…? Pinkie is it possible to change partners…?” she asked her fellow pink haired friend.

Pinkie shook her head sending her curls sprawling outwards. “Nopsey Wopsey! What the Cube says is final! It has to have a reason for doing what it does anyhow. So! Let’s go then, Celly if you would please~!” she hummed. The princess’s hands glowed in her golden aura as she moved them in a counter clockwise circle and then pointed her finger straight up. There was a golden flash and when they all regained their sights they were all in what looked like a large ball room that was again made of pure white marble and had those towering white pillars made of the same substance and carved to resemble ancient Greek architecture. But that wasn’t the end of it, no, to top it all off each one of them was also in a very classy dress. Rarity was very pleased with hers as it was just as white as the walls and floor, but it had her mark embroidered on her hip, as did all the others but with different colors for dresses and only slightly different styles. Rainbow looked down at herself and screamed in protest.

“Celestia what the hell?! Why am I in a dress?!” she asked the regal figure who was also in a long flowing white dress but it was low cut on the chest and had a slit that stopped only where her mark was on her upper thigh. Her actual mark. To see it was almost considered obscene. Twilight however was too enthralled with the elbow length gloves she wore that resembled the Milky Way in color and design. Applejack’s was a deep orange but it also had a green rim around the bottom and she wore stylish cowboy boots on her feet as well so all and all she wasn’t all that against it. Fluttershy’s dress was creamy yellow and had a cut similar to Celestia’s but minus the open chest, it instead went into a wrap around her neck and the three pretty pink butterflies rested on top of the slit in her dress that ran along her left leg. Pinkie Pie was the most happy with her dress, it flowed but it also poofed out at the ends and her hair had also been released from the ponytail it was usually kept in so her pink curls flowed down most of her back and bounced with her every movement. Luna had no objections to the midnight blue dress she wore that matched the way her hair flowed in its full glory. She had a set of matching gloves and her own mark was also visible like her sister’s. Rainbow Dash was the only one who objected so much to the cyan dress that matched her proud wings that were currently spread in defiance.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at the girl. “Oh I’m sorry, did you have an objection to that dress…?” she asked the tomboy. Dash nodded quickly.

“Uh, YEAH!” RD responded with a nod.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Let me fix that.” She snickered her pink eyes smirking as she snapped her fingers and a golden flash surrounded Dash. When it faded everyone had to bite their tongues and cover their mouths to stop from bursting out in laughter. RD looked around in panic for a second.

“WHAT?! WHAT DID SHE DO?!” Rainbow asked looking down at herself. What she saw made her blood run cold. A poofy pink frilly dress that was too sweet and girly for even Pinkie Pie was on her body, along with matching sparkling bedazzled pumps and knee high socks that were candy cane striped. Her hair was also styled into long rainbow colored curls and she wore an outrageously frilly hat as well, a matching parasol at her side. Her magenta eyes widened in terror as she looked around and saw her friend’s faces. Rarity was trying her best to keep from bursting out in laughter, as was Applejack, Pinkie Pie however had no such reservations, Twilight looked like she was trying to break down the scientific composition of the dress and Fluttershy was caught somewhere between looking flustered and having a giggle fit right there where she stood. Rainbow dropped to her knees and pleaded with Celestia. “I take it back! The dress was beautiful!! Just get me out of this!!!” she cried as she brought her hands together in a plea. Celestia smirked a bit her pink eyes retaining their glint.

“Ask and you shall receive my little angel.” She mused as she snapped her fingers. Rainbow felt the clothing change back and she never thought she’d be relieved to be in a dress. She stood back up and dusted herself off. At least Celestia had given her heeled boots instead of just heels. She had never liked those damn things. Even as a little girl. She walked over to Rarity and sighed.

“None of you say anything about this and I’ll take you all out shopping any day this week my treat.” She announced. There was a pause in the conversation and most of the heads nodded in agreement. All except one, Fluttershy. Her sea green eyes were gleaming.

“And what about me Dashie…? Bribing me with money and shopping doesn’t work if I’m on equal standing grounds with you…” she hummed a bit too cheerfully. Pinkie made a classic ‘Ooooooh’ at the comeback. Rainbow had to think for a second before an idea popped into her mind. She walked over to Flutters to whisper in her ear.

“How many favors do I have to call in to make this disappear…?”

“Ten. And I want you in class and no office trips, nurse or disciplinary for two months.” The normally shy girl responded.

Rainbow paused for a moment. “15 favors and ONE month good behavior.” She bartered. Fluttershy crossed her arms over her chest and flipped her hair back out of her eyes.

“15 favors and THREE months good behavior.” She countered. Rainbow stuttered for a few seconds under her gaze and the sudden boldness. She eventually chuckled though and let out a content sigh.

“Ivy taught you way too much… fine, deal.” Dash replied with a sigh as she held out two fingers to her. Fluttershy happily met her and the two wound them together shaking them tree times and then bringing their hands back like they had exploded, sound effects and all.

Pinkie was the first to ask. “What was that…?” she inquired having never seen such a promise made.

“Oh, it’s a Sonic Flutterboom promise. We made it up when we first met. The name was a compromise because I wanted something awesome and she wanted something… cute. It’s like this.” Dash said holding up two fingers again as did Fluttershy. “Two fingers for two friends, they hug like this…” she said as their fingers curled over each other again. “Then their chant their promise to the creator three times.” She said as they moved their hands up and down three times once again. “And then their combined friendship and the bond of their promise causes a huge awesome explosion that’s more epic than an Aurora and cooler than all the Wonderbolts combined.” She finished as they released and made the resulting explosion noises. Pinkie burst out into giggles again the others looked caught in between amusement and wonder.

“You had… interesting imaginations as kids.” Rarity commented.

“Yeah… interestin’ was totally the word Ah’d use to describe it…” AJ muttered. Rarity elbowed her in the ribs and AJ got winded as she rubbed the spot.

“It’s okay you guys… I know it’s pretty silly of us but its tradition so we still use it. That and next to a Pinkie promise it’s about the most binding thing we can make.” Fluttershy explained. Pinkie rose up like a zombie from her fit of laughter which had ended sharply at the mention of her sacred promise.

“Foreveeeeeeeeeer. . . “ She hissed eerily. Everyone in the room, even the princess of the night herself got chills through their body. Pinkie quickly perked back into her usual self and bounced off to where her cube had just appeared along with a very confused Spike who whore a simple black suit and a top hat to match.

“Wh-where are we…?” he asked looking around un easily. Luna cleared her throat to explain.

