• Published 27th Jan 2013
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The Incredible Flutterhulk - spideremblembrony

Fluttershy's journey to find a cure to the ailment that plagues her. An unstoppable creature of pure strength known as...The Incredible Flutterhulk

  • ...

Past Friendships

Crumble was at the park, standing alone. A typical day for the young Pegasus colt. He didn’t have many friends and the friends he did have, his father would have never approved of.

“Of course,” he thought to himself. “Was there anypony the old colt would approved of? Of course not.”

All he could think of was how much he hated him. He was never there when he needed a friend or a loved one. No, it was always a stranger his father worked with or a distant relative, regardless of whether they liked him or not. The stallion was never there when he needed him.

He looked out in the park. Several of the younger fillies and colts there were playing with others their age. He turned his gaze towards the park benches. Various mares and the occasional stallion sat on the park bench, conversing with each other or reading. Parents just simply watching their children have fun. Something Crumble envied.

Play dates. He had always asked himself what those were.

“What was it like to have a play date?” he asked himself. What he wouldn’t have given to have just one.

He just stood by the swing set, no pony to talk to. No pony to play with. He let out a sigh as he sat in the empty swing seat. His head turned towards the grass below him as he lazily swung back and forth. He started to remember the days on that swing set with his mother. His mother would always push him to get him higher and higher. He wanted to get as high as the clouds. He could get himself as high as the swing would let him by himself now, but it never felt the same. Not without her.

He then heard a group of colts laughing. At first he didn’t even give it a second thought, considering his surroundings. The park was always bustling with life. But underneath the laughter, he could hear a weak weeping voice. He turned and saw a group of older colts bullying a young Pegasus mare.

She was crying. Her pink mane hid her face from everypony, but her sobs were easily heard. He had seen her around the park before. Like him, she didn’t seem to have many friends. She would always be in the corner of the sandbox, running around chasing butterflies, squirrels or rabbits, or reading a book on a nearby bench with a coral mare that Crumble assumed was her mother.

He gave a quick glance around him and found that the mother was nowhere to be found. She must have stepped away and those bastards had seen their chance to move. He had seen enough and marched his way over to the sight.

“Hey!” he shouted.

The colts turned to the source of the voice behind them. They spotted the light green colt coming towards them.

“Why don’t you pick on a pony your size?!” he threatened, his eyes piercing at them. However, hiding under that rage was a pony who was afraid. He hadn’t been in many fights before and these stallions were about his size. He hoped they would give up without a fight.

The largest of the group, a dark red colt gave Crumble a quick glance before turning back to his compatriots. The large colt started to laugh, his example slowing being followed by the others. One by one, they all drifted to another part of the park, not even giving him a second glance.

The Pegasus, her hooves still covering her eyes and curled in a ball, was sobbing uncontrollably.

Crumble set himself beside the filly. “Hey.”

She continued to sob as she turned away from him. She started to quake in what Crumble assumed was fear. No doubt she thought he was another bully.

“Hey, it’s okay. I won’t hurt you. Those jerks are gone,” he said, doing his best to reassure her.

The Pegasus slowly moved her hooves away from her eyes, revealing two big blue eyes. They were beautiful eyes, despite being red and puffy from all her crying.

“Th-th-thank you,” the Pegasus’s voice broke off through her sobs.

“It’s nothing.” He then gently put his hoof on her’s. “I’m Crumble. What’s your name?”

The little filly started to look up. She looked into his eyes and started to smile. It was a cute little smile. “I’m... I’m...” she weakly started to speak, but she couldn’t get the sentence out.

Crumble smiled back. “It’s alright. Don’t be scared.”

The filly nodded and took a deep breath. “I’m Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy, huh?” Crumble smiled. “That’s a nice name.”

Fluttershy blushed and looked down at the ground as if she wasn’t sure what to do.

Crumble, also, found himself at a lost for words. It was all so sudden. First, standing up for a pony he hardly knew and then this... wonderful new experience, Crumble couldn’t make sense of it all. All he knew was, he liked the experience.

