• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 8,540 Views, 423 Comments

Disease in the Darkness - Kaii-Leiko

Unfortunately dabbling in dark magic has left Twilight with a deadly disease that there does not seem to be a cure for.

  • ...

Hush Now, Quiet NowI

"You certainly seem to be feeling better, darling." Came a slight accented voice from the entrance to the dining room.

Both mares jumped and Twilight quickly scrambled to her hooves. She coughed and stared down at the ground. Fluttershy was simply mortified to have her first kiss interrupted by one of her friends. The new lovers glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes and then looked back to the ground. Fluttershy quickly covered her eyes with the strand of her mane that dropped into her face. Rarity, on the other hand, found the whole thing rather amusing.

"The door was unlocked and I was awfully worried for you Twilight. After all, nopony has seen you in days." She grinned towards the pegasus. "Forgive me, almost nopony." Rarity corrected herself. Fluttershy squeaked.

Twilight finally broke her gaze from the floor and shifted it towards the other unicorn. "Fluttershy came by to check on me. I kind of broke down and she made me feel better and I...Kind of...Well, you saw." Twilight was determined to not let Rarity get to her. After all she knew the white mare was only foaling around.

"Don't misunderstand me darling, I'm quite happy for the two of you. It's about time love blossomed somewhere within our little group." Rarity gestured her head towards a chair. "You two don't mind if I interrupt for a little bit, do you? I'd certainly like a chance to catch up with you, Twilight."

"Not at all." Twilight gave Rarity a small smile.

The three sat around the dining room table. Talking to Rarity really helped Twilight get her mind off everything. Even more than she already had. Sitting there talking to two of her friends (well, Fluttershy had joined in after getting over Rarity interrupting.) gave a sense of normalcy to Twilight again. She truly regretted shutting herself in now. Even though Rarity seemed fine it was easy for the unicorn to see how worried Rarity had been. It was unfair of her to put her friends through that. After all, they were going through this too, in a way. If talking to them could ease the aching in her chest, even a little, then she was glad she was going to get to spend her last few months with such wonderful friends. She'd already accepted that the pain wouldn't truly fade until the end. After all, she was going to pass away. She didn't know anypony who would still be the same after that. Rarity was saying something but it seemed distant now.


Twilight snapped back to attention. "Oh, sorry Rarity. I was just thinking..." She trailed off momentarily. It was difficult for her to bring this subject up, the one subject Rarity had been careful to avoid speaking of. "That I don't want to let this situation change who I am."

"That seems like a good goal." Rarity gave her friend a smile. Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

"You'll always be you, Twilight." The pegasus chimed in.

As a unicorn Rarity was the closest to understanding what it would be like to lose a horn. "Is there nothing that can be done for your horn?"

Twilight's expression immediately changed. Her lips turned downwards to a frown. "No, not as far as I know. I might never be able to do magic again." The happiness in her voice faded to sorrow.

Rarity instantly felt bad. "Well for the record I think your horn looks positively smashing. It has character."

Twilight couldn't help but giggle, even if only a little. She knew it was Rarity's way of trying to make her feel better. "Thanks, Rarity."

"Of course." She glanced at the clock. "Oh my, I really must be getting back though. A lot of work to do." She turned back to Twilight, taking a serious tone now. "But if there is anything, absolutely anything, you need at all, at absolutely any time you can come find me at the boutique."

"I will, thank you Rarity."

"I should get going too. I need to get home and feed Angel and all the rest of the animals." Fluttershy managed to get in. She'd felt a littke awkward sitting there, but she hadn't known what to say. She was just happy to see Twilight having a good time again. It was better than seeing her cry. After she spoke she noticed Twilight's expression dim, but the unicorn was clearly trying to hide it. "I could, um, maybe..." She trailed off, glancing at Rarity. Rarity had made a point to pace around the door. She could hear everything but had enough tact to know when not to interrupt. "Come back and stay the night if you don't want to be alone." Fluttershy chewed her bottom lip.

"I'd really like that, Fluttershy."

"Okay then, I'll come back after I've taken care of the animals." Fluttershy smiled. Both mares glanced Rarity's way to make sure she wasn't looking and shared a quick peck on the lips.

