• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 4,664 Views, 333 Comments

The Last Equestrian Princess - Dr_DeDeDe

This is the story of seven friends and the years that tried to keep them apart. Princess Twilight Sparkle has loved more and lost more than anypony else. At the end of everything she remembers all she learned from all the times she said goodbye.

  • ...

We,That Are Young

We,That Are Young…

The sun, a fat gassy boor lacking any semblance of sensitivity or tact, decided to show its face unhindered by clouds or fog or rain on the day that Twilight’s friends gathered to lay Fluttershy to rest.

Twilight blamed this despicably sunny day on Princess Celestia, as her mentor ex-mentor made an easy target since wasn’t around to stick up for herself. She rose from her sleep with a slimy ball of dread already settling in her stomach.

They returned to Ponyville two days before, towing a magically fashioned cart with Fluttershy resting in the back. After they delivered her to the care of the funeral director, the seven six of them left with barely a word between them. Rainbow Dash in particular had been unusually taciturn, nodding briefly when the funeral director told them when and where to meet for the funeral, before flying away with a lazy flap of her wings and not another word.

Her friends dispersed after that, each of them listlessly wandering back to their houses in silence. Spike put on a pot of cheese soup when they got home and the pair of them sipped at it weakly for half an hour before leaving the table, bowls half empty. Twilight shut her blinds against the setting sun and crawled under her blankets, descending into fitful dreams of green fields and pit vipers.

The morning after Twilight and her friends returned from the campsite, Twilight woke to find Spike gone and the soup sitting cold and curdled where they left it the night before. She washed their plates, set them to dry on the sunlit countertop and took off from her top balcony in search of Rainbow Dash.

She had been unusually stony on their trip home, speaking only when spoken to and then in only a few words at a time. Her grim demeanor caused Twilight to lose heart every time she worked up the courage to apologize to her.

More than anypony else, Twilight felt the need to personally apologize to Rainbow Dash herself. Rainbow Dash had trusted her; depended on her to take care of Fluttershy until she could get back and Twilight failed to live up to that trust. Years of study and her best magic weren’t enough to save Fluttershy’s life and deep down, she knew Rainbow Dash blamed her for it.

So it came as no surprise to Twilight when her knock on Rainbow Dash’s door went unanswered. She flew around the house, peeking in every window (even magically moving a few curtains aside) but Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found. Her house was neat and tidy as it almost never was and her bed looked like it hadn’t been slept in. So Twilight canvassed Ponyville from the air, checking in Rainbow Dash’s favorite napping spots and looking for any glimpse rainbow colored tail moving against the sky. After hours of searching, the sun began its crawl down towards the horizon and Twilight still hadn’t found Rainbow Dash or anypony who had seen her.

Disheartened from her search, Twilight returned to the funeral home to assist with the funeral preparations only to find that Rainbow Dash had beaten her to the punch.

“Yes’m.” The funeral director, an old mare by the name of Nightshade, said when Twilight asked about the preparations. “Your friend came by after you all left yesterday and went through the particulars herself; flowers, service, choice of engraving. Miss Rainbow was mighty keen on setting this up herself…I guess she knew your friend longer than anypony else so-”

“No, that’s fine.” Twilight said. “Is she going to be back anytime soon or-”

“Well maybe…but she assured me that all was taken care of before she left.” Nightshade said, fishing around her desk for a rather extensive list of funeral preparations. “If you don’t mind me saying so, Miss Twilight, your friend’s preparations run a bit on the pricy side-”

“Send me the bill.” Twilight said briefly. “Did Rainbow Dash mention if she was coming back for anything? Maybe to plan the wake or-”

“Not that I’m aware of; she mentioned that she was taking a trip up to Cloudsdale but that’d she be back in time for the proceedings.”

“I see…” Twilight said.

“You know, I have a cousin up in Cloudsdale, I could ring her and she could keep an eye out for-”

“That’s okay…thank you anyway. If she stops by…tell her that Twilight is looking for her.”

As she left the funeral parlor, Twilight was struck by the realization that in her haste to find Rainbow Dash, she had completely neglected to search for Spike. Acting on a whim, she stopped by the Carousel Boutique on the way home.

“He was by earlier.” Rarity said, hemming the edge of a white shirt. “He had grown out of his suit months ago and was hoping that I could make some alterations to accommodate for his growth.”

“He just bought that suit too.” Twilight said softly. “Especially for…Shining Armor’s funeral.”

“Heavens, that seems like only yesterday.” Rarity sighed, glancing over at an immaculately pressed black gown hanging over the edge of a chair. “I do so hate black…and I’m getting very tired of having to wear it.”

