• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 4,083 Views, 194 Comments

Ace combat: Shattered Rainbows - Brotato

Equestria is under attack by the Gryphon Kingdoms up north.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Lightning’s eyes cracked open as he took in his surroundings. He was still in bed, with Mist Chaser still snuggled against his chest. The sunlight through the blinds meant it was still daylight. Looking at the small radio, it showed the time was 1:30 P.M.

“Oh good, it wasn’t another hallucination.”

He wasn’t sure why Mist suddenly started getting comfortable being with him, not that he was complaining. She usually turned down any intimacy he showed and pushed him away until the war ended. He could only guess Mist changed after what happened at the detention center.

Snuggling closer to Mist, he felt he could lie here forever. That wasn’t going to happen to his disappointment. He watched Mist sleepily wiggle under his right fore-hoof, trying to turn on her stomach. Lifting his hoof, she succeeded and looked at him in the slightly lit room.

“Mmm... Morning.” She rubbed her closed eyes for a bit, trying to get rid of the sleep.

“Morning?” Lightning chuckled. “It’s the afternoon, half-hour past one to be exact.”

Laughing a bit at what she said, Mist got off the bed and stretched. “That was probably the best sleep I’ve had in quite awhile.”

“Agreed!” His mind still feeling a bit foggy as he also got up from the bed, stretching his limbs. “Ooh... yeah that feels good.” After popping several joints and relatively waking himself up, he opened the blinds to look outside. He regretted doing that as he was momentarily blinded.

The window was facing the runways and jet hangers, giving a clear view of this afternoon’s group of jets taking off. Lightning watched each one race down the runway, before lifting off toward the sky.

Mist poked his flank with a hoof. “Come on, let’s head to the cafeteria. I could really use a cup of coffee.”

Snapping out of his thoughts, he turned around toward Mist. “After what has been happening over these past few days? I’ll take five cups, extra strong of course.”

Opening the door, they both trotted out and made their way toward the cafeteria. He was slightly disappointed when he got there. He was craving breakfast, pancakes and hay bacon to be exact. Too bad it was lunch time. ”Maybe tomorrow,” he pouted.

Helping themselves to an array of lunch items, they found a small table and sat down across from each other. Mist had a delicious looking double-daisy sandwich with hay fries. He had grabbed a bowl of broccoli and cheese soup with toast, along with a red apple. The smell alone was daring him to dunk his head in the soup bowl.

Taking a bite of the juicy red apple, he almost lost his self-control there. Taking his time chewing, savoring the sweet flavor, he swallowed. “Yep, a lot better than the crap served at the detention center.”

Mist was busy munching on two hay fries when she looked up. “You can say that again.” Lifting her small cup of coffee and taking a sip, she washed down the food.

Looking down at the empty spot where the coffee should be, he frowned. “I forgot my coffee!” he yelled, getting odd stares at the ponies around him. Quickly getting up from the round table, he trotted back up to the kitchen. Helping himself to a mug, he went over to the hot drink dispenser.

A grey mare with blonde mane was busy trying to figure the machine out. A small size paper cup was resting under it, ready to catch any of the bitter consumable fuel to pour out. Scrunching her muzzle, she pressed several buttons. A low hum came from the machine as her cup was filled, then began to spill over. Lightning could only watch in horror as the coffee began covering the floor. The machine sputtered as the coffee came to a abrupt stop, running out of the precious fluid.

One of the kitchen assistants came out with a mop. While he quickly cleaned up the mess, the grey Pegasus began apologizing profusely. “I’m so sorry! I just don’t know what went wrong!” She turned around, looking at the pony in back of her. Her face was still scrunched up and one of her eyes slowly slid out of place. One looking at Lightning, while the other admired the ceiling.

Lightning felt his eye start to slide out of place and shook his head. “Whoa, that felt weird.”

“I’m so sorry mister!”