After a long and odd silence, Crumble asked, “Fluttershy, do you want to be friends?”

At that moment, Fluttershy looked up at him. At first, with an alarmed stare on her face, but a second later, her face began to brighten with the appearance of a smile.

“You want to be my friend?!” Fluttershy meekly cheered.

Crumble’s own smile mirrored Fluttershy’s. “Yes, I do.

Fluttershy nodded excitedly. Crumble could tell she was excited to have a new friend as he was, maybe even more so.


The days that followed their meeting, Crumble would wait at the park for the return of Fluttershy. He loved seeing her bright and smiling face everyday. And today was no different.

Crumble smiled as he spotted the yellow Pegasus, racing excitedly towards him.

“Hi, Crumble,” Fluttershy greeted.

“Hi, Fluttershy,” Crumble replied.

“So, what do you want to do today?” the filly asked excitedly.

Crumble could tell she was ready to play and he had an idea. “Why do we try climbing the monkey bars?”

Fluttershy shot him a look of confusion. “Monkey bars? What are those?”

Crumble then repaid the look of confusion Fluttershy gave him. “You’ve never seen monkey bars before?”

Fluttershy shook her head.

Crumble smiled and beckoned her to follow him. After a short trot, they found themselves next to the big slide and beside them were the monkey bars. Crumble had tried to get Fluttershy to slide down the big slide, but each time she couldn’t even make it to the top floor. She was way too scared. Crumble always found it odd. She was a Pegasus after all, she shouldn’t be afraid of heights.

Crumble was determined to cure her of this fear. “We are going to climb those,” he excitedly declared, pointing towards the metallic bars.

Fluttershy started to shake. She looked up at the monkey bars. To her, they might has well have been stars in the sky they were so far away. She gave a deep swallow and started to wobble. “W-w-we’re g-g-gonna c-c-climb those?”

Crumble’s smiled slowly faded from his face. This only made Fluttershy sink onto her knees and onto the ground. He hadn’t even noticed himself frowning. He quickly gave another smile and kneeled down to Fluttershy’s level. Her eyes then directed towards him. “Trust me, it’ll be fun,” he assured her, putting his hoof on her shoulder.

Fluttershy didn’t seem convinced, but she nodded anyway.

Crumble darted straight to the metal play set. As he approached the metal pipes, he leaped to them and wrapped his hooves around them. His grip was firm and steady. He turned himself around, repositioning his hooves until he faced Fluttershy, who was still stuck in the same spot.

“See? Just like that!” Crumble encouraged her as best he could.

The Pegasus still wasn’t convinced, but she headed for the play set anyway. She slowly trotted to the set of stairs that led just high enough for her to reach the monkey bars. She stood just under the metal pipes.

“A good reach and she could touch them,” Crumble thought to himself.

Instead, she started to shrivel to her knees.

“Come on, Fluttershy!” Crumble shouted with support. “You can do it!”

Fluttershy gave a deep swallow and whispered silently to herself, “Okay. Here I go.” She slowly reached her front hooves up. Reaching as high as she could to try and touch the metal bars. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally wrapped her hoof around the first bar. She looked up to the next bar.

“Almost there, Fluttershy!” Crumble called out once again.

It was so far away. At least to her small body. She gulped as she reached out for the next one with her other hoof. As she swung, her hind legs left the play set footing and started to dangle in the air. Crumble couldn’t believe it and it looked like neither could Fluttershy. Her eyes lit up as she looked up. There she was hanging on the monkey bars.

“Great job, Fluttershy!” Crumble congratulated. “Now climb across.”

Fluttershy nodded, but as she did, she noticed something. She was very high off the ground. Very high. Her head started to wobble and it started look like she was getting dizzy. Her legs began to cram up towards her chest. She shook uncontrollably. Her arms gave out and gravity took over, causing her to fall.