“In one of the many pocket dimensions we keep around. We mostly use them for storage or practicing advanced magic, but they can be used like this too. It’s sort of like a dream state, only Celestia’s the one in control of it all and this is very much real.” The moon goddess explained as she adjusted the gloves on her arms. Twilight’s eyes lit up as she turned to her mentor.

“Will I ever be able to do something like this princess…?” Her mentor gave her a stern glare and she corrected herself. “I-I mean Celestia…”

Said goddess smiled at the correction and nodded. “In due time my dear Twilight, but let’s get you out of high school before we start worrying about using such advanced magic shall we…?” she laughed.

“Soooooo, if I skipped a few grades you’d teach me sooner…?” Twilight countered. Celestia gave her a playful glare.

“Sometimes I think I’ve taught you a little too well my dear. No. I’m setting the age limit at Seventeen and no sooner.” Celestia ordered. Twilight’s head drooped a little as she muttered under her breath.

“Party pooper…”

“Heard that~” Celestia hummed. Twilight straightened and suddenly the room shifted and Pinkie stood up on a platform with a mike stand a mixing board behind her and large stereo sets on either side of the stage. Twilight glanced at her mentor quickly but the stunned look on her face said that she had nothing to do with the sudden appearance.

“Alriiiiiiight party people! Let’s get this show on the road! When the music starts dance to your heart’s continent, but remember, when the music shifts, and it won’t always be at the end of the song, you have to adjust your dancing within five seconds or the cube will buzz you out and then you’re done for the day. When we get down to the last two couples, I’m sorry, I mean pairs,” she giggled at the correction when she saw the shocked looks on the group’s faces. “We’ll switch into the finals and the rules will be explained from there. Now I’m setting the timer for half an hour. If we still have more than two pairs after that we’ll have an elimination round. Everyone got it…?” she asked looking around. When everyone nodded she grinned and placed the cube on the stand, it clicked into place and its faces all glowed. “Then let’s get this party started!” she shouted as she tapped the top of the cube. It beeped in response then projected a countdown timer on the opposite wall. Pinkie got into place right next to Luna and everyone else quickly did the same. The timer started at ten and clicked down for what seemed like ages for all of them.

Applejack stood next to Fluttershy her hat having been removed and tossed onto the stage so it wouldn’t interfere. With the boots on and Fluttershy wearing simple flat sandals Applejack was now a good two inches taller than her, something odd for Fluttershy since she had always been the tallest in her class. Applejack whispered out of the corner of her mouth.

“So uh, exactly how many classes have you taken on dancing have you taken…?” she asked the Pegasus.

“I’ve been in dance since I was four, and gymnastics as well. We practice new routines every month. What about you…?” she asked the farmer. She was slightly concerned knowing that she was literally raised in a barn.

“Mah Auntie had me taking professional lessons on ball room dancing for almost the entire year I stayed there. I still remember it all and I’ve been to quite a few parties in the past few tears too, so I know all the modern stuff too.” She chuckled lightly. Fluttershy sighed in relief and got a small smile on her face. Dashie wouldn’t stand a chance.

Rarity leaned over to her taller prismatic haired dance partner at almost the same time Applejack had. “PLEASE tell me your parents have forced you into dance classes of some sort…?” She asked with a slight pleading look in her eyes. Rainbow shook her head and Rarity got panicked for a second before she spoke.

“But I’ve been watching ‘Shy dance since we were little and she uses me as a practice partner pretty often. So I know almost as much as she does.” Rainbow snickered. Rarity got a small smirk on her face. She knew all about Fluttershy’s dancing, and had even had the pleasure of seeing it a few times herself. If what Rainbow said was true then they stood a fair chance. Especially since wild party animal Pinkie Pie was more focused on modern style and Twilight had two left feet if it wasn’t something she’d seen in a video game. Then realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Both of them were paired with ageless goddesses that had perfected every dance since the dawn of time. Pinkie being the chameleon she was would adapt quickly with Luna leading, and Twilight would absorb everything her mentor taught her like a sponge. Her sapphire eyes turned into pinpricks at the realization and she swallowed hard. This was going to be a really tough challenge.

The buzzer sounded at last and the music started. It wasn’t something they recognized at first but after a few seconds it came back to them. It was the remix of Beauty and the Beast, which also meant it was really easy to dance to. The pairs quickly adopted a ball room dance pose, with the taller of the pair leading. Spike was watching from beside the cube on top of the stage.

“Really…? Beauty and the beast…? Lame. What else do you have Cuby…?” he asked the cube in question. It of course didn’t respond to him, being an inanimate object and all. But only a minute into the song there was a shift and it was MUCH more lively(See it HERE) . Pinkie managed a smirk and Luna the same as they were both familiar with the style associated with this dance. Fluttershy quickly squealed but complied shifting with the music quickly. The others did as well having seen the movie and knowing the song well enough.

Spike grinned at the change. “There we go, that’s soooo much better. Ball room dancing is boring enough, you have to keep their blood flowing and whoa… I didn’t know Fluttershy could bend like that…” he commented seeing the dip she had made almost completely backwards to where her hair pooled at the floor and Applejack quickly brought her back up and spun her outwards. The others were all having fun with it too, some more than they should apparently since Pinkie looked way to comfortable dancing around Luna like that. Rarity was enjoying the shocked look on Dash’s face when she realized she too was skilled in dancing, even like this, scratch that, especially like this. The entire scene on the dance floor could be considered comical but before he could really get a good laugh out of it the cube switched the music again. This time the song had a Latin theme and it was apparent very quickly what it was.

Applejack grinned and quickly adjusted to the fast paced song. “Livin’ La Vida Loca…” she mused as she eyed her partner. “Why does this song seem to fit one our friends more than it should…?” she asked with a laugh.

Fluttershy tilted her head slightly mid dance. “Which one…?” she asked curiously. AJ laughed and nodded towards the tan skinned magic user that was currently having a ball dancing with her mentor. Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle at that as she continued dancing.

Across the floor Rarity and Dash were having a similar conversation. “Hey, who do you think this song reminds me of…?” Dash asked doing a couple little hand motions as she danced around her partner.

“Hmmm… I was going to say Twilight but I think it fits Pinkie better.” Rarity mused casting a glance back at the friend in question. It did indeed fit her eccentric personality and superstitious nature. Rainbow nodded a bit in thought.

“Can’t argue there. Especially with that dance partner of hers…” she added with a laugh. Pinkie was having a blast with Luna as a dance partner, especially since the song seemed to fit them both in a little way, both being the black sheep in their family’s after all.

