• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,305 Views, 149 Comments

Searching for Six Ponies (And Discord if I Feel Like It) - Coltsguy

I have to find the Mane Six, but who knows where they are?

  • ...

You Know What They Say About Assuming Things

I'd like to say one thing that my dad constantly told me. If you assume about things too much, then you just make an ass out of yourself when things aren't that way. I'm mostly paraphrasing the latter half, but I digress. When I saw a Garganta open over the ring, I assumed that I was in a DBZ/Bleach crossover. In that situation, it certainly seemed like a good and accurate assumption.

However, things like that can come back to bite you in the ass. I'll get to that later though.

At the time, all I could think about was how messed up things were. There was a Garganta opening up over the ring for the Cell Games. Not only that, for some reason the only one who could see the damn thing was me. Granted, at least they could sense it, but that wouldn't help if something came through it that needed to be taken care of.

My fears were affirmed when the Garganta opened and through it I saw the huge ivory face of a Menos Grande. I swear I almost shit my pants at the sight of it. It was the second time I was frozen in fear of something. The thought of those bears and the way Fluttershy stopped them helped me work through it.

"Menos Grande," I whispered.

"Menos what?" asked Twilight.

"A spirit monster. It lives by eating the souls of those with strong spiritual energy."

"That sounds really bad," I heard Gohan say.

"What I don't understand is why I can see it, but not sense it, and you guys can sense it, but not see it. You guys should-"

I was then cut off by the howl that the Menos gave off. It was loud, but not too loud, and really eerie.

"What was that?" yelled Krillin.

"That would be the howl from the giant face in the sky that you guys can't see!" I yelled in response.

I wanted to show them by firing a blast at it and showing it exactly where, but that thought died a quick death when I realized that doing that could easily draw it's ire. Then, I realized something that I should have thought of first. My illusion spell.

"I have an idea. I'll screen an illusion spell over the real thing so that you can see what I'm seeing."

I concentrated my magic into my hands and got to work. Working from left to right, I brought to realization for everyone else the enormous creature that was looming over us. I was very glad that the thing was essentially mindless since it just seemed to do nothing other than peer down at us.

Needless to say the new look for everyone drew quite a bit of attention.

"That's what you were talking about!?!" asked an astonished Twilight Sparkle.

"Menos Grande. A Gillian class to be more precise. It's pretty powerful. If it unleashes a cero blast, it could kill the bystanders nearby."

As if it heard what I was saying, the Menos started to charge up a cero.

"Shit! It getting ready to fire one!"

I wasn't sure who fired it, but a blast of energy flew by me and straight at the Menos. It impacted with the energy the Menos was gathering and exploded violently. I looked back to see who fired it and saw something I did not expect whatsoever.

A guy in a green suit. The energy around his outstretched hand was slowly dissipating as he kept his gaze trained on the Menos. I knew that I knew him from somewhere, but I couldn't place it right away. However, the three people who were standing besides him helped me place it very quickly.

There was a blonde guy with ridiculously forward-styled hair wearing a suit identical to the first guys' only in a blue color. There was a black, spiky haired short guy wearing nothing but black on everything. Finally, there was a red haired young man wearing nothing but red and carrying a red rose. I'd have to be an idiot not to recognize them when they are together.

They were the main protagonists from Yu Yu Hakusho.

They were also making my brain go haywire. What the hell was going on? Three shows in the same place? Was there even a fanfic of this to begin with? This had more of the makings of...a...

That was when I pieced it together. The first had setting, the newly approaching enemy from a second, and a hero showing up to help from a third.

I was in the beginnings of a megacross fanfic.

The possibilities at that point literally were unfathomable. A megacross fanfic was a piece of writing that was extremely difficult to pull off let alone keep up. Anyone could show up at any point. The rules were now thrown out of the window and anything could happen. It was too big of a risk to stay and see what happened.

Unfortunately, thinking about this made me forget all about the Menos hovering over the ring. He had been hit by the blast and it's cero was blown away in front of it. However, all that did was momentarily stun the sucker. A quick bellow later and we all drew our attention back to it.

