• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 4,664 Views, 333 Comments

The Last Equestrian Princess - Dr_DeDeDe

This is the story of seven friends and the years that tried to keep them apart. Princess Twilight Sparkle has loved more and lost more than anypony else. At the end of everything she remembers all she learned from all the times she said goodbye.

  • ...

Changing Trains

Changing Trains




“Checked in.”

“Carry on?”

“Right here.”

“Photo album?”


“Quills and parchment?”


“School Uniforms?”

“Altered, pressed and packed-thank you Rarity.”

You’re welcome, dear.”


“Ordered and shipped to the dorm.”



“Neighponese bittos?”

“Got my cash converted at mall yesterday.”

“Are you sure the Neighponese bank is handling your accounts correctly? I know Celestia more or less oversaw the transfer but if there’s a problem with your money, we should-”

“Will you quit yer fussin already, Twilight?” Applejack said, leaning over the back of her seat as the train rumbled along the tracks from Ponyville to Canterlot. “Spike’s had all his ducks in a row for weeks now.”

“I know, I know.” Twilight sighed. “Can you really blame me for double checking though? It’s not like Spike can just pop back here in a flash if he forgets something.”

“Relax, Twilight.” Spike said. “Years of putting up with your anal retentive organization habits have rubbed off on me. I have lists to organize my lists of things I need to take with me; you worry too much.”

“Worrying too much is what I do, Spike.” Twilight said, rolling up her list and stashing it in a saddlebag. “And seeing as I’m going to be robbed of my worrying privileges for the foreseeable future, I think I’m entitled to use this little train ride to fuss over you and embarrass the spines off your back. Now did you remember the embroidered “We Love Spikey Wikey” blanket we stitched for you or-”

“What?!” Spike said.

“Oh don’t worry Twilight.” Rarity said. “I had it airmailed to his dorm wrapped in wrapping paper printed with his baby pictures.”

Ha ha.” Spike said. “You guys are hilarious; truly top notch yuksters.”

“What makes you think we’re kidding?” Twilight said.

“Y-you are kidding, right?” Spike said.

“I guess you’ll find out.” Rarity said sharing a wink and a laugh with Twilight.

“Oh come on that is so not even close to funny!” Spike said as his friends shared a laugh at his expense. “I don’t want to get my tail kicked on the first day of new school!”

Next stop, Canterlot Station.” A tinny mechanical voice called from over the intercom. “Canterlot Station Fifteen Minutes. Please make sure you have all of your belongings and exit the train on the left side when we come to a complete stop. Canterlot Station Fifteen Minutes.”

“Wow…been a while since we’ve been to the city.” Applejack mused as the spires of Canterlot came into view. “With Braeburn comin up from Appleoosa to help with expandin the back forty, I guess I haven’t had the time.”

“I was here a few weeks ago dealing with the Wonderbolt audition.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Heard anything about that yet?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Well…it’s kinda complicated.” Rainbow Dash said.

“What’s complicated about it?” Twilight asked. “I read in the Canterlot Sun that your tailwind blew over the judges’ table when you flew past them; how are they not begging you to join?”

“Wonderbolts aren’t just about speed, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said. “I got called back for the team auditions tomorrow but if I don’t sync well with my potential wingmares it doesn’t matter how fast I can fly. Besides, there’s that whole…Spitfire thing.”

“What about her?” Twilight said. “I thought she was captain of the Wonderbolts.”

Was being one of the operative words.” Rainbow Dash said. “She blew her left pectoralis trying to do a Reverse Super McVarial 900. She keeps saying that she’s going to come back but…it’s hard to come back from an injury like that. And her CO, Soarin is more of a Draft Horse than a team leader so-”

Draft Horse?” Twilight said.

“Big guy, strong wings.” Rainbow Dash said. “Flies in front to break the wind so the stunt fliers can draft behind him and use his slipstream to gain speed without killing their wings. Soarin’s a total workhorse and the Wonderbolts couldn’t function without him but he doesn’t have the agility or maneuvering that Spitfire has…had…has. Not to mention the fact that Spitfire coordinated all of the stunts that made the Wonderbolts famous. Now that she's laid up, the whole team is out of whack. She’s lead the Wonderbolts for so long that it’s going to be almost impossible to find somepony to replace her.”

