• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 8,537 Views, 423 Comments

Disease in the Darkness - Kaii-Leiko

Unfortunately dabbling in dark magic has left Twilight with a deadly disease that there does not seem to be a cure for.

  • ...

Brotherly Love Pt. 2

Twilight was mortified at what she had just shouted out like that. She'd deceived both Shining Armour and Cadance. If they didn't suspect that anything was wrong before now they were convinced of it. To them this entire visit was now about breaking the news about Twilight's love life. Nopony seemed upset about her announcement, not even the shy Fluttershy. At this point Fluttershy wasn't embarrassed about her relationship with Twilight. Twilight could tell everypony for all Fluttershy cared. Her feelings for the lavender unicorn were real and the pegasus had come to the decision that she wouldn't be ashamed of this. She was shy about a lot of things but she refused to be so about Twilight. She loved the unicorn a whole lot. Hiding their relationship may make one of them think that they were embarrassed about the other and Fluttershy would never let that happen. She had taken it as her mission to keep Twilight happy, after all.

Cadance had the biggest smile upon her lips. "When I saw Fluttershy come down those stairs I knew." It was an absolute. There hadn't been a doubt in her mind.

"How?" Twilight asked. What could she have done to make it less obvious, she wondered.

"Twilight I hold a certain power over the element of love. I could practically feel the love you hold for Fluttershy in your heart, I could also feel Fluttershy returning those feelings. The blush on your cheeks didn't help your case either." Cadance took a look at the two lovers. "Congratulations Twilight. You two really make an adorable couple." Cadance seemed absolutely thrilled. She would be, anything to do with love she adored.

"Y-you think so? Thank you." Twilight then turned her gaze towards her brother. "Shining Armour, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't know how you'd react to my dating another mare...I hope you understand."

"I do. Just know, little sis, you can always count on me. You have my congratulations as well. It's nice to see you get your head out of the books a bit. I always knew you'd find somepony nice, Twily."

Both of them were so sincere, the complete opposite of how Twilight had been.

"Is it serious?" Shining Armour spit out casually.

"That's none of our business either, honey." Cadance's voice took a more serious tone, but the smile on her face made everypony know she was foaling around. "Honestly, he always sticks his muzzle where it doesn't belong." Twilight giggled softly at that comment. She was all too familiar with that. "In all seriousness though I'm happy for you too Twilight. Love is the most powerful element if you ask me. It has the power to do so much, even more than friendship. It can keep you strong in the darkest of times."

"I know, I've learned that all too well." Twilight shifted uncomfortably.

"I hope Fluttershy and yourself have a long and happy relationship." Cadance wasn't aware of the damage she'd just done.

Long and happy. Twilight thought to herself. Long.

No. Her relationship with Fluttershy wasn't going to be long at all. It had only just started but already it was approaching it's end. Twilight couldn't help herself from fantasizing about an alternate future. A happier one. One where she got to live on with Fluttershy. They would live together until they both died a natural death. Together they would spend their lives happy and carefree. No pressure, no time limit. Twilight could even see the two of them donning wedding dresses and getting married. That would never happen though. Twilight wasn't allowed to just be happy. Every time that the dying mare would try to forget her situation and be happy she would end up getting metaphorically slapped with something she would never be able to have. It wasn't fair, but then she'd known that for a while now.

Fluttershy had caught on to Cadance's choice of words. It upset her too, probably not as much as it had Twilight and she realized that. Knowing you only had a short time with the love of your life, especially because of events beyond your control was possibly one of the worst feelings in the world. It made making decisions difficult and forced one to carefully choose words. Talking about the future was always out of the question. It was difficult but Fluttershy maintained that it was worth it. That was partially why it was so difficult to watch Twilight at that particular moment.

Twilight was aware of Cadance and her brother speaking to her but it was like background noise to her. None of it seemed overly important to her because this was the moment where the realization hit her. She'd managed to keep it at bay for so long but she'd reached her limit. The thing that had caused this crash was finally realizing that she wouldn't have as much time with Fluttershy as she wanted. As she needed. As they needed. The thing that she realized above her short time with Fluttershy was something so painstakingly obvious she wasn't sure how she'd managed to keep it out of her head for so long. She was going to die. Soon. I'm going to die.

No! I'm not going to die, it's not fair! I won't let it happen! I want to be with Fluttershy! I don't want to say goodbye to my friends!

