• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 4,083 Views, 194 Comments

Ace combat: Shattered Rainbows - Brotato

Equestria is under attack by the Gryphon Kingdoms up north.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

It was mid-day and In the gym located inside Headquarters, Rainbow Dash was busy venting her anger. A swift buck to a punching bag sent it swinging up, hitting the ceiling. She then ducked out-of-the-way as it swung back at her; quickly spinning, she bucked again, causing the bag to detach and fly across the room. Upon it in an instant, she started punching it with her hooves until she finally slumped against it, panting heavily.

She was still angry about the mission yesterday. Angry at the gryphons for starting this stupid war. Angry that they shot down Lightning Spark. Angry she couldn't get back at them. Angry because... She couldn't think up anything else, but was angry also because of that. Ruffling her mane in frustration, she laid on the floor and simply looked at the ceiling, letting herself calm down.

"What could I have done to save him? I'm a good pilot, but not that good to take on fifteen other aircraft-- " A grey stallion interrupted her thoughts by clearing his throat with a cough. He wore a blue jacket with the letters "MP" on his left shoulder. His voice was disciplined and deep as he stood at attention.

"Rainbow Dash? Princess Luna has requested to speak with you. I'm ordered to take you to her chambers."

Standing up, Rainbow was sore from over-exerting herself after the bouts of anger. "Fine, let's get this over with." They walked through the hallways of LRAF headquarters. The stone floors and walls were polished spotless and the ceilings had several light-fixtures that gave off a pure white light, giving it a sanitary feeling. Passing by the Cafeteria they ran into pegasus three and gave each other a solemn nod. Several more turns and more rows of glaring light fixtures later, Rainbow Dash stood in front of two redwood polished double-doors.

"Mind what you say, Miss." The guard said, a hint of caution in his voice. He knocked twice on the left door and they immediately swung in, surrounded by a dark blue aura of magic. The doors quietly shut with a click soon as Rainbow entered. She saw Luna laying on a couch inside the plush, violet carpeted room. Several small tapestries hung on the walls, the most prominent was an image of Celestia and Luna posing together.

Luna’s starry mane billowed majestically around her face as a single, teal eye noticed Rainbow Dash. "Greetings. We hope you fare well?"

"I’m Fine,” Dash stated simply, her nerves still on edge. “Sorry Princess. I’m still trying to get over my anger with the last mission.”

Luna waved a hoof. “It’s quite alright. When I heard what happened we were furious as well, but we have learned to hide it perfectly. ‘One must stay composed, else everything falls to chaos’ my sister once told me.” Standing up from the couch, she gave a small smile. “But we’re not here to trade wisdom of course, we wish to show you something.”

Walking over to a coffee table, she motioned at something sitting on it. Rainbow joined the Princess across from the table and spotting the odd rectangular device. Looking at it closer, one of the buttons was lit up, waiting to be pressed. Cautiously pressing it with a soft click, immediately Luna's voice came from the device.

- - - -

"Is your report ready, Mist?"

"Yes, but It's been going poorly, your highness. After several duels, I would like to concluded that none of this weeks recruits have potential to be aces."

"This is most disheartening news to us, Mist. Art thou positive this is all you have to report?"

"No, your majesty. I fear it's not their skills in question, but their will to fight."

There was a long pause before Luna answered. "Explain."

Mist cleared her throat. "The pilots are losing their focus on the war, Princess. Every day I see gloom in their eyes and frowns on their faces. I surprised myself when it starting to affect me. I've had dark thoughts of wanting to give up and let the gryphons have our homeland."

"Mist, what you speak is the talk of a traitor!" Her voice far from amused.

"I know, but think through the minds of us ponies. This is the first most of us have been in a war; some have never even heard of it. We are at the brink of being snuffed out, Princess. Our moral is in the toilet and the gryphons continue to advance toward us. What's the point of fighting if our hope of winning is only a dream?"

- - - -

There was more to the recording, but Luna shut it off with a glow of her horn. "I recorded this tape a week before she met Mobius, and later, Talisman. Whenever flying they both inspired the other pilots that hope still existed; by carving swathes of justice wherever we sent them. They both performed their duty admirably and to this day are preventing the gryphons from advancing on this base.” Sighing, she hung her head. “Unfortunately, three aces are not enough, So when I heard there was a fourth possible candidate, I jumped at the thought of their very own wing.” Her mood continued to sadden. “Then things started to fall apart after the enemy shot Mist down and now with Lightning Spark gone, hope is starting to fall out of reach.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyebrows’ shot up. “S-she was shot down? Lightning Never told me that.”
“At least that explains why he’s reluctant to talk about her,” she mused

Luna looked at her. “I’m not surprised, he usually keeps that sort of thing to himself.” Her head cocked to the side thoughtfully. “We are curious why he opened up to you about it, he must really trust you.”

