• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 2,949 Views, 193 Comments

The Incredible Flutterhulk - spideremblembrony

Fluttershy's journey to find a cure to the ailment that plagues her. An unstoppable creature of pure strength known as...The Incredible Flutterhulk

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Choice To Be Made

Fluttershy quickly rushed to her small trailer. It was a rundown trailer and it was very small. Small enough for a single pony, which was all she needed. She flung the door open with excitement and giddiness, as if she was a schoolgirl just coming home to her mother’s home baked cookies. She closed the door behind her, locking it tight. She rapidly closed all the windows and made sure all the curtains covered them. The room was cloaked in darkness with the exception of a small lamp that illuminated a tight corner of the room.

Fluttershy made sure to check the doors and windows to make sure no pony was outside and no pony was listening. As she surmised, there was no pony around. She smiled as she shut the blinds to the doorway one last time. She didn’t want any pony to see inside. It would be better and safer for everyone if she did.

Inside her trailer wasn’t much indication of a past life. She carried very few treasures. She carried an old picture of her in her younger years, featuring a handsome brown stallion, his hoof wrapped around a beautiful coral mare with long pink hair. They were all smiling. They looked happy. They looked like they didn’t have a care in the world. It was her most precious treasure.

Her small shelf housed several books. Three books on Gamma Radiation, two books on the biological system of a pony, two books on basic chemistry, one on advanced chemistry, and at least six anger management books, with age-ranges from fillies and colts to full adult ponies. They were tarnished and certainly had gotten more than their share of reading. Fluttershy had found these books in various dumpsters and recycle bins. Not much reason for books any more, with the Internet, computers and all the other modern technology.

Fluttershy couldn’t count how many times she read those books. She would scan through them day after day, hoping to find an answer to her problem. So far, at least for the last several months, it had been working. Hopefully, today was the day it would all pay off.

Unless it was a book that she collected, the photo of her family, or where she slept, what she had in her trailer was usually lab equipment. She picked up a small laptop and set it on her work desk. It was an old laptop. Much older than what most ponies were using now a days. The screen was cracked and some of the letters on the keyboard were wearing out. The mouse pad had never registered very well either. But it worked, which was all Fluttershy needed.

She opened it up and started to run a chat program. The computer displayed a message signifying a connection being established. Her attention turned to the package that she received from Monsieur Pabul. The one she had been so excited to see. It had taken several weeks to receive this package, but now that it was finally here, she could hardly believe it. She quickly opened the box to see a beautiful white flower. “This is the answer to all of my problems,” she thought to herself.

The computer beeped and a second later a message appeared on screen. ‘Lil’ Angel!’ The screen name ‘Hot Rod Wheels’ appeared next to the text box. ‘Hot Rod Wheels’ was one of the only ponies Fluttershy revealed her secret too. Well, most of it. Luckily, the pony on the other side, didn’t know who she really was. She tapped on her keyboard, spelling out a sentence.

‘I found it!’ She sent her message quickly. She was eager to hear from her friend. To start her quest to end her misery she had lived with for so long. She didn’t have to wait long for a response. For as quickly as she sent her message, she received a reply.

‘Beautiful little flower, isn’t it?’ As she sat there looking at the white flower, she thought, “Yes, it is a nice flower.” It seemed sad to waste such a beautiful flower, but if it got rid of her problem forever, it would be worth it.

The computer beeped again as a new message appeared.

‘Make sure you try a high dose. Good luck, my friend.’ With that message, Fluttershy went immediately to work.


Fluttershy cut up the plant’s petals and placed them into a small mixing bowl. She felt as if she was almost cooking dinner, rather than mixing up a cure for her condition. After pouring in a small amount of chemical into the bowl, she started to crush the petals with a long spoon. As she worked, she began to recall all of her father’s teachings. Her father was the smartest pony in the world. He could figure out anything. When he talked, Fluttershy was all ears. Whether it was science or just little life lessons, her father had all the answers. Though some days, like today, she wish she were as smart as him. He could have figured it out. He could have cured her. She knew she wasn’t nearly as smart as her father. But that didn’t stop her from trying.

Fluttershy continued to mix in and remove chemicals to the batter, in a specific order. While she worked, she would constantly be looking back and forth at a series of notes she received from her mysterious friend, ‘Hot Rod Wheels’. There was no way she could have figured this out on her own. Hot Rod Wheels was able to understand her problem and offer advice on how she might cure it. What she didn’t tell him however is what happened when the gamma in her blood caused an incident. That was better left a secret. She often wondered what kind of pony Hot Rod Wheels must be like. He or she must be really nice and kind. They would have to be to offer to help a pony they never met and probably would never meet.

