• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 5,749 Views, 132 Comments

Rewrite: Sisterly Bonds - Secret_Shadows

Follow Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they discover their past and build a new future.

  • ...

Orange Memories Part I

Chapter Four
Orange Memories
Part One:
Old Wounds Cut Deep

Written By[
Enlistedpony & Secret_Shadows
Edited by avorin

Rainbow Dash woke the next morning to the sight of the sun shining in through her bedroom window, the previous night's storm now gone. She was about to get up, but then she felt something warm resting against her side. Taking a moment to remember last night she looked down to her side and saw what it was. A small orange filly nestled comfortably under her wing letting out quiet gentle snores. ‘Gosh she sure does look adorable.’ Rainbow thought as she smiled looking at the young pegasus laying alongside her. Next as if compelled by an unknown feeling, she absentmindedly began to gently rub the fillies mane causing her to scrunch up closer to the cyan mare. Rainbow losing herself in the moment let her emotions take over. She scooped Scootaloo tighter into her wing in a protective manner as if this filly were her own.

The orange filly fidgeted a little bit in the new embrace, she scrunched up her hind legs to get them under Rainbow’s wing. She then reached out with her fore legs and laid them over top of the wing gently pressing down on it trying to pull it more securely around her. “MMMmm.. Too early.” She said sleepily. Dash just smiled at the comment, but finally regaining her senses she knew she needed to get Scootaloo ready for school.

“Come on Scoot, time to get up. We need to get you ready for school.” She said and started to nudge the filly. After a few moments of nudging Scootaloo finally stirred and looked up at Rainbow Dash with sleepy eyes.

“Aww.. Just a couple more minutes Dash?” She pleaded, her eyes slowly closing again. Dash smiled.

“Ok squirt, I’ll give ya thirty more minutes, then you need to get up okay?” The filly put on a happy sleepy face and curled up next to her getting herself comfortable.

“Thanks Dash, you’re the best!” She then laid her head back down along Rainbows side and drifted off to sleep. A happy look on her face.

“Heh.. No problem Scoot. And yeah, I am the best aren’t I?” She said then laid her head down on her pillow letting herself drift off to sleep. A couple hours later though, Dash shot her head up.

“Horseapples! Get up Scootaloo!” Dash flung the filly up from under her wing. Scoot flopping down on her back on the bed.

“Wha... huh?” She said rubbing her eyes.

“You’re gonna be late for school Scootaloo!”

“Oh no!” She quickly shrugged off her sleepiness and got up off the bed. “I’m up! I’m up!” She said and looked at the clock, she then let out a displeased sigh. “Dash..”

“What is it Scootaloo?”

“I don’t have to be in school for couple hours.” Dash looked at the clock herself and noticed the filly was right.

“ Heh.. Sorry squirt.” She rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. “I let us sleep in a little late. Anyway, now that you're up, lets get you ready for school.” She got up off the bed and stretched then let out a yawn and opened her wings fanning them out, and then wiggled them a bit. “Ahhh.. Thats better. I’m gonna go freshen up Scoot, you need to too.” The filly cocked an eyebrow in question.

“Freshen up? Like take a bath or something?” Dash looked back to the filly with a confused look on her face as if she didn’t really understand what she ment.

“Well yeah...” She said sarcastically. “You need to get ready for school and being clean is a good idea. Don’t need you smelling like a sweaty little filly walking into school. Come on, you first.” Scootaloo groaned and threw her hooves in the air in protest.

“Aww come on! Really Dash? Do I have to?” Dash gave Scootaloo a displeased look and walked back over to her.

“Yes you do. Don’t make me have to sit there and make sure you take one.” Scootaloo backed off reluctantly. “Ohh no you don’t” Dash said and grabbed a hold of the her tail and dragged the filly into the bathroom, Scootaloo kicking and screaming on the way.

“Dash come on! I don’t wanna!” The filly said as she was dragged into the bathroom. Dash spit her tail out and closed the door locking it.

“Ok squirt the only way you’re getting out of here is after you take a bath!” Rainbow went over to the tub and began to run some warm water letting the tub fill up. She then returned to the young filly sitting down with her forelegs crossed pouting. “Come on Scoot, don’t be so glum. I’ll get the fun bubble bath soap.” Dash floated up to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle with a picture of bubbles on it. “Ah ha! Here we go!” She said and floated back down to the tub filling it with the bubbly soap. She then set the bottle down on the side of the tub. Scootaloo remained in her pouty posture still sitting on the floor, her hooves crossed.

“I don’t wanna Dash!” Rainbow was now losing her patience, she walked up to Scootaloo.

“Okay no more games, time to take a bath!” She hovered over to Scootaloo and scooped her up in her hooves and made her way over to the tub, Scootaloo flailing her appendages as the two floated in the air.

“Dash, come on! Put me down! I don’t wanna take a bath!” Scootaloo protested, but to no avail she was getting closer to the tub. Once they made it over Dash tried to place Scootaloo in, but she spread her legs out and placed them on the sides of the tub knocking the bottle of soap to the floor spilling it.

“Come on Squirt don’t fight it, I am only trying to help you.” Dash said pushing on the fillies back, but seeing as how this was getting her nowhere, she next tried to lift the filly up and lower her in. However, she made a fatal mistake. Instead of trying to hover up a bit higher and raise Scootaloo up then try to lower her back in. She tried to stand up on her hind legs using the side of the tub for support and pick the filly up that way to try lowering her in. This was a bad idea because as soon as she landed, her hoof came in contact with the soap that had been spilled on the floor and she slipped. “Horseapples!” Was the only thing she was able to say before falling head first into the tub. Scootaloo then hopped off the side of the tub and fell down on the floor laughing.

“Ahahaha..Have a nice trip Rainbow Dash?” The filly said laughing hysterically. Dash meanwhile has just popped her head up from under the water and bubbles. her forelock drenched and matted over her face, she had a displeased look on it.

Dash then let out a huff rolling her eyes. “Oh ha ha.. Laugh it up.” Dash remarked. Scootaloo meanwhile had totally ignored the comment as she was still caught up in her laughter, but what she also didn’t notice was a pair of hooves slip around her until it was too late. *Splash!* Is what had happened after Rainbow had let go of her and let the filly drop into the water. A moment later Scootaloo emerged on the surface. “Decided to drop in eh Scootaloo?” Dash said sarcastically bursting into laughter. Scootaloo instead of getting upset, she started laughing alongside Rainbow Dash.

“Ahahaha! Good one Dash! Ya got me!” She happily replied splashing a bit of water at the cyan mare.

“Hey! Who’s the one supposed to be taking a bath here?” Dash said returning the splash back to the filly. The two splashing and giggling enjoying each other company as if they were two of the same. After a few minutes of playful splash fighting Dash held up a hoof signaling to Scootaloo she was finished. “Okay Scootaloo, time to get cleaned up playtime’s over...even though I really enjoyed it, we need to get you ready for school.” Dash hopped out of the tub and shook herself vigorously splashing water everywhere. Scootaloo threw her hooves up over her face as a reflex to the water being tossed her way.

“Lets get you cleaned up Scoot.” Dash said making her way over to the tub. She started to help scrub and brush the filly clean then helped her out of the tub. Scootaloo mimicked Dash’s style of drying herself off by shaking herself vigorously splashing water everywhere. She blushed embarrassed as she saw the now drenched face of Rainbow Dash looking back at her. “Thanks Scoot.”

“Hehe.. Oops.” She said shyly rubbing a hoof to the back of her neck. “Sorry Dash.” Rainbow waved her off and walked over to a cabinet to get a towel to dry herself off.

