• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 4,084 Views, 194 Comments

Ace combat: Shattered Rainbows - Brotato

Equestria is under attack by the Gryphon Kingdoms up north.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Sweet Apple Acres looked exactly the same. The trees were a variety of oranges, reds, and yellows, their branches still plentiful with fruit before the winter season. The land below her had no scarring of war. As Rainbow Dash got closer to the house and noticed the barn that used to stand next to it wasn’t there. All that remained was specks of blackened ground and sparse clumps of grass.

Rainbow Dash felt a sense of relief knowing her friends were still okay. She couldn’t imagine what it must feel like to lose somepony close. What if somepony in my squadron is shot down? That thought made her head shake to clear such ideas. They would all make it back when the war is over. She continued to say that to herself until she reached the front door of Applejack’s home.

The home had several blackened marks splayed across the same side where the barn would’ve been. It looked as if somepony randomly painted small streaks of black paint across that side of the house. Rainbow Dash knocked on the front door.

The door quickly swung open with an angry orange pony looking at her. “Go away ya varmint! For the last time ahm... not... “ Applejack stood in the doorway with her mouth hung open a bit in shock. “Rainbow, is that you?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at Applejack’s reaction. “If there’s somepony else with a rainbow mane, let me know. Otherwise--“ Applejack drew her into a tight hug, cutting her short.

“By golly it is you. I’ve been scared sick wondering where mah friends have been.”

Rainbow dash wanted to return the gesture, but was too busy flailing from Applejack’s foreleg pressing against her windpipe. Luckily Applejack noticed the discomfort and withdrew, blushing a bit. “Sorry about that. I’ve just been going out of mah mind this past week.”

Taking in several deep breaths, Rainbow Dash regained her composure. “It’s good to see you too Applejack. Mind if we go inside? I’d like to tell you what’s been going on.”

“Sure thing, sugarcube. I’ll let Big Mac heat up an extra pie for ya.”

Rainbow Dash trotted inside the house and Applejack followed behind, shutting the door behind her.

“Ah still can’t believe this is happening,” Applejack said across the dining table to Rainbow Dash. They each had just finished off a big apple pie and decided to talk while waiting for their meal to digest.

They both caught up on what they’ve been up to. Nothing had really changed after Rainbow left. The gryphons were smart enough to leave the farm alone and let them work. Applejack had thought about joining the war, but couldn’t deal with leaving Big Mac and Applebloom. She felt a need to protect her family. Rainbow Dash had asked about Granny Smith, but the sudden gloom on Applejacks face said everything.

Poor Granny Smith had taken a nasty piece of shrapnal after a bomb hit their barn. Applejack wasn’t sure why they bombed their barn, possibly to scare them. She asked for a moment of silence, to remember the loss of their family member.

As the sadness slowly dissipated, Rainbow explained everything that has happened since joining the air force. Including her battles and the rescue at the detention center. The reactions she got from Applejack bounced between sadness and outright horror.

“I’ve had my moments where I needed a reality check. Can’t believe I did some of those things.”

“What’s bugging me is how you act so normal after all you’ve been through. If ah went through all that, I’d probably be nuttier than a squirrel.”

“A flying squirrel more like it.


“One of Fluttershy’s creatures she used to take care of. I met him when I found Tank.”

“Oh. Speaking of little creatures, how’s Fluttershy doing? I may no know what all that military mumbo-jumbo you spouted off meant, but I know she’s not the bravest pony.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the grains on the wood table. “Fluttershy didn’t take it very well on her first mission. After the gryphons captured lightning and most of our planes shot down, I found her crying in her room.” The thought of her best friend crying almost made her tear up. She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes to stop herself from getting misty eyed. “It’s never easy seeing her cry. She’s so...“

“Innocent?” Applejack guessed.

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, I guess that’s the best word for it. I just feel that war isn’t our thing. Ponies in general, I mean,” waving a hoof in the air lazily. “When I shot down my first plane I was excited. Mostly because I wanted to show what I could do and prove myself to the other pilots. I didn’t see the enemy as another living thing. They had family, desires, dreams, maybe somepony they loved. I took that all away from them.”

Rainbow crossed her hooves on the table and laid her head on top. “The reason I’m saying this is because I lost somepony who admired me. I shot down a gryphon over Ponyville named Razortalon. Scootaloo and I met a while ago and I found out the gryphon was a friend of hers.”

Applejack gave Rainbow a stern look. “Scootaloo made friends with a gryphon? Well ah never... They’re the worse kinda friends to have. You would know that more than anypony else after getting rid of Gilda.”

“You would think that, but Scootaloo said ‘He was the nicest gryphon I’ve ever met.’ Makes me feel bad. I’ve always thought if one gryphon is a jerk, the other’s must be,” Rainbow hung her head in shame.

Applejack got up from her seat and put a comforting hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “This has been eatin you up that badly, huh?”

“I’ve been doing my best not thinking about it, but it hurts anyway. I’m killing others Applejack and it’s as simple as breathing to me. I don’t think about the consequences, I just do it.”

“Well, why do you do it?”

“I told you, I wanted to prove myself... “

“No, Rainbow. I mean, why did you join the air forces in the first place?”

