• Published 27th Jan 2013
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The Incredible Flutterhulk - spideremblembrony

Fluttershy's journey to find a cure to the ailment that plagues her. An unstoppable creature of pure strength known as...The Incredible Flutterhulk

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Thunderbolt's Sins

The whirling of helicopter blades filled the air as it descended towards the landing site. Ponies gathered around, weapons at the ready for any sign of trouble. Guns all pointed directly at the helicopter as it slowly set itself on the ground.

The boarding ramp hissed as it opened up and slowly slid to the ground. Within the helicopter, several ponies stood around a stretcher, which held a yellow Pegasus in its wake, a breathing mask attached to her face, with a long tube slithering to a large machine.

The machine displayed several numbers and letters telling the doctor in charge of the device Fluttershy’s breathing rate and other medical terms.

A needle, contented to a long tube, was embedded deep into her foreleg and into an IV. Her eyes were closed, her voice was silent and her body was still. Save for her slight breathing and the bumps made by the stretcher trudging around, many would have question if she was even alive.

The group of ponies surrounding her was sporting heavy weaponry. To an outsider, it would have seemed strange. Fluttershy was a very petite pony. Yet, she had the security of the world’s worst killer or terrorist surrounding her. That is because, they all knew what she really was.

Several ponies in white coats all cluttered around Fluttershy. They spoke in medical terms that most ponies wouldn’t understand, constantly monitoring her vitals.

As they rolled the stretcher down the ramp, a group of soldiers joined with the already mass assembly of guards surrounding Fluttershy, escorting her to her prison.

Thunderbolt stepped out from the helicopter behind them, standing proudly. “Keep her under!” he shouted. “I don’t want her to have a second of consciousness!”

Using his wings, he gently glided down the ramp and on the ground. “And get a blood sample from her!” he called out to the group.

He smiled as Fluttershy was taken to a large platform. The platform spanned to encompass hundreds of ponies, to transfer large items or a large number of troops down to an underground bunker. Only a few miles outside of Las Pegasus and of the Molhoofend Dam, it was the closest base they could get Fluttershy to.

Thunderbolt could hardly believe his luck. He couldn’t have wished for a more perfect setting to keep Fluttershy.

Not only did it operate as a military base, but it worked as a science lab as well. Many scientific and weapons technology was developed and discovered here. And here is where Fluttershy’s genetics would be weaponized for the good of all Equestria. Here he would have the scientific research he needed and the security to keep her prisoner forever.

“No mistakes this time.”

“You son of a bitch!” a voice shouted from the aircraft.

Thunderbolt turned to see his soldiers dragging the brown mare out of the aircraft.

She rustled and tussled against them, trying to break their grip. Her front hooves were tied. She was quite the fighter, but her injured leg made it impossible to break their grip. Still, that didn’t seem to stop her. She turned directly towards him.

“You son of a bitch! Let me go!” she shouted. The soldiers still struggled against her as they slowly pulled her towards the platform. “What are you going to do with Flyshy?!” the mare shouted.

Thunderbolt simply grinned and turned away.

“Answer me, you bastard!” the mare barked.

She made some other crude remarks, but Thunderbolt was hardly paying attention. He simply gazed towards the platform as the soldiers slowly dragged the struggling earth pony and the unconscious Pegasus to the stage that would lead them deep within the earth.

After several seconds, a small fence emerged from the ground at the platform’s rim. Sound of gears turning filled the soldier’s ears as the stage slowly sank into a deep tunnel.

“A fitting end to this tale.”

As he turned his head back to the aircraft behind him, a hoof slammed into his jaw, sending him tumbling to the ground.

He looked up to see the light green stallion he called son. Crumble.

“You stupid ass-hole!” Crumble shouted.

Several soldiers came from behind Crumble and wrapped their forelegs around him. He struggled to break their grip, fighting with all his might.

Thunderbolt wiped his lip of the blood coming from his mouth and stood up. “Stand down, soldiers.”

The soldiers immediately let go of Crumble. The troops then turned away and headed back to the aircraft.

Thunderbolt stared straight into his son’s enraged eyes, wiping his lip once again. “You hit like a filly, boy.”

Crumble started to cringe at his father’s remark. “How dare you?!” he started as he pointed his hoof at Thunderbolt. “How dare you treat her like this?!”

Thunderbolt took a step towards his son. “I did what I had to do to protect Equestria.”

Crumble shook his head in frustration. “Don’t give me that! Don’t you dare give me that!” He leaned forward, his eyes fixed on his father. He pointed his hoof at Thunderbolt, emphasizing every sentence. “You did this for you! You and your reputation! That’s what this was always about! Always! Nopony else mattered but you!”

“Son-,” Thunderbolt started, as he reached to put his hoof on Crumble’s shoulder.

“Don’t give me this son, bullshit!” Crumble retorted as he swatted Thunderbolt’s foreleg away. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re not my father.”

Thunderbolt glared at his son, taking in a deep breath.

“That damn filly has gotten to you too, eh, boy?” He couldn’t believe his own son would turn on him like this. That Fluttershy had, somehow, turned his son against him. It only made him hate her even more.

“It’s only because I’m your father that you’re not in hoofcuffs too.”

Crumble shook his head and scoffed. “How about this? How about you stop doing me favors?!” His eyes pierced at the general, his hatred resonating from them. “And stay out of my life?” Crumble trotted passed his father towards the large elevator to the underground bunker.

Thunderbolt watched his son as he stormed off, passing another pony Thunderbolt didn’t want to see.


Guam stormed passed the son of the general, without even giving him a glance. His eyes were only fixed on the general.

“How dare he keep me out of this?! That bastard is gonna pay for this!”

“Sir!” Guam snapped. “What in Tartarus is going on?!”

Thunderbolt gave a cruel smirk. “That’s hardly anyway to talk to your superior, soldier.”

Guam gritted his teeth at Thunderbolt’s statement, growling under his breath.

“I’ll talk to you how I damn well please!”

“You’ve captured Fluttershy without me?!” Guam shouted. “I want to know why!”

“I don’t need to explain anything to you, soldier.”

Guam shook his head in irritation, trying to hide his rage.

“Fluttershy was mine! I was going to be the one to beat her! Me! How dare you steal that from me?!”

He knew hiding his anger was pointless. He might as well have been big and green, like Fluttershy.

“No, sir! I was told I’d have my payback! I want Fluttershy! I want her to pay!”

Thunderbolt shot Guam a stern look. “I said that I was not a pony you should cross. I’m just looking out for your best interests.”

“What the buck does that mean?!” Guam demanded, getting right into the general’s face, staring straight up at him. Guam size didn’t matter to him. He was always the little pony, but he had the heart of a lion. Guam was not one to be pushed around.

