• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 1,809 Views, 135 Comments

Valley Of Rainbows: Seeking Solutions - Sparx

Rainbow Dash must seek out the lost Elements of harmony to aid in the potential threat of coming war, with the aid of some strange allies

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Another Stranger Me

“What were you thinking?”

“Obviously Ah weren’t thinkin’ much with cider up to mah eyes and mah hooves flyin’ everywhere.” Applejack spat at the ground and rubbed at the sore spot on her neck. “Can’t remember a damn lick of it anyway.”

Lyra shook her head before smacking the back of Applejack’s. “Dragon on our backs, fatally injured friends, pirates all around, and war ahead of us, but you decide to get blackout drunk and start a bar fight? I understand the stress of the situation, trust me when I say that, but we don’t need more problems adding onto the list. You’ve been very off lately, obviously something is wrong, I’m assuming with Rainbow Dash,” Applejack blinked in surprise, “but put it aside for now! You haven’t seen it, but I’ve missed my Bon Bon so dearly as to spend a page writing the ways I’ll embrace her, speak to her, reunite with her. I don’t drop tears into a mug of booze and punch my neighbor in the dick!”

Applejack flinched. Lyra was angrier than the farm pony had seen her, and she couldn’t deny that the rage was pretty justified. “Yer right, yer right. Honestly though, Ah didn’t plan to get that bad. Ah don’t really have any history gettin’ violent like that. Worst it gets is conkin’ out an’ Mac droppin’ me back inta bed.”

The sigh that came from Lyra wasn’t unexpected, but still somewhat comforting in its sympathy. “Perhaps all the stress is getting to you worse than you realize.”

AJ’s mind recounted the voices whispering within her mind. “Ya may be right.”

“Let’s just meet up with the others. Maybe this doctor will be able to help you out.” Lyra took the lead, guiding Applejack through the town to the south. “We’re looking for a clinic owned by Bone Saw and Gray Matter.”

“Ah! Miss Rarity! Goot to be seeing they again,” a unicorn, pale as dried bone, spoke with a nasally high voice that reminded much of the group about a story of a mad scientist.

“Hello again Saw. I’ve brought the other patients we talked about.” Rarity motioned towards the gang of injured ponies.

“Yes, yes. We am presuming they hold the payment to accommodate the injuries.” Bone Saw’s beady red eyes scanned all over Rarity’s figure.

Rarity groaned. “Yes, you will be paid. The griffon, the pink one, and the two pegasi. Tell me how much it’ll cost and we’ll go from there.”

Bone Saw’s teeth gleamed a sickening yellow in his grin. “Ah, yes. Is a very goot deal with we.” He threw on a white, beaked mask. The glass eyes and thick fabric drew uncomfortable stares from the group. “Now who do we start with?”

“Whoever you decide is the worst off. Also, there’s a bonus in it for you if you can keep our presence quiet until we head out in the morning,” Rarity added.

Even from behind his mask, Saw’s eyes gleamed brightly. “Of course!” His voice was muffled slightly. He turned his head and what sounded like a whistle screeched from inside his mask. “Gray Matter! We am needing the assistance of theyself. Come and analyze We’s patients with We.”

A bored, almost sickly looking unicorn mare sniffled as she walked out from behind a curtain. Stony gray fur and horn, pale and snowy mane, scrawny to the point that her bones pressed against her hide, the girl seemed like she was the one that should be on the operating tables.

She walked up to Bone Saw’s side. He pointed over to Gilda and she followed his hoof. Gilda eyed up the mare with a raised brow.

“I’m not too bad,” Gilda said. “If you can patch up my talon the rest is only a few bruises and scrapes.” She held up her palm where she had grabbed hold of Pinkie Pie’s circle blade, blood still trickling, following a crimson trail down her arm.

Gray Matter brought her face closer, observing the cut. “How long?” Her voice was sluggish and dull.

Gilda shrugged. “Been duking it out with the pink one over there. I didn’t really notice it when it happened or keep much track of time.”

“Laceration, bumps and bruises!” Gray matter called back, with gusto, to Bone Saw. “Sanity seems intact as well, with untreatable anger issues!”

Gilda scrunched her face at this last bit. “And you know this…how?”

Gray Matter ignored her and moved on to Pinkie Pie next, earning a scowling frown from Gilda.