“Brush your teeth Scootaloo, then meet me in the living room so I can put a fresh bandage on your leg.” Scoot walked over to the sink and was about to brush her teeth, but remembered this was not her home.

“Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah Scootaloo? She said turning back to look at her.

“I don’t have a tooth brush here.”

“Thats ok, you can use mine.” She walked back over to Scootaloo and reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out hers. “Here you go, don’t forget to wash it off after you’re done and put it back in the cabinet.” Scootaloo nodded and began to brush her teeth. “When you’re done meet me down stairs.”

“Okay Rainbow Dash” She replied and returned to brushing. Dash left and made her way downstairs to wait for Scootaloo. A few moments later Scootaloo walked down the stairs and over to the couch flopping down onto it. “Hows it look today Dash?” She wondered getting comfortable on the couch. Rainbow leaned over to inspect it

“Hmmm...Looking good Scoot. I am no doctor, but a few more days and I think we can go back to the hospital to get the stitches removed.” She pulled the bag out from under the table “Hold still and I’ll have this patched up in ten seconds flat!” She proclaimed slipping on a hoof glove then reaching for the salve.

“Rainbow Dash.”

“What is it Scootaloo?” She asked lightly dabbing the salve on the wound.

“I need to go to the treehouse and get my stuff.”

“Can’t you get it after school?” She replied applying a new bandage.

“No Dash, my school stuff is there along with my scooter, and I want to get that.” Dash finished up and slipped the bag back under the table and the filly hopped up off the couch.

“Okay Scoot then why don’t we drop in on Applejack and then pick up your stuff, cause I don’t really feel like making breakfast this morning.”

“Alright that sounds good to me Dash.” The filly replied snickering a bit. “Not the homemaker type eh Dash?” Rainbow lowered her eyebrows and gave her a displeased look.

“Pfft.. Whatever.” She said rolling her eyes, “Come on, lets go.” She said making her way to the door the filly following. After a brief flight through the cool morning sky, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo landed at the the gates of Sweet Apple Acres.


Rainbow Dash walked up to the door of the Apple home and knocked, a few moments later a red stallion opened the door.

“Howdy Rainbow Dash.” Big Macintosh said and smiled at the cyan mare. “What brings ya’ll down ta mah farm this mornin’?” He then noticed Scootaloo on the pegasus back. “Oh howdy Scootaloo Ah didn’t see ya, how ya doing?”

“Heya Big Mac, we are doing good, just coming to get my stuff from the treehouse.”

“Is Applejack here?” Asked Dash. Big Mac nodded and pointed up stairs.

“Eyup, She’s upstairs gettin’ Applebloom ready fer school. Why don’tcha go up and say hello?” He then headed for the door. “Ah gotta be gettin’ ta work, so Ah’ll see yalls two later.”

“Okay thanks Big Mac, see you later!” Dash then waved goodbye to Big Mac as he walked out the door. The two pegasus's then made their way up the stairs to Applejacks room. Once they got there Dash knocked on her door.

“Come on in it’s open.” Came the reply from behind the door. Rainbow opened the door to see Applejack sitting on her bed talking with Applebloom. “Hey ya’ll two what brings yall down ta mah farm this mornin’.”

“Hello Applejack, we stopped by to pick up some stuff from the treehouse,” Dash said. “And heh.. Possibly some of your tasty apple pancakes.” The farm pony just smiled and got up off the bed and made her way over to Rainbow.

“Still havin’ trouble cookin stuff Ah gather?” Dash nodded.

“Yeah a bit, but I’m getting better.”

“You cooked that fish we had the other night for dinner pretty well Rainbow Dash. I really enjoyed it.” Scootaloo added. Rainbow smiled and nudged the filly with a wing.

“Thanks Scoot.”

“Well.. Hows about we head on downstairs and Ah’ll fix us up somthin’ ta eat.” They all smiled and then made their way downstairs to the kitchen. Dash and Scootaloo sitting next to each other, Applebloom sitting across the table watching her sister set up for breakfast.

“Hey Scootaloo.” Applebloom said. “Ya hear there is some special Cheerilee wanted ta speak wit us about today.” The young pegasus ears perked up at the comment

“Oh? What about?” Applebloom shrugged.

“Ah dunno Scootaloo, but we’re gonna find out thats fer sure. Also, Ah was gonna head over ta meet Sweetie Belle on the way ta school. Want ta come wit me?”

“Yeah that sounds great,” She looked over to Rainbow Dash. “You don’t mind if I head to school with my friends do you Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow resting her head on her hoof she was just staring out the window thinking to herself. She broke her thoughts when she felt a hoof tapping on her shoulder, “Dash is that ok?” The filly repeated herself. Dash turned to look at her.

“Hmm? Wha.. What? Oh... Sure thats fine, I’ll just sit here and chat with Applejack, then I’ll meet up with you later. Sound good?” She turned back to gazing out the window.

“Yeah Dash thats fine with me. Also, Applebloom, I need to go out to the treehouse and grab my stuff first. Then we can head over to meet Sweetie Belle. ”

“Okay Scootaloo, we can head out ta get yer things after we're done here.” Applejack around this time was in the process of mixing the batter for the pancakes.

“How many ya want Rainbow Dash?” Asked Applejack.

“I’ll take four Applejack.” Dash said afterwards returning to her thoughts.

“What about y'all two?”

“Ah’ll take two Sis.” Applebloom replied.

“Same here Applejack, I am not very hungry.” Scootaloo said. Applejack smiled and nodded and returned to her cooking.

“Okay ya’ll, give me a couple minutes and Ah’ll whip ya up yer breakfast. Applebloom can ya get our guests somethin’ ta drink please.” Applebloom smiled and nodded hopping down from her seat and walking over to the fridge.

“What can Ah get fer ya’ll two?” She asked.

“Orange juice for me please.” Said Scootaloo.

“What would ya like Rainbow Dash?” Applebloom asked, but Dash was lost in her thought, so the yellow filly walked over and tapped on her shoulder. “Rainbow Dash, Ya there?” Scootaloo gave Dash a nudge with her hoof.

“Hey Dash! Applebloom is asking you what you want to drink.” Dash shook her head clearing her thoughts.

“Oh.. Heh, heh.. Sorry Applebloom, I got lost in my thoughts there for a second.” Applejack raising an eyebrow at the comment, but kept to her cooking. “I’ll take some apple juice please.” She said and then resumed her thinking session. Applebloom nodded and walked over to the fridge and pulled out some orange juice and apple juice then walked over to the cupboard, but she was too short to get the glasses.

“Applejack, could ya get me a couple of cups down from the cupboard please? Ah can’t reach em.” Applejack looked over to her sister.

“Kinda busy at the moment Applebloom. Why don'tcha ask Dash or Scootaloo.” The yellow filly nodded and walked back to the table.

“Heya Scootaloo, could ya give me a hoof? Ah needs ya ta get me a couple cups down from the cupboard.” She then pointed to the one that had the cups in it. Scootaloo smiled and got up.

“No sweat Applebloom! Dash has been teaching me how to hover, give me a second.” The orange filly hopped up from her seat and trotted over to the counter by the cupboard. “Okay here goes!” She said and unfurled her wings making a wincing sound when she did. Dash as if she now had an orange filly in pain sensor broke from her thoughts and looked over at Scootaloo trying to stretch out her wings.

“You alright Scoot?” Dash sat up to see what she was doing.

“I’m fine Dash, just stretching my wings.” She winced again once she got them fully extended. “Uhh.. Heh yeah, I guess it hurts a little bit.” She started to flap her wings taking from Rainbows teaching letting in a breath and flapping up exhaling and flapping down. Getting a smooth rhythm she gently lifted off and slowly floated up to the cupboard.

