• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 1,808 Views, 135 Comments

Valley Of Rainbows: Seeking Solutions - Sparx

Rainbow Dash must seek out the lost Elements of harmony to aid in the potential threat of coming war, with the aid of some strange allies

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Black Winter Night

The party trekked along the northeastern path, planning to walk into the Frozen North over taking the train. They didn’t see any tracks or sign of the Crystal Empire in the spell, so they believed searching the tundra to be a quicker route, perhaps a safer one as well with reports of attacks near the station.

“Ice wolf territory, yeah?” Gilda asked, clarifying the dangers they approached.

“Worse than that,” Lyra answered. “Our biggest concern and preparations should be for the cold, both natural and otherwise.”

“Otherwise?” Applejack asked nervously.

Fluttershy gave a small hum of confirmation.

“You really don’t say much, do ya?” Gilda grumbled.

Fluttershy didn’t respond in any way.

“Right,” Gilda sighed and looked back to Lyra. “So, yeah, what do you mean otherwise?”

Lyra chuckled. “Well, a number of the creatures that dwell in the ice have some manipulation over it as well. Wendigos for example, though our primary concern will indeed be a form of wolf. Worgs, as they’re called, are a savage pack creature, bigger than a normal wolf and bulkier as well. You got that in your head?”

Gilda nodded.

“Now give it white fur, make it bigger and smarter, and you have the thing we really need to worry about,” Lyra continued. “A winter wolf.”

“So an oversized wild dog with white fur and a few extra brain cells?” Gilda was unimpressed.

“That kinda thinking is going to get you killed,” Rainbow Dash shot at her from behind, lugging a heavy passenger on her back.

“I can tell you that it is not an enjoyable experience either.” Rover gave a painful laugh, holding a paw over his leaf covered chest, riding on Rainbow’s back.

“How’s that heart holding up, zombie?” Rainbow smiled as she carried her friend, his weight was no issue so long as he was breathing.

“I still feel it pumping. It is painful, but at least that means it is working.” Rover grinned in return, simply happy to still be alive.

“Taught you a lesson!” Lyra chuckled. “You can’t keep exerting yourself that hard and expect to get out of it completely free.”

“A fair lesson to learn,” Rover agreed. Fido and Spot laughed, overflowing with joy to have their leader still with them.

“So if we come across any worgs, you’re gonna be sitting the fight out. Got it?” Dash ordered.

“Of course!” Rover responded. “I am not so eager to die again.”

‘And I’m not so eager to SEE you die again,’ Rainbow thought as they continued along their path.

As they walked, Applejack began to find herself in a daydream. Her mind drifted to thoughts of what could have happened had she approached Rainbow earlier, before they left, or if she had gone with her. She shook her head. ‘Why am Ah thinkin’ this? All its gonna do is make me upset…’ The thoughts didn’t leave, however, forcing themselves back as she tried to shake them away. She caught a view of her earthworm dangling from her hat again. “Sorry, Slippy. Shakin’ a bit rough fer ya?” The worm dangled and gave what looked like a nod. “Apologies again then, little partner.”

“Why do you talk to that thing?” Gilda jumped in. “He’s a snack, not a conversation partner.”

Applejack brought a hoof up to the brim of her hat and let the worm crawl down onto her hammer, rubbing noses against his end. “Perhaps ta you, but Slippy here is a friend. Always doin’ somethin’ ta cheer me up. Not ta mention he’s a big apple fan.”

Gilda sighed. “I will never understand herbivores.”

While Applejack continued speaking to and coddling Slippy, Fluttershy couldn’t help but stare at the tiny creature with a squint. Something was off about it to her.

The group approached a large hill, taking a slow path on hoof and paw. Upon reaching the top, they got a clear gaze of the snow, feeling the cold hit them almost suddenly.

“A land entirely coated in ice and snow, an eternal winter abandoned to the elements, undisturbed by the changing of the seasons,” Lyra spoke in an ominous manner.

