• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 5,747 Views, 132 Comments

Rewrite: Sisterly Bonds - Secret_Shadows

Follow Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they discover their past and build a new future.

  • ...

The Calm Before The Storm

Chapter Five
The Calm Before The Storm

Written by
Enlistedpony & Secret_Shadows
Edited by avorin

“You’re the best!” Scootaloo said, the day was starting off on a good note for a change. Scootaloo was overjoyed. Finally the long wait was over. She had found a home, and the best part; it was with her idol Rainbow Dash! Eventually the two broke their embrace with Rainbow keeping the filly at forelegs length holding her with her hooves.

“Thanks Scootaloo, that means a lot to me hearing it from you.” She said with happiness in her voice. The two remained looking at one another for a long moment until Rainbow’s gaze was interrupted by the sounds of somepony clearing their throat.

“Ahem... As much as Ah would like ta see this moment continue, Ah needs ta be gettin’ back ta mah stand.” The farm pony said breaking the mood between the two pegasi. Rainbow nodded and turned to look back at the young pegasus.

“Well Scootaloo what say we go get some breakfast?” Scootaloo put her hoof to her chin thinking about the idea, but just then her tummy answered it for her. She blushed and looked away embarrassed, but kept her eyes on Rainbow; a small sly smile on her face.

“Heh.. Guess my stomach is answering for me again.” She said, her blush slowly fading. Rainbow Dash chuckled a bit and nodded she stood up and beckoned the filly to follow. “But we need to go back to Applejack’s house first though Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow turned to look at the filly a bit confused.

“What for?”

“I need to pick up my scooter and bag I left there yesterday after we left in a hurry to tend to my well...” She stopped herself for a moment her blush returning. “Wing problem.” Dash looked at the filly and smiled nodding. She saw the filly was still somewhat embarrassed she had not known how to do something as simple as preening her wings.

“Ok Lets head on out.” Dash Waved goodbye to Twilight and Spike, then made her way to the door.

“Take care of yourselves.” Twilight said returning to her books. Dash put her hoof out to allow Scootaloo head out first, but just then Applejack popped back in the doorway.

“Why don’tcha ya’ll two stop by mah stand after ya’lls go pick up Scootaloo’s stuff at mah house. Ah’ll have some yummy apple fritters waiting for ya.” The two pegasi looked at one another, the thought of getting some more of Applejacks fritters was more than enough for the two to agree and nod.

“Sounds like a plan AJ!” Rainbow Dash said happily. “Get on squirt! times a wasting and we got a date with some apple fritters.” Rainbow laid down to allow Scootaloo to climb on and the she hopped on Dash’s back. Rainbow stood up snapped out her wings then took off towards Sweet Apple Acres.


Along the way Rainbow decided to strike up a conversation with the filly to pass the time.

“So Scootaloo, what would you like to do after we get something to eat?” Scootaloo though for a moment.

“Well.. We do need to go see Cheerilee today. Parent teacher conference.” Rainbow cringed when she heard that.

“If we have to..” She said with a bit disinterest in her voice. “What do you think she wants to talk with me about anyways?” Scootaloo put a hoof to her chin looking up at the early morning sky.

“Gee I dunno. Guess we’ll find out.” Dash nodded then returned her attention to the sky ahead of her. She took the most direct route from Twilight's library to the home of the country mare. After a few moments of silence, Dash landed at the gate leading down to Applejack's home.

“Where did you leave it?” Rainbow asked Scootaloo. The filly looked around for a moment trying to remember which tree she had stopped at to talk with Dash about the parent teacher conference.

“Over there.” Scootaloo said pointing to a tree, her scooter and bag lay underneath it. Rainbow scanned over in the direction noticing the fillies belongings she trotter over and let Scootaloo off to get her things.

“Here let me help you with that Scootaloo.” Rainbow went over and picked up the fillies bag and set it gently on her back then tightened the buckle slightly to avoid squeezing it too tight on her. “That's not too tight for you is it?” She asked. Scootaloo shook her head.

“No its fine.” Scootaloo said sitting down twisting the bags strap to get it comfortable. Scootaloo then reached over and stood on her scooter, but a moment later looked down slightly upset. Rainbow caught notice of the filly acting a little pouty.

“What’s wrong Scootaloo?” The filly looked over to Dash then back at her bandaged wing.

“I can’t really push myself on my scooter with my wing bandaged.” She said letting out a displeased sigh. “I guess I am gonna have to walk or let you carry me back to town.” She looked down upset again her ears falling back. Dash smiled and trotted up to her and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“I got an idea Scoot, how about you steer and I’ll push. How does that sound?” Scootaloo’s ears perked up when she heard the offer. She looked up to Rainbow with a smile on her face.

“Really? Oh that would be awesome!” She said excited. Rainbow smiled and walked up behind Scootaloo and helped the filly get balanced on her scooter, she then came to a low hover right behind Scootaloo and put her hooves on the fillies shoulders careful to avoid touching her injured wing, but just as she was about to push she stopped to think ‘Was this really a good idea?’ She then shook her head.

“This isn’t going to work Scootaloo, if I pushed too hard I could hurt you.” She then landed and sat down thinking for a moment. Then an idea popped into her mind. “Hang on a second Scootaloo, I’ll be right back.” She took off in the direction of Applejack’s barn returning shortly with a length of rope. “One second Scootaloo.” Dash took the rope and tied one end to the scooters handlebar then she took the other end and made a loop and slid it around her waist. “All set! Get ready Squirt!” Scootaloo nodded and took up a ready position on her scooter, leaning back to allow her weight to keep her balanced. Dash raised to a hover and slowly started moving forward until the rope was taught, she then increased her pace going faster and faster gaining speed until both pegasi were speeding down the road back into Ponyville.

“Yeah! Awesome!” Shouted the excited filly as the two sped down the road, the town coming rapidly into sight and eventually Applejacks stand came into view.

“STOP THIEF!” Applejack shouted chasing the blue coated thief down the road past the two pegasi. “Don’t make me get mah rope!” Applejack shouted again, but Dash had already slipped off the rope around her waist and shot after the thief.

“You’re not getting away from me you little apple thief!” Dash shouted, she quickly closed the distance between her and the thief and tackled him down pinning him to the ground. The thief a young pegasus colt, spit the apple out and threw his hooves over his head cowering in fear.

“P-p-please d-don’t hurt m-me, I-I was j-just hungry!” He said holding his hooves over his face.

“A likely Story!” Rainbow said aggressively.

“P-please I, I haven’t eaten f-for d-days!” He said, still cowering in fear from the cyan pegasus.

Scootaloo’s ears perked up as she listened to the conversation, she couldn’t see the thief who was pinned under Rainbow, but she could hear him.

“A-Aero?” She said quietly to herself. She walked over and could see a tell tale blue and white tail, confirming her suspicions.

“A-Aero? I-is that you?” She asked getting closer. The young colt not believing what he was hearing slowly removed his hooves from his head and looked up to see where it came from.

“S-Scootaloo? T-that's impossible.” He said, as if he had just seen a ghost.

“Wait, you two know each other?” Dash asked, she was a bit confused.

“Who is this colt Scootaloo?” Applejack asked walking up to join the conversation.

“Its, it can’t be, but, its, Rainbow, this is, this is Aero.” Scootaloo paused for a moment, she then jumped at Dash. “Get off him!” She yelled pushing Rainbow off of Aero, releasing him from being pinned to the ground. Dash stumbled back a bit shocked at the sudden outburst from the filly.

“Whoa Scootaloo! Calm down!” Dash said holding her hooves out in front of her. Scootaloo lowered her guard a bit as she realized Dash wasn’t trying to hurt Aero.

“I, I’m sorry I-” Rainbow tried to walk forward and she extended a hoof out to Aero, he simply stumbled backwards and hid behind Scootaloo covering his head.

Scootaloo turned to Aero and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“It’s ok Aero, she won’t hurt you.” Scootaloo said. As reassuring as it was he maintained his hiding place behind Scootaloo. Dash tried to get closer but he started to shake.

“Rainbow, leave him alone, he’s been through enough.” Applejack said, she walked over to Scootaloo and Aero. She extended a hoof. Her hoof had an apple balanced on the end of it.

Aero looked up at the hoof. He removed his forelegs from over his head and stood up shakily.

Scootaloo gave him a reassuring look.

He gave a weak smile and took the apple biting into it, devouring it rather quickly. He then looked up to the country mare and nodded smiling timidly.

“Th-thank you.” He said, he turned to Scootaloo. “Thanks for getting that crazy blue mare off of me.” He said. Scootaloo giggled. Dash crossed her fore hooves and let out an aggravated sigh.

It finally snapped in Scootaloo’s mind that it was Aero, her best friend in the entire world, the most important colt to her ever.

“Oh My Gosh! Aero, Its You! Its You! Its You! Its You!” She shouted. She pounced on him hugging him very tightly.

Aero’s wings flared a bit at the sudden show of emotion.

“Yes, its me, can I breath now!?”

“Alright! Uh, you can stop now.” Dash said as she came between them pushing them apart.

Scootaloo walked around Dash and looked at Aero.

“Where were you all this time! I, I thought you were...” She stopped mid sentence and looked down at the ground.

“Scootaloo, maybe y'all should let Aero settle down before we go askin’ questions.” Applejack said. She observed that Aero looked very tired, hungry, and dirty.

“Scootaloo.. Can I just get something to eat and maybe a place to sleep? I am very tired, I have been walking for days now.” Scootaloo held a hoof over her snout while waving a hoof in front of her.

“And maybe a bath too.” She said. He blushed and lifted his wing smelling under it, reeling back from the stench.

“Yeah, th-that too.” He said embarrassed.

“You can come to my house and clean yourself up there Aero.” Dash offered. Aero looked over to Scootaloo for a little reassurance. She smiled and nodded, a gesture he welcomed.

“O-okay..” He said timidly. Rainbow walked over to the young colt to give him a look over.

“Are you able to fly Aero? Otherwise we need to find another way to get you up there.”

“I think I should be able to.” He said afterwards opening his wings and taking a few test flaps. Once he felt he was ready he nodded to Dash raising a hoof to signal her to lead the way.

“Okay good. Now if you do get tired or have a problem don’t for one second hesitate to tell me got it?” He nodded. “Good. Scootaloo, get on your friend is ready to go.” Scootaloo nodded and folded her scooter up then hopped onto Rainbows back.

“Okay Dash I’m ready.” She turned to look at the young colt “Take your time Aero, I’ll make sure Rainbow takes it slow so you don’t get too tired out.”

“Thanks Scootaloo,” He said giving her a smile of reassurance. “But I think I can handle it.” He stopped for a second thinking to himself. “By the way, why are you not flying yourself? I would of thought by now you would of been at least taking to the skies yourself.”

