• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 2,782 Views, 68 Comments

Fallen Angels - ReapersSprint

2 Pilots, 1 Experimental VTOL, and a hell of a lot of ponies.

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Authors Note: I may have gotten a little overzealous while writing out Garrick's story at the end of this. That's only because it was based off of myself and how I became a Brony. Sorry if it seems boring or unnecessary, but after typing it in I wanted to leave it for multiple reasons. One being it's a little about myself, and the other being that it adds more depth to Garrick in my opinion.


"Rainbow Dash!? Where could she be?" Twilight Sparkle asked out loud to the group around her.

"Ah' got no clue. But she did say she was gonna be practicing flying out here above tha' Everfree Forest didn't she?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, but why did she have to pick such a humid day to go missing? I can feel my mane frizzing up already." Rarity pouted.

"Girls, I know its getting late, and everything, but we've got to find Rainbow Dash. For all we know she might have actually hurt herself this time." Twilight reminded the others. She then looked up into the sky. "Fluttershy, can you see Rainbow from up there?"

"I don't see her anywhere, I'm sorry." Fluttershy apologized.

"Ya' know, she does this every apple picking time she goes out. Rainbow dash doesn't return and we go out a'lookin for her." Applejack recounted, "Sooner or later she's got ta' stop this."

"No matter how much I agree with you Applejack, Rainbow Dash is just not the kind of pony to give up on her dreams." Rarity reminded Applejack.

"Girls, now's not the time, we've got to find Rainbow Dash before we discuss what to say to her." Twilight interjected, "Now help me call for her."

"Rainbow Dash!?" All three ponies yelled in unison as Fluttershy continued to search from the sky."Rainbow Dash, where are you!?"

"I'm over here!" Rainbow Dash called out, surprising all three ponies.


"Uh, are you sure its a good idea to call them over here, you know with us sitting here and all?" Garrick questioned the cyan pegasi.

"Yea, my friends are some of the nicest ponies you'll meet. Nothing to worry about, I promise." Rainbow Dash said smiling. Just as she said this Twilight, Applejack and Rarity came bursting through the bushes. Landing behind them was Fluttershy.

"Rainbow Dash, thank Celestia we found you we had no ide..."Twilight trailed off glancing between the injured pegasus in front of her and the strange creatures sitting nearby. All three Earth bound Ponies sprang into action with thoughts of protecting their injured friend running through their heads. Twilight Sparkle's horn began to glow as Rarity and Applejack sped off towards the two men. Applejack turned around a few feet in front of Garrick, raising her haunches.

"STOP!" Rainbow Dash yelled with as much force as she could muster. Twilight's horn dulled back to its usual purple color as Applejack brought her hooves back to the ground. Rarity stood there, now looking at the man in front of her with curiosity.

"Thank god." Marshall said, looking over at Garrick who was currently cuffing his hands over a spot Marshall was sure was still tender with his eyes clamped shut. He slowly opened them after realizing he wasn't on the ground in pain.

"Uh, sugarcube, mind explaining what the hay is goin' on?" Applejack asked, now puzzled by the way Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I was going to, but you didn't exactly give me any time before you stormed off at these two." Rainbow Dash replied, slightly irritated.

"Well darling, what do you expect us to do seeing you like that with two monsters behind you?" Rarity questioned.

"I thought they were monsters at first too, but they're just lost. Besides, you didn't see what I have yet." Rainbow Dash said exhausted.

"Whatever could you mean?" Rarity asked.

"I think maybe I should let these two explain. I'm about ready to collapse. By the way, where's Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow Dash asked through a yawn.

"I have no idea what is going on right now, but if you say its safe Rainbow, then i trust you." Twilight Sparkle said, "Before we talk to these two...creatures, Fluttershy, its ok to come out now."

"Are...are you sure?" A voice squeaked from behind the bushes.

"Rainbow Dash said there is nothing to worry about." Twilight responded. As she said this, the pink maned pegasi trudged out of the bushes next to her. However, she remained silent. Twilight just smiled as she looked back to the two creatures standing before her and her friends.

"Ok, now I want an explanation. Who and what are you?"

"I've got this one Marshall, "Garrick looked towards his co-pilot, "I'm Captain Garrick and this is Sgt. Marshall, you might want to sit down because this might take awhile."


"So basically we have no idea how we got here, or how to get back." Garrick concluded.

"Gotta say Garrick, you did a better job or recounting everything than I would of." Marshall said.

"So, Garrick is it?" The man Twilight was looking at shook his head, "This thing that you were testing, would you mind showing it to us?"

"I see no reason not to," Garrick replied standing up, "just follow me and Marshall here."

The two men led the ponies through the trees out into a nearby clearing. The ponies stared mouths agape, with exception of Rainbow Dash, when the contraption came into site.

"Its huge!" The four Ponies said in unison.

"You said you fly in this thing?" Twilight asked, "that's amazing."

"But its so...plain." Rarity complained.

"Uh Rarity, from what these two men told us, Ah' really doubt they were too worried about how it looks." Applejack said rolling her eyes.

"Well actually, we pilots do like to customize our Jets after having them for awhile. Personalizing and all that, you know." Garrick interjected.