“Hmm…that is a pickle… if only there was an up and coming young speedster who idolized the Wonderbolts to swoop in and support the team with their leader on the mend….but where in the world are they gonna find one of those?” Applejack said, nudging Rainbow Dash playfully.

“Seriously, Dashie, why are you even stressing it?” Pinkie Pie said. “You’re a shoe in for sure!”

“Hey, I know I can fly; that’s not the problem.” Rainbow Dash said. “But Spitfire wasn’t just a great flyer; she's a great leader. She made the team what it is today and I don’t know if I can measure up to that.”

“Wow, they haven’t even offered you the job yet and you’re already got your eye on the boss’ chair.” Applejack chuckled. “Let it never be said that you don’t dream big, Rainbow.”

“I don’t have the stamina for wingmare and Surprise and Rapidfire have that down. Soarin’s the Draft Horse, Fleetfoot always brings up the tail so the only position open now that Spitfire is down is Pointmare and Pointmare always leads.” Rainbow Dash said. “I can do the stunts and take direction well enough but leading is just…look, I don’t want steal Spike’s thunder. We’re not gonna see him for years and I’m yakking away about my job prospects.”

“I don’t mind; I’m going to be out of the Equestrian aerial sports gossip loop for a couple of years anyway.” Spike chortled. “Besides, they’re not gonna put you in charge on your first day, right?”

“I guess…” Rainbow Dash said.

“You’re gonna kill that audition tomorrow; that’s all you need to worry about.” Spike said. “Whatever happens after that, you can worry about later.”

“Yeah...you’re right.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Never thought I’d be getting a pep talk from a high school student.”

“Dragons are wise creatures, Rainbow Dash.” Spike said solemnly, eliciting a barely suppressed snort of laughter from Pinkie Pie.

“Sorry.” Pinkie Pie said. “Just had something in my-hey look at all the cameras!”

They pulled into the station and Twilight’s stomach dropped as she saw dozens of reporters lining the platform. As their train rolled to a stop, they all turned and started crowding the windows and doors, cameras snapping rapidly.

“Oh are you kidding me?!” Twilight groaned, pulling her window curtain closed and ducking behind her seat. “Celestia said she was going to create a diversion so I could see Spike off without the paparazzi breathing down my neck!”

“How did they even find out when we were taking him?” Pinkie Pie said. “You changed the departure time so many times to throw the press off, I didn’t know when we were leaving until you told me!”

“Rarity, give me your hat and scarf; quick!” Twilight hissed, donning the broad brimmed hat and wrapping the scarf around her head. “Okay, come on!”

Ducking behind the seats, Twilight led her friends down the train and towards the end of the platform. Cautiously poking her head out the door, Twilight beckoned Rainbow Dash and the others to follow her. They were almost off the train when suddenly-

“There she is!” Twilight looked up to see the small mob of journalists and photographers stampeding their way

“I’m sorry everypony.” Twilight sighed. “But I’m just seeing a friend off and I was wondering if you could give me a moment of privac-ooph!” Twilight grunted as she was unceremoniously shoved aside and nearly trampled by the throng of reporters crowding around the train door.

“She’s over here!” One reporter cried. “Rainbow Dash! Hey Rainbow Dash!”

“Over here, Rainbow Dash!”

“Just a quick word Rainbow Dash!”

“Can you comment on Captain Spitfire’s recent wing injury? Is she planning on returning to active duty?”

“Uh... well you know Spitfire’s doing everything she...uh...can...” Rainbow Dash said, clearly stupefied by the dozens of questions being thrown her way.

“Are the Wonderbolts finished?”

No! No way! Listen, it’s-”

“Is it true that you’re taking Spirfire’s position in the Wonderbolts? Did she receive the wing injury in an attempt to show you up after your impressive tryout?”

What?!” Rainbow Dash said. “No! Why would she-”

“Does Captain Spitfire feel threatened by your latest performance?!”

“Rainbow Dash, how do you respond to the rumors that you’re using speed enhancing potions to perform your stunts?!”

What speed enhancing potions?!” Rainbow Dash spluttered

“Is it true you engineered Spitfire’s accident to take her job?!”

