• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 5,749 Views, 132 Comments

Rewrite: Sisterly Bonds - Secret_Shadows

Follow Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they discover their past and build a new future.

  • ...

Orange Memories Part II

Chapter Four
Orange Memories
Part Two:
An Orange Haze and New Days

Written by
Enlistedpony & Secret_Shadows
Edited by avorin

The door flung open and out from the smoke and fire came a young stallion orderly carrying on his back a towel covering a newborn orange filly. “I need help over here!” Shouted the stallion as he rushed over to a group of fire ponies standing by an ambulance.

“Get this stallion some first aid!” Shouted a fire pony, some nearby paramedics rushing to the scene to administer first aid to the young stallion as he collapsed by their ambulance wagon, completely exhausted from his escape from the fire.

“Please! Take care of this foal first, I’m alright.” He said out of breath. The paramedics took the orange filly and placed her on a gurney. They removed the burnt and water soaked towel and wrapped the filly in a warm blanket then slipped a heart monitor on her forehoof. “Is she going to be ok?” Asked the stallion trying to catch his breath.

“”Yes Sir she’s stable. A little shaken up, but she’s alright. Does she have a name?”

“Scootaloo.” The stallion replied as paramedics wrapped the earth pony in a blanket and sat him on the wagon to check his vital signs.

“Is she your daughter Sir?” The paramedic asked. The stallion shook his head and looked back to the building.

“No. The stallion I got her from died just after he told me her name.” The paramedic looked at the fire then back to the filly lying on the gurney. He put a hoof to the stallions shoulder.

“What’s your name Sir?”


“Well Russell, what you did was very brave. You should be proud of yourself.” He smiled a little but frowned when he looked at the filly resting.

“What’s gonna happen to her?” He got up and walked over to the orange filly and set a hoof down on the gurney. The paramedic looking over at the two.

“Well... Seeing as she’s uninjured,” The paramedic turned to look at the burning building, by now most of the second floor had collapsed. He let out a breath and turned to look at the filly again. “And unfortunately since it looks as if her parents have perished in the fire, she will be released to the local orphanage in Fillydelphia.” Russell looked down upset. He knew himself that this poor filly was now all alone, but he felt that he should at least see her off to her new home.

“If its not too much trouble, I would like to take her to the orphanage myself.” The paramedic held his hoof to his chin and though for a moment then he looked back to Russell.

“Why do you want to? If you don’t mind me asking.” Russell looked at filly resting on the gurney and smiled.

“I feel I owe it to her.” The paramedic looked at him confused.

“Owe it to her? I don’t understand.”

“Well.. The stallion she was with, who I believe was her father, had asked me to save her. That is why I feel I should at least see her off to the orphanage.” He said looking off to the fire. Just then a shout was heard from across the field and a doctor went running off to a fire pony carrying what looked to be an injured cyan filly. The paramedic got up when he heard the doctor yell for help.

“I got to go, but I am perfectly alright with you taking this foal to the orphanage. First things first. She has to be taken to the hospital and checked out. Once they give her the okay, you will have to talk to hospital about letting them release her into your care for the trip to the orphanage.” He started to make his way over to the doctor, but then he turned back for a second. “Why don’t you ride with her to the hospital? Then in the morning if she's checked out to be okay, and you get the ok to take her, you can then take the train in Ponyville to Fillydelphia.”

“Okay, I’ll do that. Thanks for the help.” The paramedic waved goodbye and made his way off to the doctor. Russell hopped on the wagon with the filly and after a few moments the ambulance started off towards the hospital just outside Ponyville arriving there an hour later.


The ambulance arrived at the emergency entrance of the hospital and its two passengers made their way inside. Russell walked up to the counter and hoofed the filly off to the awaiting doctors. “We’re coming from the Ponyville Medical fire.This filly was brought out from the building and her parents are missing. She may need medical attention.” The nurse on duty nodded and pressed a button on her counter. A few minutes later an orderly with a gurney came out from behind a door and took Scootaloo and placed her on it then took her into the back room.

“Is she your daughter Sir?” Asked the nurse. Russell shook his head.

“No. I am the pony that got her out of the building.” The nurse scribbled something down on a clipboard.

“I see.” She looked back up to him. “ You said her parents are missing and this filly, she looks to be a newborn.” Russell nodded in agreement. “Where did you find her?”

“With what I believe was her father.” The nurse looked at him confused.

“Wait.. You said her parents were missing, but now you say you found her with what you think was her father? I don’t understand.” Russell looked down.

“Well he died right as he told me her name, and I never found her mother, so I guess you can say their missing.” He said scuffing at the floor. The nurse’s ears fell back and she looked away.

“Oh.. I see... Poor filly.” She looked back to the earth pony standing at the counter. “Anyway, we will handle it from here. Thank you for dropping her off.” She went back to her clipboard and started scribbling something.

“Umm Ma’am?” The nurse looked up.

“Yes, what is it?”

“I want to take her to the orphanage in the morning if she checks out ok.” She looked at Russell with a questioning look raising an eyebrow.

“Why do you think we will be doing that?” She asked.

“Well the paramedic at the scene told me that once Scootaloo was released from the hospital, and seeing as her parents may very well have perished in the fire, she will be taken to the local orphanage in Fillydelphia.”

“You are correct Sir. Once Scootaloo is given a clean bill of health she will be dropped off at the orphanage.” She got up and walked to a file cabinet behind her and soon returned with some paper work. “We have no problem with you taking Scootaloo to the orphanage seeing as you are part of our hospital network, but I need you to fill out some release forms first before we can release Scootaloo so you can take her to the orphanage.” Russell nodded and began filling out the forms. After he finished the nurse took them stamped them then filed the papers back in the cabinet.

A orderly walked in from a door behind the counter and hoofed a clipboard to the nurse. Taking a moment to read it she then looked at Russell. “Scootaloo will be released in the morning. They want to keep her overnight to make sure she is ok.” She took notice of how tired the earth pony was looking. “Russell is it?” He nodded. “You look very tired.”

“Yeah... It’s been a long night.” The nurse smiled.

“Why don’t you go get yourself cleaned up? Then go get some sleep. I’ll see to it you get a room for the night.” She pressed a button and a moment later an orderly came from behind a door.

“Yes Ma’am?”

“Show this pony an empty room for the night will you?” The orderly nodded and held out a hoof.

“This way Sir.” Russell nodded and followed the orderly to a room just around the corner. “Here you go Russell, The shower is over there.” The orderly pointed to the bathroom. “Have a good nights rest. You look like you need it.” With that the orderly waved goodbye and left the room closing the door behind him. Russell let out a sigh.

“Pony what a night. I can’t wait to get some sleep. It’s gonna be a long day tomorrow.” He walked over to the bathroom and hopped into the shower, the warm water felt good after the long stressful night. He finished up and made his way to the bed and flopped down onto it quickly falling asleep. The next morning the nurse walked into Russells room and woke him up.

“Russell.. Time to get up.” The earth pony rolled over and opened his eyes.

“Hmmm? Oh.. Give me a few moments please.” He got up out of bed and stretched. “Is she ready to be released?” The nurse nodded and turned to leave.

“Yes. Scootaloo was given the okay to be released into your care. You can pick her up whenever you are ready to leave.”

“Okay, where is she at?”

“In the nursery. She was put there last night after the doctors had checked her out of the emergency room.” She was about to walk out, but stopped for a moment and turned back to look at the earth pony trying to wake up. “I wanted to ask you something.” Russell looked at the nurse wondering what she wanted to ask him.

“Yeah what is it?”

“Why are you doing this? I mean you don’t even know this filly. Sorry if I’m coming off rude or being nosey.” Russell waved a hoof to the nurse and shook his head.

“No don’t worry about it.” He went over and sat on the bed and crossed his forelegs. “I guess you can say I’m keeping a promise to somepony.”

“To her father?” She asked. Russell nodded.

“Yes thats it.” She looked at him confused.

“I don’t understand.” He let out a breath and got up off the bed.

“Well back when I first found her and her father on that stairwell landing he asked me to save her and then he passed away.” He shook off a shiver recalling the memory. “Anyway, I at least owe it to him to make sure his daughter is somewhere safe and with good ponies before I leave to return to my own life.” The nurse smiled.

“Thats very honorable of you Russell. I think her father would be happy to know somepony made sure his little filly was in good hoofs.”

“Thank you Ma’am.” He smiled and walked over to the door where she was standing. “Well, I better get going, the train in Ponyville will be leaving soon for Fillydelphia, and I don’t want to miss it.” The nurse and Russell made their way out of the room into the hallway leading to the nursery. After a few quiet moments of walking they arrived at the glass overlooking the foals in the room. “Where is she Ma’am?”

“Over there.” She pointed to a little orange ball of fur resting in a crib. “Lets go pick her up and get you two on your way shall we?” He nodded and the two made their way over to her crib.

“She sure is cute.” Russell said standing over her crib.

“Its a shame this filly has to go through this. She won’t even know who her parents really are.” The nurse said shedding a tear for the poor filly. Russell laid a hoof on her shoulder.

“Well at least she will have a chance to live her life, and she can thank her father for that.” The nurse nodded and smiled a bit.

“Give me a few minutes and I’ll get Scootaloo ready for the trip.” Russell nodded stepping aside as the nurse went off to get a foal carrier for him. She returned a few minutes later with a carrier and walked over to him. “Here we go Russell let me help you put this on.” She helped the earth pony put on the specially made side bag then went over to the filly resting in the crib. “Come on sweetie, Russell here is gonna take you on a little trip to your new home.” She gently picked up the small filly and placed her in the carrier. She then placed a blanket over her and strapped her into it securely. “Okay all set! Have a pleasant trip.” She waved goodbye as Russell walked out. “Don’t worry little one. The place he’s taking you has very good ponies. They will take good care of you.”

“Thanks Ma’am and Goodbye.” He waved goodbye then made his way out of the hospital heading towards the Ponyville train station.


“Hey, hey, little one we’re here.” He said as he walked up to the ticket counter of the train station. “Two tickets for the train to Fillydelphia please.” The pony behind the counter nodded and hoofed him the tickets and Russell made his way to the platform. “How are you doing back there Scootaloo?” The filly was sound asleep. Most likely tired from her first night and the tragic event in the hospital. He smiled and turned back to waiting for the train. A few moments later the train heading to Fillydelphia rolled into the station and came to a screeching halt. Scootaloo awoke to the sound and started to cry. “There there Scootaloo its only the train. Please calm down.” He rocked the filly back and forth for a bit and eventually she drifted back off back to sleep. Content that she had gone back to sleep, Russell stepped onto the train and made his way to a seat in the back of the car. After a few shouts from the train’s conductor the doors closed and the train slowly pulled out of the train station rolling on down the tracks to Fillydelphia.

“Well we’re on our way Scootaloo, and soon you’ll be at your new home. I hope you like it. The nurse told me that the ponies there are very nice.” Russell pulled the blanket back on the carrier to reveal the small face of the filly. “Pony you’re such a cute filly. I’m really sorry that you have to go through this, but at least you’ll have a home and good ponies to take care of you.” Scootaloo woke up and opened her eyes. She looked around then held up her hooves to Russell making a high pitched ‘Aaa’ sound. “You want to get out of that cramped carrier?” The filly continued to hold out her hooves continuing to talk in that adorable foal voice. “Well okay, but just for a little bit.” Russell unbuckled Scootaloo from her carrier and lifted her up. She yawned and stretched her forelegs. She lifted her head to try and look out the window, unable to do so she reached her forehooves out to the window making another high pitched noise. “Want to look out the window? Alright let me give you a hoof.”

Russell lifted Scootaloo to the window and rested her on the windowsill. She looked out the window at the moving world in awe. The colors, the things, it was all amazing to her. She tried to stand up by using the window to balance on but she slipped falling into Russell’s hooves. “You have to be careful, we wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” He said as he placed her down and resecured her in her carrier. “Well I think for now I’ll keep out little Daring Do safe in her carrier.” He laughed. “We don’t need you going on an adventure now do we?” He said ruffling her mane. She squirmed a bit and giggled. He smiled and returned to look out the window. As time passed on by though, Russell found himself getting increasingly tired watching the landscape. Scootaloo had long since fallen back asleep.

Russell spotted the conductor walking down the cabin he waved a hoof to signal him over. “How long till we arrive in Fillydelphia?” He asked.

“Another few hours Sir. Why don’t you get some sleep? I’ll come wake you up when the train arrives in Fillydelphia.”

“Well thank you.” Getting comfortable Russell took one last look at Scootaloo making sure she was alright. He then laid back and eventually drifted off to sleep himself.


Russell woke a few hours later to a hoof nudging his shoulder. “Wake up Sir. We have arrived in Fillydelphia.” The earth pony arched his back stretching his hooves into the air above of him and let out a deep yawn.