Spike watched for a little while longer the cube deciding to leave this song on for almost its full length before it switched again. And this next song one of the girls in particular was on like white on rice. Then of course, being to every single rodeo in her fourteen years of life had its advantages. Like having the entire Cotton Eye Joe memorized. She quickly guided Fluttershy into the step and Rarity felt dread seek her out like a missile. She had only done the step once or twice and Rainbow was in much the same position. They both watched the others carefully and found it to be simple enough. But of course there was one that was one pair in particular that had a bit of an issue with it, the only one who had never even heard of a Hoedown in her life, Twilight was very very out of pace and tripped on her dress when she tried to mimic the way the others were bouncing around. The Cube buzzed and it was official, Celestia helped up her student carefully and smiled at her as they walked to the sidelines. Twilight sniffled a bit.

“I’m sorry… we could have won if-“ Twilight was silenced by her mentor putting a slender finger to her lips.

“Don’t be so negative Twilight, you knew the odds were against us, even with me guiding you. Now we get to sit back and watch the others make fools of themselves.” The sun goddess mused with her sing song like voice. Twilight managed to smile at that as well, Celestia had always been able to cheer her up. It was why she looked up to her so much, like a mother or older sister. It was pretty hard to tell. The others were all into the music well enough but it was pretty funny to see them jump around like rabbits.

The song switched again and this time, contrary to the exact song that had been playing a moment earlier it was calm, and slow, and in normal circumstances made for couples. It was the infamous Waltz. Twilight joined her brother on the stage along with her mentor so they could commentate on the dances.

“Shame we didn’t last through this one… I still have it memorized from all those balls you brought me to.” Twilight laughed as she leaned against the rail that separated the stage from the floor.

Celestia laughed at that. “Oh come now, you had fun learning about all those foreign nations, and then stealing dances with all those prince’s.” Celestia mused.

“They asked ME to dance and that was only because they thought I was you daughter.” Twilight giggled back. Spike chuckled as well.

“Yeah, and while you two entertained the guests I raided the food table. I still remember Blue Blood’s face when he saw me swallow that turkey whole.” He snickered. Twilight rolled her eyes at him.

“Hey, did you know Pinkie could Waltz…?” she asked Celestia noticing the way that the curly haired girl kept in perfect rhythm with Luna.

“No… no I did not… did you know that Luna isn’t leading…?” she countered. Twilight blinked and looked back at the pair. It was true, Pinkie had taken the lead this time around and it was apparent that the others had noticed as well, and judging by the nervous looks on their faces they were concerned greatly. But they had their own moves, and Fluttershy moved as gracefully as a swan, Rainbow very similarly so and she guided Rarity perfectly so. It was clear that the song was easy for all present… too much so apparently since the song quickly changed to a rather swingy rhythm, the sudden pace change made Pinkie trip over her foot and she stumbled. She made a face quickly.

“Aw man…! Sorry Lulu…” she sighed as she stood back up. Luna laughed as she stood back up.

“That’s quite alright Pinkie, come on, let’s go watch the finals now.” She said helping Pinkie back to her feet and jogging back to the platform Celestia and Twilight were standing on with Spike.

“You two were awesome out there! Where’d you learn to dance like that Pinks…?” Spike asked the other two nodding in agreement. Pinkie giggled and winked at them.

“I’m THE party expert guys, formal, casual, or rocking smoking awesome, I can dance to any music.” She explained as she walked over to her cube and looked out at her four friends that remained on the floor. She pressed a button on it and it produced a microphone that she grabbed and the front end of it turned into a speaker to project her voice over the music. “Okay you four, don’t stop dancing but since these are the finals we’re now under final rules, which means an entire new twist! When you hear this noise,” she said pressing one of the faces on the cube, it let out a loud siren that sounded like a nuclear warning. “You’ll switch partners! Okay, that’s it keep going, there should be a song switch soon!” she mused as she saw the mortified faces on the four. Dash was about to scream at her when the booming bass of a techno mix cut her off. She and Rarity adjusted their dance style quickly as did AJ and Flutters.

“I swear when I get my hands on that pink haired demon I’m going to shoot her out of Luna’s cannon to see if she has a set of wings in her bag of tricks…” RD grumbled. Rarity actually laughed at that.

“I think she’d pull out a full hot air balloon first darling.” The fashionista mused. RD’s scowl disappeared and was replaced by a laughing grin.

“Haha, that’s actually pretty funny to imagine! You know, I’m actually beginning to see why Flutter’s likes you so much Dolly.” She mused.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I see Abigail has told you of that little nickname her grandmother gave me… what else has she said about me…?” Rarity inquired. Put on the spot Rainbow faltered slightly in her movement but turned it into a quick recovery before the cube could sense it.

‘Shit… what do I say…? I can’t lie… those god damn eyes are watching me like a hawk…’ Rainbow thought quickly. She was about to open her mouth to respond when the siren sounded. She quickly broke away from Rarity and grabbed the nearest partner she found, which just so happened to be Applejack. Rarity and Fluttershy quickly paired together as well. The music shifted again and this time to their great surprise it was a familiar little song called Moves like Jagger. While they adjusted to each other’s steps Rainbow spoke through grit teeth.

“That switch came just in time, Rarity was asking about you!” she said over the music but not loud enough for the other pair to hear. AJ almost tripped when she heard that.

“She did what now?!” Applejack asked back with a side glance at the fashion lover and animal lover. The object of her affections was staring at her intently. “Whoa nelly… that’s a hell of a glare she’s got going on… what did you tell her…?” Applejack asked as she started to sweat bullets, not from the dancing, but from the daggers she felt boring into her back right now.

“Nothing! I just called her that nickname your Grandma gave her and she asked what else you told me about her, then she gave me that LOOK and I knew I couldn’t lie…!” Dash explained exasperated. “Dude, you’ve gotta tell her!”

“What?! No Ah don’t! As long as I can avoid her at all costs I’ll be fine!” AJ declared with a firm nod of her head. Suddenly the music shifted again but this time the change was about as big as they come, after all, going from a song often played at teenage dance party’s to a tango is generally pretty hard to do. But not impossible for the group on the floor. “Where in hells name did you learn to tango…?” AJ asked the shorter prismatic haired girl.

“Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, for the last seven years with Flutters…” She responded taking a moment to dip AJ. “You…? She inquired while they were paused. Aj bit her lip and glanced sideways.

“With mah cousin Braeburn in the back of his barn when we were ten…” she admitted. RD laughed and brought her back up spinning her outwards.

“Redneck…” Rainbow muttered with a smirk. AJ responded to the insult by taking the lead away from Rainbow and backing her up and spinning her a few times. “This is really hard to do backwards…” she admitted. AJ dipped her once more as the song called for it.