“How would I have done that?!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Scientists say that you shouldn’t be able to break the sound barrier without breaking every bone in your body; do you have a response?!”

“Are you planning a coup with the other Wonderbolts to oust Spitfire now that she’s injured herself?!”

“Is it true that you dye your mane to hide your advancing age?!”

Excuse me?!” Rainbow Dash said

“Commander Soarin said that you had a record breaking tryout and that you’re an excellent flyer; how long have you been romantically involved with Soarin?”

“R-romantically involved?!” Rainbow Dash echoed

“Is it true that Spitfire is leaving the Wonderbolts due to your affair with Commander Soarin?”

“No, she doesn’t even know about-I mean nothing is happening between me and Soarin!” Rainbow Dash said

“Rumor has it that you’re working with Princess Luna to form a rival flying squad to compete against the Wonderbolts! Why are you trying to destroy the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash?! Is this bitterness over your romantic rivalry with Spitfire?!”

“Why do you hate Spitfire so much, Rainbow Dash?”

I don’t!” Rainbow Dash said

“What do you say to the rumors of steroid abuse in the Wonderbolt locker room?!”

“Is Fleetfoot pregnant with Rapidfire’s foal?!”

“That’s…that’s their business!” Rainbow Dash said. “Ask them!”

“Why no shoes Rainbow Dash?!”

“Gentleponies, gentleponies, please!” Rarity said suddenly, pushing her way in front of Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash would be happy to answer any questions you may have-”

“I would?!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes she would.” Rarity said, shooting Rainbow Dash a meaningful look. “She would be happy to keep you all busy for a little while, wouldn’t she?”

Rainbow Dash looked from Rarity to Twilight to Spike and finally sighed in resignation. “Okay, everypony!” She called, flying up above the crowd. “I’m gonna answer your first fifteen question so form a line and follow me!”

Rainbow Dash jetted off like a rocket trailing a stampede of reporters rabbling about rumors in her wake.

“Well…how about that.” Applejack said as the dust from the mob settled leaving Twilight and her friends alone on the platform.

“Our little Dashie’s all grown up and being hounded by the paparazzi.” Pinkie Pie sighed, wiping an imaginary tear away.

“You know…I’m relieved that I don’t have the entire associated press stalking my every move, I really am. But at the same time…I’m offended.” Twilight said, scratching her head. “I know I shouldn’t be offended that the press forgot about me already but…I am.”

“They must not have recognized you all dolled up like Rarity.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah…I guess.” Twilight said

“Honeymoon’s over, honey.” Applejack chuckled. “You're just another politician now.”

“Well as long as Rainbow Dash has got their attention…” Rarity said, examining the train schedule posted on the wall. “We may as well get to Spike’s platform while we have the privacy.”

Rarity led their little group to a secluded part of the station where the international trains came and went. An electric billboard announced the trains coming and going:

Twilight glanced at the clock on the wall; 2:15.

“Looks like we have some time to kill.” Twilight said, levitating Spike’s luggage behind her as she led the group over to Track 3. She glanced around to see if there was anypony watching and then quickly pulled a chain up to block the doorway. Spike was the only one on the platform and a quick check of the train records (through minor abuse of royal powers) showed that he was the only one departing from the Canterlot station. Which was good; Twilight preferred to avoid the crowds wherever she could.

“Well, as long as we’re here-” Pinkie Pie said, rustling around in her saddlebags for a moment before producing a small box with a red button on it. “I thought we could have a few snacks before Spike goes!” Pinkie pressed the button and the box began shaking violently.

“Uh…Pinkie?” Applejack said, edging away from the box. “What exactly do ya got there?”

“It’s a Party Box, silly!” Pinkie Pie said as the rumbling intensified. “Just pack everything you need for a party in the box and with a press of the button-”

Pinkie was cut off as the box burst open sending cupcakes and pastries splattering everywhere. Rarity screamed, diving behind Spike and Twilight as they caught a face full of fruit pie. Within moments, the entire train platform was coated in fruit and processed sugar.

“Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said, wiping raspberry jam out of her eyes. “Was that…supposed to happen?”

