• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 2,781 Views, 68 Comments

Fallen Angels - ReapersSprint

2 Pilots, 1 Experimental VTOL, and a hell of a lot of ponies.

  • ...

Yea, We Died

"Ok, so you're telling me that we are in a world completely inhabited by...Ponies?" Marshall asked in disbelief.

"Well, not only Ponies, there are Zebras like Zecora living in the forest. I'm sure there are others out there too." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Well that just makes plenty of sense," Garrick butted in sarcastically, "and you don't know what a human is?"

"Uh, no never heard of them. You do look a lot like the monkeys I've seen in Fluttershy's garden though, but with less hair." Rainbow Dash recalled.

"Excuse me, but who is this Fluttershy person, uh, I mean pony?" Marshall asked curiously. He noticed that Garrick was growing more restless by the minute.

"Oh, Fluttershy is one of my friends from Ponyville, she's a Pegasus, like me." Rainbow Dash responded, unfurling her good wing for emphasis. "She's very shy though, which can get annoying sometimes. There is also Twilight and Rarity, they're both unicorns. Applejack and Pinkie Pie are both Earth ponies, but have stamina to match even me. I've known Twilight for the shortest, however she is Celestia's pupil and basically our leader as the Elements of Harmony. Rarity is a fashion designer, Applejack runs sweet apple acres, and Pinkie is, well, Pinkie."

Both Rainbow Dash and Marshall looked over towards Garrick as he began to laugh manically.

"What's so funny Garrick?" Marshall asked, slightly confused by the Sgt's sudden outburst.

"Ha, don't you see Marshall! Talking "Ponies", pegasi, fucking unicorns. Equestria and no Humans!? We never did make it out of that fall. We hit the earth and are being buried as we speak. We're dead, D-E-A-D. I should of known it was too good to be true. This is all just my heaven, or god knows Hell. Your not real, these damn ponies aren't real. That's what's so damn funny." Garrick replied hysterically.

"Well now whose the one freaking out!?" Marshall yelled towards Garrick. "If we were dead, would I be able to do this?" Marshall stepped towards Garrick planting a fist straight into the side of his jaw. The force of the impact sent the Sgt reeling back into a tree. "That was for earlier as well, stupid asshole."

Garrick reached up to the spot where the Sgt had just struck him. Instead of becoming angry, he began to laugh again. Except this time he was laughing because he really did find this funny. Not so long ago he was mocking Marshall for his frightened behavior. Now here he is being punched out of his hysteria by this same person.

"Oh great, am I going to have to plant another one into your ugly mug?" Marshall asked, still a little nervous about his ranking officers behavior.

"No, it should be fine Marshall, I needed that, I really did. Thanks man, I owe ya one." Garrick replied.

Rainbow Dash just sat back both confused and amused by the spectacle before her. The human whom she had planted a hoof into was freaking out. The other human then used his hoof, or whatever that thing was, to strike the other human. the most confusing part of it is that the human who was struck didn't hit the other human back. He actually thanked the human who struck him.

"These humans are crazy..." Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

"By the way, you still haven't told me anything about yourselves, even after everything I've told you." Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"Oh that's right, got so caught up in your stories that i completely forgot." Marshall replied, "So what do you want to know?"

"Well, I'd like to know what your names are to start with." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, I'm 1st Sgt. Marshall, and this guy here is my ranking officer Captain Garrick." Marshall introduced the two of them.

"That's right, i never did introduce myself did I? Although it is kind of tough saying hello when your balls are forced up to your throat." Garrick joked, rainbow Dash felt her face grow red again.

"Uh, yea sorry about that..."Rainbow Dash apologized rubbing her neck.

"No problem, I didn't want kids anyway." Garrick mused.

She shrunk back a little in embarrassment, but another question hit her.

"Oh, that's right, you said commanding officer, what exactly is that?" Rainbow Dash continued to question.

"Well, we're in the US military, and its our ranking sys..." Marshall was interrupted by Rainbow Dash, "Uh, sorry but what exactly is a military?"

"You seriously don't know what a military is?" Marshall asked, Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Hmm, well where we come from there are humans that cause problems for the rest of the world. So each country has a large group of people dedicated to defending their people from this man and the group he has aiding him."

"So, its like the Elements of Harmony then?"Rainbow Dash interrupted again.

"Wait, you did mention something about that earlier with your friend Twilight, right? What exactly are these Elements of Harmony?" Garrick butted in out of curiosity.