But Thunderbolt could have cared less.

Thunderbolt gave a smirk and chuckled for a moment. “Your work is done here, soldier.”

Guam took a step back and shook his head.

“Fluttershy’s been captured. You’re not needed anymore.”

Guam started to lower his gaze to the ground, scoffing at the general’s words.

”Don’t be sad, soldier. You’ve got new powers to try out,” the general said, taking a few steps towards Guam. “Go out and have fun. Live life.”

As he came to Guam’s side, he leaned to his ear. “You never know when you might not get a chance to,” he whispered.

Guam’s ears perked up as the general continued on his way. His eyes shot wide open. He sharply turned his head, expecting the general to explain his statement. Sadly, the general kept trotting away.

“What the buck does that mean?!”


After several minutes of struggling and cursing, Cookie was tossed into her prison cell. The soldiers closed the door behind her. She quickly turned and slammed her front hoof against it. The loud clang echoed throughout the metallic prison she found herself in.

She took a look around. The surroundings were eerily similar to the one she was placed in the day she met Fluttershy. There were no windows, no telephone. The door was heavily bolted shut, with only a small glass window to see a small portion of the world outside.

She placed her head directly against it. “What the buck are you doing to Flyshy?!” she shouted.

She could see the soldiers standing just outside the doorway, but they didn’t even acknowledge her existence. They didn’t turn towards her. They just stood in their position.

“I said what the buck are you doing to Flyshy?!” she yelled again, this time louder. Still nothing. They didn’t even budge.

“Damn it!” she shouted to herself as she bucked the door with her good leg.

Cookie started to search around the room, going from corner to corner. Her leg ached as she trotted through every angle of the prison. It was doing much better, thanks to Fluttershy’s miracle plant, but it was still far from completely healed. At the very least, she could limp with it, which at this point, was better than nothing at all.

She glided her hooves across the wall, allowing them to slither up and down the wall as far as she could reach. She took it very slow as she moved, hoping for some way to get out.

As she slid past one half the room, her confidence faded. She took it even slower, hoping and praying for a way out. She wasn’t usually one to pray to some higher power. But it would help Fluttershy, she would.

As she finally encompassed the entirety of the room, her patience faded.

“Faust!” she cursed as she looked towards one of the corners of the room.

“I know you can hear me!” She felt like she was in some sort of asylum, shouting at the air. She knew if a facility were built to keep prisoners, they’d have some sort of camera watching all of the cells. Watching her.

“What the buck are you doing to, Flyshy?!”

There was no response, save for the echoing of her own voice. She sat herself down in defeat. Her mind wandered to thoughts of Fluttershy, who was one of her few friends. Very few friends.

She started to think about Fluttershy, who had selflessly pushed her into the metallic dome first. She wondered if she had fallen behind instead of Fluttershy, would she have made the same selfless sacrifice?

She thought that she might, but her mind wandered back to her youth. She didn’t give a damn about anypony else, but herself. That was all that mattered. The more she thought about it, the more she thought that she wouldn’t have helped Fluttershy then. If Fluttershy had fallen behind, she would have sacrificed her to save herself.

However, in a strange way, she thanked Celestia for the way things worked out. Because of Fluttershy’s and her father’s selflessness, she sought a change in her own life. She got a real job. Started to reconnect with the only other pony who cared for her. Made a life for herself. All because of Fluttershy’s one simple kind act.

It was hard not to go back to the way she was, but all she needed to do, was think of the pony who sacrificed herself to keep her alive.

On the other hoof, she cursed Celestia. Fluttershy was caught in the blast, her life ruined.

She recalled the friend who had accepted her reason to leave her behind. She had callously tossed her to the side like a used rag. She was just going to leave, not even look back. Just drive away as if Fluttershy hadn’t meant a thing to her. While she did come back eventually, it didn’t help her conscience. Fluttershy was the reason for her changing her way and she repaid her by reverting back to her selfish demeanor.

She remembered the friend who had tirelessly rubbed ointment on her leg for hours and hours. Waiting on her, delivering her food and water. Fluttershy kept her awake and alive. Her plant would keep her healthy, when it would have been easier to leave her behind, as Cookie almost did her.

Cookie often wondered if Fluttershy had ever thought about leaving her to her fate. She wondered if Fluttershy knew helping her was only going to slow her progress. She wondered what anypony else would have done. She imagined that they would have taken the easy road and left her to fend for herself. Not Fluttershy though.

Many would have questioned Fluttershy for stopping her journey to help another. But Cookie knew deep down, Fluttershy didn’t care what they thought. Fluttershy was willing to do whatever it took to help another, even if it was a complete stranger. Even if she had to sacrifice herself or her happiness. The first time they ever met proved that.

Tears started to form in Cookie’s eyes.

“Everything that Flyshy’s done for me. And there’s not a damn thing I can do to help her.”

Cookie curled herself into a ball, tears streaming down her face.


Smolder focused all his energy on the tin cup in front of him, attempting to lift it to his face. The cup sat on the table, next to the plate containing mashed potatoes.

But Smolder was hardly focused on the table, the potatoes or the plate. All that mattered was the cup.

This was his third attempt since the soldiers that captured him threw him in his cell. The chair he sat in was a rusty old chair. It squeaked every time it moved and it was unbearable to sit in. The cushion had lost most, if not all, of its padding. If Smolder were focusing on the chair, he would have shifted his body several times in a vain attempt to find a comfortable spot to sit in.

However, Smolder’s mind was still on the events before he blacked out. He was a being of unparalleled power. A beast that would usher in a new world for all pony-kind. A new god.

However, because of one little filly, he had reverted back to his puny, weak self. His legs’ strength had abandoned him once again. And worst of all, his horn had been separated from his skull.

He had heard that unicorns who had lost their horns lost their connection to their magical abilities. However, he had also heard that unicorn horns were not easily severed from their foundation.

But Fluttershy did it. She ripped the horn straight from his head. Smolder knew it was a long shot, but his magic was all he had left.

He concentrated even harder on the tin cup, causing it to slightly shake. He pushed himself harder; focusing everything he could muster on that simple cup. But not matter how hard he tried, a slight shake is all it would do.

Finally, his concentration broke. His heavy breathing echoed off the metallic walls and door. Sweat streamed down his face. He felt as if he had just conjured all of his magical abilities. He looked up and saw the cup.

It was in the same spot Smolder had placed it. It hadn’t even budged, let alone rose to the air.

Smolder gritted his teeth. He let out a cry of rage as he shoved all of the table’s contents crashing to the floor. He then slammed his hooves into the table giving off a thud that reverberated within the cell. They were followed by series of whimpering cries.