“Thats pretty good Scootaloo, Ah could remember only seein’ ya push yerself round on ya scooter before. Seem’s Dash’s teachin is payin off pretty good!”

“Of course its working!” Dash cut in, “What better pony to teach her then me!” She proclaimed. Applejack just rolled her eyes at the remark.

“Ah could think of a lot of ponies Dash.” Applejack chuckled. Dash gave the farm pony a displeased look raising an eyebrow.

“What’s thats supposed to mean Applejack?” The country pony just laughed and returned to her cooking.

“Nothing Rainbow, Ah’m just teasing ya. Ah think ya would be the perfect pony ta show Scootaloo here how ta fly.”

“But I am the best flier in all of Equestria! Who better to teach Scoots? Right? Right?” The only response Rainbow got was the laughing of the others. She blushed in embarrassment.

“Nopony here is doubting yer abilities ta fly Dash, we are doubting yer ability ta take ah joke.” The orange farm pony said. “Anyway, Breakfast is ready!” Applejack brought the food over to the table and set it down in the center. She passed four pancakes to Rainbow Dash, two to Applebloom and Scootaloo and the last remaining ones to herself. Scootaloo at this time finally got the cups out and set them on the counter for Applebloom and landed, wincing as she folded up her wings. Dash now getting concerned by this, got up and walked over to the young pegasus.

“Scootaloo we should really get that checked, I don’t want to see it get any worse.” And she started to look over Scoots wings causing the filly to get embarrassed. She looked away blushing. The two earth ponies giggling at Scootaloo being bashful.

“Awww Dash, Don’t do that here. Come on, you’re embarrassing me.” She said shyly.

Rainbow ignored the comment as she trotted over to Scootaloo. She inspected the fillies wings, even going to the point of lifting one of them up to look at it. Scootaloo just stood there and blushed before she snapped her wings to her side and stepped back.

“R-rainbow, s-stop.”

“What? Would you rather I let it get worse, if I don’t-” Rainbow stopped when she realized exactly what she had just been doing. “Oh....” She stepped back. “Sorry, I....I wasn’t thinking, I was more concerned about your injury...I, I didn’t mean to-” Scootaloo just looked up at Dash with pleading eyes, turning away shyly keeping her wings tight to her sides. Rainbow had now realized she had gone too far seeing the expression on the fillies face, inadvertently she had crossed the line, in interest of Scootaloo’s health of course, but it was still a violation.

“Scoots, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you, can you forgive me?” The filly looked up to Dash and gave her a weak smile.

“Dash.. I..I need a few minutes.” She looked away, her eyes starting to tear up. “Alone.” She walked out into the living room. Applejack walked over to Dash and gave her a displeased upset look.

“Applebloom, go see how Scootaloo is doin. Now.” The last part she said a bit sternly. Applebloom didn’t voice protest, she simply nodded and went out to the living room, leaving the two mares in the kitchen. “Dash what in tarnation were ya thinkin? What ya did ta Scootaloo was wrong.” Dash simply held her head down and pawed at the floor. “Scootaloo trusted ya Dash, and ya went and done broke that trust.” Applejack leaned back against the counter and crossed her forelegs. “Now Ah know ya didn’t mean ta do it Dash, but ya need ta learn that sometimes certain things are better left ta being done in private.” Rainbow looked back to her wings and Applejack nodded. “Ah think ya know what needs ta be done Rainbow Dash.” Applejack got back down on all fours and went over to the living room door and stuck her head in it. A minute later Applebloom emerged from the living room and went to sit at the table.

“She’s calmed down now Applejack.” She looked over to Rainbow Dash. “Go talk to her Rainbow Dash, Ah think she’s ready ta listen.” Dash nodded and sighed walking over to the living room door. She opened it and saw the young pegasus resting on the couch looking out the window. She walked over to the couch and sat down on it and looked down tapping her hooves together. A silence went over the two for a few moments until Dash finally got the courage to speak up.



“I...I’m sorry for embarrassing you, I should've known what I was doing to you was being done at the wrong time. I just kinda well..” She looked back to her hooves tapping together then a moment later back to the filly. “I broke your trust and I’m sorry. I.. I was just concerned for your well being that's all.” The two again sat in silence for a few moments until she was about to speak up, but she then felt a presence at her side. The filly had leaned up against the side of her. Rainbow was about to speak up, but Scootaloo spoke first.

“Dash you don’t have to be sorry. I forgive you,” She looked away embarrassed for a second. then rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. “I may of overreacted myself a bit, but next time, try not to embarrass me in front of my friends okay?” She looked up at dash and smiled. Rainbow felt better now knowing the filly had forgiven her.

“Thanks Scoot. Now, what say we go get something to eat?” The filly nodded and got up off the couch and the two made their way back into the kitchen. Applejack looked at the two and seeing them together she smiled.

“Patched things up Ah take it?” Dash smiled and draped her wing over the filly.

“Yup and a lesson learned.” Scootaloo flinched when the wing touched her back, but the feeling passed quickly, replaced with a feeling of security. The only other time Dash had placed a wing over her was when she was having nightmares and couldn’t sleep. She relaxed herself and leaned against Dash closing her eyes for a moment.

“Awww.. ya’ll two look so cute standing there like that. If Ah didn’t know ya’ll two any better, Ah would thought y'all were sisters er something.” The two pegasus’s looked at one another then after a moment of silence they laughed.

“Ha! Thats a good one Applejack.” Dash said lifting her wing off the filly and then going to sit at the table Applebloom walked up and hoofed Rainbow her glass of apple juice.

“Heres ya drink Rainbow Dash.” She looked at Scootaloo standing in a daze. “Ya gonna come eat Scootaloo?” Scootaloo shook off her daze and walked over to the table and sat down. “Here ya go Scootaloo, yer drink.” She hoofed her a glass of orange juice.

“Thanks Applebloom.” The four sat in silence for a few minutes eating their breakfast until Dash spoke up.

“Applejack, mind if I come help you this morning?” Applejack almost choked on her food at this comment.

“What!? Ah never would've thought ya would offer up yer hoof ta help me. What's gotten in ta ya Dash?” Rainbow looked up from her food and raised an eyebrow.

“Nothings gotten into me AJ, I just thought you could use some help. And who better to help you then the one and only Rainbow Dash!” She proclaimed. The country pony just stared at the cyan pegasus, resting her head on a hoof.

“Uh huh, sure ya are.” She shrugged, “Well.. Ah have no problems wit ya helpin’ me Dash, but lets get these fillies off ta school first okay?”

“Sounds good.” Rainbow replied.

“Me and Applebloom are gonna head over to the treehouse first ok?” Scootaloo added. The two mares nodded. “Well I’m full,” The filly pushed away her plate. “Ready to go Applebloom?” Scootaloo said getting up from the table.

“Yup, give me a second ta finish up and we can go get ya stuff.” The yellow filly wolfed down the last of her food and let out a satisfying burp. “Oops tehehe.. Pardon me.” Applejack just laughed.

“Hah! That was a good one Applebloom. Ah guess mah cookin filled ya up good.” Applebloom smiled at her sister.

“Sure did!” She chirped then got down from her seat and made her way over to Scootaloo. “We are gonna head over ta the treehouse now okay Sis?” Applejack nodded and got up from the her table herself.

“Okay, but don’t be late fer school now ya hear?” Applebloom smiled and nodded to her sister.

