• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 5,749 Views, 132 Comments

Rewrite: Sisterly Bonds - Secret_Shadows

Follow Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they discover their past and build a new future.

  • ...

A New Horizon

Chapter Three
A New Horizon

Written by
Enlistedpony & Secret_Shadows
Edited by avorin

Later that night the two pegasus’s were fast asleep in Rainbows room, but the eldest of the two was tossing and turning. The events of that evening had unlocked a memory she had tried her best to keep repressed for far too long.

Rainbow ran down the hallway. It was dark, the only light illuminating from seemingly nothing. The were sounds of thunder and the pitter patter of rain on windows, windows she could not see. She galloped down the hall and turned into another long hallway. At the end was a light, she ran for it.

An increasing state of panic as the light seemed to move farther and farther away. The faster she ran, the faster the light moved away, as if it was parallel to herself moving at an equal if not greater speed. She saw a figure in the light, a pegasus shaped pony, a mare. The mare seemed to float away. The hallway lit up momentarily in conjunction with thunder. The mare started to run to Rainbow, but seemed to be moving away.

“Rainbow, Help me Rainbow” The mare said, the voice was haunting Rainbow as she heard it. The mare was familiar, oddly familiar. The hallway was familiar, the storm was familiar, everything was familiar, memories flooded back, her parents, gone.

“Rainbow” The voice echoed

Rainbow could see the mare clearly now, even though she grew farther distant. It was, no, it couldn’t be, the moment she realized, the mare was engulfed in a puff of smoke and then she was gone. The light faded, the floor beneath Rainbow fell, the walls around her falling into a deep abyss of black nothingness. Rainbow to, was falling. She tried to fly, to no avail.

Falling. Tired. Sleep. Nothing.

Tossing and turning, rolling around as if in a state of terror. Unable to sleep soundly, unable to wake up. Rainbow was stuck, in her nightmarish world, full of fear and strife. Restlessness. Sleeplessness. Fear.

She landed in a hallway, much like the one she was in before. This one was darker, the sounds of a raging storm still present. On the ground before her, splayed out was a stallion, a pegasus, she knew this pegasus, a light, a dark red light was approaching from the hallway.


She hesitated.

“Just go!”

She ran, galloping down the hall, away from the stallion, farther and farther, the light was catching up, continuing to run. Down the hall, turning her head back, she could no longer see the stallion, only the red light, and suddenly, a scream of pain, then, nothing, no sound. She skidded to a stop. She turned back, she went to run, but the floor started to collapse behind her and the light started to catch up to her. She knew it would destroy her. Her only option, to run.

Running down the hall, the floor collapsing just behind her, following her as she ran, the light approaching at an unimaginable speed, her wings, unworking, flapping her wings trying to fly, unable to lift off. Loud, a rumble of immense proportions ringing in her ears as the red light got closer and closer, the floor collapsing beneath her, falling, into the light, the deep crimson light. Pain.

Tossing about, covers strewn about her bed, unable to control her limbs in this state of unrest. The constant pain and suffering of her nightmares pushing her to restlessness, unable to relax her body. Unable to sleep soundly, feeling of pain, suffering, regret.

The crimson light faded revealing a large open black void. Nothing. Echoes in the distance, voices.


“My Dashie?”

“Where are you dear?”

Rainbow looked around to all sides, nothing but a black empty area devoid of anything.

“Rainbow dear?”

“Where is she?”


Unable to find the source, she ran in the general direction the voices were coming from.
Then the voices started to come from behind her.


Rainbow skidded to a stop and turned around, galloping in the direction of the voices. Again they changed their location, then again, and again. Then they started to fill her mind. She stopped and laid down on the ground and covered her ears with her hooves.

“Rainbow, why didn’t you save us?”

“Rainbow, don’t you miss us?”


As she tossed and turned tears started to leak out of her eyes, she was crying from her nightmare. Unable to recover.


“Come on Dash, can’t you find us?”

“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! I’m sorry alright! I’m sorry!” Rainbow yelled, now crying.

“Why didn’t you save us?”

“Where were you?”

“I...I can’t, w-why are you d-doing this t-to me...I-I-I”

“Sleep Now Rainbow Dash, just like mother!” A voice said, this one was different, this one was a voice, it sounded like, almost like a mature version of Scootaloo’s voice. Though Rainbow didn’t put that much together in her dreamy haze.

An orange light approached and engulfed Rainbow causing pain along her entire body.

Rainbow shook in her sleep, crying and emotionally unstable, she slept. The dreams carrying on for most of the night, feeling Terror, Fear, Regret, Despair.

Rainbow Dash woke the next morning. Sitting up she rubbed her temples with her hoofs. “Pony, that was one bad dream I had last night.” She had to squint her eyes the pain from the headache was intense. “Ugh, this headache is killing me.” She got up from her bed and walked over to the bed Scootaloo was sleeping in. The filly had a peaceful look on her face as she slept. Her chest rose and fell with each gentle breath she took, letting out a quiet whinny every now and then between breaths, occasionally her ears flicked at a dream she might have been experiencing. Dash smiled and just watch the filly sleep for a few moments. ‘Why does this feel so familiar?” She thought as she watched the filly sleep. Eventually the filly stirred and slowly slid her eyes open. Noticing the pegasus watching her she mumbled then spoke.

“MMmm.. Wha.. Oh, hey Rainbow Dash. Good morning.” She rubbed her eyes and looked up at Dash a little nervous. “Umm.. Why are you looking at me like that?” She said sitting up. Rainbow looked on for a moment holding her smile until the realization hit her on what she was actually doing, and the look she was getting from the filly. She shook her head breaking herself from the trance she was in.

“Hmm? What? Oh! I’m sorry squirt. I was just watching you sleep for a moment. You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you.”

‘Well that’s a little odd.’ She thought tilting her head to one side.

Rainbow looked around nervously for a moment, and rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. “Well.. Lets go downstairs and get ready for today, we got a big day ahead of us. Come on, time...” She was cut off by Scootaloo keeping a questioning look on her. “To ge... Umm.. Why are you looking at me like that Scootaloo?” Scootaloo just tilted her head, resting a hoof on her cheek keeping the look.

“Oh I dunno.. Just thinking.” She smiled at Dash causing the pegasus to get a little nervous.

“Oh? Thinking about what?”

“About what you just said. You know, watching me sleep and stuff.”

“Heh.. Well umm..About that...Horseapples Dash, what were you thinking staring at the kid like that?, see thing is.” The filly interjected.

“What were you thinking about Dash?” She kept her gaze locked on Dash, but the pegasus was having a hard time doing the same. Her eyes darted around nervously trying to avoid eye contact. “Is something wrong Dash? Why are you so nervous?”

“What? No! N-nothings wrong. Everythings okay.” She looked away trying to focus on something else kinda losing her focus and staring at nothing, until she felt something tap her shoulder.

“Rainbow Dash? Hello..? Equestria to Rainbow Dash, are you in there?” She tapped on Dash’s shoulder again finally getting her to snap out of her trance. She looked back at the filly and blushed embarrassingly.

“Wh-Wha.. What!? Oh heh.. sorry squirt, what was the question again?” She stammered.