It was so quick. The tears came so quickly Twilight barely had time to register she was crying. For only about the millionth time in the last several days tears freely flowed down her cheeks. They slowly dripped down her face and fell to the floor with an almost silent crash. Shining Armour and Cadance both stood up. They were concerned for the unicorn. Neither understood what was wrong.

"Oh my, I'm going to go get everypony a drink. Twilight could you help me, please, if you don't mind? I really need your help." It was a lame cover story but it would do. Fluttershy was sure Twilight's guests would not be fooled. Nor would they ask questions. It was rather evident why Fluttershy wanted to see her marefriend in private. Fluttershy grabbed Twilight and dragged her into the kitchen. As soon as they were out of view Fluttershy crushed Twilight against her into an unusually strong hug.

Twilight pushed her face into Fluttershy's neck as she had so many times lately. It made her feel better, safe. There was nowhere that Twilight would rather be than in the hooves of her loving marefriend. She knew she was becoming too reliant on her, too attached. It normally wouldn't be a bad thing but Twilight knew that she would be spending the night alone. She'd promised Fluttershy she wouldn't make a big deal about it either. She would swallow her emotions and let her marefriend go later in the day. It was only one night after all, everything would be fine. She hoped. She pushed those thoughts aside and focused only on the wonderful feeling of Fluttershy's mane against her cheek. She always felt bad for allowing her tears to fall on Fluttershy's fur, but as usual Fluttershy was the perfect marefriend.

"Twilight I'm so sorry. Princess Cadance didn't know." Soft strokes were delivered down the back of Twilight's head. Fluttershy was trying to be as comforting as she could. Every time she watched Twilight break down like this she felt a another fragment of her heart shatter. She hoped her heart would hold together, for Twilight's sake. Oh, how she wished she could take all of Twilight's pain onto herself. Even if it was just for a little while. If she could just give Twilight one pain free day...

Twilight tried to keep her sobs as silent as possible. She didn't want her brother and former foalsitter to hear her cry. It was all becoming so difficult, too much for her. Why couldn't at least the last little while of her life be spent peaceful? Everything that she was pushing onto Fluttershy must be unbearable. She wished she could find a way to stop but she needed this, needed her. Without Fluttershy Twilight was even beginning to think she wouldn't be able to make it through everything. After several minutes of silent sobs Twilight finally pulled herself away. Fluttershy tried her best to give Twilight a reassuring smile, something the unicorn was grateful for.

"I love you, Twilight Sparkle. What can I do? What can I do to make you feel better?" The softest of nuzzles was delivered to Twilight.

Twilight hiccuped and giggled as quietly as she could. "A kiss might help me feel a little better..." Twilight murmured, embarrassed.

Fluttershy leaned forward and gave Twilight a soft peck on the lips. "Feel better?"

"Yes but I think another one might make me feel even better." Twilight gave her marefriend a sly grin.

Fluttershy's lips curved upwards as an idea formed in her mind. "In that case..." Fluttershy approached the quizzical Twilight. Fluttershy suddenly leaned forward and delivered several quick, small kisses to Twilight's lips. They came so quickly and uncoordinated that Twilight couldn't even return all of them. The quick pecks delivered onto Twilight's lips evolved into pecks delivered onto her cheeks. Fluttershy then pressed slower, more delicate kisses down Twilight's neck then back up her cheek to playfully nip at her marefriend's ear.

Twilight let out a continuous stream of giggling as Fluttershy showered her with kisses. In that moment Twilight's mind wasn't thinking about her problems any more. Even if if the pain was going to return soon she was happy at that moment. And that was all that mattered.

"Feeling better now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Much. Thank you for that and for everything you put up with." This time it was Twilight's turn to kiss Fluttershy.

"I'm glad to, so long as it's for you." An affectionate nuzzle. Fluttershy sighed. She didn't want to have to bring this up, especially since she'd only just cheered Twilight up. "You need to tell them,...L-love." Fluttershy stuttered on the term of endearment.

Twilight tilted her head and Fluttershy only blushed in response. "I'm sorry. Would you...Prefer darling? Or something else, maybe...?"

"No, I liked the first one. Just, you've never called me that before. I remember reading that couples often have special terms of endearment for each other. I liked it when you called me that. It was...Sweet." Twilight said.

"Thank you, but-"

"I know, I have to. I guess it really is time isn't it?" Twilight's mood instantly dropped again.

"It is..." Fluttershy tried to put a good spin on it. "But I'll be there with you every step of the way, okay love?" Fluttershy smiled to herself. She thought she could get used to calling Twilight that.