After asking after Twilight’s only funeral attire and seeing if she needed anything prepared for the following day, Twilight excused herself as politely as she could. Disheartened, she decided to walk back home instead of using her wings. The walk gave her time to brood and each hoofbeat brought to mind a new disappointment that rhythmically pounded in her head over and over again as she trotted her way down Ponyville’s cobbled streets


A small part of Twilight wondered if her friends blamed her for what happened to Fluttershy as much as she blamed herself. Everypony had insisted that Twilight did all she could and that what happened to Fluttershy was a complete accident. But Twilight suspected Rainbow Dash at least held some kind of grudge against her. She wouldn’t talk to her on the way back and avoided looking at Twilight for more than a second or two at a time. She had hoped to talk to Rainbow Dash before they laid Fluttershy to rest but Rainbow Dash had done her best to escape from Ponyville before she had the chance to apologize to her.

After losing Fluttershy, the thought of losing Rainbow Dash as well made Twilight feel sick to her stomach.

By the time she got home, her head throbbed in time with her own self-pitying mantra and she wasn’t in the mood to do anything more than sleep. Before she turned in, she checked Spike’s room one last time. A bundle of blankets lay gently rising and falling with Spike’s uneasy breathing. She thought of waking him for a moment though on second thought, she wasn’t sure what she’d say. More than anything, she wanted to talk to somepony about all of this but everyone was too buried in their own grief to say much of anything to her.

Twilight milled about the kitchen for a few minutes, looking for something to do with herself before giving up and heading to her loft with only a mug of peppermint tea to soothe her nerves.

Twilight sat at her desk and for a while she just stared blankly at her calendar, noting the lines and lines of neat red scribbles marking various appointments with this mayor or that duchess. After a while of staring at the calendar, her vision started to blur, day after day running together in a featureless red streak on the page.

In one swift sweep of her hoof, she knocked the calendar off the desk and into the wastepaper bin. With the other hoof, she dug a quill and scroll from the desk drawers and started scribbling on it furiously.

To Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia, Regent of Equestria, Queen of the Equine Peoples, Empress of the Seaponies, Protector of the Realm,

The next morning, Twilight was jolted awake by a sharp bang as Spike shut the front door after him as he left the house. Twilight looked around in confusion then out the window as Spike wound his way through the sleepy streets of Ponyville in the morning. The sun shone brightly on the horizon and Twilight made an ugly face as she shut the curtains and began to prepare to say goodbye to one of her first real friends. The letter she wrote the night before sat finished on her desk and she folded it neatly, tucking it in a black handbag and resolving to ask Spike to send it once the day was over.

By the time she had showered and dressed appropriately, it was almost noon and nearly time to meet her friends at the little memorial hall where the funeral was to take place. By now, word of Fluttershy’s passing had spread through Ponyville and nearly every pony she passed on the street offered a sympathetic look or word of consolation. Many were dressed in black themselves; making their way in the same direction Twilight was headed.

“Twilight!” Twilight turned around to see Applejack trotting up to meet her accompanied by Big Macintosh and Applebloom. The Apple siblings were all dressed in black, save for a pink and yellow flower pinned to each of their collars.

“Oh, hey everypony.” Twilight said. “I didn’t expect to see you two here too.”

“Well, ya see, Miss Fluttershy was pretty important to a lot of ponies around here.” Applebloom said.

“Ah reckon lots’a folks will be wantin to pay their respects to Miss Fluttershy before the day is out.” Big Mac said somberly, nodding at the small crowd of ponies in black already clustering around the chapel. “Ah hope we’re not steppin on any hooves here, Miss Twilight. Ah know half of us weren’t exactly invited and all-”

“No, it’s fine!” Twilight said. “I’m just…didn’t expect so many ponies to come today.”

“Well, I hope you don’t mind a few more.” Twilight turned and saw Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Spike coming up the street leading Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, the Cakes, Cheerilee, and a few dozen other ponies that Twilight knew from around town, all dressed in black and all with a pink and yellow flower pinned to their lapels.

“You’re a bit underdressed, dear.” Rarity said, plucking a spare flower from the brim of her hat and affixing it to Twilight’s dress. “Rainbow Dash insisted everypony wear one.”

“Rainbow Dash set this up?” Twilight said.

"Just before she left." Rarity said. "Delivered these to my house yesterday and asked me to pass them out before the funeral."

“Has…anypony seen Rainbow Dash since we got back?”

Pinkie Pie and Rarity shared a troubled look with Applejack. “Last I saw her was at the funeral home.”

“I headed over to her cottage to round up Miss Fluttershy’s critters last night.” Big Mac said. “Rainbow Dash wasn’t there either.”

“I took a balloon basket up to her house yesterday but…no one.” Pinkie Pie said.