“N-not exactly.” Pinkie Pie chuckled, wiping the custard out of her eyes. “I did base the designs off of my Party Cannon so I may have put a teensy weensy bit too much gunpowder in the delivery mechanism. Still have a couple of bugs to work out; there was supposed to be whipped cream to go with the berry tarts but-”

The box shuddered again just as Rarity lifted her head from behind Spike and Twilight and with a flatulent thrrp a jet of whipped cream erupted from the box and hit Rarity square in the face.

AHHHH!” Rarity cried. “Pinkie Pie!”

“Oh there’s the whipped cream!” Pinkie Pie cried. “Must’ve been a delay on Dessert Dispensing Spigot, I’m gonna have to look into that as soon as we get back.”

Getitoff getitoff getitoff getitoff getitoff getitoff getitoff getitoff getitoff GETITOFF!” Rarity wailed, frantically shaking her mane sending globules of cream flying everywhere.

“Oh re-lax, Rarity!” Pinkie Pie giggled.

RELAX?!” Rarity yelled. “Your little gizmo got cream in my mane! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get clotted dairy products out of hair?!”

“Lighten up!” Pinkie Pie said. “It’s not like you’re at a royal wedding or anything; who cares if you look a bit messy?”

“I care!” Rarity screeched. “A lady must always look her best on the off chance that she meets-"

“Oh dear, did we come at a bad time?”

Twilight looked up as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood surveying the sticky group before them with puzzled expressions.

“Oh kill me now.” Rarity moaned as a fresh drop of whipped cream slid off her limp, sticky mane with an audible splat. Everyone except Twilight immediately gave the arriving princesses a bow while Twilight settled for a nod and a small smile directed at Princess Celestia.

“Did you ladies pick a fight with a pastry chef?” Princess Luna said. “Or is this some new form of fashion that I’m unfamiliar with.”

“Um, w-well Your Highness, you see it’s…well…um…” Rarity babbled. “It’s a long story, really but it’s because-”

“Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said.

“Pinkie Pie?” Princess Celestia replied.

“Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said.

“Ohhh.” Princess Celestia said. “Pinkie Pie.”

“Your entourage seems to be one short today, Princess Twilight.” Princess Luna said. “I would have thought Rainbow Dash would have been here to see Spike off.”

“She was,” Twilight said. “But then-”

As if on cue, Rainbow Dash whipped around the corner and dove behind a trashcan, breathing heavily and shaking.

“Speak of the daredevil and she shall appear.” Princess Luna said.

“Everything alright, dear?” Rarity asked, offering Rainbow Dash her handkerchief.

“Those freaking reporters are relentless!” Rainbow Dash panted, dabbing her brow with Rarity’s handkerchief and passing it back to her. “I thought I was never gonna-dude, what happened to you guys?” Rainbow Dash said, looking the pastry splattered group over as a cupcake that stuck itself to the ceiling fell and impaled itself squarely on Rarity’s horn.

“Pinkie Pie.” Twilight sighed.

“Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash said.

"Pinkie Pie." Twilight said

"Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow Dash said, turning to an embarrassed looking Pinkie Pie

“Party Box.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Really?” Rainbow Dash said. “I thought there were still a few kinks you needed to work out?”

There are.” Rarity said darkly, earning a laugh from Spike and Pinkie Pie

“So how’d you manage to give them shutterbugs the slip?” Applejack asked Rainbow Dash.

“Told them Princess Celestia was spotted stuffing her face with cake at the bakery down the street and they ate it up like chumps.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “I swear, ever since that Gabby Gums fiasco-”

Ahem.” Princess Celestia coughed.

Oh crap.” Rainbow Dash moaned, turning to bow to Princess Celestia. “P-Princess! Didn’t see you there! Wh-what bring you to our neck of the woods!”

“Oh just taking time off from stuffing my face with cake to see Spike off.” Princess Celestia said brusquely. “But after this it’s straight back to the bakery for me for another round of marzipan fruitcake funneled directly into my mouth with a firehose.”

“Oh, hey, listen about that whole bakery thing, y-you know I was just f-fooling around trying to give the media the slip.” Rainbow Dash said nervously. “I-I’m sure you can understand being a massive celebrity yourself.”

Massive?” Princess Celestia said, raising an eyebrow

“N-no, I didn’t mean it like that!” Rainbow Dash said, chuckling nervously. “I’m just saying that somepony of your…uh…magnitude-”

Magnitude?” Princess Celestia said icily.