Twilight hesitated. There were still some things she wanted to talk to Fluttershy about, some of the things she'd thought about as she'd broke down only minutes before. It would have to wait though. Telling her family was important. "Let's do it." Twilight started heading back towards her guests.

Break a leg. came an all too familiar voice.

Twilight froze on the spot and watched as the world once again faded to grey. Fluttershy froze, the world froze and so did her heart. The lavender mare was so sick of having her doppelgänger interfere in her life. She definitely wasn't in the mood either, she had enough to deal with without having psychotic episodes. At least she knew how things would work. Thanks to her previous encounter she knew it would appear as though she were talking to herself. As though she were crazy, which Twilight supposed she was at this point.

Twilight looked around, trying to locate whom she knew would appear at any moment. She spun on her hooves over and over again, straining to figure out where her demented self would come from. Eventually she stopped, she was just beginning to think maybe her other wasn't going to show up when without warning she appeared in front of Twilight.

"Boo!" She shouted forcing Twilight to squeal and stumble backwards, landing on her rump.

"Not again..." Twilight murmured to herself. She lay on her belly as she had last time. Her hooves were firmly planted in her ear. I just want it to stop...Please, make it stop.

Nothing was happening, no voices in her head and no painful images. Twilight hesitantly looked up, the unicorn was praying the darker side of her would be gone; nowhere to be seen. Her wish wasn't granted. Her sickness stood atop her but something was different. She didn't possess a smirk on her lips and there was no malice in her eyes. Instead with a hoof gesture she invited Twilight to sit up; not knowing what else to do the unicorn obliged.

Darklight, the name Twilight had cleverly just come up with to separate herself from Darklight, sighed. A guilty frown was on her lips and she turned to face Twilight. "I really have been pretty bad to you lately, haven't I?"

Twilight blinked. That wasn't what she'd been expecting at all. "I..." The lavender mare couldn't even find a response.

"Going through what you are must be difficult, and deep down it is all my fault." Darklight seemed so...Sad.

"I don't understand." Twilight wasn't going to allow herself to be lulled into a false sense of security. "You hate me, you're essentially draining the life from me." These were facts. Indisputable and judging from their previous encounters Twilight was sure Darklight was enjoying her job.

"I know. It's not my fault though. It's just what I am but now I want to help you." A smile twisted itself onto her lips. It seemed genuine on the surface but it looked wrong on Darklight's lips. "For real."

"H-how?" Twilight asked hesitantly. A cure? Am I going to be saved? Am I going to get the life with Fluttershy I want? All these questions raced through her mind and despite her best efforts she felt something she didn't want to. Hope. Her nature was forcing her to make the best of the situation, believe in Darklight. After all Darklight was essentially a part of her, and Twilight knew that she was genuinely a good pony. Twilight was good, but of course she had a bit of darkness in her too. Therefore it stood to reason that Darklight, although essentially bad, had a bit of good in her as well. Perhaps she was tapping into it.

"I don't know that it's a perfect solution, but you won't have to suffer any more Twilight. Your sorrow, your pain you can take it all away. You have the power to do that, you know. Nopony will worry about you anymore, your friends will be free from their worrying too. It would help everypony. Isn't that what you want?" Darklight's voice was honey-coated. It all sounded to good to be true. Twilight felt as though she were falling into a trance, simply listening, ready to obey without question.

"I'd like that." Twilight whispered. Her eyes glazed over, and an overwhelming sense of freedom washed over her.

"Then do it. You can be free, finally. Take freedom. For yourself."

It sounded so good, a smile came to Twilight's lips. "Freedom..."

"Take this, Twilight and reclaim what you've lost." Darklight whispered almost seductively into Twilight's ear as she pushed an object into Twilight's hooves.

None of it made sense, yet somehow it made complete sense. Twilight knew what she had to do.

Twilight nodded and slowly raised the object. She was indescribably happy. The images going through here mind were some of the oddest she'd ever seen, she couldn't even truly describe them. Her friends were there though, and happy for here. They were waiting for her and she could hear them calling for her. Especially Fluttershy. She was screaming louder than all the others, desperate for Twilight to join her. Twilight smiled one final time before raising her hoof to her neck and...

Author's Note:

Holy crap? Did I actually just do that? I think I did. I had two options, and I chose the one that involved splitting this chapter up into three as opposed to two. This is nuts, I honestly never planned to have something like this happened. Obviously we all have to wait until part three to find out what really happened in the, uh,..."real world" I guess. I promised intensity and longer so I hope this fits the bill. Now to go find those pesky errors that keep appearing....I challenged myself to have none.

Hope you enjoy!