“I can! but, uh, well..” She paused, quickly thinking. “My wing! Yes my wing! its wounded! and that's why I can’t fly right now, yes, that's the truth and I’m sticking to it!” Scootaloo said, she blushed a bit and looked away. In truth, she couldn’t fly, she glided once and managed to hover. But her ability to actually fly however, was something...less than impressive.

Aero tilted his head looking at her somewhat confused, but he just decided to believe what she had said, he was too tired to bother arguing at the moment anyway. “Well okay I guess.. Anyway, can we go now please? I’m pretty tired and I would just like to get cleaned up and maybe get something to eat.” Rainbow nodded opened her wings and hopped into the sky.

“Come on Aero keep up.” She said heading off to her home. Aero took in a breath and let it out and began flapping his wings, a moment later slowly lifting off following the two into the afternoon sky.


As they were flying back to Rainbow Dash’s home Scootaloo made a point to keep her attention on the young colt slowly trailing behind.

“Slow up a bit Rainbow Dash, Aero is falling behind again.” Dash let out an exasperated sigh and slowed her pace allowing the colt to catch up.

“Come on slow poke we don’t got all day ya know.” Rainbow said holding a hover waiting for the colt. Aero slowly caught up and came to a hover next to the two panting heavily. “Are you alright Aero?” Rainbow asked with a little bit of concern.

“Y-yea I-I’m fine I just...” He trailed off as he landed on the cloud. Rainbow landed and let Scootaloo off her back.

“Are you sure Aero? You don’t look so good...” Scootaloo said noting the paleness of his face.

“Yeah I just-” He started to sway from side to side losing his balance. Scootaloo quickly galloped up to him just as he fell over. He leaned up against her. She winced slightly as he leaned against her bandaged wing.

“Th-Thanks Scootaloo.” He said, gave a faint smile.

“Let's get you inside.” Rainbow said as she stood on the other side of him. He nodded and the three hobbled inside. Once they got inside Dash helped Aero up the stairs and to the bathroom. “Here you go.” She said pushing the door open for him. “Take your time, we’ll be downstairs when you’re done.” He smiled and made his way into the bathroom closing the door behind him. A moment later Rainbow could hear water running, confident he was able to handle it himself, she headed downstairs and joined Scootaloo in the kitchen.

“You think hes gonna be ok Rainbow? He looked pretty exhausted.” Rainbow shook her head and shrugged then pulled up a seat next to the filly.

“I don’t know, but if we don’t hear from him in a few minutes, I’ll go check and make sure hes alright.” Scootaloo smiled and nodded.

“So.. What’s for lunch?” She asked. Rainbow put a hoof to her chin and thought it over for a moment.

“Well how about we keep it simple.” Dash went up to and hovered over to the cupboard and pulled out some apples and a few fritters she had picked up from the market. She returned and set the food down on the table. “Wala. Lunch is served.” Scootaloo giggled a bit at Rainbows response and reached for an apple, but just as she was about to take a bite Aero walked into the kitchen looking surprisingly a lot better than a few minutes ago.

“Feeling better?” Scootaloo asked. Aero smiled and nodded pulling up a chair and sitting at the table.

“Yea much better now. Still rather tired though.” He said with a bit of exhaustion in his voice. “Can I have an apple please?” He asked.

“You don’t have to ask Aero, you’re a guest in my house.” Dash replied rolling him an apple. Aero smiled and took the apple quickly finishing it off. “Slow down Aero, you’ll get sick if you eat too fast.” Aero nodded and slowly chewed on the next apple. “That's better.” After a while the three had finished eating and Rainbow had gone to clean up then headed out to the living room, Scootaloo and Aero sat quietly at the table twiddling their hooves.

“So Aero,” Scootaloo said finally breaking the silence. “Where have you been all this time?”

“Well..” He stopped for a moment “When I went under the water I thought I was done for, but just then this nice serpent saved me and pulled me out of the water. I pleaded with him to go back to look for you, but he said the current was too strong and I was nearly at the point of hypothermia, and I needed to be warmed up or else I could've died.” He looked down his ears falling back, and Scootaloo could've sworn he was on the verge of crying. “I...” He let out a breath. “I returned to the place we tried to cross a few days later to see if I could find you, or...” He trailed off. “What the timberwolves may have left behind.” He said softly.

Scootaloo listened to the story, devoting all of her attention to Aero. She had missed him so much, so every little moment counted.

“When I didn’t find anything... I assumed.” He paused briefly. He let out a breath and swallowed. “I assumed you were, gone. So I headed back to Fillydelphia hoping to return to the orphanage, but when I got there it was closed up, abandoned. A few squatters milling around had told me the orphanage was not fulfilling the requirement set forth by the city, so they closed it up and transferred Star Dancer and Vincent to an orphanage out west.”

“Did he mean Ponyville?” Scootaloo asked. Aero shook his head.

“He didn’t say, but I was thinking that too. However I didn’t know where Ponyville was, so I hung around Fillydelphia for about a year living off food I had stolen,” He said regretfully. “And I managed to stay out of the rain at the local library.” He let out a long yawn and Scootaloo could clearly see he was on the verge of falling asleep, but she wanted to know a little more. Just as she was about to speak up, Rainbow popped back into the kitchen pulling the fillies attention off the sleepy colt for a few minutes.

“Scootaloo what are you two still doing in there?” Scootaloo turned to face Dash.

“Just talking Rainbow, I’m trying to find out where Aero has been all this time.”

“Well come on out here I need to talk with you about the parent teacher conference.”

“Ok Rainbow.” Scootaloo replied then turned back to Aero. “So Aero, when did you...” She trailed off when she saw the colt now passed out on the table his head laying down on it sideways and his forelegs stretch out on the table. She smiled walking over to him putting a hoof to his shoulder. “That's ok you scaredy pony you can tell me later.” She tried to hoist the sleeping colt on her back to carry him to the bedroom, but he was too heavy. Her legs gave out and she flopped on the floor with Aero laying on top.

Scootaloo tried to wiggle her way out from under Aero, to no avail. “Wake up Aero!” She said as she hit him with her forehoof. When he didn’t wake up she tried to roll over to get him off of her. When hoofsteps are heard.

Rainbow walked into the room to find Aero on top of Scootaloo and Scootaloo wiggling around. Rainbow’s face turned from happy, to an upset and concerned look.

“This Isn’t What It Looks Like!” Scootaloo shouted.

“I dunno Scoots, it looks like...uh, just get out from under Aero.” Rainbow said with an authoritative voice.

“I wish I could but he fell asleep! Then I tried to help him to the bedroom but he fell onto me and now I’m stuck!” Dash let her mood drop to and she walked over and gently lifted the sleeping colt off Scootaloo. She squirmed out from under him and stood up, a slight blush on her face. “Heh.. Heh. Thanks.” She said giving her good wing a flap. Rainbow rolled her eyes and took to a hover carrying the sleeping colt to her room.

“Come on Scootaloo, come open the door for me and I’ll set your colt friend down on the bed so he can get some sleep.” Scootaloo’s glared at Rainbow Dash and stomped a hoof.

“He’s not my colt friend!” Scootaloo said rather aggravated, but a visible blush was clearly visible on her face. Dash just laughed.

“Oh sure sure, I believe you.” She said with a chuckle. Scootaloo huffed and rolled her eyes.

“Whatever..” Scootaloo waved Rainbow off and opened the door for her. Dash then floated over and gently set Aero on the bed then turned to leave.

“Come on Scoot, he needs some rest he looked pretty tired out.” Scootaloo nodded and followed Dash out of the room and closing the door behind her, but taking one last glance at the colt as he lay peacefully asleep on the bed. Once she got downstairs she found Dash standing by the door.

“Where are you going Rainbow?”

“I am gonna go have a talk with Fluttershy, you stay here and watch over your,” She snickered. “Colt friend incase he wakes up.” Scootaloo gave her a displeased look and waved her off.

“Not gonna cut me any slack are you?” Dash smiled and shook her head.

“Nope! See you two in a little while.” She snapped open her wings and took in the direction of the Everfree.

Scootaloo watched out the window until Rainbow Dash was out of view. She trotted her way up to the bedroom and peeked in the door. Aero was sleeping soundly on Scootaloo’s bed.

Oh Aero, I missed you so much.’ She thought to herself.

She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it.

I’ll just sit here and keep you company.’ She thought. A few moments passed as she watched him sleep. She yawned, it had been a very long morning.

I think I’ll just lay my head down on the pillow...’ She laid her head down on the pillow and pulled part of the cover up over herself.

Just for a few moments...’ She thought, intending to only lay there for a few moments. Several yawns and closing her eyes later she fell asleep. In his sleep Aero rolled over and wrapped his forelegs around Scootaloo. And they slept soundly, all the while Rainbow was flying to Fluttershy’s to discuss some pressing matters.


Dash landed on her doorstep followed by Fluttershy a few hours later. She opened the door to find the main room empty. She expected to find Scootaloo sitting on the sofa, maybe building a puzzle or some other game.

“Scootaloo? Aero? I’m back!” She said out loud, with no response.

Fluttershy entered the house and closed the door behind them.

“Maybe they are sleeping?” Fluttershy said.

“Well, Aero went to sleep but I don’t think Scootaloo was tired.” Rainbow said. The two pegasi walked up the stairs and found the bedroom door opened slightly.

Rainbow slowly opened the door to find Aero and Scootaloo asleep, Aero with his forelegs wrapped around Scootaloo. Her mind came awash with thoughts of anger that Scootaloo would do something like this.

“Aww, they look so adorable!” Fluttershy squeaked.

Rainbow let out a moan and stomped her way into the bedroom.

“Wake Up.” Rainbow said in a very loud tone.

Scootaloo stirred before opening her eyes. Her eyes widened when she realized exactly what had happened.

“I’m in trouble aren’t I?” She asked as she pried herself free from Aero’s hold.

“Yes, yes you are.” Dash responded. Scootaloo stood up as she got out of bed. She let out a heavy sigh.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep honest!” Scootaloo said.

“What exactly were you to doing that you fell asleep with him?” Rainbow asked.

“I...I came to check on Aero.” She was starting to get nervous, she knew she didn’t do anything wrong, but Dash’s tone made her think otherwise. “I laid down on the bed just for a moment to rest my eyes, it was a really long morning and, I kinda drifted off to sleep.”

“Why did Aero have his fore legs wrapped around you!” Rainbow demanded.

“Well, I uh...” Scootaloo started to stutter, she really didn’t have an answer for this one. “He did it while I was asleep, I don’t know!” she yelled in what sounded like panic.

Aero stirred at a loud booming right next his head and slowly opened his eyes to find Scootaloo shaking, Dash standing in an angry manner, and a yellow pegasus in the background who was quietly observing.

“What’s going on everypony? Is something wrong?” He said as he rubbed his eyes.

“Yes, you two are in so much trouble.” Rainbow said as she lifted a hoof to her head to prevent a headache from anger.

“Dash! We didn’t do anything! I promise!” Scootaloo squeaked.