“She asked me to take care of the flowers but after that…no.” Rarity said.

“The funeral director said she’d be back in time for the funeral but-”

“Wait, there she is!” Pinkie Pie cried, pointing up to the sky.

Twilight looked up as a flutter of wings heralded the arrival of Rainbow Dash dressed in a black suit and tie. She was flanked by two other pegasi, a pink mare with a shocking blue mane and a blue stallion in an officer’s uniform with the same multicolored mane and tail as Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash herself looked exhausted and somehow Twilight knew that it wasn’t from the fly to Cloudsdale. Her eyes were red and puffy, her mane and tail had been hastily combed and she had missed a few buttons buttoning up her jacket.

“Rainbow, where in tarnation-” Applejack said.

“Had to make a pitstop at Cloudsdale.” Rainbow Dash said dimly. “Had to pick up a couple of guests here. Rarity, did you get the-”

“All taken care of dear.” Rarity said, offering Rainbow Dash and her companions a trio of yellow and pink flowers and straightening Rainbow Dash’s tie. “Everything you asked the funeral director to prepare, all done.”

“Good…good.” Rainbow Dash said distantly, accidentally catching Twilight’s eye for a second.

“Rainbow Dash-” Twilight said

“We should go.” Rainbow Dash said, quickly looking away. “S-service starts in a few minutes so if anypony wants a minute alone with Fluttershy-” Rainbow Dash broke off, trotting inside the memorial hall before Twilight could say anything else. Rarity and Pinkie Pie shared a worried look before quickly running after her.

Twilight’s wings slumped in dismay as she watched Rainbow Dash walk away. Someone put a hoof on her shoulder and Twilight looked up to see Applejack looking back at her sympathetically. “S-she hates me.” Twilight sniffed miserably.

“You don't know that, Twilight.” Applejack said gently.

“I-I don’t blame her.” Twilight sniffed. “I-It’s my fault that-”

Don’t.” Applejack said firmly, shaking Twilight’s shoulder lightly. “You did everything you could for her, Twilight. Nopony’s blamin you for nothin.”

“But Rainbow-”

“You haven’t said two words to Rainbow Dash since she got back and you already got it in your head that she hates you?!” Applejack said, offering Twilight a handkerchief. “Rainbow’s a little shook up…I reckon we’ll all be feelin a little off kilter for a while…but I’m sure she knows, deep down, that you did all you could to help Fluttershy. May take her some time to realize it, but she knows this wasn’t your fault at all.”

Twilight sniffed miserably. “Thanks."

“Anytime. We should probably mosey on in there.” Applejack said. “You ready?”

“No.” Twilight said

“Me neither.” Applejack said with a sad little smile. “But we gotta send Fluttershy on her way.”

Twilight took a deep breath and, with slow plodding hoofsteps, followed Applejack into the memorial hall.

Walking through the doors, Twilight was immediately hit by a burst of green and the smell of freshly cut flowers. The small memorial hall was covered in dozens of bouquets of pink and yellow flowers with garlands hanging from the doorway and running along the backs of the chairs. The drab memorial hall had all been transformed into a lush meadow teeming with life in contrast to the gloomy atmosphere.

Looking around the hall, Twilight saw dozens of ponies she knew in passing, Rainbow Dash talking to the Cakes, a distraught Rarity being consoled by Spike and Applejack, Pinkie Pie was talking with the Mayor and at the front of the room-

There was no casket.

Twilight looked around for a moment, searching for Fluttershy’s body when at last she came to rest on a small urn resting on a pedestal, surrounded by pink and yellow flowers. It took her a moment to realize and when she did, her heart skipped a beat.

That tiny urn on the pedestal held all that was left of Fluttershy. Everything that Fluttershy had ever been was gone and all that remained was a hooffull of ashes in a pretty pink vase.

“Doesn’t it look wonderful?” Twilight was shaken out of her shock by the appearance of Nightshade at her side. “One of the lovelier services I’ve had the pleasure of overseeing.”

“She…she was cremated?” Twilight said.

“Of course.” Nightshade said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re surprised?”

“Rainbow never mentioned it.” Twilight said.

“Whether she mentioned it or not, dear, you never bury a pegasus in the ground.” Nightshade said solemnly. “Tis almost as disrespectful as burning up an Earth pony’s remains and scattering them to the winds.”

“I’m sorry…I wasn’t aware of that particular superstition.” Twilight said.

Superstition?” Nightshade stiffened at this. “I beg your pardon, miss, but these burial practices are traditions that have been passed down in Ponyville society for generations. I understand that our customs might seem quaint to a Canterlot pony like yourself but-”

“I’m sorry, I spoke out of turn.” Twilight said, biting back a comment about that Canterlot pony remark. “Forgive me…it’s been a rough couple of days.”