The three said their final goodbye's and departed. Rarity and Fluttershy walked together, for now anyway. They were heading in the same direction. Twilight went inside to do something she'd been putting off for too long already. Seeing her friends had snapped her back into reality and despite her situation she still had responsibilities.

I guess it's time to break the news...


"My, my, my. You and Twilight?" Rarity was still gushing over the news. "How was the kiss?" The white unicorn could barely contain her excitement. During all their spa sessions she'd only hoped to one day be able to talk about such things with Fluttershy.

"It was..." Fluttershy trailed off, seeming to search for the right adjective. "Wonderful." She sighed.

Rarity squeed loudly. "Was it everything you hoped your first kiss would be."

Fluttershy nodded shyly and muttered softly. "It was better."

Rarity felt bad. As much as she didn't want to ruin Fluttershy's big moment she just had to ask. "Are you really okay with dating Twilight? I only ask because of the circumstances...I know you've had a crush on her for a long time. I don't want to see you hurt, darling. I fear that if you do this it may make things harder for you."

These thoughts had crossed Fluttershy's mind. She felt a little bad about having thought them at all. The truth of the matter was if she dated Twilight she was opening herself up to heart ache later on. Then she decided she didn't care. Seeing Twilight the way she had, Fluttershy felt as though her heart was going to break. That in itself was unbearable. The pegasus' feelings for the unicorn were strong and she wanted to explore them. Even if their time together would be cut short. The yellow mare wanted to do it for herself, for once she was going to go after something she wanted. She deserved to be happy too, and she thought being with Twilight would make her happy. The idea of being able to make Twilight's remaining time happy as well was another driving factor. The Element of Kindness decided in that moment she would do anything to make Twilight happy. Give her the best few months of her life. Twilight doesn't deserve to leave this world alone, so I'll be there for her. Until the end... She gave herself an internal pat on the back; proud of her resolve.

"I'm sure it's going to hurt when she's gone, Rarity. It's going to hurt no matter what. Being around Twilight makes me happy. I think I can make her happy too. I want to make her happy."

Rarity was impressed. Never had she seen Fluttershy so determined. The white unicorn put her hoof on her friends shoulder and gave her a warm smile. "In that case, I'm glad. For both of you."


Shining Armour,

I hope you're doing well brother. I have some important news to share with you and I really want to tell you in person. I was hoping that you and Cadance could come visit me here in Ponyville. I hope you have the time to come visit. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Your loving sister,
Twilight Sparkle.

This was the invitation Twilight extended to Shining Armour. It was not going to be a happy visit but she was excited to see her brother none the less. The moment she saw Spike she would ask him to send it off. She sighed, emotionally drained. She'd held back tears several times during the dozens of times she'd rewritten the letter. She briefly wondered if Shining would agree to come. If not she would just have to insist. Her musings were cut short from a series of light knocks at the door. Surely Fluttershy returning as promised.

Twilight trotted to the door and opened it to greet her guest. Fluttershy, as expected. Upon seeing the yellow pegasus a silly grin painted itself upon the unicorn's face. She didn't even realize it but Fluttershy did and the yellow mare giggled. Twilight leaned into Fluttershy's neck and nuzzled herself into the pegasus' mane. She sighed happily and then invited her in.

"Everything's good with your animal friends?"

"Yes, Angel was a little upset at being left alone tonight but I'm sure he'll be fine." Fluttershy replied as she entered.

Twilight nodded. Suddenly the unicorn wished she'd planned something out. She was glad to have her new marefriend here to spend time with her, she just wished she knew what they were going to do all night. At least until they retired to bed. Twilight didn't want her guest to grow bored after all. As the lavender pony thought of something to say Fluttershy glanced towards the letter on the table. "What's that?" the yellow mare asked as her curiosity peaked.

Twilight shifted uncomfortably. "That's...The letter I wrote to my brother. I invited him here. To tell him, you know..." The unicorn's gaze was brought to the ground.

"Oh my, the Princess hasn't told him?"

"She offered to, but I told her I'd do it myself. I feel like learning it from somepony else wouldn't be very fair." Twilight swallowed hard. "Maybe we could talk about something else though, please?"