Fluttershy fell to the hard ground below her. The instant she hit the ground, tears started rushing down her face. Her sobs filled the air around her.

“Fluttershy!” Crumble panicked as he leaped from the monkey bars and rushed to her side, fearing the worse. “Fluttershy, I’m sorry.”

A coral mare then appeared at the tiny filly’s side, shoving Crumble out of the way. “Fluttershy,” her motherly voice spoke as she gently lifted the Pegasus off the ground. “Fluttershy, it’s okay, honey.” She held her tight, giving her a gentle ‘shh’ing sound. She repeated her ‘it’s okay’ line, trying to comfort the sobbing filly.

The Pegasus cried uncontrollably into her mother’s chest.

Crumble simply took a step back, tears building in his own eyes. “What have I done?” he silently asked himself.

He took another step back as tears rushed down his face. “This is all my fault! Fluttershy got hurt because of me!” he charged himself. “If I didn’t force her to climb those damn monkey bars, this wouldn’t have happened! I’m so damn stupid!” he continued to belittle himself as he stormed out of the park, unable to bear the sight of his only friend in tears. His judgment for what he had done was so loud in his mind; he couldn’t even hear the coral mare shouting at him not to leave.


Crumble sat at the park alone the next day. He sat on his usual spot at the swing set. Tears would gradually fall down his face, and one by one, he would wipe them away.

“Damn you. Damn you to bucking Tartarus,” he continued to condemn himself. “What in Tartarus were you thinking? You knew she was terrified of heights!”

He continued to drown himself in sorrow. He started to wish he had never been born. Started to wish that Fluttershy had never met him. He didn’t even know why he was in the park today. Fluttershy probably didn’t even want to see him anyway. Not after what he did to her.

He had always wondered why he didn’t have friends, and now the universes, in a cruel, malicious way, had given him his answer.

He got off the swing set and started to slowly trot away when a meek voice stopped him.


He turned himself around and there was Fluttershy. Tears came down his face even faster, but he quickly wiped them away, hoping she wouldn’t notice.

He took a deep breath and turned away, trying to hide his face. “Hi, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy lowered her head. “I’m really sorry about yesterday.”

These words hit Crumble like a bolt of lightning. “She’s sorry?” Crumble asked himself. “She’s sorry?! She’s the one that got hurt and she’s sorry? I should be the one apologizing.”

Fluttershy spoke again, “I’m sorry I couldn’t climb the monkey bars. I’m sorry I messed up our play date.”

Crumble turned around and kneeled down to the Pegasus. “No, Fluttershy. I’m sorry.”

Fluttershy redirected her eyes to his.

“I’m sorry I made you do something you didn’t want to do,” Crumble explained.

Fluttershy smiled.

And that smile made Crumble smile. Tears still rushed down his face, but he wiped them away too.

Fluttershy started to frown in confusion, “Why are you crying? I didn’t think colts cried. I thought only fillies cried?”

Crumble gave a chuckle. Not at Fluttershy, but at how innocent her question was. “I’m crying because I’m happy. I’m happy because I have you as a friend.”

Fluttershy’s face lit up and at that moment, she started to cry too.

And Crumble knew, it was for the same reason.


Crumble came to the park one day to see Fluttershy sitting on the park bench, next to her was her mother. He noticed in her hooves was a book. While Crumble couldn’t make out the title, he could tell Fluttershy was really excited.

“I want to read this one, mommy!” Fluttershy excitedly showed her mother the storybook.

The coral mare gave shook her head and smiled, “You’ve read that book 12 times, dear.”

Fluttershy nodded. “It’s my favorite!”

The mare gave a surrendering sigh. “Alright, why don’t you read it to me?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. She started to open the book, but then looked to the distance. She smiled as her eyes came into contact with Crumble. She lifted her hoof in the air and waved to him.

“Hi, Fluttershy,” Crumble greeted. “Hello, Mrs. Blossom.”

Lotus Blossom smiled as the stallion approached them, “Hello there, Crumble.”

