• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 4,084 Views, 194 Comments

Ace combat: Shattered Rainbows - Brotato

Equestria is under attack by the Gryphon Kingdoms up north.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

"This is getting weirder and weirder," Lightning said as he flew through Canterlot's streets.

They had flown into the grand city without a hitch. The wall's anti-air turrets were not firing, letting them wander it without resistance. The city was dead silent, save the occasional gunshot in the distance. The buildings were in good shape, although some had parts of their walls broken. Far ahead of them, the white castle that was once majestic, now a former shadow of its beauty. Several of the castle's spires were broken. The grey plating that covered it in patches did little to help regain its beauty.

"No kidding. Its as if they packed their things and left." Rainbow said as she dodged a broken cart in the middle of the street.

"Just be patient, I'm sure Twilight will have all the answers." Mist reassured Rainbow.

Above them, the battle with Goldwing only got worse. Their forces had turned from twenty-five jets, to just ten, and Goldwing was already tearing to wing off one of them. Rainboom Squadron could only hope she didn't spot them traversing Canterlot's streets, else this would be all over.

They finally reached the second set of walls where the castle resided and sped through the lowered gate without any resistance. Spotting the large double doors leading inside the castle, they stopped in front of it and pushed both of them open. The doors created a loud thud as they swing inward and slammed into the walls, making it obvious somepony had entered. Rainbow continued to lead the way, flying up the sets of stairs ahead of them, reaching a long carpeted hallway, with another pair of double doors.

"This should be the throne room," Rainbow stated, pressing herself against the door to open it. The rest of her squadron helped as well and it easily slammed open just like the first one. They all took in the surroundings and discovered who they were looking for.

"Rainbow!" Twilight ran up and gave her a brief hug. "Thank Celestia you made it, I feared Goldwing might have gotten to you first."

"Yeah about her," Rainbow said. "What's going on? Where are all the enemy forces? Do you know what happened to Stalliongrad? Is Celestia alright?" Twilight let out a chuckle from all the questions she was throwing her way.

"You're starting to sound just like me when I'm under stress, Rainbow." She let out another giggle, before motioning the party to follow her. The room was mostly intact, minus the tapestries that littered the floor that once hung around the room. The glass windows were mostly unbroken. Some had chipped away, sunlight showing through the broken spots unhindered.

"Now then," Twilight began as they walked toward the throne slowly. Several other ponies could be seen guarding other doorways leading out. "To answer your first question, it's simple. They actually retreated north after Goldwing finished draining Celestia's power. They must've thought that the battle was won just having Goldwing finish us off." She had a grimace on her face when she said 'draining', a tone of sadness in her voice. Rainbow couldn't blame her though, she just lost her mentor, a friend, and possibly a motherly figure. "Stalliongrad, I don't know much about as I've been cooped up in here for days with Rarity. Why? What happened?"

"It's gone, Twilight," Rainbow said sadly. "The entire city was burning when we got there." Unfortunately Rainbow said it too loud as several ponies were listening, let out shocked gasps. Twilight had joined them, letting out a gasp of her own.

"Oh my, that's terrible! Why would..." she tapped a hoof to her chin in contemplation. "It was probably Goldwing's doing, trying her new power over a city. Just the thought makes me so angry!" Twilight stomped a hoof. "Celestia always used her power for good. To see it being abused just... just..." She sat down a started sobbing, looking at the smooth white marble. "This is all starting to become too much," she said between sniffles. "I just wish Celestia could make this all go away." Rainbow didn't miss a beat as she embraced Twilight in a hug, which she gladly accepted.

"I know how you feel Twilight. I don't like this war either, but," she said, breaking the embrace and looking at her. "We have to be strong. You're not alone in this war, always remember that. Alright?" Twilight somberly nodded and rested her head on Rainbows chest for a moment. The moment turned into minutes and she started to worry about her. "Uh, Twilight? Twilight!"

"I wonder how much sleep she's gotten," Lightning mused out loud. "Poor thing looked ready to sleep at any moment. Good thing she picked you, eh?" Nudging Rainbow with a hoof, causing a slight blush show on Rainbow's face. Twilight stirred after his nudge.