“It’s the north; it’s like that all around,” Gilda retorted, annoyed. “It’s like that back in the Griffon Kingdoms too.”

“True, but it’s completely unable to change. Permanently frozen in some sort of melancholy poetry… that I can’t think of at the moment,” Lyra finished with a bit of a doofy grin on her face, earning yet another sigh from Gilda.

Fluttershy brought her cloak of pelts tighter around herself while the dogs did their best to close their vests. Gilda pulled her hood just before her eyes as Lyra, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash produced blankets from their saddlebags, wrapping them around themselves like cloaks. All bundled, the party marched toward the snow ahead.

The wind began to blow, a heavy breeze at first, but as they trekked deeper into the snow, it blew stronger. It was almost deafening, the party had to yell at one another to be heard. At one point Gilda attempted to fly ahead and get a better look at what was arriving, but it took all she had just to prevent the gale from blowing her away.

“We need to get to some shelter!” Rainbow called out. “The wind is too strong for us! We’ll have to wait it out!”

Looking back to Dash, the rest of the companions nodded their heads in agreement and began searching around for a cave or hole to seek cover in.

Fluttershy noticed Gilda shivering, her beak clicking together as she grew frustrated with herself for letting the elements get to her. The pegasus walked over and undid her pelt, throwing it around the griffon and tying it for her.

“I don’t need any help from a mute!” Gilda shot back, offended that someone thought she appeared weak to just a little cold. However, her insult fell on deaf ears as Fluttershy had turned away already, giving the low grunt of a bear as her fur seemed to fluff out. Gilda frowned but pulled the cloak tighter around herself, not willing to outwardly admit that it did make the cold more bearable.

Fido and Spot had taken to digging through the snow, searching for any abandoned burrows or underground caverns. Rover had offered to help but Rainbow gave him a glare, letting him know that work was not something they had planned for him.

Fluttershy continued to walk about, looking rather bulky with her thicker fur. She was taken a bit aback when Lyra had jumped in front of her with a large smile.

“I haven’t come across druidic magics before! I didn’t even know there were organizations of them still in existence!” The unicorn beamed as she spoke, oblivious to the howling winds and icy ground surrounding them.

Fluttershy simply let out a snort and walked around Lyra, keeping her eyes to the distance, searching for somewhere they could all settle down.

Lyra followed at her side, however, eager to learn and document. “Is it true you can speak the languages of the animals and plants, or do you just understand what they mean and need? Is it at all painful to shift into different animal aspects?”

Fluttershy ignored Lyra, continuing her search. The truth behind her training, the years she had spent in Reject’s Garden, she wasn’t willing to tell her tale just yet. She also had no intention of giving up the secrets of the Wilds, their knowledge and traditions, the source of their magic. Those were all things she would pass on when she found a suitable recruit, if she could manage to find one.

Lyra continued to press questions however, and eventually Fluttershy stopped and turned to the unicorn with a frown. The only answer she gave was simply closing her eyes and shaking her head before continuing.

Lyra watched as Fluttershy left, pulling out her notebook and quill. “A lone druid who had tossed aside her fear of the natural to become one with it, but it all comes with a cost, and it seems that that cost was to abandon civilization, society, and the manners to simply say ‘no comment.’”

Applejack huffed loudly as she continued to climb up one of the nearby mountains, her friends still within eyesight below. “Gotta say, there are some days Ah’m really glad Ah was born an earth pony. They’re lookin’ right winded down there.” Slippy was hanging from the brim of her hat, the silent other in her conversation.

“Ya sure yer not too cold little guy?” she asked. With a wiggle from the worm she got what she assumed was ‘I’m alright’. “Alright, just be lettin’ me know if’n it gets too chilly for ya. Ah don’t mind ya taking comfort in mah mane or under the hat.” Despite her saying this, she wasn’t comfortable with the idea of taking her Stetson off in this wind; it had threatened to fly away from her a number of times already.