“Oh, shoot, no no no no, I didn’t mean it like that! I-I just meant that y-you probably know what it’s like to have reporters orbiting around you twenty-four seven!”

“And now you’re saying that I’m big enough to have my own orbit?!” Princess Celestia said.

“N-n-no I just…I just meant that…um…”

“Oh stop teasing the girl, Celestia.” Princess Luna said. “She’s going to dissolve into liquid rainbow.”

“Relax, Rainbow Dash, I’m just having fun with you.” Princess Celestia laughed, patting Rainbow Dash on the back.

“H-heh, good one Princess.” Rainbow Dash squeaked, wiping her brow.

“The reporters wouldn’t have believed the story about you being a cakehound so readily if it wasn’t true, Celestia.” Princess Luna said.

“Luna!” Princess Celestia said blushing furiously.

“Don’t play coy with me, sister; you’ve been eyeing that cupcake stuck to Rarity’s horn for the past five minutes.” Princess Luna.

Luna!” Princess Celestia hissed as the small group shared a laugh at the princess’ expense.

“So…anyway.” Applejack said, wiping a tear of laughter away. “Did y’all come down to say goodbye to Spike too?”

“Yes.” Princess Celestia said. “Well, actually, I had hoped to speak to Spike privately before I-before he leaves. I have something I would like to give him.”

“Uh,” Spike turned to Twilight who nodded him on after a split second deliberation. “Yeah, sure.”

Twilight watched as the two of them walked to the end of the platform, princess and dragon talking quietly between themselves. Twilight strained her ears to try and eavesdrop only to find her ears filled with a low buzzing noise every time she tried to make out what they were saying.

“What d’ya think they’re talkin about?” Applejack whispered.

“Who knows?” Twilight said.

“Want me to get in closer and try and get the scoop?” Rainbow Dash said. “I can’t hear anything they’re saying over this obnoxious buzzing noise.”

“That’s the Busybody Barricade charm.” Twilight said. “It prevents eavesdropping, overhearing and spying of any kind. Shining Armor used to use it all the time when he and Cadence were studying in his room.”

Rarity and Applejack shared a brief look. “Studying?”

“Yeah, Cadence was over pretty much every other day after school studying for their high school exams.”

“With a spell that keeps folks from listenin in on them?” Applejack said.

“Yep.” Twilight said. “Shining Armor said they needed complete silence and privacy to study for their exams. It must have been pretty tough for them because they always came downstairs flushed and manes frizzled…and no matter how hard they studied, they never seemed to do all that well on their exams.”

“Uh…Twilight?” Rainbow Dash said. “I don’t think they were getting much studying done.”

“Of course they were!” Twilight laughed. “Why else would they sequester themselves away for hours at a time in the privacy of Shining Armor’s…bedroom….” Twilight trailed off, eyes glazing over.

“Give her a moment.” Princess Luna said. Twilight’s eye twitched for a moment as twelve years of belated realization slammed into her with the force of a runaway freight train.

“Wh-while they were supposed to be watching me?!”Twilight gasped. “While they were supposed to be studying?!”

“Years after she graduates, Twilight Sparkle finally understands high school students.” Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Oh, I swear, the next time I see him I’m going to give Shining Armor a piece of my-” Twilight stopped short, feigning a cough to cover her embarrassment. Nopony noticed her little slip or if they did, they pretended not to.

At the end of the platform, Princess Celestia withdrew a worn leatherbound book from her aide’s saddlebag and passed it to Spike with a few soft words. Spike ran his talons over the cover reverently, paging through the covers as Princess Celestia withdrew a second book, new and shiny. Spike went to open it but Princess Celestia gently laid a hoof on the cover, fixing Spike with stern look and speaking quickly.

“Can’t you drop the barrier or something?” Rainbow Dash said.

“I could.” Twilight conceded. “But I won’t. Celestia practically raised Spike from the time I hatched him and if she wants to speak with Spike privately…she’s certainly earned it.”

“So you and my sister are on better terms now, I take it?” Princess Luna said

“We’re back on speaking terms.” Twilight said. “And even if we weren’t-”Princess Celestia bent down and Spike wrapped his arms around her neck in a tight hug. “Even if we weren’t I wouldn’t intrude on their time together.”

