• Published 27th Jan 2013
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The Incredible Flutterhulk - spideremblembrony

Fluttershy's journey to find a cure to the ailment that plagues her. An unstoppable creature of pure strength known as...The Incredible Flutterhulk

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Sounds of destruction filled the air as the giant creature tore apart the city with its hooves. The creature had uplifted the road and pavement with his steps, tore apart cars with its teeth, light poles were taken from their spot on the ground and ripped apart. Bodies lay in the wake of destruction. Fires started burning from where the cars were piled. And this was only the beginning.

Cars sirens wailing, police officers firing their standard weapons, ponies screaming for their lives, and a single behemoth’s laughter filled the air with chaotic sound.

“Run, my little ponies! Run!” Professor Smolder shouted. He lifted up a car in front of him with no effort and tossed it into an oncoming police vehicle. The two slammed into each other, glass shattering, metal bending and twisting. Another group of officers opened fire on the beast. The bullets simply bounced off the creature’s impenetrable skin.

“Do you ponies not understand?!” the behemoth roared. He slammed his front hooves against the ground, uprooting the road. The force traveled down to the path of the police officers. When it reached them, it catapulted them into the air, helpless to stop their fall to the ground.

Smolder lifted up another vehicle with its front legs and tossed it into a lamppost. The lamppost toppled to the ground. Sparks flew from the wires that were ripped from the ground. When the sparks reached the gasoline trailing from the cars, they ignited. Burning towards the car’s gas tank before exploding.

“Evolution has chosen me to become the superior being! There is no creature on this world that can match my power!”

Just then, a large thud is heard from behind the professor as if something extremely heavy had just hit the ground. Following it, a large,powerful roar of rage filled the air surrounding the area.

Smolder couldn’t help but grin. He turned around to see a green Pegasus with dark red hair. There was no mistaking it. It was the same creature he had seen in the lab. It was Fluttershy.

Smolder howled in laughter. “I knew you couldn’t surrender that power so easily!”

Fluttershy replied with a threatening growl, glaring down her opposite.

“It consumes you, doesn’t it? The overwhelming power? We are the chosen you and I!”

Fluttershy started to march towards Smolder.

“Chosen to be this world’s new lords!”[/size=16] He then paused. “No, not lords. Deities!”

Fluttershy howled in anger.

“You would deny me my heritage?! So be it!” Smolder roared as Fluttershy began her charge at him.

Smolder braced himself for Fluttershy’s attack. She threw her hoof at his face, but Smolder took a step to the side. Taking advantage of Fluttershy’s defenselessness, Smolder swung his hoof at Fluttershy, connecting with her chin.

Fluttershy stumbled at such a vicious blow, but she was far from done. She turned back towards her opponent and swung another blow at the professor. This time, it made contact against the professor’s cheek.

Smolder stumbled back several feet and readied himself for another attack. He saw Fluttershy’s hoof coming straight for him again, but this time he ducked in the nick of time. He then retaliated with an uppercut. This blow sent Fluttershy back several feet, falling onto an abandoned truck.

Smolder took this opportunity to prep his next attack. He lifted a car off the ground with his hooves and tossed it towards his opponent.

Fluttershy, who spotted the aerial projectile, turned to her side, and using her mighty wings, deflected the target off course and away from her body. Fluttershy then noticed the truck behind her. She picked it up with her hooves and tossed it towards Smolder.

Smolder didn’t have the protection of wings to aid him and was forced to deflect the attack with his front hooves. It had distracted him long enough for Fluttershy to begin her charge. Smolder tried to leap away, but Fluttershy was too fast.

She rammed into him and sent him back into a nearby building, the wall crumbling as he smashed into it.

Smolder pulled himself out of the rubble and stared back at Fluttershy. He charged straight for her as Fluttershy did the same.

Fluttershy swung her hoof at Smolder’s head, but again, Smolder expected this. He moved just out of her line of fire and countered with a blow to her face.

Not a moment later, Fluttershy replied with a blow to her opponent’s face, causing him to spin uncontrollably. She then grabbed him by his tail and tossed him into another building behind her. Bricks fell all around him as his immense weight, coupled with the force of the throw, tore through the wall as if it was made of glass. His body smashed into the office desk on the other side of the wall, turning one half of it into splinters.

“I didn’t think this was possible,” he thought to himself. “Could that little mare actually be stronger than me? If this monster is stronger than me, I’ll need to fight smart.”

She behaved like an animal, but he was still intelligent. He would use his mind to outwit her.