Rainbow blinked several times trying to remember what she said when leaving Ponyville. “I wanted to protect Equestria. To protect everypony from the gryphons.”

“Do you feel that you aren’t doing that, hun? They started this war in the first place after all. If you didn’t kill those gryphons, they would’ve continued hurting ponies. They could’ve hurt you!”

Rainbow sighed, avoiding eye-contact. “I guess so.”

“Don’t guess so, Rainbow. Know so!” Applejack said as she stomped a hoof, getting Big Mac’s attention, who was still in the kitchen. “This isn’t the Rainbow Dash ah know! Don’t blame yourself for doing what has to be done. While ah don’t like the idea of killing somepony, your heart was in the right place in doing so. Your doing this to protect equestria. Isn’t that enough of a reason?”

“Y-You’re right Applejack. I can’t give up now when we’re so close to ending the war. I just hope Scootaloo would forgive me someday.”

“‘Time heals all wounds,’ as they say. I’d let Scootaloo simmer down before speakin with her.”

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. “Thanks Applejack. My mind has been really mixed up this past week. I can’t wait for this war to be over.” She glanced at a clock hanging on the wall behind Applejack’s chair. “Uh oh, I gotta get going! My team is probably wondering where I am at the tavern.” Jumping out of her chair, Rainbow Dash gave Applejack a quick hug and another thanks before bolting out the door.

Meanwhile, thirty minutes ago...

“Ugh, my head.” Lightning Spark sat up and sleepily opened his unfocused eyes, his eyesight slowly becoming clear. The two-bed room he had rented in the tavern was cheap in price for having such modest accommodations. There were two beds, a closet with an iron and board for pressing clothes, a television, and a bathroom.

Memories of what happened last night flashed through his mind. The good parts were firmly stuck in his mind, but the back of his head felt sore as he remembered hitting his head on the backboard. Ah, so that’s why it feels like I got bucked in the head.

His ears flicked slightly as he heard soft singing and running water coming from the bathroom. Heaving himself out of the bed, he managed to stand upright and walk toward the room the noise was coming from. Pressing his ear against the door, he could barely hear parts of the song over the shower.

“My little pony...”

“...friendship could be...”

“…with me.”

Huh, never knew Mist was such a good singer. The running water and singing abruptly stopped, causing Lightning to panic. He hurried over to the bed and focused on tucking in the bed sheets. Just relax, Its not like she’ll know you were listening anyway. He heard the door to the bathroom slowly open and the sound of hooves slowly approaching behind him.

Mist rested a hoof on his back as she spoke teasingly. “You’re the worst at sneaking, you know that?”

The light touch on his back pinned him in place as he slowly turned his head toward her. Her mane was wrapped up in a towel above her head. Her coat was still damp and Lightning could feel a wet spot were her hoof was touching. “Yeah, hooves on wooden floors don’t exactly help either.”

They were quiet for a moment as Lightning felt Mist drawing a little circle on his back with her hoof. “Mist, can I ask you something?”

“You just did, silly.”

Lightning chuckled lightly. “Okay, can I ask you two things?”

“Of course. What’s on your mind?” Mist sat down on the bed.

“It’s pretty obvious we love each other,” Lightning stated, recieving a quick nuzzle from her when he said love. “But I’m curious, why the sudden affection? I’m not saying I don’t enjoy it, I love being with you. It’s just been nagging at me since you always ignored my advances before you were... ‘captured.’”

Mist stared at the floor as she spoke slowly. “When I was in the detention center, they treated me like dirt and I lost hope of getting out of there alive. I... I thought I was going to die.” Her voice started to crack upon saying this. “I thought I couldn’t deal with such feelings while the war is going on. That’s why I denied your advances. Now I finally realize how short and fragile life really is and if you love somepony, you can’t take your time.” Mist threw her forehooves around Lightning’s neck. “I’m sorry I didn’t say this earlier.” Her eyes started to form tears and she laid her head into his chest.

Mist stunned Lightning from this information, but he hugged her back as he felt himself getting misty eyed. “It’s all right, Mist.” He gently broke the embrace and nuzzled her neck. “I think I understand now. You didn’t want such feelings to get in the way during the war, fearing the enemy might take advantage of you.” He remembered Gilford doing the same tactic to him when he wanted the secret saying. Gilford using Mist as leverage was one of the most evil things he’s ever seen anypony do.

“I’m glad that you understand. I sometimes wish this war never started in the first place, but then I remember where we first met.” Mist let out a small laugh as she cleaned away the rest of her tears. “You were such a terrible pilot back then. Remember when you nose-dived straight into one of the hangars?”

Lightning stared at her with a blank, unamused look. “Really? You still remember that after all this?”

Mist let out another giggle. “Oh come now, Lightbulb. How can anypony not forget something like that? The instructor was so furious, I swear his face would’ve cooked an egg.”

Lightning cringed at the pet name. He got it after trying to impress her with a lightning show. Everything seemed to be going well until a stray bolt hit the side of headquarters, shorting out the entire east wing’s lights. He had to replace every light by himself the next day. “Yeah, considering he was right in my face after he found out I survived the crash.”