“You should try it with Spurs.” She snapped back. (ten points to anyone who knows where that scene came from before I give the link for it in my AN)

Rarity and Fluttershy watched them with curious eyes from the other side of the dance hall. “Rarity…?” Fluttershy asked quietly as she twirled the shorter girl outwards and then brought her back in.

“Yes Fluttershy dear…?” Rarity asked once they had rejoined and paced forward.

“Y-you don’t think that those two are… y-you know…?” she asked quietly her sea green eyes glancing up at the athletic pair that were dancing in perfect sync. Rarity quickly glanced over at them.

“No… They wouldn’t… they’re too much alike… right?” she asked as if for confirmation. Fluttershy bit her lip nervously. “Oh dear… this requires more digging… here, I’m going to try something and see how they respond.” Rarity said as she took the lead instead and dipped Fluttershy low following her so that their bodies were almost touching and their breaths could mingle together. They both glanced sideways to find both athlete’s staring at them wide eyed, Applejack had frozen in place and effectively dropped Rainbow onto the floor. Not that Rainbow really noticed since her nerve endings had frozen over from the cold shock that filled her. The cube Buzzed announcing that the pair was disqualified and Rarity brought Fluttershy back up to her full height. “Well, that answers that, they were staring at one of us.” She giggled Fluttershy doing the same after the red in her face went away. Only after they were separated did Rainbow feel the pain of both her wing being crushed under her and the defeat she had just suffered.

“Oh they’re good…” AJ muttered as she watched the pair exchange a high five each. The music stopped and Pinkie ran up to them beaming.

“That was awesome you two! Although the near kiss was over kill don’t you think…?” she giggled with a side glance at the defeated athletes. The fashionista smiled back in a way that made both of them shudder.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Pinkie, whatever caused them to freeze like that was nothing of MY doing.” She mused her cold icy gaze settling on Applejack alone. The farmer felt the color drain from her face as she quickly wished she had her hat to shield her face.

“RD, if Ah die tonight will you tell my family Ah love them…?” She whispered to her friend.

“I’ve got you covered hayseed.” RD answered back. Luna scoffed as she walked past them.

“I thought I already said that no one is dying on this trip unless I say so.” She sighed. Celestia laughed as she came up beside her sister.

“What if I say some one’s going to die…?” she asked curiously.

“That depends on WHO you say is going to die.” Luna responded in kind.

“Hey! Do Ah get a say in this?!” Applejack asked.

“No.” both sisters responded in unison. They looked at each other for a second before grinning and bursting out in laughter, Pinkie right behind them and the others slowly joining in, even Applejack herself after a bit.

“Well alrighty then… Ah’m a good sport so Ah’ll concede defeat, even if Ah do think ya pulled something with that last move…” Applejack said holding out her hand for Rarity to shake. RD did the same to Fluttershy.

“Yeah Flutters, looks like I still have a lot of catching up to do on you, but don’t expect it to stay that way forever.” Dash snickered with a wink at her longtime friend. Both opposite girls reached out and shook the offered hands with smiles. Pinkie popped out with a burst of confetti grinning brightly as she held two crowns in her hands, she put both of them on Fluttershy and Rarity’s heads and then whisked them both up to the stage where two thrones sat with a banner labeled ‘Dancing Queen’s’ was hanging.

“You know what this calls for?!” She asked with a broad grin and a look at both her friends at her side.

“Would it happen to start with a P and end with Arty…?” Rarity asked with a small chuckle as she rested her chin in her hand.

“No silly! We’re already having a party! You can’t have a party within a party! That’s impossible! Or is it… Hmm, I’ll look into that later. But right now, it’s victory dance time!!!” She sang as she pulled the cube out from behind her back and pressed the top of it. The side facing the others turned into a speaker and a familiar sound (See it HERE) similar to disco filled their ears as Flutters and Rarity walked back down to the others. Fluttershy glanced over at Rainbow. RD returned the gaze and smiled at her then gave a shrug and broke out in a rolling hand and pointing disco dance. The others all joined her, Celestia having a flash back to her birthday about thirty years ago.

“How in hells name do we all know this song…?!” RD Shouted.

“DON’T QUESTION DISCO!!!” Pinkie, Celestia, and Luna all shouted at once. And with that, no one no longer questioned Disco.

*** “Mom, is that why Tia had the entire castle outfitted with clap on disco balls…?” Nyx asked her mother. The older Alicorn laughed and nodded as she sipped her tea.

“Actually, she had those installed long before that but it IS the reason she uses them so frequently now a days… that and she still challenges your Aunt Pinkie to those dance off’s whenever she has free time. Spike do you still have the score card for them…?” Twilight asked turning to her brother. The older teen tapped his chin in thought before he produced a little flame and it formed into a long trailing scroll. He read the bottom of it while the rest of it trailed out of the living room and stopped against the door twenty feet away.

“We’re at 7,692 for Celestia, and 7,693 for Pinkie… Apparently Celestia isn’t happy with the score.” He reported as he rolled the scroll back up.

“What makes you say tha-“

Nyx’s question was interrupted flashing colorful circles of light shimmering through the windows by the fireplace and loud raving disco music playing from a few blocks down. She looked out the window to see Sugar Cube corner lit up like a club and its walls vibrating from the loud disco music playing inside it. Spike smirked patting his niece’s head.

“I rest my case shorty.” He responded. She glared at him.

“You know you’re only two inches taller than me and you JUST got to that height right…?” Nyx growled. Spike shrugged.

“Doesn’t matter, you’re done growing, I’m just starting. I’ll be as big as Macintosh some day!” he snickered.

“Yeah, and you also used to say you’d marry Rarity one day too and look where she is today…” Twilight commented off handedly. Piercing emerald eyes glared back at her.

“I thought we mutually agreed not to bring that up again Twi… Especially since I’m seeing-“

“AH AH AH SPIKE!!!!” Pinkie said sticking her poofy head into the room from a potted plant nearby. “We can’t give the audience any spoilers now can we?!” she lectured.

“P-Pinks…? What are you even talking about? Aren’t you supposed to be having some kind of Disco Off with Celestia…?” He asked the woman. She grinned at him and shook her head her long curls flying everywhere along with dirt from the plant she was in.

“Nah, I’ve got the twins handling her, having your own personal protégé’s who will do just about anything you ask them to is pretty handy~!” she mused. She winked at Twilight who blushed furiously at the implication and she quickly walked over and shoved the girl back inside whatever hell portal she had summoned.