“What were you thinking I was asking.” She asked again letting out a small giggle afterwards. Dash instantly picked up on it.

“What..Heyyy..” Her blush immediately vanished off her face and she cocked an eyebrow up and looked at the filly. “You’re not trying to make fun of me now are you?” She said deeping her look on the filly.

“W-what? M-me? N-no! tehehe.. I w-was not thinking that!” She stammered now it was her turn to get nervous.

“You remember what I said before? What would happen if you tried to make fun of me again?” Dash said putting on a mischievous smile and leaning in on the filly. Scootaloo withdrew herself trying to slowly move away from the approaching pegasus.

“Kinda, but I don..” She made the mistake of rolling onto her back trying to inch her way away from Dash exposing her tummy. Dash took the chance and poked her on her tummy causing the filly to gasp and flinch letting out a slight giggle. ‘Oh no...’ But it was too late. Dash leaped on the bed and hopped on top of Scootaloo.

“Time for a little payback!” She unfurled her wings and gently rubbed the sides of Scootaloo’s belly causing the filly to thrash around laughing.

“I’m S-sorry! I...I won’t d-do it again!” She stammered out while laughing, kicking her hind legs as Dash’s feathers tickled her sides.


“I-I-I... tehehe.. I promise! D-Dash... Can’t breath!” Rainbow let up and hopped off the bed letting the filly regain her breath.

“That’s good. Now, how about we go downstairs and get that bandage changed then get something to eat?” Scootaloo after taking a few moments to regain her breath and let her heart slow down nodded to the pegasus and hopped off the bed and began to follow her downstairs to the living room. She stopped for a moment and smiled at Dash, then continued on downstairs. “Ok Scoot you know the drill up on the couch and lay on your side. The filly obliged and laid on her side letting Dash inspect the bandage. “Does this hurt Scoot?” Dash very gently poked the bandage waiting on a response from Scootaloo.

“More like irritation I should say no pain really.” She flinched when Dash poked one last time.

“Well lets take a look at it shall we?” She said and peeled the bandage off her skin this time though little bristles of fur were tugged on when she pulled the bandage off eliciting a slight whimper out of the filly.

“Ow! That hurt a bit. Seems like my fur is growing back a little bit.” She rubbed the area with a hoof “Hopefully this heals up before it all grows back.”

“Well looking at it, I can say a few more days and we can probably have the sutures taken out. It looks pretty good from here. Well let me get it dressed, and we can get some breakfast then head on out. Sound good?” The filly nodded. Dash pulled out the bag from under the table and grabbed the needed supplies, and looked over to the filly watching what was going on. “Scootaloo.”

“Yes Rainbow Dash?” She looked up for a moment.

“Today’s meeting is about you.” She said flatly.

“About me? What about me?”

“Well, it’s about the fact you're keeping secrets from me.” She said slipping on a glove next reaching for the salve.

“W-what secrets?” She was getting nervous, she knew exactly what Dash was talking about.

“You know what I am talking about Scootaloo..” She set the salve down and focused all her attention on the filly looking away. “It’s about your parents. No more hiding with me, or trying to dodge the question. Out with it!” She snapped. Scootaloo flinched at the sudden snap from Dash. Rainbow Dash instantly felt bad about snapping at the filly the way she just did. “I...I’m sorry for snapping at you Scootaloo.” Her ears fall back, and she looked down, upset at herself for her sudden outburst. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid! Way to go you foal!’ She was mentally beating herself up.

“I...I,” She was trying to find the words, meanwhile, Scootaloo was just avoiding all eye contact with Dash, and looking at her wound paying the pegasus no mind. “It’s just.. Umm.”

“Just what Dash...” The filly responded emotionlessly, not even bothering to look up at the pegasus. The words hit Rainbow Dash hard. She now felt even worse than before.


“What is it Dash?”

“I...I... Come on you coward, say it!, Well... I care about you kid.” She kept looking down not bothering to make eye contact, it was really hard for Rainbow Dash to say what she just said. Scootaloo looking down wasn’t really paying attention to Dash, until what she just said. Her ears instantly perked up and she looked up to see the pegasus pawing at the cloud floor.

“Really?” Dash looked up at the filly, a little remorse in her eyes.

“Yes Scootaloo, I do.” She said letting a heartfelt smile form on her face. “I mean, I wouldn't be doing all this if I didn’t right?” Scootaloo eyes watered up a bit at the comment. She felt like diving into the pegasus and hugging her not wanting to ever let go. Nopony ever told her that, it made her feel like she was not just an unwanted piece of trash anymore, but she was still unsure of herself and more so of Rainbow Dash, so she stifled the emotion and opted to just respond.

“Thank you Rainbow Dash, I feel better now.” She smiled.

“Thats a relief to hear kid, I was afraid I really hurt your feelings there.” She said and picked up the salve again. “Anyway, I hate to ask this again, but could you please at least try to talk to me about your parents? Who are they? Where are they? How can we contact them?” The filly looked away again, but this time she turned back and looked at Dash and let out a breath.

“Promise me you won’t tell anypony what I am about to tell you.” She looked at dash with pleading eyes.

“I promise Scootaloo, I will not tell anypony, not even the girls what you are about to tell me.” Scootaloo let out another sigh and laid back on the couch.

“My parents are...” She let a few tears out. “Dead.” Dash dropped the salve and her jaw at the same time. Her mind was just thrown into complete disarray at what was just revealed. Taking a moment to regain her thoughts she looked at the filly and spoke..


“I...I don’t know Rainbow Dash, the orphanage never told me.”

“Orphanage? Is that where you were before here?” Again the filly clammed up just looking down her ears against the side of her head.

“Dash...” The filly looked up at Rainbow, clearly upset at what she was about to say.

“Yes Scootaloo?”

“I-I...I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, but I just don’t trust you enough to really say anymore. Please don’t force me to talk okay?” The filly just looked away again waiting on the pegasus’s response. Dash felt so bad for the filly. She really wanted to help, but how could she? Scootaloo didn’t want reveal her past, but what she had revealed had utterly floored Rainbow, but she was one to not further upset or fail the ones she cared for. She stood up and laid a foreleg over the fillies back causing her to flinch a bit. Dash rubbed Scootaloo’s back with a hoof calming the filly some.

“No problem Scootaloo, I will not force you into doing anything you do not want to talk about or feel uncomfortable with.” She laid a hoof to her heart.” I promise you this, cross my heart.” She sat back down. “Feel better now?” Scootaloo smiled at the pegasus.

“Yes Rainbow Dash, Thank you for that. I really appreciate this.”

“No problem Scootaloo. When you are ready, and want to talk, I will be there for you, and I’ll be there to listen okay?” Dash smiled and patted the filly on her head.

“Thank you so much Rainbow Dash,” The filly smiled and blushed. “I don’t think you know how much better that really makes me feel hearing it from you.” A new feeling was now growing in her chest. She was afraid of it at first, not really understanding what this feeling was, but after keeping her gaze on the pegasus in front of her she knew what it was. ‘I...I love you Rainbow Dash.’ But, she was scared. Scared of telling Dash how she really felt. Scared of rejection. This is the first time in her life she has ever had feelings like this for anypony, but she was afraid Rainbow Dash would not really understand, and turn her away like everypony else has. And finally, she was scared that she would be returned to the that terrible place of her past. So, she decided to keep these feelings bottled up for now, and just stared at Dash for a moment smiling. Rainbow looked over to the filly wondering why she was looking at her the way she was.