“That filly cost me everything. My power, my horn!”

He continued his moans until a voice came from outside his cell.

“Welcome to Tartarus, doctor.”

Despite the static slightly changing the voice that came over the intercom, the voice reeked of familiarity. Smolder knew instantly who in all of Equestria had that voice. He slowly turned his head to the glass opening in the window, seeing the face of the only other Pegasus who had ruined his life. General Thunderbolt.

Thunderbolt smirked at him. The general’s eyes taunted him as they pierce towards him.

“You?!” Smolder cried.

Thunderbolt nodded. “This prison was made for Fluttershy. But I think you’ll find that it works on you just as well. If you even think about going green again, doctor. If you even give my ponies a reason to think you are planning to escape. If you even touch the walls or doors, that room will be devoid of oxygen so fast, you won’t even have time to hold your breath.”

Smolder gritted his teeth and turned his head back to the empty table. He stared blankly at its empty contents.

“Enjoy your stay,” Thunderbolt gave his final remarks as he trotted away from his cell window.

Smolder continued to stare that the table, mentally grinning at the similarities that he and the table now shared.


Thunderbolt made his way to the laboratory where several doctors and several military personnel crowded around Fluttershy. Two troopers at the entrance escorted the general to the seats above the lab.

Once there, Thunderbolt sat in the seat next to Major Strawberry. They both gazed straight through the glass screen that revealed the scientists and the fugitive below them.

The doctors were speaking in medical terms as they continued to monitor Fluttershy’s vitals, as they continued to monitor her, taking a sample of her blood for analysis.

The general was hardly focused on what they had to say. Only the blood sample that was taken from that lab. All he wanted was his weapon. The weapon that Fluttershy- That her father- would give him.

He thought back to when he had first revealed the project to Smolder and Bixby. They were both excited to work on the project, but only Smolder knew what the project would lead to.

Bixby, as brilliant as he was, would have never condoned pony test subjects. He wasn’t made to make the tough decisions a pony in the general’s position had to make. Ironic that the pony who didn’t want to use test subjects, use his daughter as one to save her life.

His mind jumped back to his first meeting with Bixby. He was brilliant for his theories on grasping the potential that lies within every pony. A massive amount of energy that allowed ponies, under distress, to complete magnificent tasks; like lifting a car or wrestling a polar bear.

He had made several advances in such research. Bixby was something of a pioneer in the field. While Thunderbolt didn’t understand most of Bixby’s theories, he had an interest in his scientific mind. His mind had the ability to solve any problem. Said to be one of the most brilliant minds of their time.

Thunderbolt’s mind began to wander back to his mission. Ponies were still a very weak species compared to griffins, dogs, and wolves. The threat of war was constantly looming, relationships with the dogs and griffins were already showing signs of deterioration. Tartarus, even the zebras didn’t like ponies that much.

After all, it was only a hundred years ago an alicorn tried to take over the world. While those alicorns were long since dead, Equestria’s enemies never forgot.

It was time to even the playing field by outgrowing them. By making them larger and stronger than anything else, so they could defend their great nation.

The general knew Bixby was going to help him with his goals, whether he knew it or not.

Then the day came when Bixby’s daughter was slowly dying. It was a tragedy to be sure, but Thunderbolt still had a job to do. He still had a country that was counting on him. He couldn’t stop, not even for his top scientist’s daughter.

But Fluttershy bore unexpected fruit. With the right motivation, Bixby had somehow unlocked the secrets of growth that Thunderbolt sought.

His mind returned to that day after Fluttershy’s miraculous recovery. It was hard for him to comprehend. Maybe it was a blessing from Celestia herself he remembered thinking. Maybe the doctor’s found a way to save her.

It wasn’t a few days later, he found out the truth. And with that, he ordered the apprehension of Fluttershy. It was supposed to be an easy job. Take one little filly away from her mother and father.

But somepony had slipped up. Somepony let her father know. He had always suspected Smolder, but he would constantly deny it.

Regardless, he made sure that Smolder’s life was miserable. Despite his brilliant mind, he was still a failure. Never truly able to unlock what Bixby could.

After several years, his own son found an interest in Bixby and his work. Maybe it was because of Fluttershy. Maybe the universe had a cruel sense of humor and a sick sense of irony.

He hadn’t that Fluttershy and his son played together when they was just children. However, when he did find out, he thought the universe had granted him a blessing.

He remembered his son coming home from his little play date.

It had been a long day for him and he was in no mood to talk, not even to his son. But the boy mentioned his friend’s name, Fluttershy. He could have heard wrong. It could have been a different Fluttershy. Regardless, he had to know for sure. That’s when his ears perked up and he begged his son to tell him everything.

His son had, unwittingly, led to the capture of Bixby and the death of his wife. But the filly got away.

Crumble. His son, the one who had made the call to bring her in, had suddenly changed his mind and helped this dangerous criminal avoid the Equestrian authorities. All for some stupid friendship.

His mouth turned to a smile. His son’s work was all for nothing. For below him, was the pony who had caused him so much strife. The pony that was going to build an army that would save Equestria and bring an end to their struggle for power was lying on that bed, helpless.


Guam had been listening to the constant chat of the other soldiers in the mess hall for the past hour. He was desperate to discover the circumstances of Fluttershy’s capture.

Finally, he caught wind of a conversation between three pegasi. They were speaking of another large monster that battled Fluttershy in the middle of Main Street. A monster that was almost as powerful as Fluttershy.

While the circumstances of Fluttershy’s capture interested him, this new development had his mind swirling with curiosity. A monster that was powerful enough to go hoof to hoof with Fluttershy.

He continued to listen as the group discussed the scientist that was the creature’s pony counterpart. The pony that was just recently captured.

Guam knew he had to meet this pony. He had to know exactly how he became what Fluttershy became and more importantly he had to know how to duplicate it.

He made his way to the prison cell of Professor Smolder. The two guards gave him a strange look. Guam’s reputation hadn’t been respectable since their last conflict with Fluttershy. After all, Guam had nearly killed the general’s son.

“I need to see the prisoner,” Guam stated.

The two ponies looked at each other, their eyebrows raised.

“On General Thunderbolt’s orders,” he lied. He knew it was a long shot, but if those idiots believed that he was on orders, that he was playing Thunderbolt’s game, they would give him what he wanted.

The ponies nodded to him and stepped to the side.

“Can’t believe that worked?”

He made his way past them and down a small hallway. Guam stared through the small glass window of the door. The white metallic walls surrounded a dark blue pony trapped in a rusty old chair.

