• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 1,808 Views, 135 Comments

Valley Of Rainbows: Seeking Solutions - Sparx

Rainbow Dash must seek out the lost Elements of harmony to aid in the potential threat of coming war, with the aid of some strange allies

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Blood On My Hands

Blood On My Hands

Nickel stood before a mirror, adorned in long, violet robes, washed up and clean. He felt better than he had in a long time. Though it seemed everything was working out for him far better than he had expected, he couldn’t help but believe that he truly didn’t deserve this, and the thoughts of, how long will this last, haunted him. His master was still out there, and if he found the pony he was looking for, he wouldn’t stop at eliminating her along with anything and anyone she had held close.

Nickel’s mind began to fill with images of his master enslaving the pony race, forcing them to toil and find him riches just as his own people had done for generations. The idea that he could be killed by his master’s claws was the more soothing of the possibilities, with his greatest conceived fear being to work himself to death as he had been only weeks ago. He couldn’t go back to that.

“Hey! Nick! You comin’?” Spitfire’s voice summoned him from behind the door. She was to escort him back for another meeting with the princess. He understood the precaution, and was well aware that he had eyes on him wherever he went, but he had no intentions of going against what they said or escaping.

Nickel made his way to the door and met the kind pegasus who had fought for his sake. “I am ready.”

Spitfire smiled and offered for Nickel to walk beside her instead of in front where she could keep her gaze on him at all times. Side by side the two of them made their way to the throne room.

“So, Nick, you don’t mind me calling you Nick by the way, do ya?” Spitfire started, trying to ease the rat’s nerves.

“I do not take any offense,” Nickel returned. “But I must ask, why are you so willing to accept me?”

Spitfire shrugged. “Dunno really… actually that’s not true.” She shook her head. “When I sit and think about it, it’s because the information you’ve given us could prove very helpful to someone that I love very much. It can help us help her… and the rest of us as well.”

Nickel looked on as Spitfire’s head drooped in thought. “You give me more credit than my kind deserve.”

“What? Your kind?” Spitfire chuckled. “Nick, I dunno how familiar you are with pony culture, but we celebrate individuality and diversity. We get marks on our flanks to express our unique talents. You are you, not your race.”

Nickel felt a smile spread across his face. “Your words are very kind.” They continued to walk as Nickel reflected upon Spitfire’s words. “You have found love. That warms my own heart. But I have another question.”

Spitfire looked to Nickel in curiosity, motioning for him to ask his question.

“You said help her.”

Spitfire nodded. “Yeah.”

“I see I have much to learn about pony reproduction,” Nickel said with a confused shake of his head.

Spitfire laughed rather loudly, startling Nickel. “No, Nick. It doesn’t have anything to do with sex. I love her. We don’t give a damn about your sexuality here in Equestria.”

Nickel began to stroke at the fur on his chin in thought. “Interesting.”

“Don’t get me wrong though, the sex is pretty amazing!” Spitfire grinned, lost in her own fantasy world as she wiped up a small dribble of drool from her lip.

They stood before the doors of the throne room before Spitfire looked to Nickel to see if he was ready. When he answered with a nod, she pushed open the doors and they entered the room. Once again, Twilight sat in the throne beside Spike, with a number of guards standing about. Spitfire guided Nickel back to the center of the room where he stood the last time, then made her way by Twilight’s side.

“Welcome back, Nickel,” Twilight said with a smile. “Before we begin, I’ll be casting our truth spell once again, simply out of duty mind you.”

Nickel nodded. “I understand, princess.”

Twilight cast her spell, asking once again, “What is your name?”

“Nickel,” he answered.

“Good.” Twilight motioned for Spike to come closer to her, and he obeyed, letting out a puff and dropping a scroll into his claw. Twilight noticed that, as Nickel noticed Spike’s movement, he twitched. She brought the scroll before her and spoke, “Owayix.”

Nickel flinched at the word.

“Translation, Thunder Lord, Storm Bringer, or Tempest Commander,” she continued.

Nickel nodded, knowing that what she said was correct, but fearful with memories stirring in his head.

Spitfire noticed this, feeling her own head swimming in her memories of staring up at the sky and seeing a massive sparking cloud fly by.

“Language of origin, draconic.” Twilight rolled the scroll back up and handed it back to Spike. She looked back down to Nickel and saw him shivering. “As a scholar and talented linguist, I’m sure you already knew this. Would this assumption be correct?”