“You ok there squirt? You’re looking at me kinda weird.” Scootaloo shook her head and pushed the thought to the back of her mind.

“Oh.. Yeah, I’m fine. So, are you gonna finish up on my leg? I want to go see my friends while you guys have your little meeting.”

“Yeah.. Give me a few minutes to finish up here and we can head on out.” She dabbed a bit of the salve on the wound and grabbed a bandage and some tape. “Also, instead of eating breakfast here, I thought we would drop in on Pinkie Pie for some of her tasty cupcakes!

“Oh sounds great! I always liked the food Pinkie Pie made.” Dash finished up tending to Scootaloo’s wound and slid the bag back under her table.

“Ok then, when we are all done here. Let’s head on out!” The two made their way for the door, both of them thinking of what had transpired earlier, and how this would effect the meeting planned later on. “Hey squirt.” Dash stopped just before they were about to leave. Scootaloo turned to look at Dash. a nervous tingle went through her.

“Y-yeah, what is it Dash?” Rainbow Dash noticed the filly acting a bit nervous, but just shook it off.

“You think you’ll be able to float down to Ponyville yourself?” She laughed “I’m getting kinda of tired of hauling ya around, I’m not the Ponyville Express ya know.”

“Oh well.. I..Well I think I should be able to..” She looked out kinda unsure of herself. She felt a hoof touch her shoulder.

“Don’t worry Scoot, you’ll do fine. I feel you are at least ready for this. Just remember what I showed you okay?” Scootaloo nodded. “Okay lets get ready follow me.” The filly followed Dash to the edge of her cloud home and looked out over Ponyville. “Ready?” Dash unfurled her wings and lifted off into a hover waiting for Scootaloo to follow. “Come Scoot, don’t leave me hanging.” She waved for Scootaloo to follow her.

“Okay Dash here I come.” She unfurled her wings remembering the lessons from yesterday she was able to come to a hover ‘Well that was a bit easier, I don’t even feel as exhausted as I did yesterday trying this, She made her way over to Dash and floated there for a moment. “So what’s next?”

“Awesome squirt! Knew you could do it, Okay, next we are going to glide down to Ponyville. No flapping or fancy maneuvers, just a gentle glide. I want you to follow what I do ok? Dash angled herself slightly forward and downwards letting her wings flare out to grab the air allowing her to float downwards. “Come on Scootaloo! Keep up! Scootaloo took in a breath and did the same. Angling herself downwards slightly and letting her wings flare out to catch the air. She soon found herself gently floating down to Ponyville. Rainbow angled up to slow her descent to allow the filly to catch up. “Not bad Scoot, not bad. But, you got along way to go to be awesome like me!” Scootaloo just rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah Dash.” She giggled “This is pretty fun. So, where are we gonna land at?” She said, taking in the sights as the two continued to glide down to the town.

“Over in that field” Dash pointed to an open field in the distance. “I train there sometimes. It’s also not a far walk from Ponyville, so we can head to Sugarcube Corner once we land.

“Sounds good.” After a few more moments the two landed. Dash making a perfect touchdown. Scootaloo however upon landing stumbled a few steps before stabilizing herself. Rainbow laughed and walked up to the filly.

“Well your glide was great, but the landings need a touch up though.” She chuckled and gave the filly a playful shove. Scootaloo huffed and rolled her eyes giving the pegasus a dismissive wave of her hoof.

“Pfft...Whatever.. I thought I did pretty well considering it was my first time trying something like that.” She sat down and crossed her forelegs letting out another huff. Dash just giggled at the pouty filly and started to make her way for Ponyville.

“Now, now, Miss pouty, I was only teasing. For a beginner you did very well actually.” Scootaloo’s ears perked up at the comment. “You just need a little more practice thats all.” Dash looked back to the filly waving a wing, beckoning the filly to follow her. “Come on, lets go.” Scootaloo nodded and got up to follow Dash. The two then made their way to Sugarcube Corner, arriving there a few moments later.


“Hi Dashie! Hi Scootaloo! Oh did you fly here Scootaloo? Thats fantastic! I was wondering what it was like to be a pegasus but then I was like, oh silly me I am an earthy pony,”


“Then I thought there is no y at the end of earth, but then I though,”


“You have to share and care! Because its the right thing to do you know,”


“And thats the story of how I got a job at sugarcube corner, you know, funny story actually, when I worked on the rock farm-”

Pinkie was stopped by a cyan hoof entering her mouth.


“Mphf Mphf Phlf yph”

“Pinkie stop talking...”


Rainbow removed her hoof from the pink mares mouth.

“We came here to eat breakfast...”

“Well why didn’t you say so dashie!”

Rainbow cringed at pinkies ‘pet name’ for her.

“P, please don’t call me that anymore.”

“Why Dashie? Dashie Dashie Dashie!”

“Because....” Rainbow tried to search for a reason that would hide her real reason.

“But Dashie!”

“Shut Up Pinkie!” Dash snapped, seeming to lose her composure for a few seconds. Scootaloo stepped back a bit after Dash’s outburst.

“What’s wrong Rainbow?” Scootaloo asked in a rather scared tone.

“Nothing I, I just don’t want to be called that anymore...it’s nothing really.” Rainbow looked down, obviously not telling the truth. Scootaloo could tell, but she chose not to say anything, lest receive a harsh response from Rainbow.

“So, how about breakfast! What do you two want!” Pinkie said in an ever too happy tone.

“What do you have?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well, we have Apple pie, Apple fritter, Apple dumpling, Apple crisp, Apple crumble, Apple Brown Bettie, Dutch apple pie, Candied apple on a stick, Apple turnover, Apple cobbler, all generously donated by applejack!” Pinkie said while pointing to a case of ‘featured foods’

“Oh, they all sound so deli-” Scootaloo was cut off.

“We also have cookies, cakes, pies, including chocolate chip, sugar, apple, cherry, and fudge cookies! We also have several types of cakes including chocolate, vanilla, ice cream cake, and cherry cake!”

Rainbow was starting to get increasingly annoyed by Pinkie.

“We also have...” Rainbow tried to tune out the rest of the list, her face growing an increasingly annoyed look.

She started to tune everything out, she had a headache from the lack of sleep the night before and Pinkie was only making it worse.

“What do you think Rainbow?...Rainbow?” Scootaloo tugged on Rainbow’s mane a bit to get her attention.

“Huh, what? oh uh.....that apple fritter sounds good, I’ll have that.”

“I’ll have what Rainbow Dash is having!” Scootaloo smiled.

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie proceeded to pounce her way into the kitchen bringing some apple fritters out.

Rainbow started to eat her fritter, as did Scootaloo; Pinkie however, was not eating.

“So are you going to the meeting at Twilight’s too, you know, the one about you adopting Scootaloo?”

