• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 2,782 Views, 68 Comments

Fallen Angels - ReapersSprint

2 Pilots, 1 Experimental VTOL, and a hell of a lot of ponies.

  • ...

Crushing Weight

"Man I'll tell you, my friend and I vowed to never try something like THAT again." Garrick finished with a laugh.

All of the ponies and Marshall broke out in laughter as well. The two humans appeared to have assimilated rather well to the group during their short time in the Everfree Forest.

"I've got to say Garrick, you really do surprise me some times. You had a pretty interesting childhood." Marshall chuckled.

"No matter what though, the best years of my childhood were spent being a brony." Garrick said with a weak smile.

"Ah' got to say, that's still got me baffled." Applejack jumped in. "Ah' mean, the idea that all a' us existed in another Universe, it just leaves me...ah' don't know, speechless."

"I know what you mean darling," Rarity interjected, "However, the thought of somebody watching me...all of the time...kind of creeps me out too." The white unicorn shivered.

"It wasn't like that," Garrick explained,"it was a kid's show, so the episodes always consisted of you ponies on some sort of adventure learning one lesson or another."

"What kind of adventures, I love adventures!" Rainbow Dash forced her way into the conversation.

"Stuff like fighting Nightmare Moon and Discord, those were the big ones anyway." Garrick replied, "There were other things too, like visiting Appleloosa and fighting a Dragon."

"That's odd, we just beat Discord not too long ago." Twilight said, "But you say that this show ran several years ag-" she was cut off by a pink blur. All of the ponies had somehow been tackled at once and were now part of a bone crushing hug. The pink pony inhaled deeply before letting loose with a seemingly impossible string of words.

"OhmygodwherehaveyouguysbeenImissedyousomucheveryponywassoworriedandspikewantedtosendalettertotheprincessbutIsaidyouguys shouldbefineandthenwhenyouweren'thereinthemorning-
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie!
PINKIE PIE!!!," PinkiePie blinked as the ringing began to fade from her ears, "Yes Twilight?"

"Please, save it for later. We need to get back to Ponyville with our fri-" Twilight was cut off by the pink pony, "Oh my gosh, what are these things, they look like monkeys, but are so much bigger. Where'd you find them?"

"Well, they sort of found us, or Rainbow Dash I should say." Twilight glanced in Rainbow Dash's direction,"Anyway if you'll just be patient, we can explain it to you back at the Library, ok?"

"I promise not to ask anymore questions, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie Pie grinned.

Marshall blinked at the scene unfolding before him. He turned to Garrick and simply asked him, "Uh, any idea what's going on?"

"That's Pinkie Pie, we used to have a habit of seeing her as, well, the craziest of the ponies." Garrick laughed, "In reality, she's just a really happy pony though."

"I'll go with crazy," Marshall looked over just as the Pink pony sealed her promise with a hoof to the eye, "Yea, definitely crazy."

"Since pinkie Pie seemed to have found us so easily, we should be close to Ponyville by no-" Twilight was cut off by a Manticore breaking through the brush. Choosing the two most threatening targets, the monster slammed into the two humans throwing them to the ground.

The group of ponies jumped in surprise at the large creature. In an attempt to help the men, the group rushed the giant creature, minus one Fluttershy. The Manticore however remained unfazed and warded off the ponies with a swing of its tail. As the ponies had the creature distracted, the two men were working something out between each other while under the weight of the Manticore's paws.

"Ok," Garrick managed to wheeze out, "You wouldn't happen to be able to reach my knife, would you?"

"I can give it a shot," Marshall slowly move his arm towards Garricks thigh. As soon as he could feel the sheath of the knife, he unbuckled the holster and pulled out the weapon. Using as much strength as he could muster, Marshall brought the knife hard up into the leg of the Manticore. The strike sent pain shooting up the leg of the beast, it pulled all of its weight off of the two men and retreated into the forest with a painful roar.

"Still not as threatening as my drill instructor." Marshall joked. He handed the knife back to Garrick who re-holstered the weapon. The looked at the ponies who were now giving them mixed expressions. Applejack and Rainbow Dash shared looks of awe as Twilight and Rarity appeared to be preoccupied, Twilight staring in the direction of the Manticore and Rarity trying to fix her mane. Fluttershy looked horrified as Pinkie just looked confused.

"That was so awesome!" Rainbow Dash cried out, "I've never seen anypony send a Manticore running so easily!"

"Ah' got to say partner, that was pretty impressive." Applejack added.

"Very resourceful, but I do need to ask why you are carrying that...weapon...with you?" Twilight brought herself back to reality.

"Well, these are pretty standard issue for us." Garrick replied, Since we fly we don't really need any kind of large weapons, so we usually carry a combat knife as well as a 9mm pistol."

The ponies gasped as Garrick mentioned his firearm,

"Don't worry though, we left those back in our F-40." Garrick quickly added in an attempt to calm the ponies. It didn't work as well as the pilot had hoped, they were still standing in a tense atmosphere.

"So uh, should we keep going before something else decides to give me a bear hug?"

"Uh...right, this way." Twilight Sparkle snapped to attention. Her five friends followed immediately, still slightly nervous knowing the men had weapons with them. They walked in silence, everypony afraid to look towards the two humans. The tension was beginning to grind on Garricks nerves.

"Ok look, if you don't feel comfortable with us having these, just take them. I can't stand this silence, its fucking killing me!"

Applejack was the first to respond, "Its not that, its just, well, ah' think its safe to say we're still a little shocked that ya'll fought tha' manticore off all by yer selves."