“Don’tcha worry none, we’ll get there on time.” She said, after that Scootaloo and Applebloom made their way out headed off to the treehouse. A few moments later a knock came from the door. Applejack walked over to open it, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were standing there waving hello.

“Why hello Applejack how are you doing this fine morning.” Applejack smiled and tipped her hat to the white unicorn.

“Doin fine thanks. gettin’ ready ta get some applebuckin done.” Sweetie Belle walked up between the two mares.

“Hello Applejack, is Applebloom here?

“Ya just missed her Sweetie Belle, but if ya hurry, ya should be able ta catch up wit them.”

“Where did they go?” The unicorn filly asked.

“Off ta the treehouse ya three fillies hang out in. They just left, so ya should be able ta catch up wit em.” Sweetie Belle nodded and raced out the door shooting past her sister spinning her like a top. Rarity came to a stop a second later with her hair all frizzed. She shrieked and held a hoof to her mouth.

“Ahh! My hair!” She was about to pass out and fall onto the ground, but just then her horn lit up, and a comfy sofa appeared out of nowhere. She landed on it throwing a foreleg over her face. Rainbow Dash and Applejack watching the site simply gave the white unicorn a flat stare then thought to themselves.

‘Pfft.. Drama queen.’ They then looked at each other, raised a hoof and shrugged.


Meanwhile Sweetie Belle had finally caught up to Applebloom and Scootaloo.

“Hey, wait up!” She said trying to catching her breath. The two fillies stopped just outside the treehouse and turned to look.

“Well howdy Sweetie Belle, where ya been?

“Yeah, we have been wondering where you were.” Scootaloo added. The unicorn filly walked up to Scootaloo and set a hoof to her shoulder stopping to catch her breath.

“I.. hah.. I got up a little late this morning. Sorry.” She said setting her hoof back down on the ground. “What are we doing out here?” She asked. Scootaloo walked up the ramp into the treehouse.

“I need to get my things.” She walked over to the podium and grabbed her bag slipping it on her back then she got her scooter and made her way out to the two fillies. She then stood on her scooter and flapped her wings propelling herself forward a bit. “Ahh much better. anyways lets head out girls!” Applebloom pulled up a cart and her and Sweetie Belle hopped in.

“Okay Scootaloo, We’re ready ta go. Applebloom said. Scootaloo nodded and put her helmet on, then she flapped her wings and the three sped off towards the school house. After a few moments of silence Applebloom decided to speak up.

“So Scootaloo.”

“Yes Applebloom?” Applebloom fidgeted some tapping her hooves together.

“Well... Ah was wonderin’ how ya was doin’ now that ya are livin with Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo just shrugged.

“Fine I guess.. She takes good care of me, changing my bandage and stuff.” Applebloom looked away shyly.

“Mah sister said that the reason ya was stayin wit Rainbow Dash was because ya didn’t know who ya parents were.” Scootaloo looked down slowing up a bit.

“Did she now..”

“Yeah, but thats also the reason mah sister thinks Rainbow Dash came down ta see her this morning too.” Scootaloo perked up at this comment.

“Really? What for?” Applebloom shook her head.

“Ah dunno, but she mentioned something about Rainbow Dash probably wantin’ ta take on more responsibility or somethin.” Applebloom looked over to Sweetie Belle. “Did Rarity mention any of this ta ya Sweetie Belle?” The unicorn filly just shook her head.

“Not really, but she did say she thought Rainbow Dash has acted a lot differently ever since she started taking care of Scootaloo. Its the reason we came to Applejacks farm this morning too.” Scootaloo raising an eyebrow when she said that. “My sister wanted to talk with Applejack about something. She didn’t say, but I heard her say something about Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash and how they got along so well.” Scootaloo then resumed her pace.

“Hmm.. Thats interesting. I wonder what they are all talking about right now.”

“Dunno Scootaloo, but Ah think we can ask them after school.” Applebloom added. Scootaloo shook her head and continued onward.

“Well... Let me talk to Rainbow Dash about it, maybe she knows what's going on.” Scootaloo returned. For the rest of the trip the three just talked about random ways to get their marks. They pulled up to the school house a few moments later, oddly though the doors were closed. A gathering of random ponies and their kids were strewn about the front schoolyard. Cherrilee was seen in the distance by the doors passing out fliers. ‘I wonder what's going on here’ Scootaloo though hopping off her scooter. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle hopped out of the cart and made their way through the crowd going to see what is going on. They returned to Scootaloo a moment later with some fliers in their mouths. Applebloom took hers out of her mouth and put it in the cart. She then turned to look at Scootaloo.

“Ya need ta go get one too Scootaloo.” Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.

“Why? What is it about?” Applebloom just looked away scuffing the ground.

“Ah’ll let ya find out what it is.”

“Umm.. Okay.” She said and proceed to make her way through the crowd to Cheerilee.

“Hello Cheerilee, what's going on?” She looked around various tables were set up they were full of papers and forms, stuff Scootaloo has never seen before.

“Parent teacher conferences all this week Scootaloo.” Cheerilee said and hoofed her a flier. “No school during the conferences, but I need to speak with your parents.” Scootaloo just stared at the school teacher for a moment before Cheerilee spoke up. “Scootaloo are you okay? You look like something has scared you.” The filly shook her head and waved a hoof to her teacher.

“No.. no. Nothing is wrong.” She said timidly. “I need to umm..er.. Go talk to my parents.. Yeah thats right. See ya later Cheerilee!” She said and ran off in a hurry to get back to her scooter and her friends. “I...I need to go talk to Dash, like right now girls.” The two knowing why simply nodded.

“Ok lets go Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle said and hopped into the cart

“Ah’m coming too!” Applebloom added and hopped in to. Scootaloo hopped on to her scooter and took off back towards Sweet Apple Acres with the two fillies in tow.


Okay Rainbow Dash, Ah want ya ta position the buckets around the trees and Ah’ll buck the apples into em got it?”

“I got ya Applejack, no sweat!” Dash said and zipped over to the barn and brought a few buckets back and set them around the tree. “Go for it AJ! Buck them apples.” Applejack nodded and reared up on her front legs and gave a mighty buck, A second later all the shiny red orbs fell from the tree most landing into the buckets.

“Help me pick up the apples that didn’t land in the buckets Dash.” The farm pony asked. Dash nodded and walked over to pick up some of the apples. Applejack after a few moments decided to ask a question. “Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah Applejack?” Dash replied dropping a few apples into a bucket then turning back to get another.

“Why did ya come down ta mah farm this mornin’? Ah know it wasn’t just fer breakfast.” Dash froze and then slowly turned back to face the country mare.

“I...Umm..” She turned away shyly kicking at the ground. “Well It’s about Scootaloo.” Applejack stopped her bucking and walked over to the pegasus.

“Ah kinda figured that.” Rarity now walking up to join the conversation.

“What about her darling?” Rainbow got a little nervous.

“Well.. You girls all know I have been taking care of her and giving her a place to stay.”

“Yes we know that, and we’re all proud of you for taking care of her seeing as how she doesn’t seem to want to talk about her parents and has no place to stay.” Dash nodded and let out a breath.

“Well.. I kinda wanted your opinion on something I have been thinking about doing.”

“Adoption.” Applejack said flatly. “Is that what ya are thinkin about Rainbow Dash?” Applejack stated. The pegasus nodding nervously while sitting down tapping her hooves together. Rarity walked over to Rainbow Dash and gave her a hug.

“Darling thats wonderful! I knew eventually you would want to do this.” But Rainbow kept her head down.

“Its just..” She turned away timidly. Rarity let go of her hug and held Rainbow Dash with her outstretched forelegs.

“You’re scared is that it?” Dash nodded again.