“Thanks.” He said returning to scratch his sides. He looked over to the young filly. She was still fast asleep in her carrier. Russell carefully slipped the carrier back on and got up then made his way to the exit. As he walked off the train he noticed a large sign in front of him.

“Welcome to Fillydelphia”

“Hey there Scootaloo, we’re almost to your new home.” He said walking to the train stations exit. Once he got out Russell stopped by a kiosk to get directions to the orphanage. Scanning over the map he spotted the place, but unfortunately it was on the other side of town. “Hayseed.” Russell murmured. He was rather upset he may have to walk all the way across town. That is until a carriage pulled up. The driver got down from his bench and walked up to the earth pony.

“Russell is it?” He asked.

“Yes thats me. Who are you?”

“I’m with the orphanage. Welcome to Fillydelphia.” He said extending a hoof and warm smile to Russell.

“How did you know I would be coming?” He wondered shaking the Unicorns hoof.

“The hospital contacted us and let us know you would be coming. By the way, my name is Vincent. Nice to meet you.” Russell smiled.

“Likewise. My name is Russell, and this adorable little filly is Scootaloo.” Russell turned to his side to let Vincent have a look at her.

“Oh such an adorable little thing now aren’t you.” He said looking upon her. “The hospital also let us know of her situation,” His happy face was replace with a sad one. “Such a terrible tragedy this foal had to go through.” He said a bit upset. “But, don’t you worry little one, we will take the utmost care of you, and make sure you are given the best home a filly could ever want.” Russell smiled at the comment. “Ready to go Russell? It’s a long walk across Fillydelphia, but with this wagon we will make it there in no time.”

“Yes I am ready let’s head on out.” Russell said and hopped into the wagon.


As The wagon made its way across Fillydelphia Russell sat in silence looking out the side watching the landscape give way to a large bustling city. After a while of looking at the sights he decided to strike up a conversation with Vincent.

“So Vincent.”

“Yeah what’s up Russell?”

“Tell me about the orphanage.”

“Okay what do you want to know?”

“Well how long have you ponies be around?”

“Not long. We started up about a year ago, so we don’t have many fillies or colts, but that gives us the ability to focus more attention on them individually.”

“Well thats good to hear.” He took a glance at the foal sleeping in the carrier. “This filly is gonna need a lot of attention.”

“Yeah she’s really had it rough hasn’t she? Even though she’s only been alive for a few days.”

“How many ponies work at the orphanage?” He asked returning to look at Vincent.”

“Well mainly its just me and another mare, but occasionally volunteers do come to help out.”

“What’s her name?”

“Star Dancer.”

“Oh thats a pretty name.”

“Pretty mare too.” He replied absentmindedly. Russell raised an eyebrow.

“Oh so you like her?” Vincent’s eyes went wide.

“What!? N-no! Well... Kinda, but...” He stammered. Russell chuckled.

“Heh.. It’s like that eh?” Vincent just rolled his eyes and waved a hoof at the earth pony.

“Back on topic.” he said with a huff. “Is there anything else you want to know?” Russell was trying to hold back a laugh.

“No thats all. Sounds like Scootaloo here will be happy here.”

“Okay then.” He said as the wagon pulled up to the entrance of the orphanage. “Come on in Russell lets get this filly into her new home.” The earth pony nodded and climbed out of the wagon. Vincent went up to the orphanage doors just as they flung open.

“Welcome back Vincent!” Said a unicorn mare as she walked over to him giving him a hug.

“Heh heh.. Hey there Star Dancer.” He said nervously looking away trying to hide his blush.

“You alright there Vincent?” Star Dancer asked. He chuckled a bit.

“Yeah I’m cool.” He said a bit nervously. Russell standing by the wagon couldn’t help but laugh at the timid unicorn. Vincent turned to look at him giving him a glare. “Anyway.. I bought the new filly the hospital in Ponyville sent to us.” The unicorn mare walked up interested to see her.

“Lemme see! Lemme see!” Was the excited response. Russell walked up and showed the filly to Star Dancer. She unbuckled her from her carrier and lifted her up with her magic. “Awww! Such a cute filly! What's her name?”

“Scootaloo Ma’am” The unicorn smiled.

“What a sweet name for such a adorable filly, but please don’t call me Ma’am it makes me sound so old!” She chuckled. “My name is Star Dancer.”

“Nice to meet you Star Dancer.”

“Likewise Russell. So, you want to see where this filly will be staying?”

“Sure” Russell replied. Star Dancer put Scootaloo in a stroller and beckoned Russell to follow her into the nursery. The three walked down a hall past some double doors into a room where the fillies and colts slep.

“Shhh please be quiet in here Russell its nap time for the foals.”

“No problem, but as the two walked down the room Russell noticed it was quite empty. “Umm where are all the foals? It seems pretty empty in here.”

“Well actually up until a week ago we had about five, but four of them got adopted so all thats left is this little colt here.” They stopped by a crib housing a small dark blue pegasus colt sleeping peacefully.

“Won’t Scootaloo feel a little but alone in here then?” He wondered.

“Well, we could put Scootaloo in with Aero, as long as you don’t object to that?” Star Dancer asked.

“No, I guess thats fine.” Russell looked down at Scootaloo and smiled.

Star Dancer used her magic to lift Scootaloo out of her stroller and lifted her to eye level.

“Hey Scootaloo, you’re going to share a crib with Aero for a while so you aren’t so lonley, be nice.” She said, fully knowing Scootaloo could not understand what she said. Scootaloo just looked at her and tilted her head making a high pitched noise.

She lowered Scootaloo down into the crib next to Aero. the young colt opened his eyes slowly and yawned. Scootaloo looked at Aero and shivered a bit. She tried to reach for the blanket that Aero had but he pulled it back. Scootaloo’s eyes started to water up.

Star Dancer was about to put another blanket in the crib for Scootaloo when Aero moved over to Scootaloo and put part of his blanket over her.

“Thats amazing, he never shares, something tells me they are going to be good friends.” Star Dancer said.

Scootaloo yawned and slowly drifted off to sleep soon followed by Aero.

“Bye Scootaloo, I hope you like your new home, the ponies here are going to take good care of you.” Russell whispered. Star Dancer walked up behind Russell

“Thank you for bringing her here Russell, we’ll take good care of this little filly.” She turned to look at the two foals sleeping together in the crib. A question popping into her mind. “Umm.. Russell?”


“Is there anything you can tell me about her parents or something that I can talk to her about later when she’s older? Because you know she is going to ask.”

“I’m sorry theres not much to say.” He said looking a bit upset. “When I found her that night the only pony near her was an orange pegasus, but he was hurt pretty badly. He died right after he told me her name. I was not even able to get his. Plus the entire building where she was born in burned down in the fire. So I am pretty sure there is not even any records of her birth.” He thought for a moment. “Wait, I got something, it was given to me at the hospital.” He reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a small plush toy. “The fire pony that dropped it off said it must of been a present her mother was going to give to her.” He hoofed Star Dancer the plush toy she flipped it over and saw that it had “Scootaloo” stitched on the back of it.

“It’s cute.” She said looking at the toy.

“Sadly I think this is the only link she probably has to her past now.”

“Celestia thats terrible! So you’re saying she is most likely all alone in this world now?” The earth pony nodded. She let out a sigh and returned to watching the filly sleep. “Poor Scootaloo..” She felt a lot better for the fillies future when she noticed the little colt snuggling up against her trying to keep warm.

“Pony that colt there is really taking a liking to Scootaloo.” Russell noticed.

“Yea its odd you know.” Russell raised an eyebrow at the comment.

“Odd? Why do you say that?”

“Well Aero came to us a few weeks ago, it was raining quite heavily out. Almost all of the ponies here were asleep, I woke to a knock on the door. I went to see who it was and when I opened the door, there was nopony there but little Aero in a basket and wrapped in a tattered blanket. He had a note that said. ‘Please get him to a good home, we are unable to care for him, make sure he knows his parents love him very much.’ And that was that, I brought him in. I looked around the door one more time before closing it, I never found who dropped him off, and I’m afraid I never will.”

“So they abandoned him and left him?” Russell asked. She shook her head.

“It seems like they were unable to care for him, but in a sense, yes. I guess thats why he was always so timid and why he pulled away from Scootaloo at first.”

“Well judging from how both their pasts have left them I feel they could use one another right now.” She nodded in agreement.

“I think you’re right.” She said looking over to the clock. “Russell it’s getting late you’re gonna miss the train back to Ponyville.”

“Yeah I better get going I just wanted to get one last look at her before I left.” He walked back over to the crib one last time. “Goodbye Scootaloo,” He said a little misty eyed. “Take care of her Aero, she is gonna need somepony to look out for her.” He reached over to pat the filly on her head ruffling her mane a bit. She squirmed, but Aero kept close to her keeping her warm and she snuggled herself back into him returning to sleeping quietly. “Well I am going to be going now Star Dancer, thanks for letting me see her off.” She walked up to him and gave him a hug.

“No Russell thank you for saving this little filly from a terrible fate, and taking time out of your life to see to it her father's last wishes were carried out. I’m sure you have made him happy.” She said as he released him from the hug. He rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof and blushed.

“Heh, heh.. It was no problem.”

“Go talk to Vincent, I’m sure he’d be happy to take you back to the train station.“

“Thanks, I’ll do that. Well take care Star Dancer.” He looked over to the crib. “See you around, maybe in the future Scootaloo!” He waved goodbye to the unicorn and walked back out to the entrance. Vincent was out by wagon sitting on the steps next to it relaxing.

“Ready to go back Russell? The earth pony nodded.

“Yep all set and feeling good I might add.” Vincent’s ears perked up at the comment.

“Feeling good? About what?” He wondered.

“About the fact that you ponies are the some of the most wonderful caring ponies I have met. I am glad I choose to come here and meet you ponies, and I feel good knowing Scootaloo is in very good hoofs.” Vincent smiled at the comment.

“Why thank you Russell, and don’t worry none about Scootaloo. We try our best here to make sure every filly or colt has a happy childhood and hopefully a potential family to find a home with later on. Star Dancer would be happy to know our effort is rewarded with appreciation. Anyway, lets get you back to the train station before you miss it. Hop in!” He hopped up off the steps and got onto the wagon. Russell climbed into the back and soon the two were making their way back to the train station. The arrived just in time as the conductor was making his final boarding calls. “Well I guess this is goodbye Russell. Take care of yourself.”

“Thanks Vincent, you do the same okay?” The unicorn nodded.

“Umm Russell...” The earth pony turned back for a second.

“Yeah Vincent?”

“Did you want any updates on Scootaloo or want to come visit?” Russell stood there for a few minutes thinking about it.

“As much as I would love to be a part of her life. I have to decline.” Vincent looked at him confused.

“Decline? But why?”

“Not to sound rude or terrible here, but I really just wanted to at least keep the promise I made to her father and I did that, but I don’t want to become a part of this fillies life. I want her to grow up with a new start and not have to remember a terrible past. It gives me the shivers just having to think about it. I don’t want to put that burden on her. Please understand.” Vincent sat there for a moment taking in all of this. He smiled and nodded.

“I understand Russell. You have done more than enough to show me that you are not a terrible pony. I wish you the best and please accept my utmost gratitude for taking the time out of your life to see to it Scootaloo has a place to call home.”

“Thank you, but, before I go, if she ever asks about her parents, tell her,” He stopped to think for a moment. “Tell her that her father was a great pony, and he he did everything he could up to his very last breath to save her.”

“I will, farewell and good luck to you Russell.”

“And to you.” Russell boarded the train and after a few minutes the doors closed and it slowly rolled off making it’s way back to Ponyville.


It was a bright sunny day in Fillydelphia orphanage as fall was setting in. Outside in the playground two ponies were out playing a game of tag. Star Dancer was watching as Scootaloo and Aero ran around playing. Everything was going just fine. Aero and Scootaloo were playing a game of tag, Scootaloo was it and Aero was just fast enough to miss her tag.

He galloped behind a tree and sat down thinking he had lost Scootaloo. He peered around the tree to all of the sudden be pounced on by Scootaloo.

The two both burst into laughter.

Scootaloo then tried to speak for the first time. “T-t-twag!”

“Scootawoo! You tawked!” Aero said smiling.

Scootaloo smiled back as she got off of him.

“Twag!” She said happily as she started to run away from him.

“I gwess I am it!” Aero said as he gave chase to Scootaloo as she was galloping away, she looked behind her to see Aero in hot pursuit when she tripped over a branch. She fell onto the ground scraping her foreleg.

She tried to get up but she fell back down. It wasn’t a big injury, but she was too upset to stand.

Her eyes started to water up and she started to whimper.

Aero slowed down and sat down next to her. “Scootawoo? Whaths wong?”

