• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 3,344 Views, 213 Comments

Changeling With a Consciousness - TheNextGamer

You are a changeling, and you are different than others. A changeling has no feelings, no remorse. It was born to be a mindless slave. But you are different. Because of "her" you take actions for yourself now. And you can feel love.

  • ...

She lives in a tree?! FUUU-

(Sorry about the chapter not being so good. Going through alot of stuff.)
It has been about 5 hours, and the doctor still hasn't came out of his room yet. Princess Celestia has been waiting patiently in front of his door for 5 minutes now, and he hasn't responded whatsoever. What could of caused him to act like this all of the sudden?

"Dr. Conner? Please open the door!" She yelled, knocking on the door once more.

Still no response.

Did something happen to him in there? Is he hurt? It would be rude to just barge in there...

"Dr. Conner, are you ok? Please, just say something!" She knocked with a bit more force this time, which made the door open slightly. Apparently it was unlocked this whole time...

Deciding to maybe take a small peek, she opens the door slightly, and peeked her head in. "Dr. Conner?"

There sat the scientist, just sitting there. His eyes are wide open, staring at nothing. He looked like he hadn't even moved an inch when he sat there.

"Dr. Conner? Are you alright?" Celestia entered into the room and sat in front of him. He doesn't even seem to acknowledge her presence, as he is still continuing his mindless stare.

Celestia waved a hoof in front of his eyes, "Doctor?" He didn't even flinch. Whatever happened must have been serious.

Desperate times, called for desperate measures. Celestia slowly took her hoof to his cheek. She slowly leans in closer to his ear, to whisper "Sorry to do this."



Celestia step back from the strange reaction.

The scientist shook his head vigorously, and rubbed his cheek. He looks around, seeing that he was in his room again. "Hm. When did I get here?"

"Dr. Conner?" He looks ahead to see Princess Celestia.

"Oh, hello princess! I'm still researching the changelings just like you asked. No results yet though."

"Doctor, don't you remember what happened the last few hours?"

"The last few hours?" He took a hoof up to his chin, trying to remember what he did. "Well, I was in my laboratory, trying to speak to the test subject. Then... I saw something?"

"What did you see?"

"I can't seem to remember very well... But it was something horrific... yet strangely majestic and beautiful at the same time..."

Celestia sighed in relief to see that he seemed ok. Then she remembered something. "Doctor. What did you mean when you said the body was there when you arrived?"

"I didn't say that." Dr. Conner replied rather quickly.


"Nope. I didn't say anything like that. Don't remember it."

"It was just mo-"






A guard walked next to the door. Both ponies looked towards the guard, "Uh, sir? Why is one of the guard dog's puppies in the cage with the changeling?"

"A what?" Celestia looked back at the doctor, to see he was wearing a lamp shade on his head.

The room was very silent. With Celestia and the guard just staring at the scientist. That doesn't seem to deter him to slowly edge his way to the door.

"I can still see you." Celestia said.

"No you can't." he replied, still slowly edging his way to the door.

"... Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I can't see you."

"I'm just going to keep believing it will to save myself from the embarrassment."

It was silent again... and VERY awkward.
After waking up again from another pass-out session, and a very long interrogation with you, about "HOW DID YOU BREAK A HEART MONITOR?!" You were able to be checked out and leave.

You made your way through town, searching for Twilight's house. It was very hard to remember how she described it, so you had to ask around for directions. Although the ponies you asked had a hard time giving you an answer, seeing as how most of them just laughed their ass off for about 3 minutes straight. But eventually, you were able to find her house.

And it... was a tree...

A tree...


Of all the places she could of lived, it HAD to be a TREE.

You sighed. Welp, no point in complaining about it. At least you get to see her again, right?

Although the fact that she lives in a DAMN TREE left you annoyed, reminding yourself that you were about to see Twilight again seemed to be enough to get you excited again.

You cautiously approach the tree. By that, I mean that you glared at it while taking extremely slow steps towards it. Anypony else spectating you would think that you thought the tree was about to pounce on you. WHICH IT MIGHT! You never know when it comes to trees!

You finally made your way to the door. Still somewhat cautious, you hesitantly knock the door. Seems good so far... Maybe you can actually go through this day without an agonizing headac-


... OOOWW!!!!

"Woah! Sorry about that dude."

.... Oh you cheeky bastards!

"Ow... Is there some creature out there that is purposely doing this to me?" You groaned.

"You ok dude?" A voice asks.

This voice doesn't sound like Twilight...

When you stopped rubbing your head, you opened your eyes to see... a... small purple lizard... that talks...

"Hello? You ok man?"

Darkness.... yet again....

Author's Note:

*"Ow... Is there some creature out there that is purposely doing this to me?" You groaned.*

No, shuttup.

I'm so sorry if this chapter was shit, still kinda sick right now.
And... Also I'm depressed...
Read this story. It is the most amazing story you will ever read, if you haven't read it yet. Made by Azurini, which I will miss... alot... Comment, or jab me with that green thumb.

I'll see you guys later.... I'll make a longer and better chapter soon...