Pinkie was still asleep, snoring loudly with her head hanging over the edge of her bed, legs tied together and pointing straight up. Gray Matter pondered heavily over the figure. “Captain Jack? Prime customer present!” Her excitement seemed multiplied before her face dropped back to her ill expression.

Bone Saw let out a muffled giggle from his mask, almost skipping on his way over. “Elusive Captain Jack? The true they and not one of the many illusions? We am going to take goot care of they! Goot indeed.” The duo studied the unconscious figure closely and intensely, looking for any injury or bruise that they could possibly find.

The two exchanged looks and whispers, speaking in languages that the others couldn’t understand. When they seemed to come to a consensus, Gray Matter burst out in that sudden, excited tone. “Heavy bruises, broken bones, griffon bites! Sanity shattered! Diagnosis, severe DID! Severe mania! An incurable madness! Jackpot!”

The unicorns let out cheers as they threw their front legs back and into the air, dancing around one another before falling back and putting on the professional stances they had from the beginning.

Everyone else looked on with open mouths.

“I beg your pardon…but…what?” Rarity frowned and twisted her brow in confusion.

“Heavy priced patient we have found! Status, minor injury, and incredible mental damage! We am hoping they still have the available funds, Miss Rarity!” Bone Saw chuckled from inside his mask like a giddy little school colt.

Rarity sighed. “Yes, Saw. I will pay you, please look at the others.”

As Bone Saw turned to study Fluttershy next, Dash gave a questioning look to Rarity. She had begun to warm up and no longer saw snow. Her speech was still slow, but faster than it had been. “Can we really trust this guy?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Bone Saw is…financially motivated, yes, but he’s the best I’ve seen.” She motioned for Rover to walk over and he obeyed. “You remember what he looked like before, right? I came seeking medical attention, to properly stitch up the dear, and he worked a miracle instead.”

Rover gave a giant grin, baring his chest and pressing a thumb against his scar. “Po-nee doctor has washed away all pain and pus. Dogs are once again in fighting shape.” His cheery face dropped before continuing, his smile giving off an impression of feeling nervous. “My heart will not be the same as it was, however. The shock will keep it weak for the rest of my life. Still, I am recovered to my best health, and still hold my life.”

“It will be pricey, but I don’t doubt his abilities,” Rarity spoke confidently. The frown on her face, though, spoke much more as she looked to her coin purse.

“Leg broken, minor scrapes! Untreatable severe anxiety!” Gray Matter called out once again.

“Great! Actually, I’ve changed my mind by the way,” Rarity said with a grin. “Could you patch her up first?”

Fluttershy looked over to Rarity curiously, receiving a sly wink in response. Fluttershy thought for a moment before silently gasping and returning a knowing smile.

“Oh, yes. If you’d be kind enough, Mr. Bone Saw, I would appreciate it.” Fluttershy put on her most adorable of smiles and widened her eyes.

“But of course! It matters not to We which of they receives they’s treatment first. Just allow us to finish our observations and determine the price.” Bone saw chuckled as he moved over to Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy pulled him back for a second and whispered into his ear, getting him to nod. “We will talk about this with they in private then.”

As Bone Saw approached Rainbow Dash, she felt more disturbed as that beaked mask came closer. His beak passed by her ear to whisper, “A curse should be quite pricey indeed. We should be thanking they for filling we’s pockets.” In spite of the pleasing scents coming from the mask, Rainbow crinkled her nose.

The doctor observed Rainbow incredibly closely, and she heard his breath splashing against the insides of his mask. Almost right after he jumped in, Gray Matter walked up to begin looking too close for comfort as well.

Dash felt a minor tingle through her body, taking note of an incredibly faint aura swirling about Gray’s horn. Must be how she was noting the others’ sanity I guess? In her mental privacy, she felt her heart speed up for a moment when Gray Matter made sudden eye contact and nodded, unsure if she heard these thoughts.

When Gray finished, she didn’t scream, but spoke rather quietly so that only Rainbow and Bone Saw could hear her. “Cut across the stomach, many various nicks and slashes, bruising, high anxiety, mild untreatable narcissism, below average temperature.”

Bone Saw tapped at the tip of his mask’s beak before nodding and turning back to Rarity. “With the injuries they have, along with the secrecy we promise, jackpot patient, and providing residence until morning…”

“Actually, we might need some aid for Lyra and AJ, won’t we?” Dash asked.

