• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 8,537 Views, 423 Comments

Disease in the Darkness - Kaii-Leiko

Unfortunately dabbling in dark magic has left Twilight with a deadly disease that there does not seem to be a cure for.

  • ...

Strength of Heart and Final Goodbyes

It was hard for Twilight's friends and family to accept what was going on. Twilight had always been the first to help her friends, no matter the cost. This time however it seemed the cost was too high. Everypony trembled as Darklight faced them a wicked smirk on her face. She gazed at each of her other self's friends and took pleasure in their fear. It would make everything so much easier. She then turned to Fluttershy who was still near where the altar had been; her head still firmly planted in her front legs, hidden. Darklight started making her way over to her.

"Hey, stay away from her!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Her wings unfurled and she rushed between Darklight and Fluttershy.

Darklight simply sighed. Clearly they hadn't a clue who they were dealing with. If they thought Twilight Sparkle was impressive these ponies were in for one hell of a show. Her horn sparkled red and all of Twilight's friends, excluding Fluttershy, were lifted from the ground and fathered above the cowering pegasus. With more force than necessary they were slammed to the ground beside Fluttershy most of them letting out soft cries as they hit the soil. Shining Armour watched in horror and began struggling to stand. Darklight prepared for another attack.


This was different than the other times Twilight had visited this place. It was suffocating and she could tell there was no escape. She sobbed, completely aware of the damage Darklight was causing on the outside but unable to do anything. This was all her fault. She'd blindly believed what Darklight had said and had acted rashly. Now her friends had to pay the consequences. It wasn't fair. Fluttershy...I...


Shining Armour rushed towards Darklight. He wasn't sure he'd be able to cause harm to her but at the very least something had to be done. Before he could even come close however he was blasted away slamming next to his wife again. This is bad... he thought to himself. It wasn't only about Darklight causing trouble. If she seriously hurt any of them in Twilight's body he knew his little sister would never forgive herself.

Darklight seemed all but invincible. Her plan had worked perfectly. Sure, her time free would be short but it was better than being cooped up in Twilight's mind watching as the stupid unicorn squandered what remained of her life. Her horn glowed again as she prepared to lift everypony again; an assurance to make sure they wouldn't get up, when next thing she knew she was the one being attacked. The twisted unicorn never even knew what hit her. She was lifted from her hooves and thrown a good distance away. Using her magic however she slowed her fall and managed to land without harm.


Twilight writhed in agony. The pain was excruciating. She wasn't exactly sure how it worked but every time Darklight used magic Twilight felt as though her body was burning from the inside. When Darklight had landed safely in the outside world and stopped summoning magic, for the time being anyway, Twilight struggled to her hooves. This had to stop.


"What is going on here?" Called the princess of Canterlot, her sister, ruler of the night, landing beside her only moments after.

"Well, well princess." Darklight spat at the princess' hooves on her last word. "You're just in time. I hope you pose more of a threat than the Elements of Harmony did." With a head gesture she pointed towards the 5 ponies behind her. "Let's not forget the royal guard or whatever. He wasn't much better."

Princess Celestia looked at the ground. She was overcome with sadness. That it had come to this. She thought Twilight would be stronger than this. She knew her favourite student would pass away regardless of what happened but she trusted her enough to think she wouldn't allow herself to be taken over. Had the princess known this would be the outcome she would have locked Twilight at canterlot where she could be monitored but she thought she owed it to her student to let her be with her friends. It was a mistake; she should have treated Twilight as a threat. Now there was a threat, not just to Twilight but to all of Equestria. No matter how short of a time that threat would be around it would have to be eliminated.

"Sister, allow me." Luna spoke softly into her sisters ear. "I know this must be difficult for thee so allow me to take the burden. I fear you may never forgive thyself if thy fights the former Twilight Sparkle."