“Yes well it was very nice seeing you again but I have a story to get back to and your win doesn’t count if you’re not the one dancing. That and Pound is just an embarrassment on the dance floor and Pumpkin won’t last very long either.” Twilight reminded her. Pinkie let out an elongated gasp before she vanished thanking Twilight for reminding her. Twilight sighed in relief before looking back to her daughter. “Now where was I again…?”

“Tia and Pinkie just crowned Aunt Flutters and Rarity the Dancing Queens.” Nyx replied as she was poured another cup of tea.

“Oh yes. Ahem.”***

After the celebration died down the group was somehow transported back into the entertainment room where the movie was still paused where they left it, their gowns thankfully replaced with their normal attire yet again. Rarity seemed disappointed at that.

“Such a shame… those were such beautiful dresses…” she sighed dreamily. “And I’m quite sure that was the only time I’ll ever get to see Rainbow in a dress…” she added with a small giggle. Rainbow pointed a finger in her direction as she sat down on the couch.

“Laugh it up for now Rare, but one of these days you’re going to wake up in a military uniform with a matching haircut and then we’ll see just how funny messing with someone’s style is.” RD declared with a challenge in her throat. Rarity effectively swallowed her tongue at that and Rainbow smirked at the sight of her scrunched face. “That’s what I thought.” She confirmed as Pinkie walked up to the stage and set the cube down and turned to face them all.

“Alrighty ladies…” Spike coughed a bit to make his presence known. “And Spike,” she added with a giggle. “Let’s finish up this movie montage style, the songs that are coming up are all pretty much back to back, they’ll be one more song, which as you all know is a duet and then the remaining songs are all sung by the entire cast, Soooooo, it’ll be all of us up here singing~!” she announced with a giggle. The other girls couldn’t help but share her energy. It was an effect Pinkie had on people, explaining it was kind of like trying to explain everything else she did impossible. “Without further adieu I give you Grease, resumed of course.” She mused as she bounced up and landed right between Twilight and Celestia clicking play on her remote as she did so. Twilight suppressed a giggle and Celestia did the same, although with more effort than her protégé.

The group watched through the dance each humming along with most of it and Dash finding her foot tapping a bit too much for her liking. A glance sideways however told her that Fluttershy was quite enjoying herself though, and that was enough for her. Applejack still had a bit of her paranoia left over as she had her hat tilted so that she could watch Rarity out of the corner of her eye without her seeing. She didn’t know what the fashionista had planned but she’d be sleeping with one eye open tonight that was for sure.

What surprised both athletes who were watching their crushes both conspicuously and inconspicuously was that they didn’t just hum along with the songs, they sung them under their breaths in full tune with the movie.

‘Wow… she’s really watched this thing way too many times.’ They both thought at once. When the scene came for the duet to come on Pinkie paused it again and somehow got onto the stage without Twilight or Celestia even noticing her movement. She held up the cube grinning.

“Okay girls, you know what that symbol means, now let’s see who’s going to have the pleasure of singing this spicy duet~!” she mused tossing the cube in the air. It’s screen went through a few marks before it settled on the cloud with a hued lightning bolt. Rainbow flew up to the stage to stand beside Pinkie grinning like a cat. “Whoa Dashie, excited much…?” she asked with a small giggle.

“N-no…! I just wanna redeem myself and get those Wonderbolt tickets!” She explained with a cross of her arms while she hovered a little bit off the ground. She did a little figure eight in the air behind Pinkie anxiously. “So who’s going to duet with me…?” she asked her friend. Pinkie shrugged and picked the cube back up.

“Dunno Dashie, let’s find out!” she sang as she tossed it back in the air and Dash continued doing figure eights out of nervous habit.

‘Anyone but her anyone but her…’ she internally prayed. Three blue diamonds stopped on the screen and she sighed in relief. The cube then seemed to jump a little and flip to a different side that had three pink butterflies instead. Rainbow’s jaw hit the floor as her wings stopped working and the rest of her body joined her jaw. “Oww…. How the hell did it do that?! It landed on Rarity and then it jumped and switched to Fluttershy…!!!” she exclaimed turning to Pinkie for an answer. But the poofy haired girl gave no response just a shrug to her winged friend. When Dash groaned as Fluttershy got up to walk to the stage Pinkie gave a small wink at Twilight and moved slightly so she could see the remote she held behind her back with her finger still on the button. Twilight’s lavender eyes widened but she chuckled to herself all the same.

“Pinkie you’re a mad genius…” she muttered under her breath. Celestia glanced down at her student having heard her and was about to ask what she meant when Pinkie zipped over and quickly whispered something in Rarity’s ear. Her eyes lit up and gleamed with something that made even Celestia cringe. Pinkie zipped back to the stage as Rarity stood up and quickly enveloped Fluttershy in her magic and dragged her out of the room with the butter yellow Pegasus in full panic at the action.

“Rarity?! Where are we going I have to get on and sing…!” she protested as she weakly tried to fly out of her friend’s magic hold. But Rarity would have none of it as she dragged the girl off and down the hall. Rainbow slanted her magenta eyes sideways at Pinkie suspiciously.

“Piiiiiinks… what are you plotting…?” Dash asked her careful eye never leaving the short pink girl beside her.

“Oh come on Dashie! Have SOME faith in me! She’ll be back up here before you can fix those feathers you have out of place.” She explained with a giggle. Dash’s eyes quickly widened as she brought her right wing to her front and noticed that there was in fact quite a few feathers on it out of place.

“Oh nuts… I’ll be back.” She grumbled as she went off to the bathroom. Applejack looked confused and turned to the princess for answers.

“Why didn’t she just fix them in here…?” she asked. Luna was the one that replied despite AJ directing the question at Celestia.

“Preening feathers is a rather private habit, as such doing it in front of a group of people on stage would be like showering in public… that and it’s very difficult to see the base of your feathers when you don’t have a mirror to use.” She explained as she brought her own wings forward and pointed to where they grew out at her shoulder blades. AJ blushed a little at the implication and nodded tilting her hat down a bit in embarrassment.

“That does explain why she spends so long in the shower every morning… Ah was wondering because she doesn’t really pay much attention to her hair or nothin’ so Ah didn’t think she’d be picky about her wing’s neither… what’s the difference…?” she asked peeking out from the hat. The door clicked open and Rainbow stepped in twirling one of her cyan feathers between her fingers.

“The difference is that if I have feathers out of place it messes with my aero dynamics, so I keep them in top shape… plus I honestly hate the way it feels when my wings are all grungy and ungroomed.” She explained as she walked over and tickled the farmers nose with the feather. “Answer all your questions Earth-Bound…?” she mused as she blew the feather away from her hold.