“We’ll add them on when they get here,” Rarity sighed. “What’s the toll, Saw?”

“Fifty fair rubies!” Bone Saw’s grin could be sensed from behind his mask. “As beautifully red as the crimson waters under our hides.”

Rarity frowned. “And you’ll treat her first?” She motioned to Fluttershy.

“Yes yes. It matters to We not. They shall be fixed first,” Bone Saw agreed.

“Promise it?”

“Yes yes! It matters to We not we say! We shall promise it!” Bone Saw grumbled.

“Good!” Rarity smiled. “Then, let’s barter. You say fifty, I’ll offer twenty.”

“Twenty far lower than we will accept, they will pay fifty fine rubies; two or three may be undersized.” Bone Saw began levitating his tools towards himself.

“Come now, darling, try to be more reasonable. Twenty seven.”

Bone Saw grumbled. “Forty Seven.”

“Thirty and three emeralds.”

“NO! No emeralds. The mucus green offends We. Forty five!”

“I see you’re reaching your limit; very well, thirty seven rubies, including this one.” Rarity produced a large, beautiful ruby from her purse the size of her hoof, shining and glistening in the light.

Bone Saw quickly pulled his mask above his eyes, staring hungrily at the gem. “We accept! They offer adequate trade.”

“Good.” Rarity smiled. “Well then, whatever Fluttershy over there heals, since she is a healer as well, and since you have promised to help her first, we won’t have to pay.”

Bone Saw lowered his mask once again as his smile fell as well. “We see they are a tricky sort. We’s promise will stand, and they’s druid may lend aid, but do not deny we the largest offered gem.”

“Of course not,” Rarity said with a grin.

Still grumbling, Bone Saw began his work. His horn gave the signaling glow of magic; a striking deep red. Fluttershy gasped as the aura surrounded her, her broken leg falling limp like jelly. Bone Saw began to explain. “Healing the bone would take We too long, so We will replace it instead, dissolving the already existing through alchemical medical spellcraft into base cells, reforming them into new bone.”

“That’s remarkably powerful magic, isn’t it?” Rarity asked.

“Perhaps for they. We, however, have always had talents for the body. Childhood filled with dissections, autopsies and intensive study. We found the bodies of creatures remarkable. We was very very young when We’s cutie mark appeared.” Bone Saw brought most everyone’s attention to his flank, which, appropriately enough, was in the image of a bone saw. “Surgery, medicinal magics, treatments, are all trivially easy to Weself, but of course, We enjoy the occasional challenge.”

“So, why are you here then?” Dash asked.

“We’ve found that this is an incredibly profitable location. Wounded sailors, ill travelers, injured deckhands. We see the potential for earning here, and We love the pay and loose standards on how We may conduct We’s business. We believe We am the best, and We intend on being paid as such with challenges interesting enough to prove weself.”

“Well, let’s see your work prove it then,” Rarity called out.

Rainbow Dash clacked her hooves against the floor, rubbed them against her face and other places where she had been beaten. “Don’t feel a thing!”

Looking around the room, Dash saw the rest of her friends searching themselves in a similar manner. Gilda clenched her talon, Fluttershy put weight on her leg, and even the unconscious Pinkie Pie’s lumps were only memories.

“Looks like you’re as good as you say, doc.” Dash smiled, happy to see her friends feeling better.

“Indeed, they’s druid has shown they’s aid to be…goot as well.” Bone Saw looked to Fluttershy with a nod of respect, which she returned.

“Well, you still performed more than I expected with her help,” Rarity picked up. “So, here is your payment, the full amount…and some extra.”

Bone Saw smiled and accepted his rubies. “They are too kind, Miss Rarity, but the treatments are not finished.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked.

“We still have yet to conduct we’s treatment for Jack’s mental disorders, and We believe We heard they saying there would be two others, possibly injured as well.” Bone Saw looked back to Pinkie Pie.

“What kind of treatment?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It is possible for We to identify the separate identities within they and separate they, putting the primary identity back where they belongs. Gray Matter may use they’s energy to manipulate Jack’s mind and realign it.”

“That seems…unsafe,” Dash said.

“Less safe for We than they,” Bone Saw countered. “The safety of the procedure is no issue for we, however. The time will cost they and we the most. It shall take unto the morning, and if they are planning on leaving, it holds no time to explain to Jack.”