As she looked back down at her friends, she could see Rover and Rainbow Dash laughing together as they hunted for shelter. “She seems to have done well for herself without you in the past few years. She’s happy, in love, free…” Applejack shuddered, the foreign voice returning to her mind. “What could you offer her anyway? A farm? Some apples? Would she really be happy with that?”

“Well… we could keep travelin’ like we are now,” she thought back against the voice. “Wait, what am Ah even thinkin’? Rainbow already told me she has Spitfire. This is settled.”

“Isn’t it though? Doesn’t it feel as though something is left… unsaid?”

AJ paused, her emerald eyes locked in on the mare she felt so strongly for. ‘Well… ta be completely honest with mahself… But no! Rainbow wouldn’t like me pushin’ the subject. She’s loyal ta Spitfire. Besides, Ah think Ah should be more worried about hearin’ whatever it is Ah’m hearin’ in mah head.’

“Why? You know it’s true. You’re envious of Spitfire. Don’t lie to yourself, Applejack. It doesn’t suit you.”

Applejack felt the sharp pain of the cold wind against her skin, finding it almost symbolic of the pain she felt as she grappled with her own mind. ‘Yer right, then Ah should go down there an’ let her know how Ah feel. If’n Ah’m supposed to fulfil my role as an element, Ah should be honest with her.’

“You’ll only put more stress on her shoulders, and she doesn’t need that, does she? She almost saw her friend die; she has to prevent war, not to mention that she feels for all of those sailors on the ship. Why even bring it up to her?”

AJ swallowed hard, looking up to Slippy and managing a small smile. ‘Ah guess… that’s not too bad an idea. Ah mean it’s not being dishonest to not even bring it up. Ah’ll just let her know after all this is done… heck, Ah may be over it by then!’ Slippy wiggled with enthusiasm to Applejack’s smile, almost as if he were laughing.

“Over here!” Fido called out. “It seems to be abandoned!”

“You got it, dog!” Gilda called back. She turned and saw that the rest of the group was still within her sight. She called out the information to Fluttershy and Lyra and they passed the message along until it came to Rainbow and Rover.

“We should inform Miss Applejack,” Rover said.

“Yeah, you okay to walk?” Rainbow called over her shoulder. “I’ll go get her and we’ll meet in the cave?”

Rover brought himself down from Dash’s back with a slight groan. “I can manage that.”

With a nod of acknowledgement, Dash began to trek towards the mountain. As she drew closer, Rainbow could hear Applejack talking but was unable to see anything else around.

“Yo, AJ, you need to stop talking to yourself,” Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack turned her attention to Rainbow. “Ah tell ya what, Rainbow, Ah’m feelin’ rather strange lately, not much like mahself.” She held a hoof to her head. “Ya ever heard voices from time to time when you were travelin’ by yer lonesome?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “No, I didn’t. Then again, I wasn’t travelling by myself for a terribly long time like you. I’m sure it’ll pass now that you actually have somepony to talk to.”

Applejack let out a sigh. “Yer probably right Rainbow.”

“Of course I am! Now come on, let’s get out of the cold.” Dash led the way to the rest of the group while Applejack followed close behind.

They all gathered about what looked like a small hole in the ground. Spot and Fido dug together, widening it slightly before letting the others through. The cavity was cozy, especially with the eight of them all cramped against the walls. Spot and Fido got right into expanding the area, proving their race’s capability for burrowing.

When everyone was comfortable they all sat down and began pondering ways to pass the time.

“Hey, Fido, there’s signs of a fire here,” Lyra pointed out. Sure enough, there were the ashes from a previous fire in the center of the cavern.

“There is nothing to return for in here,” Spot returned. “We doubt that there will be any returning to this location. If they are a fellow traveler, they would have moved along by now.”

Satisfied, the rest of the group went about making a new fire to keep warm.

As they sat around the crackling flames, Rainbow looked over to Applejack in concern. They had only reunited a few days ago, but even the earth pony herself admitted that something was off about her.