Celestia considered it. "No, Luna. I'll have even more trouble forgiving myself if I don't do something." The princess turned towards her former student. "Twilight, if there is even a part of you still in control please let me know. I don't want to have to do this." The princess was doing well at keeping her composure even though her heart was already fractured. Thousands of years of practice.


"Princess Celestia, I'm right here!" Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs even though she knew her voice would never reach her mentor. She'd been the princess' student long enough to know when she was sad or troubled. Her eyes betrayed her even now and Twilight sobbed angrily. "This...This isn't your fault Princess, please..."

Twilight curled up again. This is what it would be like to die alone.


Darklight laughed, "Dear Princess Celestia..." She imitated Twilight's voice perfect. "You're a fool of a princess. You always have been and you always will be. I'm far more powerful than you could ever hope to be. I'm going to destroy you now, so prepare yourself."

Princess Celestia sighed again. She wiped a tear away with her hoof and hardened her stare. There would be time for tears later. "Twilight...I hope you forgive me." She rushed forward and to her surprise Darklight did the same. They clashed, their horns meeting with magical sparks. They both pushed with everything they had but soon the princess found herself being pushed back. Her hooves planted themselves firmly in the ground as she tried to keep her ground; but to no avail. Darklight began laughing hysterically. She was more powerful than the princess of Equestria! Then for the second time she was knocked off her feet, and without enough time to recover she hit the ground hard, rolling along it. She quickly got up.

"Don't worry Princess, I got you back." Rainbow Dash gave the princess a small grin.

"Rainbow Dash." Celestia couldn't hide her surprise. "Thank you, but this is dangerous. I must request you stand back."

"No, princess. I'm sorry but that's an order I can't follow. Twilight's my friend too!"

"It doesn't matter how many of you there are, I will still be the one to walk out of here victorious!" Darklight screamed as frustration overtook her. Didn't they understand it was hopeless? Just like Twilight they fought when there was nothing to win. It angered her.

She only saw the blast coming from the corner of her eyes. She barely had time to jump back and watch as the blast passed mere inches from her muzzle. She glared towards Twilight's brother. Shining glared back, his face showing only determination hiding the heart break he felt as well. Cadance stood by his side, equally determined. Things were starting to look grim, although Darklight would never admit it.

"Give up." Celestia said simply. "You're outmatched."

All this planning, for nothing? No, Darklight would have none of that. Magic began building in her horn again, but she was assaulted with magical blasts. Over and over again every pegasus and alicorn attacked. She kept blocking them with blasts of her own as she backed up. Even that fool Rarity was attacking her. Meanwhile the pegasus and earth ponies were advancing on her from the sides. She wouldn't be able to keep up much longer. In desperation she hatched a final diabolical plan and she turned her gaze to Fluttershy and whispered "help me..."

Fluttershy's ears twitched. She was reluctant to raise her head and expose her tear stained face. How could she bear to watch as the mare she loved turned from lover to monster? It didn't help matters that now all her friends were attacking her. Her own brother and sister-in-law and even the princess' of Equestria were determined to end the life of her love. She would have no part of it. But that voice. Twilight needed her...She knew it. She raised her head and although it wasn't Twilight whom she saw she clung to the hope that maybe the real Twilight was reaching out for her.

When Fluttershy raised her head Darklight knew her plan had worked. Fluttershy hesitantly got up. She watched as all her friends advanced on the former element of magic. She knew what they would do to her. She couldn't let that happen. No. "No! Stop it!" she screamed. Much to everypony's surprise the assault stop. Fluttershy screaming had surprised everypony. There was even hope maybe she'd thought of a way to stop Darklight without injuring the dormant Twilight.

Darklight seized her opportunity though and with a dark laugh levitated the yellow pegasus towards her. Fluttershy landed in front of Darkligh, a shield towards any magic attacks that could be launched her way. As for the non-magic ponies they were dealt with easily enough, weak as they were. She built magical pressure around Fluttershy's neck, making sure there was a visible magical aura around the pegasus' neck so that everypony knew what would happen if they so much as glanced at her the wrong way. Any sudden movement and she would snap Fluttershy's neck without hesitation. She could always find another pony to 'play' with over the next few weeks.