Rainbow nearly choked on her fritter.

Pinkie suddenly felt a hoof collide with her head.

“Pinkie!” Rainbow snapped.

“What was that for Dashie?” Pinkie said rubbing her head.

“I told you not to call me that! And thats not what the meeting is about!!” Rainbow snapped. “And who said the stupid idea that I would adopt her?!”

Scootaloo was instantly taken back by this comment from Rainbow. Her ears dropped and her eyes started to water up a bit.

R-rainbow thinks I’m stupid?’ Scootaloo thought to herself.

“It’s not like she doesn’t have a home! Its stupid to even consider adopti-” Rainbow stopped when she looked over at Scootaloo.

Am, am I that, stupid? M-maybe I am j-just a stupid little f-filly that nopony likes...’ Scootaloo was starting to feel even more sad and unwanted. She got up from the table and galloped out of the room crying.

“Scoots, I, wait, Scootaloo!”

Stupid! Why did I say that!

Scootaloo found a spot in the next room under a small table, the table had a tablecloth on it providing the perfect hiding spot.

Everypony hates me, I’m stupid and nopony likes me. I should run away again to a place where I can’t hurt nopony anymore.

Rainbow trotted into the room, she looked around for Scootaloo until she noticed a purple tail sticking out from under a table.

She walked over to the table and lifted up the tablecloth with her hoof.

Scootaloo was laying on the floor under the table crying. Rainbow could only feel bad, she had inadvertently hurt this poor little fillies feelings.

“Scootaloo.” Rainbow said in a hushed tone.

“Wh-what.” She said through her tears. Her face buried in her hooves.

“I, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“I know its not true, don’t even try.”

Rainbow was taken back by this, Scootaloo’s sudden change in attitude.

“Scootaloo, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, I’m sorry.” She crawled under the table and laid down next to Scootaloo.

“I’m j-just a s-s-stupid l-little filly that nopony l-likes.”

“Thats not true.”

“Yes it is....”

Rainbow was silent for a few moments, she then put her hoof over Scootaloo and pulled her close.

“Its not true because I like you squirt.” Rainbow smiled as she looked at Scootaloo. Scootaloo looked back at her. Her eyes were watery and her face had a look of genuine sadness.

“Come on Scoots, don’t be all negative, you know me and all of the other girls and the crusaders are here for you.”

“Yo-you really l-like me?”

Rainbow smiled and winked at Scootaloo without speaking.

“So, would you adopt me?” Scootaloo looked at Rainbow.

Rainbow didn’t answer, she truly hadn’t thought about it.

“Well, it depends on, uh, things, why don’t we go back to Pinkie and we can talk about that later, kay?”

Scootaloo nodded and they both went to rejoin Pinkie.

“Oh we’ll be late, we should get to Twilight’s so we can talk about you adopting Scootaloo Rainbow!” Pinkie said with a bit too much enthusiasm after the events that just transpired.

A harsh glare from Rainbow silenced Pinkie. “Really Pinkie.. You need to think before you speak next time.” Pinkie just happily bounced out the door off to Twilights. ‘I think you need to take advice from your own words too Dash.’ The pegasus waved to the filly. “Come on Scootaloo lets get going shall we?” The filly nodded and followed Dash out and they made their way to Twilight's library.


Arriving at the library Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo could hear the familiar sounds of her friends talking inside as they walked up to the door, Dash knocked and waited, turning to look at Scootaloo for a second noticing she was kinda fidgety . “You alright Scoot? What’s bugging you?” Scootaloo looked up to Dash with a blank expression, and turned away looking somewhere off in the distance.

“It’s nothing Dash, lets go inside ok? I want to see my friends.” Dash gave the filly a weak smile, a second later the door opened.

“Oh hello Rainbow Dash.” Spike said. “Twilight and the rest of the girls are here, you got here a second earlier than Pinkie. Funny thing though, she was confused about something, not sure what it was she didn’t mention it. Anyway, come on in their expecting you.” He stepped aside to let the two enter.

“Howdy Rainbow Dash!” Applejack said walking up to her tipping her hat giving a smile. “Howdy Scootaloo, how are ya doin?” She smiled to the little filly and ruffled her mane. “Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are in the next room. Why don’tcha go in and say hi ta them. Scootaloo nodded and headed off to the other room where her friends were waiting. “Rainbow What’s up with Scootaloo?” Applejack turned to watch The filly walk off and scratched her head. “Did Yall have ah’ argument again?” Dash shrugged and nodded.

“Kinda...more like I put my hoof in my mouth again, but if Pinkie had not said what she said, I would of not... uhh..” She sighed and looked at Applejack, “Made a fool of myself again..” Dash scuffed the floor with a hoof after that.’

“Ah donna understand Rainbow, What did Pinkie say?”

“She mentioned something about adoption,” Applejack had a bemused look on her face after that, she had to blink a couple times to register the thought. “And it kinda set Scootaloo off. Never seen her act like that before, it was odd.”

“Pinkie said that!? What in tarnation was she thinking?” Dash let out a breath, and then just stared flatly at the farm pony.

“Applejack, this is Pinkie Pie we are talking about you know.” She shrugged. “But, when she said it, Scootaloo was standing right next to us.” She thought about what had happened and felt angry at the party pony for doing what she did, and how it made her look stupid in front of the filly, and hurt her feelings. The last part for some reason had torn her up inside, she felt bad for saying what she said, and not properly thinking it over before just blurting it out, but Pinkie had put her in a position she didn’t like to be in causing her to act the way she did.

“Yea Ah guess ya’ll are right there Rainbow Dash, but did ya at least try ta patch things up with Scootaloo? Ah’m sure she would understand, it was an honest mistake right?”

“Well.. Kinda, uh...” She started to fidget, looking around to see if and anypony was watching. She then turned back to face Applejack. “Umm.. Can you keep a secret for me Applejack? just for now, I just need to tell somepony.”

“Wait, it was only a mistake right?” Dash looked at Applejack for a moment.

“Huh? wha- Oh! No no.” She shook her head and waved a hoof to Applejack. “It’s not that. We made up... at least I hope we did, it’s just..” She took in a breath letting it out and sighed “I have been having these feelings growing for the squirt. Ever since the hospital, and well..” She looked away unsure of what to say. Applejack walked up to Rainbow Dash and placed a hoof on her shoulder and smiled at the flustered pegasus.

“Ah think Ah know what yall are tryin’ ta say there Rainbow Dash.” Dash perked her ears up and looked up at the farm pony confused.

“Y-you.. You do?” Applejack nodded and smiled

“Yes Ah do, and Ah think you do too.” She looked back to the door Scootaloo walked into, and noticed it closed rather quickly, with a smirk on her face she looked back to Rainbow Dash. “Ah know when ya’ll are ready to talk to her,” Dash just looked away knowing all too well what this feeling was growing in her chest for the filly, but she was also scared. Unsure of how Scootaloo may react if Dash started to show more of how she truly felt, but she knew eventually she would have to make a choice. Applejack pulled Dash back to look at her again and continued. “Ah feel she’ll be ready to listen.” Rainbow looked over to the door Scootaloo had walked through a smile tugging at her lips.