"Oh, well there are sometimes certain creatures in our world that cause problems for our people as well. so there are chosen ponies who each wield an Element of Harmony. My friends and i just happen to be these elements." Rainbow Dash boasted, "Applejack is honesty, Pinkie Pie is laughter, Fluttershy is kindness, Rarity is generosity, I'm the element of loyalty, and Twilight ties all of us together with the element of magic. When we combine our powers we are able to defeat any enemy with the magic of friendship."

She looked over at Garrick and Marshall expecting a look of awe, instead she was met with laughter, from both humans.

"Hey, whats so funny!?"Rainbow Dash asked, her pride slightly hurt.

"I'm sorry, its just that what you just said sounds like something out of some dumb cartoon." Garrick responded, "where we come from, the only way to stop the enemy is through force, not kindness."

"Man, do i wish it was that easy for us. You see, we need more than just six people, it takes a whole force of people to take down this one enemy. This could take years too, not just getting together and killing them with kindness." Marshall added in, starting to calm down with his laughter.

"That may be true where you come from, but its a big deal for us here, not many ponies cause problems here, but when they do we're there to take care of it. If it takes you years to take care of one person, then I guess we just do it better!" Rainbow Dash snapped back, becoming more irritated by the contempt the two humans were showing towards her and her friends.

"We didn't mean any insult by laughing, its just that this kind of stuff is only dreamed about in our world." Garrick said, attempting to calm the pegasus down. "This place is like a paradise to us humans, with exception of the pony race anyway, that wasn't usually in our fantasies. Not that that's a bad thing or anything!"

Rainbow Dash began to calm down, the scene Garrick was putting on made her laugh. "Its fine, I just can't believe you lived in such a place, it seems so horrible." Then she remembered the giant bird they were inside of, she wanted to hit herself. How could she forget the one question she wanted answered. "That reminds me, what was that thing you two were inside of, and how exactly did you end up here in Equestria?

"Well now we're hitting the hard points aren't we." Garrick said, finally over the amusement he got from the whole "Friendship is Magic" idea. "That "thing" you saw us in is a new military technology. We humans aren't like you ponies, we don't have magic and none of us have wings. So we use our brains and create our own ways to fly. What you saw us in was an F-40 Vertical Take Off and Landing Fighter Jet. It can outrun the F-22 and outmanuver any other Jet created."

Marshall held back a smirk as he notice just how much this pegasus and Garrick were alike. Neither of them could help but boast about anything.

"I'm sure you're wondering what exactly a fighter jet is too,. Basically we use the sky to our advantage. We can attack enemies in both he air and on the ground with these machines. Two guys like us could change the entire tide of a battle."Garrick explained further.

"As for how we got here, we're about as lost on that one as you are. We were attempting one final maneuver which resulted in us hitting such a fast speed that we sort of just ended up here. Last thing I remember on Earth was breaking through our Mach cone." Garrick looked over towards Marshall, "Want to now the weirdest part about it? I'm certain we had broken the speed of sound minutes before we ended up here."

Marshall raised his eyebrows as Garrick said this. "So you mean that we somehow hit such a quick speed that we broke some other kind of barrier?"

"The hell if I know, I just fly the damn jet, I couldn't tell you what we did. All i know is that we are here now." Garrick replied.

Rainbow Dash was listening closely to the whole story, although she didn't understand what half of the stuff Garrick said were, the last few comments she could recognize.

"That sounds almost like a Sonic Rainboom." Rainbow Dash cut in.

"Excuse me, but a Sonic what now?" Garrick inquired.

"A Sonic Rainboom. It occurs when a pegasus reaches fast enough speeds. A cone forms around us and then as we break through a Rainbow shock wave spreads out, almost like an explosion. May i add in that I'm the only pony to ever complete such a feat!" Rainbow Dash boasted again.

"That fits perfectly with a Sonic Boom, except ours lacks any rainbows. No, what we experienced was completely different. We hit a speed almost 7x as fast, the force was nearly unbearable." Marshall said, recalling the readings he notice before they broke free.

"Well, I can't really explain any of that stuff, I just fly and keep the sky clear."Rainbow Dash said with a shrug.

"Rainbow Dash!?"A voice called in the distance, followed by others echoing her name.

"You know, I may not be able to tell you what happened, but I think I know somepony who might have some idea." Rainbow Dash said with a smile before yelling out, "I'm over here!"