• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,305 Views, 149 Comments

Searching for Six Ponies (And Discord if I Feel Like It) - Coltsguy

I have to find the Mane Six, but who knows where they are?

  • ...

Time to Play the Game

I may have mentioned it before, but I still miss my DS system. It gives me something to do with my time while I wait for things to happen. Train rides and plane flights are a good example. When you don't have anyone to talk to, something to do makes all the difference in the world.

I swear, if I didn't have my new illusion spell to play my Five Finger Death Punch cd from memory and that guy's gift to think about I may have just teleported everyone off of the train. Better yet, I probably would have sent the train in reverse and had them arrive at Canterlot again. That would've been funny to see those reactions. Instead, I was just sitting on the deck that extended from the caboose. Yay me.

After coming up with the gift, playing a few Saliva songs, and right in the middle of Back in Black by AC/DC, the train slowed down to arrive at Ponyville. Thank goodness. I took note of the station. It was just about sundown and there weren't many ponies at all to worry about running into when the train arrived.

I picked up the gift I had made for the guy and jumped off the caboose onto the platform. I then walked a bit out of the way to avoid any ponies there. Hopefully no one saw the item I was carrying levitate on it's own. I looked on as the man finally came out of the train levitating the sofa behind him.

He then met up with Twilight, oh and Spike too apparently. He looked plenty distracted so I took that moment to give him his cool little gift. Some nigh indestructible metal infused with chaos energy. Though, it did come out a weird reddish color. Not sure why, but I knew it was still the same metal I had in mind.

I used my magic to unzip the large part of the backpack. Then, I secured my note on the block with a rubber band and teleported it to the bag. Then, I managed to slide it in without anyone noticing and re-zipped the bag closed. I was glad that he seemed distracted too, since I doubt that my little magic trick would have gone unnoticed if he wasn't. Still, I needed to get moving to see if the Rarity here was the one I needed to save or not.

I parted ways with the trio and headed in the direction of the town. I still couldn't check out my coin yet since I was invisible. Still, I was sure that I could get to Carousel Boutique in a short amount of time without it.

About two hours later I was certain that I would never truly know my way around Ponyville. I think Ryouga Hibiki is the only person with a worse sense of direction than me. With a heavy sigh, I jumped up onto one of the roofs and looked around for the tenth time. However, this time I finally got lucky and spotted the destination that I desired. I jumped down and started jogging towards the boutique while keeping an eye out for any ponies that had decided to stay out late.

Ironically, the only one I passed on the way there was that guy again. He didn't have Twilight or Spike with him, though. Perhaps he was staying with Fluttershy or Applejack. Wait, the sofa. Of course, he's getting that for a place of his own.

I stayed out of his way and continued on to the boutique. As I arrived, I looked around to see if anything was amiss. I then went up to one of the windows and looked inside. It was pitch black. I didn't even see any lights coming from upstairs.

I decided to take the risk and undo my invisibility. As I did, I grabbed my coin and took a look at it. I circled the boutique carefully as I made sure that she was inside. It seemed that she was. Chances were good that this Rarity was the one that belonged to this universe. I decided to take those odds and gamble with them.

I charged up my magic and teleported back to Canterlot. I arrived at the train station and grabbed my coin to check if the other Rarity had moved at all.


Crap! I whirled on the noise and noticed a couple of guards galloping towards me. I decided to use my illusion magic and transform into the visage of the guy I had seen earlier. This was achieved much more easily than when I had to look like a pony. After all, I'm already a human.

"Identify yourself!" yelled one of the guards as they approached me.

"Really? I'm the only human on the planet and you want to know who I am?" I snarked at them.

They seemed to be at a loss of words for a few moments. They then composed themselves and continued on.

"What business do you have in Canterlot at this hour?" the other guard asked.

"I left something at one of the stalls in the marketplace. I'm just going to retrieve it."

"You should check with the Canterlot Guard Ponies Building. They will have any lost items from the day there."

"I know," I said before he had a chance to continue. "Twilight Sparkle told me about it before I came back. I'm on my way there now. If you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way."

I started to walk off, but the guards stopped me again.

"How did you get here anyway? The train isn't due back here for another ten minutes."

"I teleported here," I said without even looking back.

It was the truth. Besides, I bet he could teleport here. He was a mage after all.

I continued on as quickly as I could without arousing any suspicion. I didn't want to end up playing twenty questions with the Canterlot guards. I'm not even sure I'm giving off the same impression as the guy I'm imitating.

After I was sure the guards weren't following me anymore, I let the illusion spell drop and snuck a look at the coin again. It appeared that the other Rarity hadn't moved at all. That was good. After all, a moving target is harder to hit than a stationary one.

