• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 4,664 Views, 333 Comments

The Last Equestrian Princess - Dr_DeDeDe

This is the story of seven friends and the years that tried to keep them apart. Princess Twilight Sparkle has loved more and lost more than anypony else. At the end of everything she remembers all she learned from all the times she said goodbye.

  • ...

Shattered Shields


For a time following her coronation, the life of Princess Twilight Sparkle was blessed in every sense of the word. There had been a few bumps in the road; an ancient megalomaniacal tyrant would rise every few months, as was par for the course in Equestria, but it was nothing Twilight and her friends hadn’t seen before.

Twilight also had to make the point of calling a town meeting to let everyone know that any bowing or royal name calling would result in immediate moon banishment (an empty threat, but nopony had to know that.)

For the most part, though, Twilight’s life went on as it had before she became the Princess of Magic. There were parties to go to, apples to harvest, winter to wrap up and, of course, books to be tended to. Certain someponies in Canterlot were apparently of the opinion that it was improper for a Princess of Equestria to live in a tree house and work as a common librarian.

(Twilight Sparkle was of the opinion that certain someponies in Canterlot were perfectly welcome to satisfy themselves with a cactus branch if they had a problem with it.)

In addition to advanced lessons in arcane sorcery from Princesses Celestia and Luna, Twilight also had to get a hang of her newest feathery appendages. In the first few weeks, she would forget that she had wings and get them trapped in doors, stuck in bushes, and accidentally knock things off tables. As embarrassing as it was for Celestia’s number one student, Twilight was eventually forced to swallow her pride and enroll herself in Ponyville Elementary ‘s Remedial Flying Lessons for Young Pegasi along Scootaloo, Pound Cake and the clumsy mailmare.

(This was apparently the funniest thing in the world in Rainbow Dash’s opinion as the mere sight of Princess Twilight Sparkle bumping into clouds and crashing into trees was enough to send her into uncontrollable fits of giggles.)

Peaceful months went on and on and Twilight started to fool herself into thinking that those days would never end; that she would spend the remainder of her days in Ponyville surrounded by friends with her only care being chasing down missing library books and occasionally saving all of Equestria from the forces of evil. She had a distant idea of the responsibilities that might be thrust upon her, but Princess Celestia was adamant that she remain with her friends and out of the public light as much as possible.

(In fact, the first time a paparazzo was found hiding in the bushes outside Twilight’s house, he was cordially introduced to the business ends of Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee. Needless to say, the tabloids found safer subjects to stalk.)

But such summer days couldn’t last forever and on a cold autumn morning, Twilight was visited by one Corporal Lancer of the United Equestrian Defense Force.

For everything that Twilight would eventually forget, she would always remember that day as clear as crystal.

She remembers being at her desk in the library, working on translating some obscure astrological text. She had been working with Luna the past few nights, struggling to get a hold of raising and lowering the moon. She was researching ancient lunar charts in the hopes of understanding the theory a little better when there came a knock at. She remembers calling for Spike to answer it but after a few minutes of no reply, she rose to answer it herself

She remembers opening the door, revealing a young military colt dressed head to hoof in starched white dress uniform. She remembers that he passed her a neatly folded letter on official looking stationary and said…something.

Something that she couldn't understand at first.

He began to talk very quickly, his eyes glued to the floor but it just sounded like noise to her; like a dull buzzing in her ears. What he was saying simply didn't make any sense.

“I’m sorry.” Twilight said, suddenly feeling light headed. “Could you please repeat what you said just now?”

She remembered the stallion wiping his brow with a powder blue pocket square, looking her in the eye and saying. “It is my unhappy duty to inform you that Commander Shining Armor of the United Crystal Equestrian Defense Force has been killed in action. Commander Armor was leading a platoon of…” The corporal went on after that, but Twilight couldn’t process what he had said. He mumbled on for some time before Twilight stopped him.

“I’m sorry, Corporal , I’m afraid you’re mistaken.” Twilight said. “My brother is the foremost expert on defense magic and practical military warding. He’s been in dozens of battles since he was a teenager and never even got so much as bruised tailbone.”

“I understand that, Your Highness, but there was an ambush at-”

“He’s added more than twenty-six shielding charms to the Grand Grimorie in Canterlot.” Twilight blundered on. “He wrote every book on the subject of personal defense. He had magical wards surrounding himself when he went to the beach for Celestia’s sake.”

“Be that as it may, the enemy employed shamans to ensure that his wards failed at-”

“His spells don’t fail!” Twilight snapped. “I enchanted the armor he wore myself!” A small crowd of her neighbors were gathering but Twilight paid them no mind. “The combined forces of Tartarus couldn’t put so much as a scratch on thatarmor and you expect me to believe that-that-” Twilight looked down at the letter the corporal had given her. “A roving war party of goblins” managed to take down one of the finest soldiers Equestria has ever seen?!”