The pony was just sinking in his seat, staring blankly at the table in front of him. On the floor, a plate lied shattered, its contents thrown. Mashed potatoes streaked across the ground, the fork was stationed several inches away. Guam also noticed the tin cup. It was toppled on its side as a stream of liquid slithered down towards the door.

Guam looked to the side of the door to see a red button with a speaker only a few inches above it. To be able to activate the speaker and see through the glass window, it was going to be a bit of a stretch for a pony his size. But if he gained the information he wanted, it mattered little.

He put his hoof on the red button and spoke, “You Professor Smolder?”

The pony was silent. There was stillness in the air. Guam wasn’t sure if the pony simply didn’t hear him or was simply too mad to understand him.

“Oh, please let it be the first one.”

“Are you Professor Smolder?!” he shouted.

Smolder slowly turned his head and then finally his whole body. “I am. And what of it?”

Guam took a deep breath. “You were that creature, right? The one that fought Fluttershy?”

“Did General Thunderbolt send you?” Smolder asked.

Guam shook his head. “No, I came of my own accord.”

A smirk appeared on Smolder’s face. He leaned back in his chair and gestured Guam to continue with his hoof.

Guam leaned into the glass closely. “I want to know how you did it. How did you turn into that thing?”

“I was once a brilliant scientist,” Smolder started.

“Faust, spare me the Sally-Sob story.”

Smolder continued. “I created a serum. A serum that would enhance a ponies abilities beyond the norm. They would be stronger, faster, better.”

Guam nodded. “Yeah, I know about that. But it’s not enough. I want more.”

Smolder’s eyes widened and he presented a shocked look on his face.

Guam turned his head slightly, not sure what to expect.

“Did you get injected with my serum?” Smolder leaned forward, pointing his hoof at Guam.

Guam wasn’t sure what Smolder was worried about. Regardless, he answered, “Yes. And it has made me stronger, better.”

“And the side effects?” Smolder asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Side effects? What damned side effects?”

“As far as I know, there are no side effects,” Guam started. “The general mentioned them to me but-“

“He didn’t reveal what those side effects are, did he?” Smolder interrupted.

Guam’s ears perked up. He looked down to the ground. Now that Smolder had mentioned it, no. General Thunderbolt had been completely sketchy when it came to the side effects of the serum. He remembered his conversation with the general clearly. He stated that there were side effects, but the serum itself was promising.

Smolder’s voice brought Guam back to reality. “Those side effects are what put me in this chair.”

Guam’s eyes instantly focused themselves on Smolder. He gazed at the rusty chair that Smolder sat in. Smolder claimed that it was the serum that bound his body to that furniture.

“What?!” Guam growled in a whisper.

Smolder simply nodded. “That serum, the serum that flows through your body, will slowly deteriorate within you. Not only will it take away your strength, but it will substantially weaken your body.” Smolder turned away from the door. “I got lucky when it only cost me my legs.”

Guam stood in silence. That’s why the general was acting so strange. He knew the side effects of the serum. He knew that Guam was soon going to be a crippled or worse.

“General Thunderbolt! That lying, two-faced bastard!”

His mind raced. The thought of him being a lowly, crippled, defenseless pony was unacceptable. He was a warrior. Always had been. Always would be, unless the general had his way.

“There’s got to be a cure! Something!”

Smolder simply shook his head. “There is no cure. The serum simply stops when it takes it course.”

“Then how the hell do I stop it?!” Guam shouted.

Smolder lowered his head, a sign to Guam that all hope was lost. Guam shook his head several times, cursing under his breath. He started to breath heavy sighs. His life, his career, his world was going to leave him very soon.

He looked up to see the professor, mumbling something to himself.

“Great, now the doc’s gone mad!” he shouted to himself. He cursed under his breath and looked down to the ground once more.

Just as he was about to give into despair, Smolder’s voice brought him back.

“Why do you want more?”

Guam looked up at the professor. He was grinning. It was a malicious grin. Guam knew he was concocting something, he just wasn’t sure what.

“Fluttershy.” Guam’s heavy breathing finally broke to allow him to speak. “She beat me. I’m gonna get her back. Nopony beats Guamadillius. Nopony. Nobody.”

Guam’s depression was suddenly replaced with anger. He thought about the little filly. While the general may have lied to him, it was that thing that beat him. He hated to lose, especially to an opponent who wasn’t worth his time, like Fluttershy.

Smolder turned his chair and started to wheel his way to the doorway. “You hate her, don’t you?” he asked.

Guam nodded, violently.

Smolder’s slight grin turned into a spiteful smile. “Have you tried gamma?”

Guam gave the doctor a confused look. It must have worked since Smolder continued.

“I used to work at this facility. They tried to keep me from realizing where I am, but I was here for years. I know exactly where I am. There was once a gamma pulse generator here. Lab B-4, if I remember right. It might halt the serum’s deterioration. That might be what you need. After all, that’s how Fluttershy did it.”

Guam repeated the professor’s smile and nodded. The professor nodded and turned away muttering only one more sentence, “Now kill that bitch.”


Guam rushed his way to Lab B-4, exactly where the professor said the gamma generator would be. He looked through the small glass window to see a group of scientist in the room. He also saw some military ponies guarding the room.

“Three or four, maybe,” he thought to himself. He carefully planned his tactics as he approached the door to the lab. The door slid open.

He trotted his way into the room. As he entered, a guard stepped in his path and put a hoof in his way. He was tall and sported a SMG on his back. Guam knew he could make use of that.

“Sorry, you’re not authorized to enter this-,”

His speech was interrupted when Guam grabbed his hoof and twisted it quickly. He shouted in pain as his foreleg broke by Guam’s incredible strength.

The other soldiers started to raise their weapons towards Guam direction. He knew he had to make a move fast. Guam twisted the pony’s body until his back was facing his fellow soldiers. His other hoof quickly grabbed the gun and aimed it towards his opponents.

He unleashed a salvo of gunfire at the soldiers. The scientist began to scream and panic as the bullets pierced the military officer’s bodies. Blood shot from their wounds and all across the glass window behind them, which sustained bullet wounds as well.

Another opponent was coming on his left. Guam needed to move fast to take him out. He let go of the gun and tossed his opponent into the other soldier, effortlessly.

He knew the serum was incredible. His reflexes and strength had never been so great, but it still wasn’t enough. Not against Fluttershy. But if Professor Smolder was right, it was about to be.

He quickly drew his pistol from his belt and opened fire on the last surviving soldiers.

Within a few seconds, all of his opponent’s lied dead. He turned towards the scientists who were shaking and trembling with fear.

“On your knees!” Guam shouted.

