• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 8,540 Views, 423 Comments

Disease in the Darkness - Kaii-Leiko

Unfortunately dabbling in dark magic has left Twilight with a deadly disease that there does not seem to be a cure for.

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Letting It Out

A few days went by and finally Twilight was released from the hospital. All of her friends had offered in one way or another to help her. She'd declined all the offers though. She wanted to be alone for a little while. She even sent Spike to stay with Fluttershy (who was more than glad to welcome the baby dragon into her home.) The walk home was miserable. She'd kept her horn bandaged up to prevent people from seeing the crack in it. It made her feel embarrassed, even though it wasn't her fault.

When she returned home she thought she would be relieved. Maybe even a little happy at returning to all her books. Instead she felt nothing. Looking around her home she realized she just didn't care about anything. She didn't feel like doing anything. She didn't feel like studying, reading or writing; and performing magic was out of the question. She was told she may still be able to perform simple spells for a time but it wasn't worth the risk of that head-splitting pain she'd experienced last time.

For the next three days Twilight never left the library. In fact she spent most of her time in her bed. Sometimes she would pace around the house, thinking about her situation. She tried to not do that too often or she would just end up angering or upsetting herself. She didn't eat and drank only the occasional glass of water. Each of her friends had come knocking on her door over the last three days but she'd ignored them every time. She wasn't quite ready to see anyone. Deep down Twilight knew this was unhealthy and the opposite of what she should be doing but the unicorn couldn't help it. Every time she saw her broken horn she felt fragile and as though she'd lost so much more. In reality she had. She identified herself with her magic, had spent a lifetime studying it. Then in the blink of an eye it was gone. It was the most awful feeling in the world and Twilight wished it would just disappear.

On the afternoon of the third day though there came a gentle knocking on the door. There was only one pony she knew who knocked liked that. Even though the kindest of all ponies, literally, was knocking at her door Twilight couldn't be bothered to answer it. Much to her surprise though the knocking didn't subside. It would come back every few minutes, much to Twilight's annoyance. I guess I can't hide out in here forever. she thought to herself as she decided to answer the door. When Twilight did answer the door, Fluttershy (Twilight was right in her assumption of who was at the door.) was shocked at what she saw.

The purple unicorn had large bags under her eyes, this told Fluttershy that her friend hadn't been sleeping very well. Twilight's mane was unkempt. Her usual brilliant lavender coat had lost it's shine and much to Fluttershy's dismay Twilight's eyes seemed to hide only pain behind them. It broke the pegasus' heart to see her friend like this.

"Um, hi Twilight...I hope I'm not bothering you...I just haven't seen you in a few days and thought maybe we could, um, catch up. If you don't mind that is...Could I maybe, um, come in, please?" Fluttersy was careful with her words, unsure of Twilight's mental state.

"Oh. Sure, Fluttershy. Come on in."

Twilight waved the Pegasus inside. They both took a seat at the dining room table. The unicorn rested her chin on her forelegs looking up at her guest. She showed no intention of starting small talk so Fluttershy tried instead. Much to her dismay every attempt at beginning a conversation was either shrugged off or she was given one worded response's. The yellow mare desperately thought of something to say when the silence was broken by the gargling of Twilight's stomach.

"Oh my, Twilight. When was the last time you ate?" Fluttershy asked, a little relieved this had given her an excuse to say something.

"I think the last time I ate something was at the hospital." She replied in a monotone.

Fluttershy grew more concerned. Had her friend really not realized how long ago that was? "That was three days ago Twilight!"

"Has it really been that long already?" She seemed unconcerned with that news.

"We need to get some food in you!"

True to her name, Fluttershy fluttered about Twilight's kitchen. She was preparing a simple yet nutritious salad for her friend. She hummed a soft lullaby and Twilight couldn't help but notice the care her guest put into her cooking. She took her time to dice all the vegetables so they looked nice. She even arranged the salad so it was visually appealing in the bowl! Fluttershy placed the dish before her hungry friend. She blinked, giving Twilight an expectant look. Not wanting to disappoint Twilight gingerly began eating the salad. Much to her surprise she actually felt much better when she'd finished. She looked up at her friend as she licked her lips. She recalled what Fluttershy had said after saving Twilight and her friends from the Manticore. Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness... Twilight thought to herself. It was true, Fluttershy's little kindness had went a long way.