"Well, you guys did have it distracted, and besides we didn't have much of a choice, that thing was pretty damn heavy." Garrick was exasperated.

"That's what makes it so impressive, the only one to ever stop a Manticore that easy was Fluttershy, and she just sweet talked the poor dear." Rarity added making the men feel ashamed at hurting the creature.

Marshall and Garrick both sighed in defeat, "Ok, either way, could we just get back to how we were before," Marshall pleaded, "You know, laughing and just having a good time?"

Hearing talk of laughter, Pinkie Pie's ears perked up in excitement. The pink pony was about to burst out in another string of sentences when she remembered her promise. The party pony then began to hop around in impatience, they all watched as she bounced about.

"For Pete's sake Pinkie, you only promised not to ask questions, Twi never said you couldn't talk." Rainbow Dash facehoofed.

"Oh yea." Pinkie Pie stopped hopping in circles, "I know a game we could play!" The grin on her face stretched from one end of the Everfree Forest to the other. "My sisters and I used to play it all the time back home since there wasn't much else to do on a rock farm and all!" 'How do you farm rocks?' Marshall questioned out loud, but the pink party pony overpowered him.

"The idea is that every rock you see is different, so we look for the funniest rocks as we walk!" Pinkie Pie explained.

"Ugh, that sounds soooo boring..." Rainbow Dash complained.

"You never know until you try it!" Pinkie Pie sang.

Twilight sighed, "Ok, we'll try your game Pinkie."

The pink pony beamed with excitement. The group walked further down the path trying their best to find some fun in Pinkie's game. Nopony, or person, could find anything worth pointing out. When they were all about to give up hope, Pinkie Pie spotted a large boulder.

"Hey, this looks kind of like Rainbow doesn't it?" The pink pony asked eyeing up the rock.

"Yea it kind of does!" Garrick laughed leaning in next to Pinkie Pie.

"What!? Let me see!" Rainbow Dash pushed the two out of the way. She eyed the face of the boulder closely. "Hey, there's a hole in this thing-AHHHHHH!" The cyan pegasus yelled in surprise as a snake popped its head out of the opening. The startled mare jumped backwards slipping on the edge of a hill. She grabbed for the nearest object grabbing hold of a purple colored tail.

"What are you-WAHHHH!" Rarity yelled in surprise attempting to find leverage, however she only managed to grab the nearest pony in the same fashion as Rainbow Dash. The chain reaction continued until the entire group ended up rolling down the hill. They continued to roll until finally breaking through the treeline into a clearing.

"We're here!" Twilight yelled in excitement seeing the hay covered roofs ahead.

Both Garrick and Marshall stared in awe at the candy colored homes. "Its been so long since I've seen this place, looks exactly like it did on the show." Garrick forced out through his surprise.

"Yup, this is it, our home sweet home, Ponyville," Applejack stated proudly, "An' over there is Sweet Apple Acres. Speaking of which Ah've got to go and tell everypony Ah'm back, they must be worried sick." She hurried off in the direction of the orchards while yelling back, "Ah'll be back before sundown!"

"I need to go check on my boutique and make sure Sweetie Belle hasn't tried to, 'help', again." Rarity added shook in fright running off into town.

"I need to make sure all of my friends are ok back home, Angel must be furious at me, I'm so sorry but I'll be back to." Fluttershy apologized flying off towards her cottage.

"Well, I've got nothing to do, can't exactly fly with my wing and all, so I'm still here." Rainbow Dash smiled.

"Me too!" Pinkie Pie yelled bouncing again.

"Well then, shall we continue to my library?" Twilight asked the remainders of the group.

"Yea sure," Garrick said, Marshall replied with "Sounds good to me." Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both nodded their heads.

"This way then." Twilight led the group towards her treehouse.Several minutes of walking past the surprised stares of Ponyville residents, the five friends finally reached the purple unicorn's home. "Well, here it is!" Twilight beamed.

"You live in a tree?" Marshall questioned, mouth agape.

"Yes, why is that odd?" Twilight perked her eyebrow quizzically.

"No...no, not at all..." Marshall sighed in defeat, This place is nuts.

Twilight's hron glowed as she opened the door using her magic. A voice could be heard from inside as the door swung open.

"Twilight! I was so worried!" Spike jumped up clinging to the unicorn's neck, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I thought something happened to you..."

"Spike, its ok I'm fine, so you don't need to cry. I'd like you to meet some friends of ours." Twilight smiled. Spike looked up at the two creatures towering over the ponies.

"I wasn't crying, I was just cutting onions is all..."Spike replied defensively, "What are these things anyway?"

"We 'things' are called humans, I'm Garrick and this is Marshall." Garrick rolled his eyes, getting tired of having to introduce himself.

Spike blinked in confusion, "They can talk?"

"Yes they can talk, its a long story. How about you cook us something to eat and we can all sit around and straighten things out, I'm starving." Twilight laughed. The two humans and Rainbow Dash's stomachs growled at hearing the word food.

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Yea I'll say your hungry!" The pink pony began snorting with laughter as the growling started again.

"Yea, I'm so hungry i could eat a pony, especially pink ones I heard they taste pretty good." Marshall joked, cringing at the pain from his hunger.

Pinkie pie stopped laughing immediately, "So uh Spike, I'll help you cook...in the kitchen...located on the other side of the library!" She picked up the baby dragon and ran off towards the back room.

The remaining four watched as she rushed off bursting into laughter, only stopping as another wave of hunger pains hit them.