The scientists complied with their tormentor’s orders. Each of them, one by one, slowly descended to their knees. They whimpered and spoke soft prayers to Celestia about sparing them.

“Go ahead. Keep praying. I’m sure she’ll hear you,” Guam retorted in his mind.

Guam pointed the pistol at one of them, holding it steady at the stallion’s head. His head then hinted towards the machine behind the glass.

It was a half-circle platform hovering over a flat surface. On one of the halves, was a screen. The other half, where the pony would no doubt sit, faced that screen. Guam couldn’t tell if it revealed anything, but it was a screen. That was for sure.

The flat surface was resting on a stand that looked like it could elevate or rotate the table. The half-circle was connected to same stand that continued upward and arched over the table.

Guam thought it was a ridiculous looking machine, but if it helped him beat Fluttershy, he wouldn’t complain.

“Is that the gamma pulse generator?” he asked.

The scientists all mumbled and whimpered. Some of them unleashed sobs, completely unable to answer.

Guam grew annoyed. He pointed his gun at one of the stallions to his right and opened fire. The stallion dropped to the floor, lifelessly. The scientists panicked as they heard the gunshot.

“I said, is that the gamma pulse generator?!” Guam repeated his question.


“Yes, it’s the gamma pulse generator!”

“Please, don’t hurt us!”

Six voices shouted in terror. Guam was growing tired of dealing with these sniveling babies. But he didn’t know how to work that machine. He needed them alive. Well... some of them. “Shut up!”

They all became silent almost instantly, save for a few whimpers.

“Show of hooves, who knows how to work that thing?”

He scanned the room, searching the ponies that were still alive. Four of them lifted their hooves. Guam gave a cruel grin.

“Four who know how to work it. But I only need one.”

He then pointed his gun at one of them and opened fire.

Before the body toppled to the ground, he quickly adjusted his aim and fired another shot at another pony, this time one of them with their hoof in the air. Another quick aim, and another quick kill. The screaming of the scientists was overpowered by the next shot, and quickly dwindling. He repeated this cycle until there were only two ponies remaining, one with their hoof up and one that didn’t.

They whimpered as their once white lab coats were now coated with the blood of their coworkers. Tears began to fall. Guam made his way to the stallion that had kept his hooves to his side. He grabbed him violently by his mane and threw him to the ground.

The stallion started up slowly, but stopped when Guam pointed his weapon at him.

Guam turned to the mare, the only other scientist left who know how to work the gamma pulse generator. “You want both to live.”

He saw her eyes divert towards her coworker. He was shaking in fear, anticipating the bullet that was going to come for his head. Her eyes then diverted back to Guam as he finished his sentence. “You’re going to do exactly as I tell you.”


Crumble wandered impatiently throughout the facility, his wind recalling his days here. He had been assigned here shortly after his graduation from Bloomsburg University.

He was one of the scientists responsible for the development of the gamma pulse project. There was another scientist who did most of the calculations, but it was Crumble that somehow got the credit.

Credit he never wanted. And that made the other scientist angry. Ever since, he had been resentful of Crumble.

Crumble had always received special treatment because of his father and he received credit for the gamma pulse generator also because of his old man.

And that scientist wasn’t the only one who hated him, almost everypony on base did. Though they would never say it, he could still tell just by how they treated him.

The gamma pulse generator test was suppose to be a simple job. And the large scale test was suppose to be even easier. Crumble had theorized that gamma radiation has some sort of effect on ponies hidden strengths. He discovered this when researching Bixby’s work and his wife’s final days.

He had been conversing with other patients who had experienced a moment when they would receive an unknown amount of strength during a time of duress.

He believed that the sunspots could be the source of gamma radiation in all cases. He believed a low level dose of gamma, emitted from the sun, would have been the reason Bixby could not save his wife.

However, his research was cut short when his father wanted to weaponize his gamma testing into a bomb. Crumble was less than thrilled about that, as was his fellow scientist. Regardless, they did as they were told.

Crumble remembered seeing Fluttershy for the first time in years. He wasn’t sure it was her, but he remembered wishing it was. How it all went so wrong so quickly?

One selfish act of sabotage cost Fluttershy everything. Maybe he was mad. Maybe he wanted to see Crumble’s name go down in flames. Crumble couldn’t make sense of it all. Crumble knew his father would make up an excuse for him. Protect and shelter him. Claim that he cared. But all he wanted was to make sure his ass was safe.

Crumble pushed his memories aside and continued to search the facility for the most heavily guarded room. No doubt that was where Fluttershy was being held. Nopony would tell him where she was and this base was vast. He shook his head as he made his way from hallway to hallway, hoping to find a trace of her.

As he passed by one of the soldiers, he overheard something on one of the transmitters.

“Lab B-4, please respond. Gamma pulse generator testing is not authorized. Shut down the gamma pulse generator.”

“Lab B-4? The gamma pulse generator?” Crumble thought to himself. “Why would they be testing that? Could they have brought it back up after I left? And why would they be testing it unauthorized?”

His thoughts were broken as a voice came over the intercom. “Attention all units. Lab B-4 has gone into unauthorized testing. All available units to Lab B-4.”

The soldiers he had passed sprung to their feet and headed down to the lab.

Crumble shook his head and wandered down the hall, completely dismissing everything concerning Lab B-4.


For several minutes, Guam had waited for his hostage in the lab to start up the gamma pulse generator, while his other hostage, just a few inches away, continued to whimper on his knees with Guam’s gun still pointed at his head.

He had sat on the table as it slowly began to rise. It rose until Guam’s face was level with the screen in front of him. The silhouette of a target came across his face that mirrored what he saw in front of him.

He turned to the mare who was frantically rushing about the lab. “How long til it’s ready?!” Guam shouted.

The mare panicked as she looked up. She stammered as she spoke. “The experiment should begin in less than a minute.”

“And nopony can interfere with it?” Guam asked.

The mare shook her head, “Not unless they have the access codes.”

Guam quickly pulled his gun away from the stallion and pointed towards the mare. He pulled the trigger before she could get out of the way. The bullet sent her tumbling to the floor as it pierced her body.

The other stallion looked up at Guam. Guam quickly aimed his weapon back at his other hostage.

The other stallion shouted, “You son of a-!”

He was quickly silenced by Guam’s weapon, as the bullet was launched into his forehead.

Guam tossed his weapon aside. He then repositioned himself in front of the screen, which had started to turn green. The machine started to turn him until his backside was facing the floor. Guam gave a cruel smirk as he stared blankly into the green light that now projected itself onto the screen. It was bright. Very bright.

But Guam couldn’t turn his head; he wanted to see it all happen.

