• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 3,344 Views, 213 Comments

Changeling With a Consciousness - TheNextGamer

You are a changeling, and you are different than others. A changeling has no feelings, no remorse. It was born to be a mindless slave. But you are different. Because of "her" you take actions for yourself now. And you can feel love.

  • ...

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but pain has always evade me.

The Changeling With a Conscious

By TheNextGamer

Today was a special day in Canterlot. Today was the wedding day for Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and the captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard, Shining Armor. Canterlot was protected by the force-field surrounding it. If the plan went alright, then the changeling army can go right in, overpowering the ponies and get Celestia to hand over the ruler-ship to Queen Chrysalis, the true and fit leader over Equestria.

You await outside of Canterlot, together with your sibling army. The moment the force-field is weakened, you put all the force you can to ram into the shield with your siblings to break it down, allowing you all to charge into Canterlot. You can hear your fellow siblings cackling in glee, as you yourself had a small grin.

Just as the entire force-field around the city collapses, her highness has telepathically give new orders for you and your siblings.
“The 6 Element wielders are escaping! Capture them now!”
You look around to spot any ponies running around the city. The moment you saw them, you inform your other siblings, and flew towards the group. They continue running as each of your siblings use their magic and flew down at them, emitting large green spirals surrounding their bodies and then ramming at them like missiles.
You did so as well, but you missed. But you were so closed though, as you landed just in front of one of their hooves.
You snarled at the ponies in front of you, but once you looked at one of their faces, you paused.
In fact, it seemed like all of life has paused. You looked at the pony in front of you. If you had a conscious, you would almost swear you felt your heart skipping a beat.
The pony in front of you was a unicorn with a beautiful coat of lavender. Her majestic navy mane with streaks of twinkling pink and purple sparkled in the sunlight. Her eyes… OH DEAR CHRYSALIS, HER EYES! She alone could probably cure cancer just with her beautiful eyes alone! You admire her as she slowly stretches her fore-legs above you, giving a clear vision of her soft hooves. You could stare at her for everlasting years. The hooves of her fore-legs seemed closer now. It was almost like she was about to touch you!
‘Wait… I think she is going to-‘
The unicorn smashed her hooves over your head, and you were trampled by her and the other ponies.
But, hey! In a way, she did touch you! Although being stomped on the ground was kinda painful, and possibly gave you a concussion, being able to feel her hooves was like touching something equivalent of feathers, clouds, pillows, marshmallows, and panda-bears combined.
But even though it was such a soft touch, the pain from the stomp still hurts like hell. So you kinda just lay there for a moment… Not moving… OWW!!!!
But from that moment forward, although unbeknownst to you, was when you started changing forever. This was how you became so different with your siblings. This was when you started to question your actions, and became aware of yourself. It was because of that pony you met, that you had free-will over your actions now.
But you were still just somewhat retarded, so you didn’t really know what was happening yet. Whoop.
You still just lay there for a while… You are gonna get up ANY second now… Wait… Oh, you’re unconscious. Never mind.
You slowly open your eyes as you awoke. You slowly arise from the uncomfortable ground, and rubbed your head from the headache.
"Ow... this... hurts..." You muttered.
Hurt... that was a new feeling. Sure, you had been punched, kicked, scratched, blasted, and even burnt before by other ponies you fought, years ago. But you never acknowledged the pain from it before like now. But now that you are, you realized that the pain was really irritating.
"How did I manage like this before?" You groaned.
Strange. You're complaining. You never had complain before, let alone speak in sentences.
You feel... different somehow. But what was different? Why do you feel different? Was it because of how a pony just stomped on your head? Was it because you fed on something wrong? Why are you asking a lot of questions all of the sudden?
The sudden screeching sound pulled you out of your thoughts. As you looked behind you, you see many of your siblings launching towards you, as also a bright light that seems to be pushing them.
Before you can even question what's going on, the bright light had collided with you, sending you off your hooves and joining your siblings. Screaming as you are pushed away by the bright light until you are just flying off into the sky.
Gravity didn't seem to want to be your friend today, as you then descended from the air, and are now quickly falling closer to the ground.
Oddly enough, you start to see your life flash before your eyes. You start to remember the day you were first born.
-----------------20 Years ago----------------------
Darkness and warmth... that was the only thing that you could feel right now.
You lay in the green cocoon, sleeping. Without a care in the world. You lay there, unbreathing, unmoving, unconcious.
A sudden voice in your head spoke in a commanding tone. "Arise my children, wake from your slumber, and listen to my command."
You don't know why, but you felt like heeding the voice's command. You open your eyes, and push yourself out of your cocoon. In front of you was a large being, black as ebony. With her dark blue mane, and long horn on her. But you mostly looked at her eyes. Those green eyes stared through your soul, and it was hypnotic to you. You noticed around you, that there were other beings like you, also awakening and coming out of their cocoon.
"Welcome, my children," her voice was in a motherly tone, but also showed command. "I am your mother, your leader, Queen Chrysalis. You my offsprings, and you shall listen and follow my every order. Do you understand?"
The room was filled with noises of hissing of agreement. But behind it all was a small whisper. A whisper as it said "Yes mother." The whisper that came out of your mouth.
And thus, you begin your life. To serve Queen Chrysalis.

Author's Note:

Any criticizing tips for me? Feel angry at me for writing this story? Go ahead and comment below.
I promise I won't cry in the corner if I did horrible.