He then turned his gaze towards Fluttershy, “What are you doing?”

“I’m reading a story!” Fluttershy excitedly responded. Crumble could tell she was trying to be loud and excited, but she was still barely whispering.

“Fluttershy was just about to read me her favorite story.” Blossom stated. “Would you like to join us?”

Crumble gave a nervous smile. He had finally caught the title of the book as he gave it a quick glance. ‘The Princess of the Wilderness’. It was a book for younger ponies then him. Much, MUCH younger. He had never read it, but it wasn’t a book that interested him. He almost said no, but then he heard Fluttershy’s voice.

“Yeah! I can read it to you! Can I? Please?”

That begging forced him to stay. “Alright, Fluttershy. You can read it to me.” He sat himself on the bench next to Fluttershy. He gave her a smile as she started to open the book.

“Once upon a time,” Fluttershy started to read.

For a half hour or so, Crumble was treated to the story of a princess who could talk to all the animals of the forest. She was a kind and gentle princess, and took care of all the animals, keeping them safe from hunters. One day, an evil witch, hungry from the lack of animal meat, discovers the princess had been warning them of her. She came and snatched the princess, locking her in a dungeon. However, the princess’s singing voice was able to communicate with the animals of the forest.

He was treated to a stuttering duck, a wise old owl, a daring rabbit, and a wisecracking turtle. Together they rescued the princess and defeated the witch.

It was a cute story, but it was for children younger than him. He was way older than the intended audience of the book. Not to mention the completely opposite gender. However, when he saw how much Fluttershy enjoyed the story. How much she enjoyed reading it to him, he couldn’t help but enjoy it too.


“There’s only 30 seconds before the bomb explodes!”

Like runners hearing the sound of a gunshot, Fluttershy and the other mare darted for the safety of the structure. Crumble urged them to hurry.

After the first mare had been safely brought inside, he noticed the entry point was much narrower and growing even more so. The only opening was sealing itself shut.

“Oh no!” he panicked. Fluttershy was still out there and there was no way to open the doors. The dome was sealing itself tight.

The yellow Pegasus attempted to enter but before she could get a single hair through the portal, it was too late. Fluttershy disappeared behind the metal panel.

“Fluttershy!” he shouted. He had lost her. She was gone. Forever. He turned towards the earth pony that Fluttershy had sacrificed herself to save. She was shaking. Trembling at what had nearly happened.

She looked around the room as if searching for the other mare. She then turned towards Crumble. “Where’s the other mare?”

Crumble sat down speechless.

“What have I done?” he thought to himself. He looked over to the ground to see the unicorn. The unicorn who had started to countdown. Who had condemned Fluttershy to death. There he was still smirking. Still smiling.

“How could you?” Crumble whispered.

Out of all the things that came from that unicorn’s mouth, Crumble wasn’t expecting this. “The world will thank me one day.”

The bomb exploded, taking the young Pegasus with it.


Crumble couldn’t believe who was standing right in front of him. The same young mare who had been his only friend, who had somehow survived that gamma bomb all those years ago, was now standing on his front porch.

He started to back away. “What do you want? Why are you here?” his own fear getting the better of him as he tried to close the door. However, the other mare had stopped the door with her own hoof. She then forced herself into the foyer, sending Crumble a step backwards. His heart started to beat rapidly.

“It’s okay. We’re not here to hurt you,” Fluttershy tried to reassure him, holding up a hoof to calm him.

Crumble bit his lip and looked to his left to see the phone. All he needed was a second to call the police.

“Wait!” he said to himself. “Maybe she’s telling the truth. Maybe she’s not here to hurt anypony. She wouldn’t do that...right?”

He hesitated, ignoring the world around him, but another voice came to him.

“Fat chance. She’s a murder. I have to turn her in!”

His hoof reached for the phone, but another hoof intercepted him before he could reach it.

“Sorry, can’t let you call anypony,” the other mare stated, grabbing his hoof tightly.