She held up her left foreleg, it was scraped and bleeding.

“Scootawoo you’re huwt! I’ll go gewt Staw Danswer”

A few moments later Aero returned to Scootaloo with Star Dancer.

“She fell.” Aero said stating the obvious.

Star Dancer walked over and sat down next to Scootaloo. “What’s the matter sweetie?”

Scootaloo raised her foreleg and showed her scrape. She sniffled and wiped her snout with her other forehoof.

“Oh its ok Scootaloo, its just a scrape, luckily I have just the thing in my saddlebag.” She said as she levitated a small napkin out of her saddlebag. She wiped the cut off and then she retrieved a bandage from her bag. She gently placed it over the cut with her magic. She then wiped the tears from Scootaloo’s eyes with her forehoof. “There, all better.” She smiled.

Scootaloo returned the smile and stood up.

“Cowme on wets go finith tag Scootawoo!”

“Twag! Twag!” Scootaloo said smiling as the two continued their game.

A little while later Scootaloo and Aero had gotten bored with tag and were trying to climb onto the swings. Star Dancer noticed Aero standing under a swing, and then Scootaloo climbing on top of him trying to reach the swing. “Huwwy up Scootawoo, you weigh a wot!” Scootaloo jumped up to the swing, inadvertently jumping over it and landing flat on her belly. At the same time she jumped Aero fell over.

It was at this time that Star Dancer made her way over to see what was going on.

“What are you two doing?” She asked, she smiled a bit at their antics.

“We want to swing!” Aero said, “It’s not wowrking dat well” He said as he rubbed his head.

“Why don’t I help you with that.” Star Dancer said. Her horn lit up and both Scootaloo and Aero were lifted onto the swings.

“Wets see who can gewt Highwer!” Aero said smiling. Scootaloo smiled back.

Star Dancer used her magic to give both of them a starting push. Scootaloo and Aero both buzzing their wings in an effort to get higher.

“Highwer! tehehe, Twis is fun!” Aero said as he got his swing higher and higher.

Scootaloo’s swing was nearly just as high as Aero’s, of course a bit lower, but close enough.

“Im highwer!” Aero said. Both he and Scootaloo were giggling and laughing. Star Dancer could do nothing but smile at the adorable site. “Cowme on Scootawoo kweep up!” Scootaloo smiled at her friend and tried her best to buzz her wings to keep up with the young colt.

“Now now Aero, try to not get too high now we don’t want you to fall off.”

“Yea Aerwo!” Scootaloo said. The young colt turned to look at Scootaloo.

“Scootawoo, did you just?”

“Wat Aerwo?”

“Oh how cute she learned how to say her friends name. Way to go Scootaloo!” The young filly blushed bashfully. And for a moment lost her pace with Aero and he took the lead.

“I’m Fwying! I’m Fwying!” He shouted excitedly accidentally letting go and launching up into the air. “WOAH!” He shouted as he flailed his appendages wildly in the air feebly attempting to buzz his wings in a vain attempt to remain aloft. “Staw Danswer! I’m fallwing! Help me!” He screeched. He was now making a prompt beeline for the ground below, but just before he hit the ground he was enveloped in a white aura.

“Calm down Aero, Dancer has you.” She said as she slowly lowered him to the ground. Once he was on the ground Scootaloo got down off her swing and walked up to him.

“Aerwo?” She gave him a goofy look and started to laugh at him.

“Wat?” He wondered. Scootaloo pointed to his face which was covered in dirt. He wiped it with a hoof and rolled his eyes at Scootaloo crossing his forelegs and letting out a huff.

“Oh ha ha, verwy funny Scootawoo.” He said displeased. At that moment Vincent walked on to the playground.

“Good Morning Star Dancer what are you guys up to?”

“Oh giving Scootaloo and Aero some time to play before their nap. Trouble is these foals are a bottomless pit of energy. I can’t seem to tire them out.” Vincent held a hoof to his chin thinking of a way to do it.

“Ah ha! I have an idea.” He went over to the filly and colt mocking each other playfully. “Hey you two, how about a game of hide and seek?” Both of the foals had a look of excitement on their faces.

“Oh that souwnds wike fun!” Chirped Aero. Scootaloo simple bounced up and down smiling.

“Ok Aero, well maybe you can be it, can you count to ten?” Vincent asked.

“I thiwnk...two, eight, thwee, one, seveven...” He stopped and then extended his wing forward and then used his hoof to count his feathers. “Uh, nine, fwive, thirwtween-” At this point Vincent chucked and stopped him.

“Maybe I’ll be it. Yeah that sounds like a better idea.” Star Dancer could be heard laughing in the background. Vincent just shrugged and went over to a tree. “Okay I am gonna start. You two go hide! One, two, three...” As Vincent began his count to ten Aero took off running with Scootaloo hot on his tail.

“Over here Scootawoo. Mabee twis will work.” He said as the two hopped into the bushes, but a buzzing sound scared them out and back on the path. Vincent could be heard nearing ten now. “Oh no Scootawoo! He is gewtting cwose to ten! ten comes awfter twelve and tweve comes after six! and he is on six!” Scootaloo was starting to get tired, but she continued to chase after Aero in their quest to find a hiding place.

“Nine, ten, are you hidden yet?”

“No!” Aero shouted back.

“Aewo!” Scootaloo said, she bit his tail bringing him to a halt. She pointed at a small tree that had an opening at its base.

“Thats bwilliant Scootawoo!” He said, he chased after Scootaloo who was leading him now. Aero was now also getting tired from all the running around. They finally reached the tree and they got in it. The space inside the trunk was rather large, and obviously pony made and not natural. Aero and Scootaloo sat down inside the tree. Scootaloo yawned and leaned over onto Aero, who also yawned.

“Are they hidden yet?” Vincent asked.

“Yeah, they are hidden, just tell me if you can’t find them, I saw where they went.” Star Dancer said, just quiet enough so Scootaloo and Aero couldn’t hear her. Vincent nodded and made his way off into the playground. He walked over to a row of bushes recently disturbed and stuck his head through.

“Ah ha! Found you!” But there was nothing. “Horseapples.”

“Hey watch your mouth! Vincent there are foals around you know.” Snapped Star Dancer. Vincent turned away embarrassed.

“Sorry!” He waved her a hoof and returned to searching. He walked over to a small wall and searched around behind it only to not find the to hidden foals “Okay not here either.” He made his way back to the center of the playground and stopped when he heard what sounded like somepony sleeping nearby. He made his way over to the sound. It seemed to be emanating from a fake tree designed for foals to play in.

He smiled as he saw a purple tail sticking out of the opening in the tree. Vincent then walked over quietly to the tree and peeked in. He found Scootaloo and Aero asleep next to each other, Scootaloo was using Aero’s chest as a pillow and Aero was chewing on Scootaloo’s mane. Aero’s legs were kicking every so often followed by an ear twitch. Scootaloo was moving her head as if she was trying to cuddle up more into Aero’s chest.” Her ears were also twitching. Possibly dreaming of something. “Star Dancer, come look at this.” He whispered. Curious of what he was talking about she got up and made her way over to him.

“Aww they look soo.. Sweet!” She said as the two unicorns stood there watching the two sleep. “Well.. Lets get them back to their crib. I don’t want them out here sleeping and nopony watching them.” Vincent nodded and lifted the unconscious colt with his magic setting him gently into a stroller Dancer had brought out with her. Then he picked up the young filly and set her in the same stroller with her head resting back on Aeros chest.

“All set Star Dancer.” He said. She nodded and pushed the stroller back inside making her way to the nursery. Vincent headed off to the kitchen to start making dinner for the fillies and colts. Star Dancer made her way over to their crib and set them down in it then laid a blanket over them.

“See you two in a couple hours.” She said and walked out of the nursery closing the doors behind her. She decided to go check up on what Vincent was doing in the kitchen. She could smell the food being cooked. ‘MMmm... Sure smells good.’ She thought as she walked into the kitchen.

Aero and Scootaloo were sleeping in their crib. Aero rolled over stealing the entire blanket. Scootaloo was left without a blanket. She shivered and woke. Her eyes teared up a bit from being woken from such a peaceful nap. She looked over at Aero, who had the entire blanket.

“Aewo.” She said yawning.

“Aewo!” She said a bit louder.

Aero stirred but didn’t wake up. She shoved him.

“Huh?” Aero said, his eyes opened and he saw Scootaloo. She shivered.

“Whats wong Scootawoo?” Aero said, he then observed her shiver. She pointed to the blanket.

“But, this is my bwanket, where is yowrs?” Scootaloo pointed to the stroller that was still sitting next to the crib, just out of reach.

Aero sighed, his blanket was his only real possession, it matched his mane and coat colors.

“Aewo.” Scootaloo said again.

“But...its my-” He stopped, he watched her shiver again. He saw her eyes watering up.

She picked up her plush pegasus and hoofed it over to Aero. Aero looked down at the plush, and realised she was offering a sort of trade.

“Fine.” He said, accepting the trade. He picked up the plush and set it down next to him. He then unwrapped the blanket from around him and placed it over Scootaloo.

“Go bawk to Sweep.” Aero said as he tried to cuddle up in the warmth of the plush, being unsuccessful. He started to shiver. Scootaloo noticed him shivering after she had gotten comfortable.

“Aewo?” She said in a tone as if to ask, ‘what’s wrong’

He didn’t respond, he was too busy being cold.

Scootaloo stood up and walked over to Aero and put half of the blanket over him. He stopped shivering. “Thanks” He said. Soon they both drifted off to sleep cuddled in each others warmth.

Star Dancer entered the kitchen she saw Vincent standing by the stove stirring something in a pot.

“What’s for dinner?” She asked.

“Tomato soup with a touch of hay.” He said continuing to stir.

“Smells good! Need me to make anything?”

“Well could you set the table please?” She nodded

“Anything else?”

“Uh...” He thought for a moment. “Yes could you make the sandwiches please? It will let me get the soup ready before any of the foals wake up.”

“Okay no problem Vincent I’ll take care of it just finish up with the soup and you set the table I’ll make the sandwiches and get the crackers and drinks ready okay?”

“Okay sounds good.” He went back to stirring the soup meanwhile, Star Dancer got some bread from the cabinet and set it on the counter. Next she went to the fridge and pulled out some butter and cheese. She then levitated a skillet from a drawer and set it on the stove then went over to the bread and laid out some slices and put some butter on them.

“You done on the stove yet Vincent? I need to get started with the sandwiches.”

“Just hoof em to me I’ll make them go ahead and set up the table then go see if the foals are awake.”

“Ok you’re so stubborn sometimes.” She said giggling and gave him a playful shove then went over to set up the table for the foals lunch. “I’m all set up here, I’ll be right back. I’m going to go check on the foals.”

“Okay I should be finished by the time you get back.” He said as she walked out of the kitchen. She walked across the hall to the nursery. When she opened the door a cool draft blew by giving her a shiver.

“Oh no! I left a window open! I hope the foals are okay.” She rushed into the room and quickly shut the window, but it was too late. The temperature had fallen enough they could've gotten sick. She went over to the wall and flicked on the heater. “I’d better check on these foals to see if they’re ok.” She walked over to the crib containing Scootaloo and Aero. She looked down at the stroller seeing Scootaloo’s blanket in it.

‘Oh no! I hope she isn’t sick’ She thought to herself. She looked into the crib, she found Scootaloo and Aero completely wrapped up together in Aero’s blanket. Aero had wrapped himself around Scootaloo in a protective embrace and Scootaloo was curled into a small ball of orange surrounded by Aero. Her head was resting on Aero’s side and it was slightly covered by his wing.

“Wake up my little ponies, its time to eat dinner.” Star Dancer said.

Aero’s ear twitched but he stayed sleeping. Scootaloo however woke, she lifted her head up, inadvertently twisting Aero’s wing in a painful manner. Aero woke up and yelped.

“Scootawoo, my wing!” Aero said giving Scootaloo a very upset look.

Scootaloo’s ears fell and she looked down at the crib. “Aewo...” She said in a sad tone.

Aero ruffled his wing a bit then his face went from anger to forgiveness. “Sorry I yewd at you Scootawoo, you just weally huwrt my wing.”

Scootaloo’s ears perked up and she lifted her head. She ran over to Aero who was now standing and she pounced on him. “Aewo! Aewo!” She said playfully.

“Alright you two that’s enough, it’s time for dinner.” Star Dancer said as she lifted both of them up with her magic and placed them in the stroller. She also used her magic to put the blanket over them. Scootaloo leaned onto Aero’s side and yawned as she fell back to sleep on the ride to the dining room. As the three entered the hallway the smell of what was cooking in the kitchen pulled the filly from her sleep. She shot up and took a few sniffs in the air as her tummy rumbled at the smell.

