• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 3,344 Views, 213 Comments

Changeling With a Consciousness - TheNextGamer

You are a changeling, and you are different than others. A changeling has no feelings, no remorse. It was born to be a mindless slave. But you are different. Because of "her" you take actions for yourself now. And you can feel love.

  • ...

First Impressions. Never any sex jokes.

You continue trotting through the forest path, thinking of the many ways you should greet the unicorn if you ever found her again.

'Hello beautiful unicorn! I am a changeling and I have problems with the inside of my body. Can you help please?'

"No way, that's to much of a direct approach, and she's bound to think I'm asking her to mate."

'Greetings majestic unicorn! Ever since I saw you in Canterlot, I seem to be having trouble within myself, and I must acquire your assistance on it.'

"Not only will talking like that give other ponies a headache, it will give me a headache. I'm pretty damn sure she's going think I'm asking her to mate as well."

'Well, HELLO, you sexy bea-'


Seeing as how you are having a hard time to think of the perfect greeting for the perfect unicorn, you decide to think about solving other problems first, like names, and your appearence.

"My name... I don't think I have one. Queen Chrysalis never called me anything other than 'child'. Thats going to be weird for introductions. Let's see... name... name..."

And at that very moment, it was like the gods themselves shot down a lightning down to your head, as you had came up with the BEST name ever that anyone in Equestria has ever heard! It was so simple, yet so full of wonders! It just screamed amazing!

"I got it! I shall now be known as... (Insert your name here.)" You exclaimed proudly. SUCH ORIGINALITY!

Now that you solved that little problem with your amazing idea of a name. You move onto the next problem, your appearence.

"Let's see, after that whole take-over plan failing miserably, I'm pretty sure everypony will be alert for changelings everywhere. So here are the possible outcomes if the unicorn knew I was a changeling:
1. She beats me to a bloody pulp, tell the guards, and they take me to Celestia to die.
2. She beats me to a bloody pulp, run away screaming in terror, which the guards will take me away to Celestia and die.
3. She beats me to a bloody pulp and I die.
I just HAD to be evil, didn't I?"

You trot over to nearby lake, taking sips while still thinking about your appearance.

"So that pretty much leaves the option for me to disguise myself as another pony."

You look at yourself in the lake's reflection.

"Hmm... The pony I need to look like should be handsome. But not famous, I'm not trying to bring attention to myself."

As you think to yourself, your body emmits a bright green light around your hooves, and slowly works it's ways up.

"Gotta have a face that also does a good stern look. Can scare away people if I need to. It also has to be lovable, I don't want them to hate me, especially not the unicorn. Also needs maybe some colorful eyes. Yeah, that way the unicorn might like it. Maybe blue? Green? Needs to look excellent. Excellent... Excell... heh, that word sounds weird. Excellent. EX-CEL-LENT. Like exorcism. Wait, why am I talking about exorcism? I'm getting off-tracked again. Why do I get off-tracked easily? What was I talking about?"

You looked at your reflection again. Instead of the changeling skin you had, you now look like another pony.

"Huh... I look pretty good!"

You look like... Actually, I don't even need to describe you. Since this is "Your" story, YOU imagine who you look like now. It can look like your OC, it can look like a car, it can even look like Chuck Motherfucking Norris. Not like its gonna change the story much. So fuck it!

"Now this could probably catch her eye."

Wait, why are you so worried about this? In fact, why are you acting this way towards a pony? A pony that no doubt changed you this way, and also smashed your head in with her soft, plushy hooves... and the way she paralyzed you with her gleaming eyes...

You vigorously shake your head. "All I need to do is ask her everything, and she can probably solve it. Hopefully. No need to get so worked up about this."

Your stomach grumbled, how odd. Your stomach never made any noise before. It meant something though, but what? "Eh, I'll figure it out later." And so, you continue your trot through the forest, having absolutely no idea where it's leading.
--------------Meanwhile in the town called Ponyville--------------------
Something strange is about to come. Something very different and strange indeed... Something is up, and Pinkie Pie knows it.

There stood Pinkie in her home, looking at her tongue in the mirror. For some odd reason, her tongue seems dry, and no matter how much water, juice, soda, or cider she drinks, it still seems dry. She just knew that this has to be one of the "Pinkie sense" signs, but she forgot what dry tongue means. But whatever it means, it's telling her that something strange is coming to Ponyville.

Could it be an incoming disaster? Is there going to be an earthquake? A fire? Are we going to be invaded by a bunch of talking hippopotamus, riding unicycles, carrying paint-guns, wearing chicken suits, and demanding us to give them all of our cheese?!?!

"Nah, that's just silly. Everyone knows hippos are lactose intolerant!"

Another Pinkie Pie sense is tingling! Warm hooves, that meant somewhere out there, a bipedal ape-like creature has just groaned and face-palmed.

"Hmm, maybe I'll go around Ponyville. A little fresh air can help me remember!"

And with that, she sets off, bouncing all the way, while singing a cheery tune.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, and sorry the chapter is shorter than last time!
I'm in a writers block. Ever had that one feeling when you THINK you planned it all out but then you realized about the middle part being missing and you just end up with a face-full of "God damn it."?
Yeah, I swear though, it will be better.
And also due to me taking so long to publish something with only 1k words, I was procrastinating.
YOU WOULD TOO, if you had Skyrim, Dishonored, Sleeping Dogs, and Hitman Absolution for your birthday!