She hid her slight blush, looking away uncomfortably. “I just listened to his story instead of judging him after his... Episode.”

“Traumatic Stress Disorder,” Luna said with unease. “He was diagnosed with it the day after the last mission with her.”

“So, you just let him continue to fly in this state? Isn’t that dangerous?”

“It’s horrible, we know, but it was his decision to keep flying. Only certain events seem to trigger the memories; mentioning pegasus Two or Mist around him would almost always set it off, that’s why every pony has agreed to never speak of her again.”

Talking about the losses of another started to spark Rainbows’ anger again. Suddenly, a bold idea formed in her head. "Let’s go rescue Lightning Spark!”

Luna raised an eyebrow in skepticism as she sat back down on the couch. "A very brave, but foolish thing to do."

"I'm more brave than foolish," Rainbow boasted.

A laugh escape Luna's lips as she held a hoof up. "I know some ponies who would believe that." Her face turned immediately serious as her tone dimmed. "But are you really that determined to save him? They transported him to the most high-security prison known in Equestria; now controlled by gryphons, making it that much more dangerous. "

"I will not sit on my hooves and do nothing. He made a promise that we would both come back safely and I plan to finish it for him."

Luna sighed in relief, before smiling at her. "We know that look in your eye when a friend is in trouble. It is good to see the Element of Loyalty still shines brightly, even in these dark times.” She paused, the only sound was the ticking of a clock on the wall behind where she sat; her face hid behind a mask of concentration when in deep thought. “Very well, we will tell you where he is being held, only if you promise to do everything in your power to return to us, even if you return empty hoofed."

Rainbow Dash stood up proudly. "You have my word, Princess."

A glow of her horn and a map popped into the room above, settling on the coffee table. She pointed a hoof at a city near the eastern mountainside, opposite of where Canterlot lay. "He's at the Stalliongrad detention Center."

- - - -

Rainbow Dash galloped down the hallways toward the armory, where Luna said a special gift was waiting for her. Running down the white hallways, she passed by the barracks; hearing soft crying coming from one of the rooms to her left. Twitching her ears around to find where it was coming from, she stopped in front of a simple wood door. The tiny slot where it showed who bunked there made Rainbow completely forget about the armory as she softly knocked on the door twice. The crying abruptly stopped inside as the sound of steps were shuffling around the room. Several minutes passed before the door finally opened, with Fluttershy peeking around the door, her eyes obviously red from crying.

"Oh, hello Rainbow. Is there something you want?" Her voice interrupted by several tiny sniffles.

"Is it alright if I come in?" Rainbow Dash requested, a hint of worry in her eyes.

Sniffling again, the yellow pegasus fully opened the door and moved out-of-the-way for her friend to enter and closed the door behind her. Inside there were two bunk beds, one against opposite sides of the room. Each piece of furniture had been placed to look exactly the same on the other side. The only light came from slightly opened blinds in the center of the room behind Fluttershy, giving the entire room a gloomy feeling.

"Fluttershy, are you--" Rainbow didn't get a chance to finish as Fluttershy decided to get assertive and cry openly on her shoulder. Putting a hoof around her neck, she held her close, slowly hoof-brushing her pink mane. They stood there until her sobbing turned into trembling before she dared speak again. "Is this about our first mission together?"

She nodded against Rainbow, not letting go as she rubbed a hoof across her eyes to futilely wipe away the pouring tears. “It’s just so horrible. Why would any pony want to hurt another. Why would the gryphons--” A sob interrupted her sentence.

She did her best to choose her words carefully. "I know it hurts to see our friends... Go away, but this is war. You can't save every pony."

She broke the embrace and looked at the floor., like it had all the answers. "W-why not?"

"Because you're just one pegasus, Fluttershy. You can't be everywhere at once. I’m sure you did the best you could." The yellow mare hung her head, tears soaking the floor.

“If my best isn’t good enough then I shouldn’t have joined. I’m a horrible pony for letting those pilots die when another could’ve done better.” She held her head in her hooves, he pink mane hiding her face completely.

"Good job Rainbow Crash, you better think of something fast." The blue pegasus mentally face-hoofed. “Fluttershy... please, look at me."

She slowly looked up at her, tears again flowed freely and a slight drip was coming from her nose.