However, it wasn't bellowing in anger. I looked on as a most familiar wave of pink surrounded the Menos and after a bit, it dissolved into a black mist before disappearing completely. I continued watching as the wave of pink slowly shrank down and flowed towards the ever-stoic visage of one Byakuya Kuchiki who was standing far away from the other side of the ring.

At that point, I know I shouldn't have been surprised. Still, I was, unfortunately, surprised by the fact that the captain of squad six of the thirteen court guard squads had made a personal visit to this rapidly growing spectacle. What was sad was that at least he had a reason for showing up. His job is to deal with hollows.

The cast of Yu Yu Hakusho was a different matter altogether.

"Pardon the bad pun, but I think I just entered the Twilight Zone here," I quipped.

"The Twilight Zone?" asked a confused Twilight Sparkle.

"An old t.v. show where I'm from. It doesn't matter a whole lot right now. I need to speak to the new guy right now."

I teleported over to him to get his attention. I wasn't sure if it worked or not since he kept up his usual appearance.

"I don't suppose I can get an explanation as to why there was a Menos appearing here could I?"

He looked completely unamused to my line of inquiry.

"That is none of your concern," he replied with his usual 'I don't really give two shits about anything' tone of voice.

"The hell it isn't! I'm not sure why I'm able to see either you or that creature, yet not sense you and why the fighters over there can sense you, yet not see you, but damn it I am getting a lot of players here from completely different universes showing up in one place and pretty soon I'm willing to bet that it's going to attract more than just one Gillian here. This place is a hotbed of activity right now and everyone here has strong powers that I bet taste delicious to a hollow. I'm not even sure how everyone is arriving here in the first place, but that is beside the point. Heck, on top of that I'm surprised at the fact that the green guy in the ring hasn't decided to start nuking everyone around here because he hasn't had a chance to fight yet. He isn't exactly a hero. I'm not trying to piece everything together, but I'd at least like to know why there was a Menos opening a garganta over this place. Can you please at least tell me why?" I finished while starting to breathe a little heavier at that rambling.

Byakuya regarded me for a few moments before closing his eyes and sighing.

"Very well. I'm not sure how you are aware of certain aspects of these things in the first place. However, your argument is just valid enough to make you aware of the situation. In short, for some unknown reason, gateways between the world of the living, the Soul Society, and even Hueco Mundo have been opening up on this world instead of their intended destination. We are simply investigating the matter right now."

I waited for him to say something else, but soon realized that that was all I was going to get from him.

"I see. Thank you for disclosing that information," I said to him. "As for the cause, I'm pretty sure that something is causing the tunnels to intersect with this universe from your own. Judging from what I've seen, it isn't just your universe. There is another group from another universe over there that had this happen to them as well. There's also my case as well. I wouldn't be surprised if someone else just fell from the sky."

As if on cue, there was an enormous crash that came from the direction of where the road was. I turned to look and saw something that obviously didn't belong there.

A damn wooden ship. On closer inspection, a damn familiar wooden ship with a very familiar jolly roger painted on the main sail. One that had a very familiar straw hat on top.

I facepalmed. Hard.

"Mr. Kuchiki, if you can get that message back to your superiors that would be very helpful. Also, I'd give a heads up to Ichigo Kurosaki since I have a feeling that somehow he's going to get himself dragged here against his will at some point."

"I will consider it," he said before vanishing from sight.

"This is getting out of hand," I whispered to myself.

I took a quick look around to see if there was anyone else coming. Seeing nobody else, I teleported over onto the bow of the Going Sunny. I took a quick scan to see if I could see anyone. It didn't take long to see activity on board.

Literally the entire crew save for Zoro were busy having some kind of discussion on the main deck. It looked like they were the post time skip crew. What they were discussing I had no idea of. I decided to break into the probably soon-to-be fiasco before things got out of hand.

"Hello there! Everybody alright?"

I knew full well that they were alright, but it didn't hurt to ask. They all turned to regard me for the first time.

"Who the heck is that guy?" asked Luffy.

"I don't know, but maybe he knows what's going on," stated Robin.

"Oy! Beard guy! Do you know where we are?" asked Luffy.