“As you say, miss.” Nightshade said with a curtsey. “I’ll leave you in peace.”

Twilight took a deep breath, rubbing her brow wearily. She turned back to Fluttershy’s urn, hoping for a moment alone with it but instead she saw the two ponies that Rainbow Dash arrived with paying their respects. She was almost discouraged from going up, but her curiosity got the better of her.

“Excuse me?” Twilight said, approaching the pair standing by Fluttershy’s urn. “You wouldn’t happen to be related to Rainbow Dash, would you?”

“Last I checked.” The stallion said, turning around. “Who wants to-oh crap!” The stallion quickly snapped to attention and fired off a crisp salute. “Lieutenant Commander Borealis of Her Majesty’s Royal Dragoons. Forgive the lapse in decorum, Your Highness, I didn’t see you there.”

“At ease, Lieutenant, we’re all friends here.” Twilight said.

“Of course, ma’am.” Borealis said.

“And if you don’t mind terribly, could you please stop calling me ma’am?” Twilight chuckled. “I’m barely older than Rainbow Dash.”

“Certainly, m-miss.” Borealis said.

“You’re going to have to order this one to relax; it’s the only way he listens to anything.” The pink pegasus said with a shake of her spiky blue mane. “Nice to meet you; I’m Firefly.”

“Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said.

“Oh, no introductions necessary, Your Highness.” Firefly said. “The reputation of…what did Rainbow Dash call her?”

“Uh…well, it’s not exactly a flattering nickname to use in royal company…I mean, you know how Dash can be-”

“Aw come on, Bori.” Firefly teased. “What’s that thing Rainbow Dash calls her?”

Ponyville’s Bookworm Egghead Princess.” Borealis mumbled.

Twilight and Firefly shared a laugh at Borealis’ embarrassment.

“So...are you Rainbow Dash’s parents?” Twilight said.

“Wh-what?” Borealis said. “N-no ma’am!”

“Bori.” Firefly said.

“I mean…no we’re not.” Borealis said.

“We’re don’t look that old yet, do we?” Firefly said with a soft chuckle. “Bori’s Dash’s older brother and I’m her sister-in-law; we’re not that much older than you girls.”

“Really?!” Twilight said. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-”

“Don’t worry about it, ma-miss.” Borealis said. “I used to get that all the time when Rainbow and I moved to Cloudsdale.”

“Just you and Rainbow Dash?” Twilight said.

Firefly gently nuzzled her husband’s shoulder and left to give the two of them some time alone to talk.

“We lost our folks pretty young.” Borealis explained, watching Firefly make her way over to where Rainbow Dash was sitting along. “Bad weather is worse up in the clouds and hurricanes can be killers. I was in the Air Force Academy when it happened but Rainbow Dash was just a filly. I got commissioned to a garrison outside of Cloudsdale so we picked up and moved when Rainbow Dash was about nine.”

“So you must’ve known Fluttershy well then?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah…” Borealis said with a smile. “I still remember when Dash brought her home for the first time. It was raining something fierce and I guess she lost her umbrella somehow. I remember opening the door to see Dash holding her raincoat over a gangly little filly that looked soaked to the bone. We brought her in and dried her off and set her up with some hot chocolate. I don’t think she said two words to me, or to Dash for that matter…but I remember Dash blowing bubbles in her hot chocolate to make her laugh. As it got later, I laid out some pillows and blankets in the living room and they stayed up late talking, flashlights shining underneath blankets.”

Borealis smiled sadly, lost in thought. “That was the first time she stayed over…and I don’t think a week went by after that when she didn’t come home with Dash at least once.”

“What did her family have to say about that?” Twilight said, noting how Borealis’ face darkened.

“They didn’t have much of anything to say about Fluttershy.” Borealis said steely. “They weren’t…well none of them came today; that should give you some idea of how they felt about her.”

Twilight felt a cold spark of anger flash in her stomach. “How bad was it?” Twilight said cooly. “Did they-”

“They didn’t hit her or anything like that, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Borealis said. “If they did, I get the feeling Dash would’ve paid them back with interest…might’ve gotten a couple of knocks in myself. No, they just…didn’t care about her. Flutters could have been out all day and night and they wouldn’t have so much as called around to check if she was okay. Can’t say that did her self-esteem any good.”

“Are they’re still alive today?” Twilight said in a steely voice.

“If they are, I haven’t heard from them.” Borealis said. “Don’t you waste your time worrying about them, Princess, they’re not worth a minute of your time. ‘Sides…Flutters wouldn’t have wanted them hurt.”

“In her honor then…” Twilight sighed. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Likewise.” Borealis said. “Rainbow Dash told me what happened. Told me that it was some kind of snake she was trying to help…and that you were there with her til the end.”