“Twilight, is everything alright?” Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack pushed their way through the crowd of ponies surrounding her door to Twilight's side.

"We heard you hollerin from halfway across town." Applejack said. "Is everythin okay?"

“Oh, it’s nothing girls.” Twilight said, flippantly. “I was just explaining to this idiot here that the report he delivered is inaccurate.”

“I’m sorry, Princess Twilight, I-” The poor corporal looked around helplessly.

“Honestly, is this the level of competence my brother has to deal with on a daily basis?” Twilight ranted, plucking a quill and paper from inside the house and scribbling furiously on it. “I swear, when Princess Celestia hears about this-SPIKE!”

Spike wandered down the stairs, rubbing his eyes. “Yes, Your Highness?” He mumbled blearily.

“I need you to send this to Celestia ASAP.” Twilight said, violently folding her letter and practically cramming it in Spike’s mouth. “I’m lodging a formal complaint with the Princess about the lack of...competence in the army’s messenger service!”

“You want to fill us in on just why your hollerin this poor colt to death for?” Applejack asked, surveying the shaking young soldier.

“Just...look at this tripe for yourself.” Twilight said, thrusting the corporal ’s letter into Applejack’s face.

“Princess Twilight…we regret to inform you that Commander Shining Armor has been…” Applejack gasped.

“I know; it’s ridiculous, isn’t it?” Twilight said.

“Oh, honey…ah’m so sorry.” Applejack said.

“Oh, don’t tell me you girls actually believe this guy.” Twilight said, looking at the faces of her worried friends. “Come on! We’re not talking about a flat-hooved rookie here; this is Shining Armor! Lord Commander of the Crystal Legions! Slayer of Changeling Queen! Hero of the Crystal Empire! He’s fine! Believe me, it’s going to take a lot more than a lousy goblin attack to-”There was a bright flash of light in the middle of the street as Princess Celestia appeared out of thin air, wearing a troubled expression.

“Oh, Princess!” Twilight said brightly. “You didn’t have to come all the way down just for a silly mix up like this.”

“Twilight.” Princess Celestia said gently. “We need to talk.”

“But since you’re here, you can tell this blubbering buffoon to take his phony report and stop wasting everypony’s time with wild tales of goblin attacks.”

“I received word from the Crystal Empire this morning.” Princess Celestia said. “I’m sorry, but-”

“Because it’s not true.” Twilight said angrily. “There is no possible way it can be true.”

“Please, Twilight.” Princess Celestia said.

“No! I am n-not going to j-just stand here and let this…this rookie tell me that my brother died alone, miles away from his friends and family!” Twilight said, angrily rubbing her eyes. “Just tell him to go away; t-tell him it’s not true.”

“Twilight.” Celestia said.

"It's not true!" Twilight yelled.


IT’S NOT TRUE!” Twilight screamed and in a burst of wild, uncontrolled magic, the windows of the library exploded and a shower of glass shards scattered the small crowd massing around the library.


"WHAT?!" Twilight whipped around violently only to be crushed against Applejack's chest in a powerful embrace.

"It's okay, sugar." Applejack said. "It's okay." Twilight struggled against the farm pony's grip but Applejack held on all the tighter. Finally, Twilight deflated, looking helplessly between Celestia and the corporal with eyes overflowing.

“Please…” Twilight sobbed. “Somepony just tell me it’s not true.”

The others quickly joined Applejack, clumsily hugging Twilight in a tangled mess of hooves, claws and wings while Twilight cried helplessly in their embrace, quietly sobbing It's not true, it's not true, it's not true.

“Tragedy in the Crystal Empire Today as a grieving nation mourns the passing of Shining Armor, Prince Regent of the Crystal Empire, Duke in His Own Right of the Malachite Plains and Lord Commander of the Joint Equestrian Defense Legion.”

“Lord Commander Armor was conducting training drills on the outskirts of the Crystal Capital last week when his platoon was set upon by a roving hoard of goblin marauders. Shining Armor’s company fought bravely but was seriously outnumbered by the goblin forces. Surviving members of the platoon said that their commander ordered a full retreat while he himself held the onslaught off in a narrow ravine near the Equestrian border. His body was recovered two days later beside a pile of his defeated enemies.”

“Today, ponies from Equestria and beyond flocked to the city to pay their respects including Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Lord Commander’s sister. Princess Cadence has yet to make a public appearance since the death of her beloved husband but sources close to the Princess have confirmed that she is persevering and in good health despite these troubling times.”