"Thank you, Fluttershy." Twilight's voice had real emotion now. Her eyes softened as she looked at her friend and gave her a smile. The first smile she'd managed to form since receiving her tragic news.

"Oh, um, it was nothing Twilight. Just a salad..." Fluttersy's cheeks reddened a little, embarrassed at such a reaction over a salad.

"But it meant a lot to me. Thank you."

A few moments of silence passed and Fluttershy couldn't help but glance up at Twilight's horn. Twilight, of course, noticed and suddenly wished she'd kept it bandaged up. She knew Fluttershy wouldn't mock her, the pegasus better than anyone knew the pain words could inflict. Twilight, however, wasn't expecting her friend to ask what she did.

"Does it hurt, Twilight?" Fluttershy wasn't asking for the sake of asking, she wasn't trying to make small talk. She was genuinely concerned for Twilight.

Twilight didn't even have to ask what her friend meant. "Uh, no. It really hurt at first though. I'm just glad the pain is gone, but doing magic is out of the question. I don't want to risk even a little of that pain returning. I don't think I could handle it..." Her words trailed off as in her mind she relived the events of three days ago.

"I'm very sorry Twilight. That must be difficult." Fluttershy knew she wouldn't be able to understand what Twilight was going through, but she could definitely try and be supportive. She still hadn't stopped to think that in just a few short months from now she may never have the chance to support Twilight again.

"My magic is all I had." Twilght's voice cracked.

"Huh?" The pegasus' wasn't trying to be rude. With Twilight's current state she just hadn't expected the unicorn to start opening up like that.

"Ever since I was a filly my magic is all I ever had." Twilight continued. Her eyes grew moist as she spoke. "I've spent my entire life studying magic. Perfecting what I knew. I've always been eager to learn more. Heck my Element of Harmony is magic. And then in the blink of an eye it's gone. How unfair is that...?" Twilight's voice took a dark tone at the end.

"I know, Tw-" Fluttershy didn't have a chance to finish.

The unicorn looked up towards her guest. "This is happening to me because I tried to learn more." The sadness seemed to melt into bitterness. Twilight thought back to everything she'd done for Equestria. "I saved Princess Luna with the Elements of Harmony! I stopped Discord from sending Equestria into chaos! I stopped Queen Chrysalis from destroying Canterlot and I stopped Sombra from enslaving the Crystal Empire again!" Twilight was shouting now. "And for everything I've done I get to die!? It's not fair!

Twilight looked up to see Fluttershy's heart broken expression. Now it was her anger that melted away and she broke down. She'd been holding it in for three days and she couldn't take it any more. The lavender mare just let the tears fall freely. They stained the fur on her cheeks as the slid down only to shatter on the ground with the impact. She'd always tried to be a good pony. She'd never hurt anypony and now she had to die and she didn't understand what she'd done to deserve this.

Fluttershy reacted instantly. She made her way to Twilight. She wrapped her forelegs around the sobbing mare and held her head close against her chest. She hummed softly and kept whispering to Twilight that everything would be okay. Twilight knew this was a lie, but she was grateful for it. Hearing it come from Fluttershy she almost believed it. Twilight was unsure how long she spent sobbing into Fluttershy. She only stopped when she'd felt cried out and her eyes refused to produce any more tears.She'd been there to leave a large wet spot on the pegasus' fur.

Twilight looked up to her friend and between sobs managed to speak. "Th-there's so many things I've never been able to do or experience. There's so many books I still want to read. Still so-so many things I wanted to learn. I-I'm going to die having never been kissed, or gone on a first date. I've never even been able to confess to the pony that I have a crush on! I-I-I wasted my en-entire life r-reading and now I finally have fr-friends and I'm not ready to leave them. I'm not ready to leave you Fluttershy, or the others. I'm not!"