Lyra went to her natural state and began to hum and strum on her lyre.

Gilda removed the cloak of pelts and gave it back to Fluttershy. “You know, you’re a lot different from when I was in Ponyville; got you to cry without even trying to.” Fluttershy didn’t answer, wearing her cloak once again. “Now you sit over there, refusing to speak, decked out in hunting trophies, and pulling off a medical miracle. I highly doubt you’re not talking for lack of things to say.”

Fluttershy let out a sigh. “I choose not to. I haven’t spoken to more than plants and animals in a long, long time, and that kind of communication doesn’t require much actual talking.”

“So I’m pulling you out of a comfort zone by showing some interest in you?” Gilda growled.


Gilda frowned at such a simple answer. “Well pardon me for trying to pass the time. I know I’m not the only one curious as to how a whiner like you became some wild jungle pony.”

The cave went quiet as everyone sat in contemplation, the only real noise coming from the howling winds outside and the fire.

Fluttershy let out a sigh. “Well, then what exactly do you want to know?”

Gilda looked back up, surprised. She wasn’t alone as Lyra’s song seemed to skip as she looked over in curiosity as well. With pretty much all eyes on her, Fluttershy felt a familiar knot well up in her stomach and chest, but swallowed hard and went ahead.

“Alright then,” Gilda began, “let’s start with those pelts. I thought you helped and protected animals, yet it looks like you have taken a few of their lives yourself.”

“Sometimes there isn’t an option other than the violent one; and I say that as somepony who always gives everyone a chance… sometimes too many chances.” Fluttershy’s eyes drifted to the fire. “It’s unfortunate, but evil exists in our world, and no amount of kindness can kill it.”

The mood seemed to dip and Rover let out a slight groan of pain.

“Granny once told us somethin’ similar,” Applejack continued. “But she also said we were fortunate ta live a life where we can identify the bad’uns from the good. Monsters like trolls… the mindless ones.” She took a pause and shook her head. “There’s no hope fer them. They just eat an’ kill whatever they see.”

“Products of the Titans,” Lyra piped in. “Back before the rule of the sisters or even Discord.”

Fluttershy nodded. “A lot of them live inside of Reject’s Garden; to protect Angel and the animals, I had to learn to deter their predators. I often annoyed my master with my reluctance… but he was able to teach me, especially when I was able to tap into the animal aspects.” She looked to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “I’m the same Fluttershy deep down, you both saw it… but to do what I do now I let instinct overpower fear. I’m in touch with my inner beast.”

Gilda gave a chuckle. “Yeah right. You? Come see me when you go through a red out and wake up covered in someone else’s viscera and gore.”

“Not every animal has a loss of control!” Fluttershy snapped, shocking almost everyone around. Lyra, however, found herself giggling.

Gilda started to laugh harder. “You know, I think I’d like to test that theory someday.” She gave a wicked grin as she grabbed hold of her weapon’s hilt, only to drive her offer home.

“Alright girls, calm it down,” Applejack interrupted. “In fact, it’d probably be a good idea if’n we all try an’ get some sleep, hope the wind dies down.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her shoulders and sighed. “That’s not too bad an idea actually. I’ll take first watch.”

“I will too,” Rover offered, grunting as he tried to sit up.

“No, you’re going to get as much rest as possible,” Dash interjected. “Don’t forget that you’re recovering from death!

Rover grumbled. “Just because I make that exaggeration does not make it true.”

“Ah’ll join ya,” Applejack offered.

Dash nodded. “Right. Lyra, you have a lullaby for everyone else?”

The unicorn looked up with a near insulted look upon her face. “You undermine my ability by having to ask that.”

Rainbow chuckled. “My apologies. C’mon, AJ.”

Applejack followed Rainbow Dash as they made their way out of the tunnel, sitting before the entrance as Lyra’s new song had already begun to make everyone yawn.

