• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 4,664 Views, 333 Comments

The Last Equestrian Princess - Dr_DeDeDe

This is the story of seven friends and the years that tried to keep them apart. Princess Twilight Sparkle has loved more and lost more than anypony else. At the end of everything she remembers all she learned from all the times she said goodbye.

  • ...

Broken Hearts

Broken Hearts

“She doesn’t look well, does she?” Princess Luna remarked to her sister as they watched Twilight and Cadence talking quietly to each other from across the room.

“Clearly, Luna.” Princess Celestia said, stirring half a dozen sugar cubes into her tea. “The girl has to bury only stallion she’s ever loved after only two years of marriage; how well do you expect her to look?”

“It’s more than that and you know it.” Princess Luna said, scowling at her sister’s thick syrupy drink. “You know what is happening."

"I do not." Princess Celestia insisted.

"You can guess though." Princess Luna said

“She’s holding on.” Princess Celestia said. “I have every faith that she may still endure this…as we have endured countless blows throughout the years.”

“We are our magic; that's how your little theory goes, is it not?" Princess Luna said. "And if her magic is Love and her love is gone ...what happens next? That is the question.”

“She has love for Twilight.” Princess Celestia insisted. “And love for her people…and she may, someday, come to love another as she loved Shining Armor.”

“You know that’s not true.” Princess Luna said. “She gave that boy everything she ever had without reservation. They lived for one another and now that he’s gone-”

“I know.” Princess Celestia sighed, sipping her tea with a grimace and dropping another sugarcube in for good measure. “I know…I had hoped that she would last for a time longer. It was a mistake to allow her to marry. I should not have risked breaking her heart so soon.”

“Celestia, you may possess the power to raise and lower the sun but not even you could hope to command a young mare's heart, much less hers.” Princess Luna said. "Be happy that she knew happiness, for however long it lasted."

Princess Celestia sighed through her nose. “How soon, do you think?”

“Not long now.” Princess Luna said. “Unless I miss my guess, it's happening already.”

"I suppose so." Princess Celestia said grimly

“Isn't there anything that we can do for her?” Princess Luna said. Princess Celestia shook her head.

“All we can do is wait.” Princess Celestia said.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch with you lately.” Cadence said, wiping her nose on the end of a paper napkin. “Everything happened so suddenly that…I just shut down for a while. It's been hard just getting up in the morning. But, I’m glad you’re here now…he would be happy that you're here for him.”

“I'm here for you too, Cadence." Twilight said. “How have you been holding up? Forgive me for saying so but you look-”

“Like death warmed over?” Cadence said with a watery chuckle. “I guess I haven’t been taking care of myself lately.”

“Do you feel sick?” Twilight asked, pressing the back of one hoof against Cadence’s head to check for temperature. “I could get a doctor in here to look at you.”

“No...yes...I don’t know, Twilight.” Cadence sighed. “I feel…odd.”

“Odd?” Twilight said. “What do you mean?”

“It’s very hard to explain. It feels like…I’m not entirely here anymore. Like,” Cadence bit her lip thoughtfully. “It feels like I’m…flickering in and out; like...a radio with bad reception. Ponies talk to me but sometimes I can’t understand what they’re saying. When I’m eating, sometimes I can’t even taste the food in my mouth. Everything seems duller to me…grayer.”

“Of course it does; you’re still trying to deal with the fact that Shining Armor isn’t coming home anymore.” Twilight said gently. “I know I am. I would be surprised if you weren’t feeling a little depressed right now.”

“No, Twilight, you don’t understand.” Cadence said, shaking her head. “How can I describe it? It’s...more than just sadness; I feel grief, of course, but there’s something else as well. Something I’ve never felt before. I feel light; like a strong wind could completely blow me to pieces. For some reason I feel like I could just…disappear, completely, at any given second.” Cadence rubbed her temples, wearily. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be dumping all my troubles on you like this; I haven’t even asked about how you’re doing.”

“I’m getting by.” Twilight said. “My friends have been very kind to me.”

“I'm surprised that they're not here with you.” Cadence said. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you without them; they didn’t want to come?”

