• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 760 Views, 336 Comments

Timed Ramblings - Midnight herald

A collection of speedfics from my dabblings in Thirty Minute Ponies. Stories do not share continuity unless otherwise marked.

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The Worst Month

It had been the worst month ever. At least, it had been the worst month since she'd seen the Rainbow all those years ago. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were fighting, and it was all Pinkie's fault.
Applejack didn't like silly ponies, as it turned out. And who was more frivolous, more silly, more pointless than Pinkie Pie?

Normally, it wouldn't be a problem, somepony calling Pinkie silly. She was, and that was fine. But this was Applejack. Applejack was important, and the things she said mattered. If anypony else said silly ponies were a ware of time, Pinkie would just laugh it off. But Applejack always told the truth, and it was just plain screwy to try and laugh that away. The truth could be scary, she knew that. But it didn't disappear with a few giggles. It didn't matter if a whole army laughed themselves blue in the face - the truth would still be there. Just like how Applejack was alway there.

And Pinkie liked Applejack, liked her so much it hurt a bit inside, especially when she heard Applejack say that. So she'd decided that she'd be a pony Applejack could respect. She'd ba a worthwhile, productive member of society.
She still threw parties, of course. But she threw them for worthwhile reasons, like birthday parties or smile emergencies. It was still her job, and Applejack liked a good work ethic. She still went around town and left a trail of smiles in her wake, but her own goofy, overblown grin stayed tucked away, away where it couldn't annoy anypony. It took her longer to get around town when she kept herself from springing about in her usual fashion, but those extra minutes would be worth it, when Applejack would see that she was a worthwhile pony, a pony worth respecting, a pony Applejack would like. A pony who mattered. But this had been the worst month ever, and Applejack hadn't smiled at her in two weeks, would barely meet her eyes.

Dashie had flown in when things got bad and demanded an explanation. And then Dash had sat and listened with the quiet, gentle patience she always saved special for Pinkie and Fluttershy, when they needed it. She'd listened and given Pinkie a long, warm hug before shooting out her window straight for Sweet Apple Acres.

And now Applejack and Rainbow Dash gave each other nasty glares when they thought nopony else was looking. But Pinkie wasn't stupid. She could see what they were doing, and she could put two and two together, so she knew why they were doing it. It had been the worst month ever, and Pinkie felt like the worst pony ever.

And now Applejack was walking slowly up to the counter, with slow, deliberate steps, steady as a metronome or a march to the gallows. She looked up and flinched for a moment before paying extra attention to the scones in he display case. The lump in Pinkie's throat sank down into her chest and wrapped around her lungs and her heart. Applejack couldn't stand her right now, even after all she had done. How broken could a pony be, that she couldn't fix herself no matter how she tried?

Pinkie's neutral smile, the one that kept her company these days, wouldn't come out no matter how nicely she asked. She shifted her weight and coughed a little to drive the sadness from her voice.
"Hey, Applejack," she mumbled, scratching at her right foreleg nervously.
Applejack's head shot up suddenly, her bright green eyes burning with a new determination. The weight in Pinkie's chest fought briefly with the fluttery warmth in her stomach at those eyes, an she thought for a second she would throw up right there.


"Pinkie, I'm sorry," Applejack cried. No tears shone in her hypnotic eyes, but there were plenty hiding in her voice, wet and shimmering. "I didn't know you heard what I said, elsewise I would've cleared this up a month ago." Applejack took a moment to shake herself and breathe slowly, her beautiful eyes never once leaving Pinkie's. "Pinkie, you are one of the most hardworking, respectable mares I know, alright? I love the way you make everypony feel, and I love the way you never make sense. I love your jokes, the way you bounce... And I can't stand seeing you try so hard to be something you're not. So please, Pinkie, will you smile again?"

And just like that, the weight was gone, with the gloomy minor- key soundtrack that had played through her head for the past three days. And her big, goofy, overblown grin sprang back onto her face as she leapt across the glass display case and tackled Applejack in a powerful hug. Everything was alright again, and this was the best day she'd had since she saw the Rainbow, all those years ago.

Author's Note:

Prompt 287: Pinkie smiles again

Hooray for borderline ship-fics! I'm turning into a fan of ApplePie (Blame Esle Ynopemos), and I decided to try a bit, but the undertones of Pinkie's maybe-crush didn't come through enough for it to work how I wanted. I guess that's what I get for typing this on a music stand during rehearsal.

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