I set aside the beard guy comment since it didn't matter and tried answering them.

"Well, first off, you're on a boat in the middle of dry land. As to where specifically, what did that one guy say?" I asked out loud while trying to remember.

I rolled through episode 167 of DBZ really fast to remember and finally it hit me.

"I believe you're about twenty-eight miles northeast of Eastern City. Oh, and you're most likely in a different universe as well."

As they all brought out their overreaction bits which included some panicked screaming that I had to stifle a chuckle from, I started thinking about the implications of so many of these characters in one place. Too bad I didn't have long to do so. Cell's patience had worn out.

"Enough of this little farce!" he bellowed. "I'm sick of waiting. It's time to get the fight started. Who will be first?"

I watched as Goku stepped into the ring. It looked like he had his game face on. As cool as watching that fight would be, I needed to figure out what I was going to do.

Before I got to do that, I got surprised by Luffy jumping up beside me on the bow. His gaze was directed at the ring.

"Who are those guys? They seem pretty tough."

I scooted a little to the side before answering him.

"The green guy is Cell. He's an evil monster who has killed many people here. The one in the orange is Goku. He's a noble warrior who's saved the planet on several occasions and is my own personal hero. They're having a fighting tournament to determine the fate of the planet."

"That sounds pretty awesome."

"It is awesome. You can't interfere, though. This may be happening in front of us, but to me this is in the past. If we interfere, he may lose and the planet could be destroyed as a result."

Yeah, I know Goku loses on purpose later, but like hell I'm going to tell anyone else here that.

"I'm going to get a front row seat! This looks like it's going to be a great fight!" Luffy yelled before jumping down and running towards the ring.

"Luffy get back here!" I heard Nami yell.

I looked back at who was left. I watched just as Zoro also leaped over the side of the boat in the same direction. I briefly wondered where he was before. Usopp and Chopper seemed like they had gone into deep denial mode as they were laying against the main mast with foam coming out of their mouths. Sanji was taking a forced nap for some reason that probably had to do with the nosebleed he was having. Franky was being Suuuuuper!!! Brook just seemed to be, well I didn't actually see him anywhere. Finally, Nami and Robin were just watching as Luffy and Zoro were running towards the ring.

I want to take a brief time out to say that Holy Crap Robin and Nami were sexy as hell!!!

Ahem, where was I? Oh yeah. I kind of started staring at Nami and Robin. It was one of those stares that you know you're going to get in trouble for, but you just can't stop. It didn't take them long to notice.

"What are you doing?" asked Nami.

"Oh sorry," I said as I looked away. "You two are much sexier than I thought you'd be."

I instantly covered my mouth with both hands as I finished saying that. Where the hell did that come from?

"You seem to know a great deal more than us," said Robin; breaking into my thoughts. "Perhaps you could tell us what's going on?"

Needless to say, I was a bit happy that she was letting that whole thing slide.

"Well, it seems that people and other assorted creatures are gathering here from all kinds of different universes. I'm not sure how, but I don't think you'll be the last ones either."

"You seem to know a great deal about what is happening," she said while smirking. "You know about that fights' outcome and you seem to know who we are despite us coming here with no knowledge of this place. Just how do you know such things?"

Damn she's pretty sharp. Well, that's a scholar for you. They are much better at noticing things and making connections. What's a good line to use?

"I'm from an observable universe. That is to say I can peer into other universes like this one or yours. That's why I know things. Unfortunately, I'm not from one that can interact with them. There are a few beings I know of that can feasibly do this, but I'm not sure how or why."

Wow, that was pretty good. I think I'll just use that as my default answer from now on. Bonus points for it being a technical truth.

"I hope that helps," I continued. "I don't plan on being around for that much longer. Between the ridiculously overpowered group, the spirit detective group, the keepers of the afterlife group, and you guys, which I'm dubbing the zany group, I'm not sure what to expect here. Not to mention that I have to get the purple unicorn back home before she gets in trouble like I promised to do. Don't worry though. You'll all get back home sooner or later. That's what happens. That or you carve out a life here. You all aren't exactly wanted criminals on this planet after all."