“Did I do something wrong?” Aero asked, completely confused.

“Aero, I’m sorry, but, I don’t think you should stay here.” Rainbow said.

“No!” Scootaloo shouted. “He didn’t do anything! Rainbow! Trust me! If you won’t trust me then...” Scootaloo searched for words, her eyes slightly teared up at her next outburst “I don’t want to be here anymore!” She said rashly.

Rainbow was taken back by this, her and Scootaloo had gotten along so well, and all of this just over a colt.

“Fine Then! Lea-” Rainbow was cut off by a hoof on her shoulder.

“Rainbow, I think, I think they’re telling the truth.” Fluttershy said.

All three turned to face Fluttershy.

“You know, if you want to think that...” She trailed off.

“Can somepony please tell me what’s going on?” Aero asked, half expecting a hoof to collide with his head.

There was silence for a few moments as Rainbow and Scootaloo stared at each other. As if having a conversation using just their eyes.

“Nothing, I, nothing happened, go back to sleep.” Rainbow said as she turned and walked out of the room. She wasn’t one to accept defeat in this sort of situation, but for Scootaloo, she would. Fluttershy looked at the filly and colt, then followed Dash out of the room.


Rainbow paced back and forth in the kitchen. Fluttershy sat at the table.

“It’s completely unacceptable behavior for them!” Rainbow complained.

“Dash, I think it was an honest mistake, they didn’t look like they had done anything wrong, and-”

“Mistake? I saw the way he wrapped himself around her, that’s no mistake! That doesn’t just happen!” Rainbow continued to pace back and forth, she put her hoof to her head again trying to cope with the headache brought on by her anger.

“Rainbow, just as Scootaloo trusts you, she expects you to trust her, if she says nothing happened, you should trust in that she is telling the truth.” Fluttershy said, in truth she probably would have reacted similarly had it been her in the situation, a bit less rash of course.

“I just don’t know what to do! I don’t think I can care for two of them.” Dash said as she sat down, she rested her head in her hooves and closed her eyes.

“Nopony said you had to, Dash, just give it a few days until we can find Aero a nice home, maybe we-”

“But if we do that Scootaloo will hate me!”

“Well, not if it’s someplace close by, just give it a few days ok? And I think you should go talk with Scootaloo, let her know why you thought it was unacceptable, its good to talk Rainbow, you should also probably explain to Aero what happened, I think he was confused.”

There was a small voice behind the two of them. Standing in the doorway was Aero.

“Miss Dash?” He asked quietly.

“Rainbow.” She said softly.

“Rainbow, and miss?”

“Fluttershy.” responded Fluttershy.

“Rainbow and miss Fluttershy, I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble, I, I’ll leave if you really don’t want me here, I, I know what its like, to not be wanted, and, you’re not hurting my feelings, again I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble.” He was staring at the ground, his ears flat on his head. Faint sobs could be heard coming from the stairway that Scootaloo now occupied.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow with a look in her eye that broke Rainbow.

“No, no, It’s...” She paused, cringing at even saying it. “My fault.”

Aero looked up, confused.

“I shouldn’t have left you two here alone, it’s fine, just, it’s fine really.” Dash said, she looked at Aero giving him a weak smile.

“So...I can stay?” He asked quietly.

Rainbow looked up at Fluttershy once more seeking guidance. Fluttershy nodded.

“Yes.” Rainbow said.

Aero smiled a bit. “Thank you Miss D- Rainbow.” He trotted back off to the stairs. The quiet sobbing that was once emanating from the stairs stopped and the sound of eight hooves trotting about the upstairs could be heard ever so softly in the kitchen.

“Think I did the right thing?” Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy smiled. “I know you did the right thing.” Rainbow tried to return the smile, but she couldn’t help feeling upset, like the calm before a storm.


“Soo Aero what do you want to do now?” Scootaloo asked, hopping up on the bed and sitting next to him.

“Well I’m pretty new in this town you mind showing me around? I wouldn’t mind getting to know the ponies around here.” Aero said, stretching out to get comfortable. Scootaloo put a hoof to her chin and though for a moment trying to figure out what would be a good way to show her friend around town. An idea then popped into her mind.

“Why don’t I take you to meet my friends Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom? They would love to meet a new friend.” Aero smiled he liked the idea of meeting new ponies especially if he could make more friends.

“Well alright!” He said hopping to his feet. “Sounds like fun when do we leave?”

“As soon as we find a way to get me to the ground.” Aero looked at Scootaloo confused.

“Why don’t you ask Rainbow Dash? Or maybe Fluttershy? I bet one of them would be happy to give you a lift.”

“I dunno..” Scootaloo said scuffing the ground with a hoof. “I yelled at Dash, she may be still mad at me.” Aero waved a hoof shaking his head.

“Only one way to find out.” He said making his way to the door, but he was stopped when Scootaloo jumped in front of him.

“Why don’t you carry me down?” Aero took a step back shocked.

“M-me!? A-are yo-you sure? I mean I don’t know..” He trailed off. “Shouldn’t we tell your guardian first?” Scootaloo shook her head.

“No, and don’t call her that. Her name is Rainbow Dash.”

“S-sorry!” Aero said turning away embarrassed. “But why not tell her? I mean won’t she get upset?” Scootaloo just shrugged.

“Probably, but I feel if I ask her to go walking around town with you again she will just yell at me.” Aero still wanted to protest, but Scootaloo finally relented. “Fine fine, I will write a note and leave it on the nightstand for her okay?” Aero nodded and walked to the window opening it up and the warm afternoon breeze started to blow in through the open window. Scootaloo rummaged through her bag and took a piece of paper out from her school supplies. She then scribbled a simple note to Dash on it and placed it on the nightstand.

“Ready to go Scootaloo?” she nodded and walked over to him.

“All set, just be careful okay? Don’t drop me like last time.” She said, but Aero didn’t think it was funny.

“Well I’ll be ok unless you gained some weight since last time. You do look like you’ve gotten a bit rounder at the edges.” He giggled. Scootaloo raised an eyebrow putting on a sly smile. She sauntered up to him batting her eyelashes at him.

“Why are you looking at my edges Aero? See anything you like?” He immediately fell back on his rump, his face wide eyed. He took a big gulp trying to swallow whatever it was, probably his heart back into his chest.

“No! I-I I didn’t mean it that way!” He put a hoof to his face.

“So you don’t think I’m pretty?” She asked, getting ever closer to him as she walked past swishing her tail so it tickled the end of his nose.

“Th-thats not wh-what I-” Aero stammered.

“So you do think I’m pretty?” She said, she was having fun with this.

“I, but you! I- never, but-” Aero was starting to sweat.

“Its a yes or no question Aero!” She put one of her forehooves under his chin as she said this.

“I, but, you see, some ponies-” He stopped when her hoof that was previously under his chin hit him upside his head.

“Next time don’t call a filly fat! It might not be a hit to the head next time!” She said as she walked in another direction away from him, swaying her tail once more tickling the end of his nose again. He was left standing there dumbfounded, rubbing his head, not knowing what just happened.

“Umm okay?” He said confused and stood up. “Alright Scootaloo, climb on, I’ve never actually carried anypony before, so hold on tight.” She nodded and wrapped her forelegs around his neck.

“Ok I’m ready.” He nodded and unfurled his wings then climbed on the windowsill and hopped out taking to the skies.


As the two were making their way through the afternoon sky Aero for the most part was handling the fillies weight fine. Soaring over the rooftops and tree levels of Ponyville he was actually enjoying the flight, even more because of a certain orange filly riding along with him. He decided to try some aerial tricks. He took off upwards flapping as hard as he could to gain altitude rising as high as the cloud layer. Once he hit the top of his arch, he leveled off and came to a hover.

“You doing okay back there?” He asked Scootaloo, a little bit out of breath. The filly smiled and nodded.

“I’m doing great!” She leaned forward to whisper into his ear. “Even more because I am with you.” She said. He smiled back and started to fly forward again a light blush growing over his face. Content she was enjoying it, he angled downwards and shot off down to the ground at a decent pace. Scootaloo was happy to just be here she let her good wing extend to feel the warm summer air flow through it. “Faster Aero!” She asked, he nodded and swooped up into a steep climb his heart pounding in his chest as he reached the top of the arch, but by now he was beginning to feel the toll of carrying a pony on his back. His wings were screaming in pain and he was having trouble holding a hover. Scootaloo instantly noticing his exhaustion spoke again into his ear.

“Aero, I think its time we landed, you don’t look too well.” He nodded taking in big gasps of air trying to get enough oxygen re-energize his aching muscles, but he couldn’t manage and instead of taking to a steep dive he let his wings flare out, and glided back down to the ground. However, when they were approaching the Crusader Treehouse, his wings gave out and they tumbled down through the top of the tree crashing down through the roof onto two unsuspecting fillies coloring in some coloring books.

“Come on Scootaloo! Ah Just fixed that hole last week!” Apple Bloom said as she saw Scootaloo tumble down in front of her.

Aero landed on top of Sweetie Belle.

“Hi, you’re new in town.” Sweetie said giving him an affectionate look.

“Don’t even *cough* think about it Sweetie.” Scootaloo said giving her the dreaded glare of daggers, almost searing into her soul that ‘this one is taken’

“Aww, did you claim this one? I thought we said whoever gets crushed by the colt gets to keep him!” Sweetie moaned.

“Yeah well, I changed the rules, this one’s mine!” Scootaloo yelled.

“Y-you like me? Really?” Aero asked surprised to Scootaloo as he got off of Sweetie.

Scootaloo blushed remembering her previous conversation with Aero.

“You didn’t hear that! I don’t like you like that!” Scootaloo said trying to cover up what she just said. Turning away a bit bashful.

“Ah think he heard ya just fine and dandy Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo glared at Apple Bloom as if to say ‘thanks a lot...’

‘She really likes me?’ Aero though a slight blush forming on his cheeks, but he needed to know if she was really interested in him. So a plan formed in his mind on one: how to get back at her, and two: prove what he was thinking was actually true. He gave Scootaloo a smug smile causing her to look at him with a bit of nervous confusion, then sauntered up to Sweetie Belle and gave her a nuzzle on her cheek.

Scootaloo’s face turned redder than Big Macintosh’s coat when she watched what he had done. She ran over to them and pushed them apart. Sweetie simply fell down and Aero looked at Scootaloo with a look of contentment that he had finally confirmed his suspicions.

“ANYWAY!” Scootaloo said trying to change the topic. “These are my friends and fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Scootaloo said. “This one here is Apple Bloom,” She pointed to the yellow earth filly wearing a big red bow in her mane. “And this one here is Sweetie Belle.” She pointed to the white unicorn filly with a pink and purple swirly mane.

“Howdy Aero!” Apple Bloom said in a cheerful tone.

“Uh, Hi, uh, Aero” Sweetie said blushing as she looked away.

