• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,302 Views, 149 Comments

Searching for Six Ponies (And Discord if I Feel Like It) - Coltsguy

I have to find the Mane Six, but who knows where they are?

  • ...

Same Old Song and Dance

If there is one thing you should know about what is going on, it's that I have no idea what the hell is up with Pinkie Pie.

Obviously, we all know about the Pinkie Pie that we see on television. She's hyper, she's random, she's... Pinkie Pie. However, when you're with her for an extended period of time, you start to wonder about something. In my case, I noticed that she isn't like that at all times. I don't know if it's because she was stuck in a world with Nightmare Moon or not, but she seemed pretty subdued for a while after we had returned.

It lasted maybe twenty minutes until I said something that set her off. If you ever meet her, don't talk about your pinky finger. Holy crap, when I mentioned that each finger had it's own name, it was actually Fluttershy who asked what they were out of interest. As I finished with the pinky finger, Pinkie Pie exploded into a frenzy. If I could figure out how that topic came up, I would have tried to avoid it.

She was ecstatic that there was a finger on the human hand named after her. As she gushed about it, she darted in and out of the little circle we had made and went from pony to person to pony about it. How in the hell was she so fast, for that matter? She kept going from one of us to the other faster than I could keep track.

Yet, despite all of that, the worst was yet to come. When she asked if you did anything with your pinky finger, I thoughtlessly said a phrase that I would always regret.

"Well, some people use it to pinky swear."

She went ballistic. If there was anything that cemented the thought that pinky fingers were named after her, it was the fact that people used their pinky finger to promise things to one another. I hadn't even thought about that comparison until she brought it up. In fact, I was a bit surprised that she knew that swear in this context meant promise. Of course, all it took was a bit of thought to realize that they almost never swear in the sense of bad language around here.

We didn't have to worry about sitting in silence at all with Pinkie Pie there. I couldn't understand most of what she said because of how fast she was speaking. While she was talking, I definitely felt the glares of some of the other ponies for instigating this, however unwittingly it was.

After an hour and a half of that, we were all relieved when we saw the Doctor returning with a veritable hodgepodge of items. In hindsight, it should have bothered me how he got back so quickly with four carts full of parts and him being the only one pulling it. Still, Pinkie Pie also took that cue to stop talking about whatever it was she was talking about at that point. All I remembered hearing was something about tasting the rainbow and as such was the most entertaining thing that I could remember.

"Hello everypony!" shouted the Doctor. "Are you all ready to help set this device up?"

There was a series of nods from all those present.

"Wonderful! Let's get this show on the road then!"

From there, all of us started to help the Doctor set up his machine. Other than the Doctor, everyone remained silent while helping with the setup process. Even Pinkie Pie remained silent for most of the procedure. She just kept her usual smile plastered on her face for the entire time.

This is when something pretty weird happened.

While I was assembling some paneling of some sort, Princess Luna came over and struck up a conversation.

"So, Seth, is what thou said really true?"

"You're going to have to get more specific than that. I'm not the mind reader here."

"True. Is what thou said about the night true? How there are many who wouldst enjoy the night?"

"Oh that. Yeah, there are lots of people who do that. You know, you ought to check out a rave. It's a party that lasts through the entire night and ends as soon as the sun comes up. In fact, many of the best parties on Earth are held at night."

"Really?" interrupted a surprise Pinkie Pie. "What are parties like on Earth?"

The two of us jumped backwards from surprise. Well, Luna jumped into the air a few feet whereas I threw myself backwards, tripped over an electrical cable, and did a backwards somersault on the ground finishing on my back. I was about half a foot shy of landing on some exposed circuit boards that probably would have stabbed me. I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Ohmygosh!!! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Pinkie. You don't have to worry. Just go back to working on this alright?"

"Okay," she said in a sad tone.

"Don't be sad, Pinkie. It was an honest mistake," I said as I ruffled her mane a bit. "It's not any fun when you're sad. So put on a happy face."

And that's when it happened.

Somehow the music started all on it's own. Before I could even figure out where it came from, the unthinkable happened: I started to sing.

"Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face;
Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face.
Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy,
It's not your style;
You'll look so good that you'll be glad
Ya decided to smile!
Pick out a pleasant outlook,
Stick out that noble chin;
Wipe off that "full of doubt" look,
Slap on a happy grin!
And spread sunshine all over the place,
Just put on a happy face!"