“Yes, as a matter of fact it did.” She responded with a nod as she tilted her hat back to normal. Rainbow grinned as she went over to her chair, grabbed her jacket off of it slipping it on and also putting her fingerless black riding gloves that matched the muscle shirt she wore and also dawned her favorite shades shades before walked back to the stage.

“Good, because my wings need to look as cool as me, and with this much awesome to live up to, they could use all the help they can get.” She snickered as she struck a pose on stage. The door opened back up to reveal Rarity walked in with a satisfied smile on her face as she paused at the door frame with all eyes on her. She casually knocked on the frame and Pinkie took that as her cue when Fluttershy stepped in. Every jaw that wasn’t Rarity or Pinkie Pie hit the ground and kept going, even Celestia and Luna…

Fluttershy stood in the door frame leaning on it with a confident smirk on her face and her long pink hair pinned back out of her face and roll down her sides in styled waves and curls. But most eye popping was the fact that she was in black spandex leggings that went to just above her hips dipped down slightly so that there was a sliver of her milky skin showing between it and the matching half shirt she wore on her top along with a form fitting studded leather jacket. The heeled spiked boots she wore that went half way up her calf helped too.

Rainbow’s reaction…? Her jaw was slack, the sunglasses she wore were slipping off her face, and her cyan wings had unfurled and stood straight at attention. Behind them the movie was already playing. “F-Fluttershy…?!” she mouthed. Flutters winked at Dash her eyes darting to the screen briefly before she sauntered for it and started to sing in time with the music that started to play. Luckily for her Rainbow caught on quickly, but much like Danny was on screen she pretty much dragged herself around after Fluttershy. (A perfect image of Fluttershy and the actual song can be found: HERE)

F: Tell me about it stud!

Rainbow threw her jacket to the ground as did Fluttershy as they danced around almost exactly like the characters on stage, well Rainbow flew a bit and Flutters hovered a bit but that was the limit.

R: I got chills.

They're multiplyin'.

And I'm losin' control.

'Cause the power

you're supplyin',

it's electrifyin'!

F: You better shape up,

'cause I need a man

and my heart is set on you.

You better shape up;

you better understand

to my heart I must be true.

R: Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do.

Both: You're the one that I want.

(you are the one I want), o,o, oo, honey.

The one that I want.

(you are the one I want want), o,o,oo, honey.

The one that I want

(you are the one I want want), o,o, ooooo

The one I need.

Oh, yes indeed.

F: If you're filled

with affection

you're too shy to convey,

meditate in my direction.

Feel your way.

R: I better shape up,

'cause you need a man

F: I need a man

who can keep me satisfied.

R: I better shape up

if I'm gonna prove

F: you better prove

that my faith is justified.

R: Are you sure?

Both: Yes, I'm sure down deep inside.

You're the one that I want.

(you are the one I want want), o, o, oo, honey.

The one that I want.

(you are the one i want want), o,o,oo, honey.

The one that I want

(you are the one I want),o, o, oo

The one I need.

Oh, yes indeed.

As the music faded away and the two both came to a stop to catch their breath from the movements Pinkie paused the movie and glanced over at Twilight beside her who shared her grin. The two silently fist bumped before Pinkie zipped up to the stage while the two seemed paused with Rainbow still holding Flutters up and around her waist. Pinkie walking up to them seemed to break whatever trance they were in and Rainbow quickly dropped Fluttershy. Thankfully Fluttershy was well used to being dropped by her dance partners and she used her wings to slow her fall enough to stand instead of just falling flat on her back.

Pinkie giggled as she picked up her cube. “Very convincing performance you two I almost would have believed you two were a real couple!” she snickered. Fluttershy blushed profusely and Dash’s wings once again flared in distress as her own face heated up. Celestia leaned down to Twilight to whisper.

“Another fun fact about Pegisai is that their wings flare out when aroused…” she mused. The fun fact made Twilight almost burst out laughing on the spot but she cut it off at a sharp snort and she quickly covered her mouth when the others glanced at her.

“S-sorry, continue…” she said a few more snorts of laughter escaping as she waved her hand at them.

“Sooooo, to the performance of Flutters and Rainbow the cube awards…” she slapped the top of the cube and it projected a score up onto the white wall in the back. Flutters was nailing Rainbow Dash like a hammer. She was at the top of the list and ahead by almost a thousand points because of the bonus round she and Rarity had won. “Oooooh, sorry Dashie, look like you’ll have to make up for it in the redemption round…!” Pinkie giggled. Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion as did everyone else in the room.

“Redemption round…?” they all asked at once. Everyone looked around at their neighbors when they all spoke at once.

“I’m glad you all asked! Here’s how it’s gonna work!” she said as she reached over and pulled a large wheeled white board from… somewhere. She flipped the face over to reveal what looked like little chibi versions of each of them drawn out on it in what looked like an adorable battle plan. “Now the point of this redemption round is to give those of you who pretty much have nothing for scores a fighting chance! Instead of a grade like score the cube will rate you based on how crazy you get and range it anywhere from 1 to 2000!” she explained as she pointed to a large drawing of all of their chibi selves dancing in all kinds of weird positions. “The rating is based on the wacky style because that’s what this entire song is about! Being as crazy as you want with it and just having fun! But that’s just the dancing! You still have to sing the lyrics in a group and on key just like you would if you were up here by yourselves! Now because this room seems a little crowded like normal while you were all focused on me I had the staff remove all the furniture, even the couch you were all sitting on!” she explained. Everyone blinked in surprise and looked around to find that she was right, every spec of furniture had been removed from the room and they were now sitting on the floor, leaving the large room wide open for them to go wild.

“How in Faust’s holy name did she-“ Applejack started, but her fellow earthbound wasn’t listening.

“When the last song is over we’ll tally the final scores and declare our champion…!” she said striking a triumphant pose with her pointing stick. She then broke her stoic face with her usual face splitting grin. “Any questions…?” she asked looking around. Luna raised her hand and Pinkie pointed with the stick. “The Party Queen recognizes Princess Luna!”

“Uh… yeah, you misspelled my name on the board. My name is Luna… not Woona.” She said pointed at the little chibi that represented her (which was rather pudgy looking). Pinkie blinked and calmly flipped over the white board to reveal their scores all written out in a nice chart. She uncapped a red marker and erased Luna’s score of 210 and rewrote it as 200. “Did you just dock me ten points?!” the lunar princess exclaimed.