“Somepony is hungry!” Star Dancer chimed. Aero looked over to the filly and laughed.

“Looks like ya twummy is talkin for ya Scootawoo.” He giggled, but a moment later Aero’s tummy started to rumble too. Scootaloo noticed this and reached over to poke him on his tummy. He gasped and lurched back when she touched him. She poked him again, this time though he was not able to hold back a giggle.

“Don’t do dat Scootawoo! Tehehe.. I’m tickawish!” The stroller stopped, and the two foals looked around for a moment wondering why they had stopped in the middle of the hall. A second later Star Dancer came around with a sly grin on her face.

“Did somepony say they were ticklish?” Aero blushed and looked away.

“No I didn’t!” His eyes went wide when Dancer looked at him with a mischievous smile. ‘Oh no..”

“Aww.. Why is little Aero being so bashful now?” She said. The colt just turned away twisting his hooves together.

“No weason.” He said bashfully.

“Oh is that so? Well.. I guess you don’t mind if I do this then.” She lifted her hoof and slowly lowered it to his tummy. Aero dropped his hooves to his sides and pushed on the inside of the stroller with both his hind and forelegs trying to push back farther into the stroller, but it was not helping. The hoof he had locked his eyes on was still making its way to its target. “Something wrong Aero?” She asked. He looked up at her with eyes now wide as her hoof finally came to rest on his tummy. He twitched.

“Tehehe... Noo...” He said very timidly. Scootaloo was holding her hooves to her face giggling.

“What was that Aero? I didn’t hear you.” She started to poke him gently on his tummy. His face started to contort and she could see him trying to hold back a smile.

“I...I’m tickawish” He whispered. She poked him again and he jerked letting out a squeak. “Eeep!”

“Oh somepony looks to be ticklish!” She happily said and started to tickle him.

“Tehehe... Hehehe...Stop! I’m Tickawish!” He said now giggling uncontrollably kicking his hind legs. Scootaloo herself was about to join in, but she let out a squeak when she too felt a hoof poking her tummy.

“Didn’t think I’d forget you did I?” Star Dancer said now taking her attention off Aero letting him calm down.

“Your turn now.” She chuckled tickling Scootaloo, but as she was doing this Vincent had popped out of the kitchen and noticed she was playing with foals and a evil grin crept onto his face. He crept up behind her and looked over her shoulder and winked at the two foals then whispered into her ear.

“What’s up babe.” And poked her on her flank. She squeaked and shot up into the air landing on her rump a second later. The two foals now giggling at her.

“VINCENT! What the hay!?”

“Language my dear Star Dancer, there are foals here you know.” He said with a large grin on his face. She blushed embarrassed then got up and stomped towards the kitchen rolling her eyes at him.

“Stallions...” She said and Vincent laughed. “Don’t forget to bring the foals in with you.” She said popping her head out from the kitchen doorway, a blush still clearly visible on her cheeks.

“Okay I’ll get em.” He said and grabbed the stroller with his magic and pushed the foals into the kitchen. “Come on Aero time to eat!” He gently lifted the young colt out of the stroller and set him in a high chair. Next he picked up the filly and set her in a high chair next to Aero.

“Wadda we gonna eat?” Asked Aero.

“Tomato soup with a bit of hay and crackers, and grilled cheese sandwiches. Sound good?” The colt smiled nodding.”

“Ohh yummy!” Star Dancer smiled at him and then hoofed him a sandwich cut it in half and poured him a small bowl of soup. “Heres your drink to.” She hoofed him a sippy cup and was about to pour some orange juice in it, but Aero swatted the cup away spilling it across the table. “Hey Aero what was that for?” She asked wiping the juice up with a towel.

Aero’s eyes were watering up a little bit. “I don wan Scootawoo to be tuwned into juice!”

Star Dancer giggled. “Oh Aero, why in Equestria would you think that?”

“B-becawse Scootawoo is owange...” He said rubbing his hooves together.

“Heh.. Don’t worry there Aero.” Vincent said. “We don’t make orange juice from orange fillies,” Aero let out a sigh of relief. “But didn’t you ever wonder why the kool aid we give you is blue?” Aero’s eyes shot open and he looked at his hoof noticing his fur was blue.

“WAT!?” His voice cracking when he said it. Vincent laughed and waved a hoof.

“Don’t worry I’m just teasing with you Aero.” But the young colt was still rather startled. “Aww come on now spo-” Vincent was cut off when a hoof smacked him in the back of the head.

“”Vincent! You’re gonna give the poor colt nightmares doing that!” She said rather upset. Vincent rubbed the back of his head with a hoof.

“Ow! Okay.. Sorry! I was just teasing.” He leaned over and put a hoof to the upset colt. “Don’t worry sport, we would never think of hurting you or Scootaloo. Never. And I promise you that.” Aero relaxed again and cracked a small smile.

“Oh.. Okay.” He said timidly.

“Well eat up young ones. Dinner is served.” Star Dancer said sitting down at the table. Aero picked up his sandwich and started to munch on it, Scootaloo though was having a hard time picking up her sandwich, flipping it around in her hooves trying to get a hold of it.

“Scootawoo? Having twobble? Let me help.” He reached over to help Scootaloo with sandwich, but unfortunately Scootaloo had dabbed it into her tomato soup and it was a bit soggy. Aero was getting a bit frustrated at the filly fighting him with the sandwich.

“Aewo!” She said displeased with him.

“Wat Scootawoo? I am onwy twying to hewp.” He reached over again, but this time Scootaloo had enough of him and tossed it at his face splattering it all over him.

“Twag!” She said.

“Scootaloo!” Star Dancer said “Look what you did! Now poor Aero is all dirty.”

“Looks a little cheesy to me.” Vincent laughed. Star Dancer gave Vincent a displeased look, but she still let out a chuckle.

“Hmph” Aero said as he spit tomato soup out of his mouth. He used his hoof to clean some of the tomato soup out of his eyes.

“Dat wasn’t vewy nice Scootawoo, I was onwy twying to hewp” Aero said.

Scootaloo stuck her tongue out at Aero. Aero started to get a bit angry and he picked up his sandwich and threw it, Scootaloo moved her head just in time and the sandwich hit Star Dancer square on in the face.

“Hey!” She said Vincent couldn’t help but bursting out laughing now. He threw a hoof to his face and pointed at Star Dancer.

“Oh Looks like theres a lot of cheesiness round here tonight.”

“Your right Vincent.” He looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

“Wha-” Was all he could say as a sandwich collided with his face.

“What comes around goes around Mr. Cheese.” Star Dancer laughed. Vincent wiped the sandwich off his face and laughed.

“Ha that was a good one!” The four laughing at each other that is until Scootaloo started banging on her chair happily splashing her soup all over her and Aero. “Oh jeez look at you two now.” Vincent said looking at them displeased.

“Don’t worry Vincent, I’ll get them cleaned up after their finished eating.”

“Okay well lets get them somewhat cleaned off so they can finish eating.” Star Dancer nodded and grabbed a towel with her magic and wiped the two foals faces clean so they could finish eating.

“Okay you two finish up no more messiness got it?” Aero nodded while Scootaloo just begun to eat again. After a little bit the two foals finished up their dinner and Star Dancer put them back in their stroller and headed off to the bathroom.


Star Dancer was making her way to the bathroom the two foals in their stroller laughing at each other because of the way they looked. “Okay you two calm down we are almost there.” Once she got the two to room she made her way over to the tub filling it with warm water. She then went back to a cabinet and opened it. Inside was various soaps and shampoos all of which were foal safe“Hmm what kind of soap to use.” She said looking over the different types soaps and shampoos. “Which one would you two like to have in your bath?” She picked up the bottles and lowered them so they could see them. Thankfully there were pictures on the bottles.

“Bubbles!” Aero said smiling.

“You want a bubble bath? what about you Scootaloo?” Scootaloo reached for the bottle of bubble soap saying “Twag! Twag!”

Star Dancer giggled a bit. “Alright, bubbles it is.” She used her magic to open the bottle and she started to pour it into the water. A few moments later the water started to bubble making a large layer of foam.

“Alright, who wants to go in first?”

Both Aero and Scootaloo lifted their forelegs up to show that they wanted to go first. Star Dancer giggled a bit then she used her magic to lift both Scootaloo and Aero up and then she put them in the bath.

Aero then raised his head and his snout starting moving as if he was smelling something.

“What’s wrong Aero?”

“The soap smells funny.”

Star Dancer looked at the soap and noticed it was scented, blueberry.

“Well Aero, it seems you are going to smell like a blueberry when you finish with your bath.” Star Dancer giggled a bit more at the irony.

Scootaloo then splashed the water at Aero, drenching his head.

“Scootawoo!” Aero said in protest.

Scootaloo giggled and so did Star Dancer.

“Alright, no more fighting, bath time.” Star Dancer said. She used her magic to pick up a small washcloth.

“Wings out.” She said. Both Scootaloo and Aero extended their wings. Star Dancer proceeded to use the washcloth to clean their wings making sure to get all of the tomato soup out.

Scootaloo giggled as her wings were being cleaned, it tickled her. Aero was a bit reluctant to let Star Dancer clean his wings after revealing he was ticklish, but he soon submitted and his wings were cleaned to.

“Hooves” Star Dancer said. Both Aero and Scootaloo lifted their forehooves up so they could be cleaned. As soon as Star Dancer’s washcloth came into contact with Aero’s hooves he started giggling and he fell backwards into the water.

“Aewo!” Scootaloo yelled as Aero disappeared below the soap. Star Dancer however was not worried, she knew what he was up to.

Scootaloo searched frantically for Aero.

Aero’s tail appeared above the water behind Scootaloo. All of the sudden Aero jumped out of the water and pounced on Scootaloo.

“Aewo!” was all Scootaloo managed to say before Aero had pinned her down.

“Aewo?” Scootaloo said, she was slightly frightened now.

Aero just started to giggle and he let her go.

“Alright you two, stop playing around and finish your bath.

Aero and Scootaloo returned to the middle of the tub to finish their bath. After a few more moments of scrubbing and cleaning they had gotten all of the Tomato soup out of their coats and mane. Then just as Star Dancer started to lift Scootaloo out Aero splashed water at her causing Star Dancer’s concentration to break, she dropped Scootaloo right on top of Aero.

Scootaloo buzzed her wings trying to stay up but she failed and fell right on Aero.

“Good catch Aero.” Star Dancer said, she used a towel to dry off her face.

“Aewo Aewo!” Scootaloo said cheerfully as she clapped her hooves together.

“Lets try this again.” Star Dancer said as she lifted both Aero and Scootaloo up at the same time and placed them on the floor. She then used her magic to bring over a towel for both of them and she proceeded to help them dry off.

After a few moments they were both dry. “There, all clean!” Star Dancer said. She placed them in their stroller and started to walk them back to their crib. “You two feeling better now?” The two nodded and Aero let out a yawn stretching his forelegs upward. “Getting sleepy huh?”

“Yeah I’m sweepy.” Aero said rubbing his eyes. He looked over to Scootaloo who was quietly sleeping letting out a whinny every now and then.

“Aww thats cute. Little Scootaloo is all tuckered out.” She smiled and pushed the two past the double doors into the nice warm nursery. By now Aero had drifted off to sleep when Star Dancer arrived at their crib.

Maybe if I am quiet enough I won’t wake them.’ Star Dancer lifted them both up with her magic and lowered them into their crib.

Aero stirred and opened his eyes and he stretched inadvertently bumping Scootaloo waking her up.

“Oh, I’m sorry my little ponies, I didn’t mean to wake you up, please go back to sleep.” Star Dancer said.

“I want a Stowy.” Aero said.

“Aewo Aewo!” Scootaloo said, agreeing with him.

“Ok, what story do you want to hear?” She went over to a bookshelf and started to name off the stories. “Little Red Ponyhood?” Aero shook his head.


“Filly and Grettel?” Scootaloo put on a displeased face at this one. “Okay not that one.” She returned the book to the shelf. “A Pony in Time?” Aero shook his head his eyes now slowly closing he yawned. “Doctor Whooves?” She waited looking a the book Aero finally spoke.

“Uhh.” He said quietly. “No...” He whispered.

“You okay Aero?” She turned to look and found the two fast asleep. ‘Heh.. Tired them out just trying to find one.’ She thought. She walked up to the crib the two foals resting next to one another. She smile and laid a blanket over them. “Goodnight little ones.” She turned and made her way to the door, but just before she left she flipped on a little night light. “Sweet dreams.” She left and closed the door behind them leaving the two foals to rest for the night.


“Scootaloo! Wake up!” Aero shouted causing the filly to spring out of her bed.

“What the hay Aero?” Scootaloo said rubbing her head. “What’s so important to jar me out of bed this early?”