Smolder rose to his feet as Fluttershy started for him. Fluttershy rushed towards the professor at ramming speed, which is what Smolder was waiting for.

He braced himself for an attack, lowering his head. Fluttershy continued to dart forward. The Pegasus was almost on him. That is when Smolder made his move, he dove his head towards the ground to get underneath Fluttershy’s body. Then using his powerful legs, he tossed Fluttershy into the air behind him, using her own momentum as a weapon.

Smolder looked behind him to see Fluttershy on her back. The office building behind them was in shambles. Desks were smashed up. Papers and files were fluttering everywhere. Ponies inside the office had their backs against the far wall, shaking in terror.

Fluttershy slowly got up and gave a thunderous snarl. Using her powerful legs, she leapt towards her opponent and tackled him to the ground. The ground beneath them started to crack as they slid down the road. Fluttershy attempted to slam her hoof into Smolder’s face, but Smolder stopped it with his own hoof.

Smolder then unleashed a powerful blow against Fluttershy’s cheek, causing her to tumble off him. Smolder quickly rose to his feet as his opponent readied herself for another attack.

Fluttershy stood up on her hind legs and brought both of her hooves down to the ground as hard as she could. The ground began to crack and split apart, the devastation heading straight for Smolder.

Smolder was wise to Fluttershy’s strategy. She was going to try to throw him off-balance with a little tremor. But it wouldn’t work on him. “A lesser opponent, maybe? But not me,” he thought to himself.

Smolder leaped in the air with his powerful legs before the tremor could reach him. As he came down, he angled his descent towards Fluttershy below him. He raised his hooves ready to slam them against his winged adversary.

Fluttershy saw her opponent descending from the air and readied her legs to leap towards him. She unleashed all the strength in her legs and flew towards Smolder.

The professor and Fluttershy collided in mid-air with Smolder getting the brunt of the attack. Fluttershy slammed her front hoof into Smolder’s jaw, preventing his attack. Their bodies fell uncontrollably to the ground below, leaving a crater where they landed.

When the smoke cleared, Fluttershy stood over Smolder, who was deeply imbedded in the concrete. Smolder started to struggle off his back and onto his feet when Fluttershy slammed her hind hooves into his body as she landed on top of him.

Fluttershy raised her front hooves and started to pound Smolder’s face with them, one after the other. Again and again, Fluttershy would pound with incredible force. Smolder struggled and fought with all his might, but Fluttershy’s attack seemed unstoppable.

“No! I won’t lose!” Smolder screamed to himself. “I am a god! A god! I cannot lose!”

He roared as Fluttershy continued her assault. He attempted to block her attack with his own hooves, but she was far too strong. She would simply power her way through. As she pounded him, blood started to burst from his face and streamed down to his neck. He felt one of his teeth being ripped from their roots by the sheer force alone.

He screamed, expecting another blow. But it didn’t come. He opened his eyes, and Fluttershy had stopped. Or something stopped her. Her arm was glowing a blue hue.

He realized the horn on top of his head was glowing as well.

Fluttershy struggled to move her arm, but it was in vain. It simply wouldn’t budge.

Smolder gave a cruel grin as he used his magic to encompass Fluttershy in his levitation spell. Using all his might, he then tossed Fluttershy out of the hole and onto the street.

“Fluttershy’s blood must have not only enhanced my physical strength, but also the strength, concentrative stamina, and area of effectiveness of my spells,” Smolder hypothesized to himself. It was the only explanation he had of why his magic would work against an unstoppable being. Now he had an advantage.

Smolder crawled his way out of the crater and saw Fluttershy slowly rising to her feet. She growled as she faced her opponent once more. Smolder braced himself for Fluttershy’s attack, which was a raging charge.

Smolder waited for Fluttershy to make her first attack. She performed it with a powerful swing of her foreleg towards Smolder’s body. But just before it reached him, the same blue aura wrapped itself tightly around Fluttershy’s arm, stopping it in place.

Smolder took the opportunity of Fluttershy’s disabled attack to deliver a powerful blow to Fluttershy’s jaw.

Fluttershy growled as she attempted another blow at Smolder’s jaw, but again the same aura stopped her, leaving her open for another counterattack. Smolder took advantage of it with another hit to her jaw. This caused Fluttershy to tumble backwards.

Once she regained her balance, Fluttershy gave another quick attack to Smolder. But like before, Smolder caught her attack with his magic. He used it to pick up Fluttershy’s body and toss her into one of the buildings behind her. Bricks fell to the ground alongside Fluttershy as she plowed into the wall, uncontrollably.