“Yes. Because that was not a question and also Woona is a much more fitting name for such an adorable Chibi.” Pinkie reasoned as she capped the marker again and set it on the board before she pushed it into… where ever the hell she got it from and beamed yet again. Celestia was calming her sister by holding her down so she wouldn’t try and slam the moon into the earth just to smite Pinkie. Although she had a distinct feeling that Pinkie would somehow survive such an execution in some way that involved turning the moon into a large wheel of cheese at the last second and eating her way though it… “Okay, let’s begin! Remember! Be crazy!” she said as she zipped to the center of the room and the others slowly joined her.

Rainbow looked like a hallowed out corpse at this point. Applejack noticed and nudged her with one of her freckled arms. “Aw come on RD, you ain’t still freaked about Fluttershy are ya…?” she asked her room and teammate.

“No… I just know that I’m now cursed to lose this challenge no matter what…” she said bringing a hand to the right eye to half shadow it.

“What’re you talkin’ about…? This is the REDEMPTION round, you can catch up and pass Flutters easy!” AJ encouraged with a good pat on her friend’s shoulder.

“No… I don’t stand a chance… not up against… that!” she said pointing at Pinkie who was doing leg stretches in her inner tube that squeaked when she bent over, she also three pairs of mismatched neon thigh high socks on each leg and had shoes that looked more like slippers shaped like some kind of technicolor ponies, her face had some kind of old cheesy fake glasses complete with an over sized fake nose and mustache. When she was done stretching she pulled an oversized Sombrero out from whatever black hole she kept in her hair as well as a trumpet which she blew into and let out some kind of loud screeching noise that sounded like a dying whale.

“. . . Okay, Ah have no proper way to respond to that so Ah’m just gonna pat ya on the shoulder and wish ya good luck sugar cube.” She said doing just as she said and going to take a place where she’d have room. Rainbow had to fight her every nerve ending to not curl up in a tiny ball and wither away in the corner. Instead she put on a brave face as Fluttershy took a position next to her and gave her a gentle smile. The smile however did a lot for her and she felt her worry melt away. This was just a game… if she lost then oh well, it was fun anyways…

‘And I totally got to see Flutters in that cute dress and this totally hot out- STOOOOOOOP that thought right there before I regret thinking it…’ she ordered herself. The small voice in the back of her head, Who’s going to hear you…? ‘I’m in the room with two pretty much all powerful goddesses, a magic protégé that knows more spells than an arch mage, and Pinkie Pie. There’s a pretty good chance that one, if not all, of these people knows how to read minds.’ She countered back. Celestia looked over at her sister while she stretched out her limbs a bit.

“What do you think’s going through her head…?” the solar princess asked.

“I wouldn’t know, I’m a dream walker, not a mind reader.” Luna replied back. Pinkie popped up between them grinning.

“She’s having an inner monologue about whether or not any of us can read minds.” She responded all too cheerfully. Silence stretched between the two sisters as Pinkie once again bounced off to her spot.


“Yes Luna…?”

“If when we return home I perform a few experiments on the pink one to see what exactly she’s made of, will you punish me…?” she asked her older sister. Celestia paused tapping her chin in thought.

“Only if you don’t share the results with me after they’re done.” She replied after a moment’s consideration.


“Okay party people! Let’s get this redemption round on the roll!!!” Pinkie announced her hand high in the air grasping the remote. She clicked play on it and the movie played white the cube’s face glowed green while it observed them from its pedestal on the stage. (See the madness HERE)

[Rainbow and Fluttershy]

We go together like

rama lama lama

ke ding a de dinga a dong

remembered for ever like

shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yipitty boom de boom

[Fluttershy, RD, Rarity & AJ]

Chang chang chang-it-ty chang


That's the way it should be

Wha oooh yeah!


We're one of a kind

Like dip di-dip di-dip

Doo-bop a doo-bee doo

Our names are signed

Boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-e-dy


Shoo-by doo-wop she-bop

Chang chang chang-it-ty chang


We'll always be like one


When we go out at night

And stars are shinin' bright

Up in the skies above

Or at the high school dance

Where you can find romance

Maybe it might be lo-oh oh oh-oh oh-ove

[Luna&Celestia] Ra-ma la-ma la-ma ka ding a da ding de dong

[Pinkie&Twi] Shoo-bop sha wad-da wad-da yipp-it-y boom de boom

[Rarity&AJ]Chang chang chang-it-ty chang shoo-bop

[RD&Flutters] Dip da-dip da-dip doo-wop da doo-bee doo

[ALL] Boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-ed-y

[Spike] Shoo-by doo-wop she-bop

[TwiLuna] Sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na yip-pit-y boom de boom

[RariShy]Ra-ma la-ma la-ma ka ding-a de ding de dong

[ApplePie]Shoo-bop sha wad-da wad-da yipp-it-y boom de boom

[CeleDash] Chang chang chang-it-ty chang shoo-bop

[Spike]Dip da-dip da-dip doo-wop da doo-bee doo

[ALL]Boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-e-dy

[RariJack, TwiPie] shoo-by doo-wop she-bop

[FlutterDash, LunaTia] Sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na yip-pit-ty boom de boom


A wop ba-ba lu-mop


A wop bam boom


We're for each other like

A wop ba-ba lu-mop and wop bam boom

Just like my brother is

Sha na na na na na yip-pit-y dip de boom

Chang chang chang-it-ty chang shoo-bop

We'll always be together

Wha oooh yeah!

We'll always, be together

We'll always be together

We'll always be together

A wop ba-ba lu-mop a wop bam boom!

When the song ended all were out of breath, most from the acrobatics that they put on, and Pinkie because she was playing most of the instruments that had been in the music, including the Sax solo. But the part she liked most was the fact that at the end everyone was smiling and when the music stopped they all burst out laughing. Pinkie was glowing as she walked up to the stage to check her cube. She brought her hand up to the cube and blinked a few times in surprise as she let out a low whistle. Her party guests began to gather around her as she looked through what they assumed to be the results. Rainbow walked up beside Flutters and for the first time noticed that the normal three inch height difference was more than doubled by the four inch boots she wore. She flew up to hover so that she looked taller than Fluttershy.

“What’s the damage Pinks?” she called up to the stage. Bright energy filled eyes glanced up at her as she dragged her fingers across the touch screen of the cube.

“You guys aren’t gonna believe this…” she announced as she typed a few things into it to bring it up into a projection.

Fluttershy: 4,625

Rainbow Dash: 4.624

Rarity: 4,137

Pinkie Pie: 3,491

Applejack: 2,164

Celestia: 2,134

Twilight: 1,529

Luna Woona: 1,268

Rainbow’s eye twitched. It was all she could do. Slowly everyone started to back away from her, even Pinkie. Fluttershy ironically was the only one brave enough to approach her friend while she was in her state of shock.