By then, I had inevitably gathered a crowd of onlookers. Somehow, even ponies from Appleloosa were gathered out there. We were an hour's walk from there. How did they even get there? Then again, I would be looking at the oddity that was me as well. I was freaking bouncing and dancing with Pinkie Pie to the tune of 'Put on a Happy Face' as sung by Jason Alexander. Well, except he wasn't singing it; I was. When the first break came in the song Celestia asked me what I was doing.

"I don't know!!!" was all I could say before the song continued.

"Put on a happy face!"

I had a quick few seconds to wonder why this was happening before I went off again.

"Put on a happy face!
And if you're feeling cross and bitterish
Don't sit and whine;
Think of banana splits and licorice
And you'll feel fine;
I knew a girl so glooming
She'd never laugh or sing;
She wouldn't listen to me
Now she's a mean old thing;
So spread sunshine all over the place
Just put on a happy face!"

I felt like dying of embarrassment right then and there. Unfortunately, it didn't end there. The music continued and with it, my horrible, horrible dancing. At that point, it was pretty much just me and Pinkie alternating dancing moves until just before the end of the song. At that, we both made an ending pose with us on our knees and our arms held out wide. Despite my new found endurance, we were both breathing heavily from the performance.

The stares. Oh God, the stares. I quickly turned invisible to help avoid the stares. It wasn't enough. I then ducked behind a larger piece of equipment so that I didn't have to see them. After a few minutes to calm down, I looked to see if they were still there.

Fortunately, all the ponies who gathered there had left. I took a look around and noticed that I didn't even see where they had went. It was like they had just appeared to watch that spectacle and had disappeared shortly after it was over. That just made me feel self-conscious.

It wasn't worth it. I snapped my fingers and a dome of earth appeared over where I was. That's where I just sat for a while. No eyes were upon me. That's what I wanted. After a few minutes, I poked a hole into the dome of earth when I realized there was no air hole. I probably could have gone a while with the air I had, but it was better not to have that problem even arise.

"Come on out Seth. It was not that bad," I heard Celestia say.

"Seth isn't taking any calls right now," I answered.

"You need to come out eventually," she countered.

"Eventually, I will," I countered back.

"I know that you do not like it when so many eyes are upon you. I have your memories after all."

"That sounds really creepy, Celestia."

"We agree with him. That does sound rather disturbing," I heard Luna say.

"True, it is slightly strange, but it also gives me clarity when it comes to his actions."

"Ugh, just leave me alone for a while, Celery Stick."

At that, I heard Luna burst into laughter. I didn't think it was that funny, but maybe I just hit the right button. I could almost imagine Celestia rolling her eyes at that.

"Come on now," interrupted who I assumed was the Doctor. "We have a temporal synchronization device to set up. It's not going to do it on it's own, you know."

I literally sat up through the dome of earth with an idea. I was just glad it was soft dirt. That really could have hurt.

"Why can't it?" I asked.

The three of them looked at me like I was nuts. It probably didn't help that I was covered in dirt.

"What do you mean why can't it?" asked the Doctor. "These aren't living creatures. This is some...wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff here."

"And I can totally go Sorcerer's Apprentice on it," I countered.

I snapped my fingers and all of the components were encompassed in a golden glow for a few seconds. Then, after another few seconds the parts started to move on their own. It was fun watching the eyes of all the ponies as the device assembled itself just like they said it couldn't. After about ten minutes, the device was complete.

And it was pretty big.

It stood about seven feet tall, each side was about two feet wide, and they were separated into three different tower-like structures arranged in a fashion similar to a stereo system. That said, only the one in the middle looked like it had anything to do with stereo equipment with the circular device on the front facing the rifts. Each tower had a series of switches, dials, and lights on them with symbols I couldn't understand. These only covered the sides not facing the rifts. The other three sides were covered in a blueish black material that felt like plastic. Other than the one in the middle, none of the rest of the towers had anything on the other three sides.

"It...seems that I stand corrected," said the Doctor.

"Probably want to make sure it works properly before I soak up all the praise," I said with a huge smirk on my face.

I actually got a hoof to the back of my head after saying that.

"Nopony likes a show-off," said Celestia.

I had a good laugh at that for a while.

"That's rich coming from the pony who raises and lowers the sun," I finally said after composing myself.

After a few tense minutes of the Doctor pouring over the machine, it looked like things were ready.