She was then picked up off the ground by the same magical force and slammed into the ground hard. Cracks formed in the ground around her as she was forced into the concrete, not once, but twice.

Smolder’s magic lifted her up and sent her flying into side of a nearby building, straight through the wall. Smolder could hear the sounds of Fluttershy’s growling and grunting in pain as she struggled to break free of his magical grip. Smolder knew it was futile. She would never break his grip. He then tossed her into another building on the other side of the street. He then pulled the helpless Fluttershy out of the building and slammed her into the ground once more.

Fluttershy moaned in pain as she slowly started to rise to her feet. She stumbled a couple of times, but finally able to gain her hoofing. She growled as she stared down her opponent, whose horn was glowing once again. Several dozen cars started to deviate from the ground and into the air surrounding him.

Smolder gave a cruel cackle as he tossed car after car towards Fluttershy. One by one, she would block or deflect them from her body. However, eventually, one of them tackled her hard, sending her to the ground. She quickly threw the car off her, but as soon as she was free from one car, another one would batter her. She growled and grunted in sequence with the cars that came towards her.

Smolder would hurl a vehicle. Fluttershy would toss away the two or three already on top of her only to be pummeled by another three or four. This cycle would continue until one of them gave in.

Smolder had buried Fluttershy under a dozen cars. After encompassing a nearby lamppost with his magic and tearing it from the ground, he hurled it towards the car pileup. The sparks of the wires hit the gasoline dripping from one of the vehicles. Fire shot straight into the gas tank, causing an explosion. This explosion started a chain reaction with each of the cars. One after another, the gas tanks ignited in flames.

Smolder felt as if he was watching a fireworks show. He smiled as blaze consumed the entire pile.

“Ironic,” he thought to himself. “She died the same way her mother did.”

He turned his back and started to trot away, his head held high. Suddenly, he heard the sound of rustling metal. He turned around fast to see that the metal pile was shaking. A second later, metal burst to all sides of the mound with a thunderous roar.

Fluttershy crawled out of the heap and started a charge for her opponent.

Smolder quickly braced himself and readied his horn. Fluttershy inched closer and closer, coming within striking range. Before she could unleash her attack however, Smolder once again engulfed her in his magic spell. He raised her off the ground, slowly, as if to declare his dominance over her.

He then tossed her down to the ground hard, then into a construction site nearby.

She was hurled into the large metal framing that would soon be a building. Her body tore through the metal as if it was made of paper. She banged and battered the metal frames as if she was a rag doll. She roared as the malevolent professor controls her path and she was helpless to stop it.

The constant ripping, tearing, and pounding Fluttershy’s body exerts onto the metal frames becomes too much. They begin to fall all around her, clobbering the ground below. Fluttershy is then tossed to the ground, atop the metallic beams.

Fluttershy slowly lifted herself out of her metal bed and onto her feet once more. She unleashed a mighty cry as she wrapped her hooves around a metal beam. She slowly raised the beam over her head and gives a thunderous cry. With all her might, Fluttershy tossed the metal bar straight for Smolder.

The high-speed projectile traveled along its designated path until the same blue aura slowed and stopped its acceleration. Smolder grinned as he halted Fluttershy’s latest attack.

With my magic stopping all of her attacks, there’s no way she can win!” Smolder cheered in his mind. Smolder then forced the metallic beam back towards Fluttershy with incredible force.

Fluttershy, noticing the beam, attempted to brace herself, but she wasn’t fast enough. The beam dug deep into her shoulder causing blood to burst from her new wound. Her lungs unleashed a cry of agony as the beam finally stopped its acceleration after hitting the shoulder bone. The force of the blow caused Fluttershy to soar backwards, uncontrollably, to the ground.

Fluttershy growled in pain as she wrapped her hooves around the metallic bar that had cut itself deep into her skin. Pulling with all her might, ignoring the skin and muscle that started to heal around it, she ripped the object out of her shoulder. She screeched in pain as more blood and skin was jerked out of her following the metal bar. She then tossed it to the side.

Fluttershy slowly started to rise to her feet. She struggled as her hooves kept failing to keep her upright. Blood continued to stream down her foreleg as the wound continued to heal. She finally found her hoofing and looked up to her opponent.

Smolder used his magic to once again force Fluttershy into the air. He hurled the helpless Fluttershy backwards with tremendous force. She slid down the concrete, uprooting it as she passed.