Spike and Princess Celestia made their way back from the end of the platform just the platform started shaking as a sleek silver train rolled to a stop beside the platform.

“Hey…where are the guys pulling the train?” Rainbow Dash said, noting the absence of workponies hitched to the front.

“Must be one of them newfangled horseless trains.” Applejack said. “Heard they’re all the rage in Neighpon.”

“About time.” Princess Luna remarked. “The idea of ponies pulling ponies around in huge hunks of metal chained to their backs was a rather silly idea if you ask me.”

Good Afternoon." A tinny mechanical voice called out from one of the speakers on the platform. "The 2:45 to Sacramareto will begin boarding in a few moments. Passengers headed to Sacramareto or connecting with the 8:15 to Tatsumi Port Island will be able to board shortly. Please stand behind the yellow line until the doors open and your conductors indicate that it is safe to board. This message will repeat in Neighponese for your convenience. Konichiwa-

“This is me.” Spike said, stowing the books Princess Celestia gave him in his messenger bag.

“Do you have everything you need?” Twilight asked. “Where’s the rest of your luggage?”

“It’s getting loaded from the last train.”

“Okay, where’s your passport?” Twilight said.

“In my bag; they don’t check it until I get to the Sacramareto station.” Spike said.


“In my bag.” Spike said.

“Okay, what about your-”

“Twilight.” Spike said gently cutting her off. “I’m fine. I have everything I need.”

“Just checking.” Twilight mumbled as the doors to the train slid soundlessly open.

“All aboard the 2:45 to Sacramareto!” A conductor called from the engine car. “Please have your tickets ready!”

“Alright.” Spike said with a deep breath. “This is it.”

“We’re really going to miss you Spikey!” Pinkie Pie said, squeezing the young dragon in the tightest hug she could muster.

“You be sure to study hard now.” Applejack said, joining the embrace.

“Don’t study too hard.” Rainbow Dash said. “You don’t wanna end up like Twilight do you?”

Hey!” Twilight said.

“Do remember to write us every now and then.” Rarity said, fondly tousling Spike’s headspikes. "Take lots of pictures so we can see how you're doing."

“I will.” Spike promised. “And…Rarity?”

“Yes dear?” Rarity said.

Spike struggled with himself for a moment and once or twice he looked like he was about to say something. Finally he gave up and settled for smiling at her. “Nothing.”

Finally, Spike turned to Twilight. “Welp…this is it.”

“It sure is.” Twilight said. “Nervous?”

“Terrified.” Spike said with a grin. “In a good way, though.”

“You know you can come home anytime you want.” Twilight said.

“I know.” Spike said.

“Spike, I-”Twilight said before getting cut off by the train horn.

“Final call!” The conductor called. “All aboard for Sacramareto! Sacramareto, all aboard!”

“What are you waiting for?” Twilight said with a smile as Spike turned back to her. “You’re going to miss your train.”


“It’s okay.” Twilight said. “You have a train to catch."

With a brief glance back at his friends, Spike turned and crossed the threshold into the train. Twilight watched him through the window, waving at everypony on the platform. The baby dragon she hatched and helped raise getting on a train to study in a foreign country.

Her little helper…her little Spike.

Spike!” Twilight called out to him as the train doors closed

Spike stuck his head out the window as the train lurched from the station. “What?!”

In a heartbeat, Twilight blinked up onto the train in a flash of magic, throwing her arms around Spike and hugging him tightly.

“Twilight!” Spike said in surprise. “What are you-”

“I have studied under the greatest sorceress to ever live.” Twilight said. “I graduated from the most prestigious university of magic in the world. I have fought and triumphed over more evil things than anypony else. I have mastered literally thousands of magic spells and was crowned the Princess of Magic...and I can say with complete honesty that I have never been prouder of anything more than I am proud to have had the privilege of seeing you grow into a truly wonderful young dragon.”

“Twilight…” Spike said, eyes suddenly misty.

“I love you, Spike.” Twilight said. “And I couldn’t let you go without telling you just how proud I am of you.”

“Twilight.” Spike said.

“I know, that was probably cheesy,” Twilight said.