Fluttershy used her hoof to stroke Twilight's cheek softly. Every since they'd become friends Twilight had always believed in her. Twilight had always been there for her and it was Fluttershy's turn to be strong for Twilight. No matter what. Out of all of her friends Twilight is the one who'd always been by her side and never doubted her. Even when the others thought maybe Fluttershy would get in the way Twilight was first to stay otherwise. She leaned her forehead against the purple unicorns head, being careful not to accidentally hit her horn. She whispered soothingly to Twilight. Truth be told Fluttershy wasn't ready for Twilight to leave either.

"I'm here for you Twilight, and I will be so long as you need me. Right up until the...End." Fluttershy choked over the last word. She was holding her own tears back. She couldn't stand to cry right now, not in front of Twilight the way she was now. "And you still have time to do those things Twilight. I'll help you. Just tell me the stallion you have a crush on. We can go see him together. I'm, um, not very good at that stuff but I'll do my best. I haven't done any of those things either."

If you only knew, Fluttershy... was all Twilight could think to herself. The irony of those words almost made her want to laugh. Almost. She wiped her eyes and glanced up at Fluttershy. She was thinking of how to respond. She felt like such a baby, and so selfish. She didn't have to make Fluttershy feel bad over this, did she? Just because she was suffering it didn't mean she had to bring her friends down as well. Twilight just wasn't sure she could put on a brave face for the next few months.

She didn't have much time left. She thought back on all the opportunities she'd had to tell Fluttershy she loved her. Over the time they'd been friends she'd come to admire the pegasus' kindness. She found her shyness adorable and endearing. She'd never seen Fluttershy as weak like some other ponies, but instead saw the strength inside of her. Twilight had always told herself she would muster the courage to do it next time. Now there wasn't any time left though. There may not be a next time and she couldn't afford to wait any longer. She took a deep breath and raised her head up. She pressed her lips against Fluttershy's in a soft yet powerful kiss.

Twilight did panic a little at first but when Fluttershy returned the kiss she knew everything would be okay. She raised her forelegs around the pegasus' neck and brought her in for a deeper kiss. It was the first time she was happy to be feeling anything in the last three days. It made her heart speed up and made her stomach feel as though it were full of butterflies. During that moment she actually believed she might be happy again, even if only for a little while, before the end. Eventually, however, it came time to pull away. Twilight was panting softly. She'd been so reluctant to pull her lips away. Not only because of how good it had felt but also because she was not sure she was quite ready to deal with the possible repercussions. Fluttershy was looking down at her, still holding the unicorn against her chest. Her cheeks were red and she was clearly embarrassed. The yellow mare was using parts of her pink locks to hide her face.

"You're the one...I have a..." Twilight didn't even bother to finish that sentence. She wasn't even sure why she'd said it. From her actions it was obvious. "I'm sorry Fluttershy, what's happening shouldn't give me an excuse to just -"

"No, Twilight it's, um, okay...I know it's selfish but when I heard the news I was worried I might never get a chance to tell you...It's just, um, I, um..." Fluttershy stopped talking. She had to calm down or else she would just put "um" after every word. She took a calming breath before going on. "I've always been so impressed with you. You've always been so confident and strong and talented. You were everything that I wish I could be. You were so beautiful too, and always so kind. I couldn't help but start to fall for you...I hope you, um, don't mind..."

Twilight's eyes became moist again and she wasn't even sure why. The purple mare wasn't sure what this meant for her and Fluttershy. She wasn't sure if Fluttershy would want to truly be with her due to the circumstances. All she knew is that at some point her crush had evolved and she was now in love with the beautiful pegasus who had come here just to comfort her. She wasn't quite ready to say it aloud yet. All she could do was hope for the best. She'd finally managed to get thoughts of her broken horn out of her head.

She may not be able to mend her horn, but she could definitely bring hers and Fluttershy's lips together again.


Author's Note:

To be honest I'm quite pleased with this chapter. I think I managed to keep Fluttershy and Twilight in character quite well...I'm sure if I didn't someone will tell me, hehe.