"Uh, hold that thought." Going to the bathroom, she grabbed some tissues and proceeded to talk while cleaning up her friend’s face. "As I was saying... While you’re only one pony, that doesn't mean you're by yourself in this. I'm here for you Fluttershy, and so is your AWACS team. You’re letting the burden fall all on your shoulders when us as a team should be helping each other out.”
Finishing up wiping her nose, Rainbow Smiled. “Don't ever think you're alone, okay?"

A small smile crossed her face. "I'm sorry Rainbow, you're right. I should have talked with my friends about it." She gave one more hug to her best friend. “Thank you.”

"Hey, what are friends for."

With the sadness long gone, they both spent the next couple of minutes casually chatting until a knock came from the door. "Oh! that must be Flare Chaser. We were going to have coffee togeth--." She caught herself as if she said something wrong. "Um, I'm sorry. Did you want to join us? I can brew enough for three, if that's alright with you?"

Rainbow shook her head, the armory was still waiting for her. "I need to get going, if I wasn’t in a hurry I would join you both."

"Oh, okay. See you later Rainbow, and thank you again."

Before she left, they both enjoyed a third hug together. Opening the door, she made a quick greeting to a surprised Flare Chaser, before galloping toward the armory.

- - - -

Opening a grey steel door, she noticed a drastic change of scenery. First was the sound of dull gunfire coming from the padded firing range. The metallic floor clanked noisily as she walked across it. In front from her was the pony she was supposed to see. He glanced up from a particular saucy magazine featuring a tall white mare with a flowing pink mane.

“Rainbow Dash, right? Took ya long enough.” He hid the magazine under the desk. “I was about to go win the war myself.”

She grimaced at his demeaning, rough accent, but ignored it. “Luna said she had something for me to pick up?”

"Yeah, yeah, let me go get it." As he wandered somewhere in the backrooms, Rainbow Dash stared at the collection of gear behind the metal fencing where his shop was behind. There was everything from simple flight-suit replacements to something that looked like a wide-mouthed rocket launcher covered in cake icing. Rainbow continued to eye the amount of backroom inventory when Silver Shine threw a black latex suit in front of her.

She inspected it, lifting a sleeve."Uh, why does it look like a Wonderbolt uniform?" Noticing the streaks of yellow symbolizing lightning.

"Because it is, silly filly. It’s something Luna cooked up during the war. We treated it with a special substance to absorb energy waves usually sent by radar or other means of detection, making you practically invisible! plus it looks cool as buck.”

“This thing makes me invisible? That's awesome!" she gushed in excitement.

"Whoa filly, not exactly. You can still be seen the ol' fashion way." He pointed a hoof toward his eyes. "Which is why it's usually worn during the night." His eyes shot up as he realized something. "Oh! speaking of darkness... " Rummaging underneath the wide counter he was behind, he pulled out a pair of goggles. "You're going to need these if you want to see clearly at night; they're enchanted with magic to allow you to see like it was daylight. Just don't put them on while in any source of light, unless you want to be blind of course."
Rainbow caught herself before putting them on and nervously chuckled, placing them back down.

"Luna also wanted me to tell you transportation is waiting for you, so don’t dawdle too long. I don't know what you and The Princess had planned with this stuff, but be careful out there."

“Don’t worry about it, I can handle myself." Grabbing the gear, she rushed to put the suit on. She easily got her front hooves and head covered, but after a minute of struggling with half her body in the suit, she shot an annoyed look at Silver. "Uh, a little help?" Over at the counter, Silver was laughing his head off as he watched her struggle.

“I forgot to mention, it takes two ponies to put on.” Wiping his eyes, he walked around the counter to help Rainbow.

“Just don’t do any funny business, I got my eye on you.” Several stretches and snaps of latex later, she was finally covered in the stealth suit. “Awesome! how do I look?”

“Very intimidating, but remember, darkness and speed are your best defenses with that on.”

Nodding, she spoke in a hurry. “Got it. I better get going, my transportation is probably wondering where I am.” Grabbing the goggles with her teeth, she galloped out the door.

“Yeah... have fun, I guess.” Trotting back behind his counter he took out the magazine, flipping through it slowly.

- - - -

“Rainbow Dash?” The pilot trotted up to introduce herself, yelling over the helicopter’s rapidly spinning blades. “My name is Spring Heart, I’ll be flying you over Stalliongrad today. I hope you have all your gear ready?”

“You bet! let’s get this show on the road!” She lead her toward the strange aircraft, noticing the entire thing painted black as night, with the LRAF symbol on the tail. The middle of the helicopter had a huge rectangular opening to easily climb in and out both sides. Quickly jumping inside, she strapped herself in one of several seats. The helicopter slowly took to the air and turned north, before leaning forward and flying toward Stalliongrad.