Crumble glared at the mare. It was the same mare he had seen the day of the gamma pulse test. The one who Fluttershy had somehow saved.

“Are they working together? Does she know about Fluttershy’s condition?”

He had known about it for quite some time. All too well in fact. It was all his father could obsess over. Nothing else mattered to him, not even his own son. All that mattered was capturing Fluttershy, no matter the cost.

Crumble shook his head. “You’re a wanted criminal! How dare you come into my house and assault me like this?!”

“I’m really, really sorry about all of this, but I need your help,” Fluttershy said, her voice just as quiet and shy as he remembered.

He forcefully freed his hoof from the slightly bigger mare’s hoof. “What could I possibly have that could help you? Why do you want me?”

“Because you worked on the gamma pulse project,” Fluttershy said, her voice barely above a whisper.

His eyes focused on the Pegasus. That memory had haunted him for years. His fellow scientist’s actions caused him to lose a lot of credibility. Sure, the unicorn got the worst part of it, but it still bothered him that he was punished for somepony else’s actions.

Coupled with the fact that, he had thought that his actions had murdered a good friend, he had a lot of sleepless nights. That is, until during a conversation with his father, his father let slip that Fluttershy was alive. And she had become... some kind of monster.

“What about the gamma project?” he asked

Fluttershy was silent for a moment, as if she was gathering her courage. She was never a very brave pony. She had trouble standing up for herself, and Crumble knew that. “I need all the information you have on it,” she finally said.

His eyes widened. “Why? What could you want it for?! You want to make more monsters?!”

Fluttershy’s head sunk deep into shoulders with a weak whimper.

A voice in his mind instantly reprimanded him. “How could you be so heartless to her?! She’s your friend!”

The other mare finally spoke, “Hey! She’s asking you politely! Would you rather see her mad?!”

Crumble looked at Fluttershy with fear. “What happens if I don’t give it to her?! She’ll kill me! Just like all the other ponies she’s murdered!”

“If you think for one second that I’m going to cooperate-” Crumble started, his voice stern.

“I want to get rid of it,” Fluttershy interrupted.

The room was silent. Very silent. As if no pony knew what to say next.

Crumble lowered his head. Guilt started to rise up in his belly. He wasn’t one to act like this, especially to his friends. He took another look at Fluttershy. She was sincere in her words. He could sense it. Still, could he take that chance? A chance that he could be wrong? That Fluttershy wasn’t the same sweet pony she once was?

“Faust, I wish I knew what to do!” he thought.

His answer came to him as Fluttershy, unexpectedly broke the silence. “I might have found a way to get rid of it forever, but I need your help.”

Crumble fought with himself. “How can I trust her? For all I know, this is all an act. Could there be a cure for her? Or is this all a façade?”

He looked again into the eyes of Fluttershy. She was practically begging him with those eyes. They were so full of sadness, sorrow and loss. Not like the eyes he used to look into.

He knew her history well. Her father was dead. Her mother was dead. She was all-alone. Alone with... Celestia knows what that thing was. It broke his heart gazing into them, and eventually, his will.

“This is Fluttershy. Your best friend. Not some monster. Now be a stallion and step up,” the voice in his head said.

He took a deep breath. “If I give it to you, will you leave?”

Fluttershy’s face started to brighten with a smile. She looked as if she had just received some sort of divine blessing. “Yes. You’ll never see us again.”

He liked that smile. It was always nice to see, even after all these years, even after everything she had been through, she still had the same sweet smile.

He nodded. He moved his way to the backroom where a desktop computer sat. He passed several picture frames on the wall. Most of them depicting of a life long, long ago. A mare and a stallion holding each other close, a tiny colt soon joined them. However, there were no other pictures portraying the colt aging. After the death of his mother, the photos stopped. And with that, the young colt was soon to discover, his love for his father was an illusion.

He heard the sound of hooves steps coming behind him. The other mare followed him, much to his dismay.

“You don’t trust me?” he asked.