“Yes.” Twilight said, turning away, unable to meet Borealis’ gaze. “I-I stayed with her until she was…until she was gone. I tried to save her but-”

“’S alright.” Borealis said. “Not your fault. Nopony’s blaming you for what happened.”

“I promised Rainbow Dash.” Twilight sniffed, wiping her eyes. “I-I promised I would protect Fluttershy while she was gone and I-”

“You were there for her in the end.” Borealis said quickly. “She died knowing somepony loved her and that means more than you give yourself credit for.”

Twilight rested her head against the table that held Fluttershy’s remains, shaking with silent sobs and trying to stem the tide of tears that threatened to overwhelm her. Borealis fanned his wings out to block Twilight from any would be gawkers and looked away to give Twilight a moment alone with her grief. After a few minutes, Twilight drew a long, shuddering breath and stood up again.

“Thank you, Borealis.” Twilight said. “That means a lot coming from you.”

“I should be the one thanking you, Your Highness.” Borealis said, saluting Twilight a second time. “I’m glad she knew somepony like you…I’m glad they both did.”

“The honor has been all mine.” Twilight said, replying to the salute with a curtsey. “I consider myself blessed that members of your family counted me as a friend.”

“Family…yeah.” Borealis said distantly, looking back at Fluttershy and then over to Rainbow Dash. “I think we’re ready to get going so, if you’ll excuse me.” With a final salute, Borealis returned to a chair in the corner, dropping his head in his hooves with a heavy sigh as Firefly gently rubbed his back.

“If I may have everyone’s attention.” Nightshade called softly over the dull chatter inside the hall. “In a few moments, we will be heading outside for the commemoration ceremony. Please file outside in an orderly fashion and wait for further instructions.”

Twilight joined the rest of her friends as Rainbow Dash gingerly picked up Fluttershy’s urn and bore it ahead of the funeral procession. Twilight caught her eye as she exited the memorial hall and offered Rainbow Dash a shaky smile. Rainbow Dash nodded blankly at her and continued on down through Ponyville.

As they wound their way through the streets of Ponyville, ponies who hadn’t come to the memorial hall lined the streets, some joining the procession as it made its way out of town, across a flowery field and finally to a grassy hill overlooking the Everfree Forest.

At the crest of the hill, the party stopped and Twilight saw a small golden plaque glinting in the afternoon sun bearing only Fluttershy's name and a simple butterfly pressed into the metal. Behind the plaque was a small hole and for a moment, Twilight thought it was for Fluttershy. Then Big Mac trotted up the other side of the hill, pulling a small cart with a budding tree sapling behind him.

“Oh that’s wonderful.” Rarity sighed and to Twilight’s surprise, Pinkie Pie let out a small snort of laughter.

“I’m sorry.” Pinkie Pie said, dabbing her eyes. “Just…just remembering something Fluttershy said one time about-”

“Wanting to be a tree.” Rainbow Dash said with a watery smile. “Yeah…I remembered.”

Rainbow Dash took the vase to the edge of the hole and set it down. Working together with Big Mac, she lifted the tree up and out of the cart and placed it in the hole. Then, taking Fluttershy’s urn, she turned and faced the gathered audience.

“I don’t-” Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. “I don’t know how many of you ponies know this but…we don’t bury pegasi up in Cloudsdale. I mean, how could we; no ground.” She chuckled lightly along with the rest of the audience. “So a long time ago we started burning pegasi who…who had left us just to be practical. But in a way, it kind of makes sense. Most pegasi spend their lives in the air…it seems only fit that whatever’s left after they go is returned to the skies they flew.”

“Some ponies, Fluttershy included, liked to say that Fluttershy was more Earth pony than pegasus.” Rainbow Dash said. “That helping animals and being scared of heights made her less of a pegasus. And true, Fluttershy wasn’t always excited about flying. You can imagine what it’d be like for a filly scared of heights to live in a flying city.”

“I was responsible for…the funeral proceedings today and I almost wanted to bury her here, in Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash went on. “See, Cloudsdale was never home for Fluttershy; not even when she was a kid. It wasn’t until she came here that she really made a home for herself. Fluttershy liked to keep to herself a lot but…it’s clear from all of you being here that she touched a lot of ponies’ lives. So I debated burying her here, in the ground she loved so much.”

“But a part of Fluttershy was still a pegasus.” Rainbow Dash said. “A part of her still belonged to the sky where she was born. Every pegasus, even one like Fluttershy feels connected to the sky and if I buried her…she’d lose that connection.”