- - - -

After over an hour of flying, they finally reached their destination. “You sure we’re over Stalliongrad?!” Rainbow Dash yelled over the whipping winds as she hesitantly looked out the side of the helicopter. She saw multiple spotlights swirling around, casually watching for enemy targets. Spring responded from the intercom stuck in Rainbow’s ear.

“You bet we are! so I suggest you get going before we get spotted by those lights, and I prefer not getting shot down. Good Luck Rainbow Dash, you’re going to need it!”

“I’ll need more than luck.” Hesitantly glancing down toward Stalliongrad again, she dove out with her wings folded, rocketing toward the detention center.

“I’m coming Lightning, just hang on.”

- - - -

Lightning Spark struggled with his bonds, feeling the rope cut off circulation to his hooves. His flight-suit had been torn off, leaving his cutie mark--two bolts of lightning with one flipped upside-down--for all to see. He was inside a blank, white cell room with only a bed and toilet to keep him company. The gryphon’s were not kind to him, already several cuts and bruises covered his face from the several interrogations he was forced to do.

Feeling the rope finally starting to slip off, he increased his efforts. The faint sound of talons clacking on the cold stone floor outside caused him to immediately stop and glance up toward the door. The patrolling gryphon slid the metal bar out-of-the-way and glanced inside his cell. Lightning could feel his lungs burning from holding his breath as he stared at the gryphon. Finally not seeing anything out of the ordinary he slid the bar closed and continued his patrol. Finally Letting out his held breath, he continued to slide out of the bonds.

“Come on, almost there... “

“Just what do you think you’re doing?!”

His eyes shot up as he saw the same gryphon had opened the slider again. Cursing himself, he remembered not hearing him walk away from his door. “Just trying to scratch an itch, that’s all.” He lied, smiling sheepishly.

The gryphon opened the door and walked in wielding a large spear, tipped with an obsidian arrowhead. “An itch, huh? I think I can help you with that.” Taking his spear, he smacked the pony across the face with the blunt side of the arrowhead, causing him to fall on his side. “There, is the itch gone yet?”

Struggling to stand back up, he felt another bruise coming on as he nodded slowly, glaring at the ground. “Yes.”

“Good, don’t let me catch you with any more... Itches again.” Laughing, he puts his bonds back in place and tightened them even more, before slamming the door shut and walking away.

Lightning slumped against the bed, tired just from getting back up. He didn’t know how long he’s been in here and the amount of sleep from falling unconscious and endless interrogations didn’t help either. Closing his eyes, he fell sleep from sheer exhaustion.

- - - -

“Get up you lazy pony!”

Lightning felt something poking his flank as he lifted his head, looking through the drowsiness of half-open eyes. Another gryphon had come to his cell, most likely to take him to another interrogation session. He felt his bonds gone as he held a moment of bliss being able to stretch his hooves.

“I said up, get up!” The gryphon poked his flank again, almost drawing blood.

“Alright, alright, I’m up.” Slowly getting up off the floor, he begrudgingly followed the gryphon. The detention center was a nightmare outside. Cells lined the walls three stories high, crying could be heard as he passed by them and screams were coming from deeper inside the facility. He wanted to be angry and rebel, but they kept a close watch on their prisoners and he wasn’t fit for fighting. The interrogations were held in block D, north of the holding cells, which is block C; he didn’t know what was in blocks A and B, but it couldn’t be any better than here.

The gryphon escorting him stood at attention next to the door leading to Block D. “Have fun, little pony.” She laughed as Lightning went through the wooden door cautiously.

The entirety of Block D was one large mass of cubicals, each one fitted with windows for watching in privacy and a single chair with a table for the interrogatee. He watched as a teal unicorn was dragged past him, unconscious and bruised, back to Block C.

He simmered in anger. “How can they get away with this without punishment? Do they not know the pacts of war on how to treat prisoners?”

A formal tone broke the silence. “Lightning Spark, is it?”

Looking toward the doorway the teal unicorn just came from, a gryphon wearing a white coat motioned him over.

He glanced at the guards standing around the hallway who glared back at him to get moving. Sighing, he walked over and stopped in front of the coated gryphon.

“Let’s see... “ He had a clipboard out as he casually gleaned over his earlier interrogations and information gained. “Lightning Spark, Leader of pegasus Wing One, Serial Number LRAF 32582...” The way his brow scrunched as he read out loud next made the pegasus chuckle inside. “... Favorite snack is chocolate chip coo--who the flock interrogated you?” He was certainly not amused with this information.

Lightning Spark shrugged as he joked. “A gryphon that was hungry?”