“Well…I didn’t exactly ask them.” Twilight said. “They didn’t know Shining Armor like I did; I’m sure that they wouldn’t want to come all the way out to the Crystal Empire just for a funeral. They send their best, though.”

“You know, I have to admit, I’m a little jealous of you.” Cadence admitted sheepishly.

“Me?!” Twilight said. “Why?”

“It’s silly…I’m just jealous that you have friends that you’re so close with.” Cadence said. “It makes me wish I had a group friends like yours when I was young; I never got the chance to get close to ponies my age…except for Shining Armor of course.”

“You’re still young, Cadence.” Twilight said gently. “Lots of ponies would love to be friends with-” Twilight was about to say something else, but something odd suddenly happened.

Cadence flickered.

Like a candle in a strong breeze, she shimmered and turned almost completely transparent for a split second, so briefly that Twilight wasn’t sure that she saw it at all. But the sickly look on Cadence’s face made it clear that she wasn’t feeling well.

“Cadence.” Twilight asked. “Did you just feel “absent” again?”

“Why…could you see it?” Cadence said. “What did it look like?”

“I-It’s really hard to describe.” Twilight said. As if they sensed that they were needed, Celestia and Luna crossed the room to join Twilight and Cadence. “Princess Celestia, I think there’s something wrong with-”

“I know, Twilight.” Princess Celestia said, pointedly ignoring Princess Luna’s I told you so look. “I think I may have an idea as to what’s happening.”

“Well, is there anything we can do for her?” Twilight asked. “Do you want me to fetch the castle doctor or-”

“Twilight Sparkle, Madame Dapifer would appreciate your assistance with preparing for Shining Armor’s burial.” Princess Luna said quickly.

“Me?” Twilight said, feeling a cold pit form in her stomach. “Why me?”

“As his sister, she was hoping you could lend a personal touch to the ceremony; flowers, choice of music, catering for the wake.” Princess Luna said. “I’m sure anything else you might suggest would be a welcome addition."

“Well…I guess.” Twilight said. “But Cadence-.”

“Don't worry about Princess Cadence.” Princess Celestia said. “I promise, everything will be well. Luna and I just need some time alone to talk with her.”

“Twilight…I know it’s a bit of an imposition for you…” Cadence said. “But, if you could help out with the planning for the…for Saturday, I would be very grateful.”

“I…of course, Cadence.” Twilight said, turning to leave. “I’ll be around if you need me.”

As she left the room, Twilight bumped into Madame Dapifer just at the end of the hallway. “Madame?” Twilight said. “Princess Luna said that you requested my help with funeral preparations?”

Madame Dapifer frowned. “Did I? No no, Your Highness, I have everything quite in order.”

“But Princess Luna said-” Twilight turned around just in time to see Princess Luna shoot her an apologetic look before closing the door with a sharp thud that echoed through the hallway.

“But, if Your Highness is so inclined…” Madame Dapifer said. “I’m sure Princess Cadence would appreciate your input.”

Twilight sighed, frowning at the massive crystal door for a long moment. “Fine.” Twilight said. “Let me see what I can do.”


[X] Two dozen bouquets of amaranth, arbutus and asphodel for the service.
[X] Two dozen bouquets of gladiolus, heliotrope and laurel for the cemetery
[X] A dozen red roses (Cadence)
[X] Two dozen Snowflowers (parents)

[X] String Quartet for the service; medley of memorial music capped by “Equestria Prevails” as the casket leaves the capital


[X] Reading: Excerpt from the “Last Stand of Bellerophon” (below)
Though our stalwart hero fell
He gladly fell, and unafraid
For love of liege he moved through hell
His life for hers he bravely paid

We do not mourn our hero gone
For he has gone to greener grass
We weep for those who carry on
Who must remain and wait to pass

Til one day when we meet again
And battle songs are far from ear
On blooming plain or flowr’y glenn
We’ll run to you and hold you near

But sadly, tis not yet our day
We’ve many roads to travel still
I walk to you, so far away
To join you on some distant hill

When at last, we meet again
I’ll never let you go my friend
(Note: Ask P.Celestia if she would be willing to read the piece; it might mean a bit more coming from the author herself.)

[X] Light snacks following the service at the palace. Aprox. 200 guests expected. Fruit platters, hay seed muffins, vegetable rolls, coffee, tea and assorted soft drinks.