“So, I settled on a compromise.” Rainbow Dash said, uncapping Fluttershy’s urn. “Part of her will always be with us,” She said, tipping a stream of ash into the pit with the tree. “Her memory will always be here in Ponyville where she lived, worked, and played with all of us. And this tree will be here; anytime we want to remember her.”

“But we can’t keep all of her.” Rainbow Dash said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hoof. “She’s g-gone to where we can be with her anymore.”

Rainbow Dash raised the vase to her lips and kissed the cold porcelain. She passed the urn to Rarity who did the same before passing it to Applejack and Spike and Pinkie Pie on down the line past Borealis and Firefly to Twilight. Twilight looked at the vase for a moment and then kissed it as well before passing it back to Rainbow Dash.

“So…we have to let her go.” Rainbow Dash said, and with one final kiss, she chucked the vase off the hill and high into the air

A gust of wind picked up and the ashes dumped out of the vase as it turned in mid flight. They spread across the field, over the trees and out into the Everfree Forest. Twilight watched the small cloud of ash float away until it dispersed and scattered to the winds. The vase hit the ground with a shattering crash and just like that…Fluttershy was gone.

As they watched her go off into the wilderness, the crowd began to disperse, each throwing a hoofful of dirt into the hole as they passed the tree. Soon, only Twilight and her friends remained as Borealis and Firefly said their goodbyes and took off for Cloudsdale.

“That vase went everywhere.” Spike said, climbing back up the hill with the shattered remains of Fluttershy’s urn in his arms.

“Why’d you pick it up?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I bought it just to smash it.”

“I know I just-” Spike looked down at the pieces of pottery. “I wanted one for my treasure chest.”

The five ponies shared a look with Spike and he wordlessly distributed the broken shards between his friends. Twilight looked at the sad, dusty piece of pottery in her hoof; all that remained of her friend she failed to save.

After a few moments, Rainbow Dash tucked her piece into her saddlebag and got up to leave.

“Rainbow Dash, where are you going?” Pinkie Pie said

“I think…I think I’m gonna head home and get some sleep.” Rainbow Dash said sullenly. “Long flight and all.”

“I was thinking we could all go to the Sugarcube Corner and get a late snack.” Pinkie Pie said. “My treat.”

“Thanks but…I’m gonna take off.” Rainbow Dash said softly.

“Rainbow Dash, wait-” Twilight said.

“I’ll…I’ll catch you guys later.” Rainbow Dash said, preparing to take off.

As she turned to go, Twilight caught sight of a hurt expression that she thought was directed at her. As Rainbow Dash, went to leave, Twilight found herself compelled to blurt out the one thing she wanted to tell Rainbow Dash since Fluttershy died.

I’m sorry!” Twilight blurted out suddenly. Rainbow Dash turned around and all her friends looked at her suddenly. “I…I know you’re angry with me and I can’t say that I blame you-”

“I am angry.” Rainbow Dash said with a scowl. “I’m so bucking angry I don’t even know what to do with myself…”

“I know; I’m sorry.” Twilight said. “I screwed up and dropped the ball when you relied on me and-”

“I’m not angry with you.” Rainbow Dash said softly. “Why would I be?"

“I was supposed to protect her!” Twilight said. “You trusted me to look after Fluttershy and I let you both down!”

“You did everything you could.” Rainbow Dash said. “You’re the freaking princess of magic; of course you didn’t screw up.”

“But I did!” Twilight said.

“You study magic all day, every day!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “You practice magic in your sleep! You’re the best magician in Equestria! And if your magic couldn’t save Fluttershy…nopony’s could have. It wasn’t…it wasn’t your fault. It was mine”

“But…if you weren’t angry with me, why wouldn’t you talk to me?” Twilight said. “You didn’t even look at me today!”

“How could I?!” Rainbow Dash cried. “How could I hope to look any of you in the face after I let Fluttershy-after I let all of you down!?!”

“You didn’t let nopony down!” Applejack said firmly. “Savin Fluttershy was a team effort and-”

“And everypony else did everything they could; everypony except me! We had three ponies and one dragon looking for that snake!” Rainbow Dash said, breathing heavily. “Four sets of eyes scanning the grass; you guys did all you could! So how could it be your fault?!”

“Dashie-” Pinkie Pie said

“It took Zecora all of five minutes to brew that potion!” Rainbow Dash blurted out. “Five stinking minutes and then I was back on the road; so it wasn’t hear fault either. So if it wasn’t Twilight’s fault and it wasn’t Zecora’s fault and if it wasn’t any of your faults…then it was my fault. I wasn’t…I wasn’t fast enough. I didn’t make it there back in time and because of that…we lost Fluttershy.”

