• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 760 Views, 336 Comments

Timed Ramblings - Midnight herald

A collection of speedfics from my dabblings in Thirty Minute Ponies. Stories do not share continuity unless otherwise marked.

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Cup and Carrot Cake woke gradually to the aroma of coffee and eggs. They blearily blinked their eyes and shook their heads weakly against their fluffy pillows before noticing the tray of still-steaming breakfast that sat beside their large bed. Cup picked up a folded note and read it out loud in a raspy morning voice.

“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake -- I know the twins were restless last night, so I took your alarm clock. Don’t worry about the morning rush - I’ve got it all covered! Love, Pinkie.”

Cup and Carrot smiled at one another sleepily and snuggled together, lifting over the breakfast tray. They traded sweet nothings and little kisses and giggles as they fed each other bites of toast and scramble. Far below them, the clatter of dishes and the murmur of a contented crowd played a lovely little soundtrack to their unexpected lazy morning.


Rarity took one last check in the mirror before stepping outside. It was important to look her best every day; it would be downright disrespectful to put forth any less effort. Just because she would be spending her day in the Whitetail woods with Fluttershy on one of their little nature hikes didn’t mean she could be anything less than fabulous. She stepped forth into the bright, sunny morning with a smile and saddlebags filled with a picnic lunch.

“Ooh, Rarity, I love your hat!” Rarity whirled around to see Pinkie Pie waving at her from Sugarcube Corner’s kitchen door. Rarity waved back smoothly, unruffled. Then Pinkie gave her a wink so huge it travelled the distance with ease and a smile that sent blood rushing into her cheeks. “I bet Fluttershy will love it, too!” Pinkie continued easily. Rarity shook herself and trotted off, grinning with abandon as Pinkie rushed back inside. Today was shaping up to be absolutely wonderful.


Applejack smiled at the pink shape bouncing up the road. She bucked another tree and listened with satisfaction to the apples thumping into their baskets. Not a one had missed. The bouncing turned to an all-out sprint, and Pinkie crested the hill with a sunny grin brighter than the noonday sun. Pinkie tackled her in the last second, laughing, and the two of them rolled through the grass and dirt, coming to a stop at the split-rail fence. Then Pinkie helped her up and gave her a bone-creaking squeeze and a playful ear-nip. Pinkie’s laughter washed away the hours of work from Applejack’s shoulders and legs, and the playful clonk! on Applejack’s nose didn’t hurt one bit. She grinned easily, lazily, and gave Pinkie a teasing chuck on the shoulder. There weren’t many ponies Applejack could roughhouse with, and she was glad she could be so childish around Pinkie without it feeling wrong.

“AJ, were you gonna skip lunch again?” Pinkie asked, frowning a little.

Applejack shifted nervously and tugged on her hat. “Uh... maybe?” the thought hadn’t crossed her mind, but by the sun’s height, it was heading that way. And if Pinkie hadn’t broken her out of her rhythm, she wouldn’tve noticed how hungry she was right now.

Pinkie sighed, her eyes rolling hugely. Applejack didn’t feel quite so guilty after seeing Pinkie’s silly face. “Well, come on, AJ,” Pinkie declared, ridiculously serious. “We’re giving Apple Bloom a cooking lesson.”

“Since when?” Applejack asked, panicked. Had she forgotten something important again?

“Since right about now,” Pinkie giggled, butting Applejack into action with her poofy head.


The sun was a little too hot today, Rainbow decided, twitching her nose and shifting on her comfy cumulus. Dash felt the whirring wind of the propellor blades and opened one lazy eye. “Hey, Pinks,” she grunted, stretching out on her cloud. “Whazzup?” She rubbed her eyes with a foreleg and sat up, taking in Pinkie’s manic grin and laughing eyes.

“Do you wanna keep laughing, or do you wanna prank Roseluck?” Pinkie asked, quivering with excitement even as she pedalled her crazy contraption.

Rainbow Dash shook herself and grinned - from the looks of things, Pinkie had something radical in mind. “Is that even a question?” she cackled, shooting off into the sky. “Whaddya got in mind?”


Cranky Doodle Donkey had a problem. Namely, he’d forgotten about a very important date, a date that was going to start in exactly fifteen minutes. He searched through boxes of memorabilia and drawers of junk, looking for something, anything to give his dearest Matilda.

“Couldn’t remember one measly anniversary, huh?” he grumbled to himself, slamming shut his dresser in disgust. His ear twitched and he jumped a little as somepony or somedonkey knocked on his door. He limped over to the mudroom in fear and peeked through the little peephole. Pinkie Pie waved at him with a box of chocolates and Matilda’s favorite bouquet, laying them down gently and bounding off to whatever crazy plan she had next. He sighed in relief and reminded himself to invite her over for dinner sometime soon. She always had some great story to tell, and she was one of the best listeners he’d ever met.


Twilight looked over the casserole she’d created with some moderate concern. The edges looked entirely black, although the cheese in the middle bubbled enticingly. She lifted it to the table with a thought and rifled through the drawers of her kitchen for a proper serving utensil. The casserole was a far cry from her mother’s, but much better than the last time she’d tried to bake unattended. There had hardly been any smoke in the kitchen this time. That’s progress, Pinkie would say. Twilight let loose a giddy little giggle and fluffed her wings, grabbing three plates and glasses. The door opened and she set the table quickly before trotting towards the main room.

“Hiya, snugglebutt!” Pinkie laughed, giving Twilight a heartmelting smile. Then Pinkie’s rump swayed hypnotically. She gave a playful growl, a waggle of her expressive eyebrows, and tackled Twilight into a reading cushion, nuzzling her chin and sighing happily as Twilight wrapped her tight in hooves and wings.

“Long day?” Twilight asked, kissing the spot behind Pinkie’s ear that made her melt. Pinkie purred and squirmed for a few seconds before snuggling further into Twilight’s chest.

“Just the usual,” Pinkie murmured, shrugging slightly.

“So that’s a yes, then,” Twilight giggled, cuddling Pinkie a little bit closer. Dinner could wait a little while longer.

Author's Note:

Prompt 425: The city of love

I tried to Show Pinkie helping along a bunch of different types of love here just by being her usual bouncy nosey self ... I think it came across pretty well.

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