‘Hopefully one day I’ll have the courage to tell you how I truly feel Scootaloo.’

Come on Rainbow Dash,” Applejack waved to the pegasus to follow her. “Let’s go, the girls are waiting for us.” The two making their way into the reading room. A few moment later a door slid open and three fillies slipped out.

“What was that all about Scootaloo? Ah have never seen Rainbow Dash act like that. What da ya think she ment when she said she had feelings for ya?” Scootaloo only stood there in disbelief. Did she just hear what she thought she had heard? Did Rainbow Dash actually have feelings for her, and where they as strong as she had for Dash? She wasn’t sure of what was happening yet but she wanted to find out.

“Hmm? Oh.. Well, I don’t know what she ment by that Applebloom, but want to do a little spyin with me? How bout you too Sweetie Belle? The filly unicorn jumped excited at the offer clopping her hooves together.

“Oh yes, yes! This sounds like fun!” She squeaked a little loud.

“SHHHH!!” Scootaloo holding a hoof to her mouth. “Keep it down Sweetie Belle. We are supposed to be spyin, and you shouting is not helping.” Sweetie Belle blushed embarrassingly.

“Heh, sorry girls.” She said and sat down calming herself, afterwards the three fillies inched up to the door to the reading room and leaned their heads up to the door pressing their ears up against it to listen in.

“Can ya’ll two hear anything they are talkin’ about? Ah can’t hear nuthing.” Scootaloo turned her head to face Applebloom.

“Shh!! I can hear, it sounds like Twilight is talking.” The other two fillies clammed up and resumed pressing their ears up against the door, and they too could hear the sounds of a discussion going on.


“So Rainbow Dash, have you decide on what going to happen with Scootaloo?” Asked Twilight.

“Not really Twilight, she has to stay with me for at least another few days until her stitches get taken out” Fluttershy piqued up at the last part of what Dash had said.

“How is Scootaloo’s injury doing if you don’t mind me asking Rainbow Dash.” Dash looked over to Fluttershy laying on a comfy blanket.

“Pretty good actually Fluttershy, I have to say, that kid sure does heal fast.”

“Kinda like you do Rainbow Dash.” Twilight added. Dash thought about what Twilight had said.

“Your right Twilight... Huh, that’s odd, Guess us pegasus's are just made from strong stuff.

Twilight giggled at the comment. “Or, its because you’re just reckless, and after a number of hospital trips your body has grown accustomed to injury, so its had “past experience” in dealing with stuff of that nature.” She laughed afterwards getting a smug look from Dash.

Dash crossed her forelegs and huffed. “Yeah, yeah, I get it Twilight, you don’t need to rub it in.” She waved a dismissive hoof at the lavender unicorn. Twilight just shrugged it off and asked her next question.

“So, has Scootaloo told you anymore of her past or parents Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow sat up on the couch and tapped her hooves together nervously. AppleJack raising an eyebrow at the gesture.

“What’s wrong sugarcube?” Dash kept her head hung down, she looked up and let out a breath.

“I’m sorry girls, but I made a promise to Scootaloo, I can’t tell you about it. Not until she says its okay. Please understand.” Scootaloo on the other side of the door heard what the pegasus said. It made her feel really happy to know Dash was going to keep her promise about what she had revealed. Sweetie Belle turned to get comfortable and to better hear, she noticed Scootaloo getting all misty eyed.

“Are you alright Scootaloo?” She looked at the orange filly questionaly. Scootaloo waved a hoof and rubbed her eyes to get the mistiness out of them.

“Yeah I’m alright Sweetie Belle, I just got some dust in my eyes for a second there.” Scootaloo let out a sigh and returned to listening in on what’s going on. Meanwhile back in the room The five others nodded in agreement.

“Darling, it’s really wonderful of you to hold your promise to Scootaloo. I’m pretty sure she appreciates what you’re doing for her.”

‘More than you could ever know Rarity.’ Thought Scootaloo.

“Well I owe it to her Rarity. After the accident I will not let her down again. I feel so bad I allowed her to get hurt.” All the girls smiling at that comment. Scootaloo’s chest was welling up with warmth, her feelings were making it hard for her to keep her composure.

‘You never have to apologize for that Rainbow Dash, I already forgive you.’ Scootaloo’s breathing getting a bit hitched at the conversation going on, and the kind words being said about her by Rainbow Dash. Next Pinkie Pie Spoke up.

“Dashie..” Pinkie said.

“Pinkie Pie..” Dash looked at the party pony flatly. “Please stop calling me that, at least for the time being.”

“Why Rainbow Dash?” Asked Pinkie Pie.

“My mother called me that..”

“Oh.. I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, I didn’t mean too... I didn’t know.” She looked away upset.

Rainbow Dash just shrugged it off waving a dismissive hoof to the pink pony. “It’s ok Pinkie Pie, you didn’t know. Now what was your question?” She pushed the thoughts of the ‘pet name’ out of her mind.

“Well Dashi... Er Rainbow Dash, I want to still know. After Scootaloo’s injury heals up, what are your plans then?”

“Well Pinkie... I..I am not too sure yet, but how about we deal with that when it happens alright?” The pink pony nodded and sat back down. Applejack spoke up.

“Rainbow Dash, ya’ll know Scootaloo has schoolin she has ta return to tomorrow right?” The pegasus turned to look at the farm pony then she put a hoof to her chin in thought.

‘Hmm, I hadn’t thought about that.’ She looked back to Applejack. “What do you suggest I do Applejack?”

“Well since ya’ll are takin care of the filly, Ah think it would be only fittin if ya helped with her schoolin too.”

“I agree Applejack.” Said Twilight. “You are doing a find job so far of tending to her wound, I think it’s time you took on a bit more responsibility.” Dash just sat on the couch in silence, her fore legs crossed looking down into them in thought.

“I.. dunno girls.” Dash said nervously “I am not sure that I am ready for this.”

Rainbow was sitting in the living room of her parents cloud house playing with her stuffed pegasus toys.

“What are you playing Dashie dear?” Rainbows mother said as she walked in. She sat on the sofa and read a book as Rainbow played with her toys on the floor.

“Well I’m the mommy pegasus, and my Soarin toy is the daddy pegasus and the Spitfire toy is the baby pegasus.” Rainbow looked up at her mother and smiled.

“Well, when you get older maybe you will be a real mommy pegasus.” Skylight said as she looked up from her book.

“Yeah! That sounds fun! And, and I could have a real foal! and...and..and-” Rainbow could have continued on in her excitement but her mother cut her off.

“Well you will need responsibility.” Her mother smiled at her.

“I have responsibles! I has lots of responi...respons, resphon..”

“Well, if you are so responsible Dashie, you would have noticed your daddy pegasus fell through the cloud.” Skylight giggled.

“Wait what! No! Soarin!” Rainbow’s eyes started to tear up.

“Oh Rainbow, don’t worry, I’ll make you another one after I finish the one for your sister.”

“Dash...dash....Rainbow Dash...”

“Rainbow!” Twilight yelled into Rainbow’s ear. Dash snapped back in shock.

“Wha.. Whoa! Ahh! What the hay Twilight?” Dash snapped rubbing the side of her head a slight headache coming on.