“A few more seconds and then you’re mine, Fluttershy. You and the general!”

Guam’s body began to throb uncontrollably. His blood began to boil in his body, swirling around like all of his veins had their own personal blenders.

He cried out in pain as the light intensified, eventually engulfing the entire lab. The cry then descended into a terrible growl.


Soldiers continued to line up outside lab B-4, their weapons aimed straight at the doorway. Though the glass they could see the bodies of several ponies, lying dead on the ground.

Some pony in the lab had activated the gamma pulse generator, which was unauthorized.

“Clear!” one of the soldiers yelled. A second later, a small explosion busted the door from its hinges, sending it flying into the room. One after another, the troopers entered the room, their eyes and guns scanning the surrounding area.

There were at least ten ponies dead, all of them shot. They looked into the room with the gamma pulse generator after hearing a low growl. Their eyes widened as a massive green behemoth was staring at them from the other side of the glass. Its fangs were deadly sharp like knives and its yellow eyes pierced at them.

The creature growled as it wrapped its hooves around the gamma pulse generator. The creature grunted as it ripped the device from its foundation.

“Open fire!” one of the soldiers yelled.

With that command, they unleashed a salvo of bullets towards the creature’s body. However, the ammo couldn’t even pierce the giant’s skin. They only bounced right off.

The creature twisted its body sharply, releasing the generator as he turned. The force was enough to smash through the glass window like paper.

Some of the soldiers were able to duck under the projectile, but others were less fortunate. The massive device slammed into their bodies, dragging them off in its uncontrollable flight.

The beast crawled through the glass opening, giving a cruel snarl. The remaining soldiers fired their weapons once more. The monster turned its head at one of them and lifted its hoof. The beast brought it down with so much power that it uprooted the ground around it.

One of the other soldiers quickly got to his feet and scampered to the doorway. He tapped on the radio on his vest. “Emergency! The beast is in the base! Lab B-4! Request backup! Request –!”

He screamed as the beast grabbed him by his torso. He continued to scream until the last sound he heard was his own neck snapping.


Cookie sat in her cell, still distraught at the thought of her friend. She couldn’t do anything to help her. It ate away at her, like a swarm of leeches slowly sucking the life out of her.

Suddenly, a loud alarmed blared all around her. She leaped to her feet quickly out of shock.

“Emergency! Emergency! Enemy unit has breached base! All units report to Lab B-4! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!”

“Enemy unit? What the buck does that mean?” Cookie thought to herself. She continued to ponder as the alarm continued to blast in her ears, making it difficult to think.

“Could this have something to do with Flyshy?”

The sound of a door opening caused Cookie to abandon her thoughts and shift her attention to the doorway. Standing at the doorway was Crumble.

“What the hay is going on?” Cookie asked, limping towards the exit.

“Not sure, but we need to get Fluttershy out of here,” Crumble explained.

Cookie nodded. She limped as fast as she could behind Crumble. They navigated their way through the hallway. The sound of the alarm and the flashing red lights continued their unending pattern, something that both annoyed and terrified them.

As they turned another corner, they heard a loud, terrifying roar. At first they assumed it was Fluttershy, but as the cry continued, they realized it was much deeper than her’s was. This one was more savage.

“What was that?!” Cookie asked, trying to yell over the alarm.

Crumble was silent. His breathing picked up a couple of beats.

“Crumble?!” Cookie repeated her question.

Crumble turned his head back to her. “I have no idea.” He then continued forward. “Come on, we’ve got to find Fluttershy.”

Cookie followed him as best she could, but realized she was falling behind. She was only going to slow Crumble down.

“Just go! I’ll catch up!” she shouted.

Crumble turned his head back to her and nodded. He then rushed down the hallway as quick as a flash. Within a few seconds, he had disappeared down one of the other hallways.

Cookie took a deep breath and looked to a doorway on her left. Inside was a vast array of guns and weapons. She gave a grin as she stared at the armory.

“Yeah, I’ll catch up.”


General Thunderbolt had been hearing reports of a giant green creature storming through the base. He could hardly understand what his troops were facing. Could Smolder have broken free? Or was this something else completely?

Fluttershy lied below him, still motionless, still sedated. If she and Smolder wasn’t involved, then who or what was?

General Thunderbolt took the radio from his belt and held it to his face. “Damn it, what’s going on out there?”

A voice came from the radio, “The thing is coming this way! We can’t stop it!”

“Damn it, soldier! I need a position! Where is it?!”

As soon as the general asked his question, the two metallic doors sealing the entrance to the lab were ripped off its hinges. The doors were then sent soaring into the room as if thrown by an incredible force, one of them smashing into lab equipment and the other embedding itself into the wall.

The ponies in the room ducked and shriveled as terrible cry of rage was heard from the hallway.

A massive pale green creature stepped through the doorway. The beast had qualities of a pony’s body, but it skin was covered in snake-like scales.

The creature growled as two soldiers in the room fired their weapons at it. However, it didn’t slow it down. The monster made its way to its opponents, wrapping each of them in its hooves.

They screamed in terror as the beast gave a cruel grin. It then unleashed a low chuckle. He then tossed them violently into the wall directly to his left.

The scientists scrambled in panic as the two troopers fell to the ground, motionless.

The beast came to the side of the yellow Pegasus that lied in the bed. “I’ll deal with you in a minute,” it snarled.

The creature then looked up towards the glass window above it. Through the glass, he saw Major Strawberry, a couple of ponies he had seen, but were unimportant and his real target. General Thunderbolt.

Using its powerful legs, the creature leaped to the glass screen, digging its hooves into the wall for support. He smashed through the glass with its powerful forelegs as the ponies on the other side dove backwards.

General Thunderbolt rose to his feet and started to run for the nearest exit, following his fellow ponies’ example. However, he was stopped short when a powerful hoof wrapped around his hind leg and started to pull. The general tried to fight it, but the creature’s grip was far too powerful. It effortlessly tossed him to the lab below.

Thunderbolt hit the ground hard before he even had time to stretch his wings. His chest burned with pain as he attempted to lift himself on his feet. As he stumbled to his feet, a looming shadow stood over him.

“I should thank you, general. The serum you injected into me has been a success.”

Thunderbolt felt a cold shiver down his spine as the creature spoke. He slowly turned his head until he was staring into the face of the monster.

“Guam?” he asked.

Guam grabbed the general by his wing and forced him against the wall. The general struggled to rise to his feet, moaning in pain. The creature snagged him by his front hoof and held him helplessly in the air. The general was forced to stare into the blank yellow eyes of the creature that was formerly Guamadillius.