"Huh, what?" Lifting her head off Rainbows chest, she rapidly looked around in panic. "A-are we under attack? Is Goldwing here?" She started to calm down after seeing no breaches in their lines. "I-I'm sorry Rainbow, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, Twilight," Rainbow reassured. "Friends always help others to act as pillows." The teasing cause Twilight to look away, blushing in embarrassment. "Anyway, what was this plan you came up with?"

"It might make more sense if I showed you" Twilight walked around the throne to one of the walls and nodded to one of the unicorns guarding it. He was wearing the usual golden attire all royal guard had. It was improved upon as years passed by however and small changes could be seen. So of course with the technology of firearms, he had a pistol holstered to his side, hidden behind a white drape that stopped halfway to the floor.

With a glow of his horn, the wall started to shimmer as a large wooden door replace it. He also opened the door for everypony to go through. Twilight gave a quick thanks as she trotted inside with Rainboom squadron following behind.

"Where are we going, Twilight?" Rainbow asked as she looked at the small corridor they were going through. As she passed a torch, she saw the walls looked old and crumbled. The small amount of light made her question what part of the castle this was. Not getting an answer from Twilight, she sighed and kept quiet until she saw the end of the corridor.

They were inside a large room with a dome of glass above them, letting the bright sun illuminate the room. There wasn't anything that caught Rainbow's eye except a pair of copper double doors ahead of her. The group filed in and they stopped in front of the doors. Twilight turned around, he eyes showing a mix of sadness and anger.

"Please, don't let what you're about to see make you think any less of Celestia. They were not... gentle." Turning back around before they could answer, she used her magic to shove the doors open.

"Oh my goodness," Spitfire said under her breath.

Celestia was laying on an array of different kinds of pillows, cushions, and anything else to ease her weak, frail body. Her wings were open, slumped on the floor, several feathers were strewn across the white marble that would've matched her coat. It was dull, as if somepony rubbed dust into it. Her once majestic, billowing mane was limp on the ground as well, turned into a dull, multicolored puddle. Several unicorns were with her, giving what power they could to relieve her exhaustion. It was useless however as they were filling a water tower using only a drinking cup.

Twilight ran toward her mentor and carefully stepped over her wing to nuzzle her neck. Celestia stirred and opened an eye, smiling at her student. Her gaze shifted from Twilight, to the group behind her and a smile formed on her lips.

"I see you brought your friends with you," she said quietly, her voice still holding its motherly tone. "Please tell them to come closer, I don't wish to raise my voice any louder than this." Twilight followed her request and motioned the rest of the party forward. They made sure not to bump into her wing as well and sat down in a half-circle around Celestia's head.

"Hello, Princess," Rainbow greeted as she bowed.

"Hello, Rainbow. It's good to see you are alright." She shifted her gaze toward the others. "You seem to have made many friends in your travels."

"They are actually part of my squadron, but we've all becomes close friends as well." Rainbow returned the smile when she looked toward the ponies around her. "Luna had me become leader of Rainboom squadron." Celestria's eye lit up at the mention of her sister.

"Please tell me she's alright," she pleaded.

"Luna is safe, Princess," Lightning said. "But I fear all will be lost if we don't hurry." Twilight saw this as a sign to tell her plan.

"Celestia and I may have found a way to beat Goldwing." Twilight stated quickly. "Project Alicorn was meant to be used as a fail-safe in case the Princesses could no longer hold their position as leaders." She glanced at Celestia and frowned. "This means that an alicorn cannot use this spell, except to give it to another who is not of alicorn descent." A grin formed on her face as she continued. "There's also nothing that says we can't steal it back from Goldwing." Princess Celestia lifted her head slightly to nod it.

"She is correct. However both parties have to hear the three sayings else it will not work."

"With all due respect, Princess," Lightning began. "But how are we going to get that close without being beaten to a pulp? My allies outside are barely holding together against Goldwing as is. They're giving their lives just so we can have this conversation!" He earned a glare from Twilight, but Celestia rubbed a hoof against her back to calm her down.