Fluttershy slowly rose to her feet once more as Smolder made his way past the construction site and back onto the street. He smiled as he stared down his opponent, who seemed to be able to little more than amuse him.

Fluttershy growled as her eyes met with his. She used her powerful legs to leap towards Smolder with a powerful cry of rage. Smolder, using his magic once more, forced Fluttershy out of the air and into the street below her. He then focused his magic to pin her down, flattening her with his unimaginable power. The concrete started to give way by the pressure it was under.

Fluttershy fought to rise to her feet, but each time she struggled, the force became even mightier. The magical vice would pin her down deeper into the pavement. The crackling sounds of the asphalt filled the air around them, only to be cut by Smolder cruel chortle.

Fluttershy, laying flat on the ground, raised her head enough to stare down the Professor, her eyes unleashing a fierce glare at her opponent. She snarled as the force continued to crush her into the street.

Fluttershy then struggled once more attempting to rise to her feet. This time, she was able to place her front right leg firmly on the ground. With great effort and growling sounds, she was able to then place her other front leg in an upright position. She pushed against the ground with her front legs as hard as she could. She began to sink further into the concrete, but she was rising upwards. As she rose, her first hind leg found its balance against the pavement. Within a few seconds more, her other hind leg. Forcing herself up with all four legs, she stood firm and strong. The magical force still pushing against her and she was still standing. She grunted as she steadily put one hoof in front of her, stepping slowly towards Smolder.

Smolder stood awestruck and dumbfounded as he continued to focus all his magical power on Fluttershy’s body. Fluttershy growled with effort as she place her next hoof in front of her. Inch by inch, step by step, Fluttershy was forcing her way to Smolder.

“She shouldn’t even be able to stand up, let alone move! That is impossible! I won’t accept this!” Smolder shouted to himself. He concentrated even harder, giving it everything he had. Fluttershy stumbled back onto her knees. Smolder was sure she was done, but he was wrong.

Fluttershy once again placed her hooves firmly against the ground and started to stand once more. She struggled as she continued to march forward, inching towards her opponent. Only a few feet stood between her and Smolder’s body.

Fluttershy pushed upward on her front legs so she was only standing on her hind legs. She growled as her hind leg took a step forward, the mystical force still pushing against her. She raised her front hooves and roared as they came down with an alarming amount of force.

Smolder quickly raised his own hooves to block Fluttershy’s attack, knowing his horn was having little effect. The combined might of his horn and his own body was enough to stop Fluttershy’s attack, but she was still coming for him.

Fluttershy roared as she forced her face towards Smolder’s. Her jaws opened wide as she directed herself to Smolder’s glowing horn.

Smolder concentrated even harder with his magical powers, hoping to drive Fluttershy away. His concentration was so fierce; he couldn’t even focus on his own physical might. Not that he thought it would have been enough to stop her. He still had to concentrate on Fluttershy’s hooves not reaching his body. Still, the Fluttershy wouldn’t stop.

Fluttershy clamped her teeth onto the glowing horn of Smolder. Once her teeth were firmly locked against the pale green horn, she started to pull with all her might. Smolder struggled to break her grip, growling and snarling in pain as she continued to tug.

She growled. He snarled. The two behemoths were locked against one another. Fluttershy entrapped by Smolder’s magic. Professor Smolder had Fluttershy’s jaws secured tightly around his horn. His only weapon against her. He attempted to use his magic to free his horn from her grasp, but it wasn’t strong enough to hold her jaw open and hold her body back.

After what seemed like infinity, Fluttershy gave a huge jerk of her head, ripping the horn straight of the professor’s head. Smolder screamed in pain as the horn left his forehead, followed by a long stream of blood.

Fluttershy tumbled backwards to the ground by the force of her mighty haul, the now darkened horn still clenched within her teeth.

Smolder also fell back to the pavement. His face was soaked in blood. He placed his hooves on his forehead, as if to prevent the flow of blood. However, it oozed onto his hooves and straight down his foreleg. He growled in agony as he fumbled to stand upright.

Fluttershy brought herself back to her feet. She spat out the blood-drenched horn from her mouth onto the ground. She then turned to her opponent, who was struggling to stay upright. Blood continued to pour out of where his horn once sat soaking itself down throughout his neck. She roared as she charged straight for him with no resistance. The mystical force that barred her path was expunged. It was just she and he.

Smolder rubbed enough of the blood away from his face to see Fluttershy coming straight for him, but was unable to counterattack. Instead, Fluttershy tackled him hard, sending them both to the ground.