“There’s nopony in the world faster than you!” Pinkie Pie said. “You’re the fastest flyer in-”

I could have been faster!” Rainbow Dash screamed. “I could be so much faster if I only gave a buck! If I only practiced when I should have practiced instead of slacking off and sleeping on clouds all day! I could have improved; maybe if I practiced more I might have been faster! And maybe…maybe I could have saved her!”

“You did all you could, Rainbow Dash; we all did.” Rarity said. “You’ve won dozens of flight competitions; you’re faster than any other-”

Not fast enough!” Rainbow Dash cried. “Yeah, I’m fast; so what?! Yeah, I could probably kick anypony’s flank is a straight up race so what?! All my medals, all my trophies, all the times I ponies I beat what do they matter?! What g-good did all that crap do Fluttershy? It doesn’t matter how fast I am or how many s-stupid awards I won…I wasn’t fast enough…sh-she was my oldest friend and I wasn’t f-fast enough.”

And then Twilight realized something; she had been so caught up in her own sadness, so worried that Rainbow Dash hated her that she hadn’t stopped to consider how Rainbow Dash was feeling. Looking at her now, Twilight saw a mirror of her own grief; one of her best friends was suffering through the same guilt and all she hadn't been able to see it until now. And it was then that Twilight counted herself among the stupidest mares in the world.

"I'm s-sorry, you guys." Rainbow Dash said. "I'm so sor-"

Twilight cut Rainbow Dash off by throwing her hooves around her and crushing her in a tight embrace. She heard Rainbow Dash sobbing the same two words over and over again and only thing Twilight could do was reply in kind.

“I know, R-Rainbow Dash.” Twilight sobbed. “I know exactly how you feel.”

“How could you?!” Rainbow Dash sobbed. “How could you of all ponies know what it feels like to know that your best wasn’t good enough?”

“Because it wasn’t.” Twilight said. “No matter how much you blame yourself, the fact of the matter is I f-failed to stop the poison.”

“Just like we failed to find the snake in time.” Spike said.

“And what good is it gonna do to keep hashin over it?!” Applejack said suddenly. “I’m sorry girls but I can’t abide by this pity party any longer!”

“Applejack, you don’t know-” Twilight said.

“The hell I don’t!” Applejack said. “Y’all think you got the market cornered on survivor’s guilt? Shoot, we all feel bad about Fluttershy! I don’t reckon that there’s a single one of us who didn’t wonder if there was something different we coulda done to save her! It we looked right instead of left; if we started lookin in different directions; if we checked under that log to begin with maybe we could have brought it back quicker. I thought about it; I’m sure the rest of y’all thought about it too.”

“But I still didn’t make it in time.” Rainbow Dash said.

“And I couldn't stop the poison by the time you got back.” Twilight sniffed.

“But all this coulda woulda shoulda bull don’t do Fluttershy a lick of good!” Applejack said, wiping her eyes. “And it sure as sugar don’t help us neither!”

“But-” Twilight said.

“Y’all don't get it.” Applejack went on. "You two are winners."

"I'm...sorry?" Rainbow Dash said

“Y’all were born with special abilities that most ponies never could dream of and y’all were lucky to come by them relatively easy.”

“Easy?” Twilight said.

“What d’you mean easy?!” Rainbow Dash said

“Rainbow Dash, when was the last time you really really worked your butt off to improve?” Pinkie Pie said. “You’re super-fast and strong and most of that just comes natural to you.”

“And when was the last magic spell you actually had to work at, Twilight?” Applejack said.

“I-I work really hard!” Twilight said. “All the time!”

“On many kinds of magic.” Rarity chimed in. “You gain mastery over one spell quickly and move on to three more in the time most unicorns spend struggling to learn just one. I could study for years and never know half the spells you do.”

“What’s your point?” Rainbow Dash sniffed.

“Y’all never learned how to lose.” Applejack said softly. “That’s the problem with being a winner; you can’t win forever and when you lose…you lose hard. And like it or not, we all lost Fluttershy. And it weren’t neither of your faults.”


“The world doesn’t turn on the actions of Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle.” Spike said. “Ponies don’t live or die based on what you do alone.”

“So maybe you coulda been faster, Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said, walking over to Rainbow Dash and Twilight and putting a hoof on each of their shoulders. “And maybe you coulda used a different kind of magic, Twilight. And maybe the rest of us coulda found that snake faster and maybe Zecora coulda brewed the potion faster and maybe Fluttershy coulda fought a little longer. But so what? Fact is, we didn’t. So…what are we gonna do about it now? We can either sit around, kickin ourselves in the ass for the rest of our lives for all the good it’ll do…or we can pick ourselves up and keep going on.”

“But…I can’t just let it go.” Twilight said. “I can’t just get over it.”