It was dark, a new night, and a light snow had started to fall. Against the black sky it held the appearance of stars dancing about on the land. Rainbow took a deep breath and let the magical sight soothe her. The duo sat in silence, keeping lookout for any suspicious shadows, but mostly losing themselves in thought.

Applejack was the first to speak. “Rainbow… Ah’m sorry if Ah’ve been a bit hard ta work with. Ah’ve been thinkin’ a lot an’ realizin’ that yer right. The past is the past, an’ there’s no reason ta complain about it. We can only try an’ shape our future, an’ Ah’m hopin’ you’ll be in mine.”

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Apology accepted, AJ.” She held out a hoof and bumped it against Applejack’s hammer hoof. “I’d like you to be in my future too.”

“Room for one more, darlings?”

AJ and Dash jumped from their seats, turning to the voice with weapons ready. The figure they faced was cloaked in a stylish, thick and purple fur coat, with a matching scarf and hat. They lowered their guard at the suddenly obvious realization of who they were dealing with.

“How in Tartarus did you get past us in something that exaggerated?” Rainbow Dash laughed.

The figure jumped down to them, the snow beneath her hooves not making even the slightest of crunching noises. “Practice and finesse, dearest Rainbow; one simply must learn the fine art of subtlety if she is to venture off into danger.” With a light purple glow, the hat and scarf parted to reveal Rarity underneath the fur with a curt smile on her face.

“A very Rarity answer,” Applejack smirked. “Welcome back, partner!”

Rarity giggled. “A very Applejack response it would seem. So, this is a surprise. What brings you two out to my little cave?”

“Getting the gang back together,” Rainbow Dash answered. “Not to mention I have a few questions of my own to ask.”

With a sigh, Rarity turned towards the cavern’s entrance. “Fair enough I suppose. By the way, can I be expecting more company inside?”

Rainbow nodded. “Fluttershy and Lyra; a few others as well.” A light smile spread on her face. “I think they’ll be pretty surprised to see you.”

“Oh?” Rarity gave an interested coo. “Then I suppose I should go say hello.”

“They’re all asleep at th’ moment,” Applejack said. “Didn’t know it was yer abode, we’d just assumed it were abandoned. Apologies if’n we were intruding.”

“But of course not, Applejack,” Rarity batted away the idea. “You are my friends, and out here you can count on me for shelter.” She sauntered in between the two of them and sat down. “Shall we do some catching up while we wait then?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Well, finding you has been the easiest so far. What’s the catch?” Rarity gave a nervous chuckle, causing Dash’s stomach to drop. “Rarity, there doesn’t actually need to be a catch.”

“Well, if we are quick on our exit, there won’t be!” Rarity returned, rubbing a hoof on the back of her head.

“What’s after you?” Rainbow Dash asked. She and Applejack both carried a disappointed and bored expression as they watched Rarity blush.

“Nothing, dears!” Rarity giggled. “I merely refer to the weather!” Her laughter betrayed her however, as neither of her friends believed her.

“We really do have a lot to talk about,” Rainbow sighed.

Rarity realized that her bluff wasn’t getting her anywhere and released a sigh. “Indeed we do.”

“So first thing’s first,” Rainbow Dash began, “Spike is very worried about you. Why didn’t you let him know where you were going.”

Rarity’s face contorted in confusion. “I… I cannot recall…” She rubbed at her temples in an attempt to remember. “It’s… odd. I remember getting a sudden urge to seek out the gems up here… any other thought escaped me. I feel rather ashamed to admit it, but I’m more frightened than anything.”

“No kiddin’,” Applejack agreed. “What coulda possessed ya ta comin’ up here to look fer gems? There are much safer sites closer ta Ponyville.”

Rainbow looked up in thought, turning back to Applejack. “Perhaps actual possession?”

Author's Note:

Rarity makes her appearance! Yay!
Also Rover still lives for those who were worried, but he won't be the same. He has suffered some permanent damage, the poor bastard.