I headed onward following the coin. I kept a watchful eye as I was doing so, since that wasn't the only patrol in Canterlot. I almost ran into two other patrols in the span of ten minutes. Then, I realized that I was passing several of the same buildings and stalls as earlier. I had thought it was a coincidence until I reached a very familiar tent.

"Perhaps I'll be getting something later here indeed. At least now I know why he had that smile. He knew I'd be back here. What I'd like to know is what he did with Rarity. That place was tiny. How could he have a pony in there? Did he hide it in his magic box?"

I thought about that for a second.

"Well, he did search in that chest for a while more than I thought he should have. Perhaps it's bigger on the inside. Wouldn't that just be nuts? Everybody has their own little bag of holding of some variety. That guy had his backpack. This pony has a chest. The Doctor has his TARDIS. Maybe I should get something snazzy like that. Well, I have pockets in these pants and I can just create things with a snap. A bag of holding just seems a little redundant."

I shook my head around a bit.

"Focus. Rarity needs saving. Do that, stupid."

I walked around to the front of the tent and, for some reason, there was the pony's top hat sitting on a table. I stared at it for a few moments. It just seemed so... odd sitting there like that. I then simply shrugged and decided to pick it up to give it back to it's owner when I saw him.

Only to have it encased in a green glow and fly off as I nearly grabbed it. The hat then hovered over to the entrance of the tent where a certain blue stallion was waiting for it. The hat then came to rest on his head and then he simply smiled.

"Why hello there," he said in a low tone. "Have you come to acquire something this time?"

I stood there for a few seconds before answering.

"You know, somewhere in the back of my mind I saw that hat thing coming," I said in a whimsical tone.

Interestingly enough, he didn't respond to what I had said. It was as though he really didn't care what I had just said and was waiting for me to say something specific. I simply let out a sigh and crossed my arms.

"Why yes," I said with a flat tone, "I have come seeking something in which you might have in your possession."

"Splendid! Come in and I'll escort you to what you desire."

I watched as he turned around and disappeared back into the tent. I really did not like the way he said that. That, combined with what he was up to earlier put me on the defensive as I proceeded to follow him into his little...

Wait, what the hell? This wasn't the same place as before.

As soon as I stepped inside, I was stunned at the layout of the place. It wasn't the inside of the tent I had been inside of earlier. This place seemed more like one of those exaggerated dining rooms that you see rich people eating at. The floor was made of marble and the walls were pure, unabashed white. There were several windows along the walls with bright light coming out of them. Why was there light coming from them? Wasn't it nighttime? Stop thinking like an idiot. If that part bugs you then you need to hand in your nerd card now. In addition, there were a bunch of banners hanging from the tops of the walls with designs I didn't recognize. Finally, there was a long, deep black table standing in the middle of the, well, room for lack of a better term to this warp of reality. I took a look back to see where I came in from and oddly enough in one part of the wall was the tent flaps that I had come through. They were standing in the solid wall somehow.

"Well now, why don't you have a seat so that we may talk?"

I nodded and took the seat nearest the exit. The pony took the other seat at the other end of the table.

"I'll get straight to the point since I'm a little light on small talk if that is agreeable to you," I said starting things off while leaning into the table.

"By all means," the stallion replied. "I can surmise the reason you have come."

"Indubitably," I said with my horrible fake British accent. "Anyway, yes, I believe I have come to return Miss Rarity to her home safely. I would appreciate a swift return of her posthaste."

"Of course, of course. Lady Rarity has been in my care for a few days now. She has expressed her desire to return home. However, due to some minor circumstances I cannot return her home under my own power. I assume you can assist in this matter?"

"I can indeed," I said as I leaned back to get more comfortable in the chair. "I have a coin that will enable both Rarity and myself to return to where she belongs."

"Splendid! Now all that remains is the matter of how to compensate me for the guest I have graciously taken in."

I closed my eyes and tilted my head towards the ceiling. I knew that this was going too smoothly. He was asking for compensation for housing Rarity while she was here. I hope she didn't rack up a large tab.

"You don't seem the type who needs money," I said while still in the same position.

"You are correct. Money means almost nothing to me."

"Which is good since I don't have any. I'm willing to bet that you already have something in mind don't you?"

"Why yes I do. In fact, it's something quite simple. I want to play a game with you."

"A game huh? I'm guessing the rules are simple and the consequences are dire?"

"Indeed they are. If you win, you return with Rarity and our business will be concluded in earnest. If you lose, you become my servant for eternity."

"Terrific. What is the game?"

"Open your eyes and see."

I did as he asked and was treated to the game he had in store. The room was now filled with Rarity look-a-likes.

"Only one of the Rarity's in this room is the real Rarity. You must determine which one is real. You can only guess once and you may only ask one question. Choose wisely."