Twilight rubbed her eyes wearily as she looked over the plans for Shining Armor’s funeral for the sixth time that hour. She felt herself getting overwhelmed the further she went into this process and had to stop to steady herself several times. This wasn’t right; she barely finished planning her brother’s wedding. It was too soon to be planning his funeral. Still, something about the details of the event made things easier on Twilight. Lists and schedules were comfortably familiar; she could deal with lists and schedules easier than dealing with Shining Armor’s burial.

Whenever she looked out over the city, she could still clearly seen the mobs of ponies still standing in line around the capitol, waiting for a chance to pay their respects to her brother. Twilight hadn’t gone to see her brother yet, partly because she didn’t want to cause a scene but mostly because she didn’t want her last memory of Shining Armor to be of him lying in a casket, likely scarred or heavily disfigured after the goblin blades pierced his shields and tore deep into his face, perhaps slicing his nose off or gouging his-

Twilight shook her head violently. In her solitude, her imagination was left to run wild into grisly places. It had been hours and still there was no sign of Cadence, Celestia or Luna. Now and then, she swore she heard the room open but when she turned back, the massive crystal door loomed over her unmoving. It wasn’t until much later that day that she caught Princess Luna coming back from the kitchen with a pitcher of iced tea and some glasses.

“Princess!” Twilight said, trotting over to quickly block Luna’s path.

“Oh…Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Luna said. “How go the preparations for the-”

“You lied to me!” Twilight blurted out before she could stop herself.

Princess Luna stiffened at the accusation. “I beg your pardon?”

“You said that Madame Dapifer requested my help to get me out of the room!” Twilight said.

“I did no such thing!” Princess Luna bristled. “I said that she would appreciate the help; I never said that she asked for you.”

“Yeah! Well…” Twilight opened and closed her mouth a few times, struggling for a comeback that was currently escaping her. Finally, she gave up. “How’s Cadence doing?”

“Well.” Princess Luna replied.

“Does Princess Celestia know what’s wrong with her?” Twilight asked

“We have…theories.” Princess Luna said evasively. “Please keep in mind, Twilight Sparkle, that there have been a grand total of seven alicorns in the history of Equestria, present company included. Much about our own kind is still a mystery to us. We have a fairly good idea of what ails Cadence but…we cannot say for sure.”

“Can’t you at least let me in on this?” Twilight said. “I might be able to help if you clue me in to what’s going on.”

“I…” For a moment, Princess Luna appeared to be debating whether to tell Twilight or not. “I would like to; very much. But Celestia…Celestia and I believe that it’s best to keep this under wraps until we know more about this. It would not do for our wild theories to slip out and cause panic for no reason.”

“Panic?!” Twilight cried. “What is there to panic about?!”

[Nothing!” Princess Luna said. “Right now, there is nothing to worry about. I am sorry, Twilight Sparkle. I know you are confused right now and only want to help. I promise to keep you posted as things progress.” Before Twilight could say anything else, Luna vanished in a swirl of silvery sparkles leaving Twilight standing in the foyer glaring at Cadence’s door.

Princess Celestia had never been one to keep secrets from her. She made every effort to involve Twilight in her life and even as a filly; the Princess never spoke down to Twilight or treated her like a child. As Twilight grew older, Princess Celestia placed greater and greater faith in her and ever since her coronation, Twilight felt that there was an unspoken trust between her and the princess.

Today, Twilight began to wonder how far that trust really extended.

“You Highness.” Twilight was shaken out of her brooding by Madame Dapifer’s presence at her shoulder.

“Oh, Madame.” Twilight said. “Sorry, I was just spacing out a bit. I’ve finished looking over most of the schedule for tomorrow and everything seems to be in top shape.”

“Yes, yes, that’s very good, Your Highness, but I’m afraid there is an incident by the main gate that requires your attention.”

“Is there something wrong?” Twilight said. “Do we need to call the guards up?”

“The guards are already well aware of the situation.” Madame Dapifer said. “It’s just…well, it’s best if you see for yourself.”