“Thousands passed through the capitol rotunda where Lord Commander Shining Armor’s body lay in state under a full honor guard of Crystal Empire and Equestrian knights. The piles of flowers, cards and little toy soldiers that surround the coffin are a testament to the great love the Crystal Ponies had for their Prince.”

“Shining Armor will be taken from the capital on Saturday to be laid to rest in a private funeral at the Crystal Grove Military Cemetery. Reporting live from the Crystal Empire for EBC news, this is Ticker Tape-“

“Luna, would you please turn that radio off.” Princess Celestia said. “I think I’m getting a headache.”

The radio fizzled and went silent, shaking Twilight out of her daze. The carriage carrying the three princesses rattled along the crowded cobblestone streets of the Crystal Capital flanked by a police escort en route to the Royal Palace. The ride over from Equestria had been quiet for the most part, broken only by splotchy patches of radio as they passed cities on the way. For her part, Twilight appreciated the space Celestia and Luna gave her; silence gave her time to organize her thoughts. Somehow, being in the Crystal Capital made things painfully more real for Twilight. Fleeting hopes that her brother might still be alive were dashed as she passed through the melancholy streets of her brother’s city.

“Twilight?” Princess Celestia said. “Are your parents in the city yet?”

“Huh?” Twilight said. “Oh no…they didn’t want to come in until Saturday.”

“How are they faring, given the circumstances?” Princess Luna asked.

“As well as a couple who lost their first child can be expected to do.” Twilight said. She still remembered the look of absolute devastation on her mother’s face when she broke the news. The sight of her parents sobbing wretchedly against one another still made Twilight feel sick to her stomach. Neither of them was really up to talking about Shining Armor; she hadn’t really talked to anypony about it since she left Ponyville for Canterlot.

She felt badly for abandoning Ponyville and her friends as suddenly as she did, but the impending funeral preparations didn't leave her much time to plan. She had briefly considered inviting her friends along (more for her own sake than anything else) but thought better of it at the last moment, slipping out of the library in the early hours of the morning to catch a train for Canterlot. She missed the comfort they had so freely given her and wished badly that they were with her, if only to talk to. Princess Celestia and Luna did their best to comfort Twilight but their concern for her was decidedly different from the messy hug pile of hot chocolate and blankets her friends pulled her into after she heard about Shining Armor.

“Is everything in order for the funeral procession?” Princess Celestia asked. “I don’t want to trouble Cadence any more than we have to.”

“I tried to get a hold of her before we hit the road, but I never got a reply.” Twilight said, eyeing the crowds swarming about in front of the palace. “Is it true that no one has heard from her since she got the news?”

Princess Celestia shrugged as the carriage slid to a halt within the palace walls. “I suppose we’ll see.” A small contingent of guards led by a stuffy looking mare in a severe topknot approached the three princesses as they climbed out of the carriage.

“Your Highnesses,” The mare said with a low curtsey. “I am Madame Dapifer, Princess Cadence’s Chief of Staff. I trust you have found our city welcoming thus far?”

“Yes, thank you for the escort on the way in.” Princess Celestia said with a short bow in reply. “There seems to be quite a lot of ponies in the streets today.”

“His Grace was well loved by our people, as I’m sure you well know, Your Highness.” She said, bowing to Twilight. “I am truly sorry for your loss, Princess Twilight.”

“That’s very kind of you to say.” Twilight said. “How is Princess Cadence holding up?”

Madame Dapifer cast an uneasy look at the crowds of crystal ponies outside the gate. “If you don’t mind, Your Highnesses, I would prefer to have this conversation in a more secluded location; if you’ll follow me, please?”

As soon as Madame Dapifer led them through the front door, Twilight felt a fresh wave of unease wash over her. The Crystal Palace seemed to lack something of its usual glow. Crystal Guards and members of the royal house staff loitered about uneasily waiting for orders that never came. Curtains were drawn, rooms were shut up and a stifling pall of sadness lingered in the air.

“We have heard reports that Princess Cadence is in good health.” Princess Celestia said.

“Ah, yes, the radio interview.” Madame Dapifer said. “I may have...intentionally misled journalists inquiring after Her Highness’ health…to avoid inciting panic, of course.”

“Panic?” Princess Luna said. “Is there cause to panic?”

“I’m afraid I cannot answer that, Your Highness. The truth of the matter is…no one is entirely sure how the Princess fares.”

They came through a series of halls to a large crystal doorway, locked tight with a series of heavy crystal bolts on the sides. Around the door were chisels, jackhammers and pickaxes in various states of ruin while the door itself was completely unscratched.