“Well Ah gotta say this right now Rainbow Dash,” Applejack was now talking in a serious tone. “Caring for a filly is a major undertaking.” Rarity looking at Dash and nodding. “You gonna have ta take on a lot more responsibility then ya been doin now.” Dash looked up at Applejack a bit nervous.


“Well you’re not gonna be sleeping around on clouds or in mah trees much anymore thats fer sure.”

“Shes right Rainbow Dash, what you have been doing up to this point is all good, but actual adoption is a life changing event. Are you sure you’re ready for this dear?” Rainbow Dash just sat there staring at Rarity. She was thinking, was she really ready for this? The two mares words had hit her hard. One one hoof, she really wanted to continue taking care of Scootaloo. Having the filly in her home, and whenever she smiled at her, would give her a warm feeling inside her. A feeling she had forgotten for a long time. A feeling she so desperately now wanted again, but was afraid, even scared to show. But, on the other hoof, adoption was a very big deal. Accepting a responsibility such as this would change her life as she knew it, forever. And what of the Wonderbolts? How could she possibly follow her lifelong dream of joining the elite members of the Wonderbolts if she had to take care of Scootaloo?

For a few moments Rainbow Dash fought with her inner thoughts before a hoof tapping on her shoulder finally snapped her back to reality. “Huh? wha-what?” Rarity was shaking and tapping on Rainbows shoulders trying to get a response out of her.

“Rainbow Dash? Are you there? Hello?” Dash swatted the white unicorns hooves away.

“Yeah, yeah.. I am here Rarity. Jeeze! You don’t need to shake me to pieces.” Dash said holding her hooves to her temples rubbing them trying shake off the headache brought on by the intense thinking.

“Well Rainbow Dash, have ya figured out if ya want this or not?” Applejack asked. Rainbow looked over to her then back down to her hooves now tapping together again.

“I...I Umm.. Well.. Now that you mention it, I don’t know now. Its a very big deal for me, and I guess I might not have thought it through completely. I think I may need some more time to think about it.” Applejack walked over to Dash and rested a hoof on her shoulder.

“It’s alright ta be scared sugarcube, but don’t let it sway ya decision though. That filly looks up ta ya, and she trusts ya too. Thats a gift few are given.” She smiled at Rainbow. “And Ah’ve seen how yall and Scootaloo look at each other, and what ya did fer her, tossin ya wing over her back and pulling her close.” Dash blushed and looked away shyly, that warm feeling returning again. “Did ya see how she relaxed and leaned in ta ya when ya did it?” Dash shook her head.

“No I didn’t notice. What I did there was kinda done well... Absentmindedly.” Applejack shook her head and held up a hoof.

“No Rainbow Dash, it was not done absentmindedly.” She pulled Dash into a hug. “It was yer feelings,” She placed a hoof to Rainbows chest. “It’s yer heart talkin ta ya Dash.” Rainbow got a bit misty eyed. “And Ah think it’s about time ya should be listenin ta it.”

“I...I” She couldn’t think of what to say. Her feelings wanting to break through and embrace the filly and never let go, but the wall she had built up for so many years was strong, and she was still unsure of what she still truly wanted. Applejack looked into Rainbow Dash’s eyes and could see the struggle going on within them. She decided it was best to ease her into this decision, instead of just pushing her over the edge.

“How about we go see Twilight Rainbow Dash?” Dash looked up at Applejack confused.

“Twilight.. But why?” Rarity decided to add to the conversation.

“Darling, If you do decide you want to do this, We will need the Princess to send us the needed documents to make sure everything is all legal and correct.” Applejack looked and Rarity and nodded then looked back to Dash.

“And thats why we will need Twilight sugarcube.”

Dash nodded and stood up.

“Well should we head out then?” The three mares were about to head out, but just then Scootaloo came flying down the road with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle in tow. Scootaloo stopped a few feet from Rainbow Dash dropped her scooter and tossed off her helmet.

“Rainbow Dash! I need to talk to you now!” Scootaloo said rushing over to her.

“Woah now Scoot, what's the problem?” Scootaloo stopped by Dash and flopped down in front of her trying to catch her breath. “Also, what are you doing here Scootaloo? Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”

“Parent teacher conferences Rainbow Dash” Rarity said reading the flier Sweetie Belle hoofed to her.

‘Oh no.’ Dash thought to herself. Scootaloo finally regaining her breath looked up to Dash.

“Dash I..I need a BIG favor from you.” Rainbow already know what the filly was going to ask.

“Umm Scootaloo, you do realize I am not your parent right? I mean sure we got away with it at the hospital, but this is totally different.”

“Dash you gotta help me, please!” Scootaloo pleaded putting her hooves together. Dash gave in and sighed.

“Alright, I’ll help, sheesh calm down there Scoot.” Scootaloo jumped up happy that Dash would help her. She leaped over to the cyan mare and hugged her. Rainbow just stood there shocked.

“Oh.. Thank you! Thank you! Rainbow Dash! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you doing this for me.” Dash smiled and patted the filly on her head, and slipped a foreleg around Scootaloo's back.

“Don’t worry Squirt, I won’t leave ya hanging.” Again that feeling rising inside her, but this time she knew what it was. It was her heart trying to reach out and comfort the young filly, and once again as if controlled by her feelings alone, she squeezed Scootaloo into her, holding on not wanting to let go. Scootaloo herself feeling that feeling of security when Rainbow was holding her like the way she was. She simply relaxed, and rested her head on Rainbows chest.

“Thank you Rainbow Dash, you don’t know how much this means to me.” She closed her eyes and let the moment take her away. Rarity, Applejack and Scootaloo’s two friends all smiling at the warm scene.

“Awww! Thats so cute! ya’ll two look so happy standing there like that.” Applebloom said, Holding on to Sweetie Belle. The unicorn filly simply smiling at the two. Applejack just leaned back against a tree and smiled.

“Way ta go Dash. Ah knew ya had it in ya.”

“Darling I am soo happy for you two!” Rarity said smiling. Rainbow let the filly go and Scootaloo stood back on her hooves.

“So we ready to go see Twilight?” Scootaloo looked back to Dash.

“Twilight? For what Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow smiled at the filly and ruffled her mane.

“Something I’ve been wanting to do for a few days now.” Scootaloo sat there thinking

‘I wonder what Rainbow Dash is talking about.’ She shrugged it off ‘Oh well, guess I’ll find out soon enough.’ She made her way over to her scooter and picked it up and was about to take off on her scooter, but when she tried to open her wings it happened. “Ow! Ow! Ow! It hurts!” She immediately snapped her wings closed taking in a breath of relief, but a throbbing pain still persisted. Dash instantly ran over to Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo! Are you alright? Please tell me what hurts. It’s not your wings again is it?” Scootaloo nodded. “Okay sorry girls what we had planned will have to wait.” The two mares nodded knowing why. “Scootaloo hop on.” Rainbow laid down. “No but’s its time.” Scootaloo walked over and got on Rainbow Dash’s back and looked at her nervously.

“Rainbow Dash” She said nervously. “Please be gentle with me. I’m a little scared.” She knew what was about to happen. Dash looked stood up and looked back on at Scootaloo.

“Don’t worry Scootaloo, I would never do anything to hurt you trust me.” Scootaloo instantly felt better that Dash was going to be as gentle as possible, but she was still nervous.

“I trust you Dash, lets go” Dash waved goodbye to the three unfurled her wings and lept into the sky shooting off towards her cloud home.