With mounting trepidation, Twilight headed out the front door and into the courtyard. Crowds of ponies still massed at the front gates, but hovering over them was-

“Listen pal!” Rainbow Dash said, swooping down to glare at one of the guard face to face. “I know you got orders to keep this gate locked down, but you need to go find Twilight-”

Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Rarity clarified for the confused guard.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I need you to tell her that-” Rainbow Dash stopped as she spotted Twilight across the courtyard. "Hey, there she is!"

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight called out. “What are-”

“Twilight!” Pinkie Pie cried, bouncing above the crowd of ponies. “It’s us!”

“Pinkie?!” Twilight said. “When did you guys-”

“Oh for cryin out loud!” A cry came from the crowd as Applejack pushed her way through the mob of ponies. “Just let us in already!”

As soon as Twilight motioned for the guards to open the gates, in trooped Rainbow Dash carrying Fluttershy followed by Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Spike riding on Applejack’s back.

“Biscuits and gravy.” Applejack swore, fanning herself with her hat. “I thought that crowd was gonna eat us alive.”

Twilight stared wordlessly at her friends for a few seconds. “What…what are you all doing here?”

“Well...we couldn’t stop thinking about how down you looked when you left for Canterlot.” Applejack said. “So we got the idea-”

“Well, actually, Applejack got the idea!” Pinkie Pie said. “She was really worried about how you left without telling anypony anything and how you barely even left a note for Spike to find so she thought we should come up here and check up on you to make sure you were okay!”

“Sorry if ah’m stickin my nose where it ain’t wanted,” Applejack said. “But it just didn’t sit right with me lettin you go off to the Crystal Empire all on your lonesome.”

“We’re sorry if we’re overstepping any boundaries.” Fluttershy said. “But you just seemed so down after you heard about your brother.”

“Not to mention Spike was positively devastated that you left without telling him.” Rarity said, nodding to the dragon who was glaring at the cobblestones beneath his feet.

“I know we’re not...really family or anything but…I miss Shining Armor just as much as you do.” Spike said softly. “He was as much of a brother to me as he was to you and I know you may not want me here or anything but-” Spike was cut off as Twilight scooped the little dragon up and hugged him as hard as she could.

“I’m sorry.” Twilight sobbed into Spike’s shoulder. “Of course I want you here. I'm sorry; I should have told you I was leaving.”

“Y-you could have just asked.” Spike said, wiping his eyes on the corner of her mane. “You j-just left so suddenly that none of us had the chance to go with you if you wanted us to.”

“I know; I’m sorry.” Twilight said, smiling tearfully at her group of friends. “I just d-didn’t want to bother you with m-my problems.”

“Twilight, you don’t get brownie points for suffering in silence.” Rainbow Dash said. “We carry each other’s loads when they get too heavy; that’s the way it’s always been. Just because Celestia slapped a crown on your head and wings on your back doesn’t mean that you’re suddenly too big to come to us when you need a shoulder to cry on.”

“Of course, if you don’t want us here-” Fluttershy said.

“No!” Twilight said. “No…I’m glad you guys came.”

“Good, because you ain’t getting rid of us that easy.” Applejack said, lightly nudging Twilight’s shoulder. “Now ah reckon we ought to pay our respects to Princess Cadence, first and foremost.”

“That may be a bit of a problem.” Twilight said and she quickly filled her friends in on Cadence’s strange behavior and Princess Celestia’s uncharacteristic evasiveness. “I don’t know what’s going on, but Princess Celestia definitely knows something she isn’t-Princess!” Twilight cried as she saw Princess Celestia coming back from the kitchen with a tray full of piping hot tea mugs and assorted cakes.

“Oh, goodness!” Princess Celestia exclaimed as the small group of ponies rushed up to meet her. “When did all of you get here?”

“They came in on the last train.” Twilight said dismissively. “Never mind that; how’s Princess Cadence doing?”

“She’s doing well.” Princess Celestia said simply. “As well as I can expect her to do, I suppose.”

“Have you found out what’s wrong with her?” Twilight asked. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Thank you, Twilight. But Luna and I have everything under control right now. If you're needed later, I’ll be sure to send for you.” Princess Celestia said firmly.

“But…can we at least go see her?” Twilight asked.

“Princess Cadence is going to be very busy until tomorrow morning.” Princess Celestia said. “ There is a lot she still needs to prepare for and she isn’t going to have much time to talk until tomorrow. I’ll send her your best when I go in and see her.”