"I'm sorry to hear that Lightning and you are right, it sounds like a foalish thing to do, but what other choices do we have?" She grunted as she turned to sit up.

"Princess! please-" Twilight pleaded, but was cut short from Celestia.

"I'm alright," she comforted. She looked at the unicorns around her who were startled to see her moving. "Please leave us, and thank you dearly for giving me strength." The unicorns deeply bowed and left the room, closing the copper doors behind them. "I'll tell you the other sayings, but you need to promise me you will use this power for good. Power corrupts, my subjects. Goldwing is one who have fallen to such thoughts."

"You have my word, Princess," Rainbow said as she bowed before her. The rest of the part followed suit, saying the same thing.

"Very well." Princess Celestia was silent in contemplation before she spoke. Her tone was chanting, the words she said sounded powerful, yet pure.

"From the earth does our strength reside, but within ourselves, it does hide."

"Our magic is mysterious and enthralling, and without it we are nothing." She looked at Rainbow Dash and let out a smile as the next one was for her.

"With our wings we fly, but through our hearts, only will we soar." Celestia seemed to slump after speaking the three sacred saying. Twilight stood closer to her, ready to help in any way she could. Celestia managed to drape a wing over her student and pull her into a hug, earning a gasp from her. "My faithful student... " she mumbled.

"Yes?" Twilight responded, worry in her eyes.

"You must go with them, Twilight," her voice was getting quieter. She rested her head on the pillows and let her wings go limp again. "Please, you must stop... Goldwing."

"I won't leave you! Princess... I-I can't." She nuzzled her face into Celestia's neck and sobbed. Celestia however didn't respond to her touches and laid still. "Princess?" Twilight nudged her body, but still no response. She yelled out her name to no avail, only causing her voice to break after saying it the third time.

"Twilight, I think... " Rainbow couldn't say it, she dared not say it in front of Twilight.

"No!" Twilight was splayed out across Celestia's neck, openly crying into her coat. "She can't be." She coughed from her throat being dry and red from yelling. "G-get the unicorns back in here. Maybe they can still do something... anything." Rainbow nodded and zipped down the corridor they came from. She couldn't find the unicorns as they had decided to blend with rest of the crowd, helping wherever they could. She did the only thing she could think of to get their attention.

"You unicorns better get your flanks back to Celestia right now, or I swear I'll buck you in the head so hard you'd rather fight Goldwing!" It certainly did the job as every unicorn in the room ran into the corridor. She followed behind them to find her friends had backed away, including Twilight who was sobbing on Mist's shoulder in a hug. Rainbow landed next to Lightning as the unicorns surrounded Celestia and started to once again pour their strength into her. It was hard to tell if it was working or not, and she could only hope it was not too late. Lightning leaned next to her and started whispering.

"I know this is a bad time Rainbow, but we need to hurry. Goldwing could be advancing upon us at any moment. We need Twilight to focus." Rainbow nodded and slowly walked toward Twilight and mist. She stared for a moment, before joining in the hug.

"Twilight," Rainbow began in a whisper. "I know this must be hard for you to lose somepony so close to you, but Goldwing isn't going to wait for us." Twilight nodded slowly, still burying herself in Mist's blue mane. Rainbow quietly sighed and looked at Mist, motioning her to bring Twilight with her. She nodded back and reluctantly broke the embrace, leading Twilight slowly to the throne room.

The rest of the party left the room as well, leaving Rainbow alone with the unicorns who were still focusing with all their power to awaken their Princess. She squinted as she looked above at the glass dome, the sun high in the sky.

Goldwing is going to pay for this...

Goldwing laughed as she tore into another aircraft, the pilot inside wide-eyed with fear. She stared at him with amusement before breaking the canopy and pulling him out of the seat. She lunged off the plane and let it fall toward Canterlot, not caring where it crashed. The pony in her grasp struggled in futility, her talon holding his chest in a vice-like grip.

