• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 3,345 Views, 213 Comments

Changeling With a Consciousness - TheNextGamer

You are a changeling, and you are different than others. A changeling has no feelings, no remorse. It was born to be a mindless slave. But you are different. Because of "her" you take actions for yourself now. And you can feel love.

  • ...

(Epic Chapter Title that brings manly tears)

So... Tired... No... Energy... So... Hungry! Why are you so hungry?! Why didn't anything tell you that you were hungry?!

Your stomach grumbles in response.

"Shut up stomach! I'm hungry! I don't need you to remind me to... eat... and... fill you... Oh. So that's what it means!"

You facehooved. Of course! Idiot! You lay on the ground, as your stomach continues its grumbling and self-eating.

"Oh..." You groan. You need to find something to munch on and fast. Where's an evil queen mother when you need one? What do you usually eat? Lets see... The love energy of ponies, and...

Your mind goes blank after that. Seriously? Is that all you ever ate in your life? Well this is kinda sucking right now, seeing as how you are in a forest with no ponies around to feast their love. You sigh in disappointment.

Well, no matter. You just gotta continue forward. Can't stop and whine about it now. You lift yourself up to your hooves, and continue trotting ahead, ignoring the hunger as hard as you can.

You can't help but notice that the trees around here seem a little... darker than usual. It kinda has a creepy atmosphere to it. All these roots of the tree sticking out of the ground, and the weird flowers around you. Yeah, this place is definitely creepier somehow.

The moment you hear a low growl, you stop dead in your tracks. What was that growl? It's not from your stomach again, so it was definitely not you...

You hear the growl again, this time from behind you. You gulped, and slowly debate whether or not to turn around to look for the source.

Slowly you turn your head around. 'Please don't maul my face! Please don't maul my face! Please don't maul my face!'

You set your eyes behind you, only to find a small timber-pup. AND. IT. WAS. SO. CUTE!!!

"Aaaaww! Phew, I thought you were a scary creature for a moment. But you couldn't hurt a fly, can't you?"

And then a bigger and scarier timber-wolf emerged behind the small pup. It snarled at you.

"Aaaahh... fuck."

The timber-wolf roars in your face, making your mane blow back. You felt all the colors left your body, and quickly ran away from the scary-ass hell-spawn.

As you continue to run, you hear the timber-wolf roar, as he gave chase. Which only encourages you to go even faster.

Now you (the reader) are probably asking, probably, 'Why can't I use my wings?' or 'Why can't I just turn into a bear or something to scare it off?'

Well you need to know that a changeling cannot really disguise itself as something that doesn't have the same anatomy or bone structure of equines. Trying to turn yourself to look like a bear or something else would only waste energy and time, plus you have to concentrate and stand still while changing yourself, and seeing as how that would only lead to you being chomped to shreds, that isn't a good idea right now. To answer why you can't fly right now is because you are semi-retarded, So you forgot. 'Nuff said. BACK TO THE STORY!

You quickly look behind you to see the timber-wolf slowly catching up to you. It's not helping much that you are trying to outrun a carnivorous beast while on an empty stomach. Is this how you are going to die? You always thought maybe you would die in your sleep while in your coccoon, or maybe something came out wrong in your bowels and you die of not being able to shit again. You never even got the chance to see that beautiful unicorn one more time... you might never see her sparkling eyes, or her glowing mane. You never even had the chance to say hello to her yet... You never even knew her name...

Your stomach groans again, sending a painful throb near your belly. If you continue running, you'll die from starvation. If you don't, you get eaten by a timber-wolf. You're too weak to fight back, so what can you do? What do you have to do?!

You tripped on a branch-root on the ground, causing you to fall and tumble yourself forward. You land head-first into a tree, as you lay on your side, dazed.

You see in your blurry vision, the timber-wolf slowly approaching you, as it takes into its pouncing position. Your mind screams at you to run! But your body is too sore and weak to move. You really thought that this was the end for you...

You were trying your best to stay conscious, but it was no use. The last thing you saw before you faded into the dark, was that another blur of colors came in front of you, and they almost look familiar.

Then darkness. Darkness everywhere.
Warmth... you feel warm... for some reason.

'What... happened? Where am I?

You hear strange sounds. Like they were muffled or something. But they slowly became more clearer to hear and understand.

