• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 760 Views, 336 Comments

Timed Ramblings - Midnight herald

A collection of speedfics from my dabblings in Thirty Minute Ponies. Stories do not share continuity unless otherwise marked.

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Burning the Rot

Dear Applejack

You were right, I guess. I’m not happy about it, and I’m sure as sugar you’re probably not either. You told me how much of a mess Manehattan was, and I should’ve listened to you instead of going off and being my stubborn self as I always do. And I really should stop being my stubborn self right now, too, but I know I’d just regret it later.

Here’s the thing, sis - Manehattan’s worse than you remember it. I can see why Cousin Babs tried her darndest to get me out here, with all the letters about programs that’d interest me and such. The city’s rotten. The mayor’s practically the Mob’s property, the school has ears, and the Guard can’t do anything for fear of … terrible things.

You know how I’m a fair hand at fixing things? You remember that talk you gave me ‘fore I left, the one about how our family has always been able to make things grow right again? I know that was about our fighting, but I’ve been thinking on it a lot during curfew, when I can’t sleep. I can fix this city. I can cut out and burn away the rot and filth and set it back on the path to rightness. I know you kept the you-know-what in the attic, back when RD’s head got three times too big. Could you send it along with the next care package?


Apple Bloom

P.S. My roommate says thanks for the extra fritters


Dear Applejack

Thanks for sending along the equipment. I feel a lot better these days with all the exercise I’ve been getting, and you’ve got a lot to do with that. I get that you’re not so happy about what I’m doing, but thank you for understanding how much I need to do this. You’re a great sister, and I love you so much.

I’m afraid that they might start reading my letters… I got tracked back to campus by one of their ponies last night, so this might be the last letter I can send safely. It’s good to hear that Granny’s new hip is working well, and I’m really glad the rocker I made her is holding up well.

It’s been real humid ‘round here, and not a day goes by when I don’t think of how nice and crisp it feels on the farm, when the breeze blows by. I miss you and Granny and Mac and Winona more than you could believe right now. I hope the corn grows well, and don’t be afraid of asking Fluttershy for help with the crows this season. She really does enjoy spending time with you.

Much love,

Apple Bloom


Dear Applejack

Sorry it’s been so long. I can tell that you’re worried about me, but I couldn’t rightly send anything your way. They’ve been reading my mail and asking all sorts of questions about my day-to-day. Figured it was safer if I pretended I didn’t talk to you much. Thanks for sending me Winona’s old blanket. I get weird looks, but I was getting them anyways, and at least now I have a familiar smell to fall asleep to, when I can.

Send my love to everyone, ‘Specially Sweetie Belle and Scoots. I miss ‘em powerful, but I don’t know if when I’ll get back. I guess the rot went deeper than I thought.

Apple Bloom

Author's Note:

Prompt 359: Mare-do-well: Year One

I don't even know

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