Calming his nerve not to yell at her, he sighed. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll just get some hot chocolate instead.” Glancing at her flight-suit, he noticed the mobius symbol on her shoulder. He felt the hairs on his back stand up. “Oh my gods. It’s Mobius One!”

“Are you sure? You can have my coffee if you want.” She offered the cup, slightly spilling from being so full and without a plastic cover.

Lightning didn’t know what to say really, since he was in shock. He always admired what Mobius and Talisman did for Equestria; their actions were known everywhere. Though he never imagined one of Equestria’s top aces had a lame eye. He didn’t find it strange or horrifying, but surprising how a pony with no control of their eyes could be so good at flying. The thought only reinforced his admiration for this pony.

“It’s alright. You probably need it more than I anyway. Though may I ask your name?”

She smiled for being allowed to keep the coffee. “I’m Derpy! Though some call me by my call-sign, Mobius One.”

Watching her eyes slowly drift again, Lighting couldn’t help but find the mare adorable. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Derpy. If you’re not busy, would you like to meet my friend? I’m sure she would love to meet you.”

The mare stared at him for a bit before shaking her head and placing the cup on her head. “Sorry, got a secret mission I have to do. It’s from Luna herself!” She said excitedly. Quickly putting a hoof to her mouth, she realized she might have said too much. “Oops!” Spreading her wings, she took off.

Lightning watched in amazement as she perfectly balanced the coffee, not spilling a drop. Turning back around, he noticed the assistant had finished mopping the floor and put a floor sign. Walking around it, he looked over the list of small buttons on the hot drink machine.

Finding what he needed, he pressed “Small” then “Hot Chocolate”. Once again the hot drink dispenser whirred as his cup was filled to the brim, the smell of chocolate filling the air. Popping on a lid to prevent too much spilling, he took it and went back to his seat.

Mist Chaser was already done with her meal and was looking at him with an eyebrow raised. “Everything alright Lightning? Or did you have to wrestle the machine for each drop?”

“Yeah, just ran into... oh I don’t know... Mobius One.” Plopping down in his seat, he swore she teleported as she was sitting next to him now.

“Really!? I haven’t run into Derpy in a while now. It would be nice to see how she’s doing. Is she with you still?” She looked around the cafeteria.

“Nope. Said she had to do some special, super secret mission.” He chuckled, “not very secret now that I know of it.”

Smiling at him, she patted him on the shoulder. “I’m going to head out and meet up with some friends I haven’t seen in a while. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Busy munching on the apple, he spoke between bites. “See you later then. I’ll probably check on Rainbow Dash.” Waving goodbye, he dug into the bowl of soup, no spoon necessary.

- - - -

Inside Luna’s war room, several officers discussed among each other. The room was covered in dark purples and blues. No windows could be seen, so the room was lit up with a single chandelier. The room was descent in size, able to host a small party. In the middle of the room was a large table with a map of the known world. A charcoal grey pony put his hooves on the table, looking at the Princess.

“Are you sure this is wise, Luna? Ponyville is dangerously close to Canterlot. If they send any reinforcements... ”

They have been planning this mission on Ponyville ever since the questioning with Lightning Spark was over. The plan was to send the best pilots they had to quickly take back the town, before Canterlot could act. Stalliongrad had a major part in this mission, by acting as a distraction. If everything went according to plan, Canterlots’ force’s will be too busy fighting off the attacks to their east; thus leaving Ponyville up for the taking.

“We are very aware of the dangers with this mission, Mr.Breezy, but these times are getting desperate. We only have two days to save... my sister.” She lowered her head, saddened at the thought.

Worry showed on Breezy Storm’s face. “Is everything alright, Princess Luna?”

Exhaling shakily as if crying, she responded. “No. We miss my sister very much. I would rather be on the moon for another thousand years, if it meant her freedom.”

The other officer’s in the room were too busy talking over the coming battle, not noticing Luna in slight distress. Breezy loudly cleared his throat and the others immediately stopped talking.