"How is his condition? Is he breathing?" A feminine voice asked.

"Don't worry Nurse Redheart. He's alive, and still breathing. Lucky for him too! If the girls haven't found him, or were a minute too late, he might of died right there in the Everfree forest." A male voice responded back.

'Died? I... was about to die?'

"What was a pony doing in there anyway? The analysis showed that he hasn't eaten for days! He was also trying to run from a timber-wolf! Was he lost or something?"

'Timber-wolf... running... I... think I remember...'

Sudden flashbacks of what happened came to your mind. The starvation, the timber-wolf, the running, the falling, ... the pain. It was so sudden, that it startled you awake. You sat up and started gasping for air. The other 2 ponies you see in front of you jumped from your sudden action.

They both quickly trotted towards you, trying to calm you down. As you did calm down, you look at the 2 ponies. One is a white mare with a pink mane, with it wrapped in a bun, and a white hat on top with a red cross symbolized. The other one was a grey stallion, a unicorn, wearing glasses and a doctors coat.

You look around to see that you were lying on a bed. Your right hoof seemed to be wrapped up in white bandages, while connected to a bunch of tubes and other items.

After taking some deep breathes, you finally spoke out, "Where am I?"

"You're in the Ponyville Hospital. You were carried over here from the Everfree Forest, after you passed out." The doctor replied.

You're in a hospital? You aren't dead? You lifted your left hoof and rubbed your face. You're alive? You're alive! HAHA! You're still fucking alive! Wait... carried to the hospital?

"I was carried to the hospital? Who took me here?"

"A couple of girls found you in the forest. They said that they had to fight off the timber-wolf that was chasing you, and carried your unconscious body all the way here. Had it not been them, you would of been timber-chow."

You had a new feeling after you heard that. You felt... grateful for those ponies. They saved your life! They didn't even know you, but they risked their lives just to fight off a big scary-ass timber-wolf to protect you!

"Who were they? They just saved my life, I need to thank them!"

The doctor chuckled for a bit, "Well, how about you get up and I'll lead you to them?"

You slowly got out of the bed, while the doctor kept warning you to go easy, and telling you not to hurt yourself again. You stood on your hooves, but your right fore-leg was still attached to the other contraptions. The doctor told you to keep them on, and he'll help you carry it.

You slowly made your way out of your room and into the main lobby. Pushing the strange contraption with you, as it was pushing some strange liquid into your body. You open the front doors, and taking a step out. The sun shined brightly in your eyes, as you were blinded for a moment. You rubbed your hoof against your eyes, and looked ahead of you. It seemed quiet enough, plenty of trees and bushes about.

Before you take another step further, your ears were bombarded with the sudden noises of party poppers, party whistlers, and screaming. Fuck tons of screaming.


While this was all happening, your brain can only react in a way that most ponies would react. ERFDNJSFAKSOF!

You yelped and jumped back from the sudden attack, and start cowering behind your strange machine for about 10 seconds.

It wasn't until the doctor's poke you felt, that you stopped cowering, and slowly opened your eyes to see the nurse in front of you, with a worried look. "Hey, are you alright? It's ok, you aren't going to get hurt."

You stood up, and gave a sheepish smile. "I'm ok! I was just startled. That's all."

It was a good thing haven't eaten anything, because right now you could just feel your bowels trying to crap itself empty.

You see a pink pony jump up, and screamed "What are we waiting for? LET'S PARTY!"

All of the other ponies in the vicinity immediately started dancing to the sudden music that appeared from nowhere. The pink pony that you saw was bouncing towards you, with a huge smile on her face.

"OhmygoshyoushouldofseenhowyoulookedwewerelikesurpriseandyouwentalllikeaahhandIhaven'tmetyoubeforesothatmeansyouwereanewponyandIknewyouwereanewponybecauseIknoweveryponyinponyvilleandifIdidn'tknowyouthenyouwereanweponysoImadeyouthissurprisewelcomingparty!" She took a deep breath after she was finished.

...What? Was that some kind of new language? She spoke so fast, you didn't even hear a damn word she said! In one breath too!

"Uh..." Was all you could say to respond.

"You're gonna have to excuse Pinkie Pie. She's always like this with new ponies." Another pony stepped beside her. This other pony was a pegasus, with a cyan coat. Her mane was... colorful... to say the least. It was like she bathed herself in a rainbow!

