• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,302 Views, 149 Comments

Searching for Six Ponies (And Discord if I Feel Like It) - Coltsguy

I have to find the Mane Six, but who knows where they are?

  • ...

I Ain't Fraid of No Ghost

I stood there looking at the beings I had summoned unintentionally. I had watched Danny Phantom when I was younger. I automatically knew who they were.

Johnny Thirteen and his sort-of girlfriend Kitten.

Johnny Thirteen was just some biker nut who obsessed over his motorcycle more than anything else. He could summon it from anywhere and ride it anywhere. He also had a shadow that caused bad luck wherever it went. It obeyed his commands as well and had a physical presence in order to carry out it's bad luck.

Kitten was a bit of a wild card. She was constantly jealous of Johnny's obsession with his motorcycle and it caused a rift between them at times. Her specialty was the ability to, and I kid you not, blow kisses at guys and make them disappear and reappear. I honestly think that's a dumb power, but I'm willing to bet that some ladies would think otherwise. Instant guy-away might be pretty appealing to some.

Hang on a second, why was I getting another chance to think all of this? I could barely understand the guys back in the alleyway doing this. Now, I've been staring at them for at least thirty seconds and they still haven't said a thing. Was I driving the dialog around here or something? I better say something quick.

"Umm, are the two of you lost?"

Smooth, idiot, real smooth.

"Naw, we know right where we are," said Johnny while pointing his thumb behind him. "That's the Fenton place there. Come on Kitten. Let's get out of here before Fenton sics his goons on us."

"Wait. What do you mean-"

I didn't get to finish asking him as he revved up his motorcycle and the two of them sped off in the direction of the city. His words were left hanging in the air. What was he talking about? Fenton had goons? Which Fenton was it? Wait, were they on their way now?

None of these questions were ones that I was particularly happy about, so I started walking again towards the city proper. Let me tell you one thing. Walking is boring. I went about ten minutes down the sidewalk before I honestly ran out of things to think about. About that time I really wished that I had my DS with me. At least I would have had something to occupy the time with.

Finally, I was able to reach the city a few hours later. I was surprised at just how straight the road had been there. There was barely a mild curve on the way. The architecture had changed significantly as well. About a half hour before I got there, the buildings had thinned out and some truly unique and, in my opinion, cool-looking buildings popped up in their place. Sure, it was a bunch of glass and steel in varying shapes, but it was the way they had been shaped that was truly awe inspiring. I wish I could have gone into detail, but I honestly don't remember that much from it.

The reason being that I got blindsided by some attack I never saw coming.

All I saw was some green glow and then I was hit in the back with something that hurt. I tumbled end over end for a bit before coming to a stop face up on the sidewalk.

"I don't know who or what you are, but it doesn't quite reek of a normal human. Give up peacefully and I won't hurt you anymore."

I tilted my head forward and looked for the person who said that. I was barely able to keep my jaw from dropping. There, in all his black and white glory, was the man himself, Danny Phantom. Of course, seeing him helped me figure out some of what was going on. He wasn't the kid Phantom anymore. Instead, he looked to be older than me; maybe around his early to mid-thirties. He was also more muscular than what was shown on the show. It was probably a product of his growing up. It also wasn't helpful that he wasn't appearing the usual blocky style from the show. Thankfully, his jumpsuit and his emblem were still the same so he was still somewhat recognizable.

"Since I have the option to give up peacefully, I would normally choose that. However, I can't do that right now. I have someone I need to find and not much time to do it in as far as I know. I'd like a rain check on that later though. Sound good?"

In hindsight, I'm pretty sure I should've just done that and went along with him. Although, I think him blasting me not only knocked me loopy, but into a less cooperative mood as well.

"That's not an option. You are coming with us. End of story."

I looked confused for a second until I realized that he meant that there were probably people around me in stealth mode since I didn't see anyone else around. Of course, they were probably in a building nearby and were waiting for him to signal them.

Wait. Signal them. Oh crap.

I threw up a shield just as something impacted on it. I didn't see it, but I felt it reverberate on the shield.

"So, you are some ghost overshadowing some human. I figured that was the case. You have some pretty good instincts as well to notice that shot coming. I repeat, give yourself up, remove yourself from that human, and you will be returned to the ghost zone peacefully. This is your last warning before we use greater force."

"You know, when I passed your house earlier I thought that you might be able to help me out considering who you are. Now, I'm starting to think that I was mistaken. I'm not a ghost. I'm just here looking for a pony and now you're getting in the way of that. I suppose I'll just have to do this on my own."