“Well Rainbow Dash, you kinda zoned out there for a second. Now, have you made a decision?” Twilight said walking back over to her desk. Rainbow sat again in silence. The recent memory filling her head along with Twilights words, it took her a few moments to come to a decision, but she felt like it was time for at least this.

“Yes Twilight I have..” She stood up and let out a breath. “I’ll do it, but I... uh. Well I could use a little help”

“I think we can do that right girls?” The other smiled and agreed.

“Yup, mah door is always open ta ya Rainbow Dash.” Applejack smiled.

“Darling you need not have to worry, I will always offer my assistance.” Rarity added.

“And Sugar Cube Corner is always open for you Dashi, Dash!” Pinkie added.

“I could offer my assistance, that is if you want it.” Fluttershy offered.

Rainbow Dash looked around at her friends and smiled thankful of their willingness to help her. “Thanks guys, I really appreciate this.” The others smiled and nodded.

“Ugh. School..” Scootaloo cringed. The other two fillies giggling. Scootaloo rolled her eyes at the two and huffed. “Pfft.. Whatever.”

“So Uh.. What should I tell her girls?” Dash wondered.

“Well Rainbow Dash,” Twilight responded first. “No more late nights for her. She will need her rest for school.” Rarity cut in.

“And you’re going to have to help her with her homework darling.” Applejack was the next to say something.

“Yer gonna need ta set some house rules, like chores ta teach Scootaloo some responsibility, and keep that place of yers clean. We all seen how ya keep it haven’t we girls?” The others nodded and looked at Dash, the pegasus just rolled her eyes and waved them off.

“Yeah, yeah, next?”

“And don’t forget to make rules about candy! Too much candy can cause a tummy ache! And we should throw Scootaloo an adoption party!” Pinkie said overly enthused. Dash giving the party pony a scowled look at the last part.

“Pinkie! What the hay? I thought we discussed this already? Horseapples, don’t you ever stop to think first?”

“Oh like you do right Rainbow Dash?” Twilight said smugly. Dash shot her an angry look.

“Twilight! That was different!” She snapped trying to defend herself.

“No its not Rainbow Dash, Although I will give it to you, what Pinkie said is off topic.” She looked to the pink pony and shook her head. Pinkie just blushed embarrassed, she then shrugged and held her hooves up in front of her.

“Sorry” Twilight just waved a hoof and returned to Dash.

“But, you need to also learn to think before YOU act too Rainbow Dash.” Applejack walked over to Twilight and set a hoof on her shoulder.

“Alright calm down there Twilight, Ah think Rainbow Dash understands what yer gettin’ at dont’cha Dash?” Rainbow sat down crossed her hooves and looked away then huffed.

“Yeah, I understand.” She pointed at Twilight and gave her an upset look. “But, she does not have to keep bringing it up!”

“Ah know Rainbow Dash, but Ah think Twilight is just tryin ta prove her point,” She looked over to Twilight and gave her a displeased look. “But Ah think sometimes she goes a little overboard with it. Isn’t that right Twilight?” The lavender unicorn looked away shyly and blushed embarrassed.

“S-sorry Rainbow Dash I..I got carried away for a moment.” Dash just waved her off with a hoof.

“Don’t worry about it Twilight.” Dash shrugged and stood up. “Well if theres anything else?” The others shook their heads. “Okay then, well.. It’s getting late and I need to get Scoots bandage changed, also there was a storm planned for tonight and I want to get us back to my place before it starts. So I’ll see you girls later.” The others nodded and waved goodbye making their way out.

Spike walked up behind stack of fillies. “What are you guys up to?” He asked, causing all 3 of them to jump and fall over into a pile.

“Ow!” Scootaloo said as she stood up rubbing her head, “Hey spike, we were just uh, er, uh...” Scootaloo was cut off by an instant interjection into the conversation from Sweetie.

“Hi Spike!” She chirped, getting very close to him.

“Uh, hi?”

“What’s a handsome dragon like yourself doing here?” Sweetie said, trying to sweet talk him.

“Uh, ok then, uh....” Spike stepped back, Sweetie stepped closer. Spike blushed. “Uh, personal space Sweetie.” Spike said, he fell backwards and Sweetie continued to get closer.

Sweetie Giggled as spike fell. “You need to be more careful spike, also, you think I’m sweet?” She said, and blushed.

Scootaloo stuck her tongue out and looked away making a gagging sound, Applebloom just sat there with her hooves to her face giggling.

“I uh, I didn’t say, er uh, Sweetie I-” Sweetie raised her hoof in front of spikes mouth.

“Shhh, be silent, this moment will be perfect.” She removed her hoof and leaned in closer to his face, inches away, now only a breath away and-

Sweetie Belle!” Rarity yelled as she opened the door.

Oh Come On!” Sweetie Shrieked as Rarity pulled her out the door.

“I am ever so sorry Twilight, you understand.” Rarity said dragging Sweetie farther and farther away from her love. Twilight looked over to spike his face flushed he titled his head sideways and raised his claws up in front of him. Sweetie Belle looked to her sister.

“Hey sis, can Applebloom stay the night?

“Promise me you two will not cause problems? Applebloom and Sweetie both answered.

“We promise Rarity.” They both smiled. Rarity looked over to Applejack

“Is it ok with you Applejack?” The farm pony nodded.

“Sure Rarity, Applebloom can stay with her filly friend tonight.” She walked over to her little sister. “Ya’ll be good for Rarity tonight ya hear? Ah don’t want ta hear ya’ll gave her a hard time now.” Applebloom nodded and smiled at her sister.

“Ah promise sis, Ah’ll be good fer Rarity.” Applejack smiled.

“Thats good, now go on have a good time with Sweetie Belle tonight.” Applebloom waved goodbye to her sister and followed Rarity and Sweetie Belle out. Dash and Scootaloo were about to make their way out. Applejack walked over to the two.

“Dash Can Ah speak with Scootaloo for a moment.” Dash stopped and got a bit nervous, she looked back to the farm pony and raised an eyebrow in question.

“Wha...What about Applejack?” She looked to Scootaloo who was now looking at her with a curious expression.

“Don’t worry Dash, it’s not about that.” Dash let out a sigh of relief.

“Okay Applejack, I’ll go talk with Twilight for a few minutes then. She walked over to the unicorn and started a conversation with her. While Dash talked with Twilight about the next Daring Do book due to be published next month Applejack walked over to Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo could you come with me please? We need to talk.” The filly gulped and nodded following the farm pony into the reading room. Applejack montioned for Scootaloo to go sit on the couch nodded and nervously walked over to it and flopped on to it waiting for Applejack to come over. Applejack took one last glance over to Dash from the door then closed it walking over to the filly, she sat down and made herself comfortable and set her gaze on Scootaloo. A few moments of nervous silence was all it took for Scootaloo to speak up.

“What did you want to talk to me about Applejack? The filly asked sitting on the couch her hooves nervously clopping one another. Applejack remained silent for a moment then spoke.

“Ah know ya was listening in when me and Dash was speakin alone in the lobby.” Scootaloo looked at the farm pony in shock she started to sputter.