“Her Highness has sequestered herself in her chambers since she received word about His Grace’s untimely death.” Madame Dapifer said. “All our attempts to contact her or breach this door have been unsuccessful. I was rather hoping that you may be able to assist us in this matter.”

Twilight shared an uneasy look with Celestia who nodded towards the door. “I’ll go.” Twilight said.

Stepping before the massive crystal door, Twilight raised her hoof and knocked. “Cadence?” She called. “Cadence, it’s me, Twilight Sparkle.”


Twilight knocked again. “Princess Cadence, please open the door.”


Twilight knocked harder. “Cadence, we’ve come all the way from Equestria to see you. We’re all worried about you…please come out and talk to us.”

Twilight thought she heard something stir behind the door but after a few seconds, there was still nothing.

“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, you have to come out of there right now! I know you’re upset right now, but you can’t hide from ponies who want to help you. Your kingdom needs her Princess now more than ever; you have a duty to lead them!”


Twilight turned back to Princess Celestia helplessly. “Princess, I don’t know what else to do for her.”

“Shh.” Princess Luna said, gently laying a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Don't give up so quickly. Take a deep breath and try again.”

“But what else am I supposed to say?” Twilight cried.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Luna said firmly. “I did not know your brother half as well as I would have liked but there is one thing about him of which I’m certain; the only mare in the world who loved him as much you did is behind that door. And she very badly needs you right now.”

Twilight took a shaky breath, steadied herself, and knocked again.

“Cadence, I cannot imagine how you’re feeling right now…but if you’re hurting even half as much as I am, you must be suffering terribly.” Twilight paused, wiping a tear from her eye, before continuing. “I didn't believe it when they told me that Shining Armor was gone; I just couldn't wrap my head around how somepony as brave and brilliant as my brother could have left us so suddenly.”

“Mom and Dad are a mess; they don’t want to talk about what happened to their only son. My friends are being so good to me, but I can’t talk with them about Shiny because I know they don’t miss him as much as I do.” Tears were now flowing unhindered down Twilight’s face, but she kept talking.

“The truth is…I just feel so alone right now. I’m sad and I’m hurt and I want nothing more than to run to my big brother and have him hug me and tell me that everything is going to be okay; like he used to when we were kids. I-I remember when I was a filly and Glitter Gem invited everypony to her Cuteceañera except me and Shining Armor found me crying on the steps after school. He just hugged me tight for what seemed like forever while I got tears and snot all over his neat new cadet uniform.”

“I’ll never forget what he said to me…he told me that there were always going to be ponies who didn’t like me and would try to bring me down because I wasn’t like them. But he told me to k-keep my head up and remember who I was because…because he thought I was special. And h-he said that someday, everypony was going to see h-how special his little sister was.”

“H-he always believed in me; he was always there for me even when nopony else was.” Twilight sobbed. “And it hurts to know I’m n-never going to see him again. He’s never going to take me out for ice cream after a test again…I’m never going to try and make him laugh while he’s on duty again…we’re never going to stay up until three in the morning talking again. I-I miss him…I miss him so much and I know you miss him just as badly. I need you right now, Cadence…please…”

There was a symphony of latches unlatching and the door flew open revealing a disheveled Princess Cadence. Her mane was dull and hung loosely around her neck and shoulders. Her wings were molting and a trail of lost feathers followed her out of the room. Her eyes were puffy, red and inexplicably old. Cadence looked as though she had aged one hundred years overnight; a fact not lost on Celestia and Luna who shared a deeply troubled look.

“Cadence…” Twilight said. “I’m sor-”

But before she could finish, Cadence through her hooves and wings around Twilight in the tightest hug she had ever received. They clung together like survivors of a horrible shipwreck, sobbing in memory of a husband, a brother and soldier gone too soon.

Author's Note:

First off, let me just thank you all for the wonderful response I've gotten for this story. This chapter is a two parter with Shining Armor's funeral coming later this week. This is also the first of the two sudden deaths in this story.

This was the first major death I've handled in this story and I really want to know what you all think of it, particularly with regards to Twilight's response. This story is going to be less about each individual pony passing on and more about how Twilight reacts to them so any feedback is very much appreciated. The last thing I want is for this story to be corny or melodramatic so if some of this didn't quite work out for you guys, please feel free to give me advice on how to improve it.

Also, what the hell do you say if you want to convey that a pony is wrapping someone in their "arms?" Do you say "She wrapped her forelegs around her?" "She wrapped her hooves around her?"

FUN FACT: Dapifer is another way to refer to a royal's head of staff.

And if you didn't notice, the title is a link to the music I listened to while writing Twlight's scene with Cadence.