"Of course, I'm sorry Twilight. I didn't mean to upset you." Fluttershy approached the unicorn and gave her a sweet peck on the cheek. She stroked the soft lavender fur on the back of Twilight's neck. "I know this must be hard for you. If you do want to talk, I'm here for you."

Twilight smiled and gestured her heads towards the flight of stairs. "C'mon." Twilight could have thanked Fluttershy but she knew it was unnecessary. She had no doubt the pegasus knew how grateful she was already. Twilight climbed the flight of stairs with Fluttershy following behind. When she reached the top she pounced onto her bed. Her body bounced a few times before coming to a stop. "You don't mind sharing a bed do you?" The last thing Twilight wanted to do was pressure Fluttershy. She had no hidden intentions other than sleeping but she knew how shy her marefriend could be. Twilight wouldn't mind setting up a second mattress on the floor for herself and giving her guest the bed. She certainly wouldn't mind sharing a bed either, though.

Fluttershy considered what Twilight had said, her cheeks reddening slightly. She doubted Twilight had any ulterior motives. They'd only confessed to each other earlier that day. Instead on focusing on the impure thoughts that made her want to request her own sleeping area Fluttershy focused on the sweeter things. Falling asleep beside Twilight is something she'd dreamt about on more than one occasion. . "I don't mind." was Fluttershy's soft reply. She climbed onto the mattress beside Twilight.

The lavender unicorn yawned loudly. She hadn't even realized how tired she was until her body hit the bed. It only made sense, it wasn't as though she'd been sleeping much since her release from the hospital. Twilight shifted and brought herself closer to Fluttershy, cuddling herself into the pegasus' chest. Another content sigh escaped her lips as she felt her marefriends forelegs close around her. Twilight wished she had something interesting to talk about, but she didn't. The studious mare wasn't even sure she wanted to talk at the moment.

It dawned on Fluttershy that Twilight must be exhausted. She'd noticed it earlier in the day and had apparently forgotten. The pegasus started to stroke Twilight's mane with one of her hoofs. She placed a kiss on Twilight's forehead. Within minutes the unicorn had fallen asleep. Fluttershy had no doubt that Twilight would feel bad about falling asleep so soon after she'd arrived. The yellow mare was happy that Twilight was getting some rest. She deserved it, after the hell that had been thrust upon her.

It didn't take long for Fluttershy to fall asleep either. It was easier than she'd expected. She thought she'd be too self-conscious to fall asleep. It was surprisingly comfortable though having your hoofs around the pony you loved. Everything about the moment was perfect. From the feel of the unicorn's body against hers right down to Twilight's soft breath against her neck. Fluttershy had never felt more at ease around another pony. As she drifted into sleep her mind was full of thoughts only of the beautiful mare beside her.


Everything was dark again and fear began gripping at Twilight's chest. She knew what was to come. She prayed it wouldn't but she knew it was futile. A dark, distorted chuckling echoed around her. Her doppelgänger appeared before her, the same twisted smile upon it's face. It trotted around Twilight in circles.

The fear that overcame her was inexplicable. The unicorn could not wrap her mind around the fact that she was in a dream, and that nothing could hurt her. Seeing her other, this dark part of her made her feel as though she were nothing. It acted so superior, was so confident when she wasn't and the news of her upcoming death. Then it dawned on her why that was. "You...You're a part of my sickness aren't you?"

The other Twilight chuckled ominously and flashed the real one a knowing smirk. "Darling, I am your sickness. A physical representation of it anyway. As you grow weaker I grow stronger." The other Twilight raised it's head proudly, as though by slowly draining Twilight's life away it was accomplishing some grand feat. "Not so strong anymore, are you?"

Twilight broke down at this point, it was too much for her. Everytime she happened to glance into her doppelgänger's eyes she would be overcome with painful memories. Or her thoughts would drift to darker thoughts, mean thoughts. It made the unicorn feel as though her and the other really were the same. She'd like to believe that she was better than that though. She sobbed and despite her efforts to hide her tears she knew her other would know. It knew everything.

The other Twilight grew angry. "Look at you, you're pathetic!" It spit at the ground in front of Twilight. "Such a selfish, disgusting creature. Hard to understand why you weren't overcome already, weak as you are."