“Hello girls” Aero said waving to them smiling. “What are Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

“Well as ya can tell Aero, We are all blank flanks.”

Aero looked around the room, observing their flanks, not realising what he was doing.

“Hey! Thats not nice!” Sweetie chirped.

“What’s the big idea!” Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo only blushed and looked down.

Aero was about to ask ‘what?’ when three hooves collided with his head.

Everything went blurry and dark for a few moments.

“Think he’s ok?”

“Ah reckon we hit em’ pretty hard.”

“Girls, I have an idea...Cutie Mark Crusaders Nurses!” Scootaloo cheered.

“Nurse Sweet Belle, how is the patient?” Scootaloo asked.

“Unconscious it seems from tri blunt trauma Nurse Scootaloo.” Scootaloo nodded and turned to Applebloom.

“Nurse Apple Bloom, what do you suggest we do with the patient?”

“Ah reckon he needs bed rest Nurse Scootaloo.” The three looked at each other and nodded.

“PATIENT AERO TO MEDICAL WARD STAT!” They all yelled tossing the unconscious colt on a cot.

“Restrain him Nurse Sweetie Belle, He may try to run away when he wakes.” Sweetie Belle smiled brightly at the offer.

“Yes Ma’am!” She responded a bit too happily causing Scootaloo to rethink what she had just said for a moment.

“Uhh... Scratch that, I’ll restrain him Nurse Sweetie Belle, you get the smelling salts.” Sweetie Belle let out a huff and walked over to the first aid kit.

“Aww fine... I’ll go get it.” She responded displeased and went over to the box hanging on the wall.

“Nurse Apple Bloom, Get some food the patient may be hungry when he wakes up.” Apple Bloom nodded and raced out the door into the orchard, but Scootaloo stopped her at the base of the ramp.

“Get me some rope Apple Bloom!” The yellow filly nodded and ran off to the barn. She returned a few moments later with a length of rope and a basket of apples. Scootaloo took the rope and went over to start tying up the young colt. She tossed the rope over to the other side of the bed where Sweetie Belle picked it up and was about to start tying him up, but Scootaloo smacked the rope out of her hoof.

“Don’t touch him! I’ll do it thanks.” Sweetie Belle huffed and stood back.

“Fine be that way! I think somepony is jealous here!” Scootaloo dropped what she was doing when she heard the sarcastic remark and snapped her head around to glare at Sweetie Belle.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Scootaloo asked. Sweetie Belle sat up on her haunches and put her hooves to her side glaring right back at Scootaloo.

“How are we supposed to be nurses and take care of the patient if you keep getting all over protective when somepony touches your colt friend!” Scootaloo’s face turned bright red.

“He’s not my colt friend!” Sweetie Belle crossed her forelegs and gave the young pegasus a displeased look.

“You’re a terrible liar Scootaloo, and you're also are pretty bad at not showing it.” She said pointing to the orange filly blushing rather profusely. Scootaloo waved the young unicorn off and resumed tying the colt up speaking under her breath.

“Not my fault somepony is having trouble with a certain dragon.”

“What was that?” Scootaloo looked up from what she was doing shocked.

“I didn’t say nothing!” Scootaloo said returning to tying the unconscious colt up.

Scootaloo finished tying Aero up and she leaned closer to his ear.

“Now Aero, I’m sorry I had to tie you up but its so you don’t run away while we try to heal you, just don’t try to move and I won’t have to make them tighter!” Scootaloo whispered as she pulled as hard as she could on the knot to make the rope tight. “Okay Sweetie Belle did you read the instructions on how to use them smelling salts?”

“There was instructions? I didn’t see any in the box.” Scootaloo slammed a hoof to her face.

“Well it can be that hard right? Maybe its like that doctors saying right? Take two and call it a day?” Sweetie Belle nodded.

“Yeah that sounds about right.” She took two of the packets with her magic and cracked them then shook them a bit. “All ready?” The two nurses nodded. Getting this conformation Sweetie Belle held the packages over Aero’s nose and a second later his eyes shot open his head jerking back.

“I’m awake! I’m awake!” He said then tried to rub his aching head with a hoof, but after trying for a second he looked over to see it had been tied down. “Umm... Why am I tied down?” He looked around nervous. “Why are you girls looking at me like that?” Scootaloo came up to his ear and whispered into it.

“Umm.. Your wings are out Aero.” His eyes went wide and he looked to to his sides, and sure enough his wings had reached their full extension. He then returned to looking at the fillies with a pretty good blush on his face.

“He looks nervous!” Sweetie said.

Apple Bloom then opened a first aid kit she had brought back with her.

“Ah have just the thing!” She said as she lifted a large booster shot out of the kit.

Aero tried to free himself to no avail.

‘You’re not going anywhere Aero, you need your rest.” Scootaloo said tightening the ropes.

Aero sighed ‘I guess it could be worse, they could be trying to ki-’ His thoughts were interrupted when all three fillies grabbed the booster shot and aimed for his behind.

“One! Two! Three!” Scootaloo said as they charged.

This won’t end well!’ he thought, trying to speak, but just the thought of the shot impaling his rear left him speechless. And who would leave a booster shot with three little fillies anyway?

The shot impacted him and he let out a wail loud enough to be heard by Applejack who was applebucking on the other side of the farm.


“What in tarnation was that?”


Aero started to relax a bit, the shot was some form of relaxant.

“I think it worked!” Sweetie said.

“Hey Apple Bloom, what was that shot anyway?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom looked down at the box that the shot was in and she read the words out loud.

“Earth Pony Muscle Relaxant...” She read down the box a bit more. “Warning: Do not use on Pegasi or Unicorns, it may cause disorientation, inability to control magic and/or wings, and unconsciousness, other side effects include but are not limited to uncontrolled wing flapping, loss of flight sense, magical outbursts. Do not operate heavy tree’s while while under the effects of this medication, consult a physician before use. consult a physician if effects persist for more than eight hours. seek medical care for or if your wings are erect for more than four hours. This medication is not for use by any pony other than an earth pony/alicorn.”

All three fillies looked back at Aero, who was again passed out. Apple Bloom heard the sound of hoofs approaching went to look out the window. She instantly ducked behind the window and rushed back to the other two fillies watching Aero sleep with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

“Girls! We’re in trouble!” Scootaloo broke from her trance and looked over to the yellow earth filly confused.


“Mah sister Applejack is coming!” Scootaloo put on a face that could only be described as “EEP!” Then shot over to the window to look for herself.

“What are you girls up ta up there?” Applejack said walking up to the ramp. Scootaloo put on a cheeky grin waving to Applejack trying to downplay her nervousness. It was failing. Horribly.

“What are you hiding?” Applejack asked raising an eyebrow. “Ah heard a loud yelp clear across the orchard, and now its all quiet and yer sittin here with that look on yer face? Somethin’s up, and Ah want ta know what it is, and where is mah sister?” Just then flapping could be heard and a moment later Rainbow Dash dropped out of the sky and landed next to Applejack.

‘Oh Celestia, not her too!’ Scootaloo thought reeling back into the treehouse.

“What’s got ya all pale like that Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Rainbow Dash just arrived.”

“Scootaloo? I saw your note. How did you get down here? And where is Aero?”

“Ummm... He’s up here with us.”

“Well get him I need you two to come with me.” Scootaloo nodded and went back into the treehouse. Rainbow nodded and turned to look at Applejack who had a concerned look on her face. “What’s the matter Applejack? It looks like something is bothering you.”

“It’s them darn fillies. Something is going on up there and Ah want to know what.”

“It’s probably nothing AJ, just their typical nonsense about trying to get their Cutie marks.” Applejack shook her head.

“Ah heard somepony yell from across the dang orchard then Ah get here and these three fillies are acting all innocent. Somethings not right Ah can feel it.” Rainbow looked up to the window wondering what the farm pony was talking about.

“Want me to fly up and take a peek?”

“Ya know what? That sounds like a might good idea there. Let me know what ya find.” Rainbow nodded and unfurled her wings and slowly floated up to the window.

“Quick girls! We need to wake up Aero before Rainbow Dash or Applejack come in.” Scootaloo raced over and started to try to untie the knots in the rope. Unfortunately though she had tied the knots too tight and it was very hard for her to get them out. She struggled for a few minutes finally releasing most of the binds leaving only one holding his forelegs together. Scootaloo feeling she had no time remaining hopped on top of Aero and began frantically trying to gnaw through the rope not noticing the young colts wings had flared up under her belly. Just as Scootaloo was about to get through the last strands of rope and free him a shout came from the window.

“WHAT THE HAY!?” Rainbow Dash yelled, shocked from what she had just witnessed. Scootaloo turned around and looked at Dash with wide eyes, rope falling out of her mouth.

“Uhhh... This is not what it looks like.” She said. Dash scanned over the scene then waved a hoof dismissing the situation.

“Not even gonna argue with you. Wake him up and get down here.” Scootaloo nodded hopped off the colt and started shaking him. Rainbow Dash landed a moment later to a curious Applejack.

“So... What did ya find?” Dash shook her head and pointed to the treehouse.

“I think you should see for yourself.” Applejack reared her head back raising an eyebrow.

“Uhh.. Alright Ah guess..” She slowly made her way up the ramp and peeked her head in to see three fillies shaking a passed out colt. “What in tarnation!? What have you three girls done to poor Aero?” Applebloom walked up to her sister and hoofed her a needle.

“We gave him a shot of this Sis.” Applejack took the needed and looked it over.

“Did ya take this from the box on the wall in the barn Apple Bloom?” The yellow filly nodded sheepishly. “This is for Earth ponies! Not pegasi! Especially a young colt like Aero!” She walked over to the colt and picked him up sitting him on his haunches. “Sorry for what Ah am about ta do kid, but its the only way to get ya up.” She slapped him across the face causing him to instantly wake up albeit a bit groggy. He rubbed his cheek with his face and looked around trying to pull the world into focus.

“Ahh! What happened? Last thing I remember was Warrants lacky kicking me, I don’t know where I am.” He looked around and saw Scootaloo. He raced over to her. “Scootaloo! Are you ok? Did that guard hurt you?” He asked, he looked her over and found no bruises accept for her bandaged wing and a bandage on her leg.

“Why that lying! Where is Warrant! Let me at him!”

“Aero? Are ya’ll ok?” Applejack asked.

“Get back!!” He said, he tried to flap his wings in an aggressive manner, but he couldn’t feel them.

“What did you do to my wings?” He said to Applejack.

“Wait, Warrant...” Scootaloo thought out loud. “Aero, we got away from that place, remember?” Scootaloo said. She tried to move closer but he backed away.

“Scootaloo wouldn’t lie to me like that! You’re not Scootaloo!” He shouted as he backed up into a corner.

“Apple Bloom! This is why Ah tell ya not ta touch the first aid kit!” Applejack Scolded.

“Now Aero, nopony here is gonna hurt ya, just relax, an’ everything is gonna be fine.” Applejack said in a calming tone.