"But...you said that you use these to hurt other people. Why would you create something just for that?" Fluttershy asked quietly, still nervous around these two people.

"As it may be true that it was the main goal, these kind of things often lead to other advancements meant for the betterment of our people, not destruction." Marshall replied.

"Like we told you, we live in a world where you have to fight for everything." Garrick added, "We hate to do it, but sometimes it's necessary."

"Did your people ever try to just settle things peacefully? I mean why do you feel the need to hurt each other instead of just helping each other?" Twilight asked, very confused by the current situation.

"Now that right there is something we can't even answer." Garrick sad sadly. The ponies and humans stood there in silence for minutes soaking in all of the information they had all just taken in during the span of a few hours. Applejack looked up towards the setting sun.

"Hate to do this, but Ah' don't think tha' Princess is gonna hold the sun for us." Applejack pointed out.

"I completely lost track of the time!" Twilight Sparkle yelled as she snapped back to reality. "We need to get back to Ponyville before it gets dark, everypony will worry!"

"But we can't just leave these guys here." Rainbow Dash said, unwilling to abandon her new friends.

"I hate to leave them here too Rainbow, but we can't exactly expect everypony to stay calm, you remember how they react to poni..erm, creatures they don't recognize." Rarity reminded Rainbow Dash.

"They'll have to live with it, we've got to get back and as Princess Celestia's student I cannot allow anything like this go. These two are coming back with us. As long as its fine with them anyway." Twilight said.

"Fine by me, but I don't feel comfortable leaving our Jet in the Everfree Forest." Garrick replied. He looked around realizing that everypony and Marshall were staring at him. "What?"

"Did you just say Everfree Forest?" Marshall asked.

Garrick laughed nervously, "Yea, isn't that where we are?"

"It is, but we never told you that." Twilight added. Garrick stopped as he thought back through their conversations, he realized that they never had said it.

"Wait, are you sure, I'm almost cert..." Garrick was interrupted by Rainbow Dash, "Are you a spy!?"

"No! I just..." Garrick was interrupted by Marshall this time, "You want to explain this one Garrick?"

"But...I...." Garrick stammered, "Ok fine, I'll explain everything to you. But first, didn't you say we needed to get back to Ponyville?"

"That can wait, besides I'm not bringing you anywhere near our town until you explain to me how you knew something we didn't tell you." Twilight said angrily.

Garrick looked about in defeat, "Ok, I'll explain it to you. You have to promise not to interrupt me with any questions though, because I'm sure you'll have a lot with what I'm going to tell you."

All of the ponies agreed to fight the urge to interrupt him.

"Ok, back when I was in High School, I hated life. Everything I did seemed to cause me problems. I hated people, I hated school, and I even hated me. I would wake up every day and wish that I could just stay in bed, I didn't want to do anything. People would make fun of me, and the people who I was friends with still found ways to make fun of me, even if it wasn't intentional. It was getting harder for me to do anything, just for the fact that i was so depressed that nothing had any real meaning to me. My family was worried about me, even if they didn't say it directly I could tell they knew something was wrong. However, I never told them, so they could never help me."

Garrick paused to get his thoughts straight.

"Then i was about to begin my Junior year of High School. I had been spending a large majority of my summer on the internet. A friend of mine loved something called memes. even though I didn't find much interest in them myself, one he sent me had a link that caught my eye. On the side was a picture of a little pony yelling. So I clicked on the link and it directed me to an entire page dedicated to this pony. The pony was you, Fluttershy."

All of the ponies gasped and look over at the pony who now had a look shock on her face. "M...Me?"

"I know this is very shocking, but yes, you." Garrick replied.

The ponies were about to bombard him with questions, but then remembered their promise.

Garrick continued. "After finding the picture, i found myself interested. I hadn't watched any cartoons in years, so why had this one gotten me so interested. My curiosity led me through several sites and videos revealing to me a large community dedicated to the love of these ponies and the cartoon they came from. I kept wondering, 'Why are these people, guys in fact, so obsessed with this show and these ponies.' I told myself I would not go to such lengths as these people."

"Over time however, I began to lose the ability to fight the urge to find out more. I began to look up the episodes, then I started to find many community created images, music and videos. The further I got, the more I started to share this love for the show and, well, for you ponies. I eventually allowed myself to become a part of this loving and welcoming community, I allowed myself to become what we called, Bronies. No matter how odd it may sound, being a Brony allowed me to break out of my shell and begin enjoying life. i was much happier, and I was able to make a lot more friends than I could of hoped for."

"Anyway, that is how i know about this place. This whole place is directly out of a cartoon from over 20 years ago. This is why I know about you ponies, and this is why I was certain we had died Marshall, it was too good to be true. I'm kind of embarrassed to tell you about all of this; and its also probably a lot for you ponies, and even you Marshall, to take in. So if you have any questions, you can ask now."

Garrick looked around at the Ponies who were staring at him with eyes bigger than he thought were possible. "Uh, no questions?" Garrick asked. Still in shock, every single one of the ponies passed out. Garrick looked over towards Marshall who was giving him a very confused look.