“Every pony misses her, Princess, but please do not lose yourself to this... depression. We will win this war, even if I have to go to the front-lines myself.” He stomped a hoof loudly in emphasis.

The other officers paused for a moment, then began to agree with him, nodding their heads.

The loud hoof stomp snapped her out of the depression. Hiding her misty eyes, she wiped them away. “I’m sorry for you all to see me like this.” Looking at Breezy, she smiled. “Your bravery is noted. I may just take you up on that.”

“It would be a honor, nonetheless.”

Luna nodded, her mood brightened up a bit. “Yes, let’s continue. When should the attack begin?”

- - - -

“Rainbow Dash, you in there?” He knocked on a door where Fluttershy’s bunk was, but no answer came. “Where the heck are you...” Muttering to himself. The gym, all twelve hangers, and the cafeteria were already checked. Fluttershy’s bunk-room was his last guess, but was surprised to find her missing as well.

Walking away, he spotted two military police looking at him. “Hey, have either of you seen Rainbow Dash? I can’t find her anywhere!”

“Her, along with five others, have been summoned by Luna. We’re here to take you to her as well. Please, follow us.”

Nodding his head, he soon found himself standing inside the war room. Luna was looking over a map on a table. Mist, Derpy, Fluttershy, Flare Chaser and Rainbow Dash was busy talking amongst each other. A sixth pony he never met was standing with them. He noticed every pony else were mares. “If there wasn’t a war going on and not already in love, i would be in heaven.”

Rainbow Dash noticed him and started to wave him over. “Hey Lightning spark! Did you meet Talisman before? Spitfire was one of the wonderbolts back before the war started.”

Walking up to the group, he quickly shook hooves with Spitfire, thanking his mind from not going into shock. “Pleased to meet you.”

“And it’s a pleasure to meet the Leader of Pegasus Wing One.” She smiled knowingly.

He was about to speak about his capture, but Luna spoke first.

“All of you, please come around the table. We have much to discuss.” As the pilots gathered around, she continued. “We have come up with a plan to take back Ponyville. With the help of Stalliongrad, they have agreed to attack Canterlot as a distraction, to stave off reinforcements. All of you will be the attacking force. Your main target is the air force base located on the outskirts of Ponyville.” She dragged a black and white photo over to Spitfire, who passed it around for the pilots to see.

It was smaller compared to the air base they were in. Only a runway, three hangers, and a control tower made up the air base. Looking at it closely, he could make out the blur of several aircraft lined up next to the runways.

“Expect strong resistance, if possible, lead the enemy aircraft away from the town. It would be best to not have stray armaments or jets land in Ponyville. You will all be leaving in one and a half hours... “

An officer pony whispered in her ear, which brought a smile to her face. Floating over a large polished, wooden box, she opened it. “In the past you have all been working alone. From now on, you will be not. You will all be working as a team under the call-sign Rainboom from now on.” Floating out the small Rainbow Dash cutie mark pins, she gave one to each pilot, except Rainbow who already had one.

“Rainbow Dash will be Leader of Rainboom Squadron. Lightning spark, you will be Rainboom Two. Following will be Spitfire as Rainboom Three, Mist as Rainboom Four and Derpy as Rainboom Five. Fluttershy and Flare Chaser’s team will still be called Shyeye. They will be your AWAC support and stay with you in all future sorties.”

“What about my previous Squadron, Pegasus three and four?” Lightning spoke up.

“They will be transferred to another squadron, don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about them.”

Pleased with her answer, Lightning looked at Rainbow Dash. She was smiling as if she just got tickets to see the Wonderbolts. She was the leader of her own wing now and he remembered himself grinning like an idiot after his promotion. To be honest, he didn’t know if she would make a good leader. She did start a riot in Stalliongrad, but that wasn’t in a jet. He could only trust Luna’s judgment and accept her decision.

Putting the box away, Luna looked at each of the pilots as she spoke. “I would wish you all the best of luck, if such a thing existed. Please return to us in one piece. You are all dismissed.”