Nickel nodded. “A fearsome monster that dwells beneath the sands; he rewarded us with rain and tortured us with drought and lightning. ‘The lord is hungry, the lord must feed, the lord is angry, bring what he needs.’”

Spitfire looked on, confused, before Twilight explained, “Most likely an old rhyme told to the children in his tribe.”

“So we’re dealing with a blue it seems,” Spike jumped in. “But what in Tartarus is he doing getting his claws dirty?”

“What do you mean?” Spitfire asked.

“I mean, blue dragons are manipulators, not brutes.” Spike began rubbing the bridge of his nose in thought. “The greedy bastards are only ever seen when they have to be, sending out minions and armies. They don’t go on rampages like other dragons, they start wars!

“You don’t think…” Spitfire began, hoping the others could pick up on her thought.

“That he’s the cause of Gallows making a move?” Twilight began. She pondered, tapping her hoof against her chin. “Nickel,” she said, grabbing the rat’s attention once again. “Did Owayix ever hold counsel with griffons; have them come to his lair and communicate with you, or perhaps leave for extended periods of time?”

“More likely he would have sent one of the rats to griffon lands,” Spike interjected.

Nickel took a moment to search his memories. “No, princess. Lord Owayix is very old and trusted none but my tribe. We had served him for generations, from our peak to… now.”

Everyone saw that Nickel didn’t wince in physical pain, meaning he was telling the truth.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Spike huffed, emerald flames spitting out his nostrils. “Why would a blue destroy all of his servants and rush off, exposed to creatures’ eyes? They’re noted as desert mirages for a reason, they hate outsiders knowing they exist, too complicated for them.”

“Spike, you can’t generalize creatures like that,” Twilight insisted. “Look at Nickel.”

“Please, princess… your words are spoken in haste.” Nickel held up a paw, blocking her praise. “I am simply more educated than most of my kind… but I have committed the evils of my kin as well.”

Silence fell upon the room as Spike, Spitfire, and Twilight all turned their eyes back on Nickel.

“It… it is true,” he began. “And it is quite possible that my tribe is the most despicable of our lot, following all the commands our master would demand of us.” With a deep breath, Nickel began to speak, revealing secrets he had hid from even himself for many years, eliminating any possibility of them coming out under worse conditions. “Miss Spitfire and Princess Twilight, you give me far too much credit for being an individual, when I followed my race along with their wicked deeds.

“When I was younger, the master wanted much, even more than he wants now. It was my duty to retrieve what he desired, along with my pack. Most often he would desire the jewels and gems of the earth. On occasion he demanded magical relics from our people’s tombs and temples. That was despicable enough, but it was when he wanted living sustenance… we fetched him that too…” He buried his face into his paws as his voice began to quaver. “We would wander into pony lands, silently lurking until we found a suitable meal for our lord… and take them.” He couldn’t bear to look up at the three, imagining the horrified look they must be giving him. “The crunching of bones and squishing of meat from the other room never bothered me… but when we were demanded to bring a youth… she began to cry. I couldn’t go through with it… but I couldn’t disobey my master. She haunts me to this day, and I left the pack, taking up the tomes and becoming a scholar in the hopes that I could educate us all beyond the primal sacrifices and butchery. That cannot make up for what I have done though…”

When he finally looked up, Nickel saw the three looking back at him, but not as horrified as he had expected.

“Nickel… you and I must discuss this someday,” Twilight said. “But know that this changes nothing. You want redemption, you feel regret, and you are offering us help against a danger only you could tell us about. You are an individual, and I would like to help you know this, but this meeting is about figuring out what we must do to protect us all, including you.”

Nickel looked up to Twilight with awe, he had never been considered an individual, or talked to so kindly. He nodded in understanding. “Understood, Princess,” he spoke with new confidence, vigor coming into his voice that almost took everyone in the room off guard. “I believe my former master has gone mad. Age has destroyed his mind as he has lived beyond even the limits of most dragon standards. His greed, however, has remained powerful, perhaps the most intact part of his psyche. When he heard that a magical necklace was found upon a pony in the desert and that it was not returned to him, I think that something snapped within him.”

Again, silence seemed to fall as Twilight and Spitfire felt their stomachs sink.

“Was there any description of the pony given that you could hear?” Spitfire asked. She could feel panic forcing her heart to race.

Nickel nodded. “They described the pony as blue coated and rainbow maned, travelling with a group of three dogs and rather skilled in combat.”

Spitfire didn’t wait to hear anything else as she spread her wings and flew for the door. Nickel was left surprised as Twilight called out for her to come back.