“I ain’t askin you to.” Applejack said. “You ain’t gonna feel better overnight; trust me, I know. But I’m gonna tell you two the same thing Granny Smith told me the mornin after we laid my ma and pa to rest.”

“What was that?” Rainbow Dash said.

“She said “The sun’s shinin, the birds are singin, and there’re still apples to buck.” Applejack said, offering them her handkerchief. “As long as we’re here…we gotta buck them apples.”

“Leave it to Applejack to come up with an apple metaphor for everything.” Rainbow Dash chuckled, wiping her eyes.

"You should write a book; The Tao of Apples." Twilight chuckled

"Maybe I will..." Applejack chuckled. "So...what'll it be ladies; advance or advance?"

Rainbow Dash and Twilight shared a teary expression. "Advance." Rainbow Dash said.

"Advance." Twilight echoed

"Atta girls." Applejack said, pulling them into a hug.

“I just remembered…she wanted to tell me something.” Rainbow Dash said suddenly. “She had something to say to me and I totally blew her off…I wonder what it was.”

“Shh…” Twilight said. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Did she say anything to you?” Rainbow Dash said.

“She told me to tell you that she always…” Twilight paused for a moment, looking between Fluttershy’s plaque and Rainbow Dash. “…believed in you.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash said.

“She wanted you to know how special she thought you were.” Twilight said quickly. “And that she never doubted that one day, you’d achieve everything you ever wanted to.”

“That’s it?” Rainbow Dash laughed, wiping her eyes angrily. “Damnit…she was always my biggest fan, you know? N-never once raised her eye or laughed at me when I said I wanted to join the Wonderbolts…I promised her my first autograph when I finally made it. I thought I would have t-time enough to sign her one…I thought I’d have more time with her.”

“We all wanted more time.” Twilight said. “I just feel so…robbed. Like I had months and years of wonderful memories with Fluttershy just stolen from me…from all of us.”

“But we’re never going to get that time, are we?” Rainbow Dash said. “Whatever comes after this…we’re going to have to go on without her…alone.”

“Not alone.” Twilight said, nuzzling Rainbow Dash gently. “We’re still here, Rainbow Dash. As hard as it’s going to be-”

“We have to keep on going.” Rainbow Dash said. “We have to do our best now. Fluttershy believed in me…it’s about time I started living up to that…it’s time all of us did”

“All of us.” Twilight agreed.

“All of us.” Pinkie Pie said.

“All of us.” Applejack said.

“All of us.” Rarity said.

“All of us.” Spike said

The six of them sat a while in comfortable silence, savoring each other’s presence as the wind gently rustled through Fluttershy's tree. Finally, they took one last look at Fluttershy's memorial tree and set off for home

“Ain’t gonna be easy…” Applejack sighed. “Goin on with just six of us.”

"We'll figure out a way." Rainbow Dash said. “After all, we still gotta buck them apples, ah reckon!”

"Oh shut up!" Applejack said shoving Rainbow Dash down the hill.

“You did good Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said, sparing a final look at the tiny tree on the hill.

“Thanks.” Rainbow Dash said, dusting herself off. “I tried…I hope I didn’t miss anything important.”

“I still get the feelin like we forgot somethin…” Applejack said. “Like…somepony who was supposed to be here wasn’t.”

“I don’t think there’s a pony in Ponyville who didn’t show up.” Rarity said.

“I made sure to invite all of Fluttershy’s closest friends…everypony who I thought would want to say goodbye got oh crap!” Rainbow Dash said, clapping a hoof over her mouth in horror. “Discord! I didn’t tell Discord! Nopony told Discord!”

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger, I know, but you won't have to wait long; the next chapter is ready to go and I'll be posting it tomorrow

This chapter was cantankerous and quarrelsome and if you can believe it, it was originally three times as long. Most of it got broken up into the next two chapters just so you're not sitting for hours reading a 20000 word chapter. That's a bit much to ask people to read in one sitting.

My concern for this chapter is that it's a bit melodramatic with everybody crying woe is me (In fact, Applejack's outburst may be more or less my own thoughts as I was awake writing this at two in the morning). I'd like to hear your feedback on this and any way you think I could have improved.

Couple of notes;

There was a link to music when Twilight said "I'm sorry" to Rainbow Dash. That plays throughout the whole last scene with the big crescendo coming as they start to move past this.

Borealis is the stallion most people have decided was Rainbow Dash's dad.

Firefly is of course Rainbow Dash's precursor

The pink and yellow flower is a dahlia. Among it's numerous meanings is one that says "temper your adventures with a kind heart."

I made an executive decision regarding Applejack's slang; she is no longer going to use "Ah" to mean "I"

Feedback is always welcome! Like if you liked it; dislike if you disliked it and leave a comment if you have something to say! See you tomorrow!