The unicorn rubbed her eyes with her foreleg and looked up towards the evil half of her. Her brow furrowed and she shot it a nasty glare. She tried to sound tough, despite her voice cracking. "Because I have my friends. They make me strong."

"Like dear, sweet Fluttershy?" It's voice had hidden meanings behind it. It gave that awful smirk again, as though it had nasty plans for Fluttershy in the future.

"Don't you talk about her!" Twilight stood up abruptly only to be knocked down as her other rammed it's shoulder into the fragile unicorn.

"Yes, Twilight. Make her fall in love with you, make her happy only to leave her forever soon! How cruel you are, even I'm impressed. You're going to leave her heartbroken but that doesn't matter, so long as there's somepony to comfort you until the end." As the doppelgänger spoke it approached twilight until it stood over her, looking down with a nasty glare.

Twilight didn't even know what to say. That sounded almost...Accurate. It wasn't her intention but it was the reality of things, no? Fluttershy's been so good to me, how could I live with myself if I hurt her like that...?

"You won't have to." The other Twilight responded to the real one's thoughts. "Now go back out there. Make her comfort you, listen to her tell you everything is going to be alright when you know that in the end it won't." The other Twilight raised it's hoof and backhoofed twilight across her cheek.


The last time Twilight's horn had exploded in pain it was the most painful thing she'd ever experienced. Just remembering the incident would bring horrible memories to her mind. She always thought she would never be able to experience anything more painful than that. The unicorn was wrong. The pain was far worse than before, unbearable. Both of her hoofs went to her head trying to soothe the pain without any success. She howled as tears began pouring down her cheeks. Twilight began thrashing and fell of the bed. She was then unable to move, her vision was blurry and she felt as though she were going to be sick. The pain wasn't subsiding.

Of course, Fluttershy woke up. She lowered herself before Twilight. "What's wrong?" She called out. She wasn't sure what to do. The pegasus considered running for help but had no idea who to get. It wasn't as though she could simply go get the princess herself. Fluttershy watched as her marefriend lay on her belly, hoofs placed upon her head as she writhed in agony upon the ground. Soon enough (although to Twilight it seemed like an eternity) things seemed to calm down and although Twilight was still in pain it wasn't as sharp as it was even moments before. Fluttershy was doing her best to hold herself together, for Twilight's sake.

The lavender unicorn turned her head to look up at Fluttershy. Tears overflowed from the corner of her eyes, although they were no longer freely falling down her cheek. She spoke only two small words that nearly broke the Pegasus' heart. "It hurts." Twilight's voice was low and strained. She smacked her hoof on the ground, the unicorn couldn't think of anything else to do. She just wanted the pain to go away.

Fluttershy hoisted Twilight up. It took some doing, the pegasus wasn't as strong as some of their other friends. After a bit of effort she managed to lay Twilight back on the bed. She climbed in beside her marefriend and pulled her close just as she'd done earlier that day. Twilight head rested against Fluttershy's chest, her eyes shut tight. Fluttershy carefully raised a hoof and ran it softly down Twilight's horn. Of course the yellow mare avoided the actual crack. As much as Twilight wanted the pain to end Fluttershy wanted it to end just as badly. She began softly stroking Twilight's horn when she noticed Twilight's muscles relaxed slightly from their tensed up state.

Every now and then Twilight would spasm, but Fluttershy continued the soft rubbing of Twilight's horn. It seemed to alleviate at least some of the pain. The concerned mare lowered herself to the unicorn's ear and began to sing quietly.

"Hush now, Quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head..."

Fluttershy continued to sing and massage Twilight's horn until the pain finally left. Exhausted the unicorn passed out in her lovers forelegs. Fluttershy didn't let go even once throughout the night.

Author's Note:

I keep finding myself becoming emotional as I write this. It just makes me sad, but then again I'm a big softie. This is the last update I'm releasing for at least a week. It's a little longer than the other two chapter, so I hope that makes up for it. I went through the chapter and I think I found most of those annoying little issues that pop up in my writing...If not most I at least found some of them...At least I didn't accidentally spell creaming in there this time. Ugh, how embarrassing was that? At any rate I hope you lovely readers enjoy the latest chapter of this fic. I'll be back in a week, everyone! I'mma kill me some Necromorphs!