“Just making sure you don’t do something stupid,” the other mare sneered.

Crumble just scoffed and shook his head.

“You should be thanking me for even considering this. I’m helping a criminal. Even if it is Fluttershy,” he continued to ream himself in his head.

He placed himself directly in front of the computer screen, tapping on several of the keys. He scanned the screen, searching through folder after folder.

“Damn. What did I do with that data?” He thought as he desperately tried to remember where he had hid it. He knew he had to hide it if he was to keep it. If anypony found out he had government knowledge on his private computer. Well, he could kiss his career goodbye. He knew it wasn’t smart, but he was still desperate to find out what went wrong in the test. The gamma pulse should have killed Fluttershy and yet, she survived.

“Aha! There it is!”

He clicked on the folder with the mouse and dragged it into a drive.

After several seconds, he finally stood up and held out a flash drive in his hoof.

The mare suddenly reached out and gripped his arm hard, as if she suspected he was going to attack her. Her grasp surprised him and he turned his head sharply towards her. Her grip was tight. Who ever this mare was, she was pretty strong.

He took the drive in his other hoof and revealed it to her. “It’s a flash drive. This is all the information on the gamma pulse.”

The brown mare took the drive. She glared at him as she released him from her grasp. She then continued down the hall to Fluttershy. Crumble followed behind her.

Fluttershy shot a smile at Crumble as she took the flash drive from the other mare. “Thank you so much. For everything.”

“You’re welcome. I hope it helps.” Was all he wanted to say, but his mouth said, “Just go. Please.”

The brown mare gently urged the Pegasus out the door. After a second, she finally followed her companion. With the sound of a door click, they were gone.

“Damn it! Why was it so hard to say you’re welcome and smile?!” he yelled at himself.

Crumble breathed a deep sigh as he placed his head against the wall. He was alone once more. Fluttershy and the other mare had gotten what they came for and left. Yet there was something unsettling inside him.

“Why do I feel so guilty about what I’ve just done? Fluttershy’s the victim here, isn’t she?”

The silence gave him time to think. He didn’t like that. All he wanted was to slink back into his chair and forget everything.

“What have you done, you idiot?! You just let a murderer into your house, bully you into giving you what she wanted. Government secrets, mind you! All because of a stupid school-colt crush!”

He darted for the phone and started to dial.

A voice came over the phone, “General Thunderbolt’s office?”

He was silent for a long time. He wasn’t sure what to say. What should he say? He once more berated himself for not taking the time to think this through.


The voice snapped him back into reality. “I ... need to speak with General Thunderbolt,” he stammered.

The general would take care of this situation. After all, Fluttershy was a wanted criminal. And his father was more than equipped to handle her. It was the right thing to do. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself.


Fervent and out of patience, Guamadillius marched into Thunderbolt’s office. He flung open the door quickly and shouted, “I’m getting tired of waiting, sir!”

The general’s eyes were instantly transmitted from the files in his hooves straight to Guam. His eyes widened, most likely surprised that any pony would burst into his office like this.

“With all due respect, sir, I’ve been waiting patiently for a chance to get back at Fluttershy.” Guam took another deep breath, trying to calm himself. “But I’m not known for my patience, sir and I’ve reached my end.”

The room was silent. The general just leaned back in his chair. He closed the files he had been reading and threw them on the desk. Guam’s eyes looked down and noticed a ‘Top Secret’ label on them. His eyes shot a confused look at the general.

“Read it,” the general finally replied.

Guam wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. “Faust! Why don’t you just give me what you promised me! Make me stronger, damn you! No more of this cat and mouse shit!”

Those were the words that hung on the tip of Guam’s tongue, but he kept them silent. Even he knew shouting in anger wouldn’t get him anywhere. Granted, he wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of the waiting game either. He sat in the chair in front of him and picked up the file, flipping through its pages.