"Now then," the Doctor started, "this machine will synchronize the temporal alignment of the universe within the rift to the one we are presently in. I could tell everypony present how this achieves that result, but involves sciences that haven't even been invented yet where you are, even on Earth for our human friend here. In fact, I'm really just giving you all the bare facts in order for you to understand what I'm saying right now."

"And we all appreciate that fact Doctor," said Celestia.

"Yes, right," he said and disappeared behind the central tower. "Now, I just have to turn this bad boy on. Then, adjust the frequencies, a little of this, a little of that, and voila!"

There was a brief flash on the tops of the towers and was followed by a low hum.

"Sweetness," I stated. "So does this mean I can go in there and the time will be synched up?"

"For lack of better term, yes. From here, it should give you a window that runs along in the same manner as the place you are headed. It also means, from what I've heard from the princesses, that they will have been in there the same amount of time as we have experienced on this time plane. That means right now that whoever is in that rift will have only been in there for about three and a half days."

"I much prefer three days to the unfortunate circumstances that Pinkie Pie was subjected to," said Princess Celestia.

We all nodded at that statement.

"Alright, well, let's get this-"

"Show on the road right?" I interrupted. "You said that less than half an hour ago."

"I did?"

"Yeah ya did," Applejack agreed.

"Am I getting that predictable?"

"Maybe a little," said Celestia.

"Oh that won't do. That won't do at all," said the Doctor almost somberly.

"Well, maybe you'll come up with something while I'm gone. I think I need to get moving to help out the next pony."

I walked over to the four remaining rifts. Then, I paused for a moment.

"Which one of these is synched up with us?" I asked.

"That one," the Doctor said as he pointed.

I traced where he pointed and stood in front of it.

"Just to be clear, this one right here?"

"Yes, that one."

I pulled my coin out of my shirt and held it out towards the rift. According to the coin, Rarity was the one inside that particular rift.

"Alright, everybody wish me luck."

As everybody wished me luck, I had an idea. I turned around and looked at Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Pinkie."


"With everybody coming back to us, why don't you throw a welcome home party for the six of you?"

Her eyes grew as wide as saucers. An interesting sight to see when everyone's eyes are already pretty big.

"Oh my gosh! I love it! That's a really, really, really, really, great idea! I'll go get started right now!"

Pinkie ran off in a blur. Holy crap, Rainbow Dash would be hard pressed to keep up with that speed.

"We know you can do it partner. Heck, ya already done it several times with us three. Why I'll bet it'll be even easier now that ya know what yer doin'."

I kept up my smile, but I frowned internally. I think that I thought along those lines right before I got to the Powerpuff Girls' house. Then, as a result, I had to rescue Fluttershy from Him and Mojo Jojo. It may sound good to hear, but it probably won't be that easy.

"I'll see you all soon."

I turned back around and touched the rift. The familiar blinding sensation took over instantly. I took a moment to reorient myself and drive away the blindness. When I opened my eyes again, I knew right where I was.

An alleyway.

Really? Is there such a thing as variety around here somewhere? I'd love to see it. The only difference was that the walls around this alleyway were made of stone and mortar. I guess that would be considered variety for me.

I started to walk out of the alleyway, but froze halfway there. The sight was very surprising.

There were ponies everywhere.

At first I couldn't understand what was going on. I decided to bring up my invisibility spell and stay in the alleyway for a bit while I figured out why I was still in Equestria.

I walked up to the edge of the alley and looked to see anybody or anything familiar. Fortunately, I did spot a familiar landmark. It was the waterfall. It looked gorgeous. It also told me that I was in Canterlot.

While this was interesting, I needed to know what was going on. Was I transported to another world again? Was I transported to Canterlot by accident? Is there anywhere here that served non-vegetarian options? Why am I incorporating stupid questions into this line of thought? Should I do-

My line of questions came to a screeching halt. I then saw something that answered the first two questions.

There was a man. A man walking with Twilight.

"Well, crap."

Author's Note:

I didn't even realize this until I was writing this, but I'm doing the rescuing in the same order as the elements revealing themselves in episode two. Who woulda thunk it?

A big thank you goes out to Sandcroft for letting me incorporate his story Ungrounded into my epic tale. His criticism helped me shape this story into something worth reading. He's even helped promote my story. It's only fair that you go check out his excellent story in exchange.

Do it or this might happen. ---> :fluttercry:

Also, for the mods, this song is not copyrighted so don't get deletion happy.