When Rainbow Dash landed at her cloud home she sat down allow Scootaloo to slide off her back. “Go up stairs and get on the bed Scootaloo I need to get some ice and I’ll be right up.” Scootaloo nodded and made her way up stairs and hopped on the bed waiting for Dash to arrive. A few moments later Dash arrived with a bucket full of ice and some towels. The filly nervously looked over the stuff Dash had set down on her nightstand.

“What’s all this stuff for Rainbow?” Dash go up on the bed and sat next to Scootaloo laying the towels down.

“Okay time for me to explain what’s gonna happen Scoot.” She got off the bed and walked over to her nightstand. “First scoot I need to get your wings to extend to their most outward extension, and thats what the ice is for.” She got a towel and place some ice in it and wrapped it up. “Lay on your tummy Scootaloo, also take this.” She hoofed her a piece of cork.

“What’s this for Dash?”

“Well I am not going to lie to you Scootaloo. You let your wings go far to long without preening and the old feathers are hindering the new ones from forming. So, I will have to pluck them out and it will hurt.” Scootaloo started to shake nervously “So thats with the cork is for, so you can bite down on it okay?” Scootaloo nodded and set the cork down in front of her. “Are you ready Scoot?”

“Y-yeah D-dash... Please be careful.” She laid her head down and put her hooves over it. Dash smiled and rubbed the fillie back for a moment.

“There, there Scootaloo I’ll try my best to not cause you much pain.” She then laid the ice filled towel down on Scootaloo’s back. It took a few moments for the ice’s cold feeling to make its way through the towel, but finally Scootaloo could start to feel it. She shivered for a second at the feeling as her wings started to extend. The filly picked up the cork and bit down on to it, the pain of her wings opening up and was rather intense. She closed her eyes and scrunched her face shedding a tear.

“I...It H-h-hurts D-d-Dash.” She said, her eyes starting to leak tears. Dash rubbed her head trying to comfort her.

“I know Scootaloo, and I’m very sorry, its just going to be a bit longer, hold in there, you can do it.” Finally after a few moments Scootaloo’s wings hit their full extension. “Ok let me look them over Scoot.” Rainbow got up on the bed and laid down next to scoot and started to go over the feathers lining the outermost part of her wing tip. These feathers unfortunately happen to be the most sensitive ones too. Going down a line of primaries she spotted a feather looking particularly irritated. “Ready Scoot?” The filly nodded. Dash bit down on the tip of the feather and plucked it out. Scootaloo winced at the pain retracting her wing slightly letting tears escape her eyes.

“It h-hurts”

“I know Scootaloo, I know, but I need to do this or it will just hurt worse, ready?”

Scootaloo hesitated in her response. “Y-yeah.” Dash searched around the wing and spotted another feather looking pretty sore. She singled it out and bit down plucking it out.

Scootaloo flinched again as another sore feather was plucked. She let out a wail of pain as she dropped the cork out of her mouth.

“I’m sorry sweetie, I know it hurts, just a few more.” Rainbow said. She rubbed the fillies back trying to comfort her and resumed her search. “Ok gonna check the other wing now” She got up and walked over to Scootaloo’s other side and laid back down scanning her wing. After a few moments of searching she found five of her primary feathers that needed to be pulled, and to make it even worst they were right next to each other; this would increase the pain exponentially.

Scootaloo was still leaking tears out of her eyes.

“Scootaloo, honey, this is going to hurt...a lot, ok?”

“I, I d-don’t know I-if I c-can do a-anymore of th-those.”

“I know, I know, but you have to try, you can do it, I know you can.” Rainbow said as she prepared to pluck the feathers. Scootaloo grit her teeth and then set the cork in her mouth preparing herself for what was about to happen. Dash went back over to Scootaloo’s wing and flexed it just enough to separate the offending feathers. “Here goes.” Scootaloo closed her eyes and bit down. Rainbow started to pluck the feathers out one by one without pausing in between till she reached the final feather. She looked back to the fillies face now contorted in pain. She went back and went to pluck the final feather out, but this one gave a lot more resistance and Dash had to tug on it a few times to get it to finally pop out. A little bit of blood coming from the space it used to occupy.

Scootaloo convulsed violently with the rapid plucking of the feathers, she violently spit out the cork with the last feather.

“P-please, s-stop, i-it h-hurts-s.” Scootaloo said. Rainbow could barely understand her through the tears the filly was now shedding.

“Shhh, It’s ok, it’s ok, calm down sweetie, calm down.” She rubbed Scootaloo’s back, neglecting to note that the wing was still bleeding.

Scootaloo continued to cry. She lifted her head up to look at her wing, what she saw shook her to her core. “B-blood.” Her face went pale and she got dizzy. From her point of view the room started to spin and she fainted. Dash went into a panic.

“Scootaloo! Oh No, no, no, no, no, no!” She cried. “Scootaloo! Scootaloo! Dear Celestia please be ok!” Dash picked up the fillies foreleg, frantically searching for a pulse, though not being a doctor she did not look in the right place and found no pulse.

“Scootaloo!” Rainbow stopped talking, she leaned down over the filly. “I’m so sorry, I should have stopped, Scootaloo, please, wake up, please!” Rainbow started to tear up. She feared she had just caused Scootaloo to have a heart attack. “I’m so sorry Scootaloo...” She paused, whispering the next words that came out of her mouth. “I’m sorry.” It was at this point, that Rainbow noticed she was breathing, very slowly, but she was still breathing. “Oh thank Celestia.” After a few moments Scootaloo stirred and opened her eyes.

“Rainbow Dash are you alright? Why are you crying?” Dash wiped the tears from her face and looked at the filly rather bashful.

“Heh N-no reason.. I..I just got something in my eye thats all.” She shook her head and let out a breath. “Let me take care of your little booboo.” She got up off the bed and walked down stairs to get the bag she got from the hospital, Returning a few moments later she plopped the bag down and opened it up. “Lets see if nurse Rainbow Dash can fix ya up!” Scootaloo let out a slight giggle at the remark. She pulled out a hoof glove and slipped it on grabbing the antibacterial salve and she applied a small amount to her wing. “Scootaloo, I am gonna have to wrap your wing up to let this heal okay? So you’re not gonna be flying for a little while, like a day or so until it heals got it?” Scootaloo nodded and rested her head on a pillow. She was utterly exhausted after the entire ordeal.

Rainbow grabbed a roll of bandage from the bag and gently tucked her wing in then wrapped the bandage around it. “There all set. Pony Scoot, you really look tired.” The filly nodded, her eyes slowly closing.

“Yeah Dash,” She yawned and closed her eyes “I think *yawn* I...I’m going to go to...” She yawned again before quietly finishing her sentence. “Sleep......” she trailed off, she started to contently breath in and out as she slept. Rainbow just smiled and rubbed the fillies mane watching her sleep.

“Rest now Scootaloo, you earned it.” She got up off the bed and pulled the covers over the now sleeping filly. “We’ll talk about adoption later.” She picked up the bag and made her way out closing the door behind her.

Scootaloo awoke to the sound of the waves crashing against the beach a throbbing pain coming from her back. She blinked her eyes a few times letting in the morning sun. Taking a few minutes to get her strength, she rose to her hooves and looked around, scanning the area for signs of her friend. “Aero? Where are you Aero?” There was no reply. She looked out to the sea feeling awful, but upon looking back she spotted a tuft of dark blue lying on the beach off in the distance. feeling hopeful, she started to make her way over to what she thought was her friend. It was in fact Aero lying face down in the sand. She started crying. “Oh Aero...” She felt terrible here her friend who up until now was always there for her trying his best to keep her spirits up, but now he lay lifeless on the beach She laid down on top of him and was about to cry even more, but she noticed he was still warm.