Standing over her opponent, she delivered a fierce blow to his face. Smolder threw a blow of his own, but Fluttershy easily deflected this attack with her foreleg. She unleashed another vicious blow to his jaw. Smolder struggled and snarled as Fluttershy began her flurry of attacks. Fluttershy increasingly became more enraged with each assault. Her growling became more intense. Her breathing became more rapid. She just continued to power on through Smolder’s defenses until those defenses gave in. Even then, she didn’t stop. Again and again, she threw her hoof into Smolder’s bloodied, broken face.

“STOP!” a voice cried out to her. Fluttershy instantly halted her attack. She looked up to see a light green earth pony with a dark mane standing before her. She looked upon him as if he was familiar. Though she didn’t seem to know why at first.

Just beyond him was a dark brown mare with a red mane, limping as if her leg was injured. Another familiar and important figure, one that Fluttershy’s mind couldn’t conjure an explanation for, but she knew that the pony was no enemy.

“You don’t have to kill!” Crumble shouted.

Fluttershy’s rapid breathing started to slow. Her eyes less intense. The mere sight of this pony was calming her. She began to understand why. This was a friend. A friend she had met when the soldiers attacked her. A friend she had grown up with during her childhood. Images of growing up in a park with this friend at her side began to play in her mind. She was confused by these images, not knowing where they come from. Regardless, she was happy. This friend gave her that.

“You don’t HAVE to kill!” Crumble repeated.

Fluttershy looked down at her opponent. His face was drenched in blood, his eyes were closed, his jaw looked dislocated. However, despite the carnage, he was breathing.

“It’s over,” Crumble said, his heavy breathing breaking the sentence. “He’s beaten.”

The professor’s body began to shrink down. His tusk like teeth receded into normal looking teeth. His body’s coat reverted to its natural blue color. As his body shifted back into his normal size, the wounds on his face began to close. Even the gash were his horn used to be completely closed up.

The professor opened his eyes weakly. His body shook as he watched the towering figure over him. Fluttershy gave a harsh growl. She then turned around and started to trot away.

Smolder tried to rise to his legs, but they wouldn’t move. He couldn’t even make them budge no matter how hard he tried. All he could do was lie in the concrete, silently whimpering.

Fluttershy trotted down the street, fumbling her movements in exhaustion. She breathed out a sigh of relief as she tumbled to a nearby alleyway. Her shoulders and wings brushed against the brick walls on both sides, scratching them as she passed by. She finally tumbled against the right wall causing a crack in it. She slowly descended to the ground, resting her head against the pavement.

Crumble appeared behind her as the behemoth began to shrink down into the yellow Pegasus Crumble remembered. He rushed to her side, picking her up in his hooves.

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes, taking in a deep breath. She caught the sight of Crumble’s smile as he held her.

“Did... I...?” Fluttershy started to ask, weakly.

Crumble gave her a nod. “Yes. You did it. You stopped him.”

Fluttershy gave a sigh of relief and then wrapped her hooves around Crumble. She smiled to herself as she rested her head against his body.

“Maybe... everything will be alright now,” she thought.


Thunderbolt stood patiently in the jet several hundred yards away as his men surrounded the battlefield. He had gotten the word that Fluttershy was on her rampage, but he never expected to see two monsters. Regardless, she was defenseless, distracted, and this time, defeated.

“Sir,” a voice came over the radio speaker. “We are in position.”

The air was still for a moment. Thunderbolt gave a sinister grin. “Fire.”

At those words, he watched at two projectiles were launched down towards the city. At the moment of impact, the sight was covered in a purple cloud of smoke.

“Finally, you’re mine.”


A massive cloud of smoke appeared all around Fluttershy and Crumble, engulfing them in its fog. Fluttershy gave a gasp for air, which stung at her throat. She felt as if she was going to cough her lungs through her mouth. Crumble was hacking just as relentlessly. Fluttershy’s legs took over her body, but as she tried to escape the fog, her body grew weary. She could barely move her legs out into a walk. Eventually, she tumbled to the ground.

Her eyes began to close slowly. She looked up and tried to keep them open as best she could. She saw Crumble just ahead of her, trying to navigate through the smoke. However, even he succumbed to fatigue, collapsing to the ground. Her eyes stayed open long enough to see a group of shadowy figures coming for them. As they approached them, she could see them taking the form of ponies. They were gathering all around her.

“The soldiers...” were the last words she thought before her world went dark.