Crumble followed the cries of the mysterious creature, hoping that it would eventually lead to Fluttershy. He admitted to himself it wasn’t smart to follow a mysterious creature, especially when he saw the trail of destruction the creature caused. But he needed to find her, wherever she was in this Tartarus hole.

He continued to follow hallway after hallway until he found a room that the destruction had led to. He looked inside the lab where both the doors had been torn off the wall.

One of the doors lied on the ground near a series of lab equipment. The equipment was sparking and was heavily damaged, like a blade had cut through some of it. The other one was almost halfway embedded into the wall. Above him the glass screen was shattered, glass all around the floor directly below it.

To his right he saw a monstrous creature and in its hooves was his father.

“You lied to me, general,” the creature said.

The general struggled to break free, but it was in vain. The creature’s grip was impenetrable.

Crumble looked directly to the left to see Fluttershy. She simply resting in the bed, only a few feet from the chaos around her.

He snuck his way to her as the general and the beast continued their conversation.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Thunderbolt responded.

“I’ve been speaking to Professor Smolder. He told me about the unfortunate side effects.” The creature gave a low growl.

“The ones that you neglected to mention.”

Crumble made it to Fluttershy’s side without either one of them detecting him.

“So far, so good,” he thought to himself. He gently and carefully pulled the needle out of Fluttershy’s arm.

His father’s voice echoed in the room. “You made a sacrifice for your country!”

“Not that sacrifice! Never that sacrifice!”

“Dad, what kind of deal have you made?” Crumble thought to himself. He pulled the mask away from Fluttershy face and started to shake her gently.

“Fluttershy, wake up,” he whispered.

She didn’t even move. Her eyes still remained shut.

“Then what are you waiting for?” General Thunderbolt asked. “Kill me.”

The creature shook its head. “No, death’s too good for you.”

The general revealed a shock look on his face. Crumble could tell his father was frightened.

“If it hates my dad but won’t kill him, what does it want?”

“You care nothing for your own death. But I do know what you do care about.” The creature leaned in on the helpless pony that he held in his hoof. “Your reputation.”

The general fought against the beast’s grip once more, but again, he failed to break free.

“I’m going to go out there and I’m going to kill and kill and kill! And then when my bloodlust has finally been satiated, I will come for you and I will make sure everypony knows that you are responsible for those deaths!”

With every word the beast spoke, Crumble’s heart sank even lower. That thing was just like Fluttershy, except this thing was willing to kill. It wasn’t just willing. It was going to.

He turned towards Fluttershy, who was still under. “Come on, Fluttershy. Wake up,” he begged just a touch louder. He hoped that it was still quiet enough that he wasn’t heard. However, a dark shadow appeared over him.

He turned around to the massive creature. The beast tossed the aged general to the side, sending him to the ground. The creature then picked up Crumble and tossed him across the room.

Crumble tumbled across the floor, his body trembling in pain. When he tried to move, it only made the pain in his body feel worse.

The shadow appeared above him once more. When he looked up, the creature was giving a sadistic smile.

“And I’ll start with this one!”

The creature lifted itself on its hind legs, ready to crush Crumble into the cement floor.

Just before the beast could bring down its legs, a blast from a shotgun is overheard as pellets slammed into the creature’s face. The attack distracts the beast enough for Crumble to avoid the monster’s attack.

The beast turned towards the doorway to see Cookie holding a shotgun.

“Why don’t you start with me?!” Cookie shouted, aiming the gun straight at the creature. She unleashed another blast from the gun, assaulting the creature’s body.

The beast simply growled as it took one step forward towards Cookie.

Another burst of pellets emerged from the shotgun as Cookie fired her weapon once again.

The beast’s lungs gave a mighty bellow as it darted for Cookie.

“Oh, shit!” Cookie scampered as she limped down the hallway as fast as she could.

The beast followed her out into the hallway, a fierce roar coming from his lungs.

Crumble scurried to his feet and quickly his way to the still unconscious Fluttershy. He put his hooves on her shoulders and started to jerk her.

“Fluttershy, you’ve got to wake up!” Crumble panicked. “You’ve got to wake up! Cookie’s in trouble! Fluttershy!”

When Fluttershy’s eyes finally opened, instead of the bright blue they were expected to be, they were a dark shade of green.

Fluttershy weakly whispered, “Cookie.”


Cookie darted down the hallway as fast as her legs could get her. She could feel the beast catching up to her quickly, even though she had gotten a brief head start.

Just then, two soldiers appeared in front of her. One of them held out their hoof and attempted to stop her.

“Hold it right there!”

Cookie shoved her way past them. “Out of my way!” She kept running down the hall, hearing a threatening roar behind her.

She turned her head behind her to see the large scaly creature coming down the hall at an incredible speed.

One of the soldiers hastily pressed the switch to his right.

“Lockdown sequence: Initiated,” a computerized mare voice spoke over the intercom. A giant metallic door started to close in front of the soldiers, barring the creature’s path.

A loud metallic thud is heard, as if the creature had struck the door.

Cookie continued to dart down the hall. “If that thing is anything like Flyshy, there’s no way that door’s going to stop it.”

The thud then turned into a metallic screech as the beast tore through the barrier with its hooves. She heard gunfire coming from behind, most likely targeting the beast.

Cookie knew that a few bullets wouldn’t stop it and it was going to keep coming. A second later, she heard the soldiers cry out in agony. She didn’t turn around to see what had happened and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. She started to pick up her pace.

Her leg started to tingle with pain. She ignored it as best she could, considering a giant monster was on her trail. However, she knew it wouldn’t be long before she wore herself out.

As she headed down the hall, a metallic door began to lower in front of her.

“Damn it!” she shouted in her head as she attempted to move even faster. She knew it would be cutting it close. She dove forward and slid under the doorway just before it closed.

She looked forward and saw that a second door, several yards away was also closing. It was very far from her position and she doubt she would make it past it before it closed. Still, she had to try. She picked herself up and ran towards her only way out as the door slowly descended.

She pushed herself even harder, but it was too late. The door had sealed itself shut tightly, only a moment before Cookie could reach it.


Cookie frantically scanned her surroundings to find another route, but there was none. A ventilation shaft to her right, but she was way too big to fit in it.

A large banging sound resonated all around her as something huge pummeled into the door behind her, a large dent forming where the beast had hit.

She aimed her weapon straight for the doorway.

“If I’m dying here, I’m going out swinging!”

She steadied herself as the creature’s hooves started to rip through the doorway. A hole was formed as it tore through the metallic barricade, revealing the creature’s face.

Cookie cocked her weapon and opened fire once more. The pellets slammed against the metallic door and the creature’s face, but it did little to stop the it.

“Looks like your luck’s run out!”