“But Princess-”

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but I have some things I need to take care of.” Princess Celestia said. “We’ll talk later if I have the time.”

And before Twilight could say anything more, Princess Celestia swept down the hallway and back through Cadence’s door without a glance backwards.

“Well that was certainly…odd.” Rarity said.

“Tell me about it.” Rainbow Dash said. “She practically blew you off back there.”

“And you really think she’s keepin something from you?” Applejack said.

“Without a doubt.” Twilight said. “I’m starting to get the feeling that she doesn’t trust me as much as I thought she did.”

“Oh come on, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said. “You’re Princess Celestia’s go-to-girl for all her Equestria saving needs! Of course she trusts you.”

“Then why isn’t she acting like it!” Twilight snapped. “Why won’t she just let me help her?!”

"Maybe it's not something you can help her with." Flutershy said.

"How does she know that if she won't even talk to me!" Twilight groaned. "I don't understand; she's never acted this way towards me."

“Whoa, girl, simmer down now.” Applejack said, putting a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “It’s been a long day for all of us; let’s just get some grub and get some shuteye; I’m sure this’ll all look better in the mornin.”

“I…” Twilight deflated. “Maybe you’re right…”

The night quickly wound down after that. After a light dinner in Twilight’s chambers, Madame Dapifer arrived to escort the new arrivals to rooms she had prepared for them. As they bade each other good night, Twilight found herself staring up at her ceiling restlessly. The anxiety she felt surrounding Shining Armor’s funeral was replaced with the fear that there was something wrong and the one pony who knew something, the one pony Twilight thought she could trust above all others was keeping secrets from her.

Twilight stands in a green field that stretches as far as her eye could see. The grass sways in the light breeze, tickling her stomach and blowing through her hair. Across the field, a knight in battered bronze armor stands watch under a lone oak tree. Twilight calls out to him, but her cry was lost to the wind that whips across the plain.

The knight raises his head to look at her. His face is lined by thin, ropy scars but he retains a youthful beauty, even disfigured. He removes his helmet and squints in Twilight's direction. She runs to him with wild abandon, calling a name he does not recognize. As Twilight draws nearer, the young knight shakes his head, replaces his helmet, and continues his watch. He is waiting for something...or someone. Twilight cannot be certain. She tries to speak to him again but her words are drowned by a gust of infernal wind.

The knight looks Twilight up and down, appraising the young princess before him. He opens his mouth to speak, but suddenly snaps his head up to gaze at another figure galloping across the plain. His perfect white coat catches the sunlight; his long blue mane flows unhindered in the breeze. Twilight's heart leaps in her chest and she tears after him, running, running, running as fast as her hooves can carry her to throw her hooves around the stallion's neck.

But he doesn't see her.

He runs past her to the oak in the middle of the field where a slender silhouette of a mare waits for him beside the battered knight. He runs to her, but she flickers and vanishes before he can speak.He slows his gallop to a mournful trot and sits sullenly by the battered knight's side.

They turn to Twilight and before she can say anything-

She wakes to the mournful knell of a funeral bell

Author's Note:

So...the funeral was supposed to be in this chapter. Technically, the funeral should have been in the last chapter. You can blame Twilight and Celestia for that.

This chapter and the last chapter and the next chapter were all supposed to be one chapter but then Twilight got away from me. By the time I finished working with Twilight, the chapter started pushing 10,000 words which I think is a bit much to digest in one sitting so I broke it up. The next chapter is almost there and will be posted fairly shortly. Let me know if you don't mind longer chapters or if you'd prefer shorter chapters posted more frequently.

Sooo...nobody dies in this chapter! Yay! Sorry not a heck of a lot happened in this chapter but it has to be done to set up some conflict later on.

Sorry if the other girls aren't getting that much screentime but these first few chapters are fairly Twilight centric. Strictly speaking, this whole story is Twilight-centric but with Shining Armor's death, this one is especially personal. Everyone will have greater parts as the story goes on.

As usual, thanks for reading and leave a comment if you're so inclined. Feedback and criticism help me write better and it's always nice to hear what people thought.

EDITED: 3/25