Twilight rose from her sobbing. She could see it all so clearly and even thought she was in excruciating pain she focused herself to block it out as best she could. Threatening Fluttershy was going one step too far. She'd stayed out of the fight. Fluttershy wanted no part in what was going on. The entire situation had probably been difficult enough. From having her wedding ruined, to torture to watching her fiancée turn into a monster to then having her life threatened. No.

"You won't use me! Not for this!" Twilight screamed and much to her surprise Darklight appeared before her. Or at least a version of Darklight, as she was still very much in control of the unicorns body and threatening her lover.

"Now's not a good time sweetie, can't you see I'm busy." She wasn't fooling around, the tone of her voice made that apparent.

"Using my body to stop Chrysalis is one thing but you will NOT use me to hurt Fluttershy." Twilight screamed. She'd found a new strength in her desire to protect Fluttershy.

"What can you do without your magic, you idiot!? Stay out of this." Darklight screamed back.

Twilight rushed forward and her broken horn clashed with Darklight's as Celestia's had. The broke apart and crashed together again several times, neither of them gaining the upper hand. Yet Darklight didn't once use magic, and Twilight may have lost hers but she didn't lose her intelligence. They broke apart again and Twilight jumped backwards instead of attacking again. "If you're using magic out there you can't use it in here!" She cried excitedly. That meant it was a fair fight. Maybe she could do something after all!

The look on Darklight's face was enough for Twilight to know she was right. On the outside however she heard Fluttershy let out a soft cry as pressure built around her neck, crushing her airway. Celestia and the others didn't know what they had done to cause Darklight to hurt Fluttershy, they hadn't moved a muscle. They couldn't know it was meant as a threat to the real Twilight.

Twilight flinched, seeing her marefriend being treated like that. She took a few stumbling steps backwards then stopped. Ever since this had started she'd let herself get pushed around by Darklight. She'd let her sick, demented other rule the remainder of her time without so much as a fight. Enough was enough. Twilight felt a new sensation, she could feel her body. The real one. It was faint, and she had no control but she could feel it there. It was like an illusion; something you could see but not quite grasp. Her mind reached out to regain control and she screamed. "This is MY body and you WON'T use it to hurt her!" Twilight knew she wouldn't have enough power to stop Darkligh, but if she could get her to free Fluttershy and give the others time...


Fluttershy hit the ground with a thud as Darklight but a hoof to her head and began having spasms where she stood. Her brow was furrowed in concentration as she fought to maintain control. That stupid, little... Darklight howled in rage and unknowingly released a blast of magic that sent everypony toppling to the ground. Much to everypony's surprise Fluttershy was the first to rise. Instead of running as she knew she should have done she began hesitatingly walking towards Darklight.

Darklight finally regained control, having somewhat subdued Twilight in her mind. She turned to Fluttershy and prepared to attack, but the pegasus didn't seem to pose a threat. Instead she only spoke.

"So it's you. You're the one who's been hurting Twilight...?" Fluttershy asked. She had stopped only a few hooves away.

"Indeed, I am. What of it? Are you going to cry, and beg me to return this body to Twilight? Because if so, darling, you're out of luck." Darklight sneered as she finished talking.

"No, I don't plan on doing any of those things." Fluttershy replied simply.

"Then what do you want?" Darklight no longer understood.

"I want Twilight back, but that doesn't mean I'm going to beg. That wouldn't work on somepony like you."

Everypony wanted to yell at Fluttershy to get out of there. What she was doing was far too dangerous. One wrong word and Darklight would blast her into oblivion, yet somehow Fluttershy, considered the coward of the group, didn't seem at all phased.

"Are you stupid? I could kill you without even trying." Darklight spat towards the pegasus.