When the last pilot left the war room, Luna let out a sigh. “Pinkie how long have you been hiding behind that curtain?”

A pink bundle of energy fell over, ripping the cloth off the hanger. “Whoops!” Fumbling under the curtain, she climbed out. “I was there the whole time! I am the hide and go seek world champ you know.”

“We also know it is a bad practice to eavesdrop on some pony’s conversation.” She stared at Pinkie Pie, who frowned.

“I’m sorry. I was curious where you were taking Dashie and Fluttershy.

“We noticed you have been more... Bouncy lately and understand your anxiety. She is in good hooves with the other pilots. I’m sure they will be fine. Now please leave us, before a guard sees you.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” She dove back under the folds of cloth, hidden from sight.

“Pinkie, we mean leaving the room.” Using magic to lift the cloth, she found her not there. “What strange magic... “

- - - -

Rainboom Squadron was ready to go and began heading to their hangars. As Rainbow Dash and Lightning went in their hangar, their mouth gaped at the new planes.

Lightning ran over to his, mouth open wide in shock. Someone painted both of their F-16’s sky blue. On the outside of each tail-wing had his cutie mark. “What the hay...” He heard Rainbow Dash squeal in excitement.

“This is so awesome! It has my cutie mark!”

Floating above the plane to get a better view. He noticed a bright rainbow was painted across the left wing, the marking for Rainboom Squadron. “Now that I look at it... it’s not too shabby.”

“Told you so!”

“Yes, yes, I was wrong.” He rolled his eyes before opening the canopy and getting inside. Putting on his helmet, he went through the very familiar process of preparing for take-off.

Several minutes later and his wing-dings were on and everything checked out. Saluting off the flight-crew, he watched Rainbow Dash leave the hanger first. Following her outside the hanger, he noticed the sun was beginning Its descent. Looking at the time it read: 5:13 P.M.

“Slightly ahead of schedule, very nice.”

“This is control tower, Rainboom One you are cleared for take off. Happy hunting."

Watching Rainbow’s aircraft take off down the runway, he lined up his plane to wait for the tower.

“Rainboom Two, you are clear for take off. Sir... it’s good to have you back.”

A smile spread on his face. “Thank you control tower.” Increasing his throttle, he joined with Rainbow Dash in the sky.

- - - -

They were in the usual tight “v” formation whenever flying in packs. Fluttershy’s jet was higher in the air, almost the size of a bird in the vast sky. They were given a minute warning until Ponyville was in sight and that didn’t help Lightning’s sudden anxiety, it was starting to suffocate him.

He opened a private channel with Mist’s plane. “Mist... are you sure you want to do this mission? I... “ He growled, his heart felt like it was being strangled. “Just be safe, alright? I don’t want to lose you again.”

Not getting a response, he sadly shut off the channel. The other pilots were quiet compared to the other’s he would usually fly with. Even Rainbow Dash would at least say something. “We may be going to battle, but that doesn’t mean we have to be solemn about it.”

“Hey Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah, what?”

“Isn’t your home in Ponyville?”

“Yeah, I have a cloud house nearby. Why, what’s up?”

“Nothing, just trying to make small talk. This silence is starting to get to me.”

There was a pause before she answered. “I do sort of miss my friends. I mean, I know where Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are, but... “

“I’m sure we’ll find them. The gryphon’s may be ruthless, but they don’t outright kill ponies unless they fight back.” Not getting a response after saying her name again, he gave up.

“Good job, Cloud-for-brains,” he muttered. Seeing a small town far in the distance, Shyeye gave off a warning.

“Rainboom Squadron, you have three blips coming straight for you out of Ponyville. Spread out and begin combat. Remember, lead them away from the town to minimize collateral damage.”

Watching the other plane’s break off formation, he followed. Spotting three enemy aircraft in the distance, he noticed they weren’t the camouflaged plane’s he fought before. Immediately, three missiles with trails of white left his squadron, taking out the enemy aircraft easily. Finally the battle to retake Ponyville has begun.