• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 760 Views, 336 Comments

Timed Ramblings - Midnight herald

A collection of speedfics from my dabblings in Thirty Minute Ponies. Stories do not share continuity unless otherwise marked.

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Good Things

Applejack was an upstanding pony, everyone knew that. She was grounded, down-to-earth, and generally one of the more sensible ponies in her group of friends. That being said, she wasn’t above a bit if friendly gossip. And as she had discovered, soon after that fateful sleepover, Rarity was an excellent source of that. And gossiping with Rarity was great for Applejack, because the rumors they shared were friendly. It was more of the ‘Carrot Top’s cousin got married to the first unicorn in family history’ kind of rumor than the ‘Fleur de Lis is an alcoholic’ or ‘Rainbow Dash got stood up again’ variety, so it didn’t feel particularly malicious. So after almost every market day, Applejack would head over to the Boutique and spend an hour or two gumming it up over tea and biscotti.

It started out entirely friendly, just two mares sharing little tidbits from around town, and it remained mostly the same to this day. But Applejack, being the pony she was, had turned it into a bit of an upsmareship game, on who could bring in the best morsel. Rarity, being the pony she was, had stepped up to the challenge with her usual grace and elegance. And for the last two weeks, Rarity had been ahead in their little game. She knew that Fluttershy had a special somepony, although she didn’t know who. But Applejack did, now. Because even though Rarity could talk and connive with the best of them, Applejack could wait and watch and notice. You had to, as an orchard boss. Trees didn’t grow like cornstalks, apples didn’t tell you when they were ripe, and Fluttershy was one of the best stonewallers in Ponyville, when she had a secret. Fluttershy could deflect anything Rarity threw at her, but she couldn’t hide from Applejack’s discerning eyes.

Applejack’s suspicions had first been raised when Fluttershy had come over for baking lessons of all things. Applejack knew that, much like her animals, Fluttershy was more of a raw foods kind of pony, but Fluttershy had given enough of an excuse that Applejack had let it go after the first question. Henrietta and her chicken friends were laying more than they ever had, and Fluttershy didn’t have a license to sell the extras, which would keep better if she could make muffins and cakes and scones. So Applejack had taught her as much as she could on a free afternoon while the rain poured down, and had watched as Fluttershy attacked each recipe with a focus and vigor she hardly showed outside of helping animals. And Fluttershy had left with the sunshine, prancing away and humming a cheery little ditty under her breath, splashing in the mud puddles like a little filly, and Applejack had wondered...

And now she had absolute proof. This morning, PInkie had come by and asked for advice on herding animals. Applebuck season was closing in, as was the Annual Bunny Census, and Applejack had yet to hear from Fluttershy on whether or not she would be helping out. And Pinkie had given an explanation about her cousin Shepherd Pie who needed some advice because her dog had gone lame and she needed all the help she could get on how to deal with her flock without her faithful collie, and Celestia knew what else had come out of Pinkie’s mouth. It wasn’t the normal kind of PInkie’s ramblings, when she was full of too much joy to stop talking, when she was convinced that another pony needed to hear the Oatmeal Story in the hopes it would earn a smile. No, today Pinkie was nervous, and her rambling story was meant to avoid answering certain questions like why she was asking about smaller, more timid animals than sheep in the first place. Applejack had smiled and given her the best advice she knew and had not once let Pinkie have any idea what Applejack had known already, what she had figured out.

Applejack knew that good things come to those who wait. Tomorrow was Market Day, and she couldn’t help but smile as she knocked some of the early Cripps off of their eager tree with a single kick. Because after Market closed, she’d definitely be ahead in her and Rarity’s little game, and she couldn’t wait to see what Rarity’s face would do when she shared what she’d found out.

Author's Note:

Prompt 317: Thinly veiled FlutterPie

All the fluff. All. The. Fluff.

That is all

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