"What's the matter, little pony. Are you not happy to see your queen?" she pressed her beak against his face, causing him to flinch. To her surprised, he managed to stutter out something.

"Y-you're no queen." Goldwing frowned upon hear that and was about to squash the little insect for saying such thing, but was stopped when a dark-blue aura surrounded her talon. The pony let out a squeak as it was wrested from her, landing safely somewhere in Canterlot below.

"Who dares-" she spun around to find an alicorn staring her down from above, her horn aglow. Her voice startled her as she yelled in full volume of the Canterlot voice.

"Fiend! You dare take my sisters power to attack her subjects! Only a foal would attack somepony weaker than themselves." A cruel grin formed on her lips as she flew toward her. "We shall finish you off once and for all!" Luna pointed her horn at Goldwing, releasing a bolt of magic her way. She yelped in surprised and rolled, avoiding it. The alicorn followed her attack, by attempting to spear Goldwing with her horn, but she dodged to the side and grabbed her wing.

Fearing that she was going to snap her wing off, Luna quickly swung her horn toward Goldwing's face. It connected with her cheek, cutting like a well-kept blade. Screaming in pain, the gryphon queen shoved her away and held her cheek, looking at the blood on her talon. Pure rage formed on her face as she dove after Luna.

"Little whelp. I was going to make this quick, but now you will die slow and painfully!"

Twilight was on the floor with a small pillow Rainbow had brought her. She was exhausted after seeing what happened to her mentor and quickly fell sleep. The rest of the party was talking amongst themselves, figuring out how to defeat Goldwing.

"You saw how she tore that jet's wing off, Lightning," Spitfire said fearfully. "I don't want her doing that to my wings."

"Look. I'm scared too, but it's either fight or stuck under gryphon rule forever. I don't know about you, but I'd rather die then..." Mist glared at him for saying such a thing, causing his head to slump. "The point is, we need to join together for this to work. Possibly everypony in this room will need to help." He looked at the array of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi around the room.

"Isn't Luna still outside with our forces?" Mist asked, looking at the double doors leading to the main stairway. "Surely she would be a great help." Lightning shook his head in doubt.

"She's probably the reason we haven't been attacked yet. Either that or she doesn't know about this little sanctuary." As he said that a prim voice caught his attention from behind. turning his head around, he saw a white unicorn eying his group.

"Hello, dears," she greeted in a friendly tone. "I hope you are all alright. I did my best cleaning up the place, but one unicorn can only do so much." She laughed dainty at he modest comment.

"Hey, Rarity." Rainbow Dash piped up, walking over to her. "Everything is fine, though I wish Twilight was in higher spirits." Her ears folded back as she looked at the spot where Twilight was sleeping peacefully. Rarity followed her look with sadness on her face.

"I heard what happened with Celestia. I... We will all miss her dearly." She said, wiping away a tear with a hoof. "I also hear you all plan to bring Goldwing to justice with the help of everypony here. All I have to say is I will gladly bring that that... that... " She kept her growing anger in check as she thought of a proper term to call the gryphon. "Stuck-up, feather-brained, no-good, waste-of-space false queen!"

"Good to hear," Lightning commented with a laugh. "Before we begin, we'll have to gather everypony. Can all of you have them gather in front of the throne, I'll explain our plan to them afterwards." The group around him nodded their heads and sped off to gather who they could. Lightning walked toward the front of the throne, standing on the first elevated platform as he waited.

Rarity easily gathered the earth ponies and several unicorns, making Lightning wonder if they saw her as a leadership figure. His squad-mates gathered the pegasi as well, while Rainbow Dash woke Twilight. Placing her pillow in front, Twilight plopped down while rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Lightning sat down with Mist beside him. Around him, his squad-mates took their own seats while Rarity stood with the crowd. He scanned over their faces, seeing mixed curiosity, fear, and apprehensiveness. Clearing his throat to get rid of the lump from nervousness, he began his speech.