I then activated my teleportation spell and brought myself back over to the fighters area. It looked as though the two casts had mingled a bit since I had left. It stopped after the fight started, but I digress. I knew I had to get out of there soon or else I was going to get dragged along for whatever crazy antics were about to happen.

I took a quick look back to the ring to see how the fight was going. Except it wasn't going. Well, I think there were in a short pause since that wasn't where they started from and instead they were standing at opposite sides of the ring.

"You seem out of place here," I heard someone say.

I turned to see Yusuke Urameshi looking straight at me.

"If you think I'm out of place, just wait until you see the talking skeleton musician," I rebutted. "That will blow your mind."

"You might be surprised," he countered.

"I suppose. Anyway, yeah, different universes are colliding here. The unicorn and myself are probably the only ones who can get back right now, and that's just to her universe and not mine."

I then looked down to her.

"Speaking of which, Twilight. I think we ought to head back home"

She didn't even regard my voice. She was too busy looking at the ring. I turned to look at the fight that had resumed.

I was instantly mesmerized. The movement, style, speed, and power were unlike anything I had ever seen. Sure, I was unable to keep up with a lot of it. I wasn't trained to keep up with that kind of ridiculous speed. However, what I could see was undoubtedly some of the best fighting I had personally ever seen in my life. My eyes were literally tearing up at it. Reality was so much better than on t.v., despite the fact that I couldn't keep up.

And then they took to the air. It was jaw droppingly awesome. Punches gave way to kicks which in turn gave way to more punches. It looked so natural it was as if they lived in the sky.

Then it happened. Something I'd always wanted to see.


Goku launched his signature move right at Cell. It wasn't all that powerful since he didn't have time to charge it up, but I could still feel the power coming off of it. Still, Cell merely batted it away from himself effortlessly.

However, watching it fly away gave me a really ridiculous idea.

"I have always wanted to try this," I said as I channeled some magic into my palm.

Then I held out my hand and snapped my fingers. The energy wave disappeared and then reappeared in a different place going a different direction. I heard some gasps from the people around me. I was pretty stoked too. It had worked just like I wanted it to.

"Sweet! I just teleported raw energy! How cool is that!?!"

"That's not even possible!" I heard Piccolo say.

"It's chaos magic! It makes physics cringe on a daily basis," I countered.

"Could you redirect that towards Cell?" I heard Twilight ask.

"Maybe, but I doubt Goku would be happy with that. He's fighting an honorable match with Cell and I don't think outside interference would be a great way to end it."

I then looked away from the dissipating energy wave and back down to Twilight.

"As cool as this fight is, we need to leave."

"But I said that I was going to help them out. I promised I would," she said almost pleadingly.

"You yourself told me that we ought to leave so as to not interfere with these events."

"And you told me that we needed to make sure that things stayed on track," she countered.

"That was before. The situation has changed. This isn't the same place that I thought it was. The more we stay here, the greater chance we have to affect events in a negative way; even if you mean well. Besides, after we get back, I still have to go get Discord and bring him back. When I do, you girls will need to seal him up again. I hate saying this, but you have to go fulfill your duty as an Element of Harmony."

She looked on like she desperately wanted to protest. However, we both knew that I was right. Her duty as the Element of Magic came first.

"I know how you feel. After all, Goku is my hero. If I could stay, I would. We just can't."

I pulled the coin out from my shirt and knelt down in front of Twilight.

"Come on Twilight. It's time to go."

She seemed to understand and nodded. I turned to look at Gohan.

"Hey Gohan, tell your dad we got back safely alright?"

"Sure, I can do that."

I wanted to give him some words of encouragement for his upcoming fight, but that would be a reveal that I don't think I could explain my way out of. Instead, I turned my gaze back to Twilight and held out the coin for her.

Just as she was about to touch it, I noticed one last thing. It was a couple of girls touching down behind the group. I almost chuckled as I recognized them instantly. It was Nanoha and Fate from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. The Strikers version of them. Instead, I smiled as the light from the coin brightened up the day since I knew that they would be the ones who would fix things.

I smiled because they were the last piece of this puzzle and I had no more worries. Things would be alright.