“Dashie…? A-are you alright…? I can understand if you’re a bit upset I mean… with those numbers and to lose by only a single point it’s… Dashie…?” she asked when she noticed Dash’s shoulders began to shake a little as she lowered her head. “Oh no! Please don’t cry Dashie I’ll-!” she was cut off by Rainbow bursting out laughing and falling to the ground as she did so. Confused was a severe understatement for what Fluttershy and the others were feeling right now. Even Pinkie wasn’t laughing at this.

“You all should’ve seen the looks on your faces…! It was like, like-!” she tried mimicking a face that looked overly depressed and horrified but burst out laughing half way through. Slowly she stood up as the others began to understand and she was calming down.

“Y-you were just… pretending to be upset…?!” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“Well DUH!” Rainbow replied with a small chuckle as she wiped a couple of hysteric tears from her eyes. “There’s no way I’d be mad at Flutters for winning! I’m the outgoing athlete; she’s the reserved artsy type. She’s got a voice like an angel and the grace of one too and I sound like a harpy because my voice is too scratchy and my dance moves are only bland imitations of what I’ve seen her do! There’s no WAY I’d beat her in a competition where dancing and singing is the main focus!” Dash laughed. “Now if we were running track and she beat me I’d be upset, but not at her, at myself. Because obviously I somehow broke both my legs if she beat me at that!” Dash added just when Fluttershy was starting to blush from the layered thick compliments. That brought her back down to normal levels. Everyone else in the room relaxed at the return of the normal Dash.

And of course Pinkie was the first to say something. “Hey Dashie! No need to be so mean! Flutter’s is really fast when she wants to be!” Pinkie said defending her fellow pink haired comrade.

“Well yeah, when there’s a bunny in distress or something… but if she’s just running for the sake of running I’d run circles around her.” Dash boasted as she hovered in the air with her hands behind her head like it was a hammock.

“Actually she’s right you know… And I have really weak lungs anyways so running period isn’t a very good idea for me.” Fluttershy admitted looking down at her leather booted feet.

“Exactly, see? I know what I’m talking about when it comes to- OKAY FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE GIVE HER BACK HER NORMAL CLOTHES SO I CAN LOOK AT HER WITHOUT THINKING SHE’S GONNA CRACK A WHIP AT ME IF I TURN MY BACK!!!” RD roared without looking directly at her fellow pegasus.

Rarity sighed and walked over to Fluttershy her hand glowing as she did so. “Fine, ruin all our fun Rainbow…” she sighed. RD saw what she was doing out of the corner of her eye and her face turned crimson as she saw the outfit fall off around her. She quickly turned around fully prepared to knock Rarity out for stripping Fluttershy infront of everyone when she noticed Fluttershy was standing there in her favorite dress yet again.

“Wha-?! How did you-?!” she asked looking from the clothes on the ground and back to Fluttershy. Rarity rolled her eyes.

“The quick change spell, it lets you swap one outfit for another as long as you’ve seen it before and it’s nearby. It’s quite useful for fashion shows that need quick changes, or for rushed mornings where I don’t have time for silly things like putting on each individual garment.” Rarity explained ash she levitated the bundle of clothes on the ground in front of her to fold them neatly and set them aside so she could take them back to her room later.

“Well that’s… handy. Almost makes me wish I was a magic user. Almost.” She emphasized. Pinkie popped out between them again.

“Uhhhh, hello?! Aren’t we all forgetting something preeeeeety big…?” she asked moving their heads back to where the cube was still projecting the scoreboard. A big basket of prizes sat next to it now.

“Oh yeah, Flutters gets to pick her prize since she won. You wanted that golden pet card right…? Dash asked hovering over to the basket. Fluttershy walked up beside her as did everyone else.

“Oh… um yes. I did.” She said looking down at the assortment of prizes. More than just the ones Pinkie had shown them there were literally hundreds of prizes in the basket, some big, some small, some big but small and some small but big. She looked at it all carefully before reaching out and picking out two familiar looking items that were tied together at the top. She untied the knot and handed one of them to Dash. Rainbow stared down at the Wonderbolt’s pass in shock.

“F-Flutters…? What’s this for? I thought you-“

“I did. But you should have won with me. And I know this is something you’ve wanted since our dad’s took us to that show. I can handle paying full price for animal food and toys, money isn’t an issue for me you know that Dashie. Take it.” She insisted as she took Dash’s hand and placed the plastic card part of it in her palm. Dash looked from it back up to Fluttershy and back. Everyone looked on with anticipation but she didn’t seem to notice.

“I-I… Flutter’s I don’t know… I can’t…-“ she started trying to find the right words. Pinkie and Twilight were leaning forward in anticipation and Applejack and Rarity were silently cheering for them. Suddenly magenta eyes lit up like fireworks and she had Fluttershy in a crushing mid-air bear hug that would have made Jollygreen himself proud. “YOU’RE THE BEST FRIEND EVER!!!!!!!” She exclaimed flying around the room fast enough to make heads spin. Pinkie and Twilight both fell to the floor in crushing defeat, Applejack lowered her hat muttering something about her roommate being an idiot, and Rarity was sighing as she shook her head in pity for poor Fluttershy who had come so close. Spike looked confused and looked up to the two regal sisters for an explanation.

“What just happened here…?” he asked. The two sisters exchanged a glance before playing a quick game of rock, paper scissors which Luna lost so she had to explain.

“It’s… Rainbow Dash just erected a huge almost indestructible force field many become trapped in for all eternity called The Friend Zone.”

“Oh… sounds terrifying. Will Fluttershy be alright…?” he asked again. This time it was Celestia’s turn.

“Of course she will… she just needs outside help now. And I know just the girl for the job.” She mused her pink eyes falling on the energetic party queen herself. “After all, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching her these last few hours it’s this: Never Doubt Pinkie Pie.”

***~~~ AN: Alright you paitent little angels, look! A chapter! And it's a musical too! A musical that killed me to write and get all those links working. Although I actually loved writing all the little refrences I put in here. Speaking of which, ten Shadow points to any of you got where that tango scene came from. If you didn't, here, educate yourself. And I'd like to announce in full warning that the next time I update will not be a chapter revolving around the Mane 6, but rather two very special characters I hold dear to my heart. For a very obvious hint at who these charaters are I offer you a song in our splendid parting. Try not to drool all over your key boards when you figure that out please.~~~***