The pink pony was very... well... pink. Her coat was light pink, as her mane was a darker shade of pink. Her mane was so spoofy, it looks like cotton candy.

The rainbow one stepped forward, "Nice to see you ok. You looked screwed up when I first saw you in the Everfree forest."

The pink one then spoke, "Yeah! We saw you were being chased by a scary timber-wolf, and then you tripped and crashed into a tree!"

"Are you the ponies that saved me?" You asked.

"Not just us silly!"

The pink mare dashed off in a blur, only to return a second later somehow, with some other ponies.

Before you could even comprehend what the fuck just happened, the pink pony introduced the others one by one.

"This here is Applejack!" The pink pony pointed to an orange coated mare, with a blonde mane, wearing a stetson hat. "Howdy." She tipped her hat to you.

"This is Rarity!" A hoof pointed to a white unicorn with a curly purple mane. "Pleased to meet you."

The rainbow one flared her wings, "I'm the one and only Rainbow Dash! Fastest flier in Equestria!"

The pink one pointed to herself, "I'm Pinkie Pie!"

She then walked behind the white unicorn named 'Rarity' and pushed out another pony from behind her. "And this is Fluttershy!"

This pony was butter-yellow coated, and a light pink mane. She was also a pegasus like 'Rainbow Dash'. She seems to be covering her face behind her mane though, making no eye-contact to you whatsoever.

You could make out a feint whisper though, as she said "Uh... Hi." ... She. Was. Fucking. ADORABLE!

It was your turn to introduce yourself next, " and I want to thank you girls for saving my life today. It was really nice to meet you all."

"Wait, we're missing somepony. Where's Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked, as she looked around.

"I'm right here!" A voice said behind you.

You turn around to meet this 'Twilight', but what you saw was something you would of never expected.

It was her. The beautiful purple unicorn. And she looked even more beautiful than you last remembered.

"Sorry I was late for the party. Spike accidentally knocked over tons of books off the shelves somehow and I needed to-"

"Y-you!" You interrupted. You quickly trotted over to her, with your heart beating faster by the minute.

She looked at you for a moment, with a confused face. "You're that one unicorn! The one beautiful purple unicorn from Canterlot!"

She blushed for a moment from how you identified her. "Um, have we met before?" She asked nervously.

"No, but I have been searching for you for all this time... You were always in my head, I couldn't stop thinking about you at all."

She nervously rubs her hooves as she continues blushing. How does she respond to this? A stranger that just calls her beautiful, and she never even met him before!

You don't know what possessed you, but you just kissed her, right then and there. You're body just moved by itself, and you can't seem to do anything about it. But you honestly didn't want to now why or stop.

Her lips felt soft and warm against yours, it was like heaven just reached down and wrapped itself onto you!

You had your eyes kept shut the entire time, but if you did looked around, you would of seen the many combinations of ponies with their 'What the fuck?' faces. Twilight looked shocked as well, but hers would won the contest with her 'What the holy fuck is going on?!' look.

You reluctantly stop kissing her, and leaned your head back. You wanted it to last longer, but you couldn't breathe, so chances are, she isn't breathing either.

You open your eyes to look at the beautiful being once more. She just stands there staring at your eyes as well. Your heart was beating so hard, you were pretty sure anypony around you can hear it as well. It was silent around you. Even the music stopped playing, but you weren't paying attention at all except the mare in front of you. You continue to admire her beauty. You loved how amazing her eyes are, even how wide it is. The way she furrows her eyebrows was amazingly adorable. She even looks amazing with her face being angry.

Even the simple touch of her hooves made you feel all warm and tingly inside. Oh, the way she connected her hoof to your face at a 200 miles per hour speed. Even though it was just a brief touch, it was enough to make you feel like you were soaring into the air without even needing wings. Hell, you could even feel the wind in your mane!

Wait... No, you are actually really flying right now... Well that's weird. Why is there a tree coming closer to you at a very fast spee-


... Here comes the return of the annoying pain again. AANND..... Darkness.

Author's Note:

It took me a while, but I got it done! I told you that I would make the next chapter better!
Now if you will excuse me, after using my brain for about 17 hours at a constant rate, I must go to sleep mode.
Hope you liked it! Comment or jab me with your green thumb! Next chapter is coming soon! (Well maybe not SO soon, but soon.)