Just as the creature started to push through the doorway, a loud thunderous roar was heard coming from behind it. Cookie recognized it instantly.



Guam turned his head towards the giant green Pegasus that stood down the hall, glaring straight at him. He grinned as their eyes met, hatred filling them.

“Finally,” Guam stated. He lost interest in the mare with the shotgun and focused on his true opponent. He started a steady march towards her.

Fluttershy started the same determined march, which is exactly what Guam wanted. He wanted this rematch with Fluttershy and this time, there was no holding back. He was going to give Fluttershy everything he had and he was going to win.

His exhilaration turned his march into a raging charge. Fluttershy followed his example and charged straight for her opponent.

Guam lowered his head as he moved and used his powerful legs to send him at an amazing speed towards Fluttershy. Using his head as a battering ram, he slammed into her, destroying her momentum and sending her soaring backwards.

Guam gave a cruel chuckle as Fluttershy skid across the floor. Guam could tell she wasn’t expecting an attack like that. It caught her off guard and stunned her, if only for a few moments. Guam took that opportunity to close in to her side.

He grabbed Fluttershy’s mane and lifted her off the ground. Using all of his might, he then threw Fluttershy into the sidewall. It crumbled as her massive body plowed straight through it.

Guam followed her through the hole that was formed and found Fluttershy struggling to her feet.

She growled as she turned her head towards him. Guam leaped toward her, his hooves ready to pounce. Fluttershy quickly rose to her feet and stepped out of her opponent’s path.

Taking advantage of Guam’s mistake, Fluttershy delivered a powerful blow the Guam’s jaw.

Guam retaliated with a swift blow of his own.

As Fluttershy recovered, she put her two front hooves together and slammed them against Guam’s body.

Guam was sent to the ground by the shock of the blow. Before he could rise to his feet, Fluttershy landed on top of him, causing the foundation to collapse below them, sending them both deeper into the prison.

As they fell, Guam gripped one of Fluttershy’s wings and smashed his hoof into her chest. Fluttershy cried out in pain as the both hit the ground.

Fluttershy struggled to her feet as Guam easily rose to his. Once Fluttershy was on her feet, Guam tackled Fluttershy hard sending them both into another room of the facility.

When they landed, Guam raised his front hooves over Fluttershy, readying his next attack. However, as he brought them down, Fluttershy quickly rolled out of the way and back onto her feet.

She bucked her opponent’s body with her hind legs, sending him to the ground.

As Guam attempted to rise to his feet, Fluttershy stood over him. She unleashed a barrage of blows against Guam. One after another faster and faster, Fluttershy’s onslaught followed with her cries of rage. Her green hooves continued to pummel her opponent.

However, Guam was able to finally block one of her attacks, catching her hoof in his. Fluttershy, using her other hoof, attempted another attack, but Guam caught this one too. Guam finally took the opportunity to counterattack by banged his forehead against Fluttershy’s.

This blow caused Fluttershy to stumble backwards, spinning her around.

“Not so tough when the odds are even, are you?”

Guam grabbed Fluttershy’s tail and pulled as hard as he could, sending her to the ground. He then spun her around gathering momentum and tossed her into the ceiling above him. She smashed through the ground above him. As she started to fall back to the floor, Guam used his powerful legs to leaped up as high as he could. He rammed into Fluttershy’s body and continued his ascension through the facility.


Guam forced Fluttershy into the main hall through the ground. As they plowed into a large elevator platform, causing it to be ripped from its foundation, Guam grabbed Fluttershy’s wings. He then tossed her into the generator several yards away.

The lights flickered and the generator sparked as Fluttershy uncontrollably crashed into it.

Military ponies and scientists started to scatter and panic as the two beast declared war on each other. Guam smiled. It felt good to wield such power. Power enough to kill Fluttershy.

Fluttershy slowly rose to her feet and gave a powerful screech at her opponent.

Guam stood up on his hind legs and growled at her. “Come on, Flutterbitch! Is that all you’ve got?!”

Fluttershy darted for Guam at full speed. She moved so quickly, Guam wasn’t able to react before Fluttershy tackled him. She started to push him towards the back wall.

Guam wrapped his hooves around Fluttershy’s body. He lifted Fluttershy into the air with her head pointed to the ground. He then tossed her as hard against the ground below him, causing the ground to crack underneath them.

Fluttershy repositioned herself so that her chest was pointed at the ground. Before she could make another move, however, Guam’s front hoof slammed into her jaw, causing her to soar backwards.

Fluttershy stumbled to her feet. She was breathing heavily. She raised her head to see her opponent still grinning with excitement. To her right, she noticed the elevator platform that had broken off from their battle. She wrapped her hooves around the metallic railing and started to spin her body.

She then released the platform towards Guam, hurling it like a discus.

The platform slammed into Guam’s body, sending him into the back wall. The wall started to crumble as his massive body smashed into it. Pieces of the wall fell on top of him, burying him within it.

Guam clawed his way out and stared down Fluttershy, snarling as he grinned his teeth.

Fluttershy leaped into the air and straight towards Guam. Guam quickly followed her and leaped to intercept her. The two goliaths rammed into each other with massive force, sending them both to the ground. They smashed into a generator below them causing it to explode.

Fire and smoke consumed the two figures. Until a second later, Guam rushed out of the smokescreen, his front hoof dragging Fluttershy across the ground. He unleashed a mighty roar as the ground became uprooted as Fluttershy’s head was forced through the concrete.

Guam then tossed Fluttershy into the air, directly in front of him and slammed his hoof into her chest with all his might.

The force caused Fluttershy to be hurled into the far wall, causing a large series of cracks as her body collided with it. She then tumbled uncontrollably to the floor.

As she struggled to rise to her feet, she looked up to see Guam coming straight for her with incredible thrust. Before she could make a move or get out of the way, Guam slammed into her body, causing them both to be hurled through the wall.


A bright light assaulted Guam’s eyes as they passed through the wall. As they hit the hard desert floor, he understood why. They had finally reached outside.

Guam gave a cruel grin as Fluttershy tumbled to the ground. She was whimpering, her large green body attempting to stand up. Before she could find her footing, Guam slammed his front hoof into the back of Fluttershy’s head, sending her face into the desert sand.

Fluttershy’s body was still and motionless as the sand blew all around her from the force of the blow.

Guam gave a victorious cry as he stood triumphantly over his opponent. His roar echoed throughout the area, repeating his victory.

He scanned towards the horizon. He remembered a dam that was nearby, not too far from the city. He gave a malicious smile.

"Now it’s the general’s turn.”

Using his powerful legs, he lifted himself into the air, straight for the dam.