“Azure always seemed to care about the plane’s more than the pilots,” Mist stated.

“And I always cared about a certain pilot while having a minor concussion,” Lightning replied, putting a hoof to her chin and lifting her head so their eyes met. He gave her a quick kiss and a stupid grin formed on his face. “Come on, we should meet the others downstairs before they get ideas.” Lightning proceeded to put on his flight-suit.

After properly dressing, Lightning and Mist made their way downstairs to find the rest of Rainboom Squadron waiting for them. Rainbow Dash was the first to spot them and didn’t hold back embarrassing them as she let out a wolf-whistle.

Lightning decided to play along and pulled Mist into his hooves. Holding her under him, he gave her a deep, passionate kiss. He glanced up and saw Rainbow’s face turn beet read as her wings fully sprung open. Placing Mist back on her hooves, she stumbled at bit, a goofy smile on her face.

Spitfire rubbed a hoof on her forehead. “While I’m happy they are together, can we focus please? Unless you all forgot we have a crazed gryphon queen wanting to turn into the next Celestia in the next twelve hours. “ Everypony muttered an apology and Spitfire took the moment to continue.

“While I was busy taking care of my jet, a messenger from Hoofington gave me an urgent message from Luna herself.” She pointed with a hoof at the small scroll laying on the table they sat around. “I got it about two hours ago. Apparently Luna has decided to throw everything we have at taking back Canterlot. Even Luna will be joining in the battle. It will take our forces several hours to reach Ponyville. Once they do, we are to randevu with them and join in the assault.”

Lightning sat down next to Derpy who smiled at him, her right eye busy admiring the wood table. “It took us about three hours to get here from Hoofington, and that was roughly seventy miles away. Canterlot is barely half that distance. I don’t understand why they aren’t trying to take back Ponyville.”

“Because of Stalliongrad, remember?” Mist piped up. “They’re having the gryphons focus on their city while we gather our forces to push. It’s quite heroic of them to face the full brunt of their forces. I just hope we can hurry up and relieve them.” Everypony gave their agreement on that last statement, knowing they were giving their lives for them to strike.

Several minutes passed of them discussing enemy forces stationed in canterlot. Lightning was the most pessimistic about it. He guessed the entire city wall would be lined with anti-air and the skies full of enemy aircraft. Rainbow Dash was the opposite and said they would just fly away with their tails between their legs.

The tavern doorway opened as a biege pony with light-red mane entered. He ran over to their table and gave a quick salute, which Rainbow Dash saluted back. “Is there a problem?” Rainbow asked.

“Luna would like to see you all. She’s waiting for you back at base,” the pony said. “I’ll gladly lead you to where she is.”

“Lead the way then,” Rainbow requested as everypony else got up from their seats.

They passed by several ponies waving at the pilots and they gave friendly, acknowledging nods or waves back. It didn’t take long at their pace to reach the outskirts of the air force base. They noticed the base was already under repair and their plane’s were still lined up next to the still burnt hangars. The guide finally stopped in front of several make-shift shelters made of camouflaged netting and dark-green cloth.

Under one of them, Luna was talking with several officers around a simple wooden table. She shoo’d them away when she saw Rainbow Dash and her squadron. “Hello Rainboom Squadron. We are happy to see you again on this important day. The day we take back Canterlot.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Rainbow said, puffing out her chest with pride. “My group is ready whenever to attack, just say the word.” The rest of the group standing behind her shouted their enthusiastic responses with Rainbow’s.

“Please, join us at the table. You all will wish to know how the war is going.” Luna motioned all of them over and they surrounded the table. The officer’s previously occupying it left when Luna greeted Rainbow Dash. “We have been keeping up to date on Stalliongrad’s progress and they seem to be holding their own, but I don’t know for how much longer.”

“Then we should attack now!” Rainbow said, putting her forehooves on the table.

“We would agree with you, but I’ve been getting strange reports of enemy troops retreating all over Equestria. They seem to be focusing their defenses at Canterlot as a final foothold and I fear they know of our plans to attack. There’s a silver lining to this however. Towns who were under their control have started joining us, nearly doubling our forces in a day.”

Spitfire spoke up. “That’s amazing news, Princess, but do we even have enough supplies for such a surge of troops?”

“Most of them are reporting to Stalliongrad,” Luna said simply. “Now that you all have a quick idea of what is happening, I have something else to announce. You will be having a new member of your team.”

Rainbow glanced at the rest of her team. “No offense, but I’m pretty sure we’re strong enough with just the five of us.”

“I understand if you don’t want to accept her, but you must be open minded.”

“I’m not quite understanding what you mean. We’ll gladly accept another member if you really want us to,” Lightning spoke up.

“We’ll find out when she--Ah, there she is now,” Luna lifted her head slightly to motion their new member was behind them.

Everypony followed Luna’s gaze and gasped upon seeing a gryphon being escorted by two guards. She was in a green-brown flight-suit with a small hole torn near the chest. She glanced at the members of her new team, stopping finally at Rainbow Dash who returned her look with a deadly glare.

“What the hay are you doing here, Gilda?”