She continued moving the mixture from beaker to beaker through a series of complicated tubes, following her instructions perfectly. A short hour later, after performing some complex chemistry Hot Rod Wheels taught her, she held in her hoof a dark violet liquid, which was quite different from the clear liquid she started with.

“This is it,” she thought to herself as thoughts of a normal life filled her heart with joy. She took a thin needle and gently pricked her hoof. She squeaked like a tiny, hurt mouse as a small drop of blood developed. Carefully, she tapped the blood onto her microscope slide. She then dropped a sample of her concoction and placed a cover slip over both of them, being very careful not to drop it. After placing it under the microscope, she began to gaze at the developments.

She saw her red blood cells being tainted by a green spore-like substance, just as she had seen in the past. The green spores that ruined her life. She silently prayed every night that one day they would just go away. That it was all just a bad dream. Sadly, her prayers were never answered. That is when she decided to take initiative against these spores. She would find a way to cure them, to free herself from the curse within her.

A few seconds past before the green spores started to fade away, leaving the clean blood cells. Fluttershy smiled and gasped in amazement. She was finally going to rid herself of her problem. But then as quickly as her smiled appeared, it vanished. The green spores reappeared and overtook the blood cells, turning them a dark green hue and causing them to act violently. Tears developed in her eyes. Three weeks of searching for this flower only to find that, like her, it too was a failure.


Fluttershy contacted her friend, once again, to tell him or her the sad news. The computer beeped with the response, ‘How much did you use?’ Fluttershy looked at the withered flower. It had lost all its prior beauty and there was none left for any more experiments.

She tapped on her keyboard to reply, ‘All of it.’

As she sunk her head into her chest, the computer beeped again, ‘Then it’s time we meet.’

The thought had crossed her mind more than once. If she sought help from other ponies, ponies much smarter than she, she might be able to find a way to rid herself of her problem. But it was too dangerous, for her and for every pony involved. She had already committed more atrocities than she could have ever imagined. She would not commit any more.

‘No. I can’t. It’s just too dangerous.’ She hoped that Hot Rod would just give up and let her go, but Hot Rod was just so nice. This pony, whomever they were, gave up part of their day to help her find a way to deal with her ailment, even if they didn’t fully understand it.

‘And living with GAMMA poisoning is safe?’ the message read as the computer beeped once more.

“No, it isn’t safe.” She thought. “But safer for me than any pony else.”

The computer beeped once again, ‘Stop chasing flowers, Angel. Send me a blood sample.’

A blood sample? She had never thought of that before. Maybe this could work. She could send a blood sample of herself and very possibly get the help she was desperately seeking. And best of all, no pony would be in danger. The computer beeped again, waiting for Fluttershy’s reply.

‘I can’t help you unless you let me.’ Fluttershy smiled. She felt she was truly blessed to know such a nice pony. She would send the blood sample tomorrow, first thing, and soon everything would be alright.


Most of Blackberry’s morning was spent wondering around the city of Baltimare for what was going to be the last time for a long time. The circus group was readying to leave first thing the day after next and there was still one last thing her friend, Shutterfly, needed to do. She kindly escorted Shutterfly to the post office to send something of ‘great importance’ as her tiny friend called it. There was something mysterious about that shy little mare.

When Shutterfly first appeared at their circus, she was too shy to talk to any pony. She would often be off by herself in a stupid blue baseball cap doing whatever work was needed of her. She wouldn’t talk, wouldn’t interact with anyone and when any pony approached her, her body became very still. This was especially true when Blackberry was around.

Blackberry thought for a long time that she was just too snobbish to talk to anyone. In truth, however, Shutterfly was terrified of Blackberry. Not surprising. She was an unusually big mare.

It wasn’t until a month later when Shutterfly was trying to help raise the big top tent. She was struggling to place her upright pole by herself. She wasn’t very physically strong then. Blackberry noticed this and decided to help her. With her size, it was easy to force the upright into place.

Shutterfly silently thanked her for her help, but it was easily dismissed. At least until the following morning when Shutterfly decided to use some of her earnings to take Blackberry to breakfast. They began to talk and laugh. Shutterfly learned that Blackberry wasn’t as scary as most ponies might think. From that moment on, Shutterfly became more open with Blackberry. She wouldn’t reveal where she came from, but to Blackberry, it was none of her business anyway.

Blackberry departed from Shutterfly, who headed back to the circus camp. Blackberry made her way into the local gas station, working her way to the cashier. “One pack of Malboro, please.” The large pony asked. The cashier slightly nodded as he turned his back to retrieve the pony’s requested cigarettes.

“24 bits, please.” The cashier requested, as he placed the carton on the counter.