Aero loosened up a bit, still backed into a corner, but he let his guard drop a bit.

Applejack started to inch closer to him.

“Thats right, ya remember me right? Ya’ll crashed into mah stand the other day.”

He looked up at her, she was now closer to him and the disorientation made it seem like she was towering over him. He blinked and rubbed his eyes.

“Thats right, calm down, Nopony is gonna hurt ya.” Applejack was about to get within hoofs range but he tensed back up. Scootaloo walked over and tried to help.

“Aero, calm down, nopony here will hurt you.” Scootaloo said, she reached out a hoof to Aero. He shakily accepted and allowed her to come closer.

Scootaloo sat down next to him and put her forehooves around him in a hug.

“Its ok Aero, you’re fine now see?” Scootaloo said. “You’re in good hoofs now.”

“Who’s Warrant?” Applejack asked. Scootaloo looked at her shaking her head.

“It’s a long story Applejack, could you three please just give me and Aero a few moments?” Applejack and the two fillies looked at Scootaloo holding the visibly shaken Aero wondering if they should leave or not, but just then Rainbow Dash stepped in.

“I know what she’s talking about and she's right. Give her a few minutes to get Aero calmed down.” Rainbow ushered the three confused ponies out the door and turned back to look at Scootaloo. “Take all the time you need Scootaloo, we’ll be waiting outside when you’re ready.” Scootaloo looked over to Dash and smiled.

“Thanks Rainbow Dash.” She said Dash smiled and turned to walk out, but heard a soft stammering whisper.

“Th-th-thank y-you.” Aero barely whispered returning to his hug still shaking. Rainbow walked down the ramp and went over to a clearly upset Applejack.

“Is he gonna be okay?” Applejack asked Rainbow.

“I don’t know, but it seems the overdose from that drug had caused him to have a pretty bad relapse. He may need medical attention.” Applejack shook her head and shot off to her home yelling.

“Hold on Ah’ll be right back!” She returned a few moments later with Big Mac and a first aid kit.

“Ok Applejack, what’s the big deal dragging me out to the treehouse?” Applejack set the first aid kit down and opened it.

“This is the deal, Aero, Scootaloo’s friend has had an overdose on earth pony relaxant. He needs the Anti Toxin fast before it gets worse and we need ta rush him to the hospital.”

“Why would we have ta rush him ta the hospital Applejack?”

“Why did he take the relaxant in the first place? Didn’t he realize that it could potentially cause permanent damage ta a pegasus, let alone a colt of his age?” Applejack just pointed to the two girls sitting off to the side with their hooves tapping together.

“Them three girls done shot him up with it thinkin it would get them their Cutie marks.” The red earth stallion looked at the two with a scowl shaking his head in disgust.

“Shame on you two! Ya’ll could of really hurt him ya know!” He turned to look back at Applejack rummaging through the first aid kit. “What do you need me ta do Applejack?”

“Ah’m gonna need ya to hold him down and make sure he doesn’t try to run away. Rainbow Dash you’re going to have to help too.” Dash nodded and walked toward the ramp.

“We’re wasting time here! lets get moving!” Applejack and Big Mac nodded and followed her up into the treehouse. When they made it inside they saw Scootaloo trying her best to calm down Aero, but he was experiencing a severe case of an overdose.

“Scootaloo,” Rainbow said walking up to her. “We need to give Aero the Anti Toxin to purge the drug from his body.” Scootaloo nodded and allowed Big Mac to pick up the panicked colt and gently set him on the cot.

Aero was in a daze, light seemed to be coming from every angle into his eyes unless he closed them. He had no awareness of his extremities, he had lost all feeling and his body had gone limp. His head felt like the entirety of Canterlot was dropped onto it several times. Inside he was screaming, outside, only came muffled moans. Aero was trying to scream for help, his mouth would not obey. He tried to move his forelegs, they too would not obey, his entire body was so disconnected from his mind that the only thing he could feel was his heart beating. His heart was beating fast. It seemed to race faster and faster. Then all of the sudden there was a sharp pain throughout his entire body, and he was out like a light.

As Aero passed out Scootaloo sat in the corner of the treehouse crying for what she had done to her friend. She was worried for his life as if it were her own life.


Aero woke in a bed in the Apple Family home. It was early in the morning and the light was just barely shining in the window. There was a glass of water on a table next to the bed. The room was simple in design save for a wardrobe and a chair. Scootaloo was asleep in the chair. She had a box of tissues on her lap. Her snout and the area around her eyes looked red.

Aero tried to sit up, but was greeted with a sharp pain in his back followed by aching. He also was experiencing a very bad headache. He brought his forehooves to his head to try and ease the pain.

Scootaloo stirred at the noise of Aero moving about. She opened her eyes. They were red and bloodshot, like the filly had stayed up all night just to be there for him when he woke up.

She jumped off of the chair and onto the bed giving him a hug. It hurt him physically, but mentally he welcomed it. She had been worried about him, and he could tell.

Scootaloo spoke in a soft tone. “Aero, I’m so sorry, I won’t ever do that to you again I promise.” She started to tear up again.

Aero opened his mouth to speak only to feel a dry sensation. He wiggled one of his forelegs out of the hug and pointed to the glass of water.

Scootaloo picked up the glass of water and hoofed it over to him. He took a sip and gave it back to her.

“Scootaloo, It’s-” He took a moment to think, should he forgive her for putting him through that pain? “It’s fine, I’m fine, don’t worry.” He said.

He reached his hoof up to her face and wiped the tears out of her eyes.

“I’m fine,please don’t cry. Really I’m fine.” He hated to see her cry and would give anything to just see her smile. He reached forward with a hoof to her chin and gently raised her head to look into her misty tear soaked eyes. “You know, It really hurts me inside to look into those pretty purple eyes of yours and see you cry.” He said. She rubbed her nose sniffing a bit, then smiled.

“R-really? Y-you think m-my eyes are p-pretty?” She asked in a soft tone, and he nodded returning the smile. She blushed and leaned in up to his ear and whispered into it.

“I’m so glad you’re alright, I don’t know what I would ever do if I lost you again.” She said afterwards leaning back over to look him in the face and then giving him a kiss on his cheek. Aero’s face went bright red and he put his hoof on the cheek she just kissed him on and chuckled nervously.

“Heh heh, umm..” He trailed off. “Thanks Scootaloo.” He then hugged her. He enjoyed the feeling of having Scootaloo next to him, the feeling of her heart beating calmly against his racing, that warm smile and those misty purple eyes he was overwhelmed and his mind went blank. He was just about to lean forward and return the gesture, but just then the door opened.

“Not again you two..” Dash said putting a hoof to her face. They broke the embrace and Scootaloo turned to look at Dash, A visible blush across her face.

“Well... He’s up and awake Rainbow.”Scootaloo said timidly trying to downplay her blush. Dash shook her head and pointed to him.

“Yes I can tell.” She said. Scootaloo looked back wondering why Rainbow was so upset. Her eyes went wide when she notices Aero’s wings were flared out, and theres was a blush on his face.

“Heh heh.. Sorry Scootaloo.” Aero said tapping his hooves together.

“Aero, you really need to learn to get them things under control you know! I’m getting tired of being embarrassed!” Aero nodded sheepishly then let out a few breaths and folded his wings back up. Rainbow just rolled her eyes and made her way out.

“When you two are ready come meet me in the kitchen.”

Dash left and Scootaloo looked back at Aero, inches from his face, they stared into each others eyes, then Scootaloo turned away and hopped off the bed, her tail slapping Aero in the face as she jumped off . “Lets go see what Dash wants.” She said giggling making her way out of the room.

Always’ Aero thought. then he hopped out of bed stretched a little bit and hobbled on out of the room and into the kitchen.


Aero walked into the kitchen stopping for a moment to take in the wonderful smells of what was cooking for breakfast. Apple pancakes waffles smelling like blueberries and wonderful apple fritters just waiting to be eaten. He sat there for a moment rubbing his tummy drooling over the wonder smells until a familiar voice came into his ear.

“Your drooling you know Aero.” Scootaloo said in a somewhat displeased voice.

“So hows yer colt friend feeling this morning Scootaloo?” Applejack asked giggling under her breath. Dash too could be heard stifling a chuckle.

“He’s fine, he- He’s Not my! Oh I give up!” Scootaloo said as she sat down at the table, she blushed and laid her head down on the table trying to hide her face. “You too now Applejack?”

“Hehe.. Ah’m sorry Scootaloo, Ah just couldn’t help mahself. Seeing y’all and Aero together Ah just couldn’t resist teasin ya.” She said returning to her cooking.

“And I bet Rainbow Dash had nothing to do with this?” Scootaloo said elbowing the cyan pegasus in the side giving her a wink.

“Nope! well.. You gotta admit, you’re a terrible pony at hiding it.” Rainbow said chuckling. “Anyway, come over here Aero.” She waved for him to come sit down at the table. “I need to talk to you too.” His ears perked up and he stumbled on over to the table plopping down letting out a yelp then rubbing his flank.

“Are you okay Aero?” Scootaloo asked, Aero just gave her a look rubbing his flank. Scootaloo saw what he was doing and looked away embarrassed. “Oh yeah.. Sorry.” He waved a hoof in front of him.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said placing his hooves on the table. “What is it you wanted M.. Rainbow Dash?” He asked.

“Me and Fluttershy talked over some things yesterday, and we feel you need to get you enrolled into school then find you a home to stay.” Scootaloo then started to pout.

“Aww Rainbow Dash can’t Aero stay with us?” She Rainbow shook her head.

“No Scootaloo, I don’t want to keep coming home or waking up and seeing you two in bed together okay? You two are still too young for that!”

“But Rainbow! Its harmless sleeping! What has sleeping got to do with anything!?” Scootaloo questioned.

Rainbow put her hoof to her face. “You, I’ll tell you when you’re older, but what I say is what happens, okay?”

Scootaloo crossed her forelegs and huffed as she rolled her eyes. “Fineeee” Scootaloo sighed.

“Its ok Scootaloo, its not like she’s saying we can never see each other.” Aero chimed in.

“Oh way to pick her side!”

Aero was a bit taken back by the outburst from Scootaloo. “What did I say?” Everypony at the table just looked at him, and he grinned. “Sorry?” Scootaloo put a hoof to her face and let out a sigh.

“Way to go Aero..” She muttered under her breath.

“Anyway..” Dash said breaking the tension. “ How about after we get something to eat then head on over?” She offered. Scootaloo and Aero nodded then waited for breakfast to be served.

“What are you cooking over there Miss?”

“Applejack sugarcube, just call me that.”

“Okay.” He said smiling

“And Ah am fixin us up a Apple family special breakfast. Don’t you fret Ah’ll make sure to fill up yer tummy.” She said walking over to the table and set the plate of apple goodness down on the table. “Breakfast is served eat up!” Scootaloo and Aero didn’t waste a second and tore into the food wolfing it down stopping only when they needed to breath.