“We can explain the situation to Pinkie on the way back to Canterlot. I say we do it, you have your payment.” Rarity looked to Rainbow Dash. “Would you not agree?”

Dash sighed. “If you’re sure it’s safe and we’ll get Pinkie Pie back, then I’m all for it.”

“Excellent!” Bone Saw motioned to Gray Matter, speaking to her in the tongue foreign to the others once again, before pulling a curtain behind her and the sleeping pirate. “We shall awaken they when the treatment is completed and Celestia’s sun beckons they to trek onward. But before this, it is important that the various duplicates of the patient are all exterminated. We wouldn’t want one to be confused as ‘Jack prime’.”

Dash looked over to Gilda. “Any still out there?”

The griffon sighed and stood up. “I’m feeling good enough to go check. Wanna join me?”

Dash stood up to follow before Bone Saw spoke up again. “Ah, Miss Dash, We would like a word with you and Miss Shy before they leave. Apologies.”

Rainbow frowned. “Sorry, Gilda.”

Gilda shrugged. “No worries. You. Rover right? Come watch my back.”

Rover looked slightly taken aback before he nodded and grabbed up his weapons. “It shall be watched.”

Gilda grinned. “Just don’t get too distracted back there.”

The dog blushed brightly as they walked out the doors; Gilda’s giggling fading as they left earshot.

“You’re serious?”

Applejack nodded. “Thoughts that Ah don’t think‘r mah own, that Ah’d never think mahself.”

Lyra nodded. “Sounds kinda similar to Rarity’s issue, however, I can’t pick up any leftover spellpower around you.” She sighed and grabbed up the bowl of soup before her. The two had stopped by to get a meal before meeting with the others, to talk things over. “Don’t get me wrong, I believe you, but we’re without evidence of brainwash. Even an incredibly powerful unicorn would have some leftover signs of such; I’ve even heard and read that dragons leave some detectable traces, so I don’t think that our big blue friend is behind it.”

“Ah must sound like Ah’m goin’ mad. Tell ya the truth, Ah wouldn’t doubt it if ya told me Ah’m already there.” Applejack poked idly at the bowl of apples and oats she hadn’t taken more than a few bites from.

Lyra didn’t say anything, frowning as she watched her friend sulk in her misery. “Come on, let’s get a doggy bag and go get you fixed up. They’re probably wondering where we are.”

Lyra threw the bits on the table and dropped Applejack’s food into a small bag as they made their way out the door.

After a few minutes of walking, Lyra pointed out the clinic and held the door open for Applejack. “Room for two more?”

“Well, glad to see you two again.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Not too much trouble I hope?”

Lyra considered telling about Applejack’s scuffle, but decided to let her admit it in her own time. She looked around. “Pinkie?”

Dash motioned to the closed curtain. “She’s getting fixed up. Doc’s in another room right now, sit AJ down at a bed and he’ll fix her right up. We’re leaving in the morning.”

“That works,” Lyra sighed.

Dash nodded and went back to her thoughts, thinking again over what the doctor had told her about her ‘condition.’ Fluttershy and Bone Saw had both been very grim in telling her the exact situation as they both saw it.

She ran through the words in her head once again:

“We are afraid that they…have a more serious problem than We can care for. The bite they have suffered poured a dying curse into they’s very core...We are very sorry, but they will not survive to next week…”

Just thinking about Fluttershy’s face caused Dash’s blood to freeze again. She gave no signs of her disturbance to the others, not wanting them to worry. Just have to get home, and use the elements…and apologize to Spitfire. Hell, after what I’ve seen, I guess I’m lucky to have lasted this long…or to see it coming...I…hope I can tell her.

Dash felt her muzzle dampen near her eye and was quick to wipe it away, turning her head out of visibility from her friends. “I’m gonna get some sleep, guys,” she said, pulling her covers over herself. “Gonna be traveling a long time, and we’re not stopping until we get home.” Nobody questioned her and she snuggled into her pillow, letting the occasional tear soak into the cushion. I must look fucking pathetic right now.

No sooner had Applejack laid down on a bed than Bone Saw reappeared from behind a door. “Ah, they have arrived! How many of they need We’s work done?”

Lyra and AJ looked up, confused.

“Just the orange one, darling,” Rarity answered. “It doesn’t look like she’s that bad off though…at least in comparison.”

“And her mind?” Bone Saw asked.

Lyra looked to Applejack, shrugging in signal that it couldn’t hurt to check.