“W-what? n-no! I-I wa-was not listening in!” Applejack held up a hoof.

“Stop Scootaloo.” The filly went silent again looking down to her hooves. “Ah’m not mad or upset at ya.” Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief. “Ah know yer hiding something, and Ah want to know what it is.” Scootaloo looked away.

“Applejack, I...I can’t tell you I’m sorry. Please don’t force me.” Applejack shook her head.

“Not about ya past Scootaloo, about ya feelings. Ah can tell somethin is buggin ya, and Ah promise not to tell anypony else okay?” Scootaloo remained silent for a moment, she then turned and let out a breath.

“I...I” She looked down again her ears falling back. “I love her Applejack.” Applejack only smiled and laid a hoof on the fillies shoulder.

“Ah kinda figured that.” Scootaloo looked up to Applejack surprised.

“Y-you did? B-but how?

“Ah can see how ya been looking at Dash, its the same way mah sister looks at me when she needs help or wants ta show affection. Ah know yall is an orphan Scootaloo, and Ah’ve seen for a long time the loneliness in yer eyes,” Scootaloo looked down. “But the day Ah saw you and Rainbow Dash jokin around in front of mah stand. Ah saw happiness, Ah saw hope in yer eyes,” The fillies ears perked up and she felt the warmth grow in her chest again. “And it made me happy.” The filly was getting misty eyed. She rubbed her eyes with her hooves.

“I’m scared Applejack.” The farm pony raised an eyebrow.

“Scared? Of what Scootaloo?"

“I am afraid of telling Dash how I feel and she gets upset at me.” Applejack stood up and sat on the couch next to Scootaloo.

“Ah don’t ya worry none Scootaloo. Ah feel Dash won’t get upset with ya over nuthin.” Scootaloo looked up to the farm pony a small smile tugging at her lips.

“Really?” Applejack nodded.

“Yup Ah know,” She booped Scootaloo on her nose. “And I bet you also know too dont’cha?” Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and chuckled blushing a bit.

“Heh, heh, yeah.” Applejack got up off the couch and walked to the door.

“Dont’cha worry now Scootaloo, I feel when yall are ready ta talk about it, Dash will be ready to listen.” She smiled and beckoned the filly over. “Come on now, lets get ya back to Dash. Shes out there waiting for ya.” the filly smiled at that and got up off the couch and walked over to Applejack.

“Thanks Applejack, I feel better telling somepony that.” Applejack smiled and ruffled the fillies mane.

“Mah pleasure Scootaloo, glad Ah could help.” She opened the door, and Dash toppled in front of the two onto the floor.

“Dash, what were ya just doin? Ya weren’t spyin’ were ya?” Applejack gave Rainbow a stern look.

Rainbow looked up from the floor and gave a very embarrassed blush.

“No!” She said defensively. “I was just uh, leaning against the wall you see, I didn’t know there was a door here! Honest!” Dash got up from the floor.

“Mhmm, and you just happened to choose this here door to lean up against?” Applejack had caught her, there was almost no way out.

Scootaloo gave Rainbow a bit of an upset look. “You didn’t hear anything...” She drew circles in the floor with her forehoof a few times “...Did you?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “No, I was just starting to liste-” She stopped herself as she received glares from the other two. “Heh heh, oops.” Rainbow said blushing.

“Well anyways Ah’ll see you two later.” She looked over to Scootaloo “Take care of yourself kid.” Scootaloo nodded and walked up to Dash helping her to her hooves. She then Looked at Dash and chuckled. Dash again rolling her eyes then waving the farm pony off with a hoof.

“Come on squirt we need to be getting on home.” Scootaloo liked the sound of that.

Home.. Yeah, I like the sound of that.” Scootaloo smiled then walked over to Dash and climbed on her back. “Ok Rainbow Dash, I am ready to go home.” She smiled again she really liked the sound of it. Dash hearing the filly say that felt a warm feeling in her chest.

‘Pony, it sure does feel good to hear that from her.’ She smiled at the filly and waved goodbye to Twilight, then walked out the door and lept into the sky making her way for her home in the clouds, A storm looming in the evening sky.


Upon arriving at the Could home Dash and Scootaloo made inside just as the first waves of rain started to come down.

“Whew that was close Scoot, we almost got soaked there.” She let the filly slide off her back.

“Yeah I know Dash, we almost got soaked there.” She stretched a bit. “I’ll go wait on the couch Rainbow.” Dash nodded to the filly as she walked over to the couch and made herself comfortable.

“Ok squirt lets get that bandage changed.” She pulled out the bag from under her table and set it on top pulling out the needed supplies. “Also, I need to lay down some ground rules since you’re going to be staying with me for the next few days.” Scootaloo looked at Dash, she overheard some of it, but didn’t really want to hear the rest.

“Awww rules.. really Dash?” she sat up and crossed her forelegs and huffed.

“Yes rules squirt, the girls said it would show you some responsibility.” She peeled the bandage off the fillies leg, this time though slower as to not pull on the tiny bristles of fur growing back. “Yep, first, No more staying up late Scootaloo, you have school tomorrow, and will need your rest.” The filly whined.

“Aww come on! But Dash...”

“No buts squirt, Second, You will have some chores around the house.” Scootaloo threw her hooves up in the air.

“What!? Come on Dash!” The pegasus just smiled and chuckled slipping on a hoof glove grabbing the salve.

“Nope sorry, time for you to help around here too squirt, its only fair.” Scootaloo groaned.

“And last, You will have to listen to what I say okay?” Scootaloo fidgeted nervously.

“O-okay Dash..”

“What’s wrong Scootaloo? Did I say something wrong?” Dash dabbed the medicine on the fillies wound and grabbed the tape and a clean bandage. Scootaloo just pawed at the couch drawing circles.

“Dash I-I..I’m not ready to talk about myself yet.” Dash looked up and remembered.

“Don’t worry Scoot, I will not force you too. It’s just if I ask you to do something please work work with me on it okay?” Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief and nodded.

“Okay Rainbow Dash I will.” Rainbow finished up repacked the supplies in the bag and slid it under the table. “So ya hungry Scootaloo?”

“A little.” She got up off the couch and the two made their way to the kitchen. “What’s for dinner?” Dash floated up to a cupboard.

“Nothing special squirt, I’m a little tired.” She let out a yawn while searching. “How does apple's sound?” Scootaloo too let out a yawn after Dash had.

“Pony, that’s contagious, and yeah, apple’s sound fine.” She sat back in the chair and stretched her fore legs extending them upwards.

“Ok Scoot here ya go,” She tossed a apple to the filly. Then went to the table and sat down herself and took a bite of her apple. Leaning back for a moment she looked out the window. “Pony thats one nasty storm outside. Didn’t think we needed a storm so big tonight.” Scootaloo stopped eating her apple to look out the window herself.

“Yeah you’re right, that is a pretty big storm.” Just then a crash of lightning and a boom of thunder a moment later caused the filly to flinch. “H-heh, good thing we are inside.” The filly finished her apple and tossed the core away. Dash frowned at Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo!” The filly looked over to Dash with confused look.

“Yes Rainbow?” Dash pointed to the apple core.