I dropped my barrier and went invisible at the same time. I then started to run towards the city.

"You think going invisible will help you escape? We can still track you like that."

To prove his point, he flew right in front of me; stopping my progress.

"We developed technology to see through that trick and loaded the software directly into our cyberbrains. You can't escape us."

"You keep saying us, but all I see is you. What, is Section 9 backing you up?" I joked.

He looked angry and shocked at what I said.

"So, you know more than I thought you did."

"Wait, I was just guessing. I was right? Does that mean that the Major is here?"

"Indeed I am," said a soft voice behind me.

I threw up my arms in surrender instinctively and slowly turned around. There, purple hair and all, was Motoko Kusanagi. Damn, was she crazy sexy. She was wearing a full combat gear complete with her firearm trained on me. It was a bit interesting to think that she was aiming that at me considering that they thought I was a ghost.

"Well, this is not good. I can't go invisible. I can't keep a shield up since I need to stay mobile. I doubt my energy is strong enough to take out anybody here. I have no idea how far away Applejack is so I can't simply outrun you until I find her. About the only thing I could try is my luck and I've usually never had that on my side. Not to mention the fact that I doubt I could out-think the Major and I highly doubt she was the one who took that shot at me. I bet that was, umm, I think his name is Saito, right? Anyway, that's at least three of you and I don't think I like my odds on that."

"Pretty smart and well informed," said the Major. "Now, leave this man's body and come with us."

I frowned.

"I am not a ghost. I'm a human. A natural one to be more specific so I don't have a cyberbrain for you to mess with."

"Don't try to lie to us," said Danny. "You used a shield and went invisible. Plus, you talked about your energy not being strong enough to do us in. That's all indicative of a ghost."

"True," I said, "but can a ghost do this?"

As I said that, I snapped my fingers and the Major's weapon turned into a broom. As she lowered it, I actually felt the heat from Danny's energy behind my head. I didn't turn around to see, but I was willing to bet that he had a ghost ray primed to fire at me the second I did anything.

"I have the unpredictability of chaos magic on my side. That's my ace in the hole. My other trick, though, is this little number."

A quick flash of magic and I managed to teleport about ten yards away closer to the city. The Major saw where I went and pointed Danny in my direction.

"I have the ability to teleport just about anywhere. Though, I don't like using it so I limit it to places I can see. I'm not looking for a fight, I'm not trying to hurt anybody. I just want to find Applejack and get us both home before something bad happens. She is a talking pony. I highly doubt she'll go unnoticed for long so time is not on my side. I think quite highly of you guys normally, but after this little encounter I think I need to do this on my own. Perhaps I'll see you again."

"Indeed, we will," said Danny.

I turned around and was about to teleport away, but was met with the visage of another person I knew; that being Batou. Close up like this, he was pretty intimidating. Of course, the weapon he had trained on me definitely upped the factor.

"You are not leaving," he almost growled at me.

I don't think I've ever moved as fast as I did when I reacted to that. I literally slapped the firearm out of his grip and sent it about the length of a football field away before it hit the side of a building. I could definitely see the surprise in his face. Not so much his eyes since he had some really odd cybernetics for eyes instead of regular eyes.

"Knock it off!" I yelled at him.

I teleported another ten feet behind him and turned back to look at them again.

"I am not a ghost! I am a chaos magic enhanced human from an alternate universe Kansas! I am sick of this crap and I am leaving to get Applejack and head back to Equestria and then try and find the other five of them when I'm done here! I do not need Section 9 or some weirded out version of Danny Phantom cock blocking my efforts! If you want to help me, that's fine. Otherwise, leave me alone!!!"

I then turned around and teleported over and over again into the city. I have no idea how many times I did it, but eventually I was in the city proper and not sure exactly where I was. Unlike the other times, I had ended up stopping in the middle of a crowd of people who saw me appear out of nowhere. At that point, I didn't care. There were quite a few whispers and the people gave me a wide berth. I simply grabbed the coin and checked out which direction Applejack was in.

As I grabbed it, however, I felt an odd protrusion on the side. I turned the coin to look at it and noticed that there was a small device on it no bigger than a grain of rice.

"I'm guessing that the Major put you on here. I don't really care I suppose. I'll leave it for now. It may come back to bite me in the ass, but it probably will be a good idea in the long run. At least I hope so."