Blackberry dug through the bag at her side, pulling bit after bit, until she had found the 24. She placed them into the hoof of the cashier when something caught her eye. Behind the counter of the store was a group of wanted posters. While most of them contained ponies she had never seen before, one stuck out among all of them. A Pegasus with a light yellow body and a long flowing pink mane staring back at her with a sweet smile. If Blackberry wasn’t standing in that store, seeing it with her own two eyes, would have never dared believe it.

The cashier was a little uncomfortable at the pony’s silent and shaken manner, “Is there... something else I can help you with?”

This brought Blackberry back to reality. She stammered for words, “Um… yes.” Blackberry looked closely one more time at the photo just to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. As sure as before, the same face appeared. “Could I see that wanted poster? The one with the yellow Pegasus?”

The cashier turned towards the wall and found the poster. After ripping it off the wall, he gave it to the much larger pony. Blackberry stood in silence as she examined the image and the information very closely. Everything in the description was a perfect fit to Shutterfly, even the description of her cutie mark.

“Do you know this pony?” the cashier finally mustered the courage to ask.

Blackberry quickly made her way to the door, silently answering, “Celestia, I hope not.” By the time she was far out the door, the cashier had just realized she forgot her cigarettes.


The circus was bursting with action and movement. Monsieur Pabul was determined to get everything packed and ready to move the day after next. Every pony was doing their part to help with the move, including Shutterfly, who Monsieur Pabul noticed was helping load crates onto the trucks. Those crates held everything, from pieces of their big top to things the group use for their acts. Shutterfly would often have help carrying the crates. Regardless, her tenacity was admirable.

Shutterfly had come back from town earlier, leaving Blackberry on her own in the city. Monsieur Pabul wasn’t worried about Blackberry’s safety; she was more than capable of taking care of herself. He was just happy that she was able to get along with Shutterfly. Shutterfly was just a sweetheart and Blackberry had been part of his circus group since she was young.

Just as he began to wonder about the large pony in his group, Blackberry appeared just at the entrance to the camp. “Blackberry, I’m glad you’re back. We could really-.”

“We need to talk,” Blackberry interrupted in a whisper.

Monsieur Pabul was a bit shocked at this. It wasn’t like Blackberry to interrupt as abruptly as she did. Regardless, he was very calm and patient. “Okay, what do you want to talk about?” he politely asked.

“In private,” she responded.

It wasn’t the response Pabul had hoped for. Nor was it one he expected. Still, he trusted Blackberry. Whatever they had to talk about, it must be important. He escorted the pony to his trailer, just a few meters south of their position. They entered the trailer marked ‘Ringmaster’ and shut the door behind them. They were alone. The trailer was a tight fit. It may have been the biggest of the trailers, but it was hardly roomy. With all the awards, trophies and picture frames of past circus stars, there wasn’t much room for anything else. Still, it held all that Pabul held dear to him. His fame, his success, and his family.

“What’s on your mind?” Monsieur Pabul finally asked.

Blackberry was silent for a few moments, as if she wasn’t sure what to say. Now that she was here, it seemed so hard to do. She thought she knew what was the right thing to do, but after seeing the tiny yellow Pegasus, whom she once called friend, she was having second thoughts. No, she couldn’t. It had to be done.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to be traveling with Shutterfly any more,” she admitted.

Monsieur Pabul raised his eyebrow, and almost gave a chuckle. He silenced himself. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Blackberry didn’t want Shutterfly around? That was unlike her. “What brought this on?” he finally asked.

Blackberry knew only one thing could convince him. She dug through her bag and pulled from it the wanted poster. “Have you seen this?” she asked as she held it in front of him.

Monsieur Pabul took the paper from her hooves. After revealing a pair of eyeglasses and placing them on his face, he examined the poster. His eyes widened as he read it. Blackberry knew that would take him by surprise, just as it did her.

“Where did you get this?” Monsieur Pabul asked.

“From the gas station.”

“Has any pony else seen this?”

Blackberry shook her head, “No, I came straight to you.”

The griffin just stared at the poster for the longest time. Blackberry expected this. It was quite a shock. To think that a sweet, innocent pony? A dangerous criminal? It was hard to believe, but she knew Pabul would come around.

The griffin finally exhaled a deep breath, “I don’t believe this.”

“I understand what you mean, Monsieur. I didn’t believe it myself until-“

“No, I don’t believe that Shutterfly is capable of murder,” Monsieur Pabul stated.

Blackberry’s jaw was left open. She didn’t understand what wasn’t to believe. There was a poster in front of him with a perfect description of Shutterfly. What more needed to be shown to convince him? “What?” she finally asked.

The griffin shook his head, “Shutterfly is not capable of this. It’s not in her nature.”