Spitfire flew as fast as she could manage down the halls, terror filling her thoughts. She flew out of the doors to the castle, turning and pointing herself in the direction she had last heard the cloud was headed towards.

She didn’t notice Soarin’ as she flew by, almost sending him spinning with her speed.

“Captain!” he called out to her. She didn’t respond and Soarin’ chased after her. “Captain!” he called again.

Spitfire ignored him, her mind consumed with only one thought.

Soarin’ growled in frustration and pushed his wings to their limit, finally breaking out in front of Spitfire, holding his forehooves out to try and stop her.

“SPITFIRE!” he screamed, finally getting her to stop.

Spitfire’s face contorted with anger when she was stopped. “Soarin’, get out of my way!”

“What the hell has gotten into you?” Soarin’ asked.

“Rainbow Dash and everyone with her are in incredible danger! The storm we’ve kept an eye on is a dragon, and he’s pissed, and he’s after her!” Her words came rapidly as she kept trying to get around Soarin’.

“Spitfire, stop!” Soarin’ wouldn’t let her get past. “You can’t leave!”

You should be coming with me!” Spitfire spat back. “Your new ‘pack’ are in just as much danger too!”

“And they are all capable of finding a way to avoid or escape, you have to have faith in them, and stay here while you’re needed!” Soarin’ was the most serious Spitfire had ever seen him. Concern and determination forced his brow to furrow.

“The Wonderbolts can handle their job here!”

“And Rainbow’s group can handle their job out there!” Soarin’ countered. “I know you’re scared for her, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned as well, but you have to calm down! We need a leader here, and you’re it. You’re afraid, and frustrated and upset, but you aren’t the only one. I’m assuming the princess knows this too?” Spitfire nodded. “Then how do you think she feels? She can’t just go flying off to warn her though! She has to stay here and keep everypony safe!”

Spitfire didn’t want to hear this, but she understood it. While every inch of her wanted to keep flying and find some way to catch up with Rainbow to warn her and help her, when she thought about it, she didn’t know where she was, or how far. She wouldn’t be of too much help.

She gave a disappointed sigh. “You’re right. I hate that you are, but you’re right.” She shook her head, holding it in her forehooves. “Dammit!” She let out a scream, terrified of the uncertainty that now echoed in her mind. The mare she loved was out there somewhere, in a place she couldn’t go, and she didn’t even know if she was alive or dead.

Soarin’ didn’t object, flinch, or wince at the scream. He simply floated there alongside his friend, offering whatever comfort he could in his presence.

Spitfire shook her head again, still trying to clear her mind. “She’ll be okay. Hell, she probably grabbed everyone and is on her way back already.” She didn’t believe it, but it felt better to say it. “Then we can kick that dragon’s ass together.”

Soarin’ gave a smile, patting Spitfire on the shoulder. “That we will.”

Spitfire gave a slight chuckle, still nervous inside, but trying to give way to optimism.

“And hopefully by then, Shining will have showed up,” Soarin’ added.

“You’ve yet to give me a convincing argument as to why I shouldn’t leave you here,” Shining Armor growled.

“Nor have I given you a reason as to why you SHOULD,” the horn replied calmly, still sitting in the snow.

“You mean aside from enslaving all of your people?” Shining scoffed.

Fair enough, and I suppose it would be useless to let you know things were not as they seemed?”

“You’d suppose right.”

“I would suspect as much from a champion such as you. You’re wise and strong, very worthy to become king… but you close yourself off to becoming a truly great king.”

“You’re remembered as a tyrant, not a great king. Cadence is more beloved than you were in your better days.”

“I hold no doubt to that,” the horn returned. “But we are talking about you, not your wife. I can help you become great, and at this time, I can help you in this war… among other problems yet to come.”

“Well you’re not winning my trust by keeping secrets,” Shining Armor spat. “I should be leaving for Canterlot, not talking to some dethroned dictator in the blowing snow.”

“But you’re not!” At that, Shining paused and couldn’t think of any return. “You followed my summons, I interested you. I know of incoming dangers, and you can use that.” Shining stayed quiet. “And you can deny it if you want to, but I know that the abilities I offer appeal to you as well. Now, since you don’t seem very talkative, how about you accept my gift, like we both know you will, and get ourselves over to Canterlot and stop a war before we’re too late.”

“… Fine.”

Author's Note:

Guess who's back?

We have our villain revealed, and perhaps an ally?