“Aero??” She rolled the pegasus over and to her overwhelming joy found he was still breathing. “Oh Aero! Thank Celestia!” She grabbed him into a hug causing the young colt to stir. He turned his head to the side spitting out a bit of sand. Scootaloo, feeling ever so happy that her friend had survived, had completely ignored him trying to clear his throat. He turned to look back at the filly holding him in a tight embrace and blushed. He was glad he was lying on his back because at least the filly wouldn’t notice his out stretched wings.

“Umm... Heh, heh Scootaloo?” He said timidly. Scootaloo shot her eyes open and looked at Aero noticing he was blushing. She blushed and got up off him and looked away bashfully.

“Heh, heh.. Sorry” She said rubbing a hoof on her neck. Aero shook his head and waved a hoof at her then rolled over and stood up. “Umm Aero?” He looked over to her.

“Yeah Scootaloo?” He raised an eyebrow in question.

“Why are your wings standing up like that?” He looked back to his flared out wings and gasped.

“Oh, uh, you see, um, its quite interesting...um, hey look a seashell!” He said pointing down a seashell on the beach.

Scootaloo kicked the seashell away and looked at him curiously. “Aero? Why are you avoiding the question?” It was clear to Aero that Scootaloo had not had ‘that’ conversation with an adult pony yet.

“I, I’m uh...” He blushed and started to sweat trying to think up an excuse. “I’m just happy to see you, I thought I had lost you after you uh, fell?” In truth he didn’t remember who fell first, but it was an excuse nonetheless.

“But you fell first-” Aero cut her off.

“Hey look your wing!” Scootaloo turned to look at her wing. It was twisted at an odd angle. “I think you might have sprained your wing there. Here, let me take a look.” He walked over to her wing and looked at it. “Yea you sprained it, but I think I can at least reset it.” Scootaloo looked at him nervously.

“Oh.. Okay.”

“Hold still Scootaloo.” He walked over to her injured wing and sat down. He then place his hooves on it causing a slight shiver to go down the fillies spine and her wings twitched.”

“Your hooves are cold Aero.”

“Well drifting in a ocean during a storm over night will do that.” He chuckled. Scootaloo was not amused. She looked back to him with a displeased look.

“Thats not funny Aero!” She then bumped him on the head with a hoof.

“Ow!” He yelped rubbing his head with a hoof. “Sorry! I won’t do it again.” Scootaloo smiled and the timidness of the colts response. It’s what she liked most about him.

“That’s right you do that!” She said but kept her smile until Aero snapped her wing back into place. “Uhh! Careful Aero, that hurt!”

“Sorry Scootaloo, but its all fixed although you will not be using that wing for a couple days at least. Scootaloo simply shrugged.

“Pfft.. Not like I use it for anything anyways.” She remarked. “Anyway, lets get moving.” Aero nodded and the two made their way off the beach.

Rainbow heard a thud coming from the bedroom. She ignored it at first, but another thud followed by speaking caught her attention. “Scootaloo?” Rainbow thought out loud.

She got up off of the sofa and walked up the stairs. She made her way to the door that led into the bedroom. By now Rainbow could clearly hear talking.

“Pfft.. Not like I use it for anything anyways. Anyway, lets get moving.” Rainbow was puzzled by this, who was Scootaloo talking to?

Rainbow inched the door open slightly so she could see in, it was dark in the room as she had shut the light off. A quick flick of a switch revealed Scootaloo walking about the room.

“Scootaloo?” Rainbow said, not sure what was going on.


As Scootaloo and Aero started to walk off of the beach, the grass they were walking to seemed to gradually appear farther and farther away. Their hooves started to sink into the sand and the sky turned a dark grey color, almost black in shade. The wind started to pick up and rain started to fall. They stopped walking.

“Aero, what’s going on?” Scootaloo looked over to see Aero gradually growing distant from her. He started to sink into the sand, he tried to call for her, but she couldn’t hear him. She started to gallop to him only to seem to get even more distant. The wind picked up and it threw Scootaloo to the ground causing her to wince in pain as she landed on her sprained wing. “Aero!” Scootaloo called out to no avail. Aero was now just inches from being completely buried in sand. Then the unthinkable happened and a bolt of lightning struck where Aero was, nothing was there now but black charred sand. Scootaloo was finally able to make it to where he was, now just a charred hole in the ground.

“Aero.” She whispered, letting tears fall. Then there was another flash and the sand around her started to envelop her, she started to sink into the sand. She flailed about trying to break free, she was unable to. She sank slowly into the sand before finally being completely enveloped in sand. She was then falling, a never ending falling sensation. All she could see was black, pitch black darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. She continued to fall.


“Scootaloo? Are you ok?” Rainbow asked, Scootaloo was now in a corner of the room flailing about. She reached out to shake Scootaloo


All of the sudden everything went white as she slammed into some object. She could hear echoes of a world she once forgot. A voice. Calling to her.


“Scootaloo, come on, wake up!” Dash said, she shook Scootaloo causing her to flinch and open her eyes. Not seeing anything but a shadowy figure, Scootaloo threw her hoof at the figure in fear, smacking Rainbow Dash in the face giving her a bloody nose. Scootaloo was still in a daze, all she could see was the shadowy figure, a lot of bright white light, and her blood covered hoof. At this she blacked out.

Rainbow Dash freaked and she panicked, not even caring about the fact her snout was leaking blood. She quickly scooped up Scootaloo and shot off out her door to Twilights home, flying through the evening sky frantically trying to get to the lavender unicorn’s home. “Hold on Scootaloo! We are almost there!” She swooped around the library and landed at the front door and pounded on it screaming and yelling scared out of her mind.

“Twilight! Please answer! Oh Celestia! I need you’re help!” She continued to pound on the door. Meanwhile inside Twilight was in the middle of a rather stressful study session. The banging at the door scared her and she jumped throwing her hooves forward tossing her work all over the place.

“What in Celestia is going on? Is that Rainbow Dash I hear? What in Equestria could that crazy mare want at this hour?” She walked over to the door and flung it open. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened at the site of a bloody panicked Rainbow Dash standing in front of her and a passed out Scootaloo lying on her back with one of her hoof’s covered in what seems to be Rainbow Dash’s blood.

“Twilight...” Dash said in a lowly tone clearly exhausted from a frantic flight.

“Rainbow Dash! What happened? Is Scootaloo ok!? Are you ok!?” Twilight asked, almost as if she was unable to comprehend what she was seeing.

“I..I don’t know Twilight, I..I’m afraid Scootaloo is hurt or sick or something, you have to help! Don’t worry about me, just, help me find out what’s wrong with Scootaloo, please.”

“O-ok Rainbow, why don’t we go inside, it is late.”

Rainbow followed Twilight into the library still carrying Scootaloo on her back.

“Put her on the sofa.” Rainbow did as Twilight instructed. Soon after Twilight’s horn started to glow in a purple aura and so did Scootaloo.

“She’s fine, she, she fainted.” Twilight said as the purple aura broke.

“How do you know that?”

“I studied medical magic, now, how exactly did you get that bloody snout, and why is Scootaloo’s hoof bloody, with your blood?”

Rainbow hesitated for a moment, Twilight must be thinking the worse, that the filly was defending herself in some way against her. “I don’t know, I came to the bedroom to find her walking around, I tried to get her attention and she ignored me, then she started flailing around in a corner, I shook her and she punched me, then she passed out...I am really worried about her.”

Twilight didn’t answer right away. Instead she levitated a cup of tea and started to sip it before returning it to where it once rested on the table.

“She was probably sleepwalking-”


“Yes, fillies and colts can sometimes sleepwalk when stressful situations occur, did anything stressful happen today?”