“What did I tell you two about eating too fast!” Rainbow said with a raised tone. Aero and Scootaloo stopped for a second to look at one another, food was mucked all over their faces like they were a couple of foals slopping through their food. “Celestia, where did you two learn table manners at? You look like a couple foals with food all over your faces like that.”

“Ah dunno Rainbow Dash they look kinda cute sitting there like that. They look like two adorable little foals, maybe you should start treatin’ em like foals.” Applejack said with a grin on her face.

“Hmm, you know what AJ, that’s not a bad idea, could give them a bed time, I’m sure somepony has an old crib and hightchair and-” Rainbow stopped when she saw the horrified looks on Scootaloo and Aero’s faces.

“Oh relax I’m just tea-” She was cut off when food hit her in the face.

“Well if you are going to treat us like foals, we’ll act like foals!” Scootaloo said as she threw more food at Rainbow Dash. As the piece of apple pancake slimed off Rainbow’s face a look of disapproval slowly appeared.

“Scootal...” She was stopped again as another piece of food hit her in the face. She wiped it away about to yell at Scootaloo, but she stopped and her mouth fell open when she saw Applejack laughing. “Applejack? Did you just throw that at me?”

“Well Ah can’t let Scootaloo have all the fun now can Ah?” She said giggling, but just then a piece of apple pie smacked her in the face.

“You know what they say Applejack. She who laughs last laughs the most!” Rainbow Dash said laughing. Applejack wiped the pie from her face smiling a bit.

“Heh Ah guess yer right.” She said getting up. “Well we best be gettin cleaned up specially ya’ll two” She said looking at the two young pegasi watching over the scene giggling slightly.

“What’s going on in here?” Apple Bloom asked walking into the room. She stopped and looked around mouth agape at the scene before her. “What in tarnation is goin on in here?”

“A little disagreement.” Scootaloo said.

“Ah can tell.” She walked back out of the room muttering something to herself “Ah always miss the good stuff.”

“Ok you two get cleaned up and meet me out front.” Dash said walking out the kitchen door into the morning light. Scootaloo and Aero headed to the bathroom to get washed up, then a few moments later met Rainbow Dash outside waving goodbye to Applejack and Applebloom. “Lets head out.” She laid down. “Get on Scootaloo.” Scootaloo climbed on and got herself comfortable then Dash stood up and looked at Aero. “You’re alright to fly right Aero?” He nodded and opened his wings taking a few test flaps

“I should be okay.” He said. “My wings still feel a little weird, but I will manage.” He hopped up and tried to hover, but his wings still pretty numb refused to flap properly and he fell back to the ground yelping when he landed on his flank. “OW! Heh heh, on second thought, maybe its better if we walk.” Rainbow let out a sigh and let Scootaloo slide off her back.

“Well lets get going you two, I don’t got all day ya know.” Dash started to walk off in the direction of the school house with Scootaloo and Aero following closely behind.


As they were walking ahead Scootaloo and Aero decide to hang back and chat letting Rainbow carry on ahead leaving her to her thoughts.

“So Scootaloo, What are we doing now?” He asked.

“Well I got to go to a parent teacher conference with Dash, and we’re also going to get you enrolled into the school I am in.”

“Oh that sounds cool! I can’t wait to get back to reading again.” Scootaloo looked at him and then let out a displeased huff.

“You’re not an egghead too are you? Darn it how come all the cute ones are always bookworms.” Scootaloo said not thinking.

“Oh so you think I’m cute now?” Aero said, he put on a sly smile and as he walked past his tail brushed against Scootaloo’s wings. She jumped back giggling.

“Ah, you’re wings are ticklish!” Aero said.

“No they aren't!” Scootaloo replied nervously.

“I think somepony is a little too nervous.” Aero replied. At this point he had turned to face Scootaloo and was ready to pounce.

“Aero if you even tr-” Scootaloo tried but she was too late as Aero pounced on her and began tickling her wings.

“A-aero! S-stop it-t!” Scootaloo pleaded between breaths.

“Not until you admit you think I’m cute!” He said.

Scootaloo blushed but kept her mouth shut as best she could while giggling.

“Admit it!” Aero commanded in a playful tone.

“A-Aero!” Scootaloo pleaded, by this point her wings had extended themselves, Aero took no notice to this.

“Aero I think you should leav-” Rainbow was cut off by Scootaloo.

“A-aero I th-think you’re th-the c-cutest colt in-n al-all of Equ-Equestria! Th-there I s-said it!” Scootaloo said.

Aero removed his hooves from Scootaloo’s wings and helped her stand up. Scootaloo was now blushing profusely and her wings were extended. She held her head down low in embarrassment. “Its ok Scootaloo, you’re cute too.” Aero said winking as he continue to walk.

Scootaloo stopped for a moment when she heard this, but put it off as him joking. Then continued on following the two to the Schoolhouse. After a little while the three walked up to the front steps of the school. They stood there for a moment watching the families coming out from inside, Parents with their fillies and colts making their way back into town.

“Lets get this over with.” Rainbow said walking up the steps “And Scootaloo.” The filly looked up to Dash.

“Yes Rainbow?”

“Could you please get them things under control?” She said pointing to the fillies outstretched wings. Scootaloo looked away embarrassed and nodded.

“Its his fault!” She yelled pointing to the blue colt standing next to her. Aero reared back holding his hooves forward.

“Whoa hang on now! I was only messing around!” He replied defensively.

“Well you keep messing with my mind!” She shot back.

“Only because you like it!” He returned not thinking. Scootaloo was about to argue back, but hearing that she was completely taken back, dumbfounded. Her mind went blank and she started to sputter words at a loss of what to say.

“You! I d-don’t! B-but! If you didn’t! I-I, Y-you, I never said-” Scootaloo stopped talking in a vain attempt to keep things from getting worse. She waved a dismissive hoof and walked into the school house muttering to herself.

“You really know how to push her buttons.” Dash said walking up to the colt.

“Years of experience.” Aero said nonchalantly. Rainbow rolled her eyes and walked up the steps.

“Well come on Mr Macho, lets get this over with.” He nodded and followed her into the school house.

Rainbow Dash walked up to Cheerilee followed by the colt and filly.

“Hello Cheerilee.” Rainbow said as she sat down in a chair.

“Hi Miss Cheerilee.” Scootaloo said as she found her desk and sat down at it. Aero hid behind Dash timidly.

“Hi Miss.” He said quietly, almost as if he were fluttershy.

“Rainbow Dash, why are you here and not Scootaloo’s parents? And who is this colt?” Cheerilee asked. She sat at her Desk as she looked through some papers. She eventually found what she was looking for and pulled out Scootaloo’s file.

“Well you see, I am Scootaloo’s guardian now, and this little colt, well he is a long story, we will get into that after we talk about whatever you need to tell me about Scoots.” Rainbow said.

“Well Alright.” Cheerilee said. Rainbow gestured for Aero to go sit down over by Scootaloo. He obeyed and Scootaloo started showing Aero her school stuff.

“So what is this meeting about Cheerilee?” Dash asked.

“Well...” Cheerilee lowered her voice so Scootaloo and Aero could not hear her.

“Scootaloo is failing her reading class, she seems to have trouble keeping up, she is still sounding out long words, its just not something a filly her age should have to do. I am afraid if she doesn’t improve we will have to hold her back a year.” Cheerilee said. She had a genuine look of concern for Scootaloo’s well being on her face. She hoofed a piece of paper over to Rainbow.

“These are Scootaloo’s current grades, and as you can see, she is passing math with a high C, in gym class she is passing with an A, Science class she has a low B, but in Reading she has an F, she is also failing grammar with an F as well, though that ties in with reading.”

“I see, is there any way I can help? I mean, I was never good with that stuff myself.” Rainbow said.

“Well, I suggest you try to read a book with her at night before she goes to bed or something like that, it can stimulate the mind, I have some books here that you can borrow-” Rainbow cut Cheerilee off.

“No, I have a few books at home she might like.”

“You actually own books Rainbow? I didn’t take you as the type.” Cheerilee said.

“Well, thank Twi, she is always forcing new stuff on me.” Rainbow said.

“Alright, well, thats pretty much it for Scootaloo, did you want to say anything about that colt?” Cheerilee asked.

“Well, it’s a long story, but making it short, he is living with me and Scoots right now, and I guess I’m responsible for him. He has never gone to School, so I was looking to enroll him here.” Rainbow said. She looked over to see Aero and Scootaloo were now coloring in some coloring book that was in her desk.

“Well, that can be arranged, how old is he?”

Rainbow gestured for Aero to come over.

“Yes Rainbow Dash?” He asked.

“Can you tell Miss Cheerilee how old you are?”

“Uh, I’m uh, Eleven, I think.”

“Right, thats all I needed, thank you, um?”

“Aero” Dash corrected.

“Thank you Aero, you may go back to playing with Scootaloo now.”

He smiled and ran back over to Scootaloo.

“Well, he seems nice, but we can’t put him in the same grade as Scootaloo due to him never having Schooling, we’ll have to start him a grade below and work from there.” Cheerilee took some enrollment papers out of her desk.

“You’ll have to fill these out, if you can have them here before School starts back up, we can put him in a class.” Cheerilee said.

“Alright, sounds good, anything else?” Rainbow asked.

“Thats it, you may go.” Cheerilee stood up. “I can’t wait to have you in class here Aero, and See you when School Starts Scootaloo!” Cheerilee said as the three walked out of the school house.

The afternoon sun was rising and a patch of dark clouds was forming on the horizon as the three walked down the steps.

“Where to now?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well Scootaloo we need to go home first and change your bandage on your leg. Also a storm is approaching so we need to get home before it hits. So hop on.” Scootaloo nodded and hopped up onto her back and made herself comfortable. “Think you able to make it back to my home Aero?” Dash asked. Aero unfurled his wings and ruffled them up a bit taking to a hover and floating there for a moment.

“Yeah. I should be good to make it there.” she nodded and the three lifter off heading back to Rainbows cloud home with the storm rapidly approaching them.


The three landed just in time right before the first few rumbles of thunder were heard.

“Quick get inside you two!” Dash said ushering them in and closing the door behind her just as the rain started to pour. “Whew just made it!” She said walking over to Scootaloo laying on the couch. “Okay Scoot let me take a look at your bandage.” Scootaloo nodded and rolled over on her side exposing the dirty bandage stuck to her leg.

“What happened to you there?” Aero said looking at it.

“Mistake I made being overconfident about a week ago. Got cut pretty bad too.” She said getting comfortable. Dash then pulled the bag out from under the table and slipped a hoof glove on.

“Let me take a look at that Scoot.” She gently peeled the bandage off exposing the skin underneath. Aero looked over watching what was going on with rapt attention.