"Everypony, my friends and I have come up with a plan to rid ourselves of Queen Goldwing. With the help of Celestia, she has given us the knowledge to finally put this plan into action." Murmurs and gasps could be heard throughout the crowd. "I won't hold anything back, this plan sounds crazy, but it may be the only way to defeat her. It is your job to distract her and hold her down while we prepare a spell to take the power she stole."

"You want us to hold down a gryphon, who is possibly more powerful then us combined? Madness!" A unicorn yelled out.

"I know you all have your doubts, but what other choice do we have? She plans to take over all of Equestria and possibly the entire world. Is that what you want?" Several more murmurs and quiet "Yes's" came from the crowd. "Fine! if you do not want to be a part of this, run away as a coward. Go right ahead!" He challenged, pointing toward the doors on the other side of the room. Nopony moved so he continued.

"You must put away your fear and stand with your fellow unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. Our nation has lost so much..." his speech hesitated as he remembered how much he's gone through to get here. He couldn't give up now. He had too much to live for. Too much to fight for. He glanced at mist who had leaned against him, giving him the comforting strength to continue.

"All I ask is your help in this battle. Not for me or my friends. Not even for yourselves. This fight is for Equestria and our very survival as an independent nation. Will you answer my call?"

The crowd was quiet as they stared at him. Somewhere in back, somepony stomped his hooves to applaud. It steadily grew as they raised their voices in cheers. "I will join you!" Another pony said. The crowd seemed to fully break out of their trance and pledged their lives to fight. Even if it meant their demise, they would join. Rainbow grinned at Lightning, who sheepishly smiled back as the crowd continued cheering.

The cheering turned into screams of fear as one of the glass windows shattered. The broken glass luckily pelted the group of ponies with only several nicks and cuts. Everypony snapped their attention to the noise to find what caused it to shatter.

On the ground was a dark-blue alicorn, laying still on the ground. Her starry mane laid flat like a deflated balloon. Her body was covered in red lines as if she had been scratched by a group of manticores. The regalia she always wore was broken and barely hanging onto her form. The crowd gasp in shock upon realizing who it was; some running to her aid.

They were pushed back by an unseen force as another figure entered, landing next to luna. She gazed down at the prone form of the moon princess and let out a cackle. Her gaze slowly shifted to the array of ponies in front of her and a grin formed on her face. Her beak was cracked in several places. Dark splotches could be seen on her body from her fight with Luna, but she seemed unphased.

"Hello my little ponies," she said in a mocking voice as she stepped over Luna. "How nice of you to all be here in the same room. It should make killing you that much easier!" Everypony backed away as Goldwing advanced upon them. Lightning and the rest of the party stood their ground near the throne, looking at her with hate in their eyes. "Oh, what have we here? Ponies who still think fighting is worth dying for? How cute." When she finished, everypony went wide-eyed when a certain wall-eyed pegasus got in her face.

"T-That's not nice Ms. Goldwing! Why do you have to be so mean to us ponies!" Goldwing was almost surprised from this pegasus getting so close to her and smiled.

"You must be either really brave, or very stupid to come this close to me." She looked at her eye that was busy admiring something to her left. "I'm going to guess stu-" She didn't get the chance to finish as a rainbow blur flew toward her and bucked her in the chest, knocking her back several feet.

"Don't you dare call any of my friends stupid! and there's more where that came from!" Goldwing held her chest for a moment to regain her composure, glaring daggers at Rainbow Dash.

"You both are stupid! All of you are!" She stood on all fours and pounced toward the two pegasai, ready to slash her claws at them. Bringing her talon down, she was again surprised as a purple shell protected the two from being harmed. "Wha-" Twilight Sparkle stood with her friends, glaring at the dumbfounded Queen.

"That is enough out of you!" A purple glow appeared around one of Goldwing's arms and was thrown to the ground, held in place. "How dare you start this war!" She proceeded to hold down her other arm. "How dare you hurt so many ponies!" The bubble surrounding the two pegasai lifted and they stood next to her. "How dare you harm Celestia!" Twilight's eyes started to glow white as she lifted off the ground. Goldwing watched in fear as she couldn't even move her body under the terrifying gaze of this little purple pony.