"But you won't." Another simple reply from Fluttershy.

"Why's that?"

"You're Twilight. It hurts to say it but you're her as much as she's you. You may be complete opposites but you're still the same. Twilight's strongest feelings since you've been around have been for me. They must have seeped into you or something because earlier when you were threatening to 'kill' me I could feel to hesitation behind it. Then instead of just doing it you needlessly threatened me. Twilight's fighting you. And I think she's going to win."

"No, I'll kill you! Shutup!" Darklight's anger grew. She wasn't even sure if Fluttershhy was right or not.

"Do it then. I'm not...I can't fight you. I'm just a simple pegasus." She began walking towards Darklight again.

"One more step, and I'll...I'll!" Darklight screamed. Even as the magic came to her she was unwilling to release it. "Why aren't you scared of me!?"

"I am." Once again, a simple reply. Fluttershy smiled, but the tears were still there at the corner of her eyes. "But I love Twilight more than I'm scared of you, and if I love Twilight I guess that means I love you too." It sounded odd to say, but in some ways it was true. "There's not a part of Twilight that I don't love. Besides, nopony is born bad. I think you're just...Misguided. It must have been hard being trapped inside Twilight since the moment you were formed. Trapped with only Twilight's negative emotions and bad memories. Her bad experiences and her pain. That's what you are aren't you? A collection of those things. Twilight told me once."

"You..What do you know about that!? You don't know anything about me!"

"I don't have to." Fluttershy replied. She was now so close to Darklight she could kiss her, should she so choose. "I just want you to know one thing." Fluttershy whispered.

"What's that, huh!?" Darklight screamed.

"I love you, Twilight." Fluttershy mustered the sweetest smile she could.

Darklight's face contorted in rage. It wasn't her she loved. It was that stupid Twilight. She'd never had a choice, it wasn't her fault she was like this! But she'd show them, oh yes she would. They would all pay! They all sat around and hated her for causing Twilight's death. They all blamed her when it was the stupid, 'clever' unicorn that had brought this on herself. She was the symptom, not the cause! As much a victim as Twilight, forced to die with only months of life under her not to mention never having the chance to experience life. She screamed again, and she wasn't even sure at what anymore, she was just filled with so much rage and hatred. For everything and everypony. Then everything stopped, because the teary-eyed pegasus in front of her pressed her lips against hers. She knew what she should feel, but her heart was cold and she felt nothing.


Twilight felt everything. The weight of Fluttershy's words and actions. The kiss. She could and couldn't feel it. Her lips were tingling pleasantly as her mind knew her body was being kissed even if she couldn't feel it. She loved that pony so much. She knew even if she gained control her body was done for. Her weak, sick self wouldn't be able to handle the strain her twisted counterpart had put her through but she didn't care. Maybe she'd be able to say goodbye. She wasn't scared, or angry any more. She looked to Darklight and simply said. "I'm taking my body back."

"I know." Darklight replied bitterly. There was no point in fighting, victory was hers regardless as Twilight would die in mere minutes.

"I hate you, you know." Twilight started. "I hate you so much. You may only be the symptom but how can I not blame you." There was so much more Twilight wanted to tell Darklight, and Fluttershy and all her other friends too but there just wasn't enough time, so she simply ended it with "But with that being said, I am sorry." She smiled a little as she was pulled back to the light.

Darklight screamed as the darkness closed in around her. Over and over again she screamed until her voice could no longer come and her throat was throbbing with the pain of her shouts. There was no escaping the darkness for her this time, she was the one who would die in it alone. Despite all that and both Fluttershy's and Twilight's effort she didn't feel regret. Just anger and hatred.