“Well I am not hungry, nor incompetent enough to write such trivial information.” He ripped the interrogation report from the clipboard and crumpled it, before throwing it over his shoulder, unintentionally beaning a guard in the face. “Well, what are you waiting for? An invitation?” He pointed a talon toward the room.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Heavily sighing, Lightning trudged inside and steeled his mind for what was about to happen next. He plopped down in the chair with his fore-hooves on the table, blankly staring at the “mirror” across from him. The gryphon who was his third interrogator, paced in front of him for a moment.

“Mr. Spark, please tell me what you plan to gain with all this... Stubborness?” He frowned when he didn’t get a response. “You’re in one of the most high-security detention centers known to ponies and gryphons alike.” He whispered in his ear as he walked around in back of him. “There is no hope for you here except to tell us everything you know about the LRAF.”

Lightning stared at the reflective glass ahead of him and repeated what he told the other interrogators. “My name is Lightning Spark, Leader of 1st pegasus Wing, Serial Numb--” The clipboard the gryphon was carrying slapped against the table, making him flinch slightly, but he continued. “--er 32582.”

“I already know that, you dolt!” Snapping at him as he glared at Lightning from across the table, his talons firmly gripped to it. “You will obey my requests or I will use force.”

A slight chill went down the pony’s spine as he remembered the last beating he received. They used riding crops and were hitting so hard they were snapping in half, but he didn’t break and he didn’t plan to now. He decided to finally say something so profound it blew the gryphon’s mind. “No.”

Pulling out a small radio from his coat pocket, he pressed a button. “Bonebeak, come here please.”

The door to Lightning’s right opened up as a huge Gryphon entered the room, brimming with muscle. His voice was slightly agitated and held a strange accent. “What do you want? I was about to enjoy snapping unicorn’s horn off.”

“This one refuses to speak no matter what I tell him. Why don’t you... Have a go at him.” He smiled.

After not being stuffed and binded inside a cell for so long, Lightning could feel his strength and senses slowly coming back. His body tensed as he felt an inhale of breath as the bulky gryphon took a whiff of him. “What the hay is he doing?”

“Hm, you not scared, not even bit.” He sniffed again. “I smell defiance... Stubborness? You will be interesting foe to break, little pony.” He was about to take another smell, when he felt a hoof connect with his bottom beak, cracking it.

“I swear to Luna, that was the creepiest thing I’ve ever had to experience.” Lightning jumped away from the chair and was in a defensive stance, his hooves spread out to dodge.

“Little pony, your bravery is admirable, but do you think to defeat Bonebeak? That only brings me laughter.” Using his wings, he sprung forward, swiping a talon for Lightning’s throat. “Die!” Lightning jumped backwards, easily dodging the attack, but felt his strength drain quickly.

“I need to finish this soon.” He mused grimly.

“Careful, you idiot! I prefer to keep him alive!” The coated gryphon yelled.

“Quiet, Gilford. Let this one enjoy his prey.” Bonebeak threw the chair at Lightning and readied himself to pounce where he was going to dodge. “You are mine!” he pounced at the pony as Lightning jumped away from the chair. The pony awarded him with a buck to the beak as Lightning used his fore-hooves to bounce back toward the gryphon; hitting the same spot where his beak had cracked, snapping it off entirely.

The wail of pain that echoed in the room caused every one to flinch in pain. Guards entered the room only to be angrily shoved away as Bonebeak left the room, his beak still on the floor. Staring dumbly at the beak, Lightning felt his hooves go weak as he slumped to the floor.

“He... Should have... Stopped smelling me.” He said between gulps of air.

Gilford also stared at the beak before looking at the guards behind him. Lightning couldn’t hear him, but they immediately rushed to do whatever he ordered. Brushing and straightening his coat haughtily, he glared at him.

“That was most impressive Mr. Spark, but as you see I still have... Shall we say, an Ace up my sleeve.” Lightning rolled his eyes at the cliché bad guy saying.

“You brought this upon yourself after all,” he finished with a snap of his talon. The door opened as two gryphons roughly brought in an unconscious pony with a bag over its head. Walking over to the pony, he held its head as if it was his own child. “It’s very interesting what one can do with a name. When we told this one you were here, she demanded to see you. I’m sure you might recognise her, Mr. Spark.” Reaching for the wool bag, he pulled it off.

Lightning’s felt goosebumps all over as his steeled mind melted. In front of him, laying on the floor unconscious was a light-red pony with blue mane; the same pony so long ago he thought dead... Mist Dancer.

“Start Talking Mr. Spark. Or I might have to hurt your little friend here.”