"L-let me go this instant!" she demanded, but cowered when Twilight Sparkle clamped her beak shut. The crowd had started cheering at this show of immense power.

"Do what has to be done, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said as she glared at the prone form of Queen goldwing. The rest of Rainboom Squadron snapped out of their staring after seeing what had occurred and walked next to the gryphon. "Take her power! No longer will ponies fear such a display of arrogance!" They stood as one, staring down at the pathetic white gryphon before them. They spoke the saying together in a chant, just as Celestia did.

"From the earth does our strength reside, but within ourselves, it does hide!"

Goldwing's eyes grew wide in terror as she knew what was about to happen. She struggled against her bonds, but nothing seemed to work.

"Our magic is mysterious and enthralling, and without it we are nothing!"

She continued to struggle, noticing the purple pony was actually started to weaken. Grinning madly, she heaved with all her might. Twilight Sparkle cringed at her attempts to escape.

"With our wings we fly, but through our hearts will others soar!"

As the last words were said, Goldwing shattered the bonds Twilight put on her. The unicorn fell to the floor unconscious as she ran toward the window in fear. She felt a tugging at her very soul as the words fell on her ears. She took to the air to escape the spell, but it was no use. When she jumped, her legs buckled and she fell back to the marble floor with a crack. Her powers she had stolen were slowly being ripped from her, like how a child would open a present on their birthday.

What followed was the immense pain as her wings dropped and fell to the ground, disappearing in a fine white mist when they touched the floor. Her form shrank back to its original size and the once pure white feathers, were back to a golden/brown. She lied on the floor, curled in pain, as the last bits of power was taken.

Everypony stared in awe as the white light that was Celestia's power swirled around the five ponies who chanted the sacred sayings. It slowly swirled around them as if inspecting its saviors from the evil queen. Lightning held his breath as the light flowed around his legs.

It continued to swirl around them and the group was starting to get confused why it wasn't entering their bodies. As if sensing this, the mist gathered in front of the group and took the form of a very familiar princess.

"Hello, my little ponies," it said in a soft and comforting tone, like a warm blanket on a cold night. "Which of you deem yourselves worthy to harness my power?" The group didn't respond and only looked slack-jawed at the form in front of them. The figure let out a giggle and moved closer to the group. "Come now, there's no need to be stunned. One of you must want this power." The group broke out of the revere one at a time and spoke in whispers so it couldn't hear them.

"I say we take this chance!" Spitfire said excitedly. "Think about it. Having a horn and wings!" Rainbow Dash stared at her, unimpressed.

"This power belongs to Celestia, Spitfire. I don't think we should take it."

"I'm going to agree with Rainbow," Mist said quickly. The rest of the group agreed with Rainbow Dash and they all turned back toward the mist. It looked at them, awaiting an answer.

"None of us wish for your power," Lightning said firmly. He looked at the group to confirm it and they nodded. The mist seemed disturbed by this as she paced back and forth.

"Why not? You could become a prince or princess. Just think of all the possibilities!" Once again, Lightning shook his head.

"I don't want power, to become a prince, or any of those things. I'm happy with who I am," he said as he glanced at Mist. "I'm happy with who I'm with." The mist sat on her misty rump and crossed her hooves in disappointment.

"Well who do I give myself to then? I can't stay like this all day you know."

"Is it not obvious, Ms. Mist Celestia?" Derpy questioned. "We want you to go back to Celestia. She needs you the most!"

"A-are you sure?" The mist seemed saddened upon hearing this, but the group of pegasai repeated their answer. "Very well... let us go to Celestia." The mist turned back into its ribbon of white and flowed out of the room and through the hallway that the Princess resided.

Lightning looked at Luna's prone form and saw she was already being watched over by several ponies. To his surprise, her chest was slowly rising and falling.

"Rainbow, pick up Twilight. Let's go see if Celestia is okay." Even though Rainbow was leader, she followed his order and placed the exhausted pony on her back. With their passenger in tow, they trotted down the dark corridor again. Lightning thought about something and let out a sigh.