Twilight returned Fluttershy's kiss. Her hoof came up to stroke the pegasus' cheek softly and wipe away some of the tears. It was a perfect moment but of course it couldn't last. Her heart skipped a beat and her entire body throbbed for a moment and she fell forward. Her chin landed on Fluttershy's shoulder and the pegasus' struggled to keep Twilight standing. "Twilight?" She whispered and the unicorn could only not in response as Fluttershy could no longer handle the weight and stepped back. Twilight's body hit the ground and all of a sudden everypony was around her. Each was saying different things and she wished she could respond to all of them, but time truly was running out this time and she said the one word that came to her lips. "Wedding." Twilight then managed to croak out "Cadance." she hoped the would understand, and the did.

Shining Armour put his head under one of his sister's legs. He helped her stand and her led her towards the altar. He stood there with her, supporting her. Fluttershy was there too, standing on front of Twilight and Cadance rushed to the altar as well. Everypony could tell there wasn't enough time. Twilight's parents had been quiet during the ordeal, after all what could they do. Now however the went to their daughter's side. They intended to stand by her as she was wed.

"Everypony. We're here to wed Twilight and Fluttershy. We're going to skip some of the more official formalities but I'm assuming nopony has a problem with that?" Cadance paused briefly to make sure. "Good. In that case do you, Twilight Sparkle take Fluttershy to forever be your special somepony and to love her until..." Cadance paused as tears came to her eyes. She sobbed once but pressed on. "Until the moment you die, and even after."

"I do." Twilight answered simply. Of course she did. She swallowed hard.

"And do you, Fluttershy, take Twilight Sparkle to be your special somepony. To cherish her forever until the moment she dies and even after?"

"I do." Fluttershy replied.

"In that case you may now kiss the br- each other and I pronounce you mare and..Uh, married." Cadance finished. She didn't have time to think of the proper things to say. The important things is that the ceremony finished.

They leaned forward again and shared what would be their last kiss. Somehow they managed to keep their tears at bay, for the moment anyway. They stayed together for what seemed like forever, and each wished that it truly would be forever. Unfortunately Twilight was feeling weak, and needed to lay down. At her request Shining Armour rest her on the altar and everypony gathered around her. Twilight could feel their tears hitting her belly. She was on her back, looking up into everypony that cared about her and for some reason she was overcome with happiness instead of sadness.

"I love all of you so much." Twilight managed to say.

There was so much to say to the purple unicorn, but everypony knew it wasn't the time for that any more. They watched in silence.

"So much." Twilight repeated. "You've all given me so much and now at the end of my life all I can manage to say is thank you. I know it must seem silly but I'm so grateful to all of you. Thank you all for being there for me. Thank you for being my teacher, Princess Celestia and Shining Armour thank you for being my brother and-and Cadance thank you for being there for me." She turned to her five friends and the sobs began. Her heart was starting to beat slower but there was so much to say. "Thank you all for being my friends. You taught me everything I know about friendship and I couldn't have found better friends. And Fluttershy." Twilight focused on her new bride. "Thank you, for loving me. I don't know where I'm going but no matter where it is I'll never forget what you did for me. I love you, so, so much. Don't ever forget that, please." Twilight words were urgent. There wasn't much time.

"O-of course, Twilight. I love you too. And thank you. If there were more time I'd..I'd..." Fluttershy couldn't even speak anymore, she rested her head on Twilight's chest and sobbed into it. She could hear Twilight's heart slow down. The length between heart beats grew with each breath. "I learned how to be brave from you, Twilight. How will I be brave now that you won't be around any more?" It took a moment for Twilight to understand what Fluttershy had said with all her sobbing.

Twilight heart slowed further, barely pumping at this point. "It'll be easy. You'll see... You're the bravest...Mare....I know..." Twilight closed her eyes and her heart stopped completely. She knew it wouldn't start again. She heard all her friends screaming her name, calling out for her. She tried to get back, to go to where there voices were but she couldn't. Soon, their voices faded and so did everything else. A sense of peace overtook her, and with that she was gone.

Author's Note:

So...That's it. All I can say is I hope you like how it turned out. There's still the epilogue too, but that's going to be short as heck.