“Ah guess Ah wouldn’t mind a check.” She cleared her throat and brought Bone Saw closer to whisper. “Ah…Ah think somethin’s wrong. Voices in mah head, maybe brainwashin’? Ah’m serious, doc, Ah could use some help.”

Bone Saw stepped back and nodded. “Gray Matter!” he called once again. “Please, pause the prime treatment, we have need for scanning.”

The mare emerged from behind the curtains and came quickly to Bone Saw’s side. With a nod from her boss she turned to Applejack and began to work her magic. It didn’t take long before Gray Matter shook her head. “Sanity intact, incredible anxiety, distress and depression present, but not likely lasting,” she spoke softly. “Heartbreak.”

Bone Saw shrugged. “There seems to be nothing wrong with they’s mind that would suggest brain wash, nor that they have any…voice issues. We know not what they’s issue truly is. Perhaps they are over stressed and under rested? We will patch they up and recommend a long sleep when they return to they’s home.”

“You see? You’re fine. Just relax.” the voice hissed in Applejack’s mind.

“Ah pray ta Celestia yer right, Doc.”

Morning came, and Bone Saw let everyone know with a loud clang from some tool they couldn’t see. Grey Matter threw back the blinds to let the sun in. Rarity thanked him and they all stepped outside, promising a very confused Pinkie Pie a long explanation.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” Applejack asked her.

“I remember…Twilight saying goodbye to us, and going home to cry a little bit, maybe plan out a goodbye party…but I don’t think I ever got to it.” Pinkie Pie’s mane had returned to its usual poofy bounce, the color returning to her skin and fur. She spoke in her usual cheerful manner, happy to again be surrounded by friends.

“So, ya don’t remember fightin’ against Rainbow and Gilda yesterday? Bein’ a notorious pirate with a crew of yerself? Even leavin’ Ponyville?” Applejack scratched under her hat in confusion.

“Nope!” The bubbly smile of Pinkie Pie flashed and the others around her couldn’t help but feel their hearts lighten up a bit.

“Doc said she probably wouldn’t share any memories with Jack. If that’s true, then Jack must have manifested not long after Pinkie went home.” Rainbow Dash came up to Applejack, explaining.

“So Jack left? Not Pinkie?” Rarity asked.

“That’s what it seems like. Pinkie hears from Twi that she’s gonna be losing one of us, something stirs in her brain and takes over. I’ve kinda seen something like this with her before, when we tried throwing that surprise party for her birthday.” Dash let images of Pinkie speaking to various inanimate objects return to her mind. “Though, the lack of memory seems new. Jack at least seems to have all of Pinkie’s memories.”

“That’s not fair. I’m sure Jack had some really fun memories of being a pirate!” Pinkie giggled.

“Well, we’ll fill ya in on what we can,” Dash said. “Gilda probably knows more of your legacy than the rest of us.”

“Don’t doubt it, glad I actually got to face off with a rising legend like you when I could. I can share a few stories they tell of ya.” Gilda was incredibly cheerful this morning, swaying her hips and flicking her tail to and fro.

Rarity especially took notice of this fact and let her eyes wander from the sway, to the lock they had over Rover’s gaze. The unicorn grinned lightly as her horn gave off a light glow.

“Oh, Rover darling,” Rarity called the dog over. She let herself fall a fair distance behind the rest of the group. “Come here for a second would you?”

Rover stopped for a moment to allow the others to walk past him, continuing to step when he was next to Rarity. “You want something, Miss Rarity?”

“I had meant to ask when you arrived, but why did it take you and Gilda so long to return last night? I mean there were only a few clones left, and I do recall Gilda saying it wasn’t exactly hard to find them,” Rarity prodded with a grin that told Rover he wouldn’t like what she knew. “Also, I couldn’t help but notice you were missing some money from your change purse.” She levitated the small pouch before her. “Come to think of it, I remember the inn keep telling us that it was the price for a temporary room.”

Rover was blushing brightly as he grabbed his pouch back and shoved it into his vest pocket. He stammered and moved his paws about in a failed attempt to try and make a defense for himself. “It…I did not exactly want to say…no.”

“Oh of course not dear,” Rarity chuckled. “In fact, I think it’s rather adorable. But, you may want to wear a longer vest from now on. You have quite a few scratches on your back.” She giggled to herself, walking back to the group as Rover tugged at the back of his vest.