It showed designs of a robotic pony. Each one was equipped with a wide array of weapons. From Gatling guns, to missile launchers. From flamethrowers to electrical discharging wires. They were armed to the teeth, but even more interesting, they featured a glass screen, which seemed to be a window. Inside the armored contraption, was a seat and several switches that he assumed controlled the robot. He couldn’t help but think of those fighting robots he used to watch as a colt. They certainly were ridiculous looking enough for them to be on a children’s show.

“What are these?” Guam finally asked.

“They have some sort of official name that isn’t very memorable,” Thunderbolt replied. “My men have started to name them ‘Hulk Busters’.”

Guam shot the general a look of both disbelieve and disgust.

“Hulk Busters!” Guam thought to himself. “Is this some kind of sick joke?!”

“This? This is what’s going to help me take down, Fluttershy?”

Thunderbolt was silent. He just continued to lean back in his chair.

Guam had finally had enough. He stood up and leaned over the desk, “No, sir! This is not what I had in mind! You said you could make me stronger! Better! That we could even the score! This is not what I had in mind!”

Thunderbolt stood up from his chair as well, staring straight back at Guam. “Then are you willing to sacrifice everything to get your revenge?! Are you willing to put your very life on the line to get back at this mare?!”

Guam was silent.

“What exactly is he going to put into me? Is the formula really that dangerous? I thought the general had said they had tested it. Said it was promising. This must be another one of Thunderbolt’s damn games. He must have shown me these ridiculous robotic suits as a test to see if I’m really willing to do whatever it takes to take Fluttershy down.”

Guam wasn’t about to lose his confidence. Fluttershy, a weak, little filly, had embarrassed him. Ponies, griffins, and zebras had beaten him in the past. But they all had the same end result, with Guam standing over their beaten, broken, and bloodied bodies. Fluttershy wasn’t going to be any different, no matter what kind of superpowers she had. He was ready. More than ready. He was angry.

“Sir, I will do whatever it takes to even the score.”

A smirk appeared on Thunderbolt’s face. “Then follow me.”


A medical staff was standing ready for Guam’s injection of the serum. Thunderbolt stood just outside the doorway watching as they injected Dr. Smolder’s formula into Guam’s body. The stubborn stallion inside the room grinded his teeth as the needle stuck itself into his neck. He had been briefed that this injection was only the first of many that would happen. It would be a total of four injections that Guam would have to suffer through. It didn’t seem to matter however, Guam wanted revenge and he was willing to do whatever it took to get it.

Finally, Thunderbolt would soon have his super soldier. He would soon have his warrior that would lead the charge against the Pegasus, Fluttershy. He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts; he didn’t even notice Major Strawberry appearing behind him.

“Sir,” the Major called.

Thunderbolt turned around towards the azure mare.

“It’s your son, sir. He’s seen her.”

Thunderbolt’s eyes widened and a grin appeared on his face. He hadn’t thought it was possible for Fluttershy to make such a big mistake, but it seemed that Celestia had smiled on him. She, in fact, had made a very stupid mistake. His son had helped him catch Bixby’s family before. He would now help him, at long last catch their daughter.

“Get the men ready. Get the new toys up and running.”

With that, Thunderbolt turned to Guam and nodded his head. Guam’s face lit up. Not a word was exchanged, but Thunderbolt could tell, Guam was going to enjoy his rematch.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. Fireemblemspider here. Just want to thank you guys for reading Chapter 7 of the Incredible Flutterhulk. Please favorite if you guys enjoyed it. And of course, don’t forget to comment below. Tell me what I’m doing right. Tell me what I’m doing wrong. Tell me what I can improve on so I can be a better writer, achieve my dream, and you guys can get better quality writing.

Also, huge shout out to Bronyman1995 for helping with proofreading and story ideas. Please help me to say thank you by checking out his MLP: Avengers Stories and watching him as well.

I want to thank all those guys and I want to thank you guys for reading. Chapter 8 will come soon, be on the look out for it. Have a great day you guys. Stay happy, stay safe, stay warm or cold or whatever it takes to make you comfortable. Party on.