“We don’t know that,” Blackberry’s voice was harsh at this point. This mysterious pony arrived at their home with no identification, no previous addresses and virtually no background of any kind. And now, Blackberry knew why. She was a criminal. And what’s worse, they were harboring her. Traveling along side her from place to place, giving her free passage from law enforcement officers. The more she thought about it, the dirtier she felt.

“I know she’s the kindest, sweetest, most innocent mare I’ve ever met,” his voice stayed as understanding and as compassionate as it always had, which made Blackberry upset.

“Who is responsible for the deaths of six ponies!” she whispered in a much harsher voice then before. “How can you possibly look me in the eye and tell me that doesn’t spell, ‘disaster’?” She didn’t understand why Pabul was defending this murderer. How could anypony protect some pony that had taken so many lives?

The griffin took a deep breath and exhaled. He looked out the window to see the Pegasus in question. She was gently playing with her friend, Tommy the Elephant. She looked so full of life, so full of love. She wasn’t capable of murder. She couldn’t even harm a simple housefly. It simply wasn’t in her nature. Pabul believed that with all his heart and soul. He smiled as the two embraced. He then took a look back at the pony in front of him, waiting for his answer, “Look, Fluttershy, Shutterfly, or whatever her real name is, she is not a killer.”

The large mare shook her head and looked away. Clearly it disappointed her that he didn’t believe her.

“I’m sure she had a good reason for lying to us. Whatever that reason may be.”

Blackberry couldn’t believe a word he was saying. He was defending a killer? Why? The griffin spoke again, “She’s been with us for so long now. I know, in my heart, she’s not capable of pony slaughter. Trust me.”

Trust me? How could he even ask that? He was like a father to her. Of course she trusted him. It was Shutterfly she didn’t trust. Her eyes aimed themselves towards the floor.

“Blackberry, I know you were just trying to protect the family. But Shutterfly is a part of this family too.” He then put his claw on Blackberry’s shoulder, “And family sticks together. Whatever happens we’ll deal with it.”

Blackberry looked into his eyes. She saw that he was practically begging her not to turn Shutterfly in. She sighed a deep breath as the griffin spoke, “Trust me.”

Blackberry nodded, surrendering to her boss’s wishes. She would not turn Shutterfly in, even though she knew it was a mistake.

Pabul took the poster in his claw once more, “You are sure no pony else knows about this?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Pabul stuffed it into his jacket pocket, “Let’s keep it that way. The others aren’t as understanding as you are.”

Blackberry had to restrain herself from cringing. It wasn’t that she understood. She was simply putting her faith in her boss, the griffin who had been a father to her.

Pabul headed outside through the doorway, “Alright every pony, breaks over! Let’s get moving!” He called as the ponies rose from their flanks and began taking apart the camp to set for their journey.

Blackberry followed shortly after. She saw Shutterfly in the distance, still laughing with the elephant. Shutterfly looked back at her, a smile bright on her face, waving her hoof. Blackberry waved back, giving a smile. However, it only lasted a second. She then thought of the terrible lies that Shutterfly was hiding and her smile melted away. A pony could only wonder what dark secrets the tiny yellow Pegasus hid.


Most of the day was spent with Blackberry’s mind spinning in a whirlwind of confusion and doubt. Monsieur Pabul, the griffin she trusted more than any pony, was protecting Shutterfly, a dangerous murderer. No matter how many times she tried to wrap her head around it, she couldn’t see how it made sense.

She hadn’t spoken to Shutterfly. It made her uncomfortable enough to be in the same campsite with her. Let alone speaking with her. She was dangerous, of that Blackberry was certain. There is no way the ‘family’ could be protected as long as Shutterfly was with them. She sat in her trailer thinking about how she had befriended her and how she had accepted it full heartedly. How she thought she was snobbish. But what was mistaken for shyness was perhaps guilt?However, if she was guilty, why is she on the run? The question burned into her mind and stuck there like a fly caught in a web. She had to do something; she had to make a choice. She picked up the telephone and started to dial.

The phone rang once before a voice spoke on the phone, “9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”

“I need to report a sighting on a killer,” Blackberry was doing the right thing. She knew she was.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. Fireemblemspider here. Just want to thank you guys for reading Chapter 2 of the Incredible Flutterhulk. Please favorite if you guys enjoyed it. Also, click on the link to watch for more updates on this and future stories. http://fireemblemspider.deviantart.com/ And of course, don’t forget to comment below. Tell me what I’m doing right. Tell me what I’m doing wrong. Tell me what I can improve on so I can be a better writer, achieve my dream, and you guys can get better quality writing.

Chapter 3 will be up soon, I hope. We'll see how things progress with school and work and all that other good stuff. Again, thank you all who left comments and faves. I really appreciate it. Let me know what I can do to get better. Have a great day you guys. Stay happy, stay safe, stay warm or cold or whatever it takes to make you comfortable. Party on.