• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 2,782 Views, 68 Comments

Fallen Angels - ReapersSprint

2 Pilots, 1 Experimental VTOL, and a hell of a lot of ponies.

  • ...

That's Not a Horse...

Rainbow Dash was enjoying the cool morning air rushing through her feathers and coat as she sped around the clouds. She hadn't gotten the chance to get out and practice flying in a long time, what with Discord and all that. Rebuilding Ponyville took forever.

All that's done now, so all Rainbow Dash wants to do is enjoy life her way. In other words, completely blowing off work and practicing her moves for the Wonderbolts. As she sped around the cumulus cloud obstacle course she set up, an unnaturally loud explosion occurred.

Rainbow Dash was thrown back into a cloud by a burst of extreme wind pressure. She squinted as hard as she could to see if she could find the source of the noise. Rainbow Dash spotted something in the distance, it looked like a bird but was just sitting there. It then suddenly starting heading in her direction. Never seeing anything like it, and after the noise it made, all Rainbow Dash could think to do is fly, fly as fast as she could.

"What is that thing!?" She thought to herself as she sped back in the direction of Ponyville. "I've got to tell Twilight, maybe the Princess knows what it is..."Rainbow Dash's thoughts trailed off as she notice something moving up beside her. She turned her head to see a huge creature almost 7 times her size moving up alongside her.

"That's impossible, nothing in Equestria can keep up with me..." Rainbow Dash thought, her jaw dropping as she notice that there were two creatures inside of the beast. She pushed her wings harder attempting to outrun the monstrosity, but it would constantly match her speed.

"What the hay!?" Rainbow dash yelled. She glanced back towards the beast, then complete darkness.

"Ok, seriously," Garrick said in shock, "Is that a fucking horse...flying!?"

"The hell if I know, but it sure looks that way to me!" Marshall replied.

The cyan pegasi began to move ahead of the F-40. Garrick continued to gawk in disbelief, not only was it a flying horse, but it was outrunning their damn jet.

"I can't explain any of this, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a flying horse outrun me!" Garrick said, seeing this match up as a challenge. He pushed the throttle forward matching the speed of the pegasi.

"We don't know what the hell that thing is, yet you intend to race it!? Ok, I'm convinced your fucking insane." Marshall yelled up to Garrick.

"You can't tell me that you aren't interested in this thing." Garrick replied.

"That may be true, but you already nearly killed me once today, I'd rather just get back down to earth where I can't end up a flaming wreck." Marshall said.

"Well I'm the one flying here so you can just wai...Oh fuck it just hit that mountain!" Garrick yelled in surprise pulling back on the throttle forcing the jet into a hover. "I know you're already pissed at as it is, but imagine the look on everybody's face if we come back with a damn flying horse."

Although Marshall completely hated Garrick right now, the thought of his peers faces at the sight of this thing amused him.

"Fuck it, lets get the damn thing." Marshall said up to Garrick laughing.

"Finally, you agree with me." Garrick joked. He moved the aircraft back towards the point that the horse hit the mountain. They both looked around for the cyan creature, Marshall finally noticed it at the base of the mountain.

"Ok, hold on we're landing." Garrick told Marshall. He reduced the speed of the turbines bringing the F-40 into a slow descent finally landing in a small clearing near the mountainside. "Lets go grab us a flying horse."

Rainbow dash woke up with a splitting headache. She's hit a lot of objects in the past, but not at those speeds.She was about to stand when she heard voices nearby. Her headache was making it difficult to understand what they were saying, but she could make out two figures standing above her. She didn't know what to do, they were so close to her.

"Just saying, that doesn't look like any horse I've ever seen, and i just don't mean the wings." Marshall said standing over the cyan horse.

"Hmm, I see what you mean, it's also pretty damn small for a horse too."Garrick replied,"Hey look, its opening its eyes."
Garrick was about to say something else when he felt a sharp pain under his stomach. It took him a second for it to register where the horse just kicked him, collapsing onto the ground in a ball. Marshall jumped back in surprise.

"Holy shit Garrick, I felt that one." Marshall said laughing. The horse turned to him and he backed away a little. Instead of going after him the cyan creature began to unfurl its wings Well attempt to anyway, only one of its wings would unfurl. he could tell by the look on the creatures face that it was in pain.

"Hey, hold up a second. I'm not gonna hurt you." Marshall said as reassuringly as he could. To his disbelief the creature did something that surprised him even further, it spoke.

"Don't touch me." The horse said, glaring at the pilot. Marshall's jaw dropped, now he had truly seen everything.

"Don't touch me." Rainbow Dash said to the creature towering over her. Her confidence was boosted after taking out the other monster with only one swift kick. She was only able to keep it up for a few more seconds however, the pain from her wing was unbearable. She closed her eyes from the pain.

"I promise you I'm not gonna hurt you, but now that i know you can talk, mind telling me what the hell you are?" The monster asked Rainbow Dash. She opened her eyes again as the pain subsided.

"And why exactly do you think I should tell you that!? I don't even know what you are or how you can speak my language." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Well I honestly feel you owe me and my friend here some explanation after you just destroyed any hope he had of children." The man demanded.

Rainbow Dash felt her face heat up as she began to blush.The mans words made her realize exactly why she took the monster out so easily.