“Today is your birthday! Happy birthday!” He said excitedly. Scootaloo’s eyes popped open and she hopped out of the lower bunk bed

“Oh cool!” She was excited. Today was her sixth birthday and a party had been planned for the filly. She took off running to the door dragging Aero behind her.

“Hey! Take it easy Scootaloo” He said as he was being helplessly dragged down the hall.

“Oh hush up you. And keep up!” She snapped letting go of him Aero go balanced and took off following her, but he saw he was unable to keep up with the filly so he hopped into the air and started to flap his wings and shot forward catching up with the young filly.

“Hey! No fair!” Scootaloo complained. Aero laughed and shot forward into the main hall and landed next to Star Dancer. Around her were a few filly and colts, a recent addition to the orphanage.

“Happy birthday!” The ponies cheered as Scootaloo made her way out into the hall.

“Thanks you ponies.” She said and blushed bashfully. Vincent walked up to Scootaloo with a scooter with a bow wrapped around the handle bars.

“Happy Birthday Scootaloo, this is for you.” He hoofed her the scooter. “We all chipped in to get if for you.” Scootaloo jumped up and down happily accepting her new gift.

“Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you! Thank you!” She ran over and hugged Vincent nearly knocking him off his hooves.

“Whoa! Easy there Scootaloo.” Scootaloo backed off from Vincent a little embarrassed.
She put a hoof to the back of her neck “Heh.. Sorry.” Vincent waved a hoof.

“No problem. Try out your scooter why don’tcha.”

“Okay” She got on her scooter and was about to take off riding when Aero came flying up to her and landed next to her.

“Hey Scootaloo, I have a present for you.” Aero said as he hoofed a small bag over to Scootaloo.

“What is it?” Scootaloo asked as she started to peer into the bag.

“Open it.” He said.

Scootaloo pulled out a small blanket, it was familiar to her.

“Is this what I think it is?” She asked.

“Yea, its your blanket you arrived in, you probably noticed it went missing a few days ago, its was pretty beat up, so I saved up my allowance and then had it fixed, I hope you like it...”

Scootaloo looked at her blanket, it was something that was sentimental to her. She walked over to Aero and gave him a hug. “Thanks, it means alot.”

Aero blushed and rubbed a hoof on the back of his head. “No problem Scootaloo.” He said.

“Come you two” Vincent said waving them on to come over and join them. “Can’t have a birthday party without the birthday filly.” Scootaloo nodded and her and Aero walked over to join the others in the party. The party went on for all of the day and into the night the sounds of laughter and songs being heard. Eventually all good things come to an end and finally the party came to a close. The other ponies going back to there rooms for the night tired out from partying all day. Scootaloo and Aero made their way back to their room tired from partying and playing games.

“Such a nice party I hope you liked it Scootaloo.”

“Oh yes I had a great time Aero, but now I am just so tired I just want to get some sleep.” She said wobbling tiredly back to her room. Aero seen that the filly might not make it back, he walked up beside her and leaned into keeping her balanced.

“Come on Scootaloo let me help you get to bed.” She smiled a tired smile.

“Thanks Aero.” She relaxed and let him help her back to her room and helped her into bed.

“Good night Scootaloo.” Aero said and he floated up to his bunk and laid down to get comfortable.”

“Hey Aero?”

“Yeah Scootaloo?”

“You ever wonder about if you’ll be adopted or not?”

“Sometimes, but I know I will be someday, we just haven’t found the right family yet.” Aero said, he pulled his blanket over him.

“Yeah but, you see all of the other fillies and colts come and go, I mean, its great for them, but, I’ve been here for six years, you’ve been here for seven! Don’t you ever think that maybe, maybe nopony wants us?”

Aero popped his head down from the top bunk so he was looking into the bottom bunk.

“Scootaloo, you will find the perfect family, don’t worry, but I think right now you should be more worried about getting some rest.” Aero said, he returned his head to his pillow and started to fall asleep.

“Ok, well, goodnight.”

“Night Scootaloo.”


As time went on days turned into weeks weeks into months the days falling off the calendar like the leaves off the autumn trees. Scootaloo found herself sitting on the steps day in and day out watching fillies and colts coming and going a new family made every day, but as time passed she found herself still each morning sitting on the same step watching the families pick their new filly or colt. She decided to keep a journal of the days events.

Dear diary, today another filly got adopted. I sit and watch the fillies and colts come and go, I am starting to wonder If I will ever get adopted. Well, I have to go, Aero wants me to watch him practice flying some more, bye Diary ~Scootaloo

A week passed by and still Scootaloo found herself sitting on the same step watching a new family walk on out. A colt this time.

“Goodbye Scootaloo.” The colt said walking away with his new family. “Don’t worry I know you will eventually find a family.” Scootaloo looked down and let out a sigh.

“Yeah... Eventually...” She got up and walked back inside the evening sky looming on the horizon.

Dear Diary, Today a colt got adopted, another loving family, they looked at me and even asked me some questions, but, they didn’t pick me. I guess I’m just not right for them, Aero says to keep looking at the glass half full, but, its half empty for me. Its late, time for bed, Aero wants me to turn the light off, night. ~Scootaloo

Another month gone by another turn down. Scootaloo again found herself watching another family walk out the door waving goodbye. She found herself walking down empty halls at night sometimes the sounds of laughter the sounds of her past replaying in her mind. Days gone bye new faces come one day, the next week they go, eventually she even stopped asking their names. Finding that it hurt more to try to remember the names of the ponies as they smiled with their happy faces as they left.

Dear Diary, more of my friends have been adopted, Mist Chaser, Cloud Tumble, Sunshine Daisy, even Earl! Who adopts a pony named Earl?! I find myself silently crying myself to sleep at night, I try not to wake Aero up when I do, but when he does wake up I tell him its that nighttime stuffy snout thing. I don’t think I’ll ever be adopted. Star Dancer and Vince have been spending less time with me and Aero because so many new fillies and colts are coming in, I don’t think its there fault, but, I feel like I’m being forgotten. Well, its late here and I don’t want to wake Aero up with my crying, so goodnight Diary, see ya next time somepony gets adopted. ~Scootaloo

The next few weeks Scootaloo faced the same results. Day in day out new faces come in, old faces say goodbye it was really breaking her heart.

“Hey Scootaloo how are you doing?” Asked Aero coming up to sit next to her. She looked at him clearly she was unhappy her ears resting on her head, the smile he once so enjoyed seeing now gone replaced with a look of emptiness. Sadness. Regret. She returned to looking forward to the horizon the sun now resting on the mountains adding an orange glow to the slowly approaching evening sky. She turned back to look at him, but she didn’t want to talk. She simply got up and walked back inside. Her head hung low wings slumped to her sides. “Scootaloo?”

“Leave me alone Aero... I want to be alone.” She walked off to their bedroom and slammed the door behind her. Aero flinched when she did it.

Dear Diary, so many ponies are being adopted, I should be happy, I’m in a loving home, I have friends that talk to me, they even think of me as some miracle foal...but I’m not happy, three families came and talked to me, not one of them wanted me, one of the stallions even said with me in the room that I wasn’t good enough for his family. I don’t understand what’s wrong with me. I try my best, I try to be on my best behavior, I try to stand up straight, keep my mane and tail in check, everything! I even talk properly, but no! Nopony wants me! I’m a horrible little filly that nopony would ever want! Aero says I’m overreacting, but he doesn’t know the half of it. I’m crying now as I write this, I can’t keep my composure, my life is horrible, I hate my real parents for putting me in this terrible place!” The rest of the page was ripped and covered in tears and the text was illegible written in a what seemed like a rant. At the bottom of the page read one small line. “I’m all alone, I have nopony. ~Scootaloo.

She set the book down on her nightstand and rolled onto her side and cried herself to sleep. As the morning suns light shined in through her bedroom window Scootaloo woke to red eyes and a headache most likely brought upon by last nights episode. She got off her bed and made her way down to the kitchen, but stopped when she heard her name. She peeked into the kitchen and saw Star Dancer talking with a red unicorn stallion.

“Don’t even bother, you won’t want me anyway.” Scootaloo said before either of them got a chance to talk.

“Scootaloo, whats?” Star Dancer was cut off by the Unicorn Stallion.

“Scootaloo, why would you think that way? There is a family for everypony.” Scootaloo walked in her ears now perked up she was curious.

“You can try all you want, they all say that.” She said upset. “Then they take some other colt or filly.” She then sat down and crossed her forelegs and let out a huff. “So excuse me if I find your interest in me unappealing.”

“Scootaloo, what’s gotten into you?” Star Dancer asked. Scootaloo let it go. Months of pent up aggression and anger now coming out. She threw her hooves up in the air.

“Nopony ever wants me! They all come and say they are interested but they aren’t! You know its true Star Dancer, you see so many fillies and colts come and go, have any of them been here as long as I have? NO, they haven’t! You and Vincent have stopped spending time with me nearly all together and nopony else wants to spend a moment on me! When somepony tells you to your face that you aren’t worth their family, how do you think thats going to make you feel? So many years now I have waited for the perfect family, you, Vincent, even Aero keep telling me that they are out there, but the truth is they aren’t! So excuse me for feeling alone, Excuse me for not believing you really want me! Excuse me for being alive!” Scootaloo collapsed to the floor crying. “All I ever wanted was a family, and nopony wants to give me that.” She whispered to herself. The red stallion after watching what just unfolded cracked a sinister smile.

‘Oh this little runt is going to be perfect!’ He eased his evil smile back to a comforting one like a master of deception would. He walked up and put his hoof to her shoulder and she looked up eyes full of tears. “Calm down Scootaloo I know you feel hurt..like I really care.. but don’t worry someday you’ll find a home and a family.”

“R-really?” She said looking up at him wiping a tear from her cheek. He patted her on the head and ruffled her mane.

“Sure why I bet you’re closer than you think to finding a home..Yeah a home for worthless garbage... and you will be happy don’t you ever stop believing you got that?...Give up no one wants you’re worthless flank.” He smiled and helped the filly to her hooves then put a hoof to her chin and gently lifted it so she could look at his. What he saw in her eyes made him laugh inside. He saw despair, fear and loneliness. A cry for help and wanting to be accepted, wanting to be loved. Star Dancer came over and hugged the young filly.

“Oh poor Scootaloo. I’m so sorry I didn’t know. I was so tied up in trying to help the others find homes that I almost forgot about you and Aero. Can you ever forgive me?”

Scootaloo looked up at Star Dancer, she wanted to say yes. “I...I don’t know...no...”

“Scootaloo, I’m sorry, I really am.” Star Dancer said, a tear fell out of her eye.

“Hey Scootaloo why don’t we go for a walk? It would let you blow off some steam. You can bring your friend with you too.” Scootaloo looked back to Star Dancer.

“Is it ok if I go?” Star Dancer nodded still a little upset.

“Sure Scootaloo.” She looked to the stallion. “Just make sure her and Aero get back before dark okay?” He nodded.

“No problem Ma’am”

“Star Dancer if you please.” He let out a chuckle

‘Heh afraid of being called old. Somepony is scared of getting old.’ He smiled and waved a hoof as him and Scootaloo walked out into the main hallway. Star Dancer waved to Scootaloo as the door closed.

‘I’m soo sorry Scootaloo. Please forgive me.’ She turned to go sit back down, but as she turned Scootaloo came running through the door and grabbed her in a tight hug. No words just a simple heartfelt smile. She let go and walked back out the door. Star Dancer stood there a tear running down her cheek she smiled. ‘Thanks Scootaloo..’ Scootaloo feeling a bit better after that release was walking with a bit more energy in her step. Aero was sitting on the steps outside when the two walked out.

“Hey Aero want to come for a walk with me and...” She stopped for a moment. “What is your name Mr.?”

“Warrant.” She smiled.

“So, Where would you like to go Warrant?”

“Oh no where particular. I just wanted to ask you and Aero here some questions.” Scootaloo and Aero’s ears perked up at that comment.

“Really? Like what?”

“How about we go have a seat over there?” He pointed to a bench sitting under a tree.

“Okay” Scootaloo and Aero galloped off toward the bench and hopped up onto it Warrant smiled at them rubbing his hooves together.

“Yes yes.. these two will be perfect!” he then went over to the bench and sat down in between the two.

“So Warrant, what did you want to know?”

“Tell me about yourself Scootaloo.”

“Well I never knew my mommy and daddy, but the ponies at the orphanage here told me that they died, they weren't sure how though.” Warrant looked at her with a surprised look.

“Really? Thats terrible. So you been living here all your life?” She nodded.

“Yes, me and Aero here have been here for the longest out of all the ponies.” Aero nodded when she said that.

“What about you Aero?” He asked. Aero looked at him timidly.

“Well... I don't know about my parents. I was found on the step here during a storm, but I’ve been here ever since though.”