“Pick that up squirt, you know where it belongs. The floor is not a trashcan, and I don’t want to litter the ground beneath my house.” Scootaloo grumbled and walked over to the apple core, she picked it up and tossed it into the trash. Dash smiled. “That better Scoot.” letting out another yawn Dash got up from the table and stretched extending her wings to let them stretch too. “Ok Scootaloo I am beat. Come on, lets hit the hay.” The filly nodded and followed Dash to her room. “Scootaloo you got a bed of your own now so I want mine back!” She chuckled. Scootaloo laughed and hopped into her new bed.

“Goodnight Rainbow Dash, see you in the morning.” She stretched and moved around a bit to get comfortable, then laid her head onto her pillows and closed her eyes.

“Good night Scootaloo,” Dash said rolling over onto her side to get comfortable. “Sleep tight.” She let out yet another yawn then closed her eyes, after a little while the two pegasus’s drifted off to sleep. The sounds of a fierce storm raging outside.

Scootaloo was floating on the surface of the water, it was dark and there was a storm raging. The waves pushed Scootaloo about. She opened her eyes, returning from unconsciousness. It was raining.

“Aero!” Scootaloo said as she struggled to stay above the water. The waves crashed against her pushing her into the water. A flash of light revealed Aero floating nearby, a boom shook Scootaloo.

“Aero!” Scootaloo shouted as she swam to him.

A wave crashed into her pushing her under, she inhaled water.

Popping back up to the surface and spitting out water she cried out again. “Aero!”

She eventually managed to make her way over to Aero who was floating unconscious in the water.

“Aero.” Scootaloo said as she pulled him close with a forehoof.

“Aero, Aero wake up, come on wake up!” Scootaloo said, she started to get frantic.

“Come on Aero, don’t do this to me, wake up!” There was a crack of thunder and Scootaloo flinched.

“Aero! Please, wake up...please.” Scootaloo’s eyes began to tear up, though you would be unable to tell from the torrent of rain that was pelting her face.

“Aero please.........please.” She looked at him, he wasn’t moving.

“no....no, Aero wake up!” Scootaloo was now crying. “Come on, please!” She was unable to keep her composure, she leaned her head down onto him and started crying even more.

“Aero, I’m sorry, I am so sorry! I l-lo-o, love y-you, p-please, don’t die, not now, please!” With no response Scootaloo continued to cry, floating in the water, no land in sight.

“I’m sorry, I am so sorry Aero, its all my fault.” Scootaloo then noticed he was breathing, barely, but he was breathing.

“Oh thank Celestia, Aero, just hold on a bit longer an-” Scootaloo was cut off by a flash of light followed by a loud boom and water splashing into her face.


Scootaloo was tossing and turning in bed, the storm outside was terrible and it was probably not helping at all. There was a bright flash of lightning and a loud boom that occurred very near to the cloud home. Rainbow was unphased by this, Scootaloo however was shocked awake.

“Aero!” She said as she jumped up, gasping for breath.

She looked out the window from her bed to see a massive storm raging. A flash of light and a loud boom sealed it in the young fillies mind that she was unsafe. She started to hiccup in stress.

She tried to lay back down, to no avail, the continuing thunder and lightning scared her. She got up out of bed and gingerly made her way over to Rainbow’s bed.

“R-Rain*hic*bow.” Scootaloo whispered, she then tapped Rainbow’s shoulder with her forehoof. “R-Rain *hic* b-bow w-wake *hic* up.”

Rainbow stirred, rolling over pulling her covers over her head.

“R-rainbow, p-plea*hic*please wake up!” Scootaloo shoved Rainbow now, nearly pushing her out of her bed. Rainbow opened her eyes to see an orange filly staring at her, she nearly jumped.

“S-scootaloo? What time is it?” Rainbow looked over to a small clock, she couldn’t read it because it was too dark.

“I-I am *hic* It’s n-nothing, I, I’m s-sorry I *hic* woke *hic* y-you.” Scootaloo’s ears fell and her head lowered.

“Something is wrong, what’s wrong Scootaloo?” Rainbow asked, instantly getting her answer when a flash of lightning followed by a loud boom occurred.

Scootaloo flinched and hiccuped.

“I *hic* d-don’t *hic* l-like *hic* s-s-storms *hic*” Scootaloo said, now panicking.

“Oh Scoots, it’s fine, it’s just a storm, nothing to be worried about, we are perfectly safe in our little cloud home.”

Our Home...’ Scootaloo smiled a bit before she flinched at another boom of thunder.

“You’re still scared aren’t you?” Rainbow asked, she remembered her own experiences as a filly during a storm. Rainbow seemed to space out for a moment but quickly regained her composure when another boom of thunder scared Scootaloo to the point that she collapsed to the floor and she threw her hooves over her head.

“Alright, come up here, I’ll, uh, tell you a story or something, maybe that’ll make you feel better.” Rainbow said, she gestured for Scootaloo to come up onto the bed.

“O-oh *hic* kay.”

Scootaloo climbed up onto the bed and walked in a circle a few times before laying down next to Rainbow.

“Alright, now, a story, or something, uh....you want to hear a story?”

“Okay *hic* th-that sounds *hic* good.” Scootaloo flinched as yet another boom of thunder rang throughout the house.

“Well, uh, there once was a pegasus, and she watched all of the other pegasus fly, but she never was able to fly herself-”

“Th-that sounds *hic* like m-me” Scootaloo said, she looked at Dash.

Rainbow smiled and continued her story. “So one day she decided she was going to learn how to fly and become a great flier like the other pegasi, so uh.....she started to train herself on the ground, she would hover and stuff...”

Scootaloo yawned, she tried to keep her eyes open, but she could not, Rainbow’s story, as bad and fabricated as it was, was giving Scootaloo the comfort she needed to fall asleep.

“...so, she finally flew, so she went to-, Scootaloo, are you listening?” Rainbow looked down at Scootaloo who was now sleeping comfortably in her bed.

“Scoots? Oh alright, I guess you can sleep here tonight.” Rainbow said, Scootaloo stirred.

“Thanks Dash” She whispered incoherently.

Rainbow smiled, she pulled the cover up over Scootaloo with her mouth and then laid down herself pulling the covers over her.

“Goodnight Scootaloo, sleep tight.” Rainbow said. Several moments later however, she couldn’t help but notice her bed was shaking, but it wasn’t her bed. It was Scootaloo.

“Scoots? Are you ok?” The only answer she got was that of Scootaloo breathing.

She must be cold.’ Rainbow thought observing that she had accidentally pulled the covers off of Scootaloo when she laid down.

The blanket is only big enough for one of us, maybe...’ Rainbow got closer to Scootaloo and extended her wing out.

This should be nice and warm.’ Rainbow thought as she put her wing over Scootaloo. The filly instantly grabbed the wing and pulled it around herself, her sleeping body mistaking the wing for a blanket.

Rainbow let out a grunt as Scootaloo tugged on her wing.

There, all better, sorta.’ Rainbow thought, she then laid her head down on her pillow.

I’ll never let anything happen to you Scoots, I promise.

And with that final thought, Rainbow joined Scootaloo in a deep slumber.