I looked around the room at all the Rarity's. I stood up out of my chair and began to look at each of them closely. They were all identical, of course. It would be too simple if I could tell them apart just by looking at them. I took my coin and held it out to see if it would tell me. Instead, it showed a great many points of light on the coin.

It was too bad that there weren't any that looked different. Just a few of them in different colors or sizes would help. Out of the corner of my eye, though, I could have sworn I saw one that looked like Pinkie Pie. I turned to look, but saw nothing that resembled her. That thought, however, gave me the question I needed.

"Alright, I have my question ready."

"Very well then," he said.

His horn then glowed green for a few seconds and the Rarity group started to move. They noticed me quickly and began with some questions of their own. I couldn't hear any of them, though. They all came at once and made things quite loud. I kept trying to shush them, but to no avail. I eventually settled for a quick bright flash that encompassed the room. That silenced enough of them for me to be heard.

"Settle down everyone! That stallion over there," I said while pointing at the pony in question, "tells me that I have one question to ask you all. The one who gets it right is coming with me. Understand?"

Half of them nodded while the other half bombarded me with questions as to why they had to be subjected to such unreasonable demands. Seriously, I wasn't sure how asking a question was unreasonable, but I didn't really care that much at the time. All it did was remind me of the episode where Rarity was kidnapped by diamond dogs and complained so badly that they let her go. Imagine that being done by fifty of her at the same time. Make the pain stop.

I did just that with a simple snap of my fingers. With that snap, every mouth on every Rarity disappeared. After the shock, all of them started glaring daggers at me.

"I'm sorry I had to do that. Truly I am. However, if I don't get this question asked, then none of you are getting home. Think of your sister, Sweetie Belle, for a second. Simply answering a question is worth getting back to her isn't it?"

The looks on all of their faces softened at hearing that. Confident that they weren't going to lynch me anymore, I snapped my fingers and returned their mouths to their faces.

"Now then, my question to all of you is easy, I hope. I attended only one party thrown by Pinkie Pie and at that surprise party who exactly was surprised?"

I heard a bunch of them answer at once. There were a bunch of different answers. However, I couldn't tell who said what. I looked over to the stallion.

"I can't tell who is answering what. Can I tell you which isn't Rarity and they simply disappear?"

"That sounds acceptable."

"You can't hear the answer they give right?"

"No, I cannot."

"Alright, all of you line up and give me your answer. I can't tell you if you're right if I can't hear you."

One by one each of the different Rarity's came up and told me their answer. I, in turn, gave them a silent instruction to follow when I signaled for it. After everyone had given their answer, I motioned to the stallion that I was ready.

"Very well then. Which Rarity is the real Rarity?"

I walked over to the entrance so that I could see all the ponies in the room.

"Alright, is everyone ready?"

I didn't hear any objections.

"Three, two, one, now!" I yelled.

The ponies in the room all held up a hoof over their head. With one exception. That exception jumped up as high as she could into the air. I then grabbed her with my magic and levitated her into my arms.

"The Rarity I am holding is the real Rarity," I said with a big grin.

The other Rarity's began to look distraught. The stallion, however, simply chuckled. It was a really odd chuckle that seemed to echo within me. As quickly as it came, though, it ended just as abruptly.

"You are correct. Congratulations. You may take her and depart with my sincere appreciation of your victory."

Upon saying that, the other Rarity's vanished. Then, the stallion himself disappeared behind his top hat. Then, in a final display, the room shimmered and turned into the same little place inside the tent that I had seen before.

"Who was that pony?" I asked.

"I'm not quite sure myself," answered Rarity. "The only thing he gave me was a name."

"What was his name?"

"I believe he said that his name was Sandcroft. Although, he did say that was merely something to call him while I was in his company."

I stood there for a few more moments. I wasn't quite sure what to make of him. I could tell that he was just being playful. He could have done far worse than what he did. In fact, what he did wasn't even really bad. Sure, there was that threat, but I thought he probably made that in jest. In any case, there was a great deal more to that stallion than what I could see.

"Are you going to let me down now?"

I looked into her eyes and realized that I was still carrying her like a large dog. I promptly set her down gently and got down on a knee.

"Well, I'm ready to get back to the others," I said. "How about you?"

"I agree. Though this stay has been nice, I do miss my own home. Let us depart."

I nodded, grabbed the coin, and held it out in my hand. Without being told, Rarity placed her hoof on the coin and the two of us were engulfed in light.

Author's Note:

Another big thank you to Sandcroft for letting me use his story Ungrounded which made the featured box! Nice going! If that isn't incentive to go read it, then we may have to get cash involved. Not mine since I'm broke, but cash from somewhere! Just a few more stops and my story will be complete!