“Interesting...These two are perfect! No parents no past, they will never be missed!

“What’s interesting?” Asked Scootaloo. Warrant broke from his thoughts and looked at her.

“Hmm? Oh.. Its nothing. Anyways, how much do you two really want a family to live with and call home?” Scootaloo put her hooves together and gave him the most wanting face she could.

“Oh so much Mr. Warrant you wouldn’t believe how I want a family.”

“And you Aero? The young colt spoke up this time.

“Oh I So to want to have a family.”

‘Heh... Perfect.’ He got up from the chair and spun around pulling the two into a hug. “Well guess what!” The two looked at him a smile slowly growing on their faces. “Me and my wife are really wanting to start a family, and what better way to start it then to have a brother and sister to care for.” Scootaloo and Aero looked at each other for a moment.



“That sounds so awesome!” The two said together. Warrant smiled

“Thats so cool! Oh I can’t wait for you two to meet my wife...Heh your future mom.” Scootaloo couldn’t contain herself and let out a happy squee.

“Thank you! Thank you! Warrant! Oh you don’t know how much this means to me!” She was so excited. Finally after the long years of being turned down somepony had accepted her. Her heart beating wildly she was so excited. Aero too was ever so happy somepony was wanting to call him son it made him feel so good his timidness was gone in a flash. And the best part was he could stay with his best friend, but no now they could call each other siblings! The two happily bounced around Warrant as he led them back to the orphanage.

“Star Dancer! Star Dancer!” Scootaloo shouted as she flew through the front doors racing to the kitchen.

“Why are you so excited Scootaloo?” She asked as the hyperactive filly came to a halt in front of her.

“Somepony wants me! I found a home!” Star Dancer scooped Scootaloo up in a hug.

“Oh thats so wonderful dear! Who is it?” Just then Warrant walked in.

“That would be me Star Dancer. Me and my wife are going to adopt Scootaloo and Aero.”

“Why that's so wonderful of you Warrant! You are and your wife are such nice ponies to take these two in. I know you will love their company.” Warrant put on a fake smile.

‘More than you think.’ He thought. “Well.. I’ll see you two tomorrow, I need to file the necessary paperwork then its off to your new home in Manehatten!” The two looked at each other.

“Oh wow Manehatten! I have never been there before!” Scootaloo said excited.

“Me either!” Aero threw in also clearly as excited as Scootaloo.

“Well get some sleep you two and pack your things, because tomorrow it's off to an adventure in Manehatten!” Warrant cheered holding up a hoof. The two jumped up in the air and cheered then ran off to their room. Star Dancer laughed at the two as they ran off.

“Why I have not see them two so happy like that for a long time. Thank you Warrant.” He smiled and looked back to her.

“No thank you Star Dancer. Me and my wife have wanted this for so long and now you have given us the chance to have a family.” Star Dancer looked away blushing.

“Well it was my pleasure. I hope you have a happy time with these two and if there's ever anything you need you’re always welcome to talk to us.” He nodded and walked out the door.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow, Have a good evening.” He waved goodbye and walked out.

Dear Diary, IT HAPPENED! I finally got adopted! And thats not even the best part! Aero gets to come to! He gets to be my brother! Thats so cool! I’ve never been so happy! Maybe Aero was right, maybe the glass is half full, well goodnight Diary, tomorrow I go to my we go to our new home! ~Scootaloo

She closed the book and hopped in her bed trying to calm down to get some sleep it was going to be a long day tomorrow.


“Scootaloo woke the next morning her outlook a thousand times better then has been in years. She was finally going to have a place to call home a family to love and be loved by. she hopped out of bed and climbed up the ladder to the second bunk and shook Aero to wake him.

“Aero! Wake up Aero! Today is the day!” Aero rolled over and pulled the blanket over his head.

“MMmm.. Five more minutes please.” He mumbled.

“No you get up now!” Scootaloo said and stripped the blanket off him startling him. He flopped out of bed and plopped on the ground.

“Ow! Jeez Scootaloo.” He moaned rubbing his bruised flank. “I’m up I’m up okay?” She laughed and hopped down to him.

“Your such a scaredy pony Aero.” She said giving him a shove. He waved a hoof and stood up.

“Lets get our things together Warrant will be here to pick us up soon.” Scootaloo nodded and grabbed her saddlebag and tossed her most prized possessions in it. She then unfolded her scooter and rode it out to the hall Aero following close behind. Once they got into the hall they saw Warrant hoofing Star Dancer some papers.

“Here is the adoption papers for you to sign Star Dancer.” He hoofed them over to her she studied them then looked up at him raising an eyebrow.

“These look odd.. I never seen adoption papers like these before.”

“Have you ever been to Manehatten Star Dancer?” She shook her head. “Well thats probably why. We run things different up there.”

“Yeah that makes sense different city and all.” She walked over to a table and lifted a quill out of a inkwell with her magic. “Give me a second to fill these out then I’ll release these two into your care.” She started scribbling on the paper. “Anndd finished. Well.. It's official.” She turned to the Scootaloo and Aero. “Congratulations! You two you're now brother and sister and this pony here is now part of your family.” Scootaloo let out another squee and leaped over and gave Aero a crushing bear hug.

“This is soo awesome! We are now brother and sister!” Aero let out a gasp.

“Can’t breath!” Scootaloo blushed and let go the two adults laughed at the them.

“Heh sorry!” She said rubbing a hoof to the back of her head.

“I’ll be waiting outside for you two in the wagon.” He turned to leave. “I’ll give you time to say your goodbyes.”

“Scootaloo, Aero, I am so happy for the two of you, I’m sorry it took this long, but I am very happy for you both, the past six years with you two have been really fun, don’t ever forget us ok?” Star Dancer looked at Scootaloo and Aero. They both looked so happy.

Aero nodded and gave Star Dancer a hug. Scootaloo walked over to Star Dancer and gave her a hug, she whispered in her ear “I forgive you.” Star Dancer smiled. Scootaloo let go and raced over to Aero.


Aero nodded.

“Bye Star Dancer!” Scootaloo and Aero said in unison.

Star Dancer waved, she was crying, she was happy, tears of joy. Scootaloo and Aero walked out the door greeted by sunlight, Vincent, Warrant, a wagon and their new future. Vincent walked up to the two sat down and pulled them into a hug.

“Take care you two.” He looked over to Aero. “Take care of her sport she is gonna need you.”

“I..I’ll do my best.”


“Yes Vincent?”

“Take care of yourself. Don’t ever let your feeling get the best of you.” She looked down for a minute remembering the episode she had recently. “You are a strong filly and I can see you growing up to be a strong mare. Keep an eye on Aero. He’s a little bit on the shy side.” She nodded and Vincent let go of the two. “Good bye you two!” He waved as the two hopped into the wagon and waved their good byes.

“Bye Vincent! We’ll never forget you!” Scootaloo said

“Thanks for everything! I’ll always remember you ponies!” Aero said waving good bye. Slowly the wagon pulled off and made its way back into Fillydelphia the orphanage falling slowly falling out of sight until they could no longer see it. “Well Scootaloo we are on our way. I don’t know about you, but I am so excited! I can hardly wait to meet our new mom!”

“Oh you’ll love her don’t you worry.” Warrant said.

“How long till we get home Warrant?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh about a day I would say. We need to get to the train station and board the train heading to Manehatten.” Scootaloo and Aero looked around at the landscape. Slowly it went from rolling hills and open fields to a bustling city. As they traveled through Fillydelphia the two were pointing and awing at the size of the building and the noises coming from its busy streets. Ponies going back and forth carts speeding down the streets heading to their destination as quickly as possible. Shops were set up along side the streets by various ponies trying to sell his or her ware to the passerby.

“Can we stop and look around Warrant?”

“Sorry Scootaloo, but if we did we would miss the train.”

“Oh okay.” she shrugged it off and continued to look out as the sights of the city. Soon though the three were entering the Fillydelphia train station.

“Ok you two let's go get off the wagon.” His voice a bit demanding, but the two so caught up in admiring the sites didn’t notice it and hopped off to follow him onto the train. the stopped briefly at the ticket counter and Warrant walked up to the booth. “Three please. The pony behind the counter nodded and hoofed him three tickets. Warrant ushered the two on to the train and showed them to their seats. By now it was getting late and the sun was setting. “Why don’t you two get some sleep you look tired.” They nodded. “I’ll wake you when we get to Manehatten.” The two got up on the seat and laid against each other Scootaloo rested her head on Aero’s shoulder as he leaned on a hoof looking out the window.

“I think I am gonna go to sleep Aero.” Scootaloo said softly slowly drifting off to sleep. Aero nodded and just kept looking out the window watching the train start to roll out of the station. A few hours went past and the two were fast asleep. Warrant walked by and glanced over to the sleeping pair.

“Sleep well you two you’re going to need it.” He walked back to the caboose and went over to sit at the bar. “Is there a messaging service here?” The bar pony nodded and waved over a dragon that was serving drinks.

“Yeah what is it?” The dragon replied rudely.

“I need you to send a message for me.”

“Five bits for Manehatten mail delivery. Ten if you want express service.” Warrant hoofed the dragon ten bits and the dragon pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. “Your message?”

“I got our new workers today. I’ll be arriving at Manehatten train station tomorrow morning. Have a wagon waiting for me at the station. Until we arrive at the building, do not spook or scare the workers, I don’t want them running off. Thats it” the dragon finished scribbling the message and rolled up the scroll, a flash of red fire and the scroll was gone.

Your message will arrive within the next few minutes. Is that everything?” Warrant nodded. Afterwards the dragon walked off resuming what he had been doing previously. Warrant tapped on the counter and the pony behind the bar turned to look at him. Warrant pointed to a bottle and the pony behind the bar nodded and brought it down with his magic and poured Warrant a glass. He dropped a few bits on the counter and a moment later the pony behind the bar came by and whisked them away dropping them into the register.

“What a catch I have to say” He said and took a sip of his drink. He got up from the counter and went outside and sat down at a table staying there for the rest of the night.


The two young ponies woke in the morning Warrant was sitting in the booth next to them.

“Sleep good?” Scootaloo nodded and stood up to stretch. Aero woke a moment later raising his forelegs up above his head and let out a yawn afterwards he lowered them to scratch his sides. Scootaloo now finished her morning stretch hopped back up onto the seat.

“Did we arrive at Manehatten?” She asked Warrant nodded.

“Yup just pulled into the station lets go we got a busy day ahead.” Aero raised an eyebrow at the comment, but still trying to wake up he thought nothing of it and hopped off the seat and followed Warrant and Scootaloo off the train. When they disembarked Warrant held out a hoof showing the two a wagon off on the road waiting for them. “Okay you two hop in time's a wastin.” He helped the two into the wagon and climbed onto the front next pointing forward signaling the driver to go.

“Where do we live at Warrant?” Scootaloo asked.

“On the outskirts of town, its a nice little building sitting on a bluff overlooking the ocean I think you’ll like it.”

“That sounds great! I can’t wait to see our new home.”

“Don’t worry you’ll get to see it soon enough.” He smiled, but when he did Aero looked over and caught notice. He felt a shiver run down his spine. Something wasn’t right. He wanted to say something but was afraid so he nudged Scootaloo in her side.

“Hmm? What is it Aero?” Aero looked at her then up front, both Warrant and the driver were talking about something facing forward. He looked at Scootaloo and held out a hoof making a hush hush motion. He leaned over and whispered to her.

“Somethings not right Scootaloo.” She looked at him raising an eyebrow

“What do you mean?”

“Shhh! Keep it down.” He said softly motioning her to lower her voice.

“What is it Aero?” She asked again quietly.

“When Warrant looked back to us and smiled I felt a shiver go down my back. He looked at me weird like he was a totally different pony. It scared me.” Scootaloo chuckled.

“Oh don’t be such a scaredy pony you are overreacting nothings wrong.” Just then the driver spoke loud enough for the two to hear him.

“Where did you get these two workers at?” He asked Warrant

“Some rundown dump in Fillydelphia.” Warrant replied. The two in the back looking at them with jaws agape.

“What the Hay?” Scootaloo said. Aero could only sink back and let out a cry.

“Oh no..” He squeaked. Warrant looked back at the two.

“You say something Scootaloo?” She shook her head.

“N-no. I didn’t say anything.” He raised an eyebrow taking notice when she stammered.

“Hmmm.. Well okay. By the way we're almost there.” The two nodded.

“Okay sounds great.” Scootaloo said a bit of doubt in her voice. The driver looked over to Warrant.

“Boss I think they might of heard us.” Warrant nodded.

“Yeah I think you’re right. Lets pick up the pace. I can see the place up ahead.” The driver nodded and cracked his reins and the wagon sped up. With the increased speed they arrived at the steps to the building in a few moments Warrant and the driver hopped off.