Scootaloo blushed when she realised that Aero was watching. Scootaloo looked away from Aero. “Uh, Aero, do you uh, mind, I uh, I don’t really like the idea of being all exposed here with you watching.” Scootaloo said.

Rainbow was confused by this. “Scootaloo, you’re fine with it being me? What’s wrong with Aero watching?”

“He’s a colt!” Scootaloo squeaked.

“So- Oh” It snapped in Rainbow’s head. “I see.” she said smugly.

“Rainbow! Don’t say it!” Scootaloo said in an angry tone.

“Oh, why whatever do you mean Scootaloo?” Rainbow said in a smart tone of voice.

“I know what you are thinking, don’t sa-”

“Its because you don’t want your Colt Friend to see your pink fleshy skin?” Aero thought out loud.

Both of them stopped and looked at Aero. Aero then realised he had just spoken his thoughts.

“Uh, did I just say that outloud?” Aero asked.

Both Scootaloo and Rainbow nodded. Scootaloo looked mortified that Aero had basically just confirmed to Rainbow what was suspected all along.

Rainbow snickered as she thought of the next phrase to come out of her mouth.

“Aero, come here.” Scootaloo said gesturing for Aero to come closer.

He timidly stepped closer.

“Closer.” Scootaloo said. “Closer, thats right, just a few more steps.” She said. Just as he came within hoofs range, *Whack!* All Aero could see for a moment was stars.

He tumbled backwards and rubbed his head. “I should have seen that one coming.”

“Yes, yes you should have.” Scootaloo said.Aero just sat there rubbing his head sitting back farther then before. Dash laughed and returned to treating the fillies wound applying the salve to it then finishing off with a fresh bandage.

“Ok Scootaloo all set you can get up now.” Scootaloo nodded in thanks hopping off the couch then making her way over to the young colt trying to shake off the pain he had just received.

“Got a headache?” She asked.

“Yeah kinda.” He said. She gave him a shove knocking him on his back.

“Good.” She said with a huff. “Next time try not to insult your friend like that.” She said walking away, but letting her tail swish over his nose as she walked away.

“Why do I have to put up with this” Dash said in annoyance rolling her eyes at the two. “I’m gonna get something to eat.” She said hopping up to her hooves and walking into the kitchen soon after Scootaloo and Aero followed.

A few hours later Dash was sitting on her couch face deep into a Daring Do book reading it. Scootaloo was too trying to read a copy of it, but she was having trouble. Flipping it upside down and back up again, and after a few frustrating moments of fighting with it, she gave up and let out a displeased sigh letting her ears fall back in defeat. She looked over to Aero sitting comfortably reading some book he had picked up when they were at the school talking with Cheerilee and was quietly reading it.

Scootaloo set the book down on the couch. She felt ashamed of herself.

I can’t even read right! I can’t fly! I don’t have a Cutie Mark! What else could go wrong!’ She thought to herself.

Aero looked up from his book and saw Scootaloo in her state of distress. “Scootaloo? Are you ok?” He asked.

Scootaloo just sighed again as she threw the book at the couch, it landed open next to Aero. he scanned the page then looked back up at Scootaloo who was silently letting tears fall.

“Scootaloo? Are you, are you having trouble reading?” He asked.

“It’s the stupid words! I can’t read, I’m stupid!” She yelled.

“Scootaloo, you aren’t stupid, you just have trouble reading, I could.” He paused and his ears dropped down to the sides of his head. “I could help...” He offered.

“You’d help a stupid pony like me?” Scootaloo asked in a depressed tone.

“Hey, you aren’t stupid, come here.” He said as he put his book down and picked up the Daring Do book. Scootaloo moved across the sofa so she was sitting up against him. He pulled the blanket he was under up over her.

Dash peaked over her book to make sure everything was ok, content it was fine, she continued reading her book.

“Alright, when you read, what’s the trouble you have?” Aero asked.

“Well, when I try to read...” She paused not wanting to share. She felt like she wasn’t smart.

“Scootaloo, come on, you can tell me anything. When you try to read, what happens?” Aero asked. He gave a small smile of reassurance.

“Well, when I look at the book, I can read some words, but, the bigger words look all jumbled to me, like, somepony rearranged the letters.” Scootaloo said.

Aero looked at her trying to figure out what was wrong, he had read about this back when he stayed in the Fillydelphia library.

“I remember a thing, some ponies have it, I forget what its called, but it makes it harder to read, um, can you read this line to me?” Aero said as he pointed to a line in the book.

Scootaloo nodded and began to read. “Daring Do took the Cr-Crt-Cstyl-”

“Crystal.” Aero said correcting Scootaloo. Scootaloo just looked down and closed her eyes, ears falling to the side of her head.

“Hey, don’t feel bad Scootaloo, it was one word, come on keep reading.” Aero said, again with a reassuring smile. He started to rub her back in a supportive way.

“Daring Do took the Cr-Crystal Ob, Obsk, Obe, Obl-”

“Obelisk.” Aero corrected.

“Ob-Obelisk and flew to the exit ap-ape, apur-”


Scootaloo threw the book away from her.

“I’m stupid! I can’t read! I’ll never be able to read.” Scootaloo said, she lowered her head and Squeezed her eyes shut, letting tears fall.

Aero put his free foreleg around the other side of Scootaloo and pulled Scootaloo into a hug. “Scootaloo, you aren’t stupid, nopony is stupid, you just have to learn to cope with it and you’ll get better at reading.” Aero said.

Scootaloo leaned into the hug and continued to cry. Her face was right up against Aero’s chest. She spoke, muffled by his coat. “No, I’m a stupid pony.”

At this Aero’s supportive tone took a change in direction. He grabbed Scootaloo and forced her out of the hug. “Look at me.” He said. Scootaloo kept her head down. He lifted her head with his hoof. “You aren’t stupid.” He removed his hoof out from under her chin now that he had her attention. He took one of her hooves and dug the edge of one of his forehooves into her fetlock to make sure she was paying attention. “You are smart, you aren’t a stupid pony, you are very smart, who cares if you can’t read right? You are a smart pony, and a good pony, and a pretty filly.” He said.

She looked at him when he said that last comment. “Y-you think I’m pretty?” She asked.

“Yes, you are, and-” He stopped speaking. Their faces were so close to each other. They stared into each others eyes. Aero started to lean forward and-

“Alright, I’ve finished my book, time for bed you two!” Dash said as she came over to them pushing them apart. Dash had been paying attention the entire time, confident that Aero could help Scootaloo, but she’d be damned if she’d let them kiss.

Scootaloo backed off rubbing her foreleg with a hoof. Aero held up a hoof to his mouth and coughed.

“Umm.. heh heh, sorry.”

“Aero you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” Dash said hopping up off it. Aero nodded and hopped up making himself comfortable, but just then Scootaloo walked up.

“Aero you can sleep in the bedroom I’ll stay down here. You haven’t had a good nights sleep in weeks probably and a nice soft bed would be just what you need.” She offered. He looked at her confused tilting his head scratching it.

“Umm.. Thanks? But what about you Rainbow Dash?” He asked her.

“Well its about time me and Scootaloo had separate rooms so its fine. You can take her new room and I’ll sleep in my parents room.” Dash said, but noticed the two young pegasi were giving her odd looks. “What?”

“You never told me your parents still lived her Rainbow.” Scootaloo said. “I thought only you lived here by yourself.”

“Well yeah I kinda did..” Scootaloo looked at her now confused.

“Oh? Did they move out? or are they just on vacation?” Rainbow held up a hoof.

“Don’t worry about it Scootaloo it will be fine, its not like they care anyway. Now get up to bed” Dash said pointing to the stairs. Aero nodded and made his way up to Scootaloo’s room and just before he closed the door Scootaloo spoke up.

“Goodnight Aero! Pleasant dreams.”

“Same to you Scootaloo!” He said happily a moment later the door closed and Scootaloo turned to look at Rainbow.

“Well I’m gonna hit the hay.” She said holding a hoof over her mouth covering the yawn. “See you in the morning Rainbow Dash!” She rolled over to get comfortable fidgeting a bit.Dash put a hoof to her head ruffling her mane.

“Goodnight Scootaloo sleep tight.” She patted her on the back and slowly walked up the stairs reaching the landing and staring down the hall. She took a deep breath for some reason her heart was slowly speeding up as she got closer to the door at the end of the hall. She could swear the hallway was getting longer and longer like some otherworldly force was keeping her from reaching the end of it. With each step she took she felt an odd heat emanating from the walls and the faint sounds of screams and an unearthly moaning that felt like it was a past memory replaying itself as she continued down the hall.

She finally reached the door and put a hoof to if to push it open, but when she did a cold blast of air escaped from the void and sent a shiver down her spine as it blew past her. When she entered the room all sound had stopped. Nothing. Utter silence as she peered around at the things about. She walked up to a dresser with a large mirror sitting on the middle of it held up by a small wooden frame. There were pictures stuck in the sides of the frame. She leaned up to the pictures and looked them over. Various scenes of her with her parents at events in her past were adorned on them. She smiled looking over the pictures, memories of her past were starting to flood in. When she went back to staring at the mirror a figure appeared behind her smiling, wanting to reach out and touch her. She spun around instantly.

“Whos there!?” She said frantically scanning the room, but there was nopony just utter silence. She then heard a whisper pass by her ear as she scanned the surroundings.

“Rainbow Dash...” Came the voice in a soft tone. She felt the hair in her mane raise as if somepony had ran a hoof through it. She spun around again only to find a breeze blowing in through the open door, the sounds of the storm could be faintly heard in the distance.

“It’s just the wind.. Thats all. My mind is playing tricks on me thats it.” She shook her head a few times to clear it out and made her way over to the bed. It was neatly made as if nopony had touched it in years. She pulled the covers back and slowly climbed in pulling the covers over herself. She let out a yawn and slowly drifted off to sleep where dreamland (or so she thought) waited.


Scootaloo was laying on the sofa, waiting for all noise from the upstairs to stop. Eventually she could hear no hoof steps and she got up. She quietly walked over to the stairs and stealthily peered up them. It was dark save for a small lamp in the hallway. She took one step up the stairs carefully worrying it would creak, then she remembered it was made out of clouds. She stepped up the stairs and made her way to her bedroom door.

Scootaloo was nervous, if Dash caught her now...

She opened the door and slid in fast then closed it again. Aero looked up from the bed and saw Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo? What are you do-” He was cut off when Scootaloo rushed over and put her hoof over his mouth.

“Shh, I’m sleeping up here tonight, like, like a sleepover, just be quiet so Dash doesn’t hear.” Scootaloo said. Aero nodded. Scootaloo removed her hoof from Aero’s mouth.

“Alright, where are you going to sleep then?” Aero whispered.

“In my bed.” She responded.

“Where am I going to sleep then?” He asked dumbfounded.

“In my bed” Scootaloo said.

“You mean, like, together?” Aero asked.