Ignoring what I assumed to be a tracking device, I turned the coin back to the radar side and took a look around with it. After a quick scan, I eventually came up with a bearing and started off in that direction.

My watch isn't synched up, but I do know that it had been about five and a half hours since the sun had risen. I forget how long ago that Section 9 had intercepted me. And what was up with Batou? Sure, I slapped the firearm out of his hand, but what was up with that reaction he had? He's a trained professional. He was in the military for goodness' sake! That was not how you react in that situation. Even my dad who was in the military would have chewed his ass out for that.

Though, holy crap did you see how fast I moved? He had a cyberbrain and he couldn't react to that! Perhaps that might explain his reaction, but military training should kick in at that point. Anyway, how cool was that feat of speed I somehow managed to pull off? I'm honestly way too hung up on that, but I have never been fast. Even back when I actually did sports I was never the fast type. I had a great outfielder's arm, but no speed.

I guess I'm chalking this up to experiencing something new and fun for the first time ever. Have you ever had that moment? You know what I'm talking about. I mean when you try something new and it's so fun that you get hung up on it for a good amount of time afterwards. Well, that was what was happening there except that it had to do with my body instead of some outside stimulus. Your body just gets used to things after a while. It's conditioned in your brain. A sudden change like this could really sidetrack you.

That whole thing leads me to the fact that I seriously walked straight into a streetlight post. You know, the ones on the street corners that holds out the stoplights. I face-planted right into that sucker. Enhanced durability made it barely hurt, but it still wasn't fun. Funny to onlookers, yes, but not fun for me.

Shaking that off, I keep moving. I should have shook my head harder. Especially considering that I walked directly into traffic. I didn't even realize it until I heard the horn and the screeching tires. I looked to see a car about to hit me and I just jumped. It was enough not to get plastered by the car, but not fast enough as to miss me entirely. I still ended up getting my feet clipped by the top of the car. It was enough momentum that I spun in midair and actually jackknifed the bar on the streetlight at the waist; thankfully in the direction that my waist was supposed to bend.

That was more painful. Not stabbed in the gut by Discord painful, but more really bad cramp in the leg painful. I at least managed to grab the bar with my hand before I fell back onto the street. How many times had this magic saved my ass? It had to be half a dozen times at least by now. I was pretty sure my brain had detached itself from reality by this time. I wasn't even going through any kind of trauma about nearly being hit by a car. How could you possibly be sane if you can shake that off near instantly? The only thought I had at the time was how to swing back so I didn't land back into traffic. Never mind the fact that I'm sure I felt my feet hurt. I just didn't seem to care. It was like I had to perform to a different set of rules and I just rolled with it. Maybe it was because I always considered myself to be crazy. Who really knows?

Then again, who really cares? I know I didn't.

I finally picked up enough momentum and swung my body back to the sidewalk. Again, I was given a wide berth and a plethora of stares that would have made anyone self conscious. I picked up my coin and regained my bearings with it.

"You know, if this thing is transmitting sounds, I want to go on record as saying that I was not paying attention. Oh and Batou, what the hell man? I slapped that machine gun right out of your hands! I at least expected a counterattack. You know what? If this gets sorted out, I'd love a group hug. Because I like hugs."

I probably shouldn't have mentioned the last part, but like I said I'm not sure of my sanity anymore. Instead of delving on it, I continued on in the direction of the signal. I swear if I somehow figure out how to modify this thing I am adding a distance measurement to it.

Eventually, however, I came upon something that made me stop. It was a tall building about a hundred and twenty stories in all. I kid you not that thing was tall. What caught my attention was the name that was lettered down the side of the building.

'Vlad Masters & Associates'

That sobered me up a little when I saw it. Vlad Masters was the arch nemesis of Danny Phantom. The coincidences were too great to be just that. Just to be sure, I started to walk around the building. Sure enough, the coin kept pointing me in the direction of the building at every angle.

"Ever get the feeling that you're just some plot device?" I asked myself out loud.

Cautiously, I walked up to the entrance and composed myself. I was not happy about going in there. Vlad was a dangerous man. Ultimately, though, I was a man on a mission. Screw the rules. I've got chaos.

I finally walked in and sauntered up to the receptionist. It took a few moments, but she finally acknowledged me.

"Hello sir! Welcome to Vlad Masters & Associates Law Firm. How may I help you?"

I put on a grin.

"I'm here to see a man about a horse."