“Ok you two, let's go time to meet the family.” Warrant said beckoning the two young ponies to get out of the wagon. They climbed out and followed him up to the front door. “Welcome to your new home, I hope you like it.” He swung the door open and what they saw truly terrified them. Fillies and colts running on treadmills spinning combines some sewing, some producing paper.

“What the hay is this?” Scootaloo said shocked. Warrant pushed her and Aero inside and closed the door behind them locking it.

“Your new job.”

“New job? What!? But.. but I thought you were taking us home to meet your wife and and start a family, and and, show us your house, and, and, but, it was suppose to be perfect! But, but...its...” She trailed off, her breathing getting heavier. “You, l-lied, you, you were going to...but, but, it...”

“Why would I want a worthless foal like you being part of my family?” He said. “I mean you can’t even hold your composure, breaking down and crying like a little foal you should be ashamed of yourself!” He pushed her off. “Now get over there and get to work! I own you now and theres nothing you can do about it!” He nodded at the driver who picked up Aero and Scootaloo and dragged them kicking and screaming off to a treadmill.

“Shut up and get to work and you will not be hurt got it?” Aero scrunched down and started to run on the treadmill turning the wheel on the loom. He walked off with Scootaloo and dropped her on a treadmill connected to a circular grinding wheel. “Run you good for nothing welp and maybe you will be fed tonight!” He said with the crack of a whip. It impacted Scootaloo’s side and she started to run. Tears were flowing out of her eyes. Her perfect vision of a family was gone shattered into a million pieces. She ran on the wheel until her legs could run no more and she collapsed. A stallion walking up to her.

“Okay you ran enough tonight time to get some sleep you will need it for tomorrow.” He picked her up and laid her on a cart and walked over to the treadmill Aero had been running on and still was. “You can stop now it's bed time.” Aero stopped and wobbled over to the cart and flopped down onto it. “I Give you some props there. You last alot longer than that good for nothing filly.” He let out a snort. “ Pfft. She could not make it to quitting time.” He then pulled the two to their room and dumped them on their beds. Scootaloo rolled over her legs sore from running for hours. She rolled over and grabbed her bag and pulled out her journal.

Dear Diary, today...today my life was shattered before my eyes, my dreams crushed, my vision ruined. I was dumped into a world of pain and suffering, and I was told I was worthless. The glass isn’t even half empty, it is empty at this point. I’m sorry I ever thought badly of Star Dancer and Vincent, that was a real family. I want to go home... ~Scootaloo

The next morning Scootaloo and Aero were herded into the cafeteria and they were hoofed a tray and told to stand in line. As they walked down the line food was tossed onto their trays. Simple stuff. “Gee this looks tasty.” Aero mumbled just then a hoof smacked him on the back of the head.

“Shut up you, you're not allowed to talk. Now go sit down.” Aero nodded and hurried off to a table and sat down across from him was Scootaloo, her color gone. He looked into her eyes and he saw nothing... No hope, no fear, just nothing but emptiness.

“You okay Scootaloo?” He whispered making sure he was not heard. She didn’t reply just lifted up her head and looked at him. A shiver went down his spine when she looked at him. ‘Oh Scootaloo what have they done to you..’ He reached over and put a hoof to her shoulder. “It’s alright Scootaloo, as long as we’re together we can make it through anything.” Again another hoof smacked him on the back of his head.

“What did I tell you? SHUT UP!” Aero rubbed the back of his head and looked at Scootaloo.. She was gone, walking out to the work room. Aero got up and made his way over to the same place, another hard days work looming ahead. He hopped on his treadmill and went to work turning the loom. An hour later he was given a short break to rest up. He looked over to Scootaloo. It was frightening. She was running her head hung low, wings dropping, even her tail was hanging lifeless getting stuck under her hind hoofs as she mindlessly ran.

‘Oh Scootaloo please don’t give up...’ The bell rung and he got up and continued to run. A couple hours later the ending bell rang letting the fillies and colts know it was bedtime. Aero got off and walked over to the sleeping quarters and hopped up on his bed. He looked over to Scootaloo, she was laying on her side scribbling something in a book.

Dear Diary, day two. I feel my body aching. My stomach hurts, I’m hungry. I’m Tired. The beds here aren’t even beds, they are metal frames with fabric tied to it. I’m cold, there are blankets but they don’t keep me warm, and there are no pillows. They called me even more useless things today. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve this. I would rather be stuck in the orphanage for the rest of my life than here. I’m sorry Star Dancer, I never should have been mad at you, I want to come home. ~Scootaloo

Aero walked up to the food line this morning and received the same ‘food’ given to him yesterday, but remembering his mistake from yesterday morning he remained quiet collected his food and headed over to the table Scootaloo was sitting at. He looked all around making sure none of the guards were within earshot he got up and walked over and sat down next to Scootaloo. She was just fiddling with her food. He scooched up next to her hoping she would respond, she didn’t.

“Hey Scootaloo, are you alright? Please talk to me. Its safe to talk as long as you keep it down. The guards are not around.” No response. She continued to just push her food around on her tray. Aero looked around again making sure it was safe. He reached his forelegs out and hugged Scootaloo. She leaned closer to him and rested her head on him. Silently tears started to come out of her eyes.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

“Hope you feel better Scootaloo. Remember, I am always here for you. Whenever you need it. You only have to ask.” She nodded and let out a breath. A feeling of security went through the filly as the young colt held her, a small smile appearing on her face. “Come on, the guards will be coming back lets get to work. I’ll see you after the day is over.” She nodded and Aero got down. The two made their way to the workroom as the morning bell sounded. As the day dragged on Scootaloo kept up her pace running on the treadmill occasionally shooting a glance at Aero doing the same. She smiled, thankful of what the young colt had did for her this morning.

‘Thank you Aero, I feel so much better knowing you’re here with me.’ After a long day of running the factory the ending bell rang. Scootaloo hopped off her treadmill and walked over to Aero who was just climbing out of his. She walked up next to him and he looked at her with a questioning look raising an eyebrow.

“What?” He said quietly. She smiled.

“Nothing.” She gave him a bump with her hip and walked off to the sleeping quarters. Aero rubbed the back of his head wondering what that was for. He shrugged and walked off to the sleeping quarters himself and flopped into bed quickly drifting off to sleep.

Dear Diary, today was better, but...it was still terrible. Aero comforted me this morning and it felt good to know he was enduring this with me. But its still a lost cause. I am grateful that Aero is supporting me, maybe tomorrow will be better. ~Scootaloo

As the days passed Scootaloo and Aero got into a regular routine. Get up, go to eat, then off to work and then go to bed. After a while it was almost as if they were simply acting autonomously. The next few months the two simply found themselves as part of a cog slowly churning along, but thanks to Aero’s support, Scootaloo was able to endure, but the constant routine and heartless insults were eating at her strenght. It was a constant battle for the filly to fight depression, to fight despair.

One day as Scootaloo was grinding away running on her treadmill when she overheard a guard shouting. “You never seem to want to listen to me Aero. What is your problem? When master speaks, you obey. Do you understand?” Aero Just nodded and kept up his pace. The guard though he was mocking him. “Are you mocking me you worthless welp?” Aero now frightened stopped running and shook his head.

“N-no Sir!” He received a kick to the gut for that. “What were you told about talking welp? Next time nod or shake your head. Dogs do not speak, they only obey when commanded. Now get back up and start running!” Aero tried but the kick he had just received had really hurt him it had bruised some of his ribs. He tried to stand again but fell down crying.

“I’m sorry! It hurts so muc-” *Wack!* A hoof colliding with the side of his head sent him flying into a corner. “Please Stop! P-Please S-Stop! P-Please! It Hurts! S-Stop!” Aero was pleading. He couldn’t take much more of this. “You can beg all you want, but it will get you nowhere! You’re just as useless as that orange filly!” He raised a hoof about to strike the poor colt, but just then a hoof collided with the guards face.

“Leave him alone!” Shouted Scootaloo jumping in front of Aero standing in a aggressive stance. She sneered and flared her wings. The guard stood back up and wiped the blood from his mouth with a hoof.

“Why you little! I should kill you now!” He ran over and punched the filly full force right in the face sending her flying across the room slamming her up against a treadmill. He walked up to the cowering filly and was about to finish the job, but just then the guard was surrounded in a red aura and thrown back into a wall.

“Stop!” Commanded Warrant entering the room. “You will NOT lay another hoof on the workers again. Do you understand me! I am getting tired of going to orphanages finding new workers because you lose your temper and wind up killing them.” Warrant walked over to Scootaloo and looked over her inspecting her. She was not terrible injured only a black eye was seen. “Get up Scootaloo now.” She nodded and got to her hooves. “Get back on your treadmill theres still a few hours of work to be done.” She walked back over to the treadmill and started running, limping as she ran. Warrant next walked over to Aero. Clearly the young colt was injured, but after an inspection from Warrant , he concluded the he was only suffering from a few bruised ribs. “Get up Aero, you’re not badly injured I’ve seen worse.” Aero whimpered. “If you don’t get up and finish you will not be fed tomorrow and will have to work even longer to make up for time lost today.”

Aero grit his teeth and forced himself to his hooves. His bruised ribs causing him severe discomfort every time he took in a breath. “Now go back to work Aero, you have a few hours left to go.” Aero hobbled over to his treadmill and hopped on. The next few hours were excruciating. The pain he had to endure while running was causing tears to form, but he grit his teeth, steeled himself, and continued until the ending bell rang. ‘Thank Celestia.’ He thought Scootaloo walked over to Aero. He was having trouble walking so she leaned up against him and helped him to the sleeping quarters.

“Lie down Aero, you need your rest.” She put her hooves to his sides and gently felt around. The colt winced when she found a bruised rib. “Okay I don’t feel anything broken so you’re good. It just seems like a few of them got bruised. Aero let out a sigh of relief, but winced when he did. Scootaloo chuckled. “Silly pony. You should've known better.” She patted him on the head and got down to go lay on her bed.

“Thank you Scootaloo..” Aero replied quietly. She turned around for a moment. Then she simply smiled and walked over to her bed and hopped on it.

Dear Diary, today Aero was beaten, and I tried to defend him, getting beaten myself. It was terrible, I hate this place, Knowing Aero is here with me is all that’s keeping me going. Maybe someday we will do something about this, I only hope somepony does something, I miss home. ~Scootaloo

The next day at breakfast Scootaloo and Aero were sitting at the table discussing something.
“Okay Aero. I think we need to escape.” Aero almost choked on his food at this comment.

“What? H-how? I mean do you even have any idea how we are going to do it?”

“I think you two have seen just about enough of each other.” Warrant said walking into the cafeteria. “I think its time we split you two up.” Warrant nodded to a guard and he picked up Aero and carried him off.

“Where are you taking him!” She demanded.

“He is being punished for being disobedient. A few months of solitary confinement should be sufficient, but what concern is this of yours? You are but a peasant needed to turn a wheel.” He turned to walk away. “Get your useless flank back to work I don’t want to hear anymore out of you.” Scootaloo was now alone. Aero was carried off to another part of the building and she didn’t know if she was ever going to see him again now. She tossed away her food having lost her appetite and made her way out to her treadmill and began running, she felt terrible now. Several tiring hours passed and the ending bell rang. Scootaloo got off her treadmill and walked over to the sleeping quarters. And flopped down onto her bed she looked over to Aero’s cot, but it was empty.

Dear Diary, Aero was taken and punished and its all my fault! I should never have thought about escaping. Its all my fault and I never should have said anything! Aero is probably hurt and sad and its all my fault! I wish he would come back, or give me some sign that he was alright. I’m so sorry Aero, I’m sorry. ~Scootaloo” The page was covered in tears. Slowly after finishing the entry, Scootaloo cried herself to sleep.

The next few months were terrible for the filly; she was alone her friend, her guiding light was extinguished only a dark path now lay before her. She had stopped eating, her strength was leaving her, but she didn’t care. She only went on running on that dreadful mill watching as it slowly churned, the sounds of grinding could only be heard. She was in despair, looking for a way out.. The ending bell rang and for her it felt like the final time she would hear it. She slumped off the mechanical monster and walked over to the sleeping quarters and stood by her bed. She turned to face the adjacent bed one which only a few months ago held the only thing giving her hope, and now like her it was empty.

Dear Diary, I’m sorry Aero, I’m so sorry, I can’t do this. The past few months have been terrible, I can’t do it anymore, I’m so sorry, please forgive me, if you ever find this, know I’m so sorry I ever dragged you into this, I’m sorry I really am, do me a favor and survive ok? Get out of this place, I just can’t do it anymore, I’m going now, and, and I’m not coming back...don’t come look for me, you won’t find me...I’ll always be looking out for you. I’m sorry, I’ll see you soon ok? Bye, I’m sorry, writing for the last time. ~Scootaloo” The pages were covered in tears. She set the diary down on her bed and reached under her bed. A shard of glass. She pulled it out and held it. She let her tears flow out as she prepared herself. Then the door opened.