“Yeah it’ll be fun, now scoot over so I can get in.” Scootaloo said as she jumped into bed pulling the covers up over herself. Aero moved over to give her some space.

“How am I suppose to fall asleep, I’m afraid I’ll push you outta the bed.” Aero said.

“Just...if you’re that worried about it put your forelegs around me then or something.” Scootaloo said.

“Alright, but if Dash comes in its your fault.” Aero said.

“Don’t make me give you an ache, my rear hoof is very close!” She warned.

“Alright, Alright! Calm down.” He said in fear of being kicked, as he brought his forelegs around her.

“Now Go To Sleep.” She said.

There was silence for a few moments.

“I can feel your heart Scootaloo.” Aero whispered.

“What?” Scootaloo said in an annoyed tone, she just wanted to sleep.

“I can feel your heart beating, and its, its kinda wierd...but, its, nice, you have a nice heartbeat.” He said awkwardly.

Scootaloo sighed. “Go to bed.”

Aero mumbled “Fine” under his breath.

Another few moments passed and he sat awake watching Scootaloo breath.

“You know, you’re kinda, uh...cute when you’re trying to fall asleep.” He blushed when he said it, though the room was too dark for Scootaloo to notice.

“Aw, thats so sweet....” She paused. “Now can it so I can go to sleep.” She growled.

So much for being romantic Aero, good job.’ He thought to himself.

Soon after both pegasi fell asleep in their embrace. One content, the other annoyed.

Author's Note:

15,500 or so words... documents likes to fragment uploads, so if anything is missing... Also note: This is an old file that I finally got around to uploading. (Read: Documents finally let me upload it to fim without major fragments.)

Comments ( 52 )

I changed my mind, this is a pretty unique chapter. Nice job.


Yeah, that's just suppose to be a touch of laughter for the readers after all of that depression of last chapter.

The Dwaas is strong in this one. :pinkiesmile:

Finally it's back, I'll go read it in a sec.

dash lives with her parents? wow not cool


Somepony didn't read it through.

She lives in her parents house... her parents are dead... that's been established since chapter 1... actually that's been established since the first paragraph of chapter one.

this was very good cant w8 for the nexe chaps


It never left... document's just wouldn't let me upload it.

I have one more chapter (Or atleast part of it) Sitting in google documents, I'm not going to pretend to say I know when I will get it up because I still have to finish it I think, but with any luck, I finish it soon and documents will cooperate with fimfic and let me upload it. :twilightsmile:

2889848 i read it but its been forever i just picked up where you started back up and havent had time to re read it

2890215 Allow me to rephrase; it's back, I was wondering when it would be updated again. I thought it was quietly cancelled.


Ahhh happens, lol.


I have considered canceling this story several times due to real life being a pain, but. I assure you, I'd let people know before canceling it. It's just been hard to get back into it after not writing it for such a long time. Real life is a PAIN!!!!!! lol.


Using sisters account FTW because too lazy to log back into my account... ahh sharing a computer... lol.

When I uploaded this chapter I found like... 50,000 other errors... I did a quick proof read through it, there are probably more, the issue here is when this chapter was written, our editor was kinda out of town... lol.

P.S. Don't tell Midnight I used her account... she'd kill me for doing that... again...

Awwwwww! Well Dashie should've figured that Scoots and Aero would sleep together after Scoots told her they've been doing it since they were foals.

They are such a cute couple. I hope that he gets adopted into a good family, and Sweetie and Spike get hooked up.


Firstly, good ya finally back. I missed this story, and was pleasantly shocked to see chapter six appear in my feed information. I think it the best Scootaloo/Rainbow Dash sibling story out there.

Now when I say my next point I say with only constructive criticism in mind, please remember I love this story. :pinkiehappy: You have loads of spelling and grammar errors not just in chapter 6, but throughout the whole story. I decided to re-read the whole story to get myself back up to speed with the new chapter. You really need an editor to look this story over.

As they say in the writing and story industry (I should know, work in it myself. :pinkiehappy:), rule number one - never trust your own editing. I have a good friend look over my Fimfic story. This might only be hobby writing, but the rules still apply.... and trust me, she never let's me forget it... woman! :derpytongue2:


I will let him know you said that.

(I has reclaimed the computer from my brother! lol.)

though I do know this much: when the story was being written they did have an editor, just not active, plus all of these chapters are from like a year ago when they sucked at finding grammar errors.

I say cut Areo I just want a nice happy scootaloo and rainbow dash story with no interruptions like love interests please. :scootangel:


If Documents are being a pain and fragmenting your chapters to the point of severe hindrance, why not break your chapters into small section?
Say if you made another one the same length as this one you could break it into 3 roughly 5,000 word sections. I'm not sure how uploading works really but would that make it easier to fix even if documents still fragments the chapter?

On another note, I'm very glad to see this updated and that it was worth the wait. :pinkiehappy:

Documents is a pain either way, be it being slow, glitchy, or just uploading weirdly. Nothing I seem to do helps it, would rather use docs than say word cause I can't have everyone on the doc at the same time doing it that way.

You'll have to wait and see what happens, but it's unlikely that I'm getting rid of Aero.

I really hate to bother you about this, but I think I have waited long enough to ask... When are you going to upload the rest of the chapters? This is such a well made fanfic, it is my all-time favorite fanfic, and it pains me to see that all the chapters aren't uploaded yet :fluttershysad: I see you have said you had trouble with documents, is it that serious? Did you lose the files completely? Or are they in such a mess that it makes it near impossible to salvage? Idk, i don't really understand the situation that much... I've been waiting so long and it looks like this story is dead... I really hope that's not the case, but if it is, some closure would be nice. I'm sorry if that comes off as a little rude, I just can't stand waiting any longer without an answer. :fluttercry:

Edit: I read your post about lack of updates, heh, sorry, should have looked there first. I would still really like to see the other chapters I know (or think? it's been too long...) I've read before. I understand if you don't want to upload them though. I hope you don't give up on this story and I hope you can eventually find the inspiration and ideas to finish the story.


Trust me I understand the want to read stories that just leave off like this one did. And I whole heatedly plan on finishing this. I am just really having issues writing it. That said I can try to upload the chapter that is in docs just sitting there... but don't get your hopes up because the document is a lot of words and I simply at the moment don't have the time to go through and fix the missing fragments after the transfer. :applejackunsure:

4057049 I understand completely. I didn't want to add any unnecessary pressure or anything like that, I guess my impatient side was showing earlier... :pinkiecrazy: I wouldn't have made the comment if I had read a little more about the situation. I hope you take all the time you need. You are a fantastic writer!

Still waiting... :l going to wait as long as it possibly takes.


I don't know how long it's going to take for me to get back into this story. After everything that happened with it it's slow progress, even with my other stories really. It will get finished, I'm just not sure, it's taken me a year to come up with like 500 words... so...

4718963 like I said, as long as it takes 0_0... ;)

Amazing story cmon man ik its hard but i would love to see this finished 500 words in 1 year is very low but this story is probaly the best ive ever read so please just finish it man! Scootaloo storys are the best and when its this well made its just amazing please finish!


The problem that I encounter, and the reason it's only got 500 words, is my co-writer who is no longer with the project, he helped a lot with progress and ideas. I'll try but it's just hard.

4851137 Whoah you replied really quickly good to see your still trying.I would help you in anyway to get this thing finished this is literally my favourite fic best one ive read keep it up man. if you ever need help id help you out man! Good luck :scootangel:


Well I log on every day multiple times a day. -I have no life and severe anxiety and panic attack disorder prevents me from getting a job to fill said void in my life-

School is the only thing that keeps me busy, school and my family and my extended internet family. When I'm not doing school I try to upkeep my accounts, even if I'm not posting new content I like to upkeep with comments, PM's and the likes.

As for the story it's not really a matter of needing help it's more a matter of getting over the stress that this damn story causes me. Lol.

If you want more info on my status of bonds I refer you to my newest blog post: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/363823/about-the-rewrite-of-bonds

4855971 K its good to see your getting back to writing hopefully things get better until then man with school and all. Atleast your not giving up totally and still helping looking at comments so yeah just contiune what works and if you really need to cancel and i mean really then im sure everyone will understand. Well hopefully i talk again when a story gets an update. See ya


My problem is I don't want to ever cancel any of my stories, that's part of why I stopped to begin with, I overloaded myself with stories, lost drive to do some of them and got demoralized. So hopefully this time I won't get demoralized and stuff and it should go better.

I sorry to hear about the stress you are under. This story is quite good and I'm very interested in reading more of it. I liked the relationship you made with Scoot and Dash. It feels just right. Being sisters and not knowing it. The back story for Scoot was really cute while she was in the orphanage and the same goes for Rainbow when she was filly. The character Aero is a cool OC and I look forward to the next morning and continued adventures scoot and aero have together.


"Adventures" Is a pretty strong word there for not knowing what's to come :P In any case I'm going to be releasing some spoilers for what's to come in a blog post. Lol

I'm glad you've enjoyed it thus far :)

6578643 Well. . . I can't say it gets bright. But it won't be as dark as the first one, or rather it shouldn't be. . . this one is pretty dark in itself though already. I'll just say there are a lot of unexpected twists and turns you should all be prepared for.

Spoilers, well minor spoiler, it doesn't' give away any actual events it just tells you how soon to expect stuff to happen:
Next chapter shit hits the fan and we'll be ramping into the final climax/arc of the overall story, paving the way for me to finish all of the sequels. Lol

6579260 As long as they find out they are sisters and Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo survive, I'm fine with whatever. Just don't crust RD's skull like the original.

6580745 RD never died in the original or had life threatening injuries.

6581318 well in shadows revisited you make it sound like her skull was crushed and that she died (but that might just be how I read it). If sisterly bonds goes beyond that It's not on fimfiction.

6581348 It's only on fimfiction, and she was injured, knocked out perhaps, but not killed. I never posted the next chapter (Iirc anyway) But it was going to start with her waking up in a hospital, since I have no plans to finish that story anytime soon I don't really feel the need to spoiler that statement as it has no relevance here.

Will this ever get continued?

All right.
Because when a story hasn't been updated in years, it gives me the impression that it's dead, and I don't like reading dead fics.

I'll be honest, the way thnigs went down when I stopped updating this fic kind of made it hard to continue, the sudden lost of one of the writing team plus a bit of a falling out at the time was really rough. I've tried several times to come back and write the ending, in fact I already have an ending for it planned, every time I try to write it however it just, I feel like it's not good enough.

So long story short, will there be an ending? Yes, there will be, however I can't tell you when that will be.

Also I've just taken notice you've added the story to a "Human Stories" category, I should inform you that this is not a human story and takes place entirely in the pony universe :p

Yeah, I misclicked and had meant to add it to my read later list.

Finish the fucking story damn it

All good things come in time!

9907463 Thank fucking god. You have no fucking idea how fucking glad I fucking am that you’re going to be fucking continuing this fucking story. Thank fucking you. :pinkiehappy:

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