“I preened her feathers, they were.....badly irritated.”

“That would do it, now come on, she’s fine here, lets go tend to your nose.”

Rainbow nodded and followed Twilight into the kitchen.


Scootaloo was again in a black void, this time she could hear echoes, voices she could not make out, she could hear thunder. Then she started to see hazy images of Aero, and Rainbow, and her friends Sweetie and Applebloom, they were all injured in some way, either laying bloody on the ground or limbs broken. It was truly terrifying. Scootaloo tried to close her eyes, but she could still see the images. Then she heard voices, the voices of the ponies she could see.

“Why didn’t you help us Scootaloo?”

“Where were you Scootaloo?”

All of the voices seemed to speak at once, the ponies all lay dead before her. She tried to step back, but her body was locked in fear. Then she fell, she was falling down in the deep black void. Then, without warning she hit water and she splashed into it.


By this point the sofa in Twilight’s library, had seen better, dryer days....

Scootaloo jolted up, now sitting on the sofa, she felt something off about it. She put her hoof on the sofa cushion and immediately started to cry at what she had done. She had wet the bed, something no filly or colt ever wants to have happen to them.

Rainbow and Twilight had been in the other room, they heard the crying and rushed into the main library.

“Scootaloo what’s wrong!?” Rainbow asked in a panic. Her snout was bandaged.

Scootaloo buried her head into a pillow turning away from Rainbow and Twilight. She continued to cry.

Rainbow got closer to the sofa and realised what had happened.

“Oh Scootaloo...” Rainbow trailed off. She walked closer to the sofa and sat on the somewhat dry part next to Scootaloo. Scootaloo continued to cry.

Rainbow put her hoof around Scootaloo and pulled her closer. Scootaloo pulled her head out of the pillow and rested it on Rainbow’s chest as she started to wail even more than she was.

“Shhh, it’s ok, it’s ok, everything is going to be fine.” Rainbow hugged Scootaloo tighter.

Twilight just stood there and watched as Rainbow comforted Scootaloo.

“Shhh, its ok, can you tell me what happened?”

Scootaloo’s crying subsided to a point where she could at least speak.

“I-I h-had a N-night m-m-mare.....an-and, I h-had an ac-accid-dent....” She trailed off.

“Oh Scootaloo, its ok sweetie, everything is going to be alright.”

“N-no its n-not o-ok, I r-ruined-d T-Twilight’s s-s-sofa and-” Rainbow cut her off. She hugged Scootaloo tighter.

“She’s not mad about the sofa, its fine, we all have, uh, accidents, from time to time, nopony is mad at you, we all still love you very much, even though you had an accident.”

“R-really, you, you love me?”

“That’s not what I-” They were interrupted by spike coming down the steps, apparently at Twilight’s request. He seemed to be grumpy and he had a bucket and a sponge.

“I still don’t see why I have to clean this, I’m not the one who went and wet-”

“Spike!” Twilight scolded him by throwing a book at him with her magic.

“Well Rainbow, I am going to have to show you how to wake Scootaloo up if she ever sleep walks again, to avoid another, messy encounter....” Twilight said and walked over to a bookcase. Her horn lit up and she levitated a book down to Rainbow, “Here you got Rainbow Dash everything you need to know about sleepwalking and how to wake a pony properly during the event. Dash took the book and handed it to Scootaloo.

“Looks like we got some reading to do tonight Scoot.” Scootaloo lifter her head off Rainbows chest and smiled.

“Looks like I’m learning something new every day Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo said resting her head back on Rainbows chest.

“Well come on, thanks for everything Twilight, I really appreciate you helping me out.” She put a hoof to the back of her neck. “Heh... Sorry for bursting in all crazy like looking like some kind of madpony or something.” Twilight waved a hoof to Rainbow.

“Don’t worry about it Rainbow Dash I am always glad to help a friend out.” She let out a yawn. “Its getting late I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” Dash nodded. Twilight made her way up to her loft. “Good night Spike Scootaloo said. “Sorry about the accident.” She blushed and turned away embarrassed. Spike held up a claw.

“Don’t worry about it Scootaloo. I understand what happened. I feel better knowing you’re feeling better now though. Take care and goodnight!” He waved goodbye and returned to what he was doing. The two pegasus’s making their final goodbyes turned and left. After a brief flight through the evening sky Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo landed at her cloud home Scootaloo by now had fallen asleep, exhausted from the day’s experiences. Rainbow walked her up to their room and slipped the filly into her bed and pulled the covers over her. she patted her on the her head then went over to her bed and opened the book Twilight had given her she laid in bed and read about how to properly wake a sleepwalker. After a few hours she closed it and looked over one more time to Scootaloo snoring quietly. She smiled.

“Goodnight Scootaloo, sleep well you have earned it.” Dash then rolled over and drifted off to sleep herself.


Rainbow woke a few hours later to the familiar sound of a filly talking. She sat up in bed and saw Scootaloo walking to the door muttering something.

“I’m coming Dash.” Scootaloo said and walked up to the door. Dash hopped out of bed and opened the door for her and followed her downstairs making sure this time to not wake her up just help her back to bed. She walked up next to the filly and draped a wing over her.

“Come on Scootaloo lets get you back to bed.” She said softly and gently turned the filly back towards the stairs.

“MMmmm... Thank you Rainbow Dash.” The filly mumbled walking with her. Scootaloo nuzzled the side of Rainbow Dash’s neck. She blushed, but continued to keep her mind focused helping Scootaloo back to bed. They made it back to her bedroom and Dash helped Scootaloo into bed and watched as she got herself comfortable and snuggled under the covers. Rainbow smiled and was about to stir the filly getting her to wake, but just then Scootaloo reached up and wrapped her forelegs around Dash’s neck and held her in a tight embrace “Goodnight Rainbow Dash,” She mumbled. “I love you.” She let go and laid back down. Dash just stood there utterly shocked.

‘Did she just say I love you?’ She kinda fidgeted in place. She didn’t know what to do. What the filly had just said brought forth a feeling she had forgotten for a long time. ‘I love you..’ she thought again and again the words hitting her harder then anything in her life so far has done before. The feelings she had repressed for a long time trying to break through the wall she had built up. “I...I” But she couldn’t say it herself. Her self consciousness fighting back against her heart, and for now it had came out on top. So, she shrugged it off pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind and leaned on the bed and gently shook the filly. After a few moments Scootaloo stirred and rolled over to face Dash and looked at her with tired eyes.

“Waa..? Huh..Where am I?” She asked slightly confused. Dash got on the bed and laid down along side Scootaloo.

“You were sleepwalking again Scoot, and I helped ya back into bed, and woke you up. Don’t worry you’re safe its just you and me here.” Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief.

“Did I say anything?” She wondered. Dash looked and her and smiled.

“No... Just a nice quiet walk around the house.” She ruffled her mane. Scootaloo smiled at Rainbow and looked into her eyes and knew she was hiding something, but at the moment she really didn’t care. Rainbow was there caring for her and thats all that mattered. She sat up and let out a sigh. She felt it was time to talk.

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Yes Scootaloo?”

“Remember when I told you I was not ready to talk about my past and where I have been?”

“Yes I do Scootaloo, what about it?” Scootaloo smiled and nuzzled Rainbow’s neck.

“Well I think its time I told you who I am and where I have been staying for the past ten years of my life. Rainbow smiled and got herself comfortable letting Scootaloo rest on her side and then resting a wing over her.

“I’m ready to listen Scootaloo.” The filly moved a bit to get comfortable.

“Well it all started at the orphanage...”