Scootaloo instantly dropped the shard of glass shattering it into several thousand pieces. That voice, it couldn’t be. She turned around and saw the blue colt standing in the doorway. She ran over to him and pounced on him pinning him down in the biggest hug she could possibly give.

“I’m so sorry Aero! I never should have said anything! Please forgive me! Please! I missed you so much!” She said.

“C-can’t b-breath”

“Heh, sorry.” Scootaloo let go of Aero and he stood up. “How, why?”

“They let me come back, it was awful, um Scootaloo, why were you holding a sharp piece of glass and pointing it at your chest?” Aero asked, he had a concerned look on his face.

“Hmm, what are you talking about, I never had any glass...you must be mistaken, I uh...” Scootaloo had closed her eyes when she started tryign to explain herself, only to open them to find Aero standing at her bed, looking down at an open journal.

“Scootaloo...” Was all Aero could say before she pounced on him again giving him another hug, this one to keep him from reading her journal.

“Don’t ever leave me again!”

“I won’t...”

Scootaloo and Aero then proceeded to go to bed, they laid together that night. Keeping each other safe in the others embrace.

A day eventually passed and they made their escape that night.

Rainbow Dash was just blown away at the story revealed to her. This filly had been through so much. “Oh my Scootaloo, I...I don’t know what to say..” She was at a loss for words this was such a huge thing to take in.

“It’s okay Dash, take your time.”

“Well you and this Aero colt made your escape what happened next?”

“Well after we tried our escape, it kind of went bad. I fell off the rope I made from blankets after a guard tried to pull me back in. Aero tried his best to keep me from falling, but both of us were too heavy and we fell into the ocean. I woke up the next morning and found him alive on the beach. After that we tried to get back to the orphanage in Fillydelphia.”

“Wait. Didn’t those horrible ponies from that terrible place try to look for you?”

“Well I think they figured we washed out to sea and well they probably figured us for dead. Not like they cared about us anyway.”

“Yeah I kinda got that from how you described them. Umm we should really go to Twilight about that Scootaloo. The princess needs to be informed about such a terrible place.

“I agree, but there’s one problem.”

“What is it Scootaloo?”

“Well.. I kinda forget where it was.”

“Forgot? How?”

“I’ll tell you that now.”

“Okay well lets hear it.”

Scootaloo and Aero were standing on the edge of the Everfree forest. They were trying to find their way back to the orphanage in Fillydelphia, but had gotten horribly lost and winded up on the bank of a river in the forest.

“Well what do we do now Scootaloo?” Aero said looking at the river. “The current looks pretty fast, I doubt we could swim it.”

“Well maybe we could walk up the river some and look for a crossing somewhere?”

“We already spent most of the day wandering around this forest Scootaloo. I don’t want to keep searching after dark.”

“Yeah I guess you're right. Well let's sleep here its nice and open and at first light we can go look again alright?” Aero nodded and laid down on the soft grass. He pulled a couple apples out of his saddle bag.

“Here you go.” He hoofed her an apple and she tore into it. She was very hungry from not eating all day while they had wandered through the forest.

“Thanks Aero.” He smiled.

“No problem Scootaloo see you in the morning.” He fidgeted around to get comfy, and after a few minutes drifted off to sleep. Scootaloo took the chance to write one last journal entry before she had gone to sleep herself.

Dear Diary, today was better, we are looking for the orphanage, we still haven’t found it yet. I am starting to like Aero, at first I thought I was just happy he was with me but, I think I might be starting to like him as more than a friend. I’m glad he is here with me. I don’t know what I’d do without him, I really like him. Well goodnight Diary, I have a busy day tomorrow, I can’t wait to wake up and see Aero again! Goodnight. ~Scootaloo

Scootaloo woke the next morning to a hoof frantically pushing her shoulder.

“Wake up Scootaloo! We have to get out of here!” She rolled over looked at Aero rubbing her eyes.

“What is it Aero? What’s got you so scared?”

“Timberwolves! They are at the treeline watching us! We have to get out of here!” Scootaloo shot up when she heard a howl coming from the trees. She saw three sets of yellow eyes watching from the bushes.

“Hayseed! Run Aero!” The two took off running down the river bank as the three wolves hopped out of the bushes and took off after the two ponies.

“There going to get us Scootaloo! We can’t outrun them! We need to try to cross the river.”

Scootaloo looked at the river trying to swallow a lump in her throat. “Okay lets try.” She said nervously. Aero was the first one to enter the river the water was cold slowly numbing his muscles as he made his way across.

“C-c-come on in S-Scootal-loo h-hurry u-up!” He said teeth chattering the water was so cold he was slowly losing feeling.

“Aero are you alright?” Scootaloo asked concerned for him.

“F-fine j-just h-hurry u-up.” She slowly made her way into the river the water was cold it was quickly sapping her strength.

“S-so c-c-cold-d!” She stammered slowly making her way across. By now the wolves had reached the river bank but did not attempt to enter the frigid waters. There was no turning back now for the two ponies. Aero was about half way across the river when it happened. Whether it was his lack of strength from the freezing waters or something else it didn’t matter he lost his balance and slipped falling beneath the surface.

“Aero!” Scootaloo shouted. She forced her way over to his last location and frantically started to look around yelling for him, but there was nothing. A few moments later though the water had claimed its next victim as the young filly was washed downstream flailing her limbs trying to remain afloat. She was almost able to make it to the other side, but just then a her head dipped under the water and she hit it on a rock knocking her unconscious. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was what looked to be the body of a serpent snaking its way downstream holding something blue in its claws.

“And thats why I can’t seem to remember a lot of the details. I think when I hit my head It like put a lot of my past memories into a haze so its rather cloudy, but I would never forget a face if I saw it in pony.”

“Well Scootaloo I have to say thats quite a story you have there.”

“Yeah, but I feel so much better telling it finally. Even more that I told it to you.” Dash smiled and ruffled her mane.

“Get some sleep now Scootaloo, we got a busy day tomorrow.”

“Oh? What's going on?” Rainbow simply tightened her wing wrapped around the filly and made herself comfortable.

“Its a surprise. You’ll see tomorrow. Now get some sleep it’s been a long night.”


Scootaloo woke the next morning feeling like a tremendous weight had been lifted off her chest. She was happy and she had a surprise coming to her from the one and only Rainbow Dash. She slid out from Dash’s wing and hopped on top of her shaking her to wake up.

“Rise and shine Rainbow Dash! Time to get up!” Rainbow stirred rolling over to look at the filly now resting on her belly.

“Too early! Go back to sleep Scootaloo!” Dash mumbled throwing her hooves over her eyes.

“Come on Dash wake up!” She tried again, but Rainbow didn't respond. She was obviously ignoring the filly. Scootaloo sat there for second upset, but then noticed she was sitting on Dash’s tummy. A mischievous grin appeared on her face. “Don’t want to wake up huh? Well.. let see if this will get you to wake up.” She lowered her hooves to Rainbows tummy and started to tickle her. Nothing at first, but she could've sworn she saw Dash’s wings twitch. She kept it up finally finding a particularly ticklish spot on the cyan mares tummy. Rainbows eyes shot open and she looked at Scootaloo. Her face contorted at first probably trying to hold back a laugh, but after a few minutes of tickling Dash finally broke out in laughter.

“Scootaloo hahaha! Come on! Stop I’m up okay.” Scootaloo stopped her assault and climbed off the mare and let Dash roll onto her stomach. “Well since I am up lets get your leg taken care of, then we’ll head off to Twilights. Go downstairs and wait for me on the couch will ya?”

“Okay Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo said and hopped off the bed making her way downstairs. Dash taking a moment to stretch, she hopped up off the bed and went downstairs; Then sat next to Scootaloo sitting the couch.

“How do your wings feel this morning Scootaloo?”

“The feel alright a little sore though.”

“Here let me take a look at them.” Scootaloo leaned over allowing Dash to look at the wing she had bandaged. “Well this one looks pretty good.” She poked it gently. “Does it still hurt?”

“Actually.. No it doesn’t. Is that good?”

“Very good. It means your wing is healing and the soreness is gone, but give it a few days to fully heal.”

“Okay. Well finish on my leg, I am excited to see what this surprise you have for me.”

“Okay then give me a second.” Rainbow pulled out the bag and slipped on a hoof glove. “Hold still Scootaloo. Your fur is growing back and I don’t want to pull on your skin when I remove the bandage.” Dash slowly peeled off the bandage and reached for the salve.

“Soo.. Dash.”

“Yeah Scootaloo?” Dash replied gently applying the salve to her wound.

“What’s the big surprise?” Dash finished with the salve and grabbed a fresh bandage and applied it to her wound.

“Oh no. You’ll see just be patient.” Scootaloo huffed.

“Oh fine.” she said a bit pouty. “You're no fun!” Rainbow laughed when she said that.

“Come on squirt lets head out.” Scootaloo nodded and hopped off the couch and followed Rainbow out of the house. “Hop on time's a wastin.”

“Okay.” Dash laid down and the young filly hopped on.

“Here we go!” Rainbow leaped off into the clouds heading for Twilight's library.


The two pegasus’s landed at Twilight’s library a few moments later Rainbow went up and knocked on the door. After a moment A familiar voice came from behind the door.

“I’m coming.” The door swung open and Spike was standing at the door. “Oh hiya you two! Twilight is waiting for you in the reading room. Rarity and Applejack are here too. Why don’t you two head on back.”

“Okay thanks Spike” Scootaloo and Dash waved to the dragon and made their way into the reading room.

“Howdy there Rainbow an’ Scootaloo, how ya’ll doin? Finally made up yer mind there did ya?”

“Heya Applejack, we are doing fine thanks, and yes I have. Did you get everything I need Twilight?” the lavender unicorn with her face buried in a book looked up and nodded.

“Yes Rainbow Dash Princess Celestia sent me the needed documents yesterday.” Scootaloo getting curious decided to speak up.

“Documents? What’s going on Dash?” Rainbow sat down to let the orange filly slide off her back. the she turned to face her and placed her hooves on Scootaloo’s shoulders.

“Something I’ve been thinking about for awhile now. Something I feel I am now ready to take on.” Scootaloo ears perked up and she raised an eyebrow.

“What are you talking about?” Dash took the document from Twilight and showed it to Scootaloo. The fillies jaw hung open.

“You, you want to...you want to adopt me?” Scootaloo started to breath heavily. She was unable to contain her joy. “B-but won’t I get in your way? I mean I’m just....” Scootaloo trailed off, she was about to call herself a useless waste of space like her past would make her believe but she stopped herself. “...Oh Thank you Rainbow! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!” Scootaloo said, she pounced on Rainbow giving her a large hug.

“Heh, no problem, Scoots.”

“Oh darling this is wonderful! Congratulations you two!

“Way ta go Dash! Ah knew ya had it in ya!”

“Rainbow Dash when you’re ready please sign the document, and I’ll send it off to Celestia to make it official.”

“Okay Twilight give me a second.” she turned to look as Scootaloo. “Now Scootaloo I know I really want this, but I want to know, is this what you want? I just want to make absolutely sure you’re happy with the choice you're about to make.” Scootaloo sat there looking at Rainbow Dash for a moment

“Are you kidding me Dash? Of course this is what I want! You don’t have to ask me twice!” Scootaloo said, she smiled, she was finally getting what she wanted, a loving home. A family she always wanted.

“Well okay then squirt. Welcome to the family!” Dash sighed the document and hoofed it to Twilight. She called Spike in and hoofed him the scroll. A flash of green fire and it was gone. “thanks for all the help girls I might of made a stupid mistake if you weren't here to help me.”

“Aww.. Mah pleasure Rainbow Dash.”

“Darling I’ll always be there if you need me. You only need to ask.”

“My door is always open Rainbow Dash if you ever need advice.” Just then a Spike burped and a scroll appeared. “I think thats for you Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah I think you’re right Twilight.” She went over and took the scroll and slid the seal off and read it.

“Congratulations Rainbow Dash. I Princess Celestia hereby announce you to be legal guardian of Scootaloo. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope you and Scootaloo grow and learn to love one another. ~Princess Celestia”

Scootaloo read the note over Rainbow’s shoulder. She smiled when she read it. Rainbow pulled Scootaloo around and hugged her tightly. Scootaloo returned the hug. She didn’t move, staying in Rainbow’s embrace, one could almost call it a sisterly bond.

Author's Note:

21,373 words (Or there about according to documents)... this is all fine and fun, but when you upload it from google documents, there are so many fragments its not even funny, after the initial upload, it took me another half an hour to actually check and move over all of the fragments from documents to fim...