“No, Twilight!” Spike said.

“And I admit, I practiced that little speech last night in the bathroom mirror.” Twilight chuckled.

“Twilight!” Spike cried.

“What?” Twilight said.

“The train is leaving!” Spike said.

Twilight looked out the window to see her friends running after the train as the station disappeared in the distance. “Oh…crap.”

“Well that was dramatic.” Rainbow Dash said as Twilight trotted back up to the station.

“Sorry.” Twilight said, looking after the train as it rounded the corner and out of sight. “I just had to tell him one last thing.”

“Of course.” Princess Celestia said. The small group sat on the platform for a few moments, watching the smokestack from Spike’s train drift away into the balmy afternoon air.

“He’s gone.” Twilight sighed.

“He’s on his way.” Princess Celestia corrected. Princess Luna had shooed the rest of the group over to the other end of the platform to give Princess Celestia and Twilight a moment alone. “And he’s going to come back.”

“I know…” Twilight sighed. “It’s just going to be hard without him with me all the time.”

“I think I know exactly what you mean.” Princess Celestia said, regarding Twilight fondly. “I remember feeling the same way when my favorite student left to study in another town.”

Twilight blushed in spite of herself. “I-I’m sure you managed without me.”

“As you will without Spike.” Princess Celestia said.

“Thanks…for coming.” Twilight said. “It meant a lot to Spike.”

“It was my pleasure.” Princess Celestia said. “Are you returning to Ponyville right away?”

“Rainbow Dash has Wonderbolts callbacks tomorrow.” Twilight said. “We’re going to stay overnight to watch…why?”

“Oh…no reason.” Princess Celestia said. “I was just cleaning out some of the dustier section of the Royal Archives and I came upon some of Starswirl’s later work-”

“Before or after his time in the sanitarium?” Twilight asked.

“After.” Princess Celestia said.

“Really?” Twilight said. “I thought you personally made sure all of Starswirl’s later work was destroyed.”

“The first few unicorns to attempt his later spells wound up babbling in strange languages about hairless two legged giants watching every move we make once a week; can you blame me?” Princess Celestia said.

“No…I’m just wondering why one of his post-asylum books is suddenly cropping up when they were supposed to be destroyed.”

“I may have missed a few…on purpose.” Princess Celestia said. “I had hoped that one day I might be able to make sense of them but…I confess I’m as lost as the first sorcerers who tried to make sense of them and I was hoping that…if you had a few hours now and again you might be willing to-”

“Help you figure them out?” Twilight said. “You’ve had your hooves on them for centuries and you haven’t been able to figure them out; what makes you think I’d have any better luck than you?”

“Two in harmony can surpass one in perfection.” Princess Celestia said. “Not that I’m perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I figure the two of us could accomplish more together than I could alone.”

“Princess Luna wasn’t interested in helping out?” Twilight said.

“Luna has her own affairs to set in order.” Princess Celestia said. “And this Starswirl business is a bit of a personal pet of mine. I thought that given your previous interest and experience with Starswirl’s spells I thought you might consider…working with me again.”

“Working with you…like before Shining Armor’s funeral?” Twilight said.

“I don’t know if things are ever going to be the same as before.” Princess Celestia said. “But if you’d like...we could try to start again.”

Twilight looked down the track biting her lip thoughtfully. “Send me the notes.” She said after a long moment. “I’ll see what I can make of them during the tryouts and I’ll swing by the castle on my way back to Ponyville.”

“Thank you Twilight.” Princess Celestia said. “Truth be told…I really miss teaching you.”

“We’re working together on this; you’re not my teacher anymore.” Twilight said.

"Of course." Princess Celestia laughed.

“Besides you’ve pretty much taught me everything you know already.” Twilight said, turning to join her friends.

Not everything. Princess Celestia thought to herself. Not yet.

Author's Note:

So...not much happened in this chapter but I needed to set some stuff up for the rest of the story (Namely the Wonderbolts thing, Braeburn being in Ponyville and the books Celestia gave Spike.) Feel free to speculate on all of that.

Thanks for all the support! Like if you liked, dislike if you disliked (but please tell me why!) and leave a comment!

Next week is the end of Act 1! It's also the titular chapter! GET HYPE!