"Lightning," Mist began, curiosity in her voice. "What's wrong?" Her lover looked at her and smiled.

"Guess I didn't need to do a uplifting speech after all." He admitted, looking back at Twilight Sparkle draped over Rainbow dash's back. Rainbow looked back at him and returned the smile.

It's finally over.

The war is finally over.

Everypony filed inside the large circular room where Princess Celestia was seen laying upon the ground. The mist circled around her form, waiting for everypony to enter. When the last one entered, the mist dove into Celestia's body.

They stood still, like any sudden movements would break their chances of the Princess from awakening. It however proved fruitless as her body continued to lie on the ground. Minutes passed by and slowly the ponies began crying for their Princess. She had sacrifice herself so long ago so Luna could retaliate against Goldwing. It was the heaviest price anypony could pay: Their own life.

As the minutes stretched on, ponies bowed in front of the still form of Celestia and gave their respects. Pegasai would pluck their feathers and leave it in front of her. Unicorns allowed what strength they had left to enter her body as well, even though it was useless, they dreamed it would be enough. Earth pony's gave what they could, ranging from horseshoes to strands of their own mane as gifts to their Princess.

By this time Luna had awoken to come limping inside. She stopped in front of her sister's neck and draped herself over it, hugging her closely. She sobbed as she nuzzled her neck, tears staining her pure-white coat.


Luna looked at her sister's coat once more, even with her eyes blurry she could see her sister's coat regaining color. Her eyes grew wide as she felt a very faint, but steady thump as she held her neck. Overjoyed, but still cautious else she might lose her, she ran over to Celestia's horn. She knew it could be painful with her horn snapped, but it was worth the risk if she could save her sister. Touching her sister's horn, she sent the smallest amount of magic she could, immediately hating the pain that followed.

She cringed her teeth as what felt like a overwhelming brain freeze hit her mind. She yelped out in pain as everypony watched in horror. She didn't stop as she sent another jolt through, making the pain worse and giving her a massive migraine.

"P-Princess!" Mist yelled, catching the attention of ponies who were leaving.

"No! We will not give up on our sister!" she sent another jolt and screamed in pain. Now most of the ponies that had left were back, staring in awe at what was happening. Some of the unicorns got the idea and joined. Even if some of them fell unconscious from overexerting their magic, they continued. They loved their Princess and would not stop until she was safe.

Lightning felt useless. He couldn't do anything, but watch them struggle to keep Celestia alive. If only he could give what strength he had left. Realization slammed into him as he remembered one of the third sayings.

"I-I think I understand," Lightning sputtered out. "The three sayings! They can help us in this!" Not really sure what he was doing, he ran toward the nearest unicorn and, to the unicorns dismay, hugged her.

"What are you doing?" Mist ran up to him to stop this nonsense, but stopped when the unicorn's horn grew brighter. "W-What is going on?"

"I finally understand it, Mist." Lightning said while hugging the unicorn. "Like the saying goes, 'With our wings we fly, but through our hearts will others soar'. I know it sounds cheesy, but pour your heart into a unicorn, they're the only one's who can send it to her. That goes for you earth ponies as well!"

They looked at him skeptically, but when a line formed from the unicorn Lightning was hugging to Celestia's, everypony gasped. Every unicorn was quickly forced into a group hug by earth pony and pegasus alike. No sooner had they done so, that each unicorn's horn grew bright and shot into Celestia's horn. A bright light began building at the tip of her horn. When the last trail of what some believe to be love for their princess stopped, the Princess's horn was glowing brightly. It traveled down her horn and disappeared into her skull.

Everypony was laying on the ground in exhaustion as they watched Celestia's form. To everyony's surprise, her mane slowly rose from the floor and billowed ever so slowly in the air. The ruffled feathers on her wings slowly turned smooth and her coat was bright as ever.

Celestia cracked open an eye and came face-to-face with her sister, Luna. The moon princess looked into her sister's eyes and started bawling in front of her. Out of instinct, Celestia wrapped her hooves